My Sister's Husband

By Webb

Published on Dec 1, 1996



My Sister's Husband

  • Webb

My sister Karen and I had the same best friend all through school. Don and I were the same age and one year ahead of Karen. Don and I were buddies and hung out together. Of course he met Karen and sometimes she would hang out with us. I was always attracted to Don and letting Karen hang out with us kept Don from ever guessing that I wanted him.

Don stood 5'11, and weighed about 190 lbs, most of it muscle. Always atheletic and in good shape his body seemed to ripple and flex as he walked. I watched his body move whenever I could. His is light brown, almost golden which sort of curled and always kept very short. On his chest a 'v' of dark hair that came up from his crotch and spread across two meaty pecs. If god ever put a man on this earth to tempt me it is Don. All through high school I tried to get a peek at his dick but never did. Every night I'd jerk off thinking what it would be like to touch him. I'd imagine what he would taste like. I fantasized about being inside him.

Don flirted with Karen as though it was a joke. The three of us all knew that it was cause he really liked Karen. The last summer before college we did everything together and my lust for Don increased daily. I knew I'd have to do or say something to him. I couldn't face it and went to college out of state. I had to get away from him before I did or said something.

At college I finally came out. It was safe there, not as much to risk. It just wasn't something that was going to happen at home. Later I admitted that I went to college to stop pretending that it would go away.

Don went to Cal State LA and never left home. He claimed that his parents couldn't afford to send him away like mine, but I think we all knew why Don stayed. I guess they also knew why I left.

By graduation I'd done the whole coming out thing. And I finally had my first time. Jim was on the swim team also, and I'd been eying him and feeling his eyes on me all year. We both knew without talking that we wanted each other. I just wasn't sure I would know what to do, even though it was all I fantasized about. When it finally happend it was in the showers in the locker room. There was no one else around and Jim pulled me into a shower stall with him. Before I could think of anything to say Jim layed a kiss on me and changed my life forever.

We messed around under the stream of warm water for a few nervous minutes then I asked if we could go to his room. Jim smiled and asked if this was my first time with a puzzled look. I admitted it was and his smile melted me. Jim took me back to his dorm room and we went at it. I loved the feel of his body and the hard packed muscle. The whole time I thought of Don and what it would be like to have his tongue in my mouth, and my hands roaming all over his body.

I was lucky to have Jim as my first time, he was patient and did only what I wanted to try.. He instructed me as we went along telling me those things that all gay men should know.

My whold body was on fire. I almost came immediately the first time he put his mouth on my dick. Though I warned him I was going to come he took my load in his mouth and swallowed every drop. That scared the hell out of me when he did it. I sucked his dick too. I found that it was smooth and had no taste. I always lived in fear that I wouldn't be able to actually put a man's cock in my mouth. But I found that it was easy and Jim went wild because of it.

I slept with Jim off and on for most of that semester. Jim had a girlfriend and whenever he didn't spend the weekend with her he and I found places to spend some time together. I would have fallen for Jim, but I always thought of Don when I was with him. I wondered if anything would ever happen between Don and me.

When I finally told them I came out to Karen first. It was the scariest thing I ever did. But she already had guessed. Don already knew too, they had talked about it. It was a hell of a relief to have it out in the open. Then they had something to tell me. Karen had agreed to marry Don. Don turned to me and asked if I would be his best man. "I'd be honored", I told him. The three of us hugged and cried together.

I cried becuase it felt so good to be out in the open with them. I cried because I was happy for them both, hell it was just a matter of time. I cried because Don would always be a fantasy of mine and always just out of reach.

They planned their ceremony to happen a few weeks after I graduated. Don asked me to be his best man. I heard later that he had nearly beaten the shit out of one of his half brothers when they found out his best man was a faggot.

I came home right after graduation to help with the wedding. Kevin, one of our friends helped plan the bachelor party with me. What the hell did I know about hiring a stripper? Kevin planned it up at his ski lodge which is deserted in the summer. I had to get Don there just before dark without telling him where we were going.

The bachelor party was two days before the wedding. We figured that we'd give Don a chance to recover and not show up with a hangover. We drank a hell of a lot, and the stripper was really outrageous. I saw her do things that I hope to never see again. Don really liked her and she got him all worked up. I got all worked up watching her grind on top of him taking dollar bills out of his mouth with her pussy. I could see Don's rock hard cock outlined in his briefs and wanted to trade places. He happened to look up at me and turned bright red noticing my stare. They didn't actually do anything, but she came close to it with a couple of the guys.

Hours later most of the guys had passed out. Kevin turned in which left only Don and myself. We were pretty fucked up. Don tossed me a beer and dragged me out on the deck. It was one of those crystal clear nights where there are so many stars out it feels like daylight.

"One more day of freedom, eh?", Don said as he staggered over to the rail.

"You having second thoughts?"

"Nah.. I love Karen."

"I'm jealous of her.", I blurted out as I walked up next to him and sat on the rail next to him.

"Yeah, I know." Don smiled at me and walked across to the steps and down on to the dirt path in front of the cabin. "Come on let's walk." He said waving me over.

We walked down the path a while. I barely felt the ground underneath my feet as I enjoyed the buzz from the beers.

"When did you know?", I asked finally.

He didn't answer right away but did glance at me with a devlish grin on his face. "I started to notice that you always seemed to be around when I was gonna be taking my clothes off, like you wanted to see or something. That's when I started to suspect."

We walked on in silence a while longer the lush smell of the forest all around. "I didn't like it at first, but I figured it didn't really matter.", Don said finally.

Cresting the hill I looked back at the cabin and the wisp of smoke escaping the chimney. Through the beer-haze the canyon and cabin appeared somehow larger than life.

"You've always been my best friend Paul. Except for Karen you mean more to me than anything."

I didn't look at him and it took everything I had not to start crying. "Thanks", I mumbled. In a minute we were hugging and both near sobbing.

"It's good to have you back..", Don whispered to me. Then he kissed my neck as we were hugging. It was really amazing to me that our relationship was so strong that he felt comfortable kissing me so intimately. Then I felt his hands turn my head and suddenly he kissed me for real.

My eyes flew open in shock and I pulled away. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I know what I'm doing", he said and planted another kiss on me. I pulled him close and into a hug just to give me time to think.

"Don, what's going on?", I whispered in his ear. "You're getting married in two days?" That first kiss had sent fire through my body and my dick had begun to rise. It was the most initmate moment I'd ever shared with someone.

"Yeah, tomorrow it'll be too late..."

"What the hell are you saying?"

He answered by kissing me again and pulling our bodies tight together. I felt his strong arms on me holding me and kindling all those fantasies of what this moment would be like. My arms around him felt his body and the firm muscles I'd always dreamed of touching and caressing. I closed my eyes and allowed to kiss go on but responding this time. With a gasp He broke the kiss for air.

Don started to pull me farther down the path out of view of the cabin. "We need privacy", He said.

We found a small clearing and stood with him against a tree trunk and I leaned into him. We looked at each other a moment and niether of us spoke. I wondered what the hell he was thinking. I wanted this more than anything and had since I first met Don and now it scared the hell out of me, I didn't know if I could to it. "Just go slow, I don't know what to do", Don said finally.

"Why are you doing this... "

"Don't ask me why, I don't know. I mean I'm not into guys like you, but I need to do this. I can't marry Karen unless I do."

I just stared into his eyes not knowing what to do. Don pulled me to him kissing me again. He tasted so good, and I gave into my desire for him not know what would happen.

I guided his hands from my shoulders down to my butt and felt his fingers spread grasping both cheeks tightly.

"Your so hard, not like a woman.", Don slurred between kisses. I was too into those kisses and feeling his hands on my ass to say anything.

My hands roamed his body feeling the hard tight pecs and shoulders. His nipples were already hard under the flannel shirt he wore. I started reaching into his shirt and un-buttoning it clumsily. Finally I had that chest of his exposed and my hands explored the hairy mounds there.

He gasped as I gently squeezed his nipple. I tugged at it again and was rewarded with renewed and frenzied kisses. This was familiar territory to me. This was a man's body and I knew well how to please another man. Some of my concern melted away and my instincts took over.

"Oh my god... unnhhh", Don moaned as I continued tugging at his nipple. I began kissing his neck and earlobes, darting my tongue inside his ear as well and could tell it was driving him wild.

I unbuttoned his shirt and through it open exposing his chest. Then I attacked his other nipple with my mouth, his whole body jumped as I made contact with it. I sucked at it hungrily without getting too rough on it, knowing how intense it was when someone first did this to me.

Don still moaning ran his hands through my hair and over my shoulders clutching me hard to his body when I reached a sensitive area of his chest with my mouth. His hot pink flesh tasted so good to me.

I traced the line of soft fur down from his chest to his belly and stuck my tongue into his belly button eliciting more grunts and moans.

Finally I reached for his belt, his hands came up instantly and grabbed mine, stopping me. "Hold it, give me a second.. ", Don said nearly panting with excitement. I stood and he grabbed me to him in a hug and I kissed his neck and earlobes.

His hands began to roam across my chest now, seeking out my nipples. I drew in a breath as he reached the first of them and squeezed it. My body shivered and I paused in my work on his neck for a moment. "Oh, yeah Don, harder...", I whispered into his ear as he instantly complied. His other hand found my other nipple and I leaned back my head in ecstacy.

I felt his hard cock brush against me just as mine was straining against the leg of my jeans. "I want your dick in my mouth...", I said between grunts.

I felt more than saw, him nod and I reached to unbutton his pants. Fumbling with the belt I finally freed it and the top button of his 501's. Before pulling them open I ran my hand down the front of his crotch feeling his cock there. He kissed me hard again and our tongues danced together as I explored his cock by touch through the fabric.

Slowly I worked my other hand down inside the waistband and ran it back and forth across his waist, playing with the hair inside. Then I grabbed the top and pulled open his fly, each button giving way slowly with a jerk until his white briefs stood out bright white against his jeans. My hands played with the mound there both from inside his briefs and one rubbing it from outside.

I grabbed it and pulled it out into the air feeling the hard shaft in my fist. Then slowly running my mouth down his body I sought that pole. His breathing was fast and I could feel his heart racing.

I licked and tasted the head of his cock which already had a drop of pre-cum on it. Then slowly, teasingly went down on it until it was buried in my throat. His hands found my head and played with my hair. I sucked vigorously at his dick while he impotently tried to reach my nipples chest, or shoulders and somehow reciprocate for what I was doing to him. Moans and grunts continued to issue from him.

I wanted this to be the best blowjob he'd ever gotten and worked at him a while bringing him close several times.

"Oh Paul, I gotta do you now...", Don pleaded through his moans. I backed off from his dick and he pulled me to my feet and turned me to lean against the tree in his place. Then pulled my shirt up and off my body. Instantly his mouth was on one nipple then the other as I twitched and grunted, not even feeling the roughness of the tree against my naked back.

He played with my nipples while his hands sought out my pants and unbuttoned them, reaching inside he grabbed my dick, almost painfully the first time. Then he proceeded to play with it and free it from my pants. Now both our cocks stood free in the moonlight.

Then Don went down to his knees and stared at my erect cock in front of his face. He looked directly up at me and our eys met. Without taking his eyes off me he fisted my dick and then stuck out his tongue and tasted it. Already dripping with pre-cum I saw him sort of grimace and then take the head into his mouth. I shut my eyes and leaned back my head attempting to think of something else or I'd cum immediately. This was so hot I didn't think i could hold off. I tried staring up at the stars or listening to the sounds of the forest around us.

The warm moist cavity moved to cover half my cock and then I felt his tongue swirling around the head. He began to pump it in and out of his mouth slowly and then quickly. I almost came right then. One hand sought out my balls and stroked them gently - he'd never felt any other than his own.

Thankfully he didn't continue on too long sucking my cock and I pulled him up to kiss me again. I layed out both our shirts on the ground and had him lay on his back. I pulled his pants and briefs off and then pulled off mine too.

Then I lay on top of him and we kissed more, our cocks bumping into each other smearing saliva and pre-cum on each other's bellies. I pressed my knees apart forcing his legs up and apart exposing his asshole. Still kissing and him, his hands playing with my nipples vigorously. I had Don totally in my power naked ass vulnerable.

"Do you want me to fuck you?", I asked. I saw terror and hot naked desire battle over his face.

"God... Yeah I do. I want you inside me.", he said. I think he was as schocked as me. There was no turning back. While we stared at each other his hands roamed over my back and gripped my ass. I ground my hips up against his ass and grinned at him. Don writhed underneath me and pulled me closer.

We kissed and ground our bodies against each other, our cocks nestled in the sweaty space between our bellies. Then I remembered I didn't have a condom.

"I can't fuck you Don, I don't have a condom with me.", I whispered against his neck.

"There's one in my pants..."

"You sonofabitch! You planned this didn't you!", I said in mock outrage.

I pulled away a little and then put my finger in his mouth. He sucked it in hungrily. Then I pulled it out and dropped some saliva in my palm. Reaching back in between our bodies I found his asshole and smeared it with my saliva. As I did we kissed each other hungrily again his tongue diving into my mouth.

Don, was definitely a good kisser and I could tell his ass was nice and tight too.

For many minutes I worked on his ass loosening it up and dribbling more saliva down onto his crack, lifting up his balls to let it drop right in there. I had one, then finally two and three fingers in there working that tight knot of muscle. He was groaning and bucking and pulling me against him. He definitely was liking it and begging me to fuck him, saying he was ready.

I kept putting him off til' I knew I could enter him easily without much pain. Then, I grabbed his jeans and found the condom in the pocket. Sitting back on my heels I smeared by own dick with saliva and then rolled the condom on over it. I knew I was negative for AIDS and would have loved to fuck him without it, but I knew it'd be too intense and over in a flash.

I rubbed his asshole again with my fingers and then placed the head of my dick up against it. Leaning forward I placed my mouth on his and we kissed again. He tried pulling me forward into him but I just kept a slight pressure up against him.

Slowly I pushed the head of my dick in and told Don to squeeze out like he was taking a shit. I felt the knot of muscle blossom open around my cock and pushed in about an inch. His breathing jumped and he panted past my mouth and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Pushing in slowly I got about half of my cock inside him. "You ok...?"

"Oh, yeah. Go ahead do it...", he panted. Don seemed overwhelmed and uable to think. But, definitely enjoying it.

I eased my cock the rest of the way into my lifelong buddy and High School fuck fantasy until my hips rested against his thighs.

Then I begn thrusting and grinding up against him. Slowly, without ramming it into him too hard. I took my time and savored the feel of his tight hole as it gripped my cock. Don whimpered and moaned with the feeling of being full of my cock. His feedback drove me crazy.

I was in the woods fucking Don, a day and a half before he would marry my sister. It was the hottest thing I could ever have imagined. Better than any of the fantasies I ever had.

I increased my rythm and really started to fuck Don in earnest. He groaned or cursed, or grunted each time I rammed it into him.

We kissed a couple times but he needed to breathe and to grunt too often to keep it up. Sweat was pouring off of me, and he was slick with it as well.

I began to lose myself in the grunting grinding action of my cock buried in Don's tight hard body. Everything was about that friction where the two of us were now connected.

Don's hand found his cock and started jerking himself off wildly. I knew he was ready to blast that hot load of his any second and I could feel mine building.

"I'm gonna cumm.... Unnhhh... Unnhhh... Unnhhh", he said almost pleading.

"Just a second longer.", I grunted back.

I felt a hot splash on my belly, then my arm and could feel Don's insides grip me even harder as he shot his load all over both of us.

Another stroke and I blasted my load inside him slamming those last thrusts into him grunting and forcing all my strength of body and will into him along with my spunk.

Don quivered and jerked under me with that after-cumming sensitivity. I collapsed on top of him totally spent. The warmth of his load touched me everywhere our bodies met. His arms encircled me squeezing me to him. Both to remain connected and to keep me from moving inside his now very sensitive asshole.

Moments passed and my softening dick was losing it's place inside of him. A chill passed through me and both our bodies shivered. Those worries about what this would do to our friendship now assaulted me.

I didn't want to let go of him, because I didn't know if I could look him in the eye. I had no idea what to say to Don.

"It's ok.", he said.

"What's ok?"

"This, it's what I wanted. Don't worry.", Don said.

Somehow that made it ok. I relaxed a little. Still not sure what was next. What do you do after you've just had the hottest sex of your life with your childhood friend and future brother in law?

The ceremony was beautiful. Karen was radiant in her gown, and Don very handsome in his tux. I stood next to him watching My father and Karen march up the aisle towards us. The only hard part of the whole thing was when the minister asked if there was anyone present who knew why they should not be wed. Don, shot me a look that could kill, then winked.

"Thanks for the present Paul", Karen said softly in my ear as we danced at the reception.

"Oh, yeah I figured a gift certificate would work better. This way you can get what you'll need.", I answered.

"No, not that gift. I mean what you did for Don.", she said matter of factly.

I was suddenly petrified. "What do you mean, the party?"

"It's ok Paul. I know. He told me he just had to do it.", she whispered.

I just stared at her. Across the dance floor I could see Don dancing with our Mother. Our eyes met just for a moment and he winked again. Karen smiled up at me and we continued to dance...

"So I don't get it.", Mark said to me as he turned off the light on the bedstand. "So was he a closet case? And, did you ever do it again?"

"No, it wasn't like that. It was just this thing that would have been between us the rest of our lives.", I answered snuggling up against my boyfriends back.

"But then why'd he marry your sister?", He said perplexed.

"I guess you just had to be there.... ", I answered. I don't think he'll ever understand, but it doesn't really matter.

I didn't understand it right away but I was set free that night in the woods with Don. Mark and I have been together for almost a year now and are talking about having a commitment ceremony. I don't this would have been possible before that night with Don.

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