My Silence Will Cost You

By Logan Prejean

Published on Mar 19, 2023


This story was dreamt up over the past few months and is the sole property of me. The characters in this story are at least 18 years of age and none of this happened in real life, only in my filthy mind and soon to be yours. Our goal is to publish one chapter a week until our 6th and final chapter. Enjoy.

WARNING: This story will contain bullying, sexual coercion, and blackmail. If this is a potential trigger for you or not your cup of tea, then I highly recommend you move on.

Show some love and $upport to Nifty for keeping this service free for us to use!

Chapter 3: The Rules, the massage and the blowjob

Waking up early, I made a beeline to the bathroom with my hard and dripping cock leading the way. Yes, apparently I was hard the entire two hours of sleep because my cock had clearly been dripping for hours through the night. Was I really going to do this? I feel like I need to make him more humble. This friendship, relationship - hell, just being roomies - has got to be more equal and the only way we get more equal is if I get some of my needs met. Besides, I know he is wanting something more. WHY ELSE would he have come home to model his football uniform?

I decide I am going to get started early on this. It's just a little after 7am and I don't have to leave here until 8am, so I'm going back into the room, hard as I am now and I am going to get off watching him sleep and slowly wake up. As he does wake up I will shoot my load as I watch him. The goal here is I want him to feel like an object, and then I have to keep myself calm because I will tell him we will discuss our new terms at exactly 10pm when he needs to be back here, showered and ready to talk. Plan set, I decide I am going to execute it.

I quietly walk back into the room which has some outside light coming in through the oversized window where the blinds can't block it. This provides just enough light for me to see my prey and for him to see me when he wakes up.

I start to lie down on my bed, but decide at the last minute that I am going to sit closer to him on my desk chair. It leans back nicely and it won't be the first time I've blasted sitting in it. I grab my lube and quietly move my chair right beside his bed. He is lying on his side with his pillow over his head and the front of his body facing me. He is breathing deeply and sleeping soundly. I kinda love how warm our room was to prompt us to sleep bare like this. His cock isn't fully soft, just pleasantly plumped up a bit. That crown nestled snugly in that half foreskin that he has left (that soon will be in my lips, count on that!)

As I start to stroke myself watching this man, it is amazing to me how perfect his chest and his abs are. Even lying on his side, there is a near-perfect definition to him. As his chest puffs out, his pecs grow perfectly, solidly, behind his lightly tanned skin. He doesn't have any tan lines, does he actually lay out in the sun nude? Spray Tan? Or is he just naturally this rich light roux color? You know the color, perfect for when you are making your etouffee. That light caramel color that shows its richness. I bet it would be super sweet to the taste. `Soon, Sean. Very soon.' I assure myself.

I measure every inch of his body as I watch him slowly start to wake up. Suddenly he is moving a bit more. His body must know it's almost time to get up. Or maybe he senses that I am sitting this close? That I am molesting him with my eyes? Almost as if by command his cock starts rising. It must act in conjunction with his alarm clock as it's about 5 minutes before that bell goes off.

His cock has reached its full length and girth by this point and is seemingly staring right at me with its one intense eye. There is a drip starting to form right at his piss slit... oh man, it's hard to resist the temptation to reach down there and grab that drip. I bet it would taste so good. Extra salty in the morning, I bet, with a heady dose of that masculine musk he rubbed under my nose. Fuck that was hot, even though he was doing it to belittle me. Or was he?

A minute before his alarm is to go off he falls backward onto his back allowing the pillow that hid his face to fall away. As he starts to stretch, his cock points directly at the ceiling with that pearl of precum finally escaping and running down the crown of his head, only to get soaked into the skin of the shaft of his cock. Fuck, I bet that would taste good. I bet it would fit perfectly inside me.

He reaches over, eyes looking for his phone to turn off the alarm. He grabs it and pulls it to his face, opening it up and then silencing his alarm to prevent it from going off. I don't want to scare him, so I simply say to him...

"Morning roomie!" As I speak, I remain sitting there, confidently stroking my leaking cock. Any point now I am ready to blast my load.

"Sean, shit. What are you doing bro?" he says, not seeming mad, but not really awake either.

"I was just enjoying the view and about ready to bust my load. You don't mind if I bust watching you, do you, roomie?"

"Fuck, you do you, roomie! I knew you..." he trails off, seemingly remembering what happened last night. "You enjoy your morning load, bro!"

"I was hoping you would say that, Kyle! Now watch me shoot my load! I promise this time I won't shoot on you, but I have a huge load that has been cooking up over the last hour as I watched you sleep... and watching your cock get hard, so... imma bust, but I need you to watch me. Watch my huge, donkey dick, shoot this load, bro! OK?"

"Sure bro! Shoot that load! Milk that huge cock of yours, stud! Fuck, imma join you!"

"Fuck yah, Kyle. Shooting this load for you, roomie! You got me so worked up, bro! Gonna shoot this load... right... now!" And I blast; the first shot just sort of oozed out of me, which was weird, but then extra voluminous shots spurt from me up over my head, landing on the corner of my comforter, onto my chin, two in quick succession on my chest, and two more surprisingly large late bursts on my stomach as I reach up and start to rub that cum into my skin. And then I take a finger full of my load and I lift my right leg up and I unashamedly smear it onto my hole. Up until this point Kyle hasn't seen me even thinking about my ass, but today I decide to push the envelope (and push that nice bit of cum into my ass.)

I'm looking over at Kyle and as he sees this, sees my hole and me pushing my own cum into it. Could he possibly be consciously or subconsciously imagining his own cum in my ass, as he simply cries out with "oh fuck" and shoots his own load, much smaller than mine, but impressive nonetheless onto his stomach. I think I notice a slight blush on my roomie's handsome face.

"We are gonna be late, so we better both hop into the shower before the guys next door try to bogart it," I say to him as I get up and I take my hand (that I just used to push some of my load inside my ass), and grab his hand and pull him up from the bed. He follows me into the bathroom, seemingly in a trance.

I turn on the water; it quickly comes up to temperature and I push Kyle into the shower as I follow him in. I only need to rinse off this cum, since I already showered last night. Kyle seems to be thinking way too much for this early in the morning when he finally speaks.

"Look, about last night..." I shush him by putting a finger up over his lips and then pointing next door to where Phillip and Max surely were and where I am confident they can hear everything that is going on in this bathroom.

"Oh, yah... Thanks. Good point," he says, looking kind of dejected. Having fully rinsed off my load, I grab my towel, hop out of the shower and begin to dry off.

"Look, Kyle. I think last night we both overreacted a bit. That said, there is going to have to be a new arrangement worked out between us; some rules we agree to, I think that is conspicuously evident at this point. You have practice tonight, and I have a test coming up that I MUST STUDY FOR," I say, twisting the knife, more than a little wink in my voice, "So let's do this: Pick up Subway for us on the way home, and we can eat while I study and you... well you do whatever. Then we will have a talk and work out our new arrangement at 10pm. Cool?" I say to him and he just seems caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, frozen in place as the hot water cascades down his perfect body.

"I'm going to need you to agree, Kyle. 10pm, here in our room, we will take about our new arrangement, cool?" Kyle seems taken aback by this. My assertive questioning of him to confirm that he is agreeing to this plan. That he is on board with moving this forward. His body language also seems to slump a bit realizing that he is no longer in control.

"Yes. Yes, Sean. Thanks. I will see you then," he says to me as I fix my hair and leave the bathroom.

Dressed and ready in less than 5 minutes, I am headed out the door. I peek my head in the bathroom and say - "10 pm and why don't you shower before then, OK?" Not waiting for his response, I just leave the room.

Oh my god. I have this rush of power coursing through me as I leave the room. I've never been this forceful with him before. Never have taken charge. Hell, I have never even picked what we were having for dinner before! I could get used to this!

But what was I going to get out of this? One thing is for certain. Tonight, at 10pm, I am going to touch him. All of him.

A long day of classes... I sit through countless hours of lectures and I know I don't retain a thing. My mind is twirling and I have to do this right. The first thing I want to accomplish is that I want this guy to come down a few steps from his high horse and treat people, especially people like me, better. Secondly, I honestly feel that I should be compensated for my silence on his transgressions. He is taking the spot of someone more deserving who could be at this school. That eats at me. He really needs to pay a price for this. If he has NEVER learned that actions have consequences, well, perhaps that is what I am here to teach him.

Consequences rarely matter unless there is some level of loss or sacrifice. But if this is going to work AND if I am to maintain at least some shred of my own humanity, then I have to remain kind to him but also have a good time. I think if I do this correctly, he will also enjoy himself (perhaps not at first but... we'll see.)

I spend the rest of my day formulating the rules we are going to have to live by if this new relationship is going to work. The rules have to be simple and they can't be overly complex or one-directional. We BOTH have to adhere to them.

By 3 pm as I leave my last lecture for the day, I make a beeline back to the 609 as I have to get this all sorted out. I have at least 4 hours before Kyle will return to our room and then I really do need to be studying. But I picked 10pm as the time as that seems for the past few weeks when our clothes usually came off and the stroking began. That will be OUR TIME from now on, 10 pm is when payment comes due.

Finally comfortable with my rules, and sitting at my desk with a raging hard-on, I begin to formulate the script for tonight, what will be happening, how and why. I know how desperate Kyle is to keep his status, to keep this charade going. To do that though, he is going to need to earn my silence and that also means I won't constantly be looking down on him. While I cannot stand cheaters in any way, shape or form, I will suppress that so long as he complies with our rules and adequately compensates me.

I begin stroking myself and as I do this, I pull open my sketchbook and flip to two of the hottest works of Kyle that I have. A few nights ago I woke up and he was lying on his bed with a dripping hard on and I sketched it. His long, powerful, nearly hairless legs stretched almost to the foot of his bed seemingly elongated by his beautiful cock reaching almost completely up to his navel, where a small puddle started to form. I'm instantly taken back looking at this sketch to the night I drew it; as his breathing seemed to intensify, his cock pulsed and his hips seemed to thrust up and down a bit. "He must be dreaming of fucking right now," I thought. I fought back the desire to go over and lick up the pond of pre-cum that had pooled in his innie.

The round helmet of his cock pulsed that night as I recall, exactly like mine is doing now. Nearly ready to shoot, I move myself over to Kyle's bed. The smells of him tease my nose and permeate into my soul as I continue to stroke, slowly on my mission to blast in his bed, on his pillow on the sheets that hold his naked body every night. I pull up a corner of his sheet and take a deep drag of his essence and that whiff sends me over the edge as I start to shoot. The shots fire out of me like a machine gun in slow motion hitting my chin first and then hearing several splats near my right ear where shots 2-4 land, painting Kyle's pillow, marking my territory that I will not soon cede. I may not be dick-slapping or tea-bagging him while he sleeps like the other guys here in the uni, but you better bet I am going to leave my mark... in my way.

Catching my breath and recovering from my near pheromone intoxication, I stand up and look at his pillow as my liquidy load seeps into the pillowcase and down into his pillow that he will sleep on tonight. Shit that is hot.

Forcing myself to focus and remembering the need to get some work done, I want to be deep in study as Kyle returns to the room. He better remember to pick up Subway for us tonight as he heads back to the room. He knows my regular order, the classic Subway melt with extra cheese and bacon, because name one thing that isn't made better with more cheese and bacon!

OK, I can do this, I am ready. I have the rules printed out with a signature line for both of us so we can show that we are committed to this, that we are moving forward together.

Shortly after 7, I hear the key in the lock of our door and a flash of excitement shoots directly from the tip of my head down to the tips of my toes and right back up to the tip of my cock. Action baby. This is it. Get your game face on, Sean. You got this. This could make all your dreams come true, and then some!

Kyle enters and is in a cheery mood by announcing, "The meat has arrived, and I brought Subway too." This is not a new line, but he must really believe in recycling as he has used it no less than 4 times now. He really has no clue how close to the mark he is.

He places my bag down on my desk, and squeezes my shoulder. He brought me my sub, plus two bags of Miss Vickie's Jalapeno Chips that he now has me craving. He also brought me a huge Diet Coke, and he even remembered straws this time! Score. I also notice how nice he smells, he remembered to shower. Holy shit, my plan is coming together. Wait, he squeezed my shoulder, that was new.

He then moves over to his bed and plops down with his dinner.

"Hey, roomie. Thanks for dinner! I appreciate you!" I say to him, already practicing our soon to be enacted rules. He looks at me kinda strange and then melts a bit of that macho facade away and smiles a crooked smile as he looks down into his bag.

We both work on our subs; as usual I stop half way through, and roll mine back up in the wrap, saving it for a bit later... but I couldn't stop myself from opening the first bag of chips.

It takes everything I have to keep focused on my work. I have got to get through this reading since I tuned out nearly all day long today during lectures. At first, time was moving so slowly, but I can hear through the clicking of the controllers that Kyle is playing Call of Duty (though out of respect for me, he isn't chatting it up with other guys playing as well.)

Earlier I had set my alarm on my phone to go off right at 10pm; I wanted to be punctual.

The same sound I wake up to every morning suddenly dings through the room, and as I silence my phone, I see that Kyle has already logged out of his game and the TV is now off. He's sitting on his bed with a soft face.

I push back from my desk, take a big swig of my Diet Coke, and clear my throat. Kyle stands up and walks over to his desk chair and pulls up right in front of me so we are no more than a foot away from each other with our knees almost touching.

"Kyle, I have been thinking a lot about this," I say as I notice the door to the bathroom is open. Not wanting to have any prying eyes or ears in this conversation, I get up to close the door and lock it from our side. Sitting back down, I continue, "and first and foremost I want to say this: You are my friend and I care a lot about you. It devastated me to learn that you were cheating, as that is something ingrained in the core of my being to hate and hold disdain for... but here we are." Kyle goes to say something and I hold up my hand.

"Let me continue and then I want to hear what you have to say, is that fair?" I say.

"Sure, continue."

"I struggled with those two things being true. One is that you are a valued friend that I would really be sad if I lost you and two is that I have such a deep disdain for those who cheat to propel themselves forward while the rest of us have to earn it." I pause to search Kyle's face... and I think I detect disappointment in himself? Maybe my opinion matters to him after all. I continue, "Ultimately those conflicting issues boiled over when you lost your shit when some of my cum landed on you. We BOTH over-reacted that night and I want to tell you right now that I am sorry for that and I promise you as my friend, I will never do that to you again. But, I am going to need you to promise me the same if we are to move forward."

"That night of my outburst I felt like shit, I knew I overreacted but I didn't know how to make up for it, I still don't. But I respect you and I hope that we can figure out a way forward. I know I have to earn back your trust."

"Kyle, I am very happy to hear you say that. I accept your apology and I want us to move forward. I have drafted some rules for us to live by over the coming months and I hope these can work for you. I have given them a lot of thought and ultimately I think it will facilitate what we both really need, whether we admit it now or not. Can I share those rules with you now?"

"Sure, Roomie! I want to make sure we are on the same page and I am sure with you being smarter and a better planner than me that we can make them work."

"Well, don't say that too soon, because once we both agree to them we have to honor them for the rest of this academic year. So we can't be flippant about them. We owe it to each other."

"OK, I get that."

Rule Number 1: Respect "OK, here we go. the most important of them all. Respect at all times. To me this means never having to ask twice, placing our friendship and wellness of the OTHER at the top of our priority list. Is this something you think can work for us?"

Kyle sits up a bit more in his chair, takes a breath and says "Absolutely, and I do honestly respect you. I need to grow the fuck up', as my dad keeps telling me. Act like an adult, drop the locker room banter, Kyle' he says. But look, I don't mean it, it's just how I grew up. I never even thought until now that it could be hurtful." He took another pause, shaking his head and clearly working through something. "I just... look... I'm sorry I will try my best, but please help me. I don't want to be a dick."

"Great, I think that works Kyle. And look, respect can mean a lot of things. I respect the hell out of your hot ass body and the work you have put into it to get this buff. But if you respect me, you have to admit to me that my cock is bigger than yours," I say to him, closely watching for a response from him. FUCK! That felt so weird! Why has it taken me so many years to own up to the fact that I am hung? AND I should be proud of that. Own it. Damn right, I am owning it now!

He swallows hard and says, "Look man, I grew up from a little pipsqueak always talking shit about other guys' cocks. I know I have taken it too far with you and I know that you look at cocks... well... differently than I do." We both chuckle at that. Good, I am glad this isn't too heavy right now. "But yah dude, I am jealous as hell with that huge pipe you got between your legs and I admit I would do almost anything to have your cock instead of mine." Having Kyle admit this to me feels... amazing! I didn't know how much I needed that validation until I got it. Just hearing him say the words, I feel more confident, and my dick twitches a few times.

"Thanks, Kyle. That means a lot. Good, so we agree on the respect part and that it will be a journey, not a destination, and that is a perfect segue into rule number 2."

Rule Number 2: No lying to each other, EVER "This means not only about the big things but also the small things. We have to be honest with each other. It was not fair for me to hide the fact that I was lusting after you since the moment I laid eyes on that hot ass body of yours, and the more that I got to know you I realized you were the full package," I say to him, clearly beginning to blush as I lay it out for him. "You shouldn't have had to coax it out of me by wearing home your uniform, though fuck dude - seriously, THANK YOU for that! But if we have respect, we also have to have truth. Sometimes that truth will be uncomfortable but this, not to be corny, is a safe space between us. I know with the questions you have during our circle jerks about the kind of sex I have that you are curious about it. You should be able to just admit that. We have to do that for each other. Can that rule work, you think?"

"Bro, yes! While I have to have this macho wall up while out with the boys, those walls can come down here. I'd like that. But you have to help me with that. This was not how I was raised. I'm used to acting like I have the biggest dick in the room, and when I realized I didn't... I freaked out a bit. But I promise you that I would really like this honesty and this friendship with you as I have never had it before, with anyone." As Kyle says this it's as if I could see his wall starting to tumble down onto the floor between us.

"Great roomie - so are you ready for Rule #3?" I say as he nods his head in agreement though clearly, I can tell there is something eating at him. "Great, rule number 3 is basically already in place, but as we move forward, we both need to know this is the case, so...."

Rule Number 3: `What happens in the 609, stays in the 609' "This one is important. It is none of anyone else's business what we do in here, what we say in here, who we fuck in here. This is our world, nobody else is welcome. If we are to be comfortable with each other, especially with rules 1 & 2, then 3 is a must, do you agree?" I say to him, this one I know will be an easy one, but it also sets the way for my future plans.

"Absolutely! Bro! I don't want my boys to know that we have a circle jerk and that you see my hard and squirting cock more than any chicks do! That is between us. Besides, honoring our rules... Fuck dude, I love to see you shoot your load!" He pauses a bit, thinking "... I can't believe I just admitted that bro, but fuck yah. It's so damn hot! And yah, I don't want to give up on that!"

"Great, you know I feel the same way, roomie. Now, the last and final rule that I am proposing may be a bit harder for us, but I feel strongly about it if we are to have a fair and equitable friendship.

Rule Number 4: Actions have consequences and silence comes at a price Kyle looks at me quizzically on this one as I don't think he knows where I am going, so I begin to explain.

"Kyle, if you only knew how hard I struggle knowing that you're cheating, knowing that each week that goes by you get further and further into this spiral. That troubles me and I struggled to figure out a way for me to decide that I can deal with it and that is if I am getting something in return. Something that is valuable to me and to you."

"You want me to pay you?" Kyle says with a sad look on his face.

"No, bro. Well, yah, in a way. Look, no offense, but I know money doesn't seem to mean that much to you. You gladly pay a grand a month to get the answers to all your tests, without fail and without question. I would rather be compensated by something that I know you would be sacrificing so that you were really paying a price." He seems really confused so I go further.

"You have already done exactly what I am talking about, without my even asking. When you wore your uniform home. You even made sure it was your WHITE, AWAY uniform because you knew how much I love that from our stroke sessions. You did that for me, even though you knew that you would be at least a little bit uncomfortable. But you did it. For me. You knew I would get off on it, but you also knew at least in some little way that YOU would also get off on it. You would get off on me worshiping your body, dying to touch you. You knew that, didn't you? Remember, you can admit that, you are protected by the rules now."

He is blushing a bright red right now on his cheeks and his forehead both nearly glowing red. "Yah, dude. Shit, I admit it. I knew you would get off on it, I knew you would like the white uniform better than the red because of how much you complimented my compression gear. I did it on purpose, and, now that I am being honest, I was hard nearly the entire walk back to the dorm knowing that you would get off on it and that we would both be shooting huge loads shortly. While I am at it, I planned the striptease too," Kyle says this and it is almost like he just dropped a thousand-pound weight from his chest.

"Well you were so right, you crushed one of my huge fantasies, at least partly with that show that you put on, and I can't thank you enough for that. So that is what I am talking about... but Kyle... I am also talking about..." and I slide forward and I place my hand on his thigh. I thought he would jump, but he doesn't. He just looks me deep in the eye. When he doesn't pull away, when he doesn't freak out, I figure I have to rip this bandaid off and be very clear about what I am proposing.

"Kyle, what I am saying is, for me to stay quiet on this and respect your decisions, I'm going to need a trade. I want to be able to worship your hot body. I want to be able to touch you, wherever and whenever I want, inside the 609." His gaze leaves my eyes and travels down to the floor and his body seems to close off a bit.

"Look, I'll be following all of the rules of our agreement, but I know this will make you uncomfortable. I am sorry for that. But, I think I deserve something in return. I do promise though to always respect you. At any time you can back out of our agreement." The entire time I am saying this I leave my hand on his thigh and his face grows much more stern, somber as he looks up and straight ahead, and not at me, but past me.

The silence is killing me here, as he could easily pull back and deck me at any movement... but in doing so, he would also seal his fate. I can see he is getting mad so I feel like I have to temper this a bit.

"Kyle, I will never do anything without your permission. Gaining your permission at every step of the way is paramount to me. I would never, and could never rape you. That is not what this is about. For over a month, you have pointed out how much I want to be touching you, that you know it is killing me to not be able to touch you, well you are right. I'm saying the cost of this arrangement, what you will have to allow me to do is - to touch you. With your permission though, I get to touch you anywhere. But I promise you this, I will always gain your permission. If we are both being honest, I think we could both end up enjoying this, at least to a certain extent. Besides, it's a fairly good deal for you. The worst that can happen is you get the oogies and at best you get some mind shattering orgasms."

For the first time in the last 5 extremely uncomfortable minutes he smiles and then giggles. "The oogies? Really? The oogies?" We then crack up laughing together. Finally, Kyle leans into me and places his hand over mine on his thigh.

"Sean, I agree to this as I have to get through college somehow and I just don't have the skills to do it without the help I am getting. But I am also agreeing to this because you are my friend and above all, I know I can trust you. As I feel your hand on my thigh, and my hand on top of yours... and being completely honest with you, as I have promised - I don't feel even the slightest bit of an oogie. In fact, I am getting hard." As he says this he leans back in his chair and almost tips over and I grab him by the legs to keep him on the floor.

"So, with your permission I would like to start our first session, but only with your permission," I say to him as I am leaning in very close with both of my hands firmly on his thighs. As he ponders this, I lift my hands and slide them under his waistband, between the shorts and his compression underwear.

"OK. You have my permission, but if I say stop or slow down, you have to... OK?" Kyle says perhaps in the most vulnerable voice I have ever heard from him.

"Great! Fuck, you feel so good, my friend." I say as I move my hands further up into his pants, over his tight-as-skin compression shorts and under his baggy shorts as he just closes his eyes. I ask him to stand up so that I can remove some of his clothes.

"So can I remove your clothes? Or is that too far right now?" I purposely phrased it that way because we are going far beyond removing his clothes, though maybe not today... but I will be swallowing his load today. That is on my vision board for today, yes ma'am.

"Yes, you can," he says as he stands up and his calves push back his office chair. "But I have to tell you dude, this is really weird for me, but I owe you this so go ahead." He says this and lifts his hands above his head as I move my hands under his t-shirt and slide up his abdomen, lifting off his shirt. Taking it off him, I fold it perfectly and place it onto his desk. I then reach back over to him and slide my hands into his shorts, this time from the top and not up through the legs. I slide my hands back over his perfect ass, and feeling that for the first time, I can barely contain myself. Fuck, his ass is just as strong, solid and meaty as I expected, but somehow even better because I was touching it... and it was him.

His baggy shorts fall to the floor and one by one he steps out of them, and like I did with his t-shirt, I fold and place his shorts on top of his desk. I push him back onto his bed and I get down onto my knees and I slowly start to remove his socks, first with his right foot. Taking his foot into my hand I reach back and peel off his footie, exposing his manly foot. Since he showered after practice, it smells perfectly clean with just a slight whiff of clean sweat... Just as I planned :) I repeat the effort on his left foot and this one seems a bit more ticklish than the last. I have to fight back the urge to make him squirm a bit; that will come soon.

Sitting on his bed, I now run my hands up his legs and onto his compression shorts which now showcase a very nice and extremely hard cock that is screaming for release. I slide my hands up slowly and then on top of his cock and give it a squeeze. Fuck, this is even hotter than I thought it would be! I am finally touching his prized dick!

"Whoa dude, look. Maybe that is far enough for our first session, this is really weird for me," he says to me. As he tries to stand up, I grab his arm and pull him up into a full standing position, reminding him how much shorter he is than me. I stay very close to him, closer than at any time before. Our eyes meet, and wow. The eye contact is intense.

Wow this is uncomfortable, seriously? This is barely further along than I got with him in his uniform. I reach down and slowly take a hold of his encased rock-hard cock and just leave my hand there. "Kyle, your cock is really hard right now, don't you think I deserve a bit more time with it?"

He capitulates and lies back down on his bed, this time propping himself up on his pillows and lifting his legs onto the bed, lying fully down.

I take this time to take off my clothes. Returning his favor from before, I provide a short striptease show for him. Unlike him, however, I remove every stitch of clothing and I watch as his eyes lock onto my hard and flopping cock as it jumps free from my boxer briefs that had already started to form a wet spot from the amount of leaking I have done thus far.

Fully naked I join him on his bed by sitting down right beside him and I start to massage his legs. I purposefully don't remove or ask him to remove his compression shorts. I don't want him to feel panicked, and I want to continue to earn his trust. So I take to massaging his legs - his muscles are tight and there are several severe bruises that I make sure to take gentle care of and not go too hard or intense on him. I move my way down to his feet - he warned me before that he is ticklish, so I am careful not to trigger that effect on him; again I want to be careful here and help him lower his defenses. His feet are warmer than I expected, and I massage the tops of his feet and feel his tense muscles.

"You are really tense, let me give you a massage, roll over." He quickly rolls over; I think he wants me to get away from his cock, or maybe he just doesn't want to be looking at me while I worship his body. He moves his pillow to the side of the bed and lies down perfectly centered in his bed. I climb up onto the bed, with my hard cock bouncing a bit as I straddle his ass and lightly sit down on him, protected by his compression shorts. I reach down and start to massage his shoulders; he is so tensed up and my goal is to get him to relax... and I think it may take a while, so I hope I am up for it. I feel how tight he is, especially right under his shoulder blades, he is hard as a rock there. So not really even thinking about me, I lean down and my leaking cock makes contact with his lower back leaving a bit of a snail trail as I commence with some deep tissue massage by using my elbow in the hard rocks that seem to compose the majority of his upper back.

For the first time, he moans. I'm going to need more of those. I keep working on his back and then I tell him to hold on. I get up and pop into my closet area where I have a box that I never unpacked; I am fairly sure I have some oil in there. Yes! Score! Baby oil. Not the best, but better than dry skin on skin. I pour some into my hands to warm it up and hop back into position over my roommate. My toy. My prey.

I place the bottle of baby oil right in my crotch in hopes I can warm it up a bit while I get back to work, and things feel much better as I massage this hunk of a man. He feels so good beneath me. My hands are already starting to ache a bit, but I will be damned if I am going to give this up. I have a goal tonight and I won't miss that goal. If I am going to get to experience this man, then I have to move the comfort levels tonight. He has to enjoy my hands on him; if nothing else, he at least has to move beyond his fear of them if this is going to work... if I am going to get payment for my silence.

I dig in extra hard on his back and apply some more oil. He is loosening up, I can feel it. I work down lower on this back and keep kneading him and I can feel his muscles easing up. I keep it going. I return up to his shoulders, and, having to reach a bit, my cock lays flat on the small of his back. This time, there is oil on his back and my cock notices. But it is NOT my cock's turn. Not yet, not tonight at least.

Grabbing his left shoulder and working my way down his arm, I notice for the first time he releases his clenched fists. Progress, right? I work my way down his arm and apply some more oil to him. I keep massaging and make my way to his hand. For some reason as I take hold of his hand and massage it, it feels more intimate than anything I have done this far. Holding his hand and massaging it like I am sends this shockwave through me that shoots right to my dick. Wow, that is wild and surprising. I place his hand down and it comes to rest on my knee and he leaves it there. I then reach up and begin the same process on his right shoulder and down onto his arm.

The same thing happens as I massage this hand - that intimacy, that closeness! - and I can feel his entire body relax a bit; this is certainly a good sign. As I lay his hand down this one comes to rest on my right knee and he leaves it there. Again, that intimacy is a welcome change.

I return to his back and make my way down to the small of his back. I notice a bit of the baby oil has dripped onto his compression shorts... or, shit, it could be my pre-cum. Who knows?

I stand up and say, "Look, I don't want to get this oil on your compression shorts or on your sheets. Stand up really quick and take off your shorts so I can finish your back and then your legs and let me grab a blanket to protect your sheets."

He does this willingly, almost as if he is in a trance, but this time he doesn't seem angry, just perhaps a bit distant. I toss up the blanket to cover his bedding, as I return my attention to him to see he is peeling down his compression shorts. I don't get to get a good look at his cock, but I can tell that it is fluffed up, though maybe not completely hard. Again, that is a success.

He lies back down on the bed and I resume my position, only this time, I am straddling his bare ass. My ass. Touching his ass. Sitting on his ass. I return my focus to massaging his lower back. It is tight, for sure, but I can literally feel it loosening up as my fingers continue their work, kneading, pushing. I get lower and have now passed below where the waistband sat on his shorts, so I am nearing his perfectly muscled ass. This is my first bare flesh feeling of his ass and damn it feels good.

I scoot down lower, giving my hands more room and exposing his ass to me completely... but as I do so, my cock inadvertently lands right at the bottom of the crack of his ass. Right below it is that perfect rosebud that I got to see during his striptease. I have to keep my focus. I will get a taste of that ass, but not tonight. Not yet.

I pour some oil on his ass and it slides between his perfect globes; he giggles a bit and says, "Wow, that tickles," and I use this time, not really even thinking, but I bring my hand right in between his cheeks to help clean up that oil. Fuck, that feels good. Damn his ass is perfection.

I take that extra oil and start to massage his glutes. He moans again. I can tell his right cheek is a bit more tense and needs some extra work so I lean in and use my elbow, again trying to work out that knot that must be uncomfortable for him. I keep working his ass, perhaps a bit more than I needed to.

"Damn Sean, you are good at this. Thank you," Kyle says to me in this warm way that surprised me. Here I was nearly breaking a sweat working my ass off on this massage, and finally getting my hands on this hot flesh and here he is... thanking me.

"I just want you to feel good Kyle, your body really gets beat up on that field."

"You have no idea, roomie!"

I work past that perfect cleft. That space where the glute turns into his upper leg. That is such a sexy spot on a guy. Yah, I guess I am weird, but seriously that is sexy. What other guy gets to be this close, this intimate with one of the hot stars of the football team? Well I am sure some do, but I am one of them now. Fuck yah.

I keep massaging down his legs, and in doing so my cock falls right onto his left foot. Fuck, he has gotten further with me already than I have gotten with him. Huh. I can tell when he realizes that is my cock and balls on his foot, he tenses for a quick second and then relaxes. I work down his other leg and I can tell he is basically putty in my hands now. My fingers are extremely sore now, but I want another crack at his ass again.

I move up to his butt and start massaging. This time I pull his cheeks apart a few times, exposing his hole while doing so. He is completely relaxed now, so I tell him... "It's time for me to do the front now," slapping his ass, "roll over so I can finish by getting the front."

Tired, it is after midnight now, he rolls over and his cock is hard and I jump back on this time, I sit down on his lap as his hard cock lays between my cheeks. FUCK. Keep it together Sean! YES, I would love to have him penetrate me, but not tonight. Not yet. Soon though. I remind myself that sometimes you have to eat your vegetables before you have a big juicy steak.

I take the oil and get into massaging his pecs and at some point, while doing this he opens his eyes and stares right at me. "This feels really good. Thank you, Roomie... I didn't know how much I needed this. This season has wrecked my body." I keep working his pecs as my cock surges and gets extra hard on his stomach. Whew, I have to control myself. I move down a bit and expose his cock and my cock lying together, right beside each other. Nice. Damn, I am going to have to draw this later.

He is dripping now, as am I. So I have to do it. I stroke some of my pre-cum out of my cock and then reach down for his cock and start stroking him. I am watching his face and I can tell he is struggling with this as there is a slight grimace but also a slight smile. I add some oil to my hand and I keep stroking him. I can see he is already getting close to shooting, but not quite yet. I have something else planned.

I keep stroking him as the oil starts to dry up, but I get situated and pull his legs apart so that I can lay down in between his legs as I continue to stroke his cock. I take him to the edge of shooting several times and he keeps his eyes closed tight. As he gets close to shooting his hips come up off the bed as if he was begging me to let him cum. Not yet my friend. Not quite yet.

I can tell that it'stime. He is going to have to cum soon and I have a plan for that. His cock was getting kinda dry, which was my plan. I move up a bit and in my slow stroke I come up and I spit down on his cock. As he hears that he opens his eyes and his mouth hangs open. I get ready to spit again. This time I take my mouth down to the tip of the crown of his cock and then spit, letting it slowly run down his cock as I catch it with my hand and rub it in. He keeps a close watch on me and we lock eyes.

I then center on his cock and I take him into my mouth. Kyle gasps but says nothing as I push myself down onto his cock. Just the faint taste of baby oil, but overtaken by the wonderful taste of his precum. Kyle's cock is now in my mouth and slowly sinking down into my throat as I align myself to take as much of his cock as I can. Kyle grabs the blanket protecting his bedding and clenches his fists as I start to bob up and down on his cock.

"Holy fuck. Holy... fuck," he says, finally able to make sense of what is happening, or just enjoying it, who knows. Damn he tastes good. I do some of my best work on this cock. See, I learned some time ago the difference between a good blow job and an exceptional blow job can be boiled down into two words. Tongue. Placement. If you want your guy to know you are giving him your best work, that this, right now, is the best fucking blowjob he will ever get, then you better heed my instructions. You keep your tongue in contact with his cock from the tip down as far as you can go and you keep it there. You make sure that as you bob up and down, you keep applying a soft but decent amount of suction to keep your tongue in contact with every nerve ending of his beautiful cock. I use all my tricks, including that one. I want him to know how good a blow job can be, how good it can be when the person blowing you WANTS to be blowing you. I want him to enjoy this, I need him to enjoy this because I want him to want more.

I bring him close two more times and just before he nears climax the second time I dive down onto his balls and lick every single inch of his low hangers, taking in that musk. The musk that I have craved since he wiped it across my face a few days ago. Fuck he is all man.

That's it. The fun is over, I am going to get his load. I have earned this load. It is near 1am in the morning and both of us need some sleep and I need his load. So I go to work.

"Fuck, bro. Damn. dude, I'm gonna... dude seriously I'm gonna... dude you gotta pull off... oh shit... here I ..." he says, completely out of breath as he shoots a massive load right down my throat. I feel him pulse 5 times, then I pull back a bit as I do want to taste some of this potent man juice. Feeling each pulse of his cock my with tongue is heaven. As I pull back, at least two shots land on my tongue and damn it if it doesn't taste better than anything I have ever had before. My straight football player roomie just came down my throat, fuck that was hot.

I am nearly ready to shoot. I grab some baby oil and straighten up onto my knees as I stroke myself, and within 5 strokes I shoot a huge load that I aim to hit the blanket between his legs, but two shots do hit his nuts. Fuck if that wasn't so hot. But I can't have him freak out, so, battling my post-orgasm bliss, I quickly wipe it up as he is still coming down from his own huge orgasm.

I stand up and I clean up as much as I can. Kyle just lies there, not moving, trying to get his breathing under control. After a moment, he opens his eyes and looks at me.

"I assume I fulfilled my first `payment' to you with that, right?" Kyle says, dryly.

"Yah, that was good for me." I don't want to press him too hard on this, but I know I have to get him to break out of the spiral I can tell his brain is engaging in right now.

"Dude, I know you enjoyed that too. It doesn't make you gay. It doesn't make you anything except horny. Anyhow, with that huge load you shot, it had to have felt good, you have to admit that. Remember, honesty."

He struggles with this; I can tell from his face that he doesn't want to say this, but he then says, really softly, "Yah, that was good." So I leaveit there; I don't want to press him any further, at least not right now.

Kyle gets up and heads into the shower. I hear the shower turn on and he stays in there for quite some time. While he is in the shower, I pull off the blanket that I used to protect his bed. I fold it up and place it back on the top shelf of my closet, as we may need that again.

I crawl into bed. I'm still hard, but I lieon top of my bed and then realize I should return the kindness he showed me, so I hop up and turn on his lamp beside his bed so he can see where he is going when he comes back in the room.

He finally comes back into the room. My side is completely dark but I'm sure he can see me. He averts his eyes and lies down in his bed and covers himself with his sheet. Then he flops back over, turns off his light, and then resumes his position facing his wall. Fuck, I hope this isn't going to be weird.

Shit... did I go too far? Damn it. I did, I went too far. I shouldn't be doing this. His cheating doesn't mean - shouldn't mean - that he becomes my sex toy. Fuck. What have I done? Jesus, I am such an ass. But damn it, his body is hot and fuck if I can't still taste his cum in my mouth.

I am spiraling in my feels right now, regretting what I have done and then I hear him.



"That massage was the best thing I have ever experienced and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. So thanks for that...beanpole."

"You are welcome, roomie. I can't believe how tight your muscles were. I am glad it felt good."



"The rules are in place, right?"

"Yes, all 4 of them. You are good with that, right?"

"Yah. I am." he says, then takes a deep breath. The pause is only a few seconds, but a million thoughts race through my mind. I just know that this is where he's gonna tell me he hates me now. He finally continues, "...So that was the best blowjob of my life. Thanks for that too. Night."

Whoa. That was more than I was expecting. So he isn't freaking out, at least not too bad. Whew. OK, maybe I can now stop spiraling.

"Goodnight, Kyle."

The Morning After... We both wake up just before our alarms go off at 8am, and struggle to come to life. Kyle seems especially somber today, fuck I hope it is not because of last night!

Shit I can't worry myself with that, it was fun. I KNOW he had fun too, whether or not he is up in his head about this or not, he HAD. A. BLAST.

He is certainly more of a morning person than I am, but isn't as talkative as usual. Luckily he isn't grouchy at all. I hop in the shower as I am smelling way too much like baby oil to be seen in public. Takes me only a few minutes; as I am showering, Kyle comes in to take a piss and brush his teeth, having showered the night before. He has such a heavy flow, so manly.

Mid brushing I hop out of the shower and start to dry myself off. We bump into each other a few times and something has changed. He isn't as jumpy, but the air between us seems a bit thicker than before.

I'm finally dressed and ready to head out, as I see Kyle pull on a pair of basketball shorts sans underwear. Jesus, he was planning on freeballing all day today? As I toss a few things into my backpack including my laptop I say to him, "Hey, roomie. Have a good day!"

"What, oh yah, you too Beanpole. You... too," Kyle says in an exceptionally weighty and sexy early morning voice that I swear got my nuts to shake.

I walk past him and playfully slap him on his ass and say, "I'll see you after practice then!" I don't want to gauge his reaction, I just head out and keep on trucking. After all, he has a lot going on between his ears this morning and I need to give him space about it. He will soon realize this is all for the best... Right?

--------------------------- Nifty Closing:

Thank you for reading Chapter 3! Please reach out and let me know if you liked this and if you are excited for Chapter 4! You can follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean or you can email me . Show some love on Twitter to @Trappedinthecl1 by giving him a follow and thanking him for his superb work on this project as my editor, friend and writing partner!

Stay tuned for chapter 4 which we plan to release within the week and continue with a chapter a week release until the grand finale in chapter 6!

Next: Chapter 4

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