My Sophomore Roommate

By Mads van Duessen

Published on Nov 23, 2014


Here's another piece my fiancé and I talked about my uber-hot boyfriend of the past while I was at university Jimmy Hastings . I've been admonished (very nicely) NOT to change the title because it messes up the site admin's system, so here's part 7, though from when I was a senior, not a sophomore, and not my roommate, just a HOT teammate. Hope you enjoy . . . I know we got a few rises out of it when I was recounting it to my fiancé!

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Jimmy shut the door to our room at his parents' house, his big, muscular arms on either side of me, pinning me to the back of the door. "I have big plans for my charming boyfriend," he growled, and then he clamped his lips over mine.

As usual, or at least as I was getting used to since Jimmy's sudden turnabout and coming-out, which included his declaration of love for me, his kisses took my breath away. I had my arms around his body tight, enjoying the amazing musculature of him both in my arms and as we gyrated together, both hard instantly, cocks dueling through our pants and hardbodies grinding against each other.

When we finally broke for a minute, both panting, our bodies heaving with desire, I pushed him away hard. "FUCK, Jimmy!" I hissed.

His grin went to purpose. "You bet I'm going to fuck you, Maddy!" he growled and tried to move in again against my restraining outstretched arm.

"We can't fuck in your parents' spare bedroom, Jimmy!" I protested, trying to curb my volume, which could have been loud given my shock at what his intentions were!

"HOT!" he hissed and forced his way against me again, so his breath as he spoke was hot against my chin . . . and driving me crazy. "Then let's go to my own room; that'll be so fucking hot to fuck my boyfriend senseless in my room. Do you have any fucking idea how many times I jacked off in that room thinking of guys not even a quarter as HOT as you are Maddy?" he whispered at machine gun rate. He tried to pull me away from the door and grabbed the handle, obviously intending to drag me to his childhood room, which I hadn't even seen yet since we arrived a few hours earlier, just in time for dinner. "Come on!" he said conspiratorially, eyes wide with excitement, as if we were heading into a gogo bar for a lapdance.

"Jimmy!" I objected, louder than I'd intended to, and I suddenly clamped my mouth shut. "Fuck!" I hiss-whispered, "I—"

But Jimmy was having none of it and clamped his mouth on mine, full-bodied into me and grabbed my ass with both hands and ground us together so hard that my cock almost hurt between our groins from the squeeze.

The kiss was even more amazing, fueled by lust, enabled by his amazing talent for tongue-dueling and tongue-teasing, and promised by every part of his body crushed against mine and grinding into me . . . and me grinding back – there was no resistance possible . . . nor desired! "I don't give a fuck WHERE we fuck," he panted and came back in to devour my lips and mouth again. At the point all I could do was to keep enough consciousness to remain standing as I swooned from the passion and extent of his desire, he continued. "But I AM going to fuck my HOT-ASS FUCKING BOYFRIEND NOW!" he said.

A momentary thought of continuing my protest flew through my mind faster than Mach 1, but when I heard what must have been the latch as he locked the door, his lips and hands and body again claiming me, all I could do was to growl, "FUCK ME!"

In the blink of an eye, Jimmy had pulled me around and was propelling me through the sitting are of this incredibly luxurious spare bedroom and then shoving me in front of him through and across the vast bedroom to an enormous four-poster bed. He threw me down, and I began to rip at my clothes, pulling, yanking, not caring that the force of my effort could easily tear something – I just had to be naked. Correction – I just HAD to have my beast, my Jimmy, INSIDE ME!

Jimmy was out of his clothes and yanking off my socks as I got my t-shirt over my head, and then he dove on me. GOD – this had to be another priceless antique, this bed, from the looks of everything in Jimmy's parent's house I'd seen so far; I hope it was made for two big athletes to fuck on it like the animals we were!

I'd expected Jimmy to come in fast and hard – probably throw my legs in the air, eat my fuckhole until it was wet enough to jam his telephone pole cock into without me screaming loud enough to bring the police, and then fuck me hard until we both unloaded in mega-explosions. Obviously, we did that a lot! But Jimmy surprised me.

Jimmy looked down at me – as I leered up at him ready to beg for his enormous fuckpole that was jutted out at me, already with a huge dollop of precum about to drop from the tip – and instead of diving on me or into me, he gently pulled my left foot up to his mouth and softly kissed it. His kiss was long and gentle, and he rubbed his face against the broad, long sole of my foot, his eyes closed, a long, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," rumbling out of him. He let one of his hands rub up my calf and thigh, caressing me as he gave my foot that tender attention. "God, Maddy, you're so fucking hot," he said softly, having opened his eyes again and locked them with mine. "I want every part of you, and I love every part of you."

WOW! But while my heart and head were saying WOW!' my ass was saying USE ME!' and my cock was saying `I NEED TO BLOW A HUGE FUCKING WAD NOW!' "Fuck me, beast," I said with pure intention in a low voice, using my pet name for him that I'd used the three years he'd fuck the hell out of me and then leave . . . while he was grappling with his life.

Jimmy bent over and swallowed my long, fat cock halfway, and I gasped and grabbed his head, intertwining my long fingers in his short hair with the method even I couldn't understand how it worked . . . and I pulled his head down HARD and shoved my groin up HARD. The feel of his throat giving way to my engorged cockhead and suddenly my pubes in his face as my cock slipped past the impediment and down his throat was . . . afuckingmazing!

He growled as I shoved into him and he moaned and then mewled a little as I bottomed-out in his throat, but then he got his hands planted on my Adonis belt area and had the right balance and went to fucking town sucking my cock. I fucking LOVED when we fucked like this! All that time he never so much as licked me and now, often, he'd suck me until I screamed with amazing climaxes, then spit my cum into my begging hole and drool it down and coat his monstercock with it and then fuck me like a wildman, frothing my cum in my fuckhole like whipped cream.

And this time was even better than those before. Jimmy slathered and slobbered and sucked and licked and stroked and growled and hummed and had me edging so fast I couldn't believe it. His long middle finger up my fuckchute teasing my prostate didn't slow anything down at all. He teased me and edged me until I was shouting my begging so loud I had grabbed a pillow and was chewing the likely priceless fabric of the pillowcase between my clenched teeth.

I teetered on that edge so many times as he masterfully played my cock, balls and hole, that I was barely conscious and only engaged in the amazement of my pleasure. When he finally sucked and fingered me over the edge my body was like a possessed person bucking and writhing and spasming as my entire body had ignited and exploded and my cum pumped wildly out. I barely heard Jimmy's startled "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" and emphatic "Mmmmmmmmmmmm!" as I pumped and pumped.

When I could finally control my voice enough I loosened my bite on the pillow and said, "DAMN YOU give me your fucking cock NOW!"

My legs and ass were in the air – correction, my knees were beside my face! – and my beast was tonguing my cum into my ass and eating me like a starving man. "OH FUCK JIMMY! FUCKING FUCK ME NOW!!!!" I begged.

I got an evil laugh – a little gurgling as he still had plenty of my cum in his mouth apparently – and he kept eating and spitting it into me and, generally, making me feel like I was climbing the climax ladder again already. I almost cried out in protest when his lips and tongue finally left my hole, but I heard him spit again and within a second or two his cum-slimed fuckpole was pushed against my hole and jamming into me.


"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed, biting the pillow again, savoring the way my beast used to fuck me hard and mercilessly.

The pain of the intrusion and impossible stretch juxtaposed the emotional surge of joy . . . but the pain gave way quickly to the waves of uncontrollable physical pleasure washing over me, first taking me away to a high, then battering me about in the familiar roiling sea of colliding pleasures. Jimmy assaulted my prostate with aim and experience. He jackhammered my hole hard and fast and deep and long-dicked me to the edge, which he acknowledged. "GOD, Maddy, I love the look of you when you're on the end of my cock and helpless other than to enjoy me. The way your cockhead flares and goes dark purple when you're ready to cum again – you horny bitch! – I FUCKING LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE IT!" he almost shouted, bringing his thrusts to a new pace, like a vibrating chair set on high.

But Jimmy was a rare combination of my beast and my boyfriend tonight. My beast used to fuck me and edge me with his cock inside me until I begged him to fuck me over the edge; and then he would but he wouldn't give me his load until he'd done it once or two more times, all the while filthy-talking me about how I was a cock-whore and love his big cock . . . which I am and do and was and did! My boyfriend fucks me with greater passion and abandons his boundaries of being the hard cock that needs release and makes love to me while he FUCKS me and tells me how much he loves fucking me . . . and how much he loves me.

I was flailing my hands to make him be quieter – we were in his parents' guest room for chrissake, and they were home, after all! But Jimmy was unstoppable in his pursuit of my tormented ecstasy. He'd increased the speed of his thrusts but pulled back so that he was teasing my pleasure point, not blasting it off.

My cock was puddling so much precum AGAIN on my upper abs that I felt it despite my hyperawareness and focus on our point of mating. As if reading my thoughts, my beast bent down and took a long, lascivious liccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk up my abs, having shoved my bobbing cock aside with his statue-worthy chin. "MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, FUCK! You taste so fucking good!" he growled down at me.

And then that time, when he resumed his long-dicked jackhammering of my g-spot, he had the look I knew meant this time he was going to blast me to outer space. It was like an earthquake inside my body – no warning other than the look, the buildup like so many times before he slamfucked me up to the edge, but this time every nerve ending in my body suddenly flashed then exploded, and I felt my body convulsing and my nuts expelling their contents and my own cum splattering all over me again as my head thrashed wildly side-to-side and my screams of expletive-ridden joy were muffled into the pillow, now fully over my face, so I couldn't see his face.

But I could feel his cock, and my reflexive clenches on that fuckmonster had done their job. My beast hissed and "Mmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm'ed as he SLAMMED into me DEEP and unloaded HARD inside me. YEAH BABY! That's what I'm talkin' about!

The sound of his heaving gasps were loud in the room as he held his position, buried inside me, his cock still the grotesquely engorged baby's arm it became when he came, so thoroughly filling and stretching me, it truly gave me pause that I might be a closet fister! I did what I'd starting doing a few times now when Jimmy as so fraught after his climax that he seemed to have seized and become immobile – I reached back and took his huge nuts, again dangling and no longer almost pulled into his body like they did when he came, in my hand and stroked them gently and lightly pulled him toward me. In a heap he collapsed on me – that mass of muscle on me, still heaving breath but otherwise like all his strings had been dropped by the puppeteer.

Slowly I felt his sweaty, hairy arms move and snake under me and enwrap me tight. His head moved to the side, and he kissed my neck. "GOD!" he whispered between another kiss behind my ear and one to my temple. "You're an amazing fuck . . . and you're my amazing boyfriend. "I fucking love you, Maddy VanD!"

Fortunately Jimmy covered my lips in a sweet kiss that quickly went to hungry, or I might have let out the sob of abject joy his words had brought to me. But with that still-hard cock half inside me and his lips crushed into mine – and with our tongues dueling like we hadn't just given outlet to our passion for each other and for getting off – I was immediately revved again.

Being almost as big a man as Jimmy, it wasn't crazy difficult to throw him off me. The hard part was not wrenching his cock or my fuckhole too hard in the process – I had to keep all parts in working order because I intended for a LOT of fucking from my beast, from my boyfriend! But I did it and pounced on top of him facing opposite and devoured his slimy cock in my mouth. "Mmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," I growled as I savored the taste of our sex and the feel of his veiny fuckweapon on my tongue and in my throat.

"OH HOLY FUCK!" he cried out, and I pulled off instantly and glared back at him.

"That's why God made pillows!" I grinned back at him.

"Fuck that!" he said defiantly, pulling my ass over his face and burying it in my slimy crack.

"OH FUCK!" I hissed and dove back onto that beautiful cock, still so hard, as it always was.

As Jimmy ate me with as much or more ravenous hunger than he had before we fucked, I worked his fuckpole over. I stroked, sucked, licked, throated, worked his balls and stroked, sucked, licked and throated more until he was bucking on the bed. I pulled off when that beastcock of his again was as thick and iron-hard and his head flared like a cobra's head just before he started blasting another load. I didn't pull off completely, just enough so that that baseball-sized head was filling my mouth and I'd taste his cum . . . and tease his over-sensitized head with my swirling tongue in the way that made him buck and thrash like Linda Blair in The Exorcist when he was cumming.

He had his face so jammed into my buttcrack to muffle his cries that I almost couldn't hear them, even as moans, groans and mewls – but I could feel the vibration of his sounds, which was hot! I slurped and gulped around that spurting head of his and swallowed every drop of his seed . . . and tongued that cockhead until Jimmy had me flying up and around as his body thrashed.

I didn't let up, even when he wasn't blasting anymore – thankfully because I felt like I'd swallowed about a gallon! – and Jimmy finally threw me off him and onto my back on the other part of the bed and threw his own body back, arms out, one hand touching me. I looked over at his sweat-glistening, cummy torso where we'd mashed my last load between us, and my breath still caught from the perfection of his body, every muscle perfectly defined . . . and rippling and rolling as he struggled to get his breathing back to normal.

"Who . . . needs . . . cardio?" he panted, "When . . . they . . . could . . . fffffuck . . . likethat?" he finally got out.

"The same people who need water when they could just drink your never-ending supply of spooge!" I shot back, smacking my lips. "Mmmmm, goooooooooooood!"

Jimmy rolled onto his side, facing me, and he gently put his big hand on my abs, even more gently caressing me - just the slightest movement of his fingers, just the right touch to take me to heaven. I put my hand on top of his and just laid it there.

"This is real, right? I'm not dreaming?" he asked just above a whisper.

"Oh, yeah, it's real all right, Jimmy," I answered him, my hand now giving his just the slightest caress. "Your fag jock teammate has turned you WAY GAY!" I added with a laugh.

"HEY!" he said, not protesting, but an idea, shaking my abs with his hand. And then he started to get up. "I have to show you something!" he said, with that instant excess of enthusiasm he so often brought into a moment.

"Ummm, if it's another hardon . . . " I said, feigning fear.

Jimmy laughed and grabbed my hand and pulled me up off the bed to stand with him. "That's AFTER what I have to show you," he mugged with a grin. "Throw on something so we can go to my room."

"Why don't we shower up first? We're a mess, Jimmy," I suggested, given we'd be walking through his parents' house, and common courtesy would suggest that their son and his boyfriend all reeking of mansex might conflict with the potpourri!

"C'mon," he said, already in his jeans – no underwear, which momentarily sent a flash of heat through me. "Nobody's awake now anyway."

"After all the beasty noises you made, I wonder," I teased him.

He threw my jeans at me. "Either put these on or you're going to my room like that," he said, pointing at my cock hanging there. I got into my jeans and went to grab my shirt, but he pulled me toward the door, him in just his jeans, too. "C'mon, Maddy. I really want to show you this!"

Yes, I was self-conscious, following behind him, him pulling me fast by my hand, as we walked a few long hallways in that behemoth of a house his parents called home and then up a staircase and down another hall.

Jimmy's room was amazing – probably the size of our whole house where I grew up! And the walls, like all of the house I'd seen, was paneled and molded with expensive, rich woods, contrasting almost like over-sized inlays. "Wow," I said, gawking.

"I know, right? I thought it was all about sports," he said absently, entering yet another area of this vast suite of rooms and heading toward yet another door.

Jimmy was talking about the posters, drawings, trophies, framed photographs, balls, gear and other sports-related STUFF which neatly littered his rooms. It was everywhere – every wall, enclosed glass cases, shelves, tops of furniture. Not a gay thing about it, either, I noticed – it was all teenage jock stuff that any straight boy would have . . . except for what was missing. Not a poster, photo or any hint of anything to do with girls. But none of men or boys, either, for that matter. My room at my parents' house was full of posters of hot sports players and celebrities – no question whatsoever where my preferences lay!

"Here, sit here," he patted a long window-seat he was sitting on, and I saw he had an artist's sketch pad.

"These drawings, Jimmy – they're amazing – and you did them, didn't you?" I asked incredulously, looking at several of men skiing or swimming on the walls in this room, too.

Jimmy grinned. "That's what I'm going to show you, Maddy. Come here."

I went and sat next to him in the chill of the window seat. It was about twenty degrees outside, IF that, and the windows radiated the cold, but the room was heated warm. My parents would have had the vents turned off in any room that wasn't being used.

Jimmy pulled me tight against him when I sat down and left his arm around me as he put the sketchbook across both our laps. He turned to me and grinned and kissed me quickly. "I've waited so long to show you this, Maddy," he said with tamped exuberance. "To show anyone," he murmured after that, and I reflexively leaned my head against his, nuzzling him, enjoying his warmth as well as his presence.

And then he pushed open the front cover of the big sketchbook and let it fall forward, revealing a sketch of him and . . . someone who could easily be me! I gasped, and he held me tighter.

As I looked at the sketch more and discovered its details, I began to see. I glanced at the lower left and saw he'd signed it – JH '99 – that's what it said. So him, six years before. It made more sense, the likeness of him was so explicit, yet younger-looking, though not dramatically. But what held me spellbound was the whole picture.

On the page, in shades of charcoal, with a small smattering of very soft pastels for a sun in the distance. And the main focus was two men – Jimmy and an almost-as-tall, also shirtless like Jimmy, obviously built but not grotesquely so, just a well-built, athletic man, furred of chest, darker than Jimmy, sitting next to him, against him, Jimmy's arm around the other man, the other man's head rested against Jimmy's.

Just like we were sitting then.

I broke my gaze and looked at Jimmy, and there were tears in his eyes, and I suddenly understood. THIS was his expression of who he really was, but he'd said he hadn't shown it to anyone, and I knew he'd grappled with keeping his sexuality hidden. But this drawing was two men, together, obviously bonded as a couple, looking toward the sun, toward the future.

I reached around his front with my far arm and just held onto him as his tears turned to soft sobs, and he held me very tight against him. We just held each other, and his sobs passed fast. I didn't know what to say – and nothing would have been right. This was the moment he merged the last piece of his disparate former life together, and he was letting go the rest of the hurt . . . and probably letting go the grief for the gay boy Carl he'd known who was a victim of a hate crime murder, the event that led Jimmy to shuck his fear and come out.

"You see, don't you?" he asked quietly, after a long silence.

"I see, Jimmy. I see you. And I love you," I answered, kissing his neck softly.

"You see US, Maddy," he said, holding me so tight.

The darker man in the drawing could easily have been me. Obviously taller than average, as he was just not quite as tall as Jimmy by the drawing's appearance. An athlete or a man who took pride in his body. And the face was an amazingly indistinct in features yet distinct in character – settled, secure and very happy. Just as Jimmy had met me, as opposed to his show of self, my self was obvious. I was masculine, gay, an athlete, and most of all I was a serious student. I was very secure in everything but the knowledge that I'd succeed in university as well as I had. Over the years Jimmy had come to know me to have that last confidence, too.

A thought flashed across my mind that if I hadn't had the confidence of my success at university and success as a university athlete – on track to graduate magna cum laude so having achieved my desired result there and the second-star player on the water polo team, second to my Jimmy! – maybe Jimmy wouldn't have made his declaration of love for me, maybe I'd have fallen short in the stretch.

Again as if he could read my mind, Jimmy squeezed me and said, simply, "Don't," and I relaxed against him, not having realized I'd gone tense. "I saw you three and a half years ago and knew you were the one I'd drawn to complete me when I was a hopeful teenager. And it took me fucking long enough to finally tell you!"

I laughed at that. "Yeah, but the sex in the meantime was awesome, Jimmy."

"And now?" he asked, a tone more serious than play.

I knew that tone. It was the tone that trails a closeted straight topman's denial of his sexuality in the face of his homosexual pleasure when he's taken the leap and admitted. He has to be assured he's still the stud – this isn't misogyny; it's a man who wowed his bottom and stoked his masculinity at the same time but now has to reconcile his masculinity because he's faced himself. As a very accomplished bottom, often getting fucked by straight or think-they're-straight men, I knew well how to deal with this – in fact, my words were at time a reflex more than a thought, because between that and the fragile sexual ego most tops have anyway, well . . . And I knew how to keep a top I wanted to CUM back for more, CUMMING back for MORE!

But with Jimmy the answer was easy and true. "Now, it's like a dream I never had, Jimmy. The most incredible sex with the most incredible man who shed all his hangups AND tells me he loves me? FUCK! Yeah, NOW is INFUCKINGCREDIBLE!" I told him honestly, snuggling into him.

"Right on!" he laughed softly. "And don't you forget it."

"Keep on fucking me like you do then, beast, and I couldn't forget you if I wanted to!" I joked back, holding him so tight I might have almost believed it would be forever.

"I want you to have the drawing, Maddy. I didn't know it then, but it WAS you I was hoping for."

"Jimmy," I said, trying not to let the catch in my voice show from the depth of my feelings for him, "I'll cherish the drawing. But it was YOU you were waiting for, hoping for, not me. And you've found you, you've become you. You've become the most amazing man, Jimmy, and he's as beautiful in every way as the drawing."

Jimmy kissed my head and held me tight . . . and we sat there until I was clod again despite the warmth of him holding me tight and my tight hold on him. I finally patted his amazing eight-pack and suggested, "Let's go back to bed."

He kissed my head again and squeezed me before he let loose, closed the sketchpad and handed it to me, and we got up and headed out.

We were almost to the stairs when I asked, "Draw me sometime, Jimmy? I mean really – like it's really me, not this presage of me," I clarified, patting the sketchbook.

To that, Jimmy laughed . . . and laughed as we went down the stairs. As we navigated the halls back to the plush guest room he chuckled and said a few times, "Oh, I'll draw you," and then, when I hoped we were close because I really had to piss, he turned abruptly.

By then I'd figured it out. "How many?" I asked, causing his face to go to surprise. "How many drawings of me are there already?"

Then Jimmy laughed louder and pulled me to him and kissed me. "Exactly!" he evaded but acknowledged my deduction. "I can't wait to show them to you when we get back to school."

"Boys?" Mrs. Hastings had appeared behind Jimmy in a flowing – and very sexy – black nightgown over a negligee, evident at the neck. Hmmmm, Mr. Hastings is a lucky man, I thought. My mom and dad slept in sweats!

"Oh, mom," Jimmy said, not busted at all. "I was showing Mads my room."

"Hmmmmm," she said, looking us both over. "I'm sure you were. Give me a kiss – both of you! – and then let's get the house to bed again," she commanded. She leaned around Jimmy, obviously my turn first, and I kissed her cheek and she kissed mine as I did, and I thanked her again for having me. "Mads, we're absolutely thrilled. Just look at my boy – he's so happy with you." She put her cheek up for Jimmy, and they managed to kiss each other as we had – she was good at that. "Good night, boys. I will assume, given the hour, that you will be taking breakfast late," she added with a smile. And as she was walking away, she stopped and turned again. "Oh, and James, it's been quite a few years since I had to tell you and your friends this, but . . . you need a shower!" As my mouth fell open she winked and walked off.

Jimmy clamped his arm around me and made an exaggerated inhalation. "Jesus, she's right. We REEK!"

I punched him – HARD! – and said, "OHMYGOD, Jimmy! She knows we—"

Jimmy just laughed, softly, heeding his mother's admonition to get the house back to bed. "She should know, Maddy – I've got three brothers and a sister after all, and she and did still go at it like stoats!"

"JIMMY!" I protested as he pulled me along the hall . . . but in truth so did my parents, too. I wondered if stoats have as much fun as two men do!

Jimmy and I didn't survive post-graduation separation, despite the euphoria of our earlier days and feelings that it was the two of us he'd drawn those teenage years before. He went to grad school in California at USC, and I stayed on at NWU; and two horny young men don't survive long-distance usually, us being one of those couples to prove the point. When we both acknowledged it was over – after the screaming about the emotional cheating with the guys we fucked when we were apart, which was always, I went to the Art department and got the right kind of tissue paper and carefully sandwiched the drawing between it, rolled it gently and put it into a mailing tube, with all the appropriate warnings of fragile and the like and mailed it to Jimmy with a note.

"Make this your life, dear Jimmy. And remember our time together with as much fondness and gratitude for all we shared as I do. I will always love you. Mads"

And then I put a sticky-note at the bottom of the page that said "turn this over" and on another sticky note that I put on the back of the paper I wrote,

"And anytime you need that beautiful beastly cock or those huge cum-producing nuts taken care of, I'm YOURS!"

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