My Straight Friend Series

By Famsa Mamsa

Published on Sep 21, 2018


My Straight Friend: Chapter 1 By FM Htown

This story is 50% factual and 50% fiction. Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. This story is mine, please do not copy/replicate any/all parts of it.

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I first started liking men in high school, not sure why but there was something about the same sex. I had several male friends that I found attractive, but never told them because I didn't want to get beat up. I was "in closet" during my tenure in high school, I messed around with 2 classmates; a hung black classmate from JROTC. His 8-inch uncut cock was/is something that fantasize about to this day. the second classmate was an Italian, he too was packing heat 8.5-inch uncut cock. I think this is where I fell in love with big dicks LOL. I haven't spoken to them in years, I know that my black friend Joseph married a classmate of ours a few years ago. I guess he was bi...

I met my friend Matthew when we worked together at TechsRUs a technology company in Houston, TX. I was a call center representative, and he was a project administrator. I was outed by my boss because he was spreading rumors that I was dating another co-worker and was making us feel uncomfortable. I told my coworker Blanca at the time that I was going to tell him to stop saying that we were dating and that I like dudes. That was the worst mistake I have ever made, the news of me being gay spread across the office like wildfire. After a while I didn't care because I felt like I could be myself and not really care what anyone thought. I started talking to Matthew a few months after that, a "hi" here and there or we talked on the phone when it was about his technicians not doing their work. Matthew is about 5'5", black hair, hazel eyes, slim build, a down to earth kind of guy. He loves to play video games, go to concerts, and simply loves to have fun. One of the things that attracted me to him was how he took the time to listen to you when you needed to vent or just to talk. He may say that he's not a good friend because he doesn't keep up with everyone in his inner circle, but I beg to differ. Matthew has had his battle with some inner demons; drugs and luckily, he kicked that habit because he was going down a dark path that I think he would never come back from. He may not think it was that serious, but I know deep down he knows the truth; he was heading down a path that not even he could fix, and he know he had to fix it and be a better person.

During his "rebellious" days he dated a coworker who was into drugs, I dubbed them the "power couple". I honestly don't know why I called them that, I think it was because how they ruled the office with an iron fist. They knew how to handle clients, customers, and technicians, which is why they were a couple. I started messaging him on msn messenger and we started talking about movies, music, and tv shows. We hit it off instantly but never really socialized outside of work, partly because I didn't want him to know I was a fag. Months later I came out to him via messenger (turns out he didn't pay attention to the office gossip) and it didn't faze him, to be honest we messaged more. I wasn't judge by him, but I felt like he really wanted to be my friend and I his. Things escalated when I started making sexual innuendos to him about his package and how big it was, he told in a message "why don't you ask Erika, she will tell you". I responded back with "dude is you crazy I'm not gonna ask her that, she's gonna be like wtf" and that's when he told me that he had told her I was gay, and she didn't care. I could picture him with a grim when he was typing that up, I never asked her that question. They were together for a while but broke up after the company let her go for using while at work. That's when his luck really started to change for the better.

We continued to message back and forth and finally got his number. We started texting and I must admit I was happy. I idolized the guy, he was sexy in my eyes and at a point I wished I was a chick just to see what was under his clothes. One day I was in kitchen at the office getting some water when Matthew came from behind and with a serious face he says "hey I need to show you something" I was like ok, I thought it had to with work because he was never that serious. He took out his phone and positioned it behind the water cooler. It was hard to make out what it was because the phone was dimmed and was pixelated but when I focused on the image, it was a picture of his 9-inch cock!

"Dude wait! I need to see that again. Come back" he walked back towards me showed me the picture again and walked away. My heart was beating fast and was aroused a bit. The thought came to mind of my straight friend just showing me his dick. Damn I kept repeating the image in my head over and over. I walked back to my desk and sent him a text message.

M: I told you I wasn't lying... F: It was hard to make out cause the screen was dark but yea I saw it a bit lol. You are bad. M: I am bad... I have been feeling extra naughty lately. F: I know because you showed me your junk! This is bad to say but you got me hard at my desk. That is really sad and bad. M: LMFAO its cool I've been sitting hard at my desk all damn week. F: next time call me to your desk, so I can see. I'm kidding. You have it bad though wow. F: I really want to see it LIVE now! :P M: I'll show you the picture better later... not feeling brave enough to send it though. F: I wouldn't ask you to send it if you don't want to. We have trust ya know. That's what counts. Even if you were to send it, I would delete it. A dick doesn't come between our friendship. M: ok you promise... Ill send it then, ill just put a design on the picture so my face doesn't come up. F: Scouts honor. You ma bro. I wouldn't jeopardize that honestly. M: here goes nothing... That's the best ur getting!!!! M: image1.jpeg F: Picture has been deleted and thanks again because I have a hard on... Wow M: I was holding the base too so that's not all of it... LOL you thought I was lying didn't you... or exaggerating? M: I'm a bad bad boy today. F: I didn't think you were going to send it to be honest. And yea I thought you was lying. M: you did? LOL you shoulda told me sooner and I could have proved you wrong. Damn that means most people think I'm lyin about that when they ask me ? M: it's just weird cause nobody ever sees my dick in person unless they're gonna put it in their mouth or something. F: then I guess it was a good thing that I didn't see it in person LOL. M: hahaha F: I don't think I could fit it all in my mouth just saying LOL. What are you about 10inch? M: not many can... 9 ½ F: yea... I never swallowed anything bigger than 8 inches. F: OMG Matthew I still cannot believe you send me your pic!! I'm so gonna jerk off to it tonight :P jk. You can always trust me I'm not going to mention this to anyone I promise. M: I really do trust you and I know you wouldn't do that to me. Haha have fun ;)

5 hours later I got home, changed into my shorts got into bed and whipped out my phone and started looking at Matthew's picture again. I still couldn't believe that he sent it to me I'm staring at it and my dick starts getting hard. I put my hand down my shorts and start stroking myself I close my eyes and start picturing his dick in from of my face. I pulled my shorts and briefs down exposing my 7in uncut cock in all its glory. I start to gently tug on my member closing my head. God it felt good, I started stroking myself up and down my shaft just wishing I could touch his dick. I start panting knowing that I'm getting ready to cum I whispered "Matthew" as I shot 4 times all over my shirt. "Fuck" I said as I tried to regain my composure and my hearing. Let's just say that I came 2 more times that night.

Few days passed by and I was talking with Matthew he was explaining that he was short on his bills since Erica helped with the bills as well. He said he was short $200 so I said to him "Matthew I can help you out and give you the $200" "you serious?" He said to me. He was becoming my best friend and I wanted to help him out after all that's what friends are for to help each other out. Well he was happy that I was willing to help so he texted me his address and there I go at 11pm at night across town to deliver $200 dollars in cash so he can pay his rent the next day.

He invites me into his apartment, nicely furnished. He gives me tour of the apartment when we get to his bedroom He says "and this is where the magic happens. Actually, the magic has happened all over the apartment" I start laughing at his joke and say to him "oh I'm sure you horn dog" he grabs his crotch and replies with "you can't tame this beast" and gives me a smile followed by a laugh. We sit down on his couch and start talking about movies and music. We talked and talked up until 3am and I look at my clock "shit my dad is gonna come looking for the truck at 7 I better take my ass home" with that I reach in my pocket and take out two $100-dollar bills. "Am I going to get a lap dance from you?" I said to Matthew. He gets up and walks right in front of where I'm sitting at and pulls up his shirt showing his lean chest. His 6 pack was in full effect, I wanted to faint. Looking at his body I wanted to caress his chest, feel how toned he was, how tight his abs were. "Be careful now don't make me slip these bills in your boxers" and with that he slipped his index finger in between his pajama and boxers, he moves his finger back and forth teasing me, wanting me to slip those bills in his waist band.

I raised my left hand and placed it on his waist band is slide my finger in place, I pulled on his waist band a little seeing a bit of a bush and slipped the money in his band. He was looking down at me smiling, I was shaking from nervousness, here I am sitting in front of my straight friend slipping money in his waist band and he is ok with it. I muttered under my breath "fuck I wish I could see it" after I said that he grabs his crotch and says to me "you want to see this?" I look into his green eyes and move my head up and down agreeing with him. He then says "if you want to see it then you need to pull my pajamas down" ......

Next: Chapter 2: My Straight Friend 2

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