My Step Brother and His Best Friend

By Lidyah Khan

Published on May 24, 2007


My Step-brother and his Best Friend

Chapter 4

Let's talk about Ashley

Ashley Giles POV

The school ended without a word from Ian. Not that we lived in each other's pockets but it was a bit unnerving when the guy didn't call me back. He never did that. I made my way to my locker to get a few books that I needed for homework tonight. I had at least five more months before my life at secondary school ended. It was surreal in an unrealistic way. Despite what people say about me, I'm a good student. I like school, studying and doing homework. It was all easy, simple and non-intrusive. I liked it, I'd miss it because university wouldn't be like school. The frantic need to find a lecturer, being alone, and trying to understand a subject under three months would be hard.

I had been thinking about what university to go too. I had already sent early applications to Oxford and Cambridge. I knew I had a good chance to get into the language programmes, but did I really want to live in London? Yeah it was an okay place, but it got boring after awhile. I spent so much time in London as a kid it didn't hold much appeal to me. My parents being professors were always asked to talk at various seminars in London. I usually associated London with being bored, and alone in a luxury hotel suite. But the truth was, I only applied to make my dad happy. He never got to study at Oxford, despite getting into the English Literature programme, his parents couldn't afford to pay for his schooling, and wouldn't allow him to take loans out. He'd never forgotten that, not even after he became a respected professor.

My mother bless her heart, she wanted me to do whatever made me happy. Her degree was more `out-there' compared to my fathers. Queer studies, with modern day pornography was what her new book dabbled in, alongside teenage taste modern day vs. teenage taste classing day. She was more eclectic in her studies, going from one topic to another. I never did tell my friends what my mother did, they wouldn't understand, just like my father.

But what did I want? It was hard, but I wanted to be a writer like my mother. I guess her taste in books and writings rubbed off on me. Those days I sat in London, alone and bored. I use to read my mother's books, she had written at least twenty over her life as a professional. Her themes and studies, essays and anthologies all ventured into different sections of the human life. It amazed me that my mother had so much knowledge on certain aspects she studied in.

I had applied to various subjects, three in the field of science and three in the field of languages and writing.

"Hey." I look up into the warm blue eyes of Amanda.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask her opening my locker and grabbing my Math and Chemistry book.

"Nothing much; I was wondering if you wanted come over to my house?"

I frowned at her wondering why? She had never invited me over to house before. I guess she saw my confusion as she laughed loudly, "Don't worry I was thinking maybe you could help with some Chemistry revision." I wasn't too sure, since I knew Jamie would be home and seeing him made me feel slightly fucked up in the head. But seeing him also made me feel good, so I nodded my head. She smiled that bright smile, and instead I remembered Jamie and wondered how he'd react when he saw me? Promising to meet her in an hour. I made my way outside and grabbed the next train to take me home.

Zen Ishad Boyd

James was snoring next me, as we made our way to his house. I decided to stay with him till late before going home. Being home was just plain weird and James wanted to go over our `grand plan' to screw over Ian. It sort of made me laugh, but mostly I was just scared. Scared of what? I had no idea. But I was scared. The train ride was a pretty long one, since James lived quite a bit away from the university, maybe that was the main reason he never came into half the lectures. Our stop came and I elbowed him in the side, grabbing his arm and dragging him half asleep.

"Fuck! It's cold," he moaned, grabbing my arm and snuggling into my side. I smiled at him, he was adorable sometimes. But most of the time a pain in the arse. I half carried him to his house, fumbling in his pockets for his house keys. He giggled half asleep, as I groped him. I couldn't help but laugh back.

"Hey?" The uncertain greeting had me craning my neck backwards and I almost dropped my sleeping friend whose face was now stuck in the crook of my neck.

"Oh, hey Ashley," I said back my voice quiet. He looked at James sleeping on me, and to my hand which was placed on his hip. I guess to a second eye it would look like a romantic moment. But really it wasn't, mainly because James had started snoring loudly, and the lovely sound was ringing in my ears. The sound made Ashley lift his head, and a small almost ghost like smile tugged at his pretty mouth. He looked at James with his head to the side, analysing the sound, and his sleeping face for future use.

"Its cold, better get him inside," said Ashley quietly. I nodded my head, and decided to ring the doorbell instead of trying to find his house keys. James was pretty heavy anyway, but dead weight was torture.

"Need help?" Asked Ashley from behind me. I croaked a no, knowing that if James found out Ashley had helped me put him to bed, he'd have my balls in a chain. The door opened and I lunged myself and James forward, almost knocking Amanda over. She laughed quietly and grabbed her brothers other arm and tossed it over her neck.

"Come in Ash," she said. We carried James to the living room and plopped him on the sofa. I grabbed his head, and Amanda his legs and lay him down straight, instead of bent to the side. Amanda went to work with his shoes, untying them and neatly lacing them back up again. She got up and probably went to put his trainers in the press. I grabbed the small woven quilt and placed it over James, as he slept away. Sighing loudly I looked away from James, and towards Ashley who stood staring at James and then back to me again. The look was blank and slightly unnerving. Thankfully Amanda came back in and gave me a big smile.

"I'm glad he's tired because of school and not because he's drunk."

"He doesn't get drunk Amanda," I said scolding her lightly. Yeah James drank, like any other normal teen (disinclining me for obvious religious reasons) but he wasn't a student that partied and drank all day.

"I'm kidding Zen, well me and Ash are going to go study in my room just make yourself comfortable," I nodded my head.

"How about we just study here?" Said Ashley his eyes never leaving James. Amanda frowned, "I don't want to get into a fight with your parents," he said.

"My parents are fine, we'll have the bedroom door open if that makes you feel better."

"Can we just study here," he said again.

I felt like I was watching a tennis match between the two, wondering why the hell Amanda wanted to take Ashley to her room, and why Ashley wouldn't be jumping at the chance. I wondered if Amanda even knew that Ashley and James dated? Because the way she was looking at the guy, it seemed like she didn't. She sighed and said okay and said she'd back in a few and went off to get her books. I felt slightly awkward so I sat down on the couch, lifting James head and putting it in my lap. Looking up Ashley scowled at me, and I felt my face flush read.

Did he think we're together? Obviously he knew James's my best friend?

It made me feel odd and slightly amused that way Ashley was reacting to me. I guess this the first chance I had ever encountered the gorgeous boy without Ian around. It was strange after the things James had told me about Ashley, I felt my crush loosen on him. I didn't feel as obsessed as I did before the revelation. Okay its only been two days, but it made me feel better. Sure seeing him still made me feel girly in the sense that I still couldn't shake off how good looking he was.

"Lets get started," said Amanda from the door, Ashley nodded his head and finally sat down on the ouch, getting his stuff out his bag. Amanda put her books on the table and started opening one of them.

"Can I get the remote?" I asked Amanda, she handed it over and I flicked the TV on, leaving the volume low as I decided to stick to BBC 1 and watch some random television.

James (Jamie) Hughes POV

I woke up with head cradled in Zen's lap, and I vaguely wondered if we were still at uni. I guess I made some disgruntled noise because Zen looked down at me, all brown eyes and such.

"Hey," he said quietly. I smiled at him, and realised that the ceiling looked familiar.

"We're at your house," he added and I smiled again. I started to get up, rolling my shoulders a little, I looked over at my sister who sat scribbling away with Ashley.

Second look.

"Um? What are you doing here?" I blurted out. I heard Zen snicker behind me. I was bad with tact anyway.

"Don't be so rude," scowled Amanda. I glared at her, "Why the hell not? He's a fucktard that screwed me over - show some loyalty sis," I countered back.

"You need to get over it," she said standing up.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Like you did with Chris, oh yeah you didn't kept taking him back even after you walked in on him fucking your best friend," her eyes started to well up. Harsh but true, did she think being a guy hurt less than being a girl? She had some messed up opinions on the matters of the heart and relationships.

"We're just studying," she said.

"Study at school. The library, under the fucking rose bush. But you don't bring him into this house," I shouted at her.

Ashley stood up grabbing his books and stuffing them quickly into his bag. At least he had some courtesy in getting the hell out of my house. He shouldered his bag and headed towards the door, but he turned around looking at me and said, "I'm sorry."

"I've never needed your apology. Not then, and I don't need it now," he frowned before leaving, closing the front door with a soft click.

"Next time you ever think about bringing him here, I'll break your legs," I said looking at my sister, who flushed red.

"James^Å" said Zen quietly, but I shook my head and left the living room my head pounding and my heart aching.

Zen Ishad Boyd POV

James left. Ashley left. And Amanda was sort of crying on the couch. So it really answered my question about if she had known about Ashley and James.

"If you knew^Å" I said before cutting myself off. She looked up at me her eyes red and swollen. I almost felt sorry for her. James was damn scary when pissed off.

"Always had a crush on him you know," she said and I felt like laughing - but it really wasn't funny. Everyone seemed to fall for Ashley.

"Ashley was so good to him; you know? Took care of him and they were happy. I guess I wanted that from Ashley too, I knew he'd just sleep with me and that's it. But with James he was truly happy, loved him too. God Ash loves James so much. I'm a selfish cow though, Chris did a number on me, and I watched how nice and sweet Ash was and wanted him. When they broke up, I was so happy. What kind of sister does that make me?"

"A bad one," I reply. She looks up at me her eyes wide, "You know I never even knew that Ashley and James were a couple. Never. He only told me now. I have the biggest crush on that guy, so bad. I use to talk to him all the time, how much I wanted Ashley. But I would never go after him. Never. I'm just his friend but you're his sister."

"I KNOW!" She yelled.

"I don't think you do," I added sadly. I got up and grabbed my jacket making my way out of the Hughes household. The night was dark, and the traffic was minimum. It would take me awhile to get a train home, but the air would do me good. Sending a text to Jamie, I wished him a good night and a `we'll chat tomorrow' before hitting send. We were suppose to be having fun tonight, I wondered how long would it take for James to get over Ashley and how long would it take for people to stop hurting him too.

Copyright Lidyah 2006-07 (drop me an email)

Ian will be back in the next chapter. This chapter was actually suppose to be about Ian and Zen and how James and Zen were going to mess up Ian a little. But I decided that a little back story on Ashley, James and Amanda would do the story good in the long run. Meaning get all the boring' details out early so the story can move on. I am trying to get updates out as fast as I can. But I am going on a little break with this one so I can update my other two stories Welcome to New York University' and `The Ugly Duckling'

(Please note that chapters here and my Yahoo group match. The Yahoo group chapters are marked correctly. Nifty uploads chapters the way they do, so they're both up to date just numbered differently.)

Next: Chapter 7

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