My Sons Friend Colin

By Doug Isntmyrealname

Published on Nov 30, 2021


Hi everybody, thanks for reading and for saying hello! Here's Chapter 2 as promised. I am so thankful to Nifty for this platform to connect with all of you. I have read stories for years here but I donated today for the first time, please consider doing that too if you can.

My Son's Friend Colin

Chapter 2

I slept like shit that night, but I still wanted to make breakfast for the boys - fully dressed now, in khakis and a flannel shirt. Colin came into the kitchen a couple minutes before Danny did, in his street clothes from yesterday, like he wasn't sure if he should stay or leave. He kept looking at me but I didn't know what to say, other than the very smallest small talk. I wanted to apologize but I didn't know if that would just make it worse. Luckily, my boy Danny was born without a sensor for awkwardness, and once he got to the kitchen it all started to feel normal again as he crashed his way into our conversation, or lack of one. It helped that he didn't know anything about what had happened, at least I hoped not. Danny was headed out to see some friends that afternoon and started getting ready to go. Colin seemed like maybe he wanted to stay, but I told him I had too much work to do and he'd have to go. He gave me a hug before he left and somehow, it felt the same as usual. Maybe it was even bigger, I don't know. It was a relief, honestly. After the boys left, I didn't realize until maybe an hour later that my jaw had been clenched all morning.

I went into Danny's room to get the sheets from the guest bed. It still smelled like Colin - mostly his laundry detergent, but also something hard to describe; sort of sour in a good way. Sometimes I would lean my head down when we hugged just to get a little of that smell. He just smells good to me, like a whole person, good and bad, kind of boyish, kind of like a man. As I pulled the top sheet off, I saw some scattered light colored spots in the middle of the bottom sheet. I leaned in to take a better look, and my dick jumped in my pants - I think Colin must have jacked off onto the sheet after I went to bed. He must not have been as freaked out about my bulge as I was afraid of. As I looked at the cum stain I thought about those thin cotton shorts he was wearing last night, and the outline of his boxer briefs underneath. Even the diagonal seams on the back of his underwear were visible, stretched against his thick ass and thighs. I ran my hand across the dried, rough stain and wondered how he slept in that bed - I pictured him lying half on his stomach with a knee pulled up, in just boxer briefs and a white tee that I bet rides up in the night. My bulge began to throb against my fly as I imagined him pulling his underwear down and rubbing one out.

I locked the door to Danny's room. I knew they were out of the house but this was so fucked up. I pulled my khakis and briefs down to my ankles, so fast I couldn't change my mind, and sat down on the bed by his cum stain. With one hand holding his top sheet to my face I breathed in his smell and jacked off into the sheet, as it dangled down to the floor below. I imagined getting into the bed behind him in the night while he's jacking off, slipping my thigh up slowly between his. I imagined sliding a hand under his shirt along his belly fuzz and pulling him against me while he escalates, helping to keep him still so he doesn't wake anybody up. I can feel his breathing as it gets faster against my chest. He holds his breath when he climaxes, and I wrap his body tightly while he shudders. My hard dick is pressed between his cheeks as his hips jerk, spraying cum on the sheets. In the darkness, I lean in close to his ear and whisper, "Good job, Collie Dog."

I growled and came hard into the sheet, shot after shot, like it was coming from deep inside me. Seconds later I felt like a fucking creep. I wiped off the cum, threw the laundry in the washer and got in the shower. Whatever the fuck that was I hoped it was out of my system.

I tried not to think about any of what had happened that weekend, and just focused on how much I enjoyed having Colin be a friend to my boy. I did not want to to mess that up for them, and when I thought about it that way, it wasn't that hard to reframe the whole thing. It felt good to feel like I was back to normal again.

About three weeks later, Danny had one of those rare weekend nights without any plans, and I agreed he could have Colin over. A couple hours later, he was at the door - same shorts, different hoodie, same backpack. I had to admit I did feel nervous about him coming, and I hesitated to say yes even, but once he got here it felt like none of that stuff from last time had ever happened. Colin and I talked so much at dinner, about serious stuff and stupid stuff too. Government, time travel, snack foods that should never have been invented - Danny talked too, but I think maybe Collie and I were just happy to have that behind us. After dinner the boys went to Danny's room while I cleaned up.

I wondered if Colin would want to talk after Danny went to sleep. I was not about to make the same mistake twice, so I put on a snug pair of tighty whities under my pajama pants, in case I got hard being around him again. I looked in the mirror before I left my room - I wasn't doing that bad for 38, but man, it sure could be better. I used to be sporty like Danny, even into my late 20s, but after Danny was born there was no time for that. I was still a medium-light build, just with a little pudge. In the plus column, I had scattered but I think handsome chest hair, mostly spread across my chest with a decent trail running down my stomach, and when all else fails at least I have my height.

I left the room, got a beer and turned on the TV. Suddenly I felt so nervous, I couldn't decide if it was scarier to imagine I had freaked him out that night a while back, or to imagine that he might have feelings for me. I tried to remember his face when he saw my tented pajama pants, but I couldn't say for sure if it seemed like that was a good or bad surprise for him. I wanted to be clear-headed, but my mind was racing. I drank the first beer so fast... and then the second. I didn't know what else to do with my hands. By the third I could go a little slower, and that's when I heard the bedroom door creak open. My stomach turned inside out.

"Hey Mr. Patrick." He looked happy to see me, I think?

"Hey Collie Dog. Couldn't sleep again?"

"No, could you?"

"I didn't really even try, I sort of wondered if you'd want to come hang out." I instantly regretted telling him that. "Not hang out, I mean, if you needed to sleep out here again I just wanted to be around, just in case you needed something."

I watched as a big grin crossed his face. It was hard to tell in the TV light if he was blushing or not. "I know what you meant, Mr. Patrick. Thanks. Can I come sit down? You don't need to leave."

"Sure Colin."

I watched him walk down the hall, around the recliner to sit on the couch. He was in the same shorts and t-shirt, and I watched for all the seam lines I saw through his shorts last time, each one tracing a little line around the curves of his hips. Was he in the same underwear? I noticed with dread that my dick was already getting hard. As he started to sit, I could see a little bit of the waistband of his boxer briefs. It was covered up by his shorts in the back, showed on the sides, and then folded in half and just barely disappeared under his belly in the front. I blurted out, "American Eagle."

Colin turned to me, a little confused. "What?"

I can't remember when in my life I've ever wanted a redo more than this moment. "Sorry, I just saw that name on your... clothing. I don't know where folks your age shop, is that a cool place?"

Colin started to laugh, and then gave me the mischief smile. "Are you asking about my underwear, Mr. Patrick?"

I wanted to leave, but less like exiting to the bedroom, and more like breaking through a wall and never turning back. I took a quick breath to reset. "Wow yeah, in retrospect, that was weird, I get it. Danny's birthday is coming up in May, I just want to know where to take him. It's ok, I can look it up."

Colin leaned left and right on the couch as he tugged his shirt down over his waist. "Ah ok, I see. Yeah, these are sort of old, but maybe Danny would like that place." And then there was that smile again. "Good news for you, they do sell other stuff, and not just underwear."

I deserved that. I theatrically put my face in my hands. "Wonderful, thank you Colin. This has been great, I'm so glad I asked."

Colin laughed. I think I smoothed this one over, thank God. He gave my insincere question some honest consideration and said, "Honestly, I don't know where Danny would want to shop. We do such different stuff most of the time, I really don't know what he wants to dress like anymore."

I couldn't care less about the clothes, but I did worry about Danny hurting Colin. "Are you and Danny still getting along? It seems like you two are good, when you're together."

"Yeah, we're fine. I feel like a puppy he's forgotten about sometimes, but we care about each other a lot still I'm sure," He replied politely, but maybe he was sad too. I wanted to hold him.

"You boys do seem like an odd pair sometimes. He's such a tornado all the time, and you are so thoughtful. If it's ok for me to ask, what do you get out of your friendship with him these days?"

Colin shrugged. "He makes me laugh, I don't have a lot of other friends, and I don't really have time to make new ones now, before I get out of here in the fall." It seemed like he had more to say, so I gave him a second. He spoke more slowly this time, looking at his hands in his lap. "Also, when I come over I get to talk to you."

My heart melted. I would never have forgiven myself if I had messed this up and he thought I was some horny old freak. "Collie Dog, I..." I wanted to tell him everything, but I just couldn't. "...I forgot to offer you a beer. We never really got to have one last time after I got so sleepy all of a sudden. Can I get you one?"

He looked up from his hands and smiled, and then looked down at my beer. "I don't think I want a whole one. Can I share that one with you?"

My dick pushed against my briefs. "Sure." I handed him the bottle. Even just our fingers touching for a second felt so different to me now. I tried to make a joke. "I hope you remember this tomorrow after an entire half a beer."

Colin took a big swig and gulped it down. He started to sway on the couch, then slow-blinked at me and slurred, "Yyyewer lookin prettiurr evurr sekun, Misssur Pahtruck."

I belly laughed, and Colin put a hand on my arm to quiet me down so we didn't wake Danny up. I put my hand on his and gave him some side eye. "Wow Colin, you sure are flirty when you're 1950s cartoon drunk. Well, I think you're real handsome too, in spite of your life of excess." The joke fell flat. He kept looking at my hand on top of his and didn't say anything, then we both pulled our hands back. He tugged at his shirt again, and when he did it I saw for a split second - holy shit - Colin was hard too. I could see his dick pushing up under his belly, stretching his shorts. My face flushed, and my pants felt so tight. He caught me looking at his bulge.

"I'm sorry Mr. Patrick... it just happened."

I feel like this was all my fault. "No, it's ok, Collie Dog. It happens to guys all the time, dads too. It doesn't have to mean anything, it just happens sometimes."

He tugged his shirt down a little more and shifted in his chair, like he was under a spotlight. He took a shallow breath and asked quietly, "Mr. Patrick... are you gay?"

Straight guys don't cum their brains out smelling another guy's dirty bedsheets. My heart was pounding. "Well... I was married to Danny's mom. We did have regular sex. I don't think gay guys do that. So, I think that means no."

He nodded, but kept thinking. After a pause, he asked, "Have you ever done anything with a guy?"

I thought about Colin's bulge, hidden right there under his shirt, how badly I wanted to see it again, to feel it jump when I touched it. My dick ached in my pants, and I checked to make sure my bulge wasn't visible. "No." I said, trying to sound firm.

Colin studied my face for a second. I think he could see right through me. Whatever he was going to ask, I didn't want to answer. "Do you ever think about doing stuff with other guys, Mr. Patrick?"

I felt so exposed, still clothed but laid bare from his questions. He obviously already knew, and I couldn't hold it in any longer. My lip quivered as I spoke. "Just one guy." I felt so sorry for not being able to keep this secret, for ruining his friendship with Danny, for whatever other terrible thing happened next. I'm so sorry for hurting you, Colin, I thought.

He reached out his hand again, and I took it without thinking, just to hold someone's hand while I was so scared. My palm was damp, and our hands were clammy against each other. It still felt so good, like an electrical hum wherever they touched. "It's ok, Mr. Patrick, I could tell. I think about you too." He got up from the couch, and as he did, I could see his bulge in the flickering light of the television, now with a wet spot barely visible through his thin shorts. I could feel I had a wet spot too, a big one. He stood in front of me, like he was presenting himself for me to take. He put my hands on his hips and pressed them there until I didn't try to move them away. Was this really happening? I couldn't help but slide my thumbs down under his old t-shirt, to the crinkled waist of his shorts, and then up past the smooth waistband of his boxer briefs, until I reached bare skin. As I tucked my thumbs just into his underwear, my fingertips pressed slightly into the softness behind his hips, maybe just to anchor my hands so I didn't move them somewhere they shouldn't go. I could see his dick jump in his shorts as I pressed in, and watched as his wet spot grew a little bigger after that. I felt dizzy with it all, overwhelmed between feeling and suppressing the urge to explore this perfect body in front of me. This should not be happening. I looked up at him and tried one last time to make it stop. "Collie, I don't think we-"

"Shh," He smiled. "Don't wake up Danny," He said and leaned in to kiss me.

Next: Chapter 3

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