My Sophomore Roommate

By Mads van Duessen

Published on Nov 16, 2014


Here's another piece my fiancé and I talked about from my college days. I've been admonished (very nicely) NOT to change the title because it messes up the site admin's system, so here's part 7, though from when I was a senior, not a sophomore, and not my roommate, just a HOT teammate. Hope you enjoy . . . I know we got a few rises out of it when I was recounting it to my fiancé!

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After my huge, hunky water polo teammate – our team captain – shocked, surprised and delighted me . . . and fucked the living daylights out of me . . . by professing his love and intent to come out . . . we fucked again . . . more than once! By the dawn's early light my far-from-virgin ass had been abused by his cock, monstrously sized, huge enough that he could make a horse feel insecure, and my ass was grateful for the few hours of rest we'd finally gotten and classes soon, so more rest for my aching fuckhole.

Jimmy Hastings, the six-eight or six-nine hunk of solid muscles whom I'd been fucking for almost three years casually, without so much as a kiss, now lay behind me, holding me tight against him . . . and of course his fuckmonster was raging hard in his sleep, which both excited and frightened me. I needed to piss, and I slowly and gently moved out from his warm, sinewy arms, a brief whimper coming from him before his deep, rhythmic breathing was all I heard again. I went in and pissed as quietly as I could, noticing assmuscle screaming plaintively as I managed my heavy stream's dregs – did I even know my ass clenched when I held up my piss stream? I did that morning!

I was going to brush my teeth, but then I decided I'd rather have something else in my mouth than toothpaste, particularly if it might sting or tingle Jimmy's cock when I sucked it. I was back in bed, having crawled in very gently, and licked from Jimmy's big, sweaty, lightly-furred sac up the almost full foot distance up his huge fuckweapon. Jimmy stirred immediately, a long moan making me wonder if he was waking, but he stretched and moved more on his back, and I was more easily sucking his massive, engorged helmet head into my mouth, stretching my jaws wonderfully.

Jimmy moaned louder and longer as I took about eight of his inches into my mouth and shoved into my throat. He tasted of me, of our sex and smelled of that and sweat and sleep, and my own cock was rock hard already. My ass was also twitching, begging for more of his cock, dreading the pain that I would suffer if I got what my ass was begging for. I inhaled deeply and pushed that massive head farther down my stretched throat and forced it all the way down until my nose was buried in Jimmy's musky pubes. I couldn't breathe at all, even through my nose, but somehow the smell of him made its way into my awareness, and I wanted that man losing control, skull-fucking me and blasting his always-huge load down into my gullet.

I went to work in earnest, putting my legendary cocksucking skills to work on that massive manmeat of his, rubbing his huge balls and behind them and tickling his hole. His moans finally led to a jolt when my finger deep in his ass found his pleasure button. "OH FUCK, MADS!" he cried, and I swallowed that rod to the root again, causing Jimmy to throw his head back again with a long, "Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" and then he clamped his huge paws on the back of my head, caressing it but also pushing me and holding me as he started skull-fucking me.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" I moaned, feeling my balls jumping and my cock drooling as my man worked toward his release in my mouth.

"OH FUCK YES – that feels awesome when you hum like that, Maddy – you're going to make me fucking blast my nutload, babe!"

I had one hand on his balls and one with two fingers now up his ass rubbing his prostate, and just when I thought my jaw would split beyond repair, I felt his climax from the inside, felt his impossibly huge cock get even thicker and harder, and felt the first pumps in his cockshaft. "OH FUCK OH FUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" he shouted, and his cum shot HARD into my throat. I moved back to get it in my mouth and taste it, working his head with my mouth and tongue and flicking his pleasure button inside him, making his body spasm so drastically that his pelvis was knocking my face hard enough to break bone. "FUCKINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" he was crying, trying to push my head off as his last spurts were already in my mouth, but he was still spasming from my tongue and finger work.

I finally pulled off suddenly, both mouth off and fingers out, and Jimmy flopped back suddenly like a rag doll with a loud, gasping, "FUCK YOU'RE AMAZING!"

I was on my knees next to him by then, stroking my own cock, completely slicked with the massive amount of pre I'd leaked.

"OH FUCKING NO YOU DON'T!" Jimmy shouted, and he was up, shoving me down onto my back, and he dove onto my cock face-first and sucked the entirety of it in, choking and gagging, but not pulling off.

"Holy FUCK, Jimmy!" I gasped and grabbed his head just to have something to hold onto.

Jimmy had never sucked my cock – or my face! – before he prior night, the night he told me he loved me. He wasn't an accomplished cocksucker, but he was sure a quick study, and one of the most determined athletes I'd ever known. He worked me with all the eager determination that I'd used on him, and it was clear he wasn't going to stop until he'd done to me what I'd done to him.

And I was so fucking turned-on that when he grabbed my big, burning balls, I felt my climax start in my core, nuclear-level reaction in my nuts, and a split second later I was exploding. "OH FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" I shouted, loud enough to wake the entire building, as my first cumblast shot out of me hard enough to wrack my body.

"MMMMMMMmmmrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmppppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," he moaned as he choked and gulped and took every gushing blast.

"OH MY FUCKKkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggg . . . " I cried as I trashed and felt my essence flow into him.

"Gnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," he moaned, slurping every single drop, working my balls to the point of my near insanity and my head with his taunting tongue.

I pushed him off, more successfully than he'd tried with me, and he fell back, smacking his lips. "GOD you take me over that edge like a bomb!" I huffed.

Jimmy was on me in an instant, pressing his cum-sticky lips against mine, devouring my mouth, mixing our cumloads together and moaning, his arms around and under me and holding us tight together. Hopefully I'd end twenty-four hours with a few times that number!

"I guess if you ever stop sucking me like a Hoover I'll know you don't love me anymore!" I teased him.

Jimmy pulled back and stared into my eyes, instantly mesmerizing me and pulling me into a sigh of delight. "I love you, Mads," he repeated, quietly, with an intensity that burned into me.

I ran my hand down the side of his face, his morning stubble igniting my balls all over again, but the chiseled handsomeness of him taking my breath away. "Me, too, Jimmy. I've been in love with you since the first time I saw you."

Jimmy's intense gaze instantly transformed into a broad grin. "I LOVE that!"

"Oh, and just for the record," I added, making him suddenly look at me with some worry. "When you called me Maddy while I was blowing you?"

Jimmy blushed and looked down. "Yeah, about that. Sorry, Mads. But I've always thought of you as my Maddy, or wished you were my Maddy. I won't call you that again if it bothers you."

"Would you shut the fuck up and let me finish?" I said. "I fucking LOVED that – I AM your Maddy . . . and you're my Jimmy," I told him, the broad smile returning as I did. "AND you're still my BEAST!" I added, with a smirk.

"I'm ANYthing you want me to be, Maddy." His grin went broader suddenly. "GOD I LOVE being able to say that! I'm YOURS, Maddy – anything you want me to be."

"Right back atcha, babe," I said, kissing him. "But right now what I want you to be is in the shower with me, because I can't be late to macroeconomics!"

We made it through the shower without too much delay. Well, to be fair, I'd purposely dragged him to the shower way early because I knew we wouldn't JUST shower. We didn't.

We two big men squeezed into the bathtub shower and couldn't help but be close, our bodies touching . . . our warm, wet, needy bodies . . . and when Jimmy started soaping me, sliding his big, wet, soapy hands all over me, I was instantly hard again. Apparently so was he, based on his huge fuckmissile now shoved between my cheeks and leveraged up under my balls. I leaned back into him with my shoulders and back and head, rubbing my face against his, and I reached down and stroked and rubbed the six inches or so of his hardon I could get to. Jimmy's growl in my ear and vibrating from his chest against my back was a symphony to me.

Jimmy began kissing and biting and sucking my neck and shoulders, and he pulled back and with one hand shoved his enormous ass-destroyer against my ruined hole. I wanted it BAD . . . and I knew it was going to rip me apart . . . but I didn't care. I SHOVED back onto him with a great shout. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!"

Jimmy yelled, too, and clamped his arm down over my chest and held me by my side, and he began pumping into my ass HARD and FAST. I felt his balls swinging into mine, and my own rock-hard, throbbing cock was swinging as he pounded me.

"C'mon, stud – FUCK your bitch!" I shouted, both out of habit and out of defiance for the pain that seared my fuckchute and assring.

Jimmy grabbed me roughly by my short hair – I'd always wondered how he had always been able to do that with his huge fingers – and yanked my head back. "It's ME," he growled down at my upturned face. "YOUR Jimmy or your beast or your stud, whatever you want to call me. But you're NOT my BITCH – you're my man, the man I love, and DON'T," he spat, with a jarring long-dicked thrust into me, "YOU," another lightning fast pull out of me and then a SLAM into me, "FORGET," and yet another out and back in, rougher than before, "THAT!" and with the last he shifted and began jackhammering my prostate, sucking the protest out of my throat.

"I – OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FFUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" I cried as he nailed me dead-on every thrust with that Louisville Slugger he had hanging there, and I felt myself slipping over the edge, nothing but sparks, lightning bolts, waves and ecstasy. My body was shaking and writhing and spasming and pumping . . . and Jimmy just kept slam-fucking me like his cock's only job was to annihilate my prostate.

"That's it, babe – enjoy my fucking cock inside you!" he yelled, followed closely by, "FUCK your milking it out of me, oh fuck, OH FUCK, OHFUCKOHFUCK," and I felt him thicken and began pumping inside me. "OH FUCK YEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, MADDY!" he shouted as he bit down on my shoulder and clenched his arms around me tighter than ever.

I felt him pumping into me, refilling me with his seed, making me his yet again. "Jimmmmmmmmmmy," I moaned and let myself float among the waves of ecstasy – so many dimensions of it.

The steaming water streamed over us both, now not moving, in a heap against the shower wall, panting, gasping for breath. I felt him about to say something, but I jumped to cut him off. "Yes, Jimmy," I said, rubbing my cheek back against his head.

"Yes?" he asked, his hands now moving again, sliding over my pecs and abs and causing me to spasm when he ran them over the length of my spent-again cock.

"Yes, I AM yours, Jimmy, and you ARE mine – my man, my boyfriend, my lover, my stud, my fuckbeast – all those things."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm," I felt against my back as he tightened his hold on me again.

"And, my MAN, I LOVE being YOUR BITCH! So you just GET FUCKING USED TO THAT TOO!" I laughed.

He kissed my shoulder at the base of my neck . . . gently . . . and held his lips there, gently moving his face side to side, rubbing his lips on me, making my entire body spark again.

I almost let myself go to it and reached for his cock, but I knew I really did have to get to my lecture. I pushed myself away and turned and kissed him quickly and then soaped my screaming fuckhole, unintentionally letting loose a long hiss from the sting. "You okay, babe?" he asked, stepping up to me.

I grinned. "I will be by the time classes and practices are over, so you'd better be reloaded and rested by then, BEAST!"

Jimmy's grin was magical as it lit his face. He helped by soaping and washing my front – although his cock and ball lathering was difficult to let happen without jumping him again – and then opened the shower door for me, clearly signaling his assent to my priorities.

I was bent over brushing my teeth by the time he stepped out. He came up behind me and gently put his hand on my ass. "Wow," he said.

"Mmmmrrrruuup," I said around a mouthful of toothbrush, enjoying his appreciation for my ass and his touch.

"Your hole is all swollen and pouty, like you've been VERY well-fucked!" he said, grinning behind me.

I loved the grin, but I had to show some restraint. "Yeah, yeah, you're a stud, the stud of studs, and you fucked me better than any man ever has," I intoned and spit the toothpaste out of my mouth.

Jimmy smacked my ass HARD, the slap echoing in the bathroom, along with my yelp. But I was grinning.

I did my best to pay attention all day, but my mind was elsewhere. I didn't see Jimmy all day, but there was scarcely a moment where I wasn't thinking of him . . . or about him and me. I'd been hard and dripping so many times during the day that I finally hit the men's room and took off my precum-soaked boxer briefs and shoved them into my backpack because they were too swampy and uncomfortable!

"Hey babe," I heard Jimmy's low voice call as I was about to open the door to the gym. I snapped my head around, not only to gaze at his beautiful manscape behind me but also to make sure nobody was around. I guess my face showed the latter, not my delight and arousal because he was right there, almost on me. "No more looking around, Maddy," he said, wrapping his arms around me and swinging me halfway around and kissing me deeply.

I was seeing stars – from the kiss and from being enveloped in his arms and an object of his strength. I just stood there, my arms wrapped tight around him, not wanting that moment to end. Inside, somewhere, my reflex was that this was dangerous, but I was so deep into Jimmy Hastings, literal BMOC, handsome, hunky and straight, that I couldn't make myself react other than to leave myself awash in my happiness.

"Come on – inside," he boomed as he broke from our embrace. "Team captain and team star can't both be late to practice, or there will be talk," he said, winking at me with a devilish smile. And then he took my hand in his and pulled me through into the gym.

"Jimmy, we—" I started, and also tried to pull my hand back, unsuccessfully.

Jimmy held my hand tight and kept hurrying down the hall toward the men's lockers, just throwing back a quick, "WE, Mads, are a couple. That's it; that's all."

We burst through the team rooms and into the lockers, and our teammates were already there in all states of undress and talking and like any other day, getting out of their clothes and into their swim togs. "Listen up, men!" the deep voice of Jimmy Hastings boomed to his team. "Team captain has an announcement! PAY ATTENTION!" he snapped.

As various of our teammates stopped what they were doing and turned toward us, first one set of eyebrows went up when they saw Jimmy's hand holding mine, then a couple more, then everyone was in some state of amazement looking at us. I impulsively tried to pull my hand away and step back, but instead he pulled me into him. I was probably looking like a deer in the headlights, but this time the background track of my consciousness was aroused and stoked with admiration for my now-boyfriend's fearlessness and determination.

"Uh, cap," Barrett Graham said, his eyes wide, looking from our connected hands to our faces and back again. "Would this be something to do with the fact that you're HOLDING HANDS with VanD?"

A couple of the other guys had been uneasy, fidgeting just a little, and a few laughed nervously. Graham I couldn't read – just his eyes darting from him to me and then where we were us – but he was obviously a little affronting in the approach. All in all a bit of a move for a six-six man standing there stark naked to confront two other big guys.

"C'mon, Graham; don't use what little brainpower you have guessing when I'm about to tell you," my boyfriend said with a grin.

Graham reddened, but he stood down when he looked around and our teammates were chuckling and one cuffed his shoulder.

"Men, my announcement is that VanD and I are a couple," Jimmy forged on, and the guys who'd looked surprised or even a bit appalled before but had gone to comaradic mirth a moment ago returned to, mostly, shock. "I'm gay, and I have been in love with this guy," at which point he pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in front of him, and kissed the nape of my neck before continuing with, "Since our freshman year. I thought I had balls, but I just found them yesterday. Mads and I are a couple."

He stood there, and I could feel his grin half a head above and behind me. Nobody said anything, and I started to get tense. Jimmy felt it, too, and he very slightly changed his hold on me and held me tighter, his big hands fully in contact with my torso, and it cave me comfort, if it didn't remove my apprehension.

Finally, when it was well past awkward, our team hot dog and hothead, Alex Meyers, took a step forward. His look wasn't particularly encouraging. "So, cap, you're fucking one of our teammates," he started.

Several of the other guys took steps forward and said, "WHOA!" or things like that. Jimmy put up his hand and stopped them. "Let him say what he wants to say, men; you can all say whatever you need to, then we leave whatever issues we have here in the locker room and go back to being a team."

"So what I was saying, Hastings, was that it seems like it's a conflict of interest for you now, if you're INVOLVED with one of the team." He said involved as if he was speaking of a deadly sin.

"You want to be team captain, Meyers?" Jimmy said loudly.

Murmurs of objection rippled through the room, and a couple of guys overtly said "fat chance" or "oh, HELL NO!"

"Because," Jimmy continued in a much lower voice, the voice I'd only heard a few times when he was really angry, "I'll accept a team vote if you think I shouldn't be team captain anymore," and then he took a step toward Meyers, gently moving me out of the way. "BUT," Jimmy said, even more grave, taking another step and putting out his big middle finger toward Meyers' heaving chest, "You'd have to have a personality transplant before our team would ever accept you as team captain." He'd finished almost chest to chest with Meyers, staring down the few inches into Meyers' flashing eyes.

"Meyers, we all know you want to be the star," Graham spoke up. "And we've all seen you naked, so we know it'll never be stardom in porn!" he said with a laugh.

"OH FUCK YOU!" Meyers spat, but Graham had his head in a headlock and was giving him nuggies, while the rest of the guys told him, in various wordings, to shut the fuck up.

"Look, men," Jimmy broke in. "I'm committed to this team; I always have been. But I haven't been open with you, my teammates, about who I am. Unlike VanD, who's always had the balls to be who he is without pretense, I had to pull my head out of my ass. Now I'm laying it out there for you . . . and doing the right thing by my boyfriend, Mads."

A few of the guys murmured in reaction to the further exposure with the word "boyfriend". I was standing in the background, shaking inside but refusing to show it. Finally Meyers broke free and took a step again, his face intense. "You fuck up this team when you figure out VanD isn't exactly . . . well, let's face it, most of the hard cocks on campus have found their way to HIM at some point!"

Jimmy whirled around, grabbed me and yanked me to him. He wrapped his arms around me TIGHT. "Meyers, unlike you, my life is full of different things. THIS guy," he said, hugging me into him from behind so tight that I coughed a little, trying to breathe, "Is MINE, now. UNlike you, Meyers, VanD's had an active sex life... other than with his hand!" The guys broke into laughs and outright guffaws. "And NOW," Jimmy continued, his deep voice intoning over the guys' roars of laughter and Meyers' beet-red face boring into the two of us, "He's with me." Jimmy clamped his arm tight around me, his big, muscular, furry arm over my shoulder and his big hand flat on my heaving chest.

Graham broke the uneasy silence which had descended, the only sounds Meyers' heaving breath and shuffling feet. "Guys, let's get on to practice and out of Hasty's and VanD's personal business, what do you say?" Everyone started moving, and Graham took a step closer. "Seriously, guys," he said to Jimmy and me, us still standing together, "Congratulations, okay? You're both like brothers to me, so I'll try not to think of this as incest," he told us with a grin.

Jimmy suddenly clamped me tighter and kissed the side of my neck. "If this is incest," he joked to Graham, "Then I'm the biggest perv there is, buddy!" With that Graham's grin went to embarrassment, and we all got on to practice.

As we were changing, Meyers' hateful stares were thinly veiled. I didn't get it. I knew he was frustrated that he wasn't the star, and I knew he spit nails every time he was reminded that Jimmy was our team captain or when I was appointed opposing squad captain during practice. But this, apparently, was worse, at least for now. I hoped it would fall away during practice, when the testosterone rush was turned toward competition and not revelations.

Inevitably, that wasn't what happened. Twice during practice Meyers managed to knee me in the nuts. The first time I reacted like every man who experiences that amazingly overwhelming pain does. Play stopped with the coach's whistle and yell, "VanD! You okay there?"

I had the choice – go after Meyers, directly attacking him or indirectly, by letting it be known to the others, or I could pull myself up and get beyond this. "Good, coach; just caught an elbow or something, catching my breath."

The second time Meyers came at me, I was ready, and although he got an even more crushing – literally – strike right on target, right to my still-aching balls, I caught his leg in my very strong legs, and I felt his leg bone snap when I twisted fast. "DUDE, sorry man – you okay?" I shouted, as if I didn't know he wasn't, as if I cared that he wasn't.

Several of the guys clapped me on the shoulder and, as quietly as possible, said, "Good going – he had it coming," and "Serves that a-hole right," and similar things. While all the commotion went on around getting Meyers, screaming in pain, out of the pool and checking him out, Jimmy got to my side and said, quietly, "I didn't see it, or I would have taken him out myself!"

As I had with the others, I said, simply, "Too bad about accidents; can't take a do-over. Shame."

Jimmy, I knew, was seething, and I was also seeing that rage of passion and desire I'd seen from him the night before. But he'd made his announcement – our announcement – and wouldn't break up the sportsmanlike standards to touch me there, in the pool, even though the circumstances demanded it of him. I was fiercely afraid he would, and I was also afraid he wouldn't, didn't really want to. FUCK! I was a mess!

Meyers was taken away, and we continued our winning season. Jimmy and I continued as a couple, him violently out and proud, me becoming more and more uncertain of my place, of Jimmy's and my relationship. Sure he fucked me hard and often and kissed me and held me; but to me there was a festering sense that I was his demonstration of his right and ability to be gay if he wanted to.

Christmas break came. I wasn't going home for Christmas, and I wasn't going with Jimmy to his family's, despite his pleas and then protests and intent to stay with me at school during the break. Of course, I forced him to go. And I was miserable that he did.

Jimmy emailed me a few times a day, and I emailed him back, but mine were fairly short, definitely shorter on expressions of carnal desire than his. On the fourth day he called me, and he told me he was dying there without me. I told him my ass was pretty lonely back in Chicago without his cock, too. Jimmy was very quiet after I said that; I knew he was at his parents', so how freely he could talk was in question. "I meant," he said more softly, after the pause had gone on too long, "I really miss you, Maddy."

I was pretty sure he meant it; who wouldn't miss my talented mancunt? "Me, too, Jimmy. Get home soon and fuck your Maddy," I said and hung up.

About four minutes later the buzzer sounded on my apartment about six times in rapid succession. Probably someone forgot their key . . . again. I punched button on the wall with an exasperated sigh and went back and flopped on my bed again, the fading scent of Jimmy at least barely around me.

My apartment door was flung open – damn me for as usual not locking it! – and I jumped up in my four-day-old boxers and shouted, "What the—"

My outrage was cut off when Jimmy emerged around the corner, grinning. "You said to come back soon," he said with a broad grin.

"Jimmy, your family, your holiday," I said lamely.

Jimmy took the few steps to where I was standing and swept me into his arms and off my feet, swinging my long legs around dangerously in the small space of my apartment. I was awash in the feel of him holding me tight against him, kissing my neck, swirling both of us around still. "You're going home with me, Maddy; two days from now is Christmas, and you're my Christmas present."

I stiffened in his arms. My head was spinning, not from the spinning around he'd given us. I couldn't go to his family's – Jimmy's family and all the drama with him bringing home a gay friend, a boyfriend – all the drama of a declaration and probably being thrown out on his ass, mine right behind, or before. I knew what these American families thought of gay sons, and I didn't think Jimmy's southern family would be the exception.

"Jimmy, put me the fuck down," I said, with as much determination as I could muster.

"With pleasure," he said, throwing me down on my bed and ripping my boxers off in the process. He dove on top of me, shucking his jacket as he did, but that's all. "I'm going to fuck you until it'll be all you can do is mumble incoherently," he grinned down at me as I struggled and protested, his already-hard cock pressed into me and mine traitorously hard as well. "And then all you'll be able to do is go with me," he growled.

"Jimmy—" I started, but he bit my nipple, and the bolt of electricity flew through me from my nipple to my balls to my wanton ass. "OH FUCK!" I hissed.

"Goddamn right, Maddy!" he roared, swallowing my big hardon in one gulp and grabbing my balls in a too-tight grip that made me NEED him inside me RIGHT FUCKING THEN. "I'm going to fuck you like the hot fucker you are who drives me crazy with need."

He was sucking me so deep and so hard, and I'd been so fucking horny and depressed wanting him that my body was confused and needy and soaring all at once. "OH FUCK, JIMMY!" was all I could murmur, as my fingers wove into his scalp, threatening to rip out his hair.

Jimmy was taking no prisoners this round, taking my engorged cockhead down his throat and then up again, licking and sucking my head relentlessly as he yanked and rubbed and twisted my nuts. I'd gone zero to sixty just like that and was screaming, "OH FUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK JIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ORRR I'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL—" but as I warned him my balls were already exploding in his grip, as if he was squeezing my climax out of me. "WHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" I yelled and bucked as he held me firmly by my balls with my cock fully down his throat, humming and making skyrockets blast through me.

I came so fucking hard I thought afterward I'd cut my cock on his teeth while I was bucking and writhing and spasming. When my first blast flew through my cockshaft and out my tip into his throat, Jimmy pulled back and sucked and licked my over-sensitized head HARD and mercilessly, gurgling as he took my cumspurts.

I was crazed, the feel of his tongue and mouth over-working my cock to the point of me screaming for him to stop, unable to get away from his iron grip on my emptying nuts. And then, just like that, my cock was free of him, my body slackening so suddenly from the cessation of stimulation that it ripped through me, leaving regret and wanting behind. But then, just as suddenly, he had my legs high up in the air, and his lips against my hole. "FUCK JIMMMMMMMY!" I shouted. "I should—" but I couldn't tell him I should at least shower up quickly because his lips spread me, and his tongue entered me, and he was spitting my own cum into my fuckhole.

"Oh FUCK you taste fucking GOOD!" he growled in a momentary pull-away, then dove back in again.

"Jimmmmmmmmmmmy," I moaned. And he wasn't Jimmy right then, at least he was also Jimmy but was my fuck-beast again, ravenous and unstoppable. "AAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I moaned, losing any ability to think about anything other than having him possess me, to satisfy his manly needs.


I felt Jimmy's big, full bull nuts smack my ass as I was screaming from his invasion, and then I felt his lips crushed against mine, his tongue invading my mouth as his cock was already pounding me into oblivion.

I clamped my arms around Jimmy's neck and kissed him with all the intensity of the worry and uncertainty and loneliness and want I'd wallowed in the past four days, eliciting a growl and even faster, harder thrusts into me.

His huge fuckmeat had me stretched to the limit, as it always did, and the rubbing on my prostate had me halfway to climax all over again – it was unavoidable, as thick as that beastcock of his was . . . and I fucking loved it. Jimmy's thrusts were crazed – faster and harder and deeper, grinding into my ass as if he was trying to get more of him inside me than ever before. When he broke the kiss and bit my neck HARD and sucked on it, I felt myself cry out again with all the verbal force of the explosion that had started in my balls and was spraying out my cock between us. "FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!"

The last I consciously remembered was his shout as I felt that incredible fucklog of his getting harder and thicker inside me, and I knew his cumload was about to be blasted deep inside me. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, MADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYY! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!"

And then he was filling me, and my own climax went to another level entirely, ripping me from conscious awareness into a roiling sea of emotions and sensations as I felt his seed drenching my cunt and guts.

I was panting, trying to catch my breath with the weight of my beast on me, also panting his hot breath against my shoulder. I relaxed my legs which had been wrapped around him, remembering the feel of fucking back into his relentless thrusts, my heels planted in his amazing marble buttglobes of muscle. My arms were already relaxed but still around his neck, and I moved one hand and ran my hand through his sweaty hair. "MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," he moaned. "Maddy," he said, and if I wasn't already completely melted and in his power absolutely, that would have taken me there. "My Maddy," he murmured, his lips tickling the base of my neck, as if needing to annihilate any willpower of mind other than to be his sex-slave.

"All yours, Jimmy," was all I could say.

"Come home with me for Christmas, Maddy," he asked softly, finishing with a tender kiss to a slightly sore spot on my neck.

"Jimmy, anything you want, but—"

"But fucking nothing, Maddy," he said with a laugh. Besides, if I don't bring you back with me, my folks will have a fucking fit!"

He was looking at me then, and his lips were as exciting to me in my vision as they had been against my cock, nipples, asslips, neck, lips . . . I struggled to focus on his words.

"Maddy, I told my family – about me, about us." A flash of panic went through me. " . . . are all crazed to meet you now. So you see, if I don't bring you back with me, not only will my parents be pissed off because they sent me here to get you, but they'll be pissed off enough that the ticket I have for you will go to waste, AND I won't be home for Christmas because no way I'm leaving you again, and then I'm really fucked!"

"About being fucked . . . " I softly whispered up to him with a big grin.

"Well and truly fucked . . . in the very best way," he grinned. "THAT'S what YOU get from me, I promise." Then he looked shy, all of a sudden. "As long as you want me, that is."

I pulled him in and, with my lips against his, said, "I'm yours, Jimmy."

He rubbed his fingers lightly against my cheek and looked at me searchingly. "Maddy," he whispered. "I wasted all that fucking time the past few years, and then I let you make me go home alone. I'm a fucking idiot."

"Do NOT talk that way about my boyfriend!" I said, grinning and was rewarded by Jimmy's grin down at me. "Especially when he just fucked me THAT good!" I said, with a more evil grin. "Now when do we leave?" I asked, moving under him in a way he knew I hoped it wouldn't be right away.

"We've got enough time," he said, and his big cock was getting harder inside me again. "Mmmmmm, maybe JUST enough," he grinned.

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Next: Chapter 8

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