My Silence Will Cost You

By Logan Prejean

Published on Apr 9, 2023


This story was dreamt up over the past few months and is the sole property of me. The characters in this story are at least 18 years of age and none of this happened in real life, only in my filthy mind and soon to be yours. This is the final chapter of this series, we sincerely thank you for reading it and hope you will leave us a comment. Enjoy.

You can follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean or you can email me

WARNING: This story will contain bullying, sexual coercion, and blackmail. If this is a potential trigger for you or not your cup of tea, then I highly recommend you move on.

Show some love and $upport to Nifty for keeping this service free for us to use!

-------------------- Chapter 6: After the fight, hate fucking or make up sex... or...?

Thunder claps so loud it makes me jump nearly out of my chair as the room lights up. This storm must be on top of us to get the thunder and lightning to hit nearly instantaneously. Fuck, where is he? He stormed out nearly two hours ago and he hasn't answered my text messages or my phone calls. Yes, I called him.

I fucked up. I fucked up so bad. He could turn me in for RAPE! Was that what I did? I mean, holy hell! I am doomed. Shit, I know I slammed him that he'd end up being a used car salesman (if he was lucky) after cheating, but FUCK. I would be LUCKY to sell cars after going to prison for 20 years! OMG, he has to answer my texts. I just need to know that he is OK. He was not in a good place when he stormed out.

I swear I just saw the three dots come up to indicate he was texting me. But just as soon as I saw them, they vanished. Is he OK? Is he hurt? SHIT! SHIT SHIT!

What the fuck is happening to me? How the hell have I become this monster? What have I done to my life? My family? Oh my god, what is my mom going to say? Shit, my dad's career will be over! No way he gets re-elected. My parents will disown me. What have I fucking done?

Shit, where is he? Why isn't he answering my text? Where would he go?

At the height of my freak out I hear Phillip and Max return to their room. Apparently, we left both doors open in the bathroom. All the lights are off in our room as I make my way over to the bathroom... and HOLY SHIT!

Phillip has Max pushed up against the counter as he is kissing him! WTF? These guys are gay? How the hell did I miss that? Christ! I have the best gaydar around and I missed that the guys I share a shitter with are GAY?

"Oh, hey Sean! We didn't know you were home," Phillip says and he remains holding Max.

"Oh, hey... guys. Holy shit, I didn't know you guys were together!" I say both surprised and happy for them.

"What? Really? I mean we roomed together freshman year, we came out together, and then started dating. Cliche, I know, but it worked," Max says, leaning in and kissing Phillip.

"Wow, that is great! Really! I'm so happy for you guys!" Completely astonished that I didn't recognize this! How in the world?

"We just came back to dry off and change clothes as we got caught in the rain but we have to go and get some dinner. You want us to bring you something back, or maybe come with us?"

"That is super sweet, ummm no. I need to hang out here. Kyle and I had a bit of a fight and I need to be here when he gets back to apologize and try to repair this."

Phillip looks at Max with a knowing smile.

"What?" I say to them as they are clearly communicating telepathically.

Max shakes his head in the affirmative and Phillip says quietly, "We know you guys have been fooling around and that it is... well, complicated."

"Whoa, whoa. Just what exactly do you guys think you know?" I say with a quick light and awkward laugh, kinda freaked out frankly.

"Look, that wall is not as sound proof as you guys think," Phillip says matter of factly.

"And you guys are SO not as quiet as you think you are," Max says and then adds, "And the shower is basically an echo chamber, so anything you even whisper in there we hear. That drunk night I bent Phillip over his desk and fucked him as you guys got off in the shower together!"

"And then just this afternoon as Kyle fucked you in the shower!" Phillip interjects, "Max fucked me up against the wall and then we went to meet up with friend."

"Wow," I say, "I had no idea, boys. Well, I am happy for you and damn that is kinda hot knowing you have been banging right next door." I say this and step a bit closer to them, wanting to grab my shower kit from the bathroom sink.

"Shit, Sean - is that blood on your neck?" Phillip says to me in a soft, caring voice as they both take a step toward me. "And you have a black eye, Sean! What the fuck did that asshole do to you?"

"Shit, look... guys... It's... we just... It's completely my fault." I can feel myself start to cry. "We had a fight... It was awful. I pushed things too far. I'm an asshole."

"Fuck that, he never should have hit you! We are going to call campus police!" Max says as he makes a move to reach for his phone on the counter.

"No! Oh God, no. Don't do that. Seriously, I am to blame for this. Please. Just let me try to deal with this. Please, seriously guys. It means the world to me that you want to help and that you want to protect me, but seriously, let me at least try to fix things and I will let you know. OK?" They look at each other and Max nods at me.

"We can cancel our plans tonight and stay home in case you need us," Phillip offers.

"Oh no, you don't need to do that. I will be surprised if he even comes back here tonight with how mad he was. But look, add your phone numbers to my phone here," handing them my phone, "And I promise I will call or text if there is even a sign of problems."

"No, you text us if he comes home, and we will come back and be here just in case," Max says quite forcefully and adds, "We can't play around with some gay panic straight jock fucking around with any of us. It's clear he has issues."

Phillip demures a bit and places the phone back in my hand and holds it a minute. "We are here for you. I don't like that we haven't been before this, but..." he looks over at Max, "this is new for both of us and we are just learning our way here."

"Thanks guys, now you go and have fun and I will text you if anything happens or if he returns," I say to them with a forced smile.

The boys head out and I go back and sit down on my bed, pulling open my text messages and seeing that Kyle still hasn't responded.

While there I text Max and Phillip...

Me: Thanks guys u both are awesome Me: I really needed that Phillip: you bet Phillip: Max says you really should ice your eye and cheek Me: lol i was just thinking the same thing thx

After I return from running down several floors to grab some ice, I make myself a soft ice pack for my face. Aunt Nancy always says to be more careful with this area of your body since the skin is so thin you can do some underlying damage. I just know it feels so good to have this on my face. I have the ice in a ziplock bag inside the leg of a pair of my warmer sweats. Fuck, all my towels were dirty and I really need to do laundry.

I desperately craved my Golden Girls, but for whatever reason tonight they are running a Designing Women marathon. That works, that really works. I suppose I am an old soul, connecting so well with these women, or perhaps they were just meant to connect with the gay sensibility. Either way, listening to Julia Sugarbaker read any man to filth was just the kick in the pants I needed right now to keep my mind off of what just happened here.

11:50pm Two hours have gone by since the boys headed out and still no sign of Kyle. I am still wide awake clearly still burning off the adrenaline and whatever other primitive reaction your body cooks up after having your ass handed to you. I stroll over to the bathroom to take a leak and looking in the mirror I can tell the cold pack helped. The swelling has started going down and the eye didn't get as bad as I thought it would.

I stare at myself in the mirror and I don't even know who I am looking at. Who is this guy who just manipulated and took advantage of this football jock? Damn it, he is my friend. He is my good friend... but I took advantage. Oh fuck. I have to stop spiraling. He needs to call me.

As I return to my phone, I see it flash. I see two minutes ago the boys texted me, likely to check up. Man, I wish we would have been closer sooner. Sucks that it takes THIS to happen to get us to break the ice.

Phillip: kyle is sitting on a bench soaking wet getting rained on here in girard park Phillip: we tried to talk to him but he isn't responding to us Phillip: should we stay with him? He doesn't seem right Me: oh shit, ok. I am coming to you! Phillip: [drops a pin for his location]

I quickly put on a jacket and grab an umbrella and just as I am about out the door I run back in and grab Kyle's last clean towel; he is going to be soaking wet and freezing.

I run faster than I have ever before, what if I really did break him? Shit, did I rape him? I mean he said to do it, he didn't tell me to stop! SHIT! I'm going to jail. He has got to be OK. If he is OK, then it is fine if I go to jail. I deserve it. I am reeling and getting closer to this bench that appears to be right along the running path by the pond.

I see Phillip's large red umbrella and know that must be them, standing at least one hundred yards from the bench, and then I see him. Kyle, that is unmistakably him and he is hunched over holding his head in his hands.

"Oh my god, thank you guys for finding him and letting me know!" I say to Phillip and Max as I lean in, knocking umbrellas and group hugging these guys.

"Sean, he was sitting up and as we kept calling his name and trying to get him to acknowledge us but he stared off into the distance looking at the pond," Phillip says in a really soft, caring voice.

"Dude, but when we told him you were coming," Max continues, "that is when he slumped down like this and he screamed to leave him alone. So we backed the fuck up to over here."

"Thanks guys, look, I am going to go and try to talk to him. I have to... this is all my fault and I think I pressured him into things he just didn't want to do... and that is ... well, that wasn't right and I need to make sure he is OK. I hope that I can repair this."

"Look, we are going to stay to make sure he doesn't get violent again, but go talk to him. He is freezing from this rain and is shivering," Max informs me. "And look, if you need to stay in our room tonight, we will make it work, OK? Just get him out of this weather!"

Shit, he has been in this rain for at least an hour and the temperature has only been dropping. I collapse my umbrella and I hand that and the oversized towel to Phillip asking him if he would hold onto these for me.

"Sure, but we are going to walk under that pavilion there so we can sit down and get out of some of this rain, but we will keep an eye on you." Phillip says pointing to the gazebo area with several picnic tables and key to their point a roof to shelter them from this rain. It was good that they were staying close enough to see us, but far enough away that I was going to be able to be honest with Kyle without sharing our business with everyone. I look back and see the boys watching me closely. Wow, who knew these guys were so caring and nice? Shit, I have been such an ass this semester!

The rain starts pelting me. Each drop feels like a steely pin prick hitting me as my body takes on a terrible chill. I have never been good with cold weather or cold anything really, other than beer. I have no padding whatsoever and so even a light chill rips through me. But this is next level. Not only is the rain cold but it feels as if freezing cold air radiates off Kyle as he sits slouched over, and, by the looks of his body, he is shivering terribly... or is he crying?

I get a bit closer and finally, I speak.

"Kyle, I am so sorry." He just keeps holding his head between his hands and slouched over as I can see that he is most certainly shivering.

"Kyle, we have to get you inside and out of this weather! Max and Phillip are under the gazebo over there and look you can have the room tonight to yourself - they said I can crash with them until I can get reassigned. You won't have to deal with me anymore."

He then erupts into sobbing. Yes, he is shivering, but now he is clearly crying as well. I take a few steps closer to him and I kneel down a bit trying to get a look at his face with no luck. I just want to hold him, to warm him up to make sure he is OK.

"Kyle, I so fucked up and I am so very sorry for that. I think somewhere between you moving in and us getting to know each other I started falling for you. I know we said that wasn't going to happen but, well, clearly I did," I say to him and then take a huge breath. "Kyle, what I did to you this afternoon was unforgivable, it was wrong and I am willing to turn myself into the authorities. Clearly, I raped you and there is no explaining that away."

Still no response from him. "Kyle, it doesn't matter what I forced you to say to me. I still coerced you into doing things you didn't want to do."

"YOU FUCKING DID! You fucking broke me you son of a bitch!" Kyle says as he is crying and near wailing in pain. "I am NOT GAY! I can NOT BE GAY!"

"Kyle, I am so sorry. But we have to get you out of this weather. Please? We have to get you warmed up!"

"Oh NOW you fucking care? NOW you give a shit about my well being? All of a sudden you care?" As he says this he shoots up and starts approaching me really fast.

"You fucking did this to me! You fucking asshole! Why didn't you just leave me alone?" He then for the first time looks up at me, sees my black eye and swollen face. He jumps up and comes at me quick and I jump up as well thinking he is going to beat my ass.

"Holy shit..." seeing my reaction, "No, I'm not going to hurt you. Holy shit, Sean! I did this to you? Holy shit! I am so sooo..." he just erupts into the worst ugly cry I have ever seen. His eyes were already red and puffy, but now he has tears running down his face and what appears to be snot running from his nose, like you have when you have been uncontrollably crying. "Sean, I am so fucking sorry, I should never have hit you... this is all my fault!"

"Kyle, no... it's..."

Kyle then erupts again and takes a lap around the bench throwing punches in the air, and now acting more mad.

"Kyle, this is my fault. I took this too far. I should have ended this a month ago when I realized this was too much and I second guessed all of this and deleted all the evidence I had against you. I was so wrong for doing that. Kyle I don't want to be that person... I am not..."

"Wait," he says in a cold, nearly withdrawn voice. "You got rid of the evidence on me weeks ago? Seriously?"

"Yes. I already knew that there was virtually no way I was ever going to use that information unless you were a total Jock Asshole making my life a complete hell. But from the day that I was able to really connect with you, something snapped inside me and I couldn't live with myself anymore, so I deleted it all from my phone and the cloud."

"So these last few weeks you had nothing on me?" he says and then starts laughing. "Like all this time there was no risk at all to me? That is so fucking twisted."

"I am so sorry Kyle, this is all my fault and I will do anything to try to repair this, I will turn myself in if I need to because I took this all too far."

"FUCK! This just can't be happening! It can't be! It's my fucking fault. Sean, I don't want to be a cheat! I don't want that for myself! Fuck!" He continues sobbing and starts to turn and walk, not away from me but apparently to just move. "Sean, I am not a fucking dumb jock! I am not!"

"I believe you, Kyle! I never thought you were..." I say trying to be consoling and taking a small half-step nearer to him, even though I knew he wasn't talking to me on this, he was talking to himself.

"But you don't you don't understand any of this!" he says then screams "FUCK!" as he speeds up his walk which seems to be nothing but pacing back and forth in the middle of the icy cold rain.

"Kyle, then let's go back to the room and talk! We are both freezing out here!" I say to him, and he just keeps pacing.

"This is so fucked up! I didn't want this to happen! I fucking didn't want this to happen! I have tried so fucking hard to not let it happen! Christ!"

"I am so sorry, Kyle. This isn't your fault, it is mine!" Damn, I have really broken this guy and he's a mess. He is having some kind of a meltdown or something. I have to get him back to the room and warm him up. That has to happen first; we can deal with the rest of this later.

"I'm going to lose everything! My family... fuck, all I wanted was to be a star football player... I wanted to make my Dad happy and show him I could follow in his footsteps," he says, still crying and starting to smack himself in the face.

"Kyle, you have to stop, you are hurting yourself. You can have all of that, nothing has changed."

"Everything has fucking changed, Sean! Every. Fucking. Thing."

"Jesus, Kyle, I hate seeing you in pain like this. Look, I am going to move out tonight, I will pack up my shit and take what I can and move back into my parents' house and you will never have to see me again. I will be gone. I will turn myself in to campus police and admit to raping you and this can..."

"Wait. What? No! Fuck! You think THAT is what I want?" and Kyle gets PISSED!

"You are so fucking self centered! You think this is all about you? You think YOU did something wrong, you think YOU caused all of this, you think YOU are the bad guy in all of this?" Kyle says, and now he is making no sense at all in this tirade.

"Sean, as smart as you are, you are very stupid at times. Pay attention, dumbass!" He then pauses and looks at me with this cherub face and then rolls up on me really fast. He looks me right in the eye and takes my cheeks into his hands and kisses me. As his freezing cold lips make contact with mine, he reaches his hand behind my head and holds me in a deep kiss where his tongue is making an aggressive assault on my mouth and I gladly concede to his invasion.

Now I am super fucking confused!

"You dumbass!" Softly, he says, "I wanted every single thing that happened between us to happen. Every single thing," Kyle says as he comes back in for another kiss. Even as he says it and I can feel his body embracing me I can't process this. I just raped him only a few hours ago. This was a straight guy who I have witnessed chase girls for months. But now he's saying that he wanted all this...that he wanted ME?

"Kyle, this doesn't make any sense. You are straight, I see you chasing puss all the damn time!" I say to him, totally confused. I mean, this is exactly what I want, but now that I am getting it I can't believe it, and fuck if this isn't baffling my freezing skinny ass. The rain has certainly died down to just a light drizzle now and it has been at least 10 minutes since the last clap of thunder.

"Sean, from the moment I first saw your picture back in June, when we were given our room assignments, I was drawn to you. I requested not to be roomed with someone else from the football team. I knew I had to focus on my studies or else I would never make it to junior let alone senior year! And if I roomed with another jock, all we would do is party."

"So I got your photo and totally stalked you for a few days. Checking out your insta posts and being so impressed by your sketches. I could tell you were gay, and that excited me. Not in a sexual way, at first, but in a `I wanna know more about this dude' way. Then it happened, I saw that you deep-liked one of my near-naked photos of me in a Speedo. I knew you were gay, and I knew you were checking me out. It became exciting. So I finally got up the courage to email you."

"From the moment we moved in together, I was just compelled by you. I never felt anything like this. I fought it, I didn't want this to be any gay shit! Then you dropped the hammer on me and I thought... well what the fuck! I get to get off a bit and so does he. But that wasn't me being gay, it was just getting off."

"Then I fucked you the first time. Sean, I fell in love with you right then and there. While I was freaking out from just having my first unprotected sex, with a guy, with a guy I cared about... you slap me back into reality acting as if you didn't care about me, that this was just a way for us to get off. I was devastated."

"So I pounded you. Whenever and wherever you wanted it. I walled off my feelings, but each time I was inside of you I wanted to make love to you. I wanted to come clean with you... until that day... the day you had me face you and lifted your legs up onto my shoulders and we started... we made love. That kiss cemented in my mind who I was, that I was in love with you."

"Jesus, Kyle, I had no clue! You hid this well!"

"But what finalized it was this afternoon. I knew everything had to change! Feeling your cock inside of me, I knew that I wanted more of that. I NEEDED more of you and that I was going to have to accept all of this, to come to terms with all of it," he says looking right into my eyes.

"Fuck! I can't be gay, Sean! What star college quarterback is gay? In the South? Come on! Having one thing means I can't have the other!"

"Kyle, you can have whatever you want! This can be whatever WE want!"

"My family will never get it, they won't approve. It will get ugly." Kyle says this to me softly, quietly and leans in and embraces me.

"We will figure all this out, Roomie! But we have GOT to get out of this weather! I am freezing and your lips are blue!"

"Yah, you are right... we need to go... but Sean?"


"I am so scared. You have to promise me that you will stick with me and get through this. I can't do it alone. I don't want to do it without you."

"We will get through this, Kyle!"

"We? You mean it?"

"I love you, too. You know?"

We begin walking towards the gazebo where Max and Phillip remain, waiting for us. "Wait, that is Max and Phillip there! What the fuck, they are making out!" Kyle says.

"Yah, can you believe that? Turns out all this time they have been a couple since meeting last year and neither one of us knew! Turns out, they fucked a few times listening to us!" Kyle looks at me kinda scared.

"Yah, turns out our walls are not as thick as we had hoped. It is kinda hot though. They told me that Max fucked Phillip up against the wall listening to you fuck me in the shower earlier today."

"No shit. Damn, this entire world is gay."

"If only!"

Back at the 609 Soaking and freezing, we decide we have to all take hot showers, since Kyle and I are the worse for wear, they let us have first dibs on the bathroom. Ripping off our soaking wet clothes and turning the shower onto a slightly hotter than comfortable temperature, I push Kyle in and let him start to warm up while I just watch in awe of his perfect body, even with the cold weather shrinking his cock and balls.

Envious of the thawing that Kyle was enjoying, I join him in the shower and close the curtain to keep in as much steam to this small area as possible. Kyle leans in and gives me a peck on the lips as he starts sudsing himself up with the shower gel. I follow his lead and wash up myself a bit. As I turn back around to face him I see him going down onto his knees. He takes hold of my cock and rinses the remaining shower gel from it.

The next thing I know, Kyle, my straight roommate, who is gay for only me, takes my near 9" cock into his mouth. He lovingly starts to polish it, taking special care to the head and just under. He looks up at me and smiles with his eyes and he starts taking at least 3" of me into his mouth and bobs up and down on it. Something I never thought I would ever get to experience and it is better than I had ever dreamed.

He starts choking and gagging and at that point this isn't fun for anyone so I pull him up and hug him saying "That was amazing, thank you for trying it!" Damn, he looked so hot on my cock.

"I had to try, but not my favorite thing to do..." he says as he holds me a bit closer.

"I wouldn't say it's my favorite either, but what I do love about being on your cock is... it's your cock. Fuck, Kyle. This is so trippy."

Kyle holds me closely and grabs some shower gel and starts soaping up my back while holding onto me from the front, his hard cock poking up between my balls and mine laying right on his ripped lower abs pointing north of his belly button.

His touch seems different, lingering. He caresses my back and he is taking his time. This is no longer his vocation but his avocation. Touching me, holding me, warming me. This is almost too much and my cold heart melts in his hands and I start to cry. This simply can't be real. The hottest man on campus is holding me, naked and hard in our shower!

Apparently, he noticed that I was getting up in my feels so he slaps my ass and tells me this is a good thing, not something I should be crying about. I happily agree.

As soon as I do he slides his index finger into me. Then retreats and pulls some more shower gel into his hand and slides two fingers back inside me and I look at him, things have certainly changed.

"What? I like a clean work area!" Kyle says to me and goes back to soaping my hole and sticking a third finger inside of me and I am just hoping his cock is next.


"Yes, Ky?"

"I was wond... wait... Ky?"

"Yah, I need my own nickname for you that ONLY I get to use... decided to take Ky for a twirl."

"Hmmm I kinda like that. Nobody has ever called me that before. It's yours!"

"HA! So what were you going to ask me?"

"Will you fuck me, again?" Ky says this looking at me with this completely vulnerable puppy dog like face that just melts me into a puddle.

"Ky, nothing would make me happier than to be inside you right now - but let's do this properly, we have plenty of time to fuck in the shower!"

"Fuck in the shower!" I hear from Phillip next door to which I laugh and pound my fist on the wall!

"This is a private situation, Phillip! Go jump on Max's dick and let us have our moment!" I say to the wall and I hear giggling coming from next door. Looking at Ky I can see him blushing. This is going to take him some time to get used to!

"So, back to me fucking you!" I say to him and turn off the water and grab each of our towels so we can hurry up and dry off!

As we commence drying ourselves there is a pause and this look of seriousness that comes over his face. Then in slow motion he comes close to me and leans in and kisses me. A full on, passionate kiss. He drops his towel on the floor, normally a pet peeve of mine, and reaches around and pulls my face down into his, and proceeds to kiss me like I have never been kissed before. Damn this boy has skills.

Our tongues lock into a duel as we each seemingly try to climb into each other's mouths. Animalistic and carnal with a touch of honesty and love, this kiss came at me from all directions and I was here for it. My cock is dripping so much I don't think I am going to need that much lube.

I grab him by his other hand and I pull him into the bedroom and we fall onto my bed. He collapses down onto his back and pulls me to him between his legs as I gently lower myself down onto him. We return to our kissing as our cocks meet and start pressing hard into each other. Kyle's legs have moved up, allowing me to cradle myself between them as his hard and dripping cock begins pulsing up against mine. I lean down and slide my arms under him as I continue the assault our lips began in the bathroom, though this time it's my tongue that is the aggressor. I lean in and move my hips in closer to his and his pelvis thrusts up as his thick thighs come to rest on top of mine and his ass is elevated slightly off the bed. Wow, this boy really wants to get fucked. Damn, I can't mess this up.

I move up again and his pelvis raises higher; as I pull back a bit, I put my hands onto the backs of his knees and lift him further off the bed. That perfect hole of his is glistening right in front of me and I have never wanted something more than to be inside that hole right now.

I dive in and use my tongue with the same ferocity that was just being delivered to his beautiful mouth to his hole. That hole that I was in not that long ago and still looks a bit red. I push my tongue inside him as far as it will go and I wonder if that is my load that I taste. He tastes and smells so clean, so manly that I am ravenous. My nose is pushed hard into that hot musky area where balls become ass. Damn I want to live here. I would be happy if this is what I woke up to every day and fell asleep to every night. And I keep up the assault on his hole.

Realizing it's time for reinforcements I bring my hands into the mix as I am holding his hips in the air. He is so strong and flexible that he seems as if he could stay in this position forever, with ease. I start kneading his flesh and sinking my thumbs into his hole making sure we get him ready, because while I have been in this hole before I was coming in from the back and as any bottom will tell you that keeps a good inch or two from being pushed inside of you as you have to compensate for them cheeks. And this hot man has a choice ass with strong muscled up globes, but those globes are going to be moved out of the way this time and you can bet his sweet ass that my full cock is going into him.

I am not going to rest, or let him rest, until all of me is inside of him. This position will certainly allow for that, so I know that I have to help him to be ready. I keep working his hole and sliding both thumbs in while stretching him open slowly, lovingly. He starts to gape a bit and I know that he is ready and I know I am ready.

I lower him down a bit, but, in doing so, align his pelvis right above my dripping cock. Grabbing my lube, the good silicone type, I apply a generous amount onto my cock and then onto his hole. I push a good bit inside him as well, wanting to make sure that when I get in there, it will feel good for both of us and hopefully it'll spare us the re-lubing so we can just be about the fucking. The path to a good fuck is prepping that hole AND that dick!

Feeling really good I place the head of my cock at the opening to his soul; that kiss it makes when it makes initial contact is so fucking hot. I pull back a bit and my precum makes this string that I swear if there would have been any sunlight in our room we would have seen a rainbow it was so beautiful.

SHIT! He complained before about not using a condom! I know there's no risk since I'm on prep, but I want him to be comfortable with this too.

"Ky? I know it is kinda late for this, but would you prefer I use a condom? I really should have before, but I was just so turned on by you that..."

"FUCK NO, Beanpole! We are kinda beyond that, besides nobody else is getting my ass but you."

It felt like my cock belched out a huge dollop of precum when he said that. So I lean forward and press the head of my cock into my new friend... my roommate... my... Oh shit, just as I get inside him he clinches down on me.

"Breathe, stud! You got to relax and this will go much better," I say to him as I hold as still as I possibly can.

"Jesus, you are big!" he says as I can feel him begin to relax a bit and so I hold still and look him in his eyes. He then winks at me and gives me a slight nod of his head giving me permission to proceed, slowly. So I start sliding in and just as I get about 3" inside of his perfect ass I can tell he is clinching up again.

"You are doing great, Ky. Damn you feel so good," I say to him and he reaches up and pulls me down on top of him and I try my best to keep my hips stationary as he wraps his arms around me.

"Give me the rest, Sean. Get in there!" He says this as an order right in my ear as I lean down and continue my slow advance. Seven inches, eight inches and then contact. My balls are touching his ass, my pelvis his. I have bottomed out in my friend and his eyes shoot open.

"Dude. Your cock is balls deep inside me... bro..." and he starts laughing. This was NOT the reaction I was expecting though I have to admit I didn't hate it. This was just Ky being Ky. I lean down on top of him and pull his arms up beside his head and run my arms up with his and interlock my fingers with his. "You do feel good, beanpole. If ANYONE would have told me this would be happening I would have punched them. Damn I feel so full, stretched and fuck you are right up against my g-spot!"

"Roomie, you feel so good. My cock has never felt better than it does right now. I am almost scared to move because this is so hot, I am scared I am going to blast you full of my load before we really get to enjoy this," I say to him, completely serious. I am in sensory overload. His ass is a perfect glove for my cock and it feels positively transcendent.

This entire experience is so freaking foreign to me. Up until this point I would have said that I was near a complete bottom. Yup, that is right. Most guys would see my cock and then TRY to take it but they always ended up backing out and leaving me high and dry, so I embraced my inner bottom. I loved getting fucked, preferably by cocks exactly like Ky's ... 6 to 7.5", decent girth. Man, that was just perfect for fucking me. I loved the feeling of it knocking up against my prostate. The ORGASMS I had from this were just amazing. I loved it, I craved it.

But this! This ass! This glove that is holding my prized possession. This is heaven and I don't want this to end, I have to make this last.

"Ky, can I make love to you now?" I whisper into his ear with a canaille smile.

"You already are, beanpole!" he says and pulls me down and kisses me again as I take my first serious stroke of my cock in this perfect sleeve. He squeezes my hands so tight in his and I swear I see stars as this is just perfection and I can't wait for my second stroke... so I take it. I slowly move all the way in so that my pelvis meets his, and then back out so that just the head of my cock remains. That in stroke is just bliss. His ass is so tight it feels like he is squeezing down on me but I am convinced that it's just how tight he is.

My speed starts to increase a bit and as I do this, he is grunting in my ear as I bottom out each time while I swear I hear a manly purr as I pull back. Everything about this is manly, it's each of us being ourselves. Not putting on any faces, no pretense, no games. Two guys who have grown to care for each other to the point where we are sharing our bodies in the most intimate way possible.

My hips are now moving rather fast, I am really starting to pound this stud. His legs are up and over my shoulders and seem to fit just perfectly for me to really gain some traction and some speed. Then NO! I stop. I freeze.

"Don't move! Shit! Don't you dare move!" I say to him in his ear. Whispering loudly as if even my voice could cause me to blast. Blast way too soon, this can't be over. Not this fast. I want our real first time to last, I have to make it last.

"You wanna take a walk around the room?" I look at him in the eye and we both crack up laughing.

"I really love you, Ky. I mean it. I love you, now let me get back to fucking this ass!"

"You mean, making love to this ass!"

"Those two are not mutually exclusive, stud."

"If you say so! Not sure I know what that means but since you are 9" deep inside me right now, I am not going to argue with you."

I am back at it, this guy. I am falling head over heels for him and this is why. Because he is so... him. I have sped up to the point where there appears to be some clapping sounds... whether it is us or the boys next door it's unclear but I am not going to be able to hold back much longer.

Then I stop, I hold up and hold still. Much like last time, but this time I have an idea.

"Whew, Ky... I have an idea. I want this to be as hot as possible and I don't think you should have all the fun. What say you that I pound your ass until I empty both nuts inside of you and as soon as I am done, we flip over and you take to pounding my ass so I can have YOUR load."

"Fuck, I love the way you think! YES STUD! Let's do it! Give me that load!"

"But Ky! I don't want you to waste any of my load so you are going to have to fuck me - excuse me - make love to me while clenching and keeping my load inside that hot, tight ass of yours. You think you can do that?"

"You sick fuck, I love it! Let's do it!"

I take to pounding his ass and he is grunting in my ear and just saying "yes, fuck yes" in light whispers and grunts. I clamp down with my hands in his and begin grunting myself. This is it, I can't pull back now. This is going to be intense.

Next thing I know I bottom out in him and hold myself there as I blast and just keep blasting. I am cumming so hard inside of him. It must feel amazing to him because it is blowing my mind. I can feel my load surround my cock inside of him, so filling him up is literal just as much as it is figurative.

"Fuck that felt wild, Sean! Jesus! You ready for your turn?!"

I haven't even gotten my breath back at this point but I am so damn ready to have him inside me. So I slowly start to pull out of him.

"Don't waste my load, keep it all in there!"

My spent cock pops out of his tight ass and yet it is still just as hard as when I slipped into him more than 45 minutes ago. Looking down at his stomach I see what appears to be his own load... Whoa, did he shoot already while I was fucking him? FUCK that would have been hot, but I think that is just precum. Still hot AF!

I push him out of the way and flop down onto my back and hoist my long legs up in the air and the next thing I know, he is down between my legs and making a meal out of my ass! Shocked. There are simply no words but he is fucking amazing! How the hell did he learn how to use his tongue so well on a hole? Around the outside and then punching inside. Flicking and then licking. Just an absolute pro that has me moaning like I am in heat. Hell, I think I am in heat! Damn this jock keeps pulling new tricks out of his singlet. He feels so good I reach down and hold his head and push him in even more!

As soon as he takes a breath I pull him up to me and I am kissing him, deep, wet and passionately. Sure he had my fresh, clean ass all over his face and I was loving it. It is raw passion. It is amazing. He pulls back a bit and I affix my legs onto his shoulders and truth be told, we fit together well in this position.

His cock kisses my hole and is slick with his own eternal spring of pre-cum and his head slides into me, where it belongs. He starts to sink into me and only about half way in do I notice that we do need to grab some lube. I grab the bottle and place some lube onto my right hand and take it down and pull back slightly to add it to his cock as I then reach up and give mine a few slippery tugs.

He is now bottomed out inside of me and we look at each other, deep into each other. And like he did just a bit ago, I give him the slight nod so he knows he can go for it. His cock is just perfect. In this position it rubs up perfectly with my prostate. FIrst it hits it and then slides past it and in doing that gives the perfect massage from inside of me with a direct connection to my own cock.

He is grunting now as he starts fucking me, making love to me. I wipe the lube off my right hand and reach up and pull him down on top of me making as much contact as possible with his entire body. His perfect abs, seemingly ribbed for MY pleasure... it's almost as if he worked out in the gym for all these years just for this moment, just so my cock would be rubbing up against him right now feeling the perfect combination of pleasure from INSIDE of me and outside of me.

There has never been a more perfect moment in my life than right now. I wrap my arms around Kyle and squeeze him.

He pulls back and looks me directly in the eye and all he says is... "Me too." And gets back to his avocation.

He suddenly stops, abruptly just like I did to him and I giggle.

"Shit, stop laughing! It's squeezing my cock and that's gonna make me blast!" He takes a deep breath and then gets back to it.

"This is it, it's happening!"

"Cum inside me, Ky. Give me your load!"

"Fuck dude!" And he bottoms out and I can feel him firing inside of me. I hold him even tighter as he is blasting. He seems to just keep going, which I guess makes sense since he has been edging for the past hour or more.

His lips make contact with mine as I feel his last blast inside of me and his cock head expand for the last blast... pushing me over the edge and I start shooting between us! His abs are just too much and I fire my second load of the night between us coating both of our stomachs in a slippery wet voluminous load.

He looks at me and starts giggling and I can't help but join in with him. It is kinda hilarious that we are here.

He starts to pull out of me but I stop him. "Not yet," I say to him and he looks at me with concern. "I just don't want this to end just yet."

It's a New Day... I faintly hear the clicking of fingers hitting the keyboard off in a distance as the haze of sleep begins to fade. Looking across the room to track the sound I see a hot, naked jock sitting at his desk typing away on his laptop. That man just made love to me and held me all night long. Me! This skinny nerd. What is my life right now?

"Morning stud!" I say groggy and fighting the daylight that shines through our blinds.

"Oh my god! You are up! Finally!" Kyle runs over to me and nearly body slams me into the bed and starts giggling. Who is this guy? "Guess what I just did?"

The way he says this has me slightly worried. "Oh my, you are coming in hot this morning!" I say to him and nuzzle into the crook of his neck as his warm, strong naked body fully envelops me.

"I told him I was done!" Kyle says with this hint of glee in his voice. "But I am scared as FUCK about it so you have to promise to help get me through this."

"That's great! Of course I will help... wait... you told who, what?"

He hugs me back tightly and just holds on for a second, and I get the sense that he is getting choked up. Holy shit, surely he didn't just email his... parents?

"I told him I am no longer paying for answers. I am going to either learn it and graduate on my own, or I will flunk out and figure out something new. Either way I am NOT going to go through this anymore. I respect myself too much to play this game."

"Wait, seriously? Ky, that is amazing! Of course I will help you! I know you can do this, I KNOW you can!"

"Well, I figure I don't have to waste all that time chasing puss anymore since I have the best hole and pole on the planet right here within arms reach!" He is proud of himself for this little speech of his.

"So you are done with puss, huh?" I say to him pulling back just enough so I can see the look on his face. He looks a bit concerned and serious.

"So I figured we could at least take a minute and figure this out together without any distractions from others... that is... if you..." Just as he says that I pull him into me and wrap my legs around him holding him as tight as I can.

"I honestly want nothing more, Ky. Nothing. Just you!" It didn't take me long to realize both of our cocks have now grown to full mast.

"Make love to me, stud." I say to him in his ear, a whispered command.

"If I must!" and he giggles and grabs the lube; within a second I feel him pull up my left leg and his cockhead kisses my hole and starts sliding in. I reach around him with my leg and pull him right into me. Damn, I love having his cock inside me.

We make love for nearly an hour, completely missing our first classes of the day. Shit, he isn't going to be passing anything if he isn't going to class, but I suppose we can make this one exception.

The next two weeks fly by and we end up becoming really good friends with Max and Phillip since none of us are hiding anything anymore. Ky introduced me to two of his fellow football jock friends, not the entire team, but these guys were really nice. In fact, Xavier was the guy who tried, unsuccessfully, to get Kyle to stop being such a prick to the girls in the food court. He was happy for us and was really genuine about it.

Ky struggled with the concept, the thought of coming out to his parents. He has come to terms with the fact that he is likely bisexual but has little attraction to other guys just walking down the street. However, he did still find himself drawn to girls and the idea of a family, 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. It was cool to hear him start to talk about the future that included the us'... rather than just the him' or some fake family to come.

Ky slept in my bed every night since that night in the rain and life was good.

Thanksgiving with the Parents "So you have to understand, my parents came to terms with me being gay when I was like 15. My dad didn't... well he still doesn't `get' me. So this is going to be interesting," I say to Ky as we drive the short few miles to the west side of town to my parent's house. My mom has pushed hard for me to be home for Thanksgiving and wanted me to come on Wednesday night so I agreed... with a hitch, Ky.

I told my parents that my roommate was staying at the university for Thanksgiving as his family was traveling (not completely true), and I didn't want him to have to stay all alone and eat a turkey lunchable by himself. So he was coming with... and we were going to break the news. THE news.

"Beanpole, I am so not OK with this. This is going to be so damn awkward for me! I only met your mom that one time where she brought you supplies and I ran into her... literally ran into her... in our lobby. They likely think I am some dumb charity case. AND you are going to tell them... surprise them that we are dating... that we are boy... whatever we are!"

Kyle was spiraling right now and I needed him to get it together. I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold back from showing affection to him as we spent two days with my family. I just knew it so I had to tell them.

"Ky, OK, I will try to hold back from telling them, but I know my mom. I know that she will see right through me, she always has had some creepy super power of being able to read my mind," I say to him, knowing that this won't go well, but if it will make him relax a bit, I will try for his sake.

"I believe in you, I know you can do it!" Kyle says to me and reaches over and holds my hand that was resting on the center console.

We pull into my neighborhood and I get that feeling that shoots through my body... both warmth and home... but also the dread of reverting back to my childhood that I so bravely escaped just a few years prior.

"We are here, it's the gray house at the end of this street," I say as we roll up slowly to our house that is lit up and I pull right into the front circular driveway and throw the car into park.

"You ready?" he says to me.

"Are you?" I quickly reply and he just sighs.

Out of the front door comes my mom's two dogs, Harry and Sally, yah... I'll give you one guess what her favorite movie is. IN fact, I think that may be the last movie she actually liked and the one she compares all movies to as the gold standard. I hope he doesn't hold that against me.

My mom comes out the door with a huge smile on her face. As an only child my mom tends to be more than a bit clingy. She looks good for hitting 47 in August. She held off getting married and having kids until she completed law school and started practicing. I was proud of her for that; she knew what she wanted and she refused to let society hold her back for trying to have it all. She did ultimately get it all, though it was a bit delayed according to Cajun standards of being barefoot and pregnant by the time you can buy beer. Mom, the badass.

"Sweetheart! I am so glad you came home! You know you may only be across town but you feel like 5 states away!" My mom, Mary Allison Kitchens esquire of Kitchens, Ruben and Hebert is my hero. Yes, she is the named and founding partner of one of the largest law firms in Acadiana with offices in each of the surrounding parishes. OK, yes, I am proud of my mom.

"Mom, you look amazing! " I say as I reach out and pull her into a hug, towering over her 5'2" frame. "This is Ky..le. Kyle my roommate... though I think you already met in our dorm lobby?"

"OH, yes, Kyle, it is good to officially meet you! I am sorry that your family left you alone for the holiday, but I promise by the time Thanksgiving is over you will be full of both turkey and family frivolity."

"Mrs. Breaux, it is a pleasure to meet..." Kyle says as my father comes out the door and quickly corrects him.

"Young man, this is Mary Allison Kitchens... she is not possessed by any man." My dad says with this smile on his face and joy in his heart as he loves saying that. He is so proud of his wife and all she has accomplished.

"I am so sorry," Kyle says, clearly knocked back a bit by this. I should have prepped him better!

"OH, Kyle, don't mind my husband. Please just call me Mary Allison, I insist." Mom says and grabs my father's hand.

"Kyle, this is my father, Judge Jay Allen Breaux. Dad... this is ... My room..." I say to the group.

"Kyle Montgomery, savior quarterback of my alma mater! Number 12! You saved our bacon more times than I can count! I was there for each of the games!" Dad says with a youthful vigor that I have never seen before. It was kinda fun, but also kinda weird.

"Sean, my boy! You never told me WHO your roommate was! This is an honor to be hosting cajun royalty! You boys come in! It's getting cold and about to rain. Here Kyle, you come with me and Sean, get your bags."

Dad puts his arm around Kyle and says to him, "Man that 30 yard pass you threw in the first quarter of the game on All Saints Day sure got you a lot of attention young man... you think..."

I look over at mom and just shake my head.

"It's very good to see you, son of mine. You are looking good. I don't know what it is, but you seem... less melancholy. I'd say you looked happy but I know better than saying such a crazy thing." She leans in and hugs me with a hug only your mom can give you. At that moment I melt and turn back into a child again. I want to tell her all about my new friend, my boyfriend. MY FIRST BOYFRIEND! But... this isn't about me, it's about Ky and for the first time in my life, I am putting someone else first. Something as an only child I rarely did.

"Mom, it's really good to be home. It's really been too long. I am sorry, with working on campus plus a much more challenging year academically, I just..." I trail off realizing she can see something.

"You guys only have the one bag, dear?"

Shit, she is onto us. Keep it cool, Sean!

"So I know you had to have made dinner, what was it? DoorDash or GrubHub?" I place my arm around her, we share a laugh and I close my car door and we walk inside.

Mom had ordered food from Agave, a local Mexican restaurant that has my favorite Mexican food in town. She got a feast of enough fajitas and the entire set ups to feed 10 people. Mom joked that we were growing boys and she wanted to have enough food for us.

Dad wouldn't let go of all the football talk and mom and I just sat and rolled our eyes. Though I have to admit to being pulled into the conversation more than a few times correcting my father a few times on Kyle's stats and his achievements.

"Sean, you know that Kyle is going to be part of history with this team? Having such a great season this year, and getting to end it on such a high note, you will be the starting QB next year for sure! A JUNIOR! Sean, you get how big that is here? Your roommate will be the Starting QB for his Junior and Senior year and with an arm like yours there is no stopping you!" I swear I haven't seen Dad this excited about anything in a really long time, it was kinda fun.

"Well, I don't want to jinx it, Judge, but that is my plan and I hope I do it!" Kyle says with a grin and he keeps looking at me as if to check in with me to make sure he is doing OK. This is not lost on my mom either, she clocks these looks several times. Damn, she is onto our scent. Let's just hope we can pull this off at least until Christmas.

Mom informed me that she has all the fix'ns ready for tomorrow as she got a full Thanksgiving meal from Joey's in town. It's a local staple and Mom used them for all her law firm events. Mom was never the domestic type, as they say, but she and I have become an amazing team when it comes to re-heating and serving. We agree to get up and ease into the day by 9:30, a compromise. See, mom and I both loathe mornings but we also knew Dad would want to eat before all the football starts.

After having a few drinks and playing a few hands of cards together we all decide we are going to crash. Mom offers Kyle the guest room on the second floor, but I assure her my room, which was really just a second master with a pull out couch and a king sized bed, will be fine for both of us.

"Mom, we have gotten used to hanging out and talking until the wee hours of the morning, it's just easier if he stays in my room," I say to her TRYING to play it down as much as I can.

"OK dear, you boys have a good night. I made sure the fridge in your room was stocked up with all your favorites and I even put some beer in there. Night!"

Kyle follows me back to my room as my folks head to theirs. We are on opposite sides of the house on the ground floor. In the middle of us was our pool out in a courtyard type set up. Looking outside Kyle gets excited!

"No way, great pool! Let's go for a dip before bed!" Kyle says looking at me making his eyebrows twitch up and down while he says it.

"See those windows right over there? That is my folks bedroom. They can see everything that happens out here, so don't you dare get any ideas unless you want all of our business aired out before the turkey even sees the light of day!"

"We can behave, beanpole. But it would be nice to take a spin around the pool right now. Your Dad is awesome by the way! Didn't realize he was so into UL Sports!" I come up behind him and pull him into a hug.

"Yah, I was shocked how well you guys clicked. I just never had that with him. He knows that I want to follow in my mom's footsteps and you know I have never spent any time with the sportsball," I say with a bit of a sigh, "but I am glad you guys are getting on so well! That will make breaking the news easier! Sure... we can go for a swim but I am sure any trunks I have are going to be way too tight on you!"

"I'll squeeze into a pair of your boxer briefs, not like I haven't done that before!" Kyle says as he gleefully starts stripping off his clothes and I walk over to my closet where I have a ton of clothes and I rifle through the extra underwear I have and settle on a long legged red pair of Calvin's for Kyle and a black pair for me. They were the least revealing when wet, trust me.

Minutes later we were swimming in the warm water of the pool. Still warm from the summer and steam was evaporating from our bodies that stuck out of the water. It was really hot to watch. The blue pool lights helped cast this perfect glow to the night and it was perfect.

We found a section of the pool that was blocked from my parents window by the hot tub where we stole some kisses and some long gropes from each other. This got us all worked up.

"I want you to fuck me again, like you did the first time. I wanna feel your weight on top of me as you slide into me, beanpole. Can we do that? Can we do that in your BEDROOM? Your bed that you jacked off for the first time in? The bed that we first talked to each other in and you shared that cute shirtless photo of yourself?"

"Is that what you want, football jock, UL's golden QB? You want my huge cock sliding into your muscle butt, do you?"

"I really do!"

"Fuck, I'm going to knock you up tonight, Ky!"

In seconds we are out of the pool and running back into my room. We start to kiss as I am pulling down my wet boxers and I suddenly realize the blinds are still open so I hit the button and as soon as they are closed we are on top of each other.

I push him down onto my bed with some serious force, causing him to bounce a little and I grab hold of his wet, nearly see through boxers and peel them off his beautiful ass, revealing the most beautiful sight I have ever seen... and this ass is MINE!

I dive into his ass and get him ready. It has been a few days since I have been inside him; he tends to tighten up to near virgin status after about 24 hours and I fucking love doing this. Tonight though it is a bit hotter for some reason with the smell of chlorine and his manly musk mixing together. Damn, I bet this is what he smelled like right after high school swim meets. FUCK I wish we had his speedos right now.

I grab my emergency lube from the secret drawer inside my headboard, there is no way I can stroke dry and so I always kept this at the ready! I lube up his hole first and try to replicate that first night as much as I can; I lube up my cock and the entire crack of his ass and start to make a glove out of this nearly hairless canyon of muscle. I keep moving my cock up and down through his crack and I make sure to pull back and start to poke his hole with the head of my cock. The first time I make contact he jumps a bit. That's my mark, I think I can do this hands free so I pull his arms up over his head and I hold onto his hands. There is a level of intimacy that holding hands creates - especially during that initial penetration.

Contact, the head of my cock is sitting on his hole and I start to apply gentle but firm pressure; I can feel his hole relenting to me. My head begins to penetrate him and I slowly make my way into him.

"Let me in, Ky. Fuck, you are so good at this!" I say to him as I slowly slide into him. I take small breaks, NOTHING like that first night. Once I have about 4" inside of him and I can feel his prostate up against the underside of my cock, I take a few short stabs and realize he has stretched enough to take my girth! Since he never had a problem with my length - I give him the rest of my cock all at once.

"Yes!" is all he says as I bottom out inside my bottom. He feels so damn amazing. "You are fucking me in your own bed, Sean! Fuck this is kinda hot!" he says as I begin to take my first full pump of his ass. "Tell me, that night that we texted each other and I sent you my photo... then you saw my insta... fuck your cock feels good... but tell me... did you jack off that night looking at me? Did you jack off in this bed, looking at my photos?"

"Fuck yah, I did Ky! You know I did. Even back then you knew what you were doing," I say and I take up really fucking him now and squeezing his hands tight.

"Sean? You know what?"

"What, babe?"

"I jacked off that night thinking of you, too!"

"Holy fuck... dude... you are going to make me cum right now... fuck no way... did you?"

"You were just so fucking hot!" he says to me as I start pounding him; I am pulling nearly all of the way out of him and then punching back into his fine ass. I can barely handle knowing that the first damn night we texted he got off thinking of me... and me him!

"Dude, I am so going to impregnate you right now!" I grunt to him... don't know how he will react to that, but fuck I am going to cum, there is no stopping it.

I realize that my bed springs are squeaking at the pounding I am giving him, kinda miss the sturdy construction of our plywood beds at the dorm for the quiet of it all.

"Fuck, Ky I am going to cum... I am ... I am ... cumming! Ahhhh... " I moan.

Just then my door swings open and the light from the hallway lights up my room and I hear my dad say ... "Hey Kyle I brought you this signed Jersey... Holy shit... Ummm Boys. I am ... I am sorry. I knocked... but..." Abruptly the door swings closed and neither of us says a word. Until finally Kyle breaks the silence.

"Well, I guess they know..."

--T H E E N D--

We really hope you enjoyed this series. This was nearly 3 months in the making from concept, storyboarding, writing, editing and publishing!! We are taking a few weeks off but then will begin our next series ... or... We LOVE suggestions so drop us a note, comment or private comment and let us know what you would like to see from us next!

Thank you for reading Chapter 6 and this series! Please reach out and let me know if you liked this series! You can follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean or you can email me . Show some love to @Trappedinthecl1 by giving him a follow and thanking him for his superb work on this project as my editor, friend and writing partner!

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