My Stepdad Knows Best

By Bustermuscle

Published on Jun 19, 2020


My Stepdad Knows Best By Bustermuscle-

M/m/M+, humiliation, group sex, reluctance, non-reciprocation, domination, submission, cum denial, chastity

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Readers: This is an ongoing story of a high school senior who is guided by his Stepdad on how to become a better lover. Young Mikey wants to be just like his stepdad, Kyle, in every sense of the word, his confidence, his masculinity, his muscle and his huge hairy cock. Mikey allows Kyle to train him under the precedence of learning how to fuck girls, not knowing that he is actually being trained and coerced to be something very different.

Most recently, Kyle has decided to put Mikey in a chastity cage to help him better understand the concept of cum denial and control.

Chapter 4

By the end of the first week, I was already crazy with lust, forbidden to touch my own cock as it was locked inside the chastity cage. Not only was my cock unable to get hard, but I never realized how much I missed a casual rub here and there. Kyle, my stepfather, seemed unconcerned all week and acted as though nothing was unusual. At night, I would hear him fucking my mother and I found myself becoming angry on several levels. First, because it was my mother he was fucking and second, and more importantly, because he could get hard and cum whenever he wanted but I was not allowed.

I was becoming more aggressively upset as each day passed and decided to approach Kyle about it. I waited until we were alone to talk to him.

"It's been over a week Kyle, and I would like the key to the cage."

He simply stood there and looked at me with a stern face.

"I am not going to comment on what you just said boy." He answered, "In fact, I am going to pretend you never said it at all." He walked up to me and brought his face close to mine.

"Why don't you tell me why you have to wear that cage, son." He calmly said.

"Ahhh, because I am supposed to be training?" He only nodded. "but how long will I have to wear this? When is my training finished?"

"It is finished when I am convinced that you can hold your cum back until you can properly control it. Isn't that what you wanted son?"

"How do you know that I can't control it?"

"Control means that you can hold your cum indefinitely while fucking. I don't trust that you can do that." He continued, "You will have to hold it until I give you permission to shoot."

"How can I help convince you?" I asked.

"I will be convinced when your cock is out and it does not cum. You will have complete control and be able to hold your cum back until I decide when that sperm comes out. Simple."

He then lifted my face to look me straight in the eyes.

"Men should cum as much as possible," he said, "but boys like you need training, and should only cum when allowed to by their superior."

I didn't understand anything he was saying but was so horny that it didn't matter.

"Will you let me take it out?" I asked anxiously, "I can't think straight any more Kyle. I can't focus on anything except my cock. Please can you unlock me?".

"Well, that will depend on how that little cock of yours behaves, doesn't it? He said. "I will tell you what, when I get home after dinner tonight, I will take that cock out for you, under my supervision, OK?" That seemed reasonable to me, so I agreed.

Later that night, Kyle arrived home after taking mom to dinner. I heard mom say that she was heading to bed early with a headache. She yelled goodnight to me and closed her bedroom door. When I went downstairs, Kyle was sitting watching TV with a beer.

"How was the rest of your night boy?" Kyle asked.

"It sucked, and I'm not your boy", I replied angrily.

"Well, for now you are my boy and childish attitude proves that. Besides, I don't think you're in any position to complain at this point, either."

"I want this cage off Kyle," I said defiantly, "guys my age don't wear these things and can fuck whenever they want."

"Well, wise ass, you aren't like other guys".

"How do you know?" I said walking toward him, "you don't even know me".

"I know that boys like you will never be good lovers when that cock shoots off whenever it wants." He stood up in front of me.

I looked up at him. "You said I could get out of this cage and fuck my girlfriend," I complained, "I am literally going crazy now"

"Good, that's exactly how you should feel." He said, "but you're not ready yet."

"Who are you to say if I am ready or not, anyway?" I was angry.

"You don't get it, do you punk" He stepped toward me and pushed me backwards into the sofa.

"No, I don't" I said quieter now as I felt intimidated by his huge body in front of me.

"I am doing this for your own good. You wanted this, remember? You're just too fuckin stupid to understand that."

"This is just too fucked up and weird for me, Kyle". I tried to stand and he pushed me back down.

"Listen boy, you will thank me for this when this is all over," he smiled, "I guarantee it." I stood there, not knowing what to do next. All I knew was that my cock ached for release.

"I just want my cock out, that's all" I said softer now, "please Kyle. Please take my cock out".

"OK, now that you asked politely, let's talk about this". He knelt down in front of me, very close, with his face in front of my crotch.

"Here is what we're gonna do," he said. I waited and listened. "You prove to me that you can control your orgasm, and not cum, then I will be convinced that you are man enough to remain uncaged for the time being."

"OK, deal, just tell me how I can convince you then?" I asked.

"We will have another training session in cum control right now boy", he said "You obey my rules, without question, pass the test, and the cage will come off for now".

He stood up and said, "Do you agree to do this?"

"Yes Sir" I said quickly.

"Good," he smirked, "I have a method that I want to tell you about. It's called the "Stroke Stamina Quota". You can figure out what it means. Once your hands are secured behind your back, I take your cock out of the cage. I will rub your dick as you count the strokes. I will give you a quota of number of strokes before you are allowed to cum. If you make the quota, I will consider allowing you a break from the cage. The point of this is to not cum, remember. No touching yourself ever.

He reached out and unzipped my pants. "Put your hands behind your back, boy" I was nervous and hesitated. Do it or we can stop this right now," he yelled, "I don't give a shit and you can keep that thing on forever as far as I'm concerned."

"NO, no" I replied, "please, I'll do whatever you say"

"I wont tie you down if you keep your hands there. I don't want you touching yourself at all, understand?"

"Yeah," I whined.

"Good" he smiled. He pulled my pants down and saw that I was wearing no underwear. "Going commando kid?" He asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Well, I don't think it's a good idea because you might start leaking cock juice or something and we don't want that staining your pants", he said. "I will give you some special underwear that will fit around the cage that I want you to wear from now on."

"OK, ok" I would agree to anything just to get my cock out of that cage.

"Hold still boy", he said as he unlocked the cage and slid the plastic shaft off my cock. Fuck it felt so good to be free at last.

"Ahhhh," I moaned.

"Keep your fuckin hands behind your back boy and don't fuckin move or it goes right back on, you understand?"

"Understood" I said quietly. He left the built in cock ring on as he gently pulled my balls and cock shaft down and out. I could feel the blood instantly rush into my cock. It felt so wonderful to be free.

"OK, we first set a quota." He said, "200 strokes"

"What?" I said, "you're kidding me, right?"

"Boy, it should be 300 to start." He said as he held my cock. "I am making it easier for you the first time."

"The first time?"

"This is called an edging session boy." He said as he lubed his hand with slippery gel, "You will have to go through several of these sessions while the quota goes up each time. That is how you will learn boy."

This was going to be an ongoing event? I moaned as I felt my cock get rock hard in his hand.

"I am going to rub you like before." I moaned. "I want you to be a good boy and hold your cum, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand Kyle," I said through a soft moan. "I'm not supposed to cum".

"Start counting boy" he said as he stroked.

"1 -- 2 -- 3" My cock was already throbbing in his hand and pulsing.

"That's another thing, boy" he said as he rubbed, "From now on I want you to call me SIR. Do you understand?"

"Sir?" I asked, "but why?"

"Count boy..."

"7 -- 8 -- 9 -10"

"I think it shows respect to the person training you." He said, "and, if you want this training, you will do everything I ask of you, without needing an explanation, understood?"

"Yeah, I guess so..."

"you "guess so"??" He stopped rubbing.

"Ok, I understand," I would agree to anything at this point cause I just wanted him to keep rubbing me.

"You understand, WHAT?"

"I understand to call you SIR" I said. He took his hand off my cock and just looked up at me.

"I understand, SIR" I yelled

"Good boy" he said as he continued rubbing my swollen hard cock.

"18-19-20, Ohhhh, good" I moaned

"So good, SIR!" he yelled at me

I repeated, "So good. Sir".

"OK, next rule boy" he said as he pulled away again, "there is no talking anymore, you will count with a grunt as I train you, understood?"

"Yes sir, understood Sir" I immediately answered hoping he would rub me again.

"Besides, your mother is in the next room, so shut up." He said as his fingers traced along the underside of the shaft and tickled the head. I immediately moaned.

"Boy," he yelled, "grunting only! No other noise, including moaning" I stifled myself hoping he would actually let me cum. He took the shaft in his palm and began to go up and down the shaft over and over.

"UGH, UGH, UGH" I grunted trying to count the strokes. I could feel my orgasm approaching so I started to gyrate my pelvis, reaching for his palm and trying to fuck it.

"OK, hold it ... Next rule boy" he said as he pulled his hand away again, "No moving at all boy"

"fuck....", I moaned.

"Shut the fuck up or I leave now" he yelled, "You stand completely still, no movement, no noise except your grunt counting, and focus on holding your cum."

I gently and slowly nodded, hoping he would touch me again...

He gently rubbed my cock from the base to the head, stroke after wonderful stroke.

"UGH, ugh, ugh, ugh" I did everything in my power to not move and not moan so he would keep rubbing. My orgasm was cumming. I could feel it. I didn't want him to stop now...

I was going to cum and suddenly he said

"NO cumming boy, remember?"

Fuck. I forgot. I wasn't supposed to cum. Now, I didn't know what to do. How does he know what number I was counting just by grunting. I lost count but it must be 200 by now. I could feel my cum rising in my balls and yet I was not allowed to tell him or move.

"UGH, ugh, ugh ugh, ugh" How was I supposed to tell him that I could not hold it. What number stroke was he on?. I knew I would "fail" again, giving Kyle more reason to punish me again.

"Listen boy" he said as he continued to rub me, "follow the rules like a good boy. "NO movement at all, you can grunt but NO CUM".

He rubbed. I think he actually wanted me to fail.

"You are doing fine so far" he said, "Almost there now.... just keep your cum inside your balls and we won't have a problem here."

I couldn't do it. I could feel the cum start to boil.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh ugh ugh ugh".... I was going to fail again. He was going to be very angry with me if I lost my cum. I didn't know if I should tell him, and break the rules, or if I should cum, and break the rules...

"ugh, ugh ,ugh,ugh,ugh"...

There was no way out of this. He was setting me up for failure again. Why did I allow this to happen again.???

Fuck, he rubbed it so nicely... I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to concentrate on not cumming, but that only made me want to cum more.

I thought there was no way out until I had an idea. I decided to pull away right before my orgasm, so he would stop, and then only punish me for pulling away from him... at least I didn't cum that way. He was talking to me gently now.

"You want to be a good boy, don't you?" he asked without expecting an answer. "You just show me that you can hold your cum and I might be persuaded to...."

"ugh,ugh,ugh,ugh ugh" I interrupted him and grunted. I was going to cum, so I had to step away from him.

"What are you doing boy?" he asked, but he grabbed me by the arm and started rubbing it again. Why didn't he stop rubbing me? He wanted me to fail. I am sure I passed 200 grunts too. Why didn't he stop?

"You fucker," Kyle said, "I said 200 strokes so that's what you're getting. Only a few more stokes left now so don't you fucking cum."

He held me down and continued rubbing, but slower now. I was going over the edge now. My orgasm was eminent and there was nothing I could do to stop it now.

"Be a good boy now" He said but suddenly stopped.

My orgasm was here. I needed one more stroke but he let go of it. I started shaking uncontrollably. My cock pulsed and throbbed right on the edge of cumming.

"You got only one stroke left so that faggot boy cock better not cum boy", He whispered in my ear. FUCK. He called me "faggot" again.

"Don't cum faggot" he said as he squeezed the base of my cock with one hand and stroked around the head of my cock with the other hand. "Don't let that cum squirt out of your cock faggot." He squeezed the base of my cock and took the other hand away now, watching my cock expand suddenly. Neither of us moved and just watched my cock pulsing in his hand, looking at the slit and waiting for the cum to emerge.

"Hold that cum back inside those little boy balls now son". Why was he talking that way.

"Good fuckin faggot." He said.

That did it and suddenly I felt something traveling up my shaft, with no stimulation at all. My cock just starting pulsing on its own and started spilling cum out. The strange thing is that I did not actually have the contractions of an orgasm. Kyle held my cock tightly at the base.I had completely lost all control of what was happening and my cock just spewed its juice without an actual orgasm.

"what the fuck, boy?" He grabbed my cock as it was still spilling white cum out.

"I didn't cum Sir," I explained, "I swear I didn't cum". I said as my cock continued to leak white cum onto the floor in front between us. There were no ropes of cum, it just dribbled out and spilled all over the floor.

"Sir, I didn't cum, it just spilled out. I couldn't help it." He grabbed the back of my head as I flinched, thinking he was going to hit me. Instead, he pushed my face down to the floor and said, "What do you call that, boy?"

"Sir, I know the sperm came out but I didn't have an orgasm because you stopped rubbing me just before I had my cum.... I don't understand it Sir"

"Ahhhh, a ruined orgasm. Good!!" he continued to explain, "What happened was that your balls were so full of cum that it released the sperm before you had the contractions of the orgasm. Another lesson learned boy. No orgasm but you still failed to hold that juice back".

A ruined orgasm? What the hell was that? I didn't feel like I had a sexual release but yet, there was my white cum all over the floor.

He pushed my face to the floor and said, "Clean boy". I licked the cum off the floor as he continued to lecture me.

"You fuckin broke not one, but all the rules boy" he said, "You fuckin pulled away from me and you weren't supposed to move, and you could not control that faggot dick of yours, even with only 200 strokes, and lost your cum, whether you orgasmed or not. You failed boy".

That was it. He called me faggot again.... That was when I shot my load. I am not a faggot but for some reason, when he called me a faggot, it made me cum. I was lost and full of conflicting thoughts. Am I gay?

He dragged me with him as he picked up the cage. "There are circumstances to pay now boy."

"Please, I am sorry," I begged as he pulled me behind him, "I didn't know what to do."

"It's not what you DO, it's what you DON'T do, and that is to cum without permission from now on." He grabbed my cock and noticed it was still swollen.

"You have proven that you still can not control that cock boy", he said as he tried to push my swollen cock into the plastic sheath but it was still very swollen. "Gotta shrink this thing so I can lock it away again", he said as he went to the kitchen. He came back with a bag of ice.

"Come here, boy" he said as he surrounded my cock and balls in ice. I pulled away and tried to scream, but he grabbed the back of my neck and covered my mouth as he rubbed my now shrinking cock into the ice. "Don't move boy" he said as he pushed my cock back into the plastic sheath, "It stays here until further notice". I started to cry as I heard the lock click shut. He didn't seem to care.

"I feel like I am wasting my time with you," he said holding my face with his two hands, "Do you understand that I am doing this to make you a better person? Do you know this is for your own good?"

I tried to nod as he held my head, tears running down my cheeks.

"Just say YES" he ordered.

"Yes," I said

"Yes, what?"


"Yes Sir what boy?"

"Yes Sir, I understand that you are doing this to teach me and make me a better man."

"Good boy," he smiled, "and I say BOY because that's all you are at this point. In fact, you're a faggot too because faggots can't control their cum like real men. You will have to prove to me you are a real man before I allow you to cum on your own." He continued his lecture, "and you won't use that cock at all until that happens."

I dropped my head.

"Once you pass the edging session," he said, "I will consider taking off the cage. But the stroking stamina quota goes up next time." He walked me to my room and pushed me inside.

"You will still need to be punished for cumming, faggot" he said, "but I will decide on that later. Now thank me for my time boy?"

"Thank you Sir", I sighed as I collapsed on my bed not knowing how all this could be happening to me.

--to be continued--

Author's Note:

Please email me with any comments or ideas to I will answer every email. I have several stories here on Nifty dealing with DOM/sub relationships between men. Go to the SEARCH Author section and type in BUSTERMUSCLE. Enjoy.

Next: Chapter 5

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