My Straight Friend Series

By Famsa Mamsa

Published on Sep 24, 2018


My Straight Friend: Chapter 3

By FM Htown

This story is 50% factual and 50% fiction. Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. This story is mine, please do not copy/replicate any/all parts of it.

Can you guess what's real and what's not?

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Matthew and I's friendship continued to grow, we went to theatres without anyone at the office knowing. He wasn't ashamed of our friendship I believe he was more worried that people would "assume" that something was going on between us. I honestly didn't really give a shit what anyone thought about us, we were simply friends who like to hang out and shoot the shit. In today's society people are judge by the people they hang out with or by their sexual orientation. Let the people be whoever they want to be, if they want to he a homosexual let them, if they want to be a heterosexual, let them we are not in the position to judge anyone nor criticize anyone by how they live. I'll stop with my little rant now... sometimes I wondered what Matthew thought about us, I wondered if he secretly liked me or hated me. He is one of those guys that doesn't like to share his feelings with anyone, I know that the only person he is close with is his mother and he tells his mother everything. Well not everything I'm sure but it's good that he had someone within his family that he is comfortable in sharing stuff with, he also has brothers but he doesn't strike me as the type of person to confide things with his siblings, I think they will turn on him if given the change but what do I know I don't really know his family.

December 2013 it was close to Christmas, I wanted to get Matthew something special for Christmas because he was my "fake bf" and I wanted to make sure he would like it. So, I went to the store and I bought a few items... I put them in a blue bag, added some colored paper to make sure no one could see inside the bag, I even stapled it and tapped it just to be on the same side. I was going to keep it in the car because I couldn't give it to him at the office, I didn't want people to say anything as I didn't get anyone else in the company anything.

M: I feel back you went through that trouble for me!

F: no trouble at all. You're special ??

M: I'm not special!

F: I've never asked you for anything from you. I talk, and you listen and voice your opinion as a true friend does. That's why you are special to me.

M: I enjoy our conversations. You are too good to me, you really are. Truly a good person deep down.

I get to Matthew's apartment, he meets me outside, as I step outside the car with his present, I reach out to shake his hand and he pushed my hand out of the way and walk closer to me and give me a tight hug. I only reacted with a one-handed hug because I had the present in the other, he whispers in my ear "you are the best. You really are". I hand him his gift and I tell him "I hope you like it sir". I didn't get invited into his apartment because he was packing, he's getting ready to move to a different apartment that is closer to the office. I proceeded to get into my car when he comes up to me to give me another hug, this time I was able to give him a better hug. We said our goodbyes, 5 minutes later he texts me...

M: Dang Frankie, you are the most thoughtful person I've ever known. And you listen. I love these... all of it. This one is my favorite...please never show anyone...

M: image5.jpeg

M: good pic?

F: I love those Calvin Klein boxers that's why I got em. They look really good on you. Haha. There's my Christmas present right there lol. Hope you like the pen too.

M: its badass looking, I've never had one of those before, I love it!

F: I wanted to get you some Armani ones, but they were too small, I don't think your junk would of fit in them to be honest. But when I saw those Calvin Klein ones I knew they would look good on you and after seeing that picture I was right!

Matthew had to go out of town for work, so it sucked I didn't see him in the office for a few days. I messaged him but didn't respond to any of my texts. I saw him checking himself at restaurants and sightseeing places. Come to find out he met a girl while on his trip and he really liked her. They started talking and texting and eventually they became a couple. I knew it was bound to happen, but I felt jealous cause I didn't have his attention anymore and it hurt my feelings. I know, we aren't dating nor were we a couple, but I felt like we had something. We went out to eat and he talked about Alicia. His face was beaming and smiling when he spoke about Alicia. I knew this was going to be my toughest battle. I was jealous but at the same time happy that he had someone that cared about.

I tried to figure out a way where I could see Matthew's dick, I knew how he felt about me seeing it not that he minded but he didn't want to give the wrong impression that it meant that he was into dudes. Then I finally came with the great idea of a "business proposal" ...

F: Matthew you there?

M: yea I'm sure what's up?

F: I have a question for you and I don't want you getting mad at me.

M: when you say it like that now I don't know what to think....

F: this is going to sound stupid, but I'll just say it. Would you send me a picture of your dick without it being blurred? If you did I would pay you.

M: SERIOUSLY? You want my dick that bad haha.

F: I'm being serious and I'm willing to pay you $500 for a few pictures.

M: you are being serious. Frankie, I don't know, you know I'm dating Alicia I couldn't do that to her.

F: whoa. You aren't cheating on her this is a business opportunity. That's all this is. The money is for you and her if you take her out when you visit her. I've just wanted to see what it looks like without the blurry ness like the picture.

M: you had a choice to see it in person and you opted out. Lol

F: yea but I'm paying you now it's different.

M: yea I don't know man. What if it leaked out or someone saw it. I can't risk that.

F: bro you can trust me, why would I want to put you in that position. I'd never do that plus I have an app on my phone that I can store it on there and if the password is put it I correctly the evidence would be deleted.

It took some serious convincing but eventually got the answer I wanted.

M: ok man I trust you that you won't do anything to hurt me or mess our friendship. If I hear you talking about his to anyone or showing the picture to anyone I will never forgive you and I will never speak to you again.

F: Matt relax. Do you trust me? Do you really think I would hurt you? If you think I would then don't do it. It's no big deal. I told you before I would never hurt you.

M: ok man I trust you more than you will ever know. 1000%

I send him the $500 via an app on our phones. He told me that he wanted to go work out, so he can look good in the pictures. I that this makes me sound like a pervert, but in a way, I'm helping him out just as much as he's helping me. I know that he would never me see it in person nor touch it for that matter, but at least this way I can get the thought out of my head. He kept his word, he sent me a teaser picture when I was at the store, he first sends me a pic of his upper body, let me tell you, you could lick ice cream off his chest. His well formed six pack and pecs just made you want to pounce on him and it was ever better because you could see his pubes... Then he sends me the real deal, I kid you not I drop my phone on the floor at the store. I tell you it makes your mouth salivate. His girth, his long shaft, his veins, that thick juicy head of his, and those low hanging balls of his... A picture doesn't do it justice, I wanted to see it live and in color. I was hooked from that day, I wanted him... BAD...

Next: Chapter 4: My Straight Friend 4

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