My Sons Friend Colin

By Doug Isntmyrealname

Published on Jan 1, 2022


Hi everybody, thanks so much for your feedback about the story so far! It is really motivating to know that people are reading it.

Thanks so much to Nifty too - they've been really patient with me as a new contributor, including when I asked to change the awkward title early on. I hope you'll consider donating to support this amazing place.


Chapter 4

The next morning I made breakfast as usual. When the boys came out of Danny's room, Colin could not stop smiling, and I mostly couldn't either. We didn't get a chance to talk about anything before they left, but as Colin was giving me a hug goodbye, he leaned up and kissed me quickly on the neck. I couldn't risk kissing him back with Danny so close by, but god I wanted to. I hugged him harder and growled softly in his ear.

After they left, I realized that waiting another month for Danny to get bored and invite Colin over was not going to work for me. I had no idea what to do, I didn't even have Colin's number, and calling his parents to reach him sounded terrifying. I had only met them a couple of times over the years and they seemed like assholes - that was part of the reason Colin always came over here. How they wound up with such a sweet, thoughtful kid I'll never know. Danny could never know what was going on between us, and there's no way I could convince him to skip a party to hang out with Colin, just to get him over here. Maybe getting Colin's number was the first step. But what would I even say to him if I did?

While I was in bed the night before, I remembered having the thought that a big weight had been lifted, and I could be totally honest now. I hadn't considered the fuckton of lies it was going to take to keep this afloat. I pulled out my phone and made something up.

DAD: Hey Danny, Colin left a bunch of stuff over here last night. I know you're out all day, will you send me his number and I can just ask him to come get them.

I had been in the room already and didn't see anything of Colin's. I had no idea what I would say if Danny had offered to take Colin's things to him, but that really wasn't his style these days, so I took the risk. I got a response almost instantly; Danny was of course glued to his phone.

DANNY: sure thanks dad xxx-xxx-xxxx

Step 1, complete. Next, I had to figure out what the hell to say to Colin. I tried to keep it clean.

MR. PATRICK: Hello Colin, it's Mr. Patrick. I am very, very happy you could stay with us this weekend. You left some of your things over here, and I wonder if you might want to pick them up next Saturday. I'm sorry to say Danny will be out of town at a friend's house in Portland, so it will be just me, but you're welcome to stay for dinner if you would like.

I hit send and was immediately filled with anxiety about what his response might be... or that he might not respond at all... or that he's changed his mind about me, or that his parents might find his phone, or that Danny might catch on, or who the fuck knows what else, and at the same time my dick got so hard in my pants thinking about last night and also maybe next week.

I went back into Danny's room and pulled the blanket off the guest bed, just to smell him a little more before I finally had to do laundry and return to non-horny adult living. It turns out Colin had left me something after all. Tucked between the sheets was his underwear from last night - the American Eagle navy blue and white striped boxer briefs. I pictured his mischief smile as he was leaving them there, and then I blushed when I realized that he was commando when he gave me that kiss on the neck this morning. I unbuttoned my pants almost before I knew what I was doing, and let them fall to the floor as I grabbed my growing bulge. I pulled down my briefs and held Colin's underwear to my face, moving it to seek out every smell I could find - ass, taint, balls, and then... my face touched a still-damp spot. I smelled it, and suddenly was overtaken by that same disoriented feeling from last night, like my brain had called it quits and my dick was in charge. Colin put a load in those briefs this morning, and then left them here for me. Jesus fucking christ.

I closed my eyes and began to stroke. I thought about that moment he stood before me while I sat in the recliner.

I imagined other ways things could have gone. In my mind, I turn him around, reaching a hand down into his waistband, pulling his shorts and underwear down to the base of his ass, running the back of my fingers through his furry crack. I turn my palm up and slide my hand under him. "Wag that tail for me, Collie Dog." He bends forward a bit and wiggles against my hand. I put some pressure against him as he moves back and forth, my hand gently spreading his cheeks. "Mm, good boy," I respond. I lean back in the chair and shuck off my pajama pants. My dick slaps my stomach, then stands at attention. "Now sit."

I came standing up in Danny's room, Colin's underwear pressed to my face, spraying ribbons of cum onto the guest bed. I thrust into the air and shuddered. Just then my phone buzzed, in my pocket on the floor. My heart was in my throat as I dug through my crumpled pants.

COLIN: Oh hi Mr. Patrick :)

COLIN: I must have left a real mess for you

COLIN: Oops sorry <3

His flirt made my dick twitch, still dripping onto the sheets below. He was trying to be sneaky, but this could not get out of hand over text. We had to be careful.

MR. PATRICK: It's no trouble. Can you come get your things on Saturday?

He could tell I wasn't here for innuendo.

COLIN: Yes Mr. Patrick.

MR. PATRICK: Great, thank you Colin. I'll see you at 7.



I was smiling too.

Colin and I didn't text again until Saturday, which was the safe thing to do, but the pressure to talk to him was almost unbearable. I couldn't stop thinking about his sweet face, his sense of humor, his belly laugh. I wanted to tell him every time something we had talked about came up, and everything new I thought of that seemed funny or interesting. I wanted to rent a cabin by the ocean a couple towns away and spend a weekend with him, somewhere nobody could find us. I imagined beach combing during the day and at night, maybe making some popcorn and watching a dumb horror movie from when I was a kid, Friday The Thirteenth or Scream or something. I wondered if he would laugh more or squirm more, or if he might need to squeeze my hand or put his face in my chest when it got gory. Maybe he'd be bored by the ancient special effects and just rest his head on my lap. Every option sounded great.

More than anything though, I wanted to touch him. I jacked off more that week than I had since Danny was born, imagining every location, scenario, and position I could possibly think of; every fantasy my ex-wife had shot down and all the ones I never told her about. I kept his boxer briefs in my night stand and didn't wash them until Friday, after I'd cum a thousand times to the gradually fading smell of his body in them.

When Saturday came, I tried to act like it was a normal day until Danny left the house, doing whatever pre-Colin cleaning I felt like I could get away with without it seeming unusual. Danny left at about four, and I picked up the pace. I started chicken parmesan for dinner. I showered, brushed, flossed, shaved, and trimmed my nails. I stood in front of the mirror and felt like Danny getting ready for a party as I pulled everything out of my closet, tried it on, hated it, and left it in a pile on my bed. I looked at my still-naked body and wanted to change everything. I wished I had hotter underwear, but eventually settled on a relatively new pair of gray boxer briefs. I put on some old jeans that I think made my butt look ok, and a green plaid shirt I often wore to job sites when I'd be meeting the big shots, with a white t-shirt underneath. I tucked the shirt in, then untucked it, then tucked it in again and left it. It'll have to do.

At about 6:55, dinner was in the oven, the house was clean, I was dressed and ready, although I was so nervous I had pitted out my undershirt roughly the second I put it on. The doorbell rang, and my heart skipped a beat. I checked my look one more time and went to open the door. He was in jeans this time, and you could tell he had put a little more effort into his hair, which was mostly the same, just a little neater. I'm not sure, but I think he was nervous too.

"Hello, Collie Dog."

He looked at me in the doorway and for the first time since he was maybe eleven, he shyly made a little bark sound back to me. "Ruff!"

I laughed. I'd really missed that playful part of him when he was in the throes of teenage anxiety. "Oh, he can speak! I wonder what other tricks he can do."

He gave me the mischief smile. "Lots, but you'll have to find the right way to ask," he said and took a step closer.

My pants felt tighter almost instantly. I closed the door behind him and locked both locks, and then the chain. Please, let nobody find us like this. I put my hands on his upper arms and looked him in the eyes. "Colin, I want you to know that you don't have to do any of this if you don't want to. I care about you a lot and-"

"Mr. Patrick, I want this so bad. Don't worry."

I leaned in and kissed him, once first, and then again, deeper, tilting his head back. I could feel it radiate through me as I tasted him again. It was better than I remembered. There was no way we were going to make it through dinner first. I took his hand. "Come with me."

I led him to the bedroom and closed the door. I sat him on the edge of my bed, which was fairly tall, and stood between his legs. We kissed more, exploring with our hands as we did. I pulled his shirt and sweatshirt off over his head, and then unbuttoned my own. My armpits were still damp. I stopped kissing him for a second. "I'm sorry, I was so nervous. I sweat a lot."

"I really like the way you smell, Mr. Patrick."


"Yeah, I... I used to really like to hug you after you'd been at work all day." He said, a little embarrassed.

"Wow, Danny's mom used to make me shower before I got in bed with her, even just to take a nap." I said, and then immediately regretted bringing her up right now.

Colin playfully rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Well, I think she was boring and wore too much perfume."

I belly laughed. He paused for a second and said more seriously, "It didn't seem like she was very nice to you, Mr. Patrick. I'm glad she's not here... really glad." He pulled my shirt off my shoulders and down my arms and kissed me again. I was glad she wasn't here either.

As we kissed, he put his arms around my neck, allowing me to explore his body. I ran my hands through his furry armpits, down his chest, under the curve of his belly, and slowly slid one hand down between his legs. He moaned softly into my mouth as I gently rubbed his bulge, already fully hard. My hand drifted up to the underside of his belly, and lifted it just a little to undo the button of his jeans and slowly lower the zipper. I started to push him backwards onto the bed, but he resisted.

"Wait," he said as he recoiled a bit.

A flush of fear swept through me. "Are you ok Colin? Was that too far?"

He looked at me and smiled. "No it's great! This is all great, I just... I wanna see you too this time... in case we get interrupted again."

My dick throbbed. "That sounds good." I held up my arms, giving him free reign to touch wherever he wanted. "Ok then, Collie Dog. I'm all yours, do your worst."

He looked at me and blushed. I let him pull my shirt off, and got a whiff of myself again. "Are you sure my smell is ok for you?"

Colin nodded. "I like it a lot, Mr. Patrick. I'm sorry if that's weird."

"No, of course not, it's great. It's..." I wasn't ready to tell him how many times I've jacked off into his sheets or underwear, how horny the smell of his crotch makes me. "It's really hot, that you like it. I like your smell a lot too."

"Really?" He kind of scrunched up his face.

I chuckled, "Yeah, really. I think you smell great, you know, for a dog."

"Ruff!" He said it a little louder this time. I don't know why it made my dick throb to hear him say that. He stood up from the edge of the bed, and his unbuttoned pants sagged a little, exposing the top of his waistband. He put my arms on his shoulders, and then explored my slim, furry chest. Nobody had touched me like that in so long - it felt incredible. He seemed mesmerized, looking where his hands were, and not up at me. Eventually, he undid my belt, and then had a little bit of a hard time with the button on my pants. It seemed like his hands were shaking.

"Here, let me help you." I said softly and unbuttoned my pants. With wallet, keys and phone weighing them down, they dropped to the floor with an awkward clunk. My boner stretched to the left side of my boxer briefs, and there was a sizable wet spot where the head was, damp on the edges and shiny in the middle. Colin looked stunned - it wasn't all that amazing a tool, thicker than his but not longer than average really. I think he was just overwhelmed with the moment.

"Are you ok, Colin? You can touch it if you want." He nodded, but still didn't move. I took one of his hands, and put it on the shaft. He moved his hand along it, gingerly at first, then a little more firmly. When he reached the wet spot at the head I shuddered, and he jerked his hand back. I laughed. "It's ok, that's a good shudder. You're doing great, it feels amazing."

I let him feel down the shaft and under my balls with one and then both hands, but I could tell he was still having some trouble with nerves. "You can take them off if you want to." He looked up at me for the first time since I unbuttoned my pants, to make sure I meant it. "I can do it if you would rather."

"No." He answered quickly. "...I'd like to do it, Mr. Patrick." He rubbed his hand across the patch of hair below my navel, and then tucked his fingers into the waistband of my underwear and pulled them down. My dick sprang free and faced front, the head slick and wet, as my underwear dropped to the floor. He wrapped his hand softly all the way around my shaft, feeling the girth.

I shuddered again, a big one, but he didn't let go this time. "Good boy, Collie Dog." I told him, and lifted his chin with my hand to kiss him deeply. I ran a hand through his hair. When we separated, he was looking directly at me, with a question on his face.

He paused to find the right way to ask. "Can I... Is it ok... if I put my mouth on it?"

My dick jumped in his hand as he asked. "I'd like that a lot."

He held onto the shaft as he leaned over awkwardly, still standing, and tried to put it in his mouth. I put my hands on his shoulders to stop him. "It might be easier if you were... on your knees."

He looked up at me, and then without a word tugged his sagging pants up a little and knelt down in front of me. I felt like I could have cum just seeing him in this position, about to take me in his mouth. Looking down, I could see a little bit of the fuzzy cleft at the top of his cheeks, disappearing into darkness in his underwear. I couldn't wait to get in there. As I was looking at his ass, he slipped the head of my dick into his mouth, and it took me by surprise. I moaned loudly, and my dick twitched hard.

He pulled back. "Was that too fast?"

"Oh no Colin, it's great. Keep going," I replied.

He slipped the head back in, and it took everything in me not to just thrust the rest in. His mouth was incredible - warm and smooth and wet. As good as it felt to explore it in a kiss, it was nothing compared to this. I stroked his hair out of his face as he ran his tongue along the underside of the shaft, then took it in a little deeper. He eventually made it almost the whole length before I could feel it hit the back of his throat. I watched his chest jerk as he gagged once, then pulled back a little, but not all the way out. He started to find a rhythm, and I couldn't help but thrust a little. He gagged every now and then, but never stopped. It was really hot watching him work so hard at this. It was clear how badly he wanted it - he was moaning more than I was. I could feel an orgasm building in me, but it was too soon. I'd been waiting for this for too long.

I put my hands on his head, pulled out of his mouth, and gently turned his face up to look at me. He looked blissed out, like he was in a dream. His eyes only opened about halfway. His mouth was slick with spit. "That was amazing, Collie Dog. I don't want it to end just yet. I'll give you what you want, but I want to see a little more of you too."

I knelt down on the floor in front of him and kissed his sloppy mouth. It tasted like my precum. Colin had been a little tense so far, but now seemed so very relaxed. I had lost my nerves too, but in a different way. I felt like I was just getting started.

"Here, lie back." I nudged him backwards, and he laid on his back on the carpet. I pulled his jeans off, and got a good look at his underwear, white stretchy briefs with navy blue piping. His dick pointed straight up, and the underwear looked stretched to its absolute limit. His wet spot was even bigger than mine had been. I had other things I wanted to do, but I couldn't help but take a minute here. I put my lips on the wet spot, and got another taste of his sweet, salty precum. I was starving for him. I licked the slick spot right at the head, and he moaned softly and pressed his hips up into my mouth.

I reached my hands around his thighs and ran a finger just under the leg band of the underwear. He instinctively lifted his thighs and spread them to allow better access as I moved to the inside of his thighs. I barely lifted my head at all as I reached up for the waistband and pulled the briefs off in the back first, over his ass, then in the front, over the head of his dick. My mouth was salivating enough, and he was slick enough already that I could take his whole length in the first try, and he writhed with pleasure beneath me. I blew him slowly, pressing my face into the softness at the base of his dick to take him all the way in, and felt him pumping precum into my mouth. I stopped when I could tell he was getting close, and made eye contact with him over his belly.

"Get on all fours for me." He obliged, and looked over his shoulder at me, as I got the first good look at his ass. His abdomen tapered a bit at his waist, which showed the texture where his underwear band had been, and then widened again at his full hips and thighs. The patch of hair at the center of his lower back continued between his cheeks, with some denser fur that I could just barely see closer to his hole. I slid a hand from the furry patch at his lower back down to just below his balls. He dropped his head low and pushed back slightly into my hand.

I used both hands to gently spread his cheeks, exposing his slightly darker hole, surrounded by coarser hair. As I did, I watched his hole pucker and then loosen again. I scooted forward and kissed first his lower back, then the upper part of his crack, then spread his cheeks a little wider and licked. His hole tightened against my tongue as I heard him suck in a quick breath, then moan hard as he relaxed again. I licked around it in circles, feeling the muscular ring, and then pressed into the center, first gently, then harder. I felt him reflexively push against my tongue, then submit to it. His ass smelled like he did, but even better, so funky and personal a smell that he'd never shared with anybody else. I wanted to wear it on my face. This was my secret smell. This ass was mine now.

I broadened my tongue and licked in broad strokes across his hole, up towards his low back. He moaned low and slow, and arched his back and pressed into my face, which spread his cheeks even a little more, giving me better access. While I worked I massaged just below his balls, and sometimes reached around to his dick, which was dripping precum drop by drop in long strings onto the carpet. Occasionally I would lick my fingers to keep his dick slippery. Colin dropped from his hands to his forearms and rested his head on them, totally lost in the moment. His back was arched so beautifully that way, ass up, ready for me.

While my left hand gently stroked the length of his dick, I removed my face and put the pad of my right index finger against his slick hole, first making gentle circles like my tongue, then adding some gentle pressure in the center.

"Is it ok if I go in a little bit Colin?" I asked him, kindly but clearly.

Forehead on his forearms, he nodded. "It feels so good, Mr. Patrick."

"Mm, I'm glad Collie Dog. If you want it, wag that tail for me."

Colin wiggled his butt, sending a little ripple down the back of his thighs.

"What a good boy."

I put firmer, oscillating pressure against his hole. Eventually it started to give, and I was able to gently press in about a half a knuckle. His whole body seemed to go a little limp with pleasure.

"Does that feel good, Collie Dog?"

I barely heard his response, muffled by his arms and the carpet. "Mm... Ruff!"

I pushed in and out slowly at that shallow depth, and then pulled out and wet my finger again in my mouth. This time, I could get it easily two knuckles deep. I gently and slowly pushed in and out as Colin relaxed even more to accommodate me. He was hungry for more. I pushed all the way in and made a downward-pointing, come-here motion, aiming at his prostate. He shuddered, first in his thighs and then in his trunk, and let out a higher pitched, more urgent moan. I felt like I had reached his molten core. I slid my finger out about one knuckle and back in a few times slowly, putting just a little more pressure each time as I went back in. I used the thumb and index finger of my left hand to massage just beneath his balls. I could see his back sag even more as he let go. I pushed my finger all the way in and left it.

"What do you think, Collie Dog. Do you want to stop here?"

He shook his head no against his forearms.

"Roll over, puppy."

He rolled onto his back, knees bent, feet on the floor. I crawled over him, lifting his thighs with my knees, folding him. When we were face to face, I kissed him again, my tongue deeper than ever. He wrapped his arms around my neck and sighed while we kissed. I shifted my hips forward slightly and dragged the slick head of my dick through his crack. He took a fast breath squeezed me tighter. I shifted my hips a couple times up and back down, and then put a little pressure on his hole with the head.

I addressed him with a little less romance, trying to be really clear. "Do you want to try this? It's ok if you wanna wait, or not do it at all, ok?"

He looked at me sweetly, still in orbit from everything we'd done so far and nodded. "I really want it."

"It might feel a little uncomfortable, but I want you to tell me right away to stop if it hurts, ok?"

He nodded again. "I promise."

"That's my good dog," I told him, and then kissed him. I put a little more pressure on his hole, in and out but not penetrating yet, just to help him accommodate to the feeling of something bigger. Slowly, gradually, I started to push in. Each millimeter was a world of difference for Colin, I could tell. He was still so tight, even after the tongue and my finger.

"Try to think about pushing out a little, Colin. It'll help you relax."

I ran my hand along his dick, wiping up some of his dripping precum. I put a little on my dick, and then ran my still-slick finger around his hole, and pushed just inside. He watched me at first, and then closed his eyes when I inserted the finger. Without me asking him, he pulled his knees back. My dick pulsed as I looked down at him - hole in the air, hungry for me.

I put the head back against his hole, and could already feel it was sliding better than before. I put more pressure against him and the head slipped in. It sent a shock through me, and I ached to go deeper.

"Are you doing ok?" I asked him, trying to sound calmer than I was. He looked a little overwhelmed, but nodded. "No pain, right?"

"No, I'm good. Keep going, please." After a pause, "...just go slow."

I leaned down to him and gave him a kiss. "I promise. Just please tell me if you want to stop." He nodded.

I pushed the head slowly in and out, spreading his precum and mine inside him. As it started to move more easily, I thrust a little farther, bit by bit. I could feel him tighten around me with each progression, and then relax, but even relaxed it was still so tight. I was going slow for his sake, but for mine too - it was so warm inside him and the friction felt incredible, I didn't want to cum only halfway in. I watched his breathing, short with each new length and then longer breaths as he got used to the depth. His eyes were closed most of the time, and his brow was furrowed with effort. I could see beads of sweat start to form in the center of his chest and on his forehead. When I finally bottomed out I stopped for a second, to slow things down for me and to give him a chance to accommodate.

"You did it, Collie Dog. I'm all the way in. Are you doing ok?" I leaned forward, close to him.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. His face relaxed. "It feels so good." He put his hands on my face and leaned up to kiss me

"Do you want me to finish inside you Colin?" I tried to sound like I didn't have a preference.

His face melted. He didn't speak, only nodded.

I wrapped my elbows under his knees, folding him up more to give me a better angle. I pulled about halfway out and slid back in to the hilt, slowly, feeling my bush rub against him. He began to moan as I gradually picked up the pace, checking his face often to make sure he was ok. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I put more pressure on each thrust. I started to pull out almost all the way, rotating my hips to drive big, full strokes into him as he held on tight to my neck. His voice rose in pitch as he was pushed to his limit. My furry stomach rubbed against his dick and belly, and I could feel how slick that contact was as I fucked more precum out of him. I tried to increase that As I got close to finishing I started to growl in his ear. We were both damp with sweat now as I thrust into him, to the hilt but still pressing to get even deeper in. I wanted to put a load so far in this boy that it would stay there forever. I rubbed my sweaty face against his neck, my shaggy scruff against his smooth skin, and felt the vibration of his moans in my head.

He came first, squeezing my neck and yelling at the ceiling. As I felt his hole tighten around me each time his cum sprayed between us, I lost it. I held him tightly in every way I could - I pressed my head into his neck, wrapped his legs tight with my arms, and squeezed my thighs against his hips, as my abdominals contracted hard and I pressed deep, deep inside him. I felt wave after wave of cum spray into him, my whole body tight and pulsing with each pump, immobilizing him while he took my load. I held him long after I was finished, reluctant even then to let go.

I pulled my softening cock out of him and looked into his eyes to make sure he was ok. He was an absolute mess - cum and spit and sweat all over, and also blissed out, smiling ear to ear. I flopped one of his legs towards the other one and laid down beside him on the ratty carpet on my bedroom floor. I leaned over him and we kissed again, silently, as I slid a hand down slowly between his balls and his thigh, down into the cum-covered slick of his ass. He spread his legs again and moaned softly up at me.

I released from the kiss but left my hand. I smiled down at him. "I can't send you home like this Collie Dog. Let's get you cleaned up."

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