My Silence Will Cost You

By Logan Prejean

Published on Mar 26, 2023


This story was dreamt up over the past few months and is the sole property of me. The characters in this story are at least 18 years of age and none of this happened in real life, only in my filthy mind and soon to be yours. Our goal is to publish one chapter a week until our 6th and final chapter. Enjoy.

WARNING: This story will contain bullying, sexual coercion, and blackmail. If this is a potential trigger for you or not your cup of tea, then I highly recommend you move on.

Show some love and $upport to Nifty for keeping this service free for us to use!

Chapter 4: Sean takes his straight roommate Kyle for a ride

Kyle came back to the 609 after 9:30 and I was starting to get worried about him. Walking in, he was quiet and he wasn't looking at me. I guess he was more than a bit off on what happened the night before. I started to struggle in this small window of time worrying that I was being a monster, that I was pushing his limits too far or bending him so much that he was about to break. That said, fuck he looked good.

He must have forgotten clothes to change into after today's practice so he was back in his basketball shorts, but today he wore a black compression shirt. This was part of his home uniform if I am not mistaken. That silky shine of the spandex was bouncing light off of it from my desk lamp, seemingly screaming at me to pay attention to him, to his pecs, his abs stair-stepping down to his hips. His basketball shorts are hanging a bit lower than this morning as the slickness of this shirt is causing them to slip lower, now only being held up by the perfect bubble of his ample glutes. Damn this dude is sexy. I bet he could wear a flannel shirt and fleece sweatpants and I would still lust over him and this perfect body.

At 10 pm I push back from my desk and roll closer to him and in return he just walks over to me and presents his body. No words, just seemingly surrendering to my every whim.

Tonight proceeds much like last night, except tonight he hasn't said a word to me thus far and I haven't said a word to him. It seems both of our bodies know what they want and they are here to get it; well, at least mine does. I pull back his basketball shorts and just let them fall to the floor and then take my hands and trace all over his chest, stomach and around to his back. I take my time, savoring that hot feeling of his tight muscles encased in this more than skin-tight spandex. I pull him in for a hug as I rub his back, feeling the fresh knots from today's practice. As his full body makes contact with mine I notice that tonight he willingly allows himself to fall into me. As he does this, his rock-hard cock pokes right up under my jeans-covered balls. Whatever issues he had about this before, he has moved past them or learned how to expertly suppress them.

I begin to peel off his shirt, slowly rolling it up his abs onto his pecs. He helps me pull it off and I fold it neatly and place it on his desk. Pushing him back onto the bed and still facing me, I lean down and pull off his footies and toss them in with his dirty clothes. And then I stand up, fully taking in the beauty of his body.

I take off every stitch of clothing I have on, and my thick, meaty, though not completely hard, cock flops out of my jeans and drops over my low-hanging and plump balls. Unlike last night, tonight he is watching this and paying close attention to my cock and balls. This rapt attention seems to make him forget to even blink until I step closer to him. Placing my hands down onto his shoulders, he leans his head into my tight lower abdomen where I have just the slightest happy trail.

This starts the engorging of my cock and we are off to the races. I have him stand up one last time and without even prompting him he leans in and hugs me, our naked bodies coming together from shoulders to toes. My cock presses into his perfectly taut abs and his pokes straight up and into my low-hanging nuts. Damn, this is nice. He pulls back a bit and I take this as my chance to grab the blanket that we used the previous night and the half-empty baby oil bottle. I quickly make a mental note to add more to my next Amazon order.

He assumes the position laying face down on the bed and like before I straddle him and get to work. We proceed just as we did the previous night; tonight, however, there is more moaning and grunts of encouragement from him, which I really enjoy, and it pushes me to make sure he has an even better time. The only difference is tonight I get to bobbing on his cock much faster than before and I am rewarded by an even larger load from him. Through only a few pumps of my own cock, I shoot up onto my chest and I plaster all those fine hairs that make up my happy trail with a thick and rich load of my own.

We start to ease into a bit of a pattern where every night Kyle comes back to the room later than before, but always before 10 pm, and he is ready for me to worship his hot body. Over the next two weeks, I touch and lick every single inch of skin on him... except his ass and face. I stay away from his face so as to not freak him out, but I have started to make my way closer by making a feast of his neck and earlobes the last two nights. But I decide I am going to save his ass for something I have planned a bit further down the road. But every time I get closer and closer and each time he relaxes more and more.

One troubling thing I have started to notice is when I see him during the day at the Union or on campus somewhere he is always hanging all over at least two or more girls. I don't see many of them more than once or twice though, and, from what I can see, he is putting on a show. I suppose the question is, for whom? For his boys that always seem to be in tow... or for himself?

One day there are few seats available in the union as I arrive much later than usual, as I had to turn in a project. I get my lunch and head over to where he is - and that is much closer than I usually get to him when he is "bro'ing" out. This catches his attention and he seems to turn on his flirting with these two girls even more than before, along with some labored joking with his boys. It seems odd and really not like I have ever seen him before.

His flirting with the blonde woman seems even more aggressive and frankly I am starting to worry about her as she keeps pushing him away. He starts grabbing at her butt, trying to pull her into his lap, and he even makes these humping gyrations that even his boys seem to be put off by. "Come on baby, you know you have been wanting this! You know you want me." He keeps going with her and two of the three guys get up and say they have to go. The other girl that is sitting on the other side of the table starts getting up too, and that causes Kyle to get into more of a high gear!

He pulls the blond into his arms from the back and holds his arms tight around her. He says, loud enough for me to hear two tables away, "Come on babe, come back to my room with me for some afternoon fun! I'll tell my roommate to give us an hour of uninterrupted time! You would love that, come on baby! Actually, why don't you and your friend come back with me?" Well, the friend rolls her eyes at him and says, "Come on Sarah, let's get out of here, this guy is being a creeper!" as she grabs her friend and pulls her away from Kyle and they run off down the hall and into the quad.

"What a cock tease they are! Fucking bitches!" Kyle says to his remaining friend.

Wow. I am shocked to see Kyle acting like this. Surely this is new as he has never seemed this crass before. This is NOT going to get him any pussy. Why does he keep looking over my way? Is he putting on a show? A show for me? What the fuck? Why?

"Bro, you were being too handsy... I bet she would have hung out with you, but you went all neanderthal with her and she bounced," he says, seemingly disgusted with Kyle. "Look, we have to get to the weight room, let's roll!"

I lock eyes with Kyle and he seems completely dejected and crushed. I try to give him a sympathetic smile back but he just rolls off with his friend.

Damn, I have no idea what got into him. YES, he has always been a self important lug head, but this was really not like him at all. He seemed needy, overly aggressive and almost mean to her. His body language as he walks away is all slouched and clearly depressed. Why was he acting like this? Trying to prove he is a ladies man?

That night around 8 pm, I text Kyle that I'm in the mood for pizza and just want to chill tonight and get to sleep early. I state clearly that I am going to give him the night off. He responds rather quickly with, "Cool, I'm going to hang with the boys and have some beers and maybe some pussy! Don't wait up!"

Well I had hoped that he was going to come back here and that we could have watched a movie or something. This only serves to remind me that our relationship is more of a business transaction than a friendship. I suppose it was good for him to get out and likely good for me as well. While I love working his body over, shit I am tired and need some sleep. I have to force myself to understand this `relationship' is going to be more transactional than anything else.

I take a shower and after toweling off decide to just remain naked, so as not to dirty any more clothes; after all, it is still 84 degrees outside and our room never had that great of air conditioning.

The room has started to really look "lived in" lately, and so I start to clean a little bit. Clorox wipes were my friend and I am using the hell out of them. I pick up a lot of Kyle's clothes. He has this bad habit of trying things on and then deciding on something else, or most recently, figuring it was going to be too hot and so he would fall back to just a t-shirt. That has left more than a few of his nicer shirts hung over the back of his chair. I pick them up, ensuring they are clean, and then re-hang them for him in his closet. Doing this, I notice a smaller box in the bottom of his closet and it is just labeled "Gym" and so, of course, I have to look.

I open the box and I find a few well-worn jockstraps. I smell them and they are clean, but the elastic has been stretched a bit to the point of not really stretching back. I find two speedos as well with what appears to be his high school logo on them. Wow. Mental note, make him model these for me.

Taking the yellow and blue speedo I step into it and pull it up and on. Wow, now I know why they call these budgie smugglers. Damn these are tight. If these are this tight on me, damn with that bubble ass of his, they must be near bursting. I find it hard to place my cock in a position inside of this speedo that is comfortable. I try pointing it down and that just seems to suffocate my dick and it hurts my balls. I try to lay my cock up and to the side; that doesn't seem to really work either, but fuck if it doesn't look hot as hell. Yes, OK. I admit it... I snap a few photos of myself, adding them to my hidden folder for future use! Ultimately I can't really get them feeling comfortable on me, but damn if I wasn't already getting hard from them.

Then I found them, a beautiful pair of jammers... You know, those long pairs of compression like shorts but with extra compression on your junk? Shit the bed! I am not even going to try these motherfuckers. If my cock and balls were strangled in the speedos, just imagine how bad they would feel in these. At least the compression gear that I like has a nice pouch for your junk that kinda feels good, though I guess those wouldn't be good for competitive swimming (unless you could figure out how to use your cock as a rudder!)

As I clean everything up, I notice that I left a few drops of precum on the Speedo as well as the one jock I fold everything back up... just then, I see something light blue in the bottom of the box and I pull on it. It's spandex and shiny, matched up with a yellow strip and darker blue top... holy fuck! It's a singlet! Jesus, I have always had a thing for wrestlers! Damn it and the guys who really got into wrestling and you see those videos of them throwing wood while competing. Imagine these big muscle studs getting so pumped that the adrenaline makes their dicks rock hard as they rub their bodies against each other in front of huge crowds inspecting every revealing inch of their bodies straining against the tight spandex. Holy shit.

I begin to push and pull myself into this and fuck if it isn't hot as hell. Clearly though it is too small for me, not really in how it fits my body, but more that I need it to be longer for being as tall as I am. I take a ton of photos of myself and work up a huge wet spot in the singlet. Damn, so fucking hot.

THIS is going to be used for a fantasy night, but first...I need to wash it as my precum has clearly left a mark. But my dear Kyle is going to get to relive his wrestling days soon, with me.

I curl up in bed after a hot shower right around 10 pm and start scrolling through insta and my dirty TikTok alt. Before I know it, I start drifting off to sleep.

I wake up to a crash and pounding at the door. "Roomie, let me in, God damn it!" I hear Kyle... and shit, he sounds drunk. The door locks when it closes so he must have lost his keys, or, more than likely, couldn't get his key to work. I make my way over to the door and open it and there is Kyle, drunk off his ass, looking and smelling like shit.

I pull him into the room, and he is being exceptionally loud and crass while mumbling so much I can d barely make out what he is trying to say. He stinks to high heaven of puke and of stale beer, almost as if he swam in a keg and then it dried while he puked on himself. Just disgusting. He falls onto me and I can't help but feel as if I need to take care of him. Clearly he needs someone to take care of him. So I pull him to our shared bathroom, where I run into Max. Fuck, I'm not in the mood right now. I just want to help Kyle.

"Hey Max, sorry for the noise. Apparently, football boy here tied one on and got pie eyed," I say to Max as he wrinkles up his nose in disgust.

"Typical dumb jock, I'll leave you to it. Make sure he doesn't leave a mess in here!" Max says with a deep level of disgust. He isn't the most friendly of guys even on a good day, and this is not that.

"You got it, sorry." Max leaves through their door and closes it behind him. I begin to strip Kyle of his clothing and he is just being all malleable right now, leaning on me and helping me get his clothes off.

"You want some of this, fag?" he says as he shakes his dick just before I get his pants off, and, in doing so. brings us both crashing down onto the floor of the shower. He starts laughing and he brings his head down onto my shoulder in a really sweet way. He only has his shirt and socks on now along with just one leg of his jeans. What the actual fuck? One minute this guy is thanking me for helping him, the next he is calling me a fag? Damnit! We talked about this! But he is drunk and couldn't even find his way back to our room by himself... so, I just don't know with him.

I leave him sitting on the tiled floor of the shower as I pull off the other leg of his jeans and then each of his footie socks. I stand up and just over him, not even really thinking about it, but my semi hard cock is an inch away from his face and he is staring right at it. Time stops for a second and I am shocked as he reaches up and grabs a hold of my cock.

"Damn, this thing is huge!" he looks up at me and looks very serious. "You know that? This is huge! I mean... holy shit!" he says as he strokes it a few times and my cock instantly stretches to full life and its nearly nine inches. Kyle continues to closely inspect my cock and I am not saying a word about it as I am really shocked at what is happening.

"Dude, this is the first cock I have ever held! Dude this is wild! Oh my god, I am touching a cock!" as he starts to giggle. He strokes my cock a few more times and just smiles up at me. I reach down and pull up his shirt and pull it completely off him. Grabbing a small trash bag, I place all of his clothes inside and then tie it shut to hopefully cut off the stench from seeping further into our room. I pull Kyle up and turn on the shower and we get near-instantaneous hot water. I dial it to a moderate temperature and we both walk into the shower together as he still needs me to hold him up. Or does he?

We have a three dispenser in the shower and I grab a full hand of shower gel and start to lather up Kyle. I pull him into a hug and lather up his backside while holding him close to me. I can feel his cock getting hard. I lather up his ass, gaining access to it like never before. I run my hands between his tight cheeks and soap up the entire area. Grabbing some more shower gel I got in a bit deeper making solid contact with my index finger and his tight hole. I rub on it a bit and then the tip of my finger slips into him and I move it around a bit. I mean, I do this to myself all the time, so it is kinda automatic at this point. Kyle moans a bit and leans his head into the crook of my neck. He then mumbles something.

"Clean as a whistle. My daddy taught me to do that as a kid. Gotta be clean," as he giggles and I pull my hands out of his ass and move us around a bit to rinse him clean. Satisfied that I have rinsed him clean of the soap, I turn us around and I am now standing behind him, holding him up as I lather up his front side. I feel up his entire body as my cock lays right up against the crack of his ass. Truth be told I am kinda humping him as I am lathering up his front side. I reach down and lather my cock a bit to make sure it is slick enough to be enjoyable for me.

"Dude, your cock is hard!" Kyle says as he giggles a bit and presses his ass up against my throbbing cock. I have a gentle pressure as well as a nice rhythm going enjoying his flesh. I take some more gel into my hand and reach down and take a big handful of his cock.

I interlock my fingers and make a strong sleeve around his cock; he starts fucking my hands, and, in doing so, he (unintentionally?) takes up a perfect rhythm of frotting his ass on my cock. Fuck, he is going to make me cum from this, without a doubt.

I pick up the pace of my hands on his cock, helping him out and varying the pressure I am applying to his cock as he starts breathing really hard.

"Fuck this feels so good!" Kyle says a bit too loud, so I shush him a bit. I focus my gratification between his cheeks, using them as my own personal masturbation sleeve as he continues fucking my hands.

"Damn Kyle, your body feels really good! You are gonna make me cum soon!" I whisper into his ear. Does he even realize that I am frotting his ass right now?

"No shit? Damn bro, imma cum soon too! Yah, keep doing that!" He says and he picks up the pace. Is he really drunk or not, I wonder... but fuck, his ass sleeve on my cock feels so good. Damn, I am humping this stud football star and I'm going to paint his back with a huge load in seconds.

"Fuck that's it... fuck... here I cummmm..." and just as he says that I shoot as well. My hands are quickly covered in his load and my load shoots up between his cheeks and onto his back. This orgasm is like being hit by a lightning bolt and my knees go weak and apparently he does as well as I catch him. Me, the beanpole catching this jock.

"I got you, stud!" I say as I hold him up and hug him. He just leans into me a bit more.

I rinse us both off and then grab some shampoo and scrub his scalp gently, lovingly and I am sure there is no cum residue left on either of us. I don't know if he knows this but this was something very special between us. My heart is now involved. Perhaps it was before...

I turn off the shower, grab each of us a towel and realize he is still feeling some kind of way. After I wrap my towel around me, I begin toweling him off and wrapping him up like a burrito. We head back into our room, Kyle leaning heavily on me and I lay him down into his bed and I pull his sheet up over him and I turn his light off. "Thank you, Beanpole," he says a bit muttered, and sleepy.

I finish drying myself off as Kyle is already sound asleep. He looks so vulnerable, sleeping so soundly. I know he didn't mean those ugly things, I just know it. He isn't that person... at least not anymore. He is helpless and needs someone to take care of him, not asshole friends who will just drop his ass and leave. I pick up my phone, look back over at Kyle and start looking for some stuff and when I find it, I turn off my phone and set it down. Then I immediately turn my attention back to the sleeping adonis not three feet away from me.

Working off of memory, I pull out my sketch pad and begin drawing us in the shower together. The mirror that faced the shower if you looked just right gave me a perfect angle to draw this from. My right hand seems to move without thought as I spend more time drawing Kyle. Every curve, his hard cock poking straight out in front of him and my arms around his waist. As I draw myself I leave me most as a dream or if a printer has run out of toner with faint lines running off the side of the page. My focus, both in this drawing and in this game we are playing, is focused solely on Kyle.

As I finish the sketch, I sign this one. No matter what happens to this, I want credit for it. Credit for the drawing, sure. But the moment, too. This would never have happened if we hadn't built up to it. Sure he was drunk, but his guard would never have been lowered to the point where he was this comfortable, alcohol or no, for me to slide my large cock in between his perfectly muscled ass. Never. Would. Have. Happened. So yeah, I signed this. I deserve this.

I know with no hesitation that it's now time for the next part of my plan.

The Next Morning I wake up naturally, about 10 minutes before my alarm and just spend a moment lounging in my bed wishing that it wasn't morning just yet. I lose that fight and soon Kyle's alarm is going off like a screeching harpy not 3 feet away from me. So slow to react, he finally reaches his phone, fumbles with it a few times and finally shuts it off.

I lean up and prop myself up on my pillows as I slowly start to come to life. Kyle flings his legs over the bed and greets me with a groggy "Morning, beanpole!" He pulls himself and tries to stand up and then falls right back onto his bed.

"Holy SHIT... how the hell did I ever even get back here last night? Wait, how did I get naked and into bed?"

"Your `bros' yeeted your ass into the room last night and then disappeared. You were soaked in beer and puke when you got here so I helped you into the shower, got you cleaned up and put your drunk ass to bed," I said dripping of judgment and hatred of morning conversations.

"Oh shit. Wait. Oh shit! You didn't like rape me or anything did you?" He says this with no joking tone at all in his voice. After everything we've been through, he's going to just throw that demeaning accusation out there. He successfully stands up this time, and reaches back to check his ass. "Fuck bro, you didn't do any weird shit to me, did you? `Cuz that is not OK! For real, bro!"

This enrages me. "What the fuck are you talking about, `bro!' Don't you dare go there asshole!" I manage to stand up by this point and I am not having his shit today, but I am also not willing to freak out like the other day. I have a damn test to worry about today.

"Look, you ungrateful son of a bitch! Your boys dropped your stinky ass at our door last night covered in dried beer and puke. As drunk as you were, you likely caused both. Since you couldn't even talk I took your ass into the shower, apologized for the noise and commotion to Max and then I stripped your ass down and hosed you off." I say this and walk over to the bag that I sealed his nasty clothes in and toss them to him.

"Go ahead, open that up and see how GREAT you smelled. So instead of letting you fall into your bed and stink up MY ROOM, yes, I hosed you down." Thinking about this and seeing his face shift a bit, I calm down a bit as I continue. "Look, I was hoping that I would get a `thank you, Sean for taking care of me last night'. But instead I get accused of raping you? Kyle, I honor our rules and last night and just this morning you broke them again. Seriously, this is your last warning. Call me a fag again and we are done. Do we understand each other?"

Kyle's body is slouching a bit now, he can't seem to look me in the face. I don't know why he has to act the ass like this. "Jesus, Sean. I am sorry. Yah, thanks for taking care of me...I didn't realize..." he says, clearly thinking hard about what he is going to say next. "I don't really remember any of this but you are a solid friend for helping me get cleaned up. I am ... look I am sorry."

"Yah, you sure looked sorry last night. Those bitches really fucked with your head didn't they? I'm sorry for that, but your meathead friend was right, you shouldn't treat them like you do. Anyhow, I have to rush... let me grab the bathroom first."

I say this as he walks over and starts chugging a Gatorade from the fridge, likely to combat the hangover he is clearly struggling through. I am in the bathroom for a few minutes; I do all the essentials and come out to get dressed. Kyle walks past me and gives me a friendly but labored smile and uses the facilities.

Fully dressed and needing coffee more than I have ever needed anything, I throw everything into my backpack, hoping I will just have enough time to satiate my coffee craving. Kyle returns to the room looking a bit more relaxed. Walking to his closet area he starts pulling out clothes for the day and then applies deodorant.

Backpack hoisted over my shoulder, I walk past Kyle and playfully slap his ass. "Hey, it's cool that your dad taught you how to clean your asshole like that, I had to learn on my own. I have something fun for us tonight, so be sure to be here by 10pm. See ya, roomie!"

I honestly wish I had the correct vocabulary to describe the look on his face as he desperately tried to process the two bits of information I had just dropped on him. It was priceless and I just know this will eat at him all day today. Thinking about me and my plans for 10pm is exactly what I need him to be doing all day.

Back in the 609 I get back to our room a bit earlier than normal tonight. The test we had in my last class was a `once you are complete you can leave' type of thing so I grabbed myself a late lunch and headed back.

I made quick work of setting up the plans for tonight, which included washing Kyle's clothes that I soiled with my leaky cock. I knew he would be at practice rather late tonight as it was not only weight day but also a full-on practice as the coach was kicking their asses since their less-than-stellar performance last Saturday.

Since I finish cleaning up early, I decide to head over and watch them practice. I meet up with one of my girlfriends that I went to high school with and bring her along with me as a bit of cover for watching the boys practice.

"Sarah, stop being such a twat, everything will be fine," I say to her as she keeps prattling on about a guy catching her looking at him. "Besides, I have learned that most guys actually get a kick out of catching someone checking them out, so he likely enjoyed it! Oh shit! There is Kyle!"

"Which one?" She says rapping her attention to the field almost as if she was a dog and someone pointed out a squirrel.

"Calm down, thirsty! He is a total womanizer and certainly not your type!" I say downplaying it all as I don't want to sound... well... weird. "He is the one at the 30 yard line, shirtless with black hair." Damn he has a great ass! Shit, my finger slid into that virgin hole of his last night! As I think this, my cock starts to wake up.

"Oh wait, that one? Damn, he is hot. You scored this year, lucky!" She says to me as she sips her green tea concoction that she made us stop for on the way into the Tigue.

Our chat continues about nothing really as I pull out a fresh sketchbook, having safely decided to leave the other tucked away in our room. I get to work sketching and Sarah keeps babbling on and on about nothing.

After about 45 minutes of this, Sarah has grown tired of just sitting here and decides she wants to head to the library, both to do some research for her paper and to get some time to spy the new library assistant that has caught her attention. So we head out. I'm fairly happy that I nearly completed three sketches. All I had left to do was fill in some of the finer details when I get back to the room, and I can do that by memory.

We hug out our goodbyes and I head back to the room as it is starting to get dark. My plan is ready and I will execute it to the best of my ability tonight.

After having to traipse across campus and over to the practice facility, I am rather sweaty, so as I cool off, I decide to take a shower. I wash up and take my time in the shower.

Phillip interrupts me as I lather up for the second time and asks if he can take a piss; I grunt an approval to him. Don't get me wrong, these guys are fine, but they are boring as fuck and never seem interested in anything. Try as I might I could never get them to engage in any conversation I was able to come up with.

Without seeming like a perv but curious to get a glimpse of his cock, as he starts to piss I ask him, "So how was your day? Any big plans for tonight?"

He exhales as a steady stream comes flowing out of him from a more than impressive cock! He seems semi hard as he releases. "Damn, I have had to piss for the last hour," he says, fully exhaling. "Wait, oh... yah, good day. Nothing really planned. I have some calculus work that I want to get ahead on and was just going to hit the sack early. You?"

Damn, this was the most he has said to me this entire week! AND I get to obsess about his cock! And what a great cock it is! He is uncut! Damn, a nice foreskin that covers his head but peeled back nicely as he let go. I've always been fascinated by uncut guys, I guess it the `I want what I don't have' type mentality. So fucking hot, too bad it's attached to his ... whole... him. We have a clear shower curtain and he catches me checking out his cock, and I quickly stammer.

"Oh, I have been working on some plans and looking forward to them since yesterday, but nothing that would be too exciting for you," I say as I absentmindedly soap up my ass and clean out really well. Phillip, being a bit awkward, just finishes pissing and shakes himself a few times and flops his softened cock back into his grandpa boxers.

"OK if I flush?" he says.

"Sure, we don't tend to lose that much water pressure or temperature. See ya, Phillip!" As he doesn't even really wait for my full response, he just flushes and leaves just as fast as he appeared.

I continue to play with my ass a little bit, fully enjoying this attention I am giving my ass that must think I have forgotten about it! I work two, then three fingers inside myself using our soft conditioner from the dispenser. This always seems to work better than the more harsh shower gel. Damn, I need to get fucked... soon!

Around 9 pm or so I am sitting in my favorite pair of boxer briefs. These are 2UNDR boxer briefs with the long inseam. They remind me of his jammers BUT these have a great pouch that lifts your junk and pushes it out nicely in front of you. Love these and they showcase all of my finest assets.

Soon I hear the fumbling at the door and in comes Kyle. "Hey," he says and drops all his stuff on his bed and beelines for the bathroom to take a piss. Returning triumphantly to the room, he continues stripping down and tossing his clothes onto the growing pile of laundry begging for attention.

He hops up onto his bed and starts scrolling his phone for the next 45 minutes or so and then he gets up and heads back in to shower. Again he starts trying to sing, which this time I just find it funny, though I am sure that Adam Lavine would be taking issues as his song is nearly murdered.

Several minutes later Kyle returns to the room with his towel around his waist and closes the bathroom door right as my alarm goes off on my phone. I slowly turn around in my desk chair and take in Kyle as he stands in front of me with an ample bulge featured under his towel.

"So how's it going today, Kyle?"

"Good... actually. I've been kinda curious as to what your plan was for tonight and I am kinda nervous to ask you how you found out about how my Dad taught me to clean my asshole." He laughs nervously. "But, I wanted to first say... I am really sorry that I used that word again. You have to believe me I was drunk and clearly didn't know what I was saying. I honestly don't want to ever be that guy again who uses that word, so please I am sorry and I am willing to pay the price for it."

"Thanks, Kyle. I know, you are no longer that guy anymore, I am confident of that and I accept your apology. But seriously you gotta work on being such a dick. Asking me if I raped you? Seriously?"

"I know, I am sorry. I must have still been drunk. I really am sorry," he says looking seriously contrite.

"OK, I guess I can forgive that. But Kyle, be honest. Have I done anything TO YOU or WITH YOU that you haven't given me permission to do?"

"No... no... you haven't."

"OK. And if you are being HONEST... completely honest. Haven't you enjoyed how good I have been taking care of you? How good I have been taking care of your cock?"

"Shit, yah... I guess." This one clearly hurt him to admit, but I needed him to relent on this.

"You guess? Is there anyone on this planet who has swallowed more of your cum than me? Be honest!"

"Jesus Sean... Don't fucking say shit like that. I mean... fuck... no... but... dude I am not gay!"

"Where did that come from, Kyle? Who said you were gay? I certainly didn't! You are hot just as you are! FUCK I love a hot straight jock who is man enough to let his buddy blow him and still chase girls the next day. I certainly didn't say you are gay!"

"Well, yah... but... I have been enjoying it, I guess... but I just want to be clear... though. Besides this all still freaks me the fuck out." Kyle says, trailing off and not really knowing what he was standing up for at this point.

"So Kyle, tonight I want another show! It's been several weeks since I had my last show and it's time for another since we both enjoyed the last one so much!"

"Sean. Fuck! You didn't tell me, I left my uniform at the Tigue to get laundered, I don't have it!" he says, kinda panicking, as if he might have forgotten that I asked.

"Oh, no Kyle. I found several of your other uniforms. I want you to try them on for me!"

I pull out his two speedos, his pair of jammers and his singlet. I hand him the jammers first and ask him to put them on.

"Wow, I haven't tried these on in a few years! They are going to be tight, that's before I got these massive thighs from weight training," he says, but he gladly takes them from me and allows his towel to fall to his feet.

He shows me how he puts these on, as I know they have to be tough and they are. He rolls them up over his beefy thighs and finally gets them into the right position before rolling them up over his package and onto his hips. They look super tight.

"Dude. Where did your cock go?"

"Shit, it's in there beanpole, it's just crunched completely up into me," he says to me, running his hands over where his cock should be.

"Holy shit, let me see!" I say, standing up and moving closer to him. I run my hands over his abs and down onto the jammers. Damn, these are tight! I can feel his cock and his balls but they are pressed so solidly into his own flesh it has them almost hidden.

"Dude. you look like a Ken doll," I say to him, wanting to call into question his manliness, his `huge cock' that he likes to talk about (though not as much as he used to since he has seen mine.)

"Fuck, that isn't funny bro!" he says through a forced laugh.

"See, mine has plenty of room to breathe in these! They are long and tight on my thighs but they have a big pouch for my huge cock and nuts. See?" I say to him, making sure he gets a close look at mine. The light blue of the shorts leaves little to the imagination and clearly I am starting to bone up a bit as well. I take his hand and place it on my bulge and he quickly tries to take his hand away.

"Dude, I know you were drunk last night, but you stroked me at least 4 times, and I was completely hard then. Now I am almost soft! Come on, see how these undies have a nice pouch to hold your boys?" I say and pull his hand back onto my cock. I wrap my hand around his as I make him cup my junk.

Bringing the focus back to him and his jammers, "Wow, these are hot on you, they show off your ass really well! Though, not as good as these speedos, I bet! Which pair are your favorite?" I ask him and he gladly removes his hand from my cock and grabs the speedo with the same color scheme as his singlet. "Cool, why are those your favorite?"

He smiles widely and says, "Well, I won the most in my junior year in high school wearing these... I didn't come back to the team my senior year."

"Cool, can I see them on you?" I say as I retake my seat on my desk chair.

"Yah, sure! Anything to get me out of these! I can't feel my balls anymore!" he says as he peels down his jammers. Out flaps his completely flaccid cock and balls; the poor things clearly needed some air.

He steps into his speedo and pulls it up. This time, watching him situate his balls and then his cock inside the speedo was nearly an art form. Damn he looks good. As he models this for me, I notice it takes him a moment to adjust and get comfortable with how his cock and balls lay inside this one size-too-small speedo. He looks really hot.

Remaining seated in my desk chair, I slide a bit closer to him to get a closer inspection. I reach up and pluck a hair from where his speedo makes contact with his upper thigh. "Did you have to shave when you were a swimmer? I bet not since you are nearly smooth."

"Ouch! No, I didn't shave but I did trim so I wouldn't have those guys poking out like that." He is smiling, he is in his element having me worship his body like this. I pull out his speedo from his body a bit and slip my hand into the pouch and I lightly cradle and re-arrange his junk. I aim his cock upward and slightly to the left and then I push back from him a bit to admire.

"Wow, I can see why you pack yourself in the way you do, this is downright obscene and I kinda like it!" We both laugh at that and Kyle blushes ever so slightly. I reach in again and as I do I can tell a bit more blood is flowing to this area. I reach around and run my hands up inside of the speedo and cup his muscled ass cheeks.

"Damn, these do look tight, bet your ass has grown a bit since your swimming days, huh? With all this strength training you are doing!"

"Yah, I guess they have. Is that a good thing?" What's this? He is now seeking compliments from me? He wants me to comment on his body now. Hmmm some more progress methinks.

"Yah, Kyle. Your ass looks amazing in these speedos now and I bet even better than they did back when you were swimming. Here, before you get too hard. This is what I really wanted to see you in, stud! This singlet! You never told me you wrestled!"

"No? I guess I didn't. Yah, I only wrestled my senior year because I left swimming and needed something else to do. I thought it was a bit ga.... Well I thought it was a bit odd for me to be that close to another guy, but it was fun."

"OK, well tell me the truth. The first time you brought home this singlet and you went into your room and tried it on. Did you get hard?" As soon as I ask this, blood starts rushing to his face; he is blushing a deep red as if he's thinking I must have had a camera in his bedroom.

"Bro, I don't know how you do it but... shit. Yah, I did. I jacked off too, more than once, wearing it! Ummm... You want me to put on a jock before I get in this?"

"Did you always wear a jock under this when you wrestled?"

"I did at first until a guy used it against me and grabbed me by it, then I tried without it, but that was a mistake too! So I switched to tight trunks after that."

"Why was it a mistake to wrestle without a jock?" I ask him as he slides into the singlet, pulling it past his thighs and up around his waist. He has chubbed up a bit as well, and he then pulls up the top part and slides his arms into the singlet and there he is. Perhaps the hottest thing I have ever seen up this close! "Oh, yah, now I can see the mistake! WOW, does this showcase your cock! Damn, I love this! Model this for me! Show me some poses!"

"Really? OK, you're the boss! This is kinda tight, I am a bit bigger now than before!" As he goes down into the first pose. I lean back in my chair, fully hard now, but still inside my boxer briefs with a dime-sized wet spot forming. I start rubbing myself as he moves around the room a bit grabbing other poses and just rotating through a few of them and giving me different angles to enjoy them. The entire time I am whispering to keep our conversation private, letting him know just how hot I think he is in this uniform (and generally as well.)

"The power in your legs. You can tell that was your strength. I bet now you would be invincible if you wrestled anyone! Damn, your ass looks amazing under that fine cloth! The way your glutes stretch out that material makes it nearly see-through. Hot as hell!"

As I say this he is facing away from me and leans down and wow, there it is. Through his legs and his perfectly sculpted glutes I can see his bulge. He has this perfect cleft in his ass that allows the bulge of his balls and cock to become visible from the back. "Wait!" I say, rather loud and too strong. "Sorry, it's just I need you to stay like that, dude the view I have right now is freaking amazing. Jesus, roomie!"

I stand up and slide down my underwear and kick them up onto my bed. I walk up behind him and softly ask, "Can I touch you, Kyle?"

"Ummm yah, I guess." I begin running my hands all over his singlet-covered skin, feeling how form-fitting and how tight this uniform is. I stand up behind him and run my hands round him and pressing up against his backside I cup his package and hold on rather tightly.

"You know, last night I grabbed onto your cock much like this," illustrating how it happened last night but through the fabric, "Yah, kinda like this and you fucked my hands. Yah, kinda like that." As he makes that familiar motion from last night his cloth-covered ass keeps making contact with my dripping cock as it tries to nestle itself into its muscled sleeve.

I move my hands and as I do he sighs a bit. This time I move my hands into the singlet and over his tight stomach and down onto his cock. I encapsulate his cock inside of my interlocked fingers and this time, either through sheer need or through muscle memory from the previous night, he starts fucking my hands.

"Yup, just like last night, this is how you did it." I now am pressed firmly against him milking my cock between his glutes, albeit from inside the safety of this micro thin singlet. He is lightly grunting now, clearly enjoying himself.

I pull back from him and extricate my hands from heaven even if just for a minute and I grab our freshly washed blanket and throw it down on his bed and I grab the oil as well. I then start to pull him from his singlet. I lower each arm down and then slide my hands inside of the singlet, cupping his perfect ass as I peel down this body glove. As the singlet lowers and exposes his cock, I lower myself to my knees. The singlet is still grabbing his perfectly meaty thighs, but as his shaft pops free, I take his full cock deep into my mouth and allow him to fuck my face for a few minutes, making sure that he doesn't get too close.

I pull back from him and sit back on my legs and just watch him as I start stroking myself; finally Kyle opens his eyes and just looks at me, before guiltily shifting his gaze down to my cock... and then he surprises me as he reaches down to his own and starts shamelessly stroking himself. I watch his face and his eyes very closely and he is fixated on my cock. This is so fucking hot! Is he really getting off watching me? Watching me stroke myself? Not 24 hours ago he was the one stroking me, granted he was drunk, but still he did it.

I notice he is getting rather serious with his stroking and I don't want this to end like this. I don't want him to shoot on me as I sit at his feet. We have moved past that sort of thing. Tonight is about me.

I lean back and stand up in one solid, fluid motion and quickly stand right in front of him as our cocks come in contact with each other. Yah, I have a big cock, but Kyle has a significant girth on him along with a near-perfect length, I have found, when taking a cock up my ass.

I push him back onto his bed, leaving his singlet wrapped tightly around his legs. I grab the baby oil and start to massage his chest and run long strokes from his pecs down to his cock getting him all lubed up. Even under the low light of the room with only our desk lamps on, he shimmers. I continue to add baby oil to his skin and rub him deeply, massaging all of his muscles as I take my seat on his thighs right where his singlet was bunched up a bit as it started migrating down to his knees.

Wanting to replicate the slick valley he gave me between his cheeks last night I apply a liberal amount of oil to my ass. I slip a finger or two inside me out of habit more than anything, but quickly I remember how good that feels and how much I have missed being fucked. I move up a bit so our cocks are laying right beside each other and I take them into my hands and like last night I interlace my fingers. This time, I struggle to contain both of these cocks inside my hands as I attempt to double stroke us, failing to wrap my hand around the sheer girth of these two cocks.

I reposition my cock on top of his and I press my right hand down on top of both of our cocks pressing them together and up against his lower abdomen as I start fucking motions with my cock on top of his. I make sure that the direct contact between our two cocks is right at that perfect tip where our cocks are most sensitive. As I do this, Kyle's eyes fly open.

"Shit, bro. So weird, but... that's intense!" Kyle says to me, eyes locked with mine.

"This doesn't freak you out, football stud?" I say to him, asking as cheekily as I can.

"Kinda, but fuck it feels too good. Go ahead, keep going." To which I am happy to oblige.

He starts to make the sounds and movements that let me know that he is getting close and we are just not ready for that yet, so I move up a bit, wanting to rub his cock on my ass a bit while I massage his shoulders. So I sit with my ass right over the head of his cock and I start moving and gyrating above it as I focus most of my attention on his powerful shoulders. I feel his cock slip up behind my ass so I reach back and I hold it between my cheeks and I give it some motion to keep things moving down there for him.

He starts moving his hips up and down making slight thrusting movements that have my cock dripping and my ass growing hungry. I move my hips a bit more and keep trying to center so that in his light thrusts his cock head keeps kissing my asshole and this sort of teasing has me going wild. I am trying to keep enough of the attention focused on the work I am doing massaging his chest and shoulders to possibly get Kyle to not pay too close attention to the geography that his cock finds itself in.

I reapply more baby oil to his cock, my ass, and then (to keep up the ruse) his chest as well. Again I slide fingers into my ass but this time I do two fingers and then a third to loosen me up a bit. Fuck, tonight I am getting fucked. Tonight is about me, damnit.

I go back to working his chest and with the additional baby oil I pay some close attention to his dime sized nipples as I keep making more and more contact between his cock and my lubed and slightly stretched ass. I start making perfect contact and the head of his cock is hitting my hole perfectly. Each time I apply just a bit more pressure to make that kiss just a little stronger, slightly deeper as I notice my cock has made a puddle of pre-cum inside his belly button.

The nipple play has Kyle squirming even more and this causes his thrusts to be more powerful and then one of his upward thrusts hits perfectly and the head of his cock sinks into my hole and then right back out. I certainly notice this but it seems Kyle doesn't so I just keep going. A few more off center hits and then again with a perfect alignment and this time his entire head sinks into me and wow, do I feel it and I hold still, not wanting it to go any further but certainly NOT wanting it to fall out of me again.

Time seems to slow down as his upstroke crests and the entire head of his cock is firmly inside of my ass assisted by his bucking but also by the baby oil and copious amount of pre-cum his own cock is producing. I am looking him directly in his eyes as they are closed... but they flash open and his sky blue eyes stare through my soul as he realizes what is happening. I decide I don't want this to stop and so I sink down on his cock for at least another inch.

"Fuck no! No way! I can't do this" Kyle says way too loud, as I know Max and Phillip are right next door and they will be able to hear him. I will be damned if those assholes are going to come barging in here and ruin this for me! I reach down with my left hand, which has slightly less baby oil on it, and I cover his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up dude! You don't want the boys next door barging in and seeing this, do you? Well, do you? See the JOCK, the football star fucking a dude?" I say quietly but firmly. When it is clear he gets it, I pull my hand away.

"No, I don't... but we are not doing this. This is NOT part of our deal dude! I am not gay damnit!" Kyle protests and struggles a bit, both with his body and keeping his voice quiet. As he does this, his cock slips a bit further inside of me, enough to stretch me even further than my three fingers could do. I reach down and grab his shoulders attempting to hold him down as he struggles.

Kyle could end this at any time. He could kick my ass three ways to Sunday if he wanted to. He could easily push my bony ass off of him and send me flying if he wanted to. But, he doesn't.

"Dude, I have serviced your cock so many times these last two months and I have asked for nearly nothing from you. You hear me? Tonight, I get something I want." I say this to him very sternly, nearly as confident as I was when I read him to filth the night I confronted him about the cheating. I look him directly in the eye and he can tell I am not messing around with him.

As I stare at him directly in his eyes and he stops struggling so much, I slowly shake my head in the affirmative and continue to lower myself onto his hot cock. I have at least 4" of him inside me at this point and I can feel him make solid contact with my prostate and fuck if it doesn't feel better than I have ever felt before. Feeling this good causes me to squeeze down on him and he looks me directly in the eye almost as if he was screaming, `how the hell can your hole do something like that?!'

Having been stretched as wide as I needed to take his cock, I sit the rest of the way back down on him and he is balls deep inside me. I can feel him all the way in there and damn it if this isn't an entirely new level.

I lean forward and sort of collapse with my face at his right ear. He says very softly to me, "I really don't want to be doing this, Sean; this isn't right! Dude, I am fucking you right now! Fuck! My cock is in your ass! Fuck! And damn it,. you didn't put on a condom!"

"I have swallowed so much of your cum, I think we are beyond a damn condom. Save those for those nasty bitches you fuck. This is a choice hole you are getting right now. Sit back and enjoy the damn ride!" I say to him with sort of a snarl. Yah, I was pissed. Shit I just gave his dude my hole! Bareback at that. This is something only a few guys have ever gotten before AND I actually liked those bastards! Fuck his cock feels good.

So I start to ride him with slow strokes at first, and he is making me do all of the work, so I do. I reach down and grab the oil and give myself a good squirt into my hand, before I reach back and take hold of his cock as it comes nearly all the way out of me. I apply the baby oil to his cock to help ease this work I am doing.

I take to riding his cock and notice that I can make him hit my prostate however I want in this position. So I sit straight up on him and bounce up and down a few times feeling that cock hitting just perfectly. Chaging it up a bit I start to lean back and this was really stretching out my knees. FUCK this felt good and my cock was just bouncing on his lower abdomen with a thumping sound that I found hot as hell.

I have never been more happy to have this plywood bed for us than I am as I bounce on his cock. There is no bed squeaking for Max and Phillip in the next room to hear, just the soft thuds of motion. This will make it easier for us to keep our activities quiet, because I am determined to get this cock as often as I can.

I can tell he is getting close again, so I sit back up on him leaning forward. I take his right hand and put some oil on it and bring it down to my cock. He tries to pull away.

"Kyle, I am not fucking around with you. Give me what I want here, or we are done and I am not even playing. It's not like you aren't enjoying this. I can feel your hips starting to move! SO just enjoy this and let me enjoy it too." I take his hand and put it right back down on my cock and help him stroke me a few times.

As I start to remove my hand from his, he starts to pull away again.

"Look, motherfucker! As I told you, my silence will cost you, and this is the price. Man the fuck up!" And he grabs my cock and holds onto it as my bouncing on his cock provides a good enough amount of movement to be enjoyable.

I start going to town riding his cock and he starts meeting my movement with upward thrusts as he starts to grunt a bit. We are both sweating now but he is hitting every single button he needs to be and I am starting to see stars. My orgasm is quickly approaching and I can tell he is nearly ready to shoot as well.

"OK, fuck I'm going to shoot, you should get off! ... Dude! I am about to shoot, you need to get off! Dude! Seriously!" Kyle is saying to me more and more frantically and frankly, it is so fucking hot.

"Dude, fuck. Imma cum inside you if you don't get off! Fuck... dude... dude!!!!" And I feel it, he is shooting a massive load inside of me, flooding me. I sit down on him hard as he continues firing deep inside me. His cock head must have doubled in size as he is shooting. He feels soo good and I love that I am going to be full of his cum tonight.

Feelling all these sensations deep inside me pushes me over the edge and my cock starts shooting and it just paints Kyle's face, chest and stomach with at least 10 full-strength shots that nearly cause me to pass out. I can feel each of these shots and me contracting on his cock as I do. Clearly I am milking him dry as I cover him in my cum. I can see at least one of the shots landed on his mouth as he instinctively licks his lips. FUCK that is going right into my spank bank!

He seemingly doesn't realize what has just happened as he is just laying there trying very hard to regain his breathing. I take this quiet time to address what COULD be a very awkward situation, one I am so not in the mood for, so I decide to go hard.

"Look, your cock is still deep in my ass where I am sure I am holding about a pint of your cum inside me. I just shot what is likely to be an equal amount all over you." He starts to squirm a bit. "Look asshole, don't freak the fuck out, just man the fuck up and hop in the shower and wash it off." He struggles a bit more and I push him down kinda forcefully and say, "Quit being such a bitch, this is your new reality if you don't want to be kicked out of college and selling crappy used cars the rest of your life! Don't be a fucking bitch! It's just cum!"

He seems to calm down a bit; he is redder and more angry than I have seen him before but he seems to grab himself and get himself together. Finally, he shakes his head in the affirmative. I slowly dismount his cock, which by the way is still as hard as the minute it slid into me, just for the fucking record! So much for my cum freaking him out, huh?

As I make my way off his cock I reach back and give him a stroke or two and then get off of him and offer him a hand up. He refuses it and slides off the bed and he quickly makes his way into the shower.

He takes a long time in the shower and the steam is just bellowing out of the room as, interestingly enough, he didn't close the door. So after I pull off the protective blanket from his bed and stow the supplies I walk into the bathroom and lean up against the sink and watch him lather himself up for what is likely the 3rd time by now.

Whispering so as the boys next door won't hear, "For what it is worth, I thought that was really hot and your cock felt amazing inside of me. I am sorry it had to go down like that but I thought it was time that I got some enjoyment out of this arrangement." He looks at me as I say this and I continue, "Look, I know you sorta enjoyed this if for no other reason than the age ole saying used by every straight guy, `a hole is a hole.' Besides. You shot a huge load inside of me and so that is how I know you really enjoyed it."

He glares at me and just shakes his head in disgust.

He reaches down to turn off the shower and I tell him not to, that I am going to hop in and wash all this baby oil off. He looks at me and then quickly at Max and Phillips's door as if to say, `Dude, be quiet!'

"Oh, now you want to be quiet. OK," I say a bit flippantly under my breath.

I hand him his towel and he quickly wraps himself in it. As he tries to make his way past me ,he stops for a second. He doesn't look at me but says quietly, with a slight crack in his voice,

"You don't have to be such an asshole about it, you know."

He leaves the bathroom and I close the door behind him. As the door latches, I melt. What the fuck just happened! HOLY SHIT! Did I just do that? FUCK! Jesus, he is right! I don't need to be such a dick about this, but damnit! He is the cheating motherfucker that is forcing me to live with his secret! He is making me a co-conspirator for fuck sake! It's about fucking time I get something from him in return!

This motherfucker was getting too comfortable with me just blowing him every night and him cumming down my throat or shooting all over me. It was my turn.

Fuck, I would have been completely satisfied with just taking his load and blasting all over him... but watching him lick my cum from his lips? Hell, that was just a bonus.

Who the fuck am I turning into?

Thank you for reading Chapter 4! Please reach out and let me know if you liked this and if you are excited for Chapter 5! You can follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean or you can email me . Show some love to @Trappedinthecl1 by giving him a follow and thanking him for his superb work on this project as my editor, friend and writing partner!

Stay tuned for chapter 5 which we plan to release within the week and continue with a chapter a week release until the grand finale in chapter 6!

Next: Chapter 5

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