My Sons Friend Colin

By Doug Isntmyrealname

Published on Nov 28, 2021


A Brief Introduction:

This is a fictional story about a middle-aged man and his younger friend, both of whom are consenting participants and over eighteen. I haven't done any writing like this before, but my boyfriend and I were wishing for more content on Nifty about heavier guys, and all I can do is let it start with me, right?

Chapter 1 includes sexual content and themes, but there's no sex. Hang in there, chapters 2 and 3 are written and will be coming very soon.

Please note, the man's son is a character, but there is no incest in this story.

Feedback would really help me stay motivated to write, instead of just imagining this kind of stuff and masturbating like I usually do. Options include:

  • Just a thumbs up or whatever would be helpful!

  • Stuff you liked or didn't

  • Places you'd like the story to go - what sounds hot to you? I have some plans, but there's lots left to decide too.

  • Do you have Nifty stories about beary/cubby guys that you like? Send me some links!

This has been really fun to work on. Thanks so much for reading and please donate to support this incredible site if you can.


Chapter 1

"Dad. Dad! Hel-LO..."

I put the television on mute and turned to my son. "Yeah Danny, what do you need?"

"Can Colin stay over tonight?"

"Oh - hm, let's find out. Do you know what questions I'm about to ask you right now?"

Danny rolled his eyes. "Yes, we are going to go to bed by midnight; no, we are not gonna keep you up; no, we are not gonna do weird shit on the internet with your credit card again."

I smirked as he parroted my language back to me. Danny tried not to smile back, but he couldn't help but smirk too. I put my hand on his shoulder. "That's music to my ears, thank you buddy. Yes, Colin is welcome to come over. I'll make us some dinner - do you guys want that barbecue chicken maybe?"

"Yeah, thanks dad." Danny's tone seemed earnest but somehow he was already looking down at his phone again. I got up to get some chicken out of the freezer.

Colin and Danny had been best friends since Danny moved to Lincoln City in sixth grade or so. They were such sweet curious kids back then, it was obvious why they would be excited about each other. Six years later, their friendship seemed less of a given - somewhere along the line Danny had lost that natural investment in school and mostly just wanted to do whatever dumb stuff the cool kids were doing. He was a starting midfielder on the soccer team, and loved to use the cred that came with it to get invited to parties and date girls.

Colin had turned shy in middle school, right around the time he put on a bunch of weight. I never thought it looked out of proportion or anything, but kids at that age just look for shit to be cruel about. He did fine in school but it felt like even as a senior he had some barrier between him and activities, sports, friendships. It still seemed like he was dormant, waiting until he could get out of here and never come back.

I'm not sure what it was about his connection with my boy Danny though, somehow even through the worst of the gauntlet of high school they stayed close. Danny was wild and goofy in a way that made Colin feel a little braver, and Colin had this way of calling Danny out that could somehow sneak in under Danny's self-conscious teenage bravado. Colin would crack this mischievous half-smile and say something that if it came from anybody else would make Danny furious, but something about that sweet, disarming presence and lethal wit could make Danny laugh that giggly innocent belly laugh that otherwise had completely disappeared around freshman year. For a while I thought maybe they were in love, which would be totally fine with me, but I feel like I would have caught wind of it somehow by now. They still hung out quite a bit, although now it was mostly when a party Danny wanted to go to got canceled, or he otherwise wound up without plans on a weekend night. Colin was always patient with him - if he was ever hurt at being demoted to second or third or fifth priority he never let on.

To be honest, I really liked it when Colin came over. He always made me laugh too, and seemed to look up to me in a funny way, certainly more than Danny ever has. I mostly try to stay out of their way when they are together, but he's a genuinely nice kid, and I don't have a lot of company over these days.

A couple hours after Danny asked about Colin, I heard the doorbell from the kitchen while Danny was playing video games. I opened the door to Colin in a pretty typical winter getup for him - long cutoff denim shorts, a too-big, plain black hoodie and his overnight backpack. His hood was up and his sand-brown bangs, normally swept neatly to the side, hung down just past his eyebrows, limp from the rain. His ratty gray Converse sneakers were soaked through.

"Hey Collie Dog!" He used to make a little bark back at me when he was eleven, now I think he mostly just tolerates it. I was of course expressly forbidden to call him that if anybody but Danny was around. "Come on in man, you're soaked!"

"Hey Mr. Patrick," He looked up.

Colin had turned eighteen back in November, and I loved to overplay it. "Whoa, no need to be so formal! Now that you're a full grown adult, you can just call me... Nathan West Patrick, Junior, Bachelor of Science, Friend of the People, Emeritus."

Colin cracked that infamous side smile and said, "Sure, that sounds totally appropriate for someone of your..." He made a show of scanning his eyes around our cramped, messy house. "...stature in the community."

I laughed, then looked down and shook my head sadly. "What a shame, you just got here and you're already in the dog house. I made barbecue chicken, I'll put some bones on the back porch for you."

I pulled him in for a hug. At about 5'7", his head fit neatly under my chin. When Danny hugged me, it was like he was sort of playing tag with my kidneys - tap, tap, go. Colin always hugs with his whole body - head, arms, belly, he really wraps around me. It's so sweet to feel this part of him that never caught that everybody's-watching-me adolescent paranoia he and Danny have the rest of the time. It makes me want to just hold him so tight, until he gets enough of whatever he needs from that. I don't want him to feel awkward though, so I'm usually the first to pull back.

"It's good to see you Collie," I tell him as I give him a last big squeeze, lifting his shoulders a little, and we head inside.

After dinner, the boys went back to Danny's room to play video games. I cleaned the kitchen, took a shower and got straight into bed, but for some reason I was in a shit mood. I couldn't stop thinking about how things wound up like this - this house, this life. I still felt so mad at my ex-wife for just bailing on us. Danny isn't the warmest kid but he deserved better. I deserved better too. I never knew when those thoughts were going to take over, but that was the night I guess. At some point I gave up, put on a pair of flannel PJ pants commando and got a beer from the fridge. I didn't bother with a shirt, because the boys mostly never leave the room once they go back there.

They played games until pretty late, then I heard them talking and laughing, and probably about 1am things went silent and the light went out under the door to Danny's room. Maybe an hour and a couple more beers later, I was half-watching a local news rerun when I heard their bedroom door creak open softly. I turned to see Colin sneaking out - I guess he heard the television still on.

As he pulled the door closed and carefully released the handle he whispered to me, "Hey Mr. Patrick, did we wake you up again?"

"No, I was just thinking about dumb stuff and couldn't sleep. Did I wake YOU up?"

"No, I just couldn't sleep either. Danny mouth-breathes so hard when he sleeps."

I chuckled. "Do you want me to leave so you can take the couch?"

"No thanks," he said. "Do you want me to leave so you can watch TV?"

"No way, Collie Dog," I replied. Truthfully, I felt happy he was there. I was tired of thinking. "Come sit if you want." I gestured towards the near end of the old couch at a right angle to my recliner. "This side has a little more spring to it still."

Colin walked over and sat with a leg folded under him, and leaned against the armrest with his hands in his lap. He was in thin gray sweat shorts and an old white t-shirt that I bet used to fit him a little better than it does now. It was tight across his belly, and you could see a little bit of skin underneath the hem, pale with a broad patch of short, light brown fur. He shot a glance up at my chest, then looked down at his hands. I hoped he didn't think it was creepy for me to be shirtless and drinking in front of him. I felt a little self-conscious about it, but I tried to just act like it was no big deal, and made some conversation. I picked the least drunk-dad topic I could think of.

"Are you excited about the fall? College is so much better than high school man. You can choose more of what you wanna learn, and you get more free time. I miss those days." I made extra sure I wasn't slurring.

"I don't know Mr. Patrick, in my head I think it'll be good but mostly I just feel nervous about it. I don't know anybody there, I've never even been to a party..." He tried to look up at me again and still couldn't do it for more than a moment or two. I wondered if I should go put something on.

"Oh man, getting good grades is hard, but partying is the easy part. You're so funny and sweet! They are gonna love you, I'm sure of it. You'll have a beer or whatever and it'll help you relax and meet people," I enunciated carefully.

Colin laughed. "I've never even had a beer Mr. Patrick."

"Oh really? Do you... want the rest of this one? I'll just grab another one for me." It was a little warm probably, but he wasn't gonna like his first taste of beer either way.

He looked up at me, maybe to see if I was kidding, and then gave me a little of that mischief smile. "Yeah, ok."

I handed it over and watched him gingerly take a sip. He tried to suppress his reaction but his face scrunched up like he was drinking sour milk. His eyes stayed down at the label as he wrenched his face back to neutral and politely said, "This is... good, thank you."

I managed to not laugh for a second, but when he looked up at me with that sour milk face it was too much for us both. My eyes watered while I covered my mouth to stay quiet. Colin's whole body rocked and heaved as he held his breath. His cheeks were red hot with embarrassment. "Wow, I am really glad I got to witness that moment, Collie Dog. Unforgettable, ten out of ten."

"I'll get used to it, Mr. Patrick. I just have to drink a lot of beer over here at two A.M. with you, right?" He asked with the mischief smile.

"Hm, I'm not sure about that buddy. Let's take it one obviously-horrifying sip at a time." I replied with a wink. His cheeks went from pink back to red again, and he looked down at the bottle. After a quiet couple of seconds, he had another sip. In the cool, diffuse light of the television his face looked so soft and sweet. Such a nice kid - curious, funny, so patient with my boy, even when Danny was inconsiderate. I couldn't believe he was going to be done with school, with Lincoln City, with all of us in just a few months. I would really miss him. I watched him put the bottle between his full, red lips - I don't know why but I wanted to touch them, just to see what they felt like. I imagined putting my hand on his round, ruddy cheek and sliding my thumb across his bottom lip, shiny and wet from beer. I watched his tongue touch the bottle and wondered if he could taste my spit on the rim. Colin tilted his head back, took a gulp, and then looked over at me with a soft, curious smile and we locked eyes. The world felt like it was moving in slow motion.

Colin held eye contact and asked softly, "Mr. Patrick, do you want me to get you a new beer?"

An awkward couple of seconds passed as I snapped out of it. I forced out a response. "Oh yeah, no man, I got it," I said, but as I started to get up, I could feel that I was rock hard in my pajama pants. I looked down to see that I was bulging obviously now. It was just late I thought, and I was drunk. I threw my hands clumsily in my lap and when I looked back up, Colin was staring at it, eyes widened, and then turned away in a flash. I stuttered, "It's so late, I'm sleepy, no beer thanks."

My boner went away fast when I thought maybe I had scarred this poor kid for life. It was definitely time for bed for me, or time to go at least. As I was getting up to leave I said quickly, mostly over my shoulder, "Thanks for talking to me Colin, I'm headed to bed but you're welcome to sleep here on the couch if Danny's too loud in there. Sleep tight buddy." The last I saw, Colin looked a little sad. I really hoped I hadn't fucked this up.

Next: Chapter 2

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