My Sons Dominating Friend

By Jason Gardham

Published on Jan 25, 2011


This story is not purely fiction, but all characters and locations, are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is coincidental. The story is about one man's father caring enough to take on a dangerous S & M club to rescue his son. It's hard core sex, S & M, bondage, incest, and brutality. It concerns one young man who was tricked into becoming an unwilling slave to a cruel and abusive master. If you are not of legal age please move on to another story.

Chapter 1

My Son's Dominating "Friend"

I was discharged from the Marine Corp in August of 2006, my son Brian was 17 and had been left on his own since May when his mother found a lover, filed for divorce, and left for a more satisfying relationship. I was 38 and was a career Marine, I left the Corp when I received divorce papers and was notified that my son was living on his own heading into his senior year of high school. The only thing more important to me than the Marines was my son, so I was homeward bound as soon as I made arrangements.

My name is Shaw, as in Shawnee, my dad was full blood Shawnee from Oklahoma. Mother was a red-headed wildcat from Ireland, she died young leaving me to be raised on the reservation by dad and my grandparents.

My son Brian met me at the airport with a buddy named Grant who looked to be a few years older than Brian. Brian ran up to me and I gave him a big bear hug, and I kissed him on the check. I noticed a glint of disapproval in Grant's eyes before he flashed a big smile at me. It was one of those smiles you knew immediately wasn't sincere, nor was it meant to be.

I put my arm around Brian's waist and he did the same to me as we walked to the luggage pickup area. Again I noticed Grant give Brian a disapproving look. Brian started to pull away from me, but I held him tight as I flashed Grant a smile that was as insincere as the one he gave me, I noticed he picked up on it quickly and his attitude changed. The change was obviously all show for my benefit which worked for me as long as he left Brian alone. Something unhealthy was going on between those two and I was going to find out what it was.

When we arrived home, Brian became agitated and nervous before he approached me about Grant staying with us. I looked at both boys, smiled, and said, "It's not going to happen guys. Grant, I want some alone time with my son, I'm sure you understand. I've been away a long time and Brain and I need a chance to reconnect. Brian will give you a call when we're ready to socialize again."

With that I walked Grant to the door and sent him packing before he had a chance to open his mouth, or give Brain one of his warning stares.

The surprise came when the door closed and Brian rushed me, throwing his arms around my waist and hugging me so tight I could hardly breath. I could see his eyes fill with tears, all he said was, "I`m so glad your home dad. I detected fear in his voice.

"Brian are you okay, you seem upset and worried?"

"No, dad, I'm just happy that you're home, it's been lonely here with mom gone. I'm sorry about her finding a boyfriend and leaving while you were away."

I decided not to question Brian any further for the time being, it was obvious he didn't want to talk about what had him on edge, but I was definitely going to get to the bottom of whatever had my son spooked.

"Brian, I can't say that I blame your mom, I was away too much and she needed companionship that she wasn't getting. She shouldn't have left you alone, there's no reason why she couldn't have waited until I was back here with you. When we spoke about the situation over the phone I told her I understood, and would be back in the states as soon as I could get an emergency discharge. As the saying goes, that's water under the bridge, it`s time for you and I to move on with our lives.

How would you feel about heading out to Lake Tahoe for some hiking, canoeing, and trail riding?"

"Dad, are you kidding, can we really do that. Wow!"

"Start packing some clothes because we're heading out tomorrow morning."

Now all I had to do was get a flight to Reno, rent a car, make hotel reservations, and make this all appear as if I'd planned it in advance instead of making a spur-of-the-moment decision. While Brian packed I made rapid fire phone calls, and miracle of miracles, I managed to make reservations for an eight A.M. flight into Reno where we had a rental car waiting for the drive into Tahoe, where I had booked hotel reservations for a week.

I have known Brian was gay since he was a little kid. He loved having other little boys around and never invited girls to his birthday parties. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see where his sexual interest was headed even if he didn't realize it himself at that young age. I could see why Brian might have attached himself to Grant, he was handsome and self-confident. Too self-confident and cocky, as far as I was concerned.

I wish there was a way I could let Brian know his being gay is okay with me. His happiness is what's important, not who he's happy with. Since he's never mentioned his sexual choice to me I've felt I shouldn't bring it up. I did know instinctively that Grant wasn't the right guy for Brian.

I was hoping spending some close up time with him in Tahoe might loosen him up enough to be honest with me about being gay, but that would have to be his decision, I wouldn't push him.

Two of my best and closest buddies in the Marines who had been part of the Delta Force until they retired were gay and I loved them like the brothers I never had. I would trust Ty and Len with my life, and on several occasions in Iraq we did save each other's butts when we were taking enemy fire. Those guys are two of the bravest men I've ever known.

I know they play the S & M, bondage scene and own a private club, I'd give anything if Brian would meet those two. I would trust them to guide him into whatever he thought he wanted to explore sexually while making sure no harm came to him. This Grant guy reeked with danger, it literally seeped from his pores. I'd have to give Len and Ty a call when we're back in town and see what they have to say about what I think is happening to Brian.

I'm not sure why I think Grant is heavy into the S & M scene, but a feeling this strong is usually not wrong. It's partly due to the way he appears to instill fear in Brian with just a glance in his direction.

The week in Tahoe was great for both Brian and I. We did some hiking and camped out a couple of nights before returning to the hotel, we followed that up with some canoeing on the lake and a lot of time in the hotel pool.

Trying to get Brian to loosen up about his sexuality, I made a point of showering early and walking around naked in front of him just to get his reaction to seeing his old man's equipment, as well as to let him know I wasn`t shy about being naked in front of him. He tried not to let me see, but his eyes followed every movement I made, and he couldn't stop staring at my cock as it swung between my legs.

I was hoping by being open and casual in front of him he'd feel comfortable enough to admit he was gay. The third morning we were there I showered and stood naked shaving in front of the mirror watching his reflection. I knew he was turned on by the way he kept rubbing his crotch under the blanket. I walked over and yanked the blankets off him. He had been sleeping in his briefs and it was pretty obvious he was hard as a rock. And by the size of the mound in his briefs I'd say he was very well endowed.

"Come on sleepy head, time to rise and shine, we've got lots to do today, people to see, things to do, places to go."


Brian tried pulling the blankets back over his morning wood, I grabbed his arms and started to pull him out of bed, laughing. He pulled back hard and I lost my footing on the damp tiles and fell on top of him. I rolled to the side trying not to hurt him and ended up with Brian on top of me with his hard cock poking my groin which was rapidly growing as hard as his. We were both laughing now, and I saw real happiness in those beautiful blue eyes of his for the first time since being back home.

I hugged him tight and kissed him on the lips, looked into his eyes and said, "Brian, I love you with every fiber of my being, there's nothing in my life that comes before you. I hope you know that son."

"I know dad, for you to leave the Marines to be with me is more proof of your love than any son would ever need. I love you too dad." He leaned down and kissed me on the lips again. This time it was a passionate kiss and I knew I had to respond lovingly or I'd loss his trust. I opened to him and his tongue invaded my mouth, I sucked it down my throat before I realized I was responding to my sons love making because I wanted to.

I ran my hands down Brian's back and cupped his ass cheeks before I slipped my hands beneath his briefs and pushed them down his legs. I felt his legs move as he kicked them off. We were naked, hard cock pressing against hard cock, both of us were producing copious amounts of precum. I ran my tongue into Brian's mouth tasting my son's juices as he sucked my tongue before breaking the kiss. He leaned up on his elbows and looked me straight in the eyes as he said, "I've dreamed of this for as long as I can remember dad."

"Brian, I'm your dad and I'm all yours, please don't ever forget that, I'm here for you and always will be. I do have one request Brian."

"What's that dad?"

"No more Grant, there's something about him I don't trust and I don't want you getting hurt, is that a deal?"

Brian's response was, "Grant who?"

We both laughed, I felt Brian's belly bouncing against mine as he laughed. It was a wonderful feeling knowing my son was completely happy.

Next: Chapter 2

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