My Sisters Mannequin

By Todd Small

Published on Feb 20, 2007


This is a short story that is mostly fact with a little fiction thrown in at the end. It is not suitable for minors.

Sharing the "finished basement" with my sister when I was 12-14 years old was both a complete joy and incredibly agonizing at the same time. Cindy was 6 years older than me and a fabulous person to live with. She was everything you would want in a roommate; energetic, happy, playful, talkative, full of ideas, pretty,sexy and loving. She was also dynamic, organized and strong-willed when she needed to be. When the neighborhood garage play was happening, Cindy was the one writing lines, getting costumes and scenery, directing things in only the way that she could. Who wouldn't want to take orders from the beautiful queen of the neighborhood? The agonizing aspect was living with a goddess when your coming into your own sexuality. Not only was she gorgeous to behold but she had a very sexy style and very sexy accessories to go along with it. It was the late sixties and short dresses and skirts were coming into fashion. My sister had a grand collection of these along with a growing collection of lingerie of all sorts. There were stockings hanging all about, bras, slips, garters, camisoles, corsets, girdles, bustiers, panties; you name it. She also happened to be on the cheerleading squad, so those outfits were strewn about as well. Modesty was never something she considered, so I would be treated to displays of her naked or partially clothed body that turned me on and gave me some of my earliest erections. I also started to become aware that I really liked the clothes that she had. They were so pretty and felt so good to the touch, nothing like the dismal stuff that we boys had in our dressers. So, when she was out, I would start opening her panty/stocking drawer and feel those sheer materials and smell the perfumes until I was quite intoxicated. Cindy also liked to make and alter her own clothes. The dresses were often a bit too long for her so she would be inspired to hem them. Not having a mannequin to do this work on, and being the pragmatic sort that she was, she coerced me into helping her, though it probably didn't take all that much pressuring given the interest I was quickly developing in her clothes. You see, with our age difference I was almost the same size as she. I remember one incident in particular, which was probably the first or second time I had helped her. I was to put an alluring red sun dress while she hemmed it. She wanted it to sit more naturally on me so I was instructed wear only my briefs. I can still feel that slinky dress running over my skin, just as many of her dresses eventually did! On that day in praticular though, I started to get really turned on and my then diminutive pecker began to get particularly hard. It was embarassing and thriliing at the same time. With her working on the hem, the material of the dress kept sliding across my smooth skin, making me more and more aroused. Of course I didn't want her to see me in that state, but being hard, in a sexy red dress, was so thrilling I had no control over my body and it's desires. But just as I thought she had started to notice my "condition" we heard a noise from upstairs and the voice of her current football-player boyfriend calling to her. "Cindy, are you home?", asked Seth, who had free reign of the house when my parents weren't around. "Oh Shit!" whispered Cindy. "I'll be right up", she yelled to him. But no use, he started toward the basement door just as I started toward the closet. Imagine, one of my first experiences dressing and I was already heading for the closet! He came bounding down the stairs just as I managed to shut the closet door. "Hi Sweety, I had a half hour to spare so I thought I'd stop by" "You know Seth, I'd appreciate it if you'd at least knock before you burst in on me like this." "Well, I just really needed to see you baby." I could hear the rustle of clothes and sounds of their lips together. "Look Seth, I have too much to do right now to be fooling around" said my sister. "Oh come on, you don't know how much I've missed you" "Well, I can easily see how much you've missed me! I tell you what Seth, if I give you a blow job right now, will you leave and let me get on with my day?" "Hey, you don't have to,,,,,,,umh, well, OK" The next thing I hear is the unbuckling of a belt and the unzipping of the jeans. Well, I knew my sister was staightforward and practical but I didn't really expect to hear those words passing her lips! As I heard a low moaning coming out of Seth I couldn't help but to want to see what was happening. I opened the door a crack and saw my sister on her knees in front of Seth with a lot more than her words passing her lips. From the angle I had I could see most of her face and Seth's back. His cock was almost completely in her mouth and he began pumping his hips as he said, "Oh yah Cindy, you have such a great tongue, keep doin' that," I also noticed that she had grabbed hold of his balls with her right hand and was squeezing them hard as her head bobbed on his cock. Her other hand was on his ass cheek as she dug her nails in. "God, I love to fuck your face, Oh jeessus!" At this point I was so hard I just had to reach under that slinky dress and grab a fistful of my cock as it stuck out of my BVD's. As I started to stroke my cock I glanced down for a second and saw a sight sent from heaven; My favorite pair of my sisters panties was lying there on top of the clothes in the hamper. They were pink with lace trim and a little satin bow on the front, so cute and so sexy. The charge that went through me as I pulled off my BVD's and started to slip into her panties for the first time was one that stays with me to this day. With a light touch I began to feel the panties on my ass and over my cock. That was almost enough in itself to make me cum. "Oh yeah, that's it Cindy, squeeze my balls hard baby.." Well, I couldn't help but to follow directions as I started to squeeze my balls through the panties. When I looked back out Seth was pumping his cock into my sisters mouth like there was no tomorrow. My sister, who'd had her eyes closed before, opened them for a second and looked right at the closet. She seemed a bit surprised, but kept looking my way and finally gave me a wink before she shut them again to focus on swallowing Seth's cum as he rocked her head and held it tight with his hands. At that point a few quick strokes through the panties with my other hand squeezing my balls hard and my cum was all over those beautiful, sweet little bikinis. I began to wonder what it would be like to have a cock in my mouth like that. As it turned out I would know the answer sooner than I could imagine.

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