My Soggy Soccer Star

Published on Nov 16, 2022


My Soggy Soccer Star Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Dad came in this morning to wake both us baby boys up, he smiles warmly at us as we come to.

“You two didn't touch each other, did you?”

“No, not 'til the end, when we kissed each other. Neither of us even came, though I'm not even sure how that was possible.” I admit freely.

“Good, I'm glad. You're both well on your way to finding all that you need to know about yourselves.”

“Yeah, who knew the backs of knees could be so sensitive.” I grin.

“One of my largest erogenous zones, other than all that I keep inside my diaper, is my armpits, I've actually cum before when someone licked them for almost an hour.” Dad admits.

“Wow. I can barely even touch mine without laughing.” I say, and Dallan nods.

“I know. Come on Babies, let's go swimming. I brought the stuff to wrap your hand Jett, so, give me your hand.”

I do so, and Dad wraps it up pretty much right away, hopefully well enough that it will not get wet. Not that it matters too much, I am supposed to take off the wrap by lunch today anyway, according to the doctor. As soon as I am ready to go, Dad pulls off our blankets, and then reaches out and releases the tapes on my diaper, since I likely will not be able to now, and pulls it off. He then does the same for Dallan. For some strange reason, we are both stupidly hard again, or maybe still. No, probably still.

Dad just chuckled at both our hardness, but told us to get up to go swimming.

We had a good exercise session in the pool, and then a nice relaxation session in the others, and before too long, we are cleaning up and heading upstairs to get diapered before breakfast. Dad made a pot of tea for us all to enjoy, and I poured us all some apple juice to also enjoy, Dallan's and mine in baby bottles, Dad's in just a glass. I took my pills, and then we sat down to eat and drink.

Once we finish breakfast, we have to go get ready to go, so head up to our bedrooms to get dressed and ready for the day. I want to head out right away again, so I kiss Dad and Dallan goodbye and head out, Dad and Dallan head out only minutes after me. As soon as I make it to the school, the principal grinned to me and told me that Jared is already in the quiet room. I warn him that we might not make it out until after break today, and he tells me to take my time. Oh, I plan to.

“Good morning Jared. How are you feeling today?”

“Really good, thanks. I told my dad, everything, I even told him the homework you assigned for me.”

“Good, and did you do it?”

“Oh yeah, I think I would've earned an A plus with all the extra research I did.” He grins cheekily.

“Excellent. And how'd your dad react to your homework assignment?”

“Just laughed, but admitted that he might just take on the same assignment himself. I admit, it probably took me longer to realize what he said than it should've, but when I looked to him, he grinned and nodded, and so, finally I actually got up the courage to ask him, and he said yes, he's a gay baby boy diaper lover too. We both stripped down to just our soggy baby diapers, and we did our homework side by side, all night. We totally forgot dinner and everything. The only thing we didn't do together was the self exploration portion. I have no idea how I held off from cumming, I was so fucking hard by bedtime that my dick wouldn't bend, like at all, and it was so uncomfortable.”

“That's excellent. Now, I know you need this as much as I do, so, strip down to just your soggy baby diaper, everything else off.”

Thankfully there are blinds on the window, and I had locked the door on my way in, so we should be reasonably safe. I strip quickly, and Jared follows suit almost as fast. He groaned deeply from seeing me in just my diaper, which is still mostly dry, but then, so is his. He looks really good like this too.

“Fuck, you're hot in just your baby diaper.” Jared groans again, and I can see his erection pulse extra hard, and he is pushing an even larger lump than I am.

“Thanks, so are you. So, how big are you anyway?”

“Not sure, never measured.” He says.

“Really. I thought all boys did. I'm just over eleven centimeters long, and a little over six around, so still kinda small, but my dad says I'm pretty near exactly where I should be for my age. From how much more you're pushing out, I'd say you've got at least twelve, maybe even thirteen centimeters long, and I'm gonna guess probably eight around. You definitely needta measure yourself tonight. I've been doing so for over a year already, it's been fun seeing how much I've grown. I usedta be way smaller, but then, so were you. I bet whoever getsta be your baby boyfriend will really enjoy what you're packing there.”

Jared could say nothing to this, his mouth is just hanging open, and while he is blushing, it is not quite as much as I had made him do so the day before.

“It's okay. Now, slip one hand inside your baby diaper, poised to collect your baby milk, and then stroke your big baby peepee through your baby diaper, I know you needta cum every bit as much as I do.” I say, as I am doing the same thing to myself, because, trust me, I have to cum so bad right now it is not even funny.

Jared copies me, and within a second, he too is ready to go.

“Try and hold off for as long as you possibly can, I wanna try and hold for at least five minutes.”

“I don't think I'll be able to.”

“No, I don't think I'll be able to either, but we should try.”

And so, watching each other, we do exactly that, and it was a no go. I do not believe that we even made one minute before exploding. Jared went off first, which set me off as well, and I damn near crumpled to the ground, but then, it looks as if Jared damn near did as well.

I pull my hand from my diaper, and lick off all my mess, watching Jared as he watches me be so depraved. As soon as I am done savouring my seed, Jared does the same, and for every second as long as I had savoured my seed, so does he to his.

I slip my hands back, because one orgasm, no matter how amazing it was, is simply not enough this time, and Jared follows suit. Three more orgasms we last for, our last lasting damn near ten minutes, but I had nothing left to slurp up on my last one, whereas Jared had just a tiny bit, so he is now empty as well. I had only had that much on my previous one, so I knew I would be dry for my last one, and I was.

“Wow, I've never jacked off four times in a row like that, that was intense.” I said once down.

“Yeah, well, at least you have. Yesterday was my first time.”

“I know. Now you know how good it is, though, so from now on, enjoy.”

“Thanks, I definitely will.” He smiles warmly to me.

“Well, I told the principal that we wouldn't be ready 'til after break, so, let's sit back and talk more, shall we.”

“Okay, do we needta get dressed?”

“I see no reason that we needta.” I grin brightly.

“Good. I like this. I'm so glad you agreed to be my friend?”

“Same. It'll be so nice having a friend at school now.”

“Yeah, to which you have me to blame, yet it's you who've helped me most, the one who should hate me more than anyone.”

“I know. I think we can safely say that's behind us now, though.”

“Yeah.” He sighs deeply.

A little more than an hour later and it was just about time for break, so we begrudgingly got dressed again, so that we can join the rest of the school like we are supposed to. Jared realized just as he was about to leave, that he is not actually allowed to, since he had been given in school suspension, which means that he has to stay in for all breaks, so I stay with him until break is over. We could have stayed undressed for almost fifteen extra minutes had we realized that, but oh well right. As soon as break was over, we head to class.

Given that Jared is a year older than I am, we have no classes together, so we did not see each other until lunch time, when we both met in the quiet room again. We ate and talked and had a nice time. The rest of the day went fairly well, actually.

Jared and I say goodbye to each other at the end of the day and I head home. I need to take more pain killers, but I am also supposed to unwrap my hand, so, as soon as I get home, I do so. It had not even dawned on me that Dallan is not home yet, when I hear the door open and close, and he comes into the kitchen.

“Hi Baby, how was school?” I ask as I continue to unwrap my hand, because I took the pills first.

“Not bad, you know, treated like a diseased rodent all day as usual, no one will be seen next to the gay baby boy. Meh, whatever, their loss.” He smiled warmly to me.

As soon as I have my hand unwrapped and Dallan finishes speaking, I step forth and bend down the little bit that I need to, and press our lips together and kiss my beautiful baby boyfriend. I know, technically we are not boyfriends, yet.

“Mmmm, that made the day so much better. How about you?” Dallan sighs deeply.

“Pretty good, actually.” I say, and then give him the abridged version.

“Nice.” He grins brightly to me.

“Yeah. So, how come you were late Baby, you get off almost half an hour before me, so you shoulda gotten home first?”

“I hadta avoid a couple really mean kids, they were trying to make my life a living hell today, again, so, I just waited for them to leave before leaving myself.”

“You're gonna haveta do what I did and stand up to them. Trust me, I know what you're going through, and you deserve to be happy at school too. I am now, it's great.”

“Yeah, I know. The stupid thing is, I know for a fact that even though they're like one and two years older than me, and they're a group of five idiots, that I'm way stronger and way faster than they all are. I mean, one of the kids is so fat that there's no way he could chase after me if I hadta run for it, and two of the others aren't really any better. Then there's the fact that the only reason none of them have been held back is because they don't do that to kids any more, even though there's no way at all that they deserve to be in the grades they are. I could probably beat them in absolutely any challenge that they could come up with, well, other than maybe an eating challenge.” He giggles cutely at that, and I join him.

“That's too funny Baby. So, do they know you're gay then?”

“What they know and what they think they know are totally different, they've just pretty much called me everything, including that. I just ignore them for the most part, but they've started getting pretty physical lately, and one of the other kids ended up getting pretty banged up, but they never got in any trouble, 'cause no one saw a thing, and the boy was way too scared to say anything. If they manage to pin me down, I'm toast, each one of them are at least twice my size, all of them together, I wouldn't stand a chance. If I can escape them, then I'll be fine.”

“Sounds to me like they need soccer balls to the faces the next time you're playing soccer then.”

“Yeah, I have dreamed of it, but too scared, 'cause I know what'll happen when they gang up on me.”

“Yeah. Still, you're gonna haveta deal with some pain and put them in their places.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Come on, I need a snack, and then I think I wanna do some more homework.” I grin brightly.

“Okay, I need a soggy baby bum change first, and then I could use a good drink too.”

“Come to think of it, I think I'm about the same.”

“I really wish I could ask you to change me, but I just don't think that I can behave myself.”

“Yeah, same.” I sigh deeply, wishing that we could, but he is right, I do not believe that I can trust myself either to behave.

We head up to our bedrooms where we both change ourselves. Of course we went double thick again, using our ultra thick diapers and a doubler, and I did not even last through cleaning before I made more mess, which I very happily scooped up and licked clean. I managed to not cum a second time, but it was hard, all emphasis on hard, trust me. Once more, I could not bend myself down prior to taping up, so I had to leave myself pointing up. I met Dallan in the hall and we grin to each other, which I take to mean that he too exploded at least once, so he had a great soggy baby bum change too. Good.

We both have our computers with us once again, and we head downstairs to the kitchen to get a snack and a drink, well, lots to drink, and then we sit down at the table and enjoy that as we boot up our computers.

We did our incredibly important research for well over two hours, and it was when Dad walked in that I realized just how much time we had spent reading and watching videos, then I also realized that we had done nothing about dinner.

“Crap, hi Dad.”

“Well, not really the greeting someone hopes to come home to.” Dad chuckles.

“Sorry, no, we totally forgot to get dinner started. We both had very important homework that hadta be done, you understand, and food totally slipped our minds.” I grin brightly, because I know he will know exactly what I am talking about.

“Understandable. So, what you're saying is that blood was flowing to neither brain nor stomach, so you totally forgot about food.”

“Yeah.” I snort, Dallan giggles.

“That's okay. I understand. I took chicken out this morning, and we have everything we need to make chicken Cesar salad wraps, and they won't take long. I'll get the chicken going, if you two wanna get the salad fixings prepared.”

“Okay, that sounds good Dad.”

As soon as I hop up from the table, I go and hug Dad, and he hugs me back. Dad even grabs Dallan and gives him a hug as well, and Dallan sighs deeply from it. As soon as Dad gets the chicken cooking, he does excuse himself for a few minutes, because he says he needs to change his soggy baby bum as well. Dallan and I get all the salad stuff ready to go, and then sit and talk to Dad as soon as he makes it back.

We all asked how each others days were, and tell each other, which put us right until dinner was finished cooking, so, we built our wraps, Dallan claiming that he had never had this, so we have to show him how to do so, and then we continue talking.

“Ooh, this is good.” Dallan says after his first bite.

“Yeah, a little more fattening than we usually like, but not horrible, but is certainly a favorite in this house.” I say.

“By me too.”

“So, how's your hand Baby?” Dad asks me.

“Tender and sore, the pain killers are doing a better job now, so I guess that's good. It's really bruised though.” I say, showing dad my hand, and like I told him, it is really bruised. There are all sorts of colours in fact.

“Not so surprising really. I suggest you try not to hit anything, it won't feel at all good right now, I assure you.”

“Yeah, kinda guessed that much for myself already, thanks.” I giggle.

“I hoped you were smart enough to realize that. So, you told us how your day was, and sorta what you did, but, how was Jared this morning, how much extra research did he do?”

I tell Dad and Dallan everything, even that we had talked all about what Jared had read and watched, and how much he had enjoyed it. I even admitted to Dad that while Jared had told me that he had not came last night, that I am pretty sure that he was lying through his teeth. I have been reading and watching that stuff for quite a while already, and there is no way in this entire universe that I could have held off after the first time, and doing so for several hours like he had. I just barely managed to hold off myself, which I had been worried I would not be able to do, so I am absolutely positive that there is no way he could have done so, but that is okay, he has several years worth of orgasms to catch up on, and I hope he does, though he is probably going to get friction burn in the next week. Oh well, he has baby lotion and diaper rash cream that will help with that just as well, and it will be really good for him.

“That's great Baby. So, is he gonna come and spend the weekend then, you never said?”

“Oh yeah, he's still reluctant, but he's agreed. It's easier now that he knows his dad's the same too, and he really does wanna meet other gay baby boy diaper lovers as well. He'll come home with me tomorrow after school and go home after noon on Monday some time then, since we're off both Friday and Monday. I hadta promise him that we'd quadruple diaper pretty much the entire time. Oh, wait, no, I never mentioned that to him, that's my own desires.”

“Brat.” Dad laughs at me.

“Thanks.” I grin extra bright from the compliment.

“You're welcome. Let's go downstairs and play games for the night Babies.”

And so, we head downstairs and play the night away. When it is time for bed, we all head to our bedrooms. I do not need a soggy baby bum change yet, my diaper still has lotsa room left in it, and stroking myself through a nice soggy diaper is my favorite way to do so, of course, and so, I do so, and cum three times, licking off all the tasty treats I possibly can.

We all wake up more than early enough to go for a good workout and relaxation before getting ready for school and work, and before we know it, we are off. I once again head to the office to meet with Jared to see how his evening had gone. He looks far more at peace with everything, and when I asked him how much he had jacked off last night and this morning, he grinned and said twelve or thirteen, he cannot remember. That is perfect. When I asked if he is getting friction burned yet, he grinned and said that he is making sure to use lots of baby lotion at every soggy baby bum change, so thankfully no.

“So, you still coming over for the weekend, right?”

“Yeah, I just haveta head home after school to get my things.”

“Okay, I'll come with you, so that we can walk together.”

“Oh, okay, thanks. So, what are we gonna do this weekend?”

“Nothing much, except for both Saturday and Sunday, we do haveta go out for a few hours for my baby boyfriends Soccer practices.”

“Oh, okay. I love soccer, so I'll enjoy that. How's he manage being diapered?”

“Just fine, actually. His coach is really strict about that.”

“That's nice.”

We have to head to class almost right away, so we separate. We meet again for both breaks and lunch, talking and laughing a lot as we do so. Finally it is the end of the day, and so, we head to Jared's house. As soon as we make it, he leads me to his bedroom, where he grabs all that he will be needing for the weekend. Once ready to go, we head out once again, this time to my house. We talk and laugh the whole way there. When we make it, I find that Dallan is already there, that he has already changed, is quadruple thick, and that that is all that he is wearing.

Well, Jared came almost instantly and powerfully from the amazing vision.

“It seems you shocked the cum right outta him Baby.” I giggle, and go to my baby and give him a kiss.

A few seconds later, Jared comes down enough to focus, though he did not go totally out of it. I urge him to not waste a drop of his delicious cum, and so, he digs deep and gets as much as he can, before licking it all off.

“He really is gorgeous isn't he, especially in such a gloriously thick baby diaper.” I grin to Jared.

“Wow, yeah. Dallan, right?”

“Yeah, and you're Jared. It's good to finally meet you. Why don't you two head upstairs and get quadruple baby diapered like good gay baby boy diaper lovers deserve.”

“Okay.” I say happily, and lead Jared to my bedroom.

I only grab the supplies that we will be needing, before splitting it in half, and handing Jared his half.

“Okay, go across the hall to Dallan's bedroom and change yourself in there. I'd offer to change you, but as it is, it's becoming harder and harder to behave myself, and while I really like you, we're never gonna be baby boyfriends. Not even Dallan and I've changed each other yet, which we desperately want, but aren't ready for yet.”

“Oh, um, thanks.”

“You're welcome. I know you haven't tried quadruple diapering yet, because like you said, there wasn't enough time to truly enjoy it, so today you get to truly enjoy it, and with our much thicker diapers and doublers. I trust you know how to do so?”

“Oh yeah, several of the stories I've read recently described it more than well enough.” He said.

“Good, enjoy, oh and no clothes.”

As soon as Jared leaves my bedroom, I get down to changing myself, which causes me to cum, which I lick up of course, but I force myself to not to jack off any further. Once I am properly diapered, I head to the hallway to wait for Jared, and he emerges in all his sexy diapered goodness only a minute or two later.

“Mmmm, yeah, now that's how a gay baby boy diaper lover should look. You look really good like this.”

“Thanks, so do you. Fuck, you're hot.”

“Thanks. So are you.”

And he is too, especially if you like the dark brooding type. He has raven black hair that is cut short and neat, creamy skin, dark brown eyes, nice red lips, nice small nose and ears, and the rest of his body is nice as well. He does not have much muscle definition, but he has some, and he is very trim.

“Let's go find Dallan and go play games shall we.”


We found Dallan only a few moments later, he has three baby bottles already poured, and is just in the process of pouring three large thermal mugs of tea.

“Ah, perfect, thanks Baby.” I say, grabbing my bottle and popping the nipple in my mouth to start sucking it dry, as I am also passing Jared a baby bottle. Before Jared can even take it, Dallan grabs his, and also slips the nipple into his mouth to start sucking it dry. Finally Jared takes the bottle with a shy grin, and proceeds to suck it dry with us.

As soon as our bottles are empty, we trade them for the tea.

“That was surprisingly nice.” Jared said.

“You're welcome.” Dallan smiled.

“This is really good tea too, I like it. My dad always buys me the cheap tea, he doesn't drink it, so he doesn't understand the concept of good tea, and this is good tea.”

“Only the best for us. This is all we really drink, other than water and apple juice of course.”

Now with tea in hand, we head downstairs to go play games, and Jared is suitably impressed with our games setup. We start playing games and having fun right away, and it was not until Dad came down in just his quadruple thick baby diaper that we realized how long we had been playing for.

“Hi Daddy. Meet Jared. Jared, this is my Dad, Harris.”

“Good to meet you Jared. You're a pretty little gay baby boy diaper lover. How are you feeling?”

“Good to meet you too, thanks, you're really hot in your mega thick baby diaper too. I'm doing really good now that Jett's helped me pull my head from my butt, I finally feel like I know who and what I am, a gay baby boy diaper lover.” He smiles serenely.

“That's excellent. I'm proud of you.”

“Thanks.” Jared whispers, blushing slightly.

“It takes a lot of courage to say that to someone, but even more to admit it to yourself, and I thought you should know.”

“Thanks, it was kinda easy to say it to you though, considering what you're wearing, and for some reason I could instantly feel that you're gay too, even though Jett told me you are, I still woulda known it instantly I think.”

“Most do, that's for sure, which is funny, because I don't feel like I act any more gay than most, but whatever, I am, and that's really all that matters in the end.”

“Sorry Dad, we totally forgot to start dinner again. Let's go make something now.”

“No need Baby, I actually brought pizza home, clearly you didn't see the note on the fridge telling you so.”

“Um, no, but I never even went near the fridge.” I admit.

“I did though, for both the milk and apple juice, and I never saw a note.” Dallan says, crinkling his brows in thought.

“Odd, I know I put it there. Well, either way, let's go eat.”

“Okay.” All three of us boys say as one.

As soon as we make it upstairs, dad goes and checks the fridge, and sure enough, there is no note, then he happens to see a piece of paper sticking out from just underneath the fridge, so he pulls it out, and yep, there is his note.

“Hmmm, I guess I didn't put the magnet fully on it. Good thing you didn't start making dinner.”

“When did you even do that anyway Dad, we all left at pretty much the same time this morning?” I ask curiously.

“I was near here today, so I just swung in and left the note.”

“Oh, did someone die in the area, I never heard about it?” I ask.

“No, this is a private case, I'm not actually doing anything for the police department right now. Just a guy trying to find out if his wife's cheating on him.”

“And is she?”

“Yep. With the sixteen year old who babysits their two year old son. At least he's sixteen, which makes him legal, otherwise I would've had to call it in, by law, even though I don't necessarily agree with it. Mind you, his feelings are that she's been cheating on him for well over a year, but that's not my problem, he's legal now.”

“Is the guy sure the baby's his, it's probably the babysitters?” I laugh.

“Actually, that's exactly what he thinks, and the DNA test's already in process. If the kid's the father, then the mother's got an awful lot of explaining to do, because he definitely wouldn't have been legal then, but, really, the courts probably won't even take the case if he himself doesn't push for anything, since he's legal now. In the end, it might be the poor kid who suffers the most. What's truly funny, though, is that the guy who's hired me is cheating on her as well, only he's dating an eighteen year old male, but he's only just started, since he felt that if she can, why can't he.”

“Well, then, maybe they should just all move in together and raise the baby together.” I say.

“As soon as the DNA test comes in, I haveta give him all my findings, and then he's asked that if he's correct, that I moderate the meeting, in which case I might even suggest that, depending on who the father is of course.”

“Cool, thanks for the pizza by the way, this is good, where'd you get it, this isn't from where we usually get it, and it's way better?” I ask.

“That new place that just opened up, a few of the guys at the police station told me about it, so I thought I'd give it a shot, and they're right. It's more expensive, but definitely worth it.”

“For sure.” All three of us boys say as one.

“So, you're a private detective, and you work with the police?” Jared asks curiously.

“That's right. I don't actually work for the police, but I do sub contract out to them on occasion. They have no one capable of doing what I do, and I didn't wanna actually be a police officer. I started out strictly as private, and it was mostly accidental that I ended up working with the police as well.”

“Oh, how?”

“God, I was still in my first year, I'd taken a case where a man wanted to find the killer of his wife and unborn son, the police were at a loss, they'd already spent more than three months but couldn't find anything. So, the guy hires me, paid me shit loads of money to find who did it, and I ended up in a fight with the local police over it. I went to court even, because they tried to bar me from doing anything of the sort, but, like I said, and the judge agreed with me, if they can't find the killer, and the man wants him or her found, and he's willing to pay for it, why should they care. They can dedicate an hour or two here or there, I can dedicate days at a time, since I take one or two cases at a time generally.

“The judge made it very clear that they're not to impede my investigation in any way, and when the police department tried getting pissy, stating that they wouldn't give me any clues or collected materials, I simply said I need nothing from them. They also tried to say that anything I found that I would have to give to them, and I simply told him that I only work on two way streets, there's no one way for me at all, they either share and I also share, or not, simple as that. Again, the judge agreed.

“By the time I solved the case, I had spent just over two months, which meant that they had been on it for over five months, they found nothing, and I solved it with absolutely none of their help. Oh were they pissed when I went in with all the information I had, and told them who it was, and asked for the person to be arrested. I ended up having to take them back to court, and the judge allowed all my evidence to be admissible, so, the lady who killed the guys wife was arrested, and because it was my take down, I even got to do the interrogation.

“I was paid a bonus by my client, the killer is still in jail, and the guy who kept trying to cause me problems was fired for obstruction of justice because of all that he did to me. I had to put forth a formal complaint, and now, the new manager there happily hires me whenever they have a case that they just don't have the ability to solve.”

“Wow, that's cool. So, who was the killer?”

“He was very rich, the killer of his wife and unborn son was an ex girlfriend who was supremely jealous and royally pissed that he passed her up, and I imagine she wanted his money more than anything, so, she made him pay, and he'll pay every day for the rest of his life. He did get remarried a few years ago, and now they have a two year old son, but still, no one ever forgets that.”

“No, I should think not. So, what's your favorite case?” Jared asks again.

“I think that'd haveta be the one where I found and rescued a little boy. He was kidnapped, the police called me right away, telling me that they want me on that one right from the start, because as you may've heard, the longer a child is missing, the harder it is to find them, and they wanted him found right away. I spent almost three days interviewing everyone in the neighborhood, everyone just loved the little guy, he was five at the time, and always so happy, and everyone was so upset about it.

“I collected every bit of information I could, but the one thing that tipped me off that it was someone who knew him, they took his night diapers, because he was a bed wetter. Someone who takes a kid they don't know, would never think to do something like that. Everyone that the parents knew who would have known the little boy was a bed wetter was still around, there had been no ransom requests, there was no easy evidence, since there were just too many prints in his bedroom, so it wasn't easy. His bedroom was on the second story, so whomever took him entered the house in the night, and had to boldly go upstairs to get him. Which also means the likelihood of him knowing his kidnapper was super high, unless he was drugged and never woke up. His diapers and his teddy bear were taken, and the parents knew nothing 'til morning.”

“Who took him?” Jared asks in awe.

“His own fucking mother. Oh, she was a good actor, I didn't even suspect her from the start, but little things she said here and there just didn't add up. Also the way she acted sometimes, like she wasn't worried about his safety or anything. So, I got permission to check their bank accounts, and sure enough, there was the proof. There again was another man who was incredibly rich, and she wanted it all, and their son, but knew if she left him, that she'd get pretty much nothing. He made her sign a pre nuptial agreement, which included a clause for children. So, I started tracing the money, and found that she had a place just south of the border that she had bought, and when I went there, sure enough, their son was there, with who I found out was her boyfriend. I had the father come, and had the police there as well, and the meeting was happiest that I've ever been with a case. It seems the little guy really didn't love his mother, he said she sometimes scared him, and her boyfriend wasn't nice either.”

“Wow, that's horrible. Who would do that?”

“People will do horrible things for money. She only managed to siphon off a couple million dollars, which he would've hardly noticed, but with a house paid off in a much cheaper to live country, that could buy a lot of life. Honestly, given some of the information I got after the fact, I have no idea why she took their son, because it sure as hell wasn't because she loved him.”

“She clearly wanted to hurt her husband more.”

“Yeah, that's my thoughts too, and that did hurt him more than losing a couple million dollars, that's for sure. He ended up giving me all the money she stole as my payment for finding his son.”

“Wow, that's awesome.”

“Yeah, which was when I had this house built for us. Jett was only just over one then.”


We continued talking as we ate, Dad telling Jared and Dallan a couple more of his personal favorite cases. We obviously had lots and lots to drink with dinner, and we made another pot of tea as soon as we were done, and as we were cleaning up, so that we could have more. It was then decided that we would go watch a movie or two, and so, we went and enjoyed two movies, then played games until bed time.

“Okay Boys, you may have the day off tomorrow, but I still haveta work, so I'm heading to bed. Try not to stay up too late, but I think you've had enough game time now.” Dad said, and then came and said goodnight to Dallan and I.

Us boys ended up grabbing pretty much all the blankets from the closet, as well as all our pillows, and on the living room floor, we set up a nice big comfortable bed. For well over an hour we laid there talking, when I admitted that I just cannot stay awake any longer, and both Jared and Dallan both yawned their agreements.

We all passed out and slept well through the night. Because we had stayed up pretty late the night before, we ended up sleeping in, which is rare for me, but oh well, but by the time we woke up, Dad had already left for work. He left me a note on the table, telling me that he took a roast out of the freezer and asked me to get it started this morning. As soon as the other two woke up, we all got up, and we all groaned at the delicious view of all of us in our mega thick and soggy baby diapers. We do not need to change yet, we should still have at least a few hours left in them, but they are getting gloriously full.

We decided on oatmeal for breakfast, and enjoyed that with two baby bottles of apple juice, and a large thermal mug of tea, each. I figure that we will all go swimming once our diapers are near to bursting, since there is absolutely no point in taking them off until such time that they are pretty much leaking, at least if you ask me. Poor Dad would have had to take his off sooner, unless he is only doing office work this morning, in which case he may have left his as well. As soon as we finished breakfast, I had the other two baby boys help me get the roast prepared and started. Dad has been teaching me how to cook since I was little, so I know what I am doing, and actually enjoy cooking. I know, it is still morning, and dinner is not until this evening, and a beef roast does not need to cook that long, but oh, if you do it right, it is so much better for it as well. This is what I have to tell the other two.

We all agreed that we would go down and play board games until lunch, so that was what we did, and we all had a great deal of fun, but it was decided to make a slightly early lunch when it was noticed that Jared was about to start leaking, and when we looked, Dallan and I said we are probably not far behind, so, in even soggier, heavier, and more gloriously full diapers, we head upstairs to make a quick lunch. As soon as we are done lunch, we head out to the pool, and in the shower room, we all strip naked.

We are positioned in just such a way that all three of us can see each other. Of course I have now seen Dallan naked lots, and hard pretty near every one of those times, but Dad was always there to control us. Jared is even larger than I am, but then, he is just a bit better than a year older than me, so that makes sense, and he actually has a real bush actually starting above his dick. It is still not as full or as long as I know he will get, if he continues to let it grow, but it is still way more than the meager few short hairs I have. Jared too is hard, he curves up and to his right, but he has quite a curve. His balls are also nice and full and hanging down way more than mine do. He also has a lot of precum gathered at the tip of his foreskin, because he too is intact.

“Fuck, you're really hot.” I said, Dallan groaned, saying that he agrees, and Jared said the same of both of us.

“I think we better get washed up before our dicks make us all do something that not only are we not ready for, but that friends really shouldn't do, that's for boyfriends, and Dallan and I aren't even properly boyfriends yet.” I said, forcing myself to do so.

“Yeah, but you know, as much as I love seeing you both naked and so fucking hard like this, I actually prefer seeing you in just your super soggy baby diapers more.” Jared admits.

“Yeah, that's what we prefer as well, but still, seeing another boy, especially one older than me, but not an adult, hard and dripping, was definitely doing things to me.” I have to admit as well.

“Same.” Dallan agrees again.

“Yeah, just seeing other boys naked and hard is definitely doing things to me too, you're the first people I've ever actually seen naked in my life, so it's really hard on me.” He says, grinning, petting his pride and joy.

“Yeah.” Dallan and I both snort out at the same time.

“We better get showered.” I say, and so, we do so.

We only do a short workout this morning, but then play for well over an hour, before slipping into the hot tub to talk. We talk lots, joke and laugh lots more, and we are all having a great time. Finally we are ready to head back in to get diapered, and wouldn't you know it, but for some reason we all voted for quadruple diapered again. Oh the horror. This time we all head to my bedroom to change, we all do so to ourselves, all of us knowing that we simply do not have the will power to not play, but we all watch and enjoy still.

After getting diapered, we went and got another baby bottle each, and drank that while making tea, then went and played more games in the games room, and we did so until we had to go and get the rest of dinner going. By the time Dad makes it home, we have dinner all ready, and are just setting the table.

“Mmmm, smells good in here Babies.” He says in way of greeting.

“Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells. If you're super soggy and in need of a soggy baby bum change, you have time to do so Daddy.”

“I might just do that, thanks.” Dad says and skips happily to his bedroom to change his soggy baby bum.

We are finished with all the dinner preparations and everything is set and ready on the table when dad finally makes it back, and as suspected, he too is quadruple diapered, since he will just be able to make it worthwhile before having to leave for Dallan's practice tomorrow. We sat down and enjoyed our feast, talking happily as we do so.

“So, I got the DNA test results back today for that case I was telling you about.” Dad starts.

“And, who's the father.”

“The husband. Boy was he relieved. He had always wanted children, but wasn't so sure it was going to happen. I had the meeting with him first thing this morning, and then with both this afternoon. I moderated the event, and they have agreed that even though they still love each other, it's only as really good friends, that they are not in love with each other. My client admitted that he has a boyfriend now as well, since he had felt that since she was getting what she needed, that he wanted to finally have what he needed. She said that it doesn't surprise her, since the sex had kinda always been a little lacking, his heart was simply never in it, but is happy that the baby is his as well. So, everything is going to work out just fine for them, and they both want their boyfriends to move in with them, and they'll all live together.”

“That's great Dad.”


As soon as we finished dinner, Dad told us boys that we had done a great job, but the other two blamed me solely for that, saying that they had to do what I told them to do. We all help to clean up, and then head down to watch another two movies. The night and the following morning were pretty much a repeat, except Dad did not go to work and joined us for breakfast, all of us in gloriously soggy quadruple thick baby diapers. We had made certain to drink lots the night before, so we are all good and wet, and it feels great.

Even though none of us truly wanted to do so, we know that we have to, and when it was time to go, we change our awesome quadruple diapers for just a single daytime diaper, and finally get dressed. Dallan has his soccer gear of course, and then we head out. When we make it there, the coach is the first person we see.

“Good afternoon Dallan, who's this?” He asks.

“Good afternoon Coach, this is my new Dad, Harris, and my new brother Jett, just like the plane, but with two T's. This is our friend Jared.”

“That's excellent Dallan, I'm happy for you. So, that little performance after last weekends game was seen by your useless mother, I saw, and so, she pretty much told you you're no son of hers then I take it?”

“Exactly. I happened to meet Jett pretty much right after, and we ended up finding out that we both haveta wear diapers, and he found out what'd happened, allowed me to use his cell phone, because mine had already been canceled, I called home, and she told me pretty much exactly that. So, we went home, and Harris pretty much adopted me right away. The paperwork's already in to make it permanent as well, but he's already been appointed guardian.”

“That's great. Now, I'm sure you're sorta nervous to see Zavien after kissing him last week, and yes, I'm aware of how he reacted. He was shocked, he wasn't expecting that, I think you can agree to that. I know he's probably the only real friend you had, and I think you're afraid that you lost that friendship, but don't be. Trust me, it didn't disgust him, if it weren't for his groin protector, I'm sure you woulda seen that much.”

“Really, you think so?”

“I'd say I know so, but I'm only about ninety nine percent certain he's gay. He and two others, plus you, I've always thought were gay, and one other that I'm reasonably certain's bi.”

“Oh, I'd ask who, but I really shouldn't, and you shouldn't answer it either.”

“I wouldn't anyway, unless they gave me permission to. I only know of one for sure, but then, he has introduced his boyfriend to me, so it was pretty clear. He'll happily tell you, he's not ashamed of that. After your performance last week, I'm sure everyone now assumes that you are, instead of just guesses. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this doesn't bother you?”

“Nope, and if anyone asks, I'll happily say yes, and I also give you permission to say yes to that should any ever ask.”

“Excellent. There's Zavien now, why don't you go over and talk to him.”

“Thanks, I will. You guys can come too, I want him to meet my new family as well.” Dallan says happily and skips over to the cute older boy.

We follow Dallan as he heads to a boy who is about twelve years old, he is so pretty there is no doubt at all in my mind that he is gay. He has long wavy platinum blonde hair, big bright blue eyes, cute little nose and ears, cherry red lips, and he has cute little dimples as he smiles shyly to Dallan. He also looks damn near as hot as Dallan does in his nice tight soccer shorts.

“Hi Zavien, I'd like you to meet my new family, and explain something. Can you come over here please?”

“Okay.” He says, blushing only slightly.

As soon as we are away from others, Dallan starts. “First, sorry for kissing you last week without your permission. I know I shocked you, and at first I thought you were disgusted, and probably hated me, but I was already pretty sure you were gay, and even Coach is pretty sure you are too. Still, it wasn't right to do so without asking you, and certainly not where others could see. Someone saw it, though, who shouldn't have, but, in the end, it was the best thing to ever happen to me. My mom, who then dumped me like yesterday's smelly trash, I ended up finding a new family, and even though we're gonna be brothers, we're actually gonna be boyfriends.” He said all in a rush.

“Wow. Thanks though, you did kinda shock me, wasn't exactly the way I was planning on telling everyone I'm gay. When we got home, my dad asked me if you're my boyfriend, and I blushed and said no, he said that if you are, that he's perfectly okay with that. I ended up admitting that even though I am kinda certain I'm gay, that no, you aren't my boyfriend. I'm glad you found a new family, and even a boyfriend too. They don't mind about what you wear?”

“Nope, because so do they, and even our friend Jared here does too.”



“I've never actually told anyone this before, but, I guess you're all safe, I wet the bed still, I might never stop, the doctors don't think it will anyway, and I wear Goodnites to bed.” He said, blushing massively, way more than admitting to being gay.

“Oh, so if we were to invite you to spend the night, you wouldn't haveta worry.”

“No, which was kinda why I told you. I've always wanted to go on a sleepover, but was too scared to with wearing, well, diapers.”

“Can I Harris?”

“Yes.” He answers Dallan's mostly unasked question instantly.

“Cool. Would you liketa come spend the night with us tonight, and maybe even tomorrow night, you can just come to practice with us tomorrow too?”

“I'd really like that.”

“Just so you know though, just in case it bothers you, we walk around in just our diapers at home, and we swim naked.”

And he came.

“Oops.” Dallan giggles cutely as his friend slumped to the ground. “Didn't think that'd happen. Wonder which part turned him on more.”

“Oh god.” Zavien looked to us and blushed even more.

“So, what part made you cum, the diapers or the swimming.” Dallan grins brightly to his friend.

“Swimming.” He says, but too quickly, and from the way he looks, I think we can all tell that he is lying through his teeth.

“Afraid I know you're lying. Tell you what, if you're a good gay baby boy diaper lover, and ask to be diapered just as thickly as we all are, we'll let you.”

“You mean it, don't you?” He whispers hoarsely.


“I think I'd kinda like that.”

“How often have you worn your Goodnites during the day?”

“Not very often, too scared to be caught.”

“Then tonight and tomorrow will be good for you. I never see your mom bring you, just your dad, do you have a mom?” Dallan asks, because he never has before.

“No mom, Dad told her where to go and how to get there when I was just a year old, and she's never called or shown up, she's never paid my dad a cent to raise me, nothing. He caught her abusing me, she refused to do anything for me, I was in danger whenever she was around he says. So, yeah, no mom.”

“Do you wanna call your dad now and ask him then, and don't worry about diapers, we'll have you covered nicely, very nicely in fact.” Dallan asks.

“Okay.” He says, and then grabs his cell phone from his bag and calls his dad, who had went shopping while Zavien was practicing. He asked right away, and then had to explain that he would not need anything, because Dallan has some anyway. Then Zavien blushed almost as much again, and whined out, “Daaaaaad.” He hung up only a few seconds later.

“Let me guess, he asked you if you were gonna try and get me to be your boyfriend this weekend?” Dallan giggles cutely.

“Yeah.” He grins and blushes again.

“Thought so.” Dallan giggles again.

As the boys had been talking, a few other kids in soccer gear all showed up, and just a second after Dallan said that, I guess the last of them arrived, because the coach called all the boys in, so Dallan and Zavien headed over to be with their team, while Dad, Jared, and I all went and sat down to watch. It was a really good practice, they started out with warm ups, then speed drills, then passing, then shooting. The boys' coach is incredibly exacting, and did not let the boys continue until he felt that they had it perfect, but it is plain to see that the boys are all very good as well, because most of the time it was them telling the coach that it was not good enough, and then would try again.

Their practice was for three hours, and I admit, I probably learned more about soccer during that time than I ever knew, and I really do not like sports, but, I do have to admit, all the boys sure are cute in those soccer shorts, though Dallan's with a diaper underneath is definitely my favorite. Most people would not be able to truly see that he is diapered though, but those of us that know what to look for can sort of see it. By the time they were finished their practice, the boys were all sweaty, and I can tell that they are all tired too, but happy as well.

“I bet you boys would liketa visit the pool and hot tub once we get home, wouldn't you?” Dad asks as we climb in the car.

“Yes please.” We all say as one.

“You remember that we said we swim naked, right Zavien?” Dad asks again.

“Yeah.” He says quietly.

“And you desperately wanna do it too, don't you?”

“Yeah.” He says quieter still.

“Can't blame you.”

As soon as we get home, we lead Zavien to the pool, and to the showers. We all strip down to just our soggy diapers, except Zavien of course, who is wearing plain white bikini briefs. He looks really good in them, but I honestly think he will look way better later in just a soggy diaper. Then we all strip off our last items, and once more, we are all looking appreciatively. Zavien, being about a year younger than I am, and almost two older than Dallan, is almost exactly right in the middle of where we are.

Apparently Zavien had been too nervous to be hard, which we had seen when he was just in underwear, but seeing all four of us naked and hard, he shot to full hardness as well. Zavien is pretty tall for his age, really thin, yet tough looking, his legs and ass are pretty fine, but again, his ass will look better diapered, of course. Then there are his dick and balls. Like I said, he is right between Dallan and me in that respect, but his foreskin is nearly twice as long as ours are. He actually curves down slightly, and to his left. His balls look really nice, and appear to already be dropping, though in his aroused state, they are pulling back up a bit.

“Wow, Zavien, you're hot.” Dallan said.

“Thanks, so are you. I've never actually seen another boy naked before.”

“Really, but you're so popular.”

“No, no I'm not. I think everyone knows I'm gay, no one will hang out with me, I kinda have no friends at all, except a couple boys on the team. I lied and said how popular I am at school, how many friends I have, more wishing than reality I guess.”

“Yeah, know how you feel.” Dallan and I say as one.

We finally hit the showers and Dad makes sure to tell the two very sweaty boys to clean themselves extra well, and they do so, since he does not want all that extra grime and dirt in the pool, because they are dirty too, as they should be after a good practice. When we jump into the pool, we all swim for a few minutes, but not really to exercise so much as to just play, but we all more want the hot tub right now anyway, so we head there.

“So, how do you like it?” Dallan asks Zavien.

“It's really quite nice and free, isn't it?”

“Mmmhmm.” We all sigh as one.

As we sit there relaxing, we all talk, mostly telling Zavien about us all and who we really are. Then Zavien tells us the rest about himself, but there was really not all that much more to say. He says that he is certain that his dad knows for sure that he is gay, and that he is perfectly okay with it, especially since one of his dads oldest and best friends is not only gay, but married to his partner, which he said was probably the nicest wedding that he had ever been to, since it was only a couple years ago now. I even asked him if he has ever actually tried to not wet the bed, and he said that he used to actually have one of those alarms to wake you up when you start peeing, as well he had tried the pills, but none of them actually worked, because he still wet just as much anyway, and eventually he just slept through the alarm. He says that was when they actually started doing tests, and found out that there is something not triggering properly in his brain, and that it may or may not resolve itself, and that only time will tell. He did admit that he was not entirely crushed by that news, that came when he was eight, because he had already secretly enjoyed his diapers, and wants them even more now.

“That's awesome Zavien. So, after this weekend, will you tell your dad about being a gay baby boy diaper lover?” I had to ask.

“No, not yet. If you'd allow me, I'd liketa come here for at least a couple more weekends and get to learn to enjoy them here, if I do of course, before I do that.” He admitted after only a moments thought.

“Very wise decision, and you're welcome here any weekend you desire.” Dad says happily.

“Thanks. My dad's always telling me that there's no need to ever jump both feet into anything, that to do so slowly and carefully, and make sure of things first is the wisest thing a man can do.”

“I think I like him already. I teach Jett much the same way.”

“Yeah, he's pretty cool, which is probably why I'm not even the least bit nervous about telling him that I'm pretty sure I'm a gay baby boy diaper lover, but there's no sense yet 'til I actually decide for myself if that's really and truly who and what I am.”

“I bet it'll be by the end of this weekend.” Dallan giggles.

“Possibly, probably even, because before coming here I was already pretty sure of it anyway, and I have worn my Goodnites during the day a few times, and that was always really nice, but 'til I'm absolutely certain, there's no point in saying anything.”

“True. And like Harris says, it's wise too. I think you probably will, just like it sounds like you're already certain you will too. Heck, even if I could start going pee properly now, I just don't think I could, and certainly never would unless I had no other choice for some stupid reason.” Dallan says.

Once we are all well soaked and relaxed, we all climb out of the hot tub and jump back into the pool to cool off and close our pores. I love doing this, Dad has always told me that it is good for you to do so, so I have always done so. Dallan no longer shrieks when he does this, but Zavien and Jared both did, and we all giggle at them. Finally we head to the showers to rinse off, and then head inside to diaper up after drying off.

“Well, I say we go quadruple thick once again, so to show Zavien what being a gay baby boy diaper lover's truly all about, and then get so much to drink we feel like we're gonna explode.” Dallan says as we are still walking into the house, drying off as we go.

“Okay.” We all say together, Zavien loudest.

“It sounds like you've dreamed about that?” Dad grins to Zavien. “You were loudest and most boisterous in your response.”

“Oh god yeah. I've kinda been a naughty little boy and have read some pretty amazing stories, and reading about that's always made me, well, happiest, let's just say.” He grins and blushes, and we know exactly what he means by it.

“Yeah, same for all of us.” Dad says again, and we all nod.


“And it's way better than reading about it.” Dallan says happily.

Dad leads us to his bedroom, where he tells us all to lay down, and so we do, and starting at Dallan, he diapers him. I am beside him, so I get to go next, and then Zavien is next to me, so he is next in line, and finally Jared is last. Dad then climbs up onto the bed after telling us to stand up, and he proceeds to change himself. Those that could do so, have already peed, though it does not show even in the slightest as of yet.

“So, how's it feel?” Dallan asks Zavien, once we are all done and are now standing around, enjoying the sights.

“You were right, it's even better than it sounded.”

“Yeah, just wait 'til it's so gloriously soggy that you're nearly leaking. Now, to help in that, let's go get us babies some baby bottles with apple juice.”

“You drink from baby bottles?” Zavien asked in awe.

“Oh yeah.” Dallan grins again.

“Me thinks you've dreamed of that too, a lot, haven't you?” I ask.

“Oh yeah.”

“Good.” We all say as one again.

Dallan and I get started on making the baby bottles, while Dad gets started on a full triple batch of tea, which means that we will all get two large thermal mugs full. We do not have enough to give us all two mugs, so we just get one, and the remainder is put into a large thermos so that it will keep hot. We had all enjoyed our baby bottles, even Dad had gotten two this time, even though he does not often partake in them, that was what we made him this time, and Zavien enjoyed it immensely.

It was decided that we would go and play games, so we head downstairs with our tea, Dad is carrying the large thermos with the rest of the tea as well, and we played until dinner time. After dinner we watched a couple movies, and then before too long, we were laying down in our nest bed to go to sleep, only we stayed up talking for almost an hour after laying down.

Sunday morning, we had breakfast and then played more, had lunch, and just before leaving for Dallan and Zavien's soccer practice, we went and changed to just a single diaper, and got dressed. Zavien shocked us and asked to be diapered as well, so we happily did so. Practice was another good three hour long practice, and the boys were both good and sweaty and tired when they were done, so, as soon as we got home, we headed out to the pool to not only get cleaned up, but also soothe their tired muscles and for all of us to relax.

We quadruple diapered once again as soon as we were all cleaned and dried, and then went and got baby bottles and tea once again, only Dad asked for his apple juice in a glass instead, which we were okay with, but Zavien happily asked for his in a baby bottle as well.

We did much the same things again Sunday evening and Monday morning, and before we know it, it is time for both Jared and Zavien to head home. We had just finished lunch, got cleaned up, and changed our soggy baby bums. Zavien risked wearing a diaper again, saying that he is almost beyond caring what anyone thinks, and that he is already starting to truly love them. I asked him if he wanted to take some baby diapers home with him, and he just happily nodded, so I packed several extras for him to take home to enjoy.

Now it is just Dad, Dallan, and me, and it was decided that we really do need to go shopping, so we head out to do so, since we need lots. We ended up just having dinner out, because we took so long, and none of us felt much like going home and cooking dinner, which really is silly, considering all the food that we just bought.

We unloaded all the groceries and other supplies, and as we were putting them all away, I asked the burning question.

“So, who here thinks that Zavien and Jared really like each other and wanna become baby boyfriends before too long?”

“Me.” Dad and Dallan both said together.

“Yeah. You both clearly saw the looks they gave to each other as well then?”


“They both definitely needta come spend next weekend again, so that they can spend time together.”

They both agreed again, and we kept talking as we put things away. After that, we went downstairs and played games for the evening, but we all go to bed at our regular time, so that we can be good for school and work in the morning. With today being a holiday, it had been quite nice, but them doing the day off on the previous Friday made it so much better. We all feel better for it, more recharged I guess you could say.

Next: Chapter 5

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