My Step Brother and His Best Friend

By Lidyah Khan

Published on Dec 11, 2006


Prologue: I Guess I Missed The Memo

POV : Zen Ishan Boyd

The rain was coming down fast and hard. My fucktard of a brother decided to head to the movies, and leave me to my own devices. I didn't mind usually, I finished work at eight and the walk back home was pretty long. But I didn't mind. But tonight I did. I was asked to stay till eleven, after a hard day at school I was already pissed off. But I needed the money. Mum and dad decided to have some romantic time, so I wasn't about to bother them. Now on top of that it was raining. Sure it rained all the time, but at least I had a freakin' hat.

I called Ian and asked him to pick me up. He was only five minutes away from me. But he didn't. He's a dick through and through. Ian is a racist git, no secret about it. He's a ned that hangs around with other prats and talks like a deranged idiot. It was only right he'd be pissed off that his dad married my mum. A Serbian.

He never said shit to her. He wouldn't dare, I hated my step-dad too he was a blubbering fool just like his son, but he seemed to love my mum. My step-dad had a small garage a couple of blocks down from our house. He did pretty well, but my mum is an educated woman, two degrees under her belt - and the woman was a trained psychologist. I never did understand why she'd marry someone like Paul?

Ian never said much to me, mostly ignored me. But I knew he was racist. He'd say shit to the Asian kids at school. He knew when to stop though, wouldn't want the Pakistani's and their mates give him and his crew a good ol' beating now would he. Ian was a coward, and only hung around with two guys and a spotty girl who really freaked me out. To be honest Ashley was alright he was Ian best mate, he was pretty quiet and he seemed okay enough. He had this deep husky voice when he spoke though - and it drove me mad. Not because it was irritating because it turned me on like nobody's business. He was pretty fit too, your usual white boy standards; blonde hair, blue eyes, pretty tall, and a good build for someone who was eighteen.

Every time I'd see him, I'd end up thinking about him for hours on end. It bugged me, because I know it ain't going to happen. No one knew I liked guys, I guess my mum had an inkling but she didn't let it on, and wasn't about to tell her either. She was too traditional. No need to break my mother's heart, and tell her she's not getting any grandchildren from me.

The rain was coming down faster and I cursed my lousy step-brother again. I wasn't a moaner by nature, or a whiner but I was going to get his arse kicked from the parents. Paul was good to me for some reason, so he's sure give Ian a big lecture if I told them that he made me walk twenty minutes in the rain with just my black zipper on.

You'd think I was infatuated with Ian the way I talked about him, but no he was nothing but a freaking wanker. But he always seemed to have girls all over him, even the nice ones. I guess Ian was good looking, but I always seem to look further than the flesh. His hair is dark and his eyes are green, he's pretty built up for someone his age. I guess he'd be fit if he didn't wear those atrocious kappa tracksuits. They really make me want to vomit. Ashley didn't wear them which was a relief. The one guy had a crush on; I rather he was presentable to the world. Yeah I have a crush on Ashley Giles. Not like he talks to me or anything, but there's just something about him. My "secret" ex-boyfriend was the quiet, brooding type. I tended to fall for the same guys, but each always had a different flavour to them.

Finally I'm home. I quickly shake off the water from my soaking head, and wipe my soggy trainers on the welcome mat. No need to get the flooring all wet, mum would have a hissy fit. I unlock the door and quickly get in. I almost shit my pants when I hear a loud scream erupt from the living room. Usually a normal person would run the other way. Not me. I run towards the sound. As soon as I get to the living room, it's dark but the TV is on and playing a horror movie. The freaking candy blonde girl was screaming her heart out while a psycho idiot was chasing her with a chainsaw. I flicked on the lights and squinted as the room came into brightness.

"What the hell?" I quickly look down and see Ian on his back with a girl on top of them. There faces are flushed and I bet I just interrupted their make-out time.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked raged, "You said you were going to the movies?" Ian rolls his eyes and pushes the girl off of him. She huffs loudly and he stand ups, not bothering to do anything up his obvious hard on.

"Yeah. No movies were on. So me and Ash grabbed the girls and headed back here," he says with a grin. I was too pissed off that I didn't even see Ashley. He was sitting on the arm chair with a girl in his lap. I glared at him, and felt slightly betrayed. His expression was indifferent as usual. I felt my throat restrict. Serves me right to fall for him anyway.

I avert my eyes back to Ian who's standing in front of me likes he's bored, "Well...why couldn't you come to pick me up," I say loudly. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Cause...I didn't want to. Shut the fuck up." That was it. I was pissed that Ian made me walk home. I was pissed that Ashley was sitting there with a girl in his lap. I lunged at Ian and caught his chin with my left hand. His head snapped back and I quickly grabbed my hand as I felt a rush of pain shoot up my arm.

I heard a snicker, "He punched you with his thumb out. Stupid fuck's gone and broken his hand now," My eyes bore into Ashley and he gives me a small smile. I would punch him too. The bastard.

Ian laughs and I feel like crying. My eyes start watering up. It's amazing the girls have said squat all. I bet their high. Or on some date rape drug. I wouldn't put it pass Ian.

I feel pressure on my hand, and I yelp. It's Ian he's holding my injured hand and looking at it closely for some reason. Then he suddenly stretches my hand and I scream loudly. Ashley laughs again and Ian joins in.

"Stop it," I whimper.

He plops down on the couch and drags me downs with him holding my injured hand in a tight grip. I fall into his lap, and I automatically spread my legs, pushing my knees into the couch. I turn around and look at Ashley and he's licking his lips. If I wasn't mistaken he was getting aroused as I sat on Ian? Sick bastard.

"It's not broken, just sprained. Badly," says Ian. I look down at my hand, and he's pressing my sore hand against the palm of his, gently stretching my fingers.


"What," he says softly. Not looking at me, but pressing into my hand. I turn back and look at Ashley again and he gives me a small smile. He looked beautiful when he smiled.

"I'm out," he says to no one in particular. He grabs the two girls by the arms and hauls them off the floor. For some reason they both had ended up on the floor. I don't say bye, and neither does Ian. He just continues to gently stroke my hand.

I have no idea what the hell is happening. But I think I missed a memo.

Copyright 2006 Lidyah. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of Lidyah.

Next: Chapter 2

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