My Silence Will Cost You

By Logan Prejean

Published on Mar 12, 2023


This story was dreamt up over the past few months and is the sole property of me. The characters in this story are at least 18 years of age and none of this happened in real life, only in my filthy mind and soon to be yours. Our goal is to publish one chapter a week until our 6th and final chapter. Enjoy.

WARNING: This story will contain bullying, sexual coercion, and blackmail. If this is a potential trigger for you or not your cup of tea, then I highly recommend you move on.

Show some love and $upport to Nifty for keeping this service free for us to use!

Chapter 2: The Uniform and the Confrontation

As the week progressed, we settled into a groove. I would work most of the day getting the store ready for the deluge of students to invade the campus and Kyle would be at morning practice, afternoon weight training and evening practice so by the time we got back to our room, we were both pooped.

That said, nearly every night we continued with the in-the-dark circle jerk. But now we started talking, moaning, and being really loud when we bust. This was so hot, and even though I have yet to see his cock fully hard, just having us both there, working our cocks over, telling each other how we liked to be blown, talking about WHO, WHERE and HOW we last fucked was just too damn hot and something I always looked forward to. Interestingly he wasn't grossed out by my stories, not that I had that many, but for the few guys who fucked me and the one guy I fucked, he seemed interested in the logistics. HOW we went about doing it. The need for lube, how tight an ass was, and he seemed fascinated that I let guys blast their load deep inside me. He saw that as a level of intimacy, mostly because he has never gotten to bust inside a woman yet, at least not without a condom strangling his dick.

"So get this, this bitch was bobbing up and down on my cock," he is telling me as we continue one of our late-night stroking sessions. "I met her through my older cousin and she had a kid already. She was really working my cock over with the best blowjob I have ever had, at least up until this point. I just knew that in minutes I would be sinking deep inside her gash and pounding her like no tomorrow. So she is swinging on my dick, rubbing my balls and almost deep-throating me, and the next thing I know - the bitch stops. Says she has to leave! She left me, leaking like a faucet, and up and walked out! I swear, I nearly died that night of cum poisoning! That ever happen to you, Sean? Has some dude left you hard and dripping?" He was really getting off during tonight's session. He seems to want to prolong it as well, as we have been edging ourselves for close to 45 minutes or more.

"Fuck, well not like that... but one night we were caught by the dude's dad!" I tell him, continuing to stroke my cock. "Yah, and I knew he was going to let me fuck him, too! We had just started to get the lube and I had his right leg up over my shoulder. Right as I was getting ready to slide into his virgin ass... and next thing we know, his dad walks into the room and sees us, sees me lined up to take his son's ass."

"No fucking way! You gotta be kidding me! What did he do?" he says as he stops stroking himself for a minute to ponder this scenario.

"It was terrible! I was hard and dripping, much like I am now; we had been fooling around for like 2 hours up to this point. I had his ass all loosened up and ready to take my cock. He was so scared because of how big I am, so he kept slowing us down."

"He was scared of your cock? Shit, he would have run screaming if he saw mine!" Kyle says with a laugh. A dismissive laugh. A laugh that rubbed me in all the wrong ways. So I finally pushed back.

"Dude, I have a large cock and that is why I normally let guys fuck me, because they say I am just too big for them." I have to say my chest puffed up a bit saying this. After enduring his little jabs, here I am, pushing back on him, and I know this time I can deliver the goods, too. I have seen him chubbed up and I know I am at least an inch or more longer than him.

"No fucking way, beanpole! Here, let me see!" and as he says that he breaks our unspoken rule that we have been operating under for nearly two weeks now: he turns on the light on his desk and aims it right at me. Well I always spend our sessions laying on top of my sheets and comforter, so there is nothing I can grab to cover myself up... and so, whoop, there it is!

"Holy shit..." he sits up and swings his legs off over the side of his bed and approaches me. Standing above me and watching me, I take one stroke of my cock... and how I didn't shoot right there and then, I have no damn idea, because this is the most erotic thing I can remember happening to me! This hot jock who loves to belittle me is standing over me, inspecting my 8.5" cock.

"Damn, dude! Your cock is huge! Fuck yeah, proud of you, beanpole! My fucking roomie, hung like a donkey!" Just as he says that my cock belches up a huge stream of precum that drips down over my lightly clenched fist, and I take that nectar and stroke myself a few times as Kyle reaches for his own cock. With his trademark long slow strokes, he starts stroking himself from the base up to the tip, giving a quick squeeze and then sliding back down to the base again. I have never seen him do this, but it is just as I imagined, having heard him do it so many times.

"Beanpole, how the fuck don't you have a right bicep as big as my head with how much cock you got to stroke?!" He laughs and speeds up his stroking. As he is doing this I sit up so I can have a better view of his cock... hell, if he is getting a show, so will I. As I sit up against the wall, he plops down right beside me on my bed.

"I hope this isn't weird, but you have a great cock, Kyle!"

"Thanks beanpole! Your donkey dick could wreck some ass, no wonder you take it up the pooper so much!" He says as he continues to stare at my hard and dripping cock. We synchronize our stroking together like we have nearly every single night we have been roomies... but this time, neither of us takes an eye off the other.

"I guess we have a real circle jerk going on now, don't we?" I say to him, not taking my eyes off his cock while I do, clearly wanting him to know that I am fixated on his cock.... His smaller cock. Heh.

"Yah, I guess we do, roomie! Fuck, you do precum a LOT, bro!" He says as he can see how much my cock is pushing out with nearly each upstroke of my hand.

"Fuck bro, this is kinda hot, I am getting close. You ready to bust?"

"Yah" I say, breathing very shallow, nearly overloaded from the stimulus. Truth be told, I have been ready to bust since the light went on, but I've been holding back.

"Come on roomie, let's bust then!" Right as he says that my cock erupts. This orgasm that has been building as we had been edging ourselves for the past hour combined with finally getting to see this hot mother fucker sitting not 3" from me I exploded. I shoot over my head and into my hair, on my cheek and then onto my chest. Barely able to keep my breath and crying out as I do, this was an epic orgasm of mythic proportions.

Just as I start coming down from this orgasm, I see Kyle get up onto his knee, aim his cock at me and he starts firing his load. This load lands on my chest, my stomach and then his last two shots hit my dick. Not even thinking, I move my hand and lick his nut off my finger as he watches me in disbelief.

"Dude! That is sick! You just ate my nut!"

"Dude you just busted on me, what the fuck was that?" I say to him, trying to save face. At the same time I know this is some sort of macho bullshit of owning my gay ass. If it weren't so hot, I would really be pissed!

"Fuck yah, I already showered and I didn't want to cum on your sheets and shit! Figured I would just bust on you. Hell, I know you wanted my load anyhow. How do I taste, Roomie?" He cracks up laughing, and not in a good way. I don't know why, but this one hurt. YES! It was hot as hell to feel his hot cum splashing up against my skin and hitting my dick. But it wasn't done to be HOT. It wasn't done to please me. It was done to degrade me. That is not cool.

"I'm going to shower," I say to nobody in particular, certainly not to him.

I close and lock the doors to the bathroom. I feel degraded, but damn it, I just can't find it in myself to be pissed at him. I'm more pissed at myself for allowing him to treat me like this. Shit. Am I overreacting here? Fuck, a straight guy that I have been obsessing over since I found out he was to be my roommate. He just shot 7 distinct pulses of his extremely potent cum on me. FUCK! I tasted him. Damn it if he didn't taste sooo good. Slight salty flavor combined with a rich male musky flavor that remains on my tongue. Shit. I need more of that.

I am such a slave to him. Why am I still hard?

I ignore my cock, lather up and get as clean as I can, washing away all my regrets and hyping myself up to address this when I get back in the room. Yes, it was hot. Yes, I want him to do it again. But on my terms. Fuck the degradation. I have to tell him this. I have to set the rules here.

As I shave, I keep hyping myself up for this conversation. I can stand up for myself and still have fun. I don't have to sacrifice my self esteem for his folly. Fuck, especially not to a kid who likely won't even last the semester once he is busted for cheating. That is a one strike and you are expelled kinda thing. Surely, he is going to get busted. Though knowing this football school they won't take action until football season is over.

Shit, I forgot to bring clothes in here. Gonna be hard to stand up for myself while I have my dick flopping about. Might have to wait until tomorrow when I am thinking more clearly.

I leave the bathroom and it appears that Kyle turned on my light, and he is already fast asleep. Shit. It was nice of him to think ahead and turn on my light so I would be able to see around the room when I came out of the bathroom. Damnit. That pisses me off. He can be so cruel, then so sweet at the same time.

I hear him roll over and realize, damn, he has a nice ass. I haven't gotten this close of a look before at the perfect clefts of cheeks he has. His left cheek has this super hot dimple in it. Damn, you can tell his weight training has produced some amazing glutes. I would love to make a meal out of that ass!

I don't put on any clothing as our room seems to always run a bit hot, but I do reach for my sketch pad. The soft glow produced by my desk lamp casts these perfect shadows on his ass that I have to capture. He has this perfectly round ass that I didn't notice before. Shit, I have got to see him in his uniform. I bet he looks so hot! I have to go and watch his scrimmage this Saturday.

He rolls over onto his side and now his semi-hard cock is hanging so perfectly flopped over his leg. He settles in and remains breathing steady so I flip over to another page and start sketching this perfect man. Wow, I hate how beautiful he is. How sweet he looks as he sleeps. When his cock is soft like it is now I can see that he wasn't cut too close when he was circumcised. I love that what is left of his foreskin is making a nice turtleneck around the head of his cock.

Looking up to his chest as it slowly rises and falls I can see the power and the strength behind this virile body. Those perky little nipples - even in this soft light - are just screaming for attention and standing out on his hairless chest. I wonder if anyone has ever tested them to see if they brought as much joy to him as mine bring to me. How I would love to suck them into my mouth as my hands made steady work of massaging the rest of his chest and down to his perfectly chiseled 8 pack of an abdomen. My gaze drifts further south as I notice how nicely he keeps his pubes trimmed.

It looks like he must shave his balls rather frequently as they are nice and smooth. His right nut is hanging a bit lower than the left right now, but I love how they are big enough and the room is warm enough for them to pull away and hang down over his leg. Looking at him like this, in this soft light near perfection in any way, it's hard to fathom how he could be so insensitive to me. It's equally hard to imagine that he is defrauding the entire University while skating through life with few cares.

I grow tired as my body screams for sleep. After finishing both of the sketches of this man and having committed nearly every inch of him to my memory I decide it is time for some sleep. However, my cock has been hard and at the ready for the last hour as I lovingly caressed Kyle's body with my gaze. Looking down at my todger I notice that it looks rather angry. The head is pulsing and nearly blood red as it screams for attention. Who am I to deny it the attention it deserves?

Placing my sketch pad on top of my desk, I reach over and pull my lube out and take two squirts, the perfect amount to get started. Even with emptying my balls just over an hour ago, I know this is going to be one hell of a load.

I reach up to turn off my light and then think twice of it, i wanna be able to watch him. Watch his chest continue to rise and fall as he is no doubt dreaming of more ways he can torment me. As if on cue, he rolls a bit further back from his side onto his back. The forward movement of the roll causes his cock to flop over and land perfectly onto his lower abdomen - it's aimed almost perfectly at 2 o'clock as his nuts sag even lower to cover his taint. I have to inspect him more closely.

I stand up and walk the three feet over to his bed. What will he think if he catches me standing over him like this? What will he think I was doing? Fuck, I don't care. Wow, he smells so good. I lean down a bit to smell the nape of his neck as I continue the slow but steady pace of stroking my rock-hard 8.5". My cock has a near-steady stream of precum that has begun to make a wet slapping sound as I continue to stroke. I stand above him as he reaches up and scratches his nose with his left hand falling on his right pec, covering that pert little bud of a nipple. His cock seems to have plumped a bit, or maybe that is just my mind playing tricks on me.

It is utterly captivating to watch his hand laying perfectly on his pec as if holding onto himself as his chest slowly rises and falls. What I wouldn't give to take his cock into my mouth right now and taste him, to show him what a real blow job is like. What someone who wants to be sucking his cock can actually do. Just thinking of this has me super close to shooting. Feeling myself approaching this point of no return and not really thinking, I start to shoot, with the first two spurts hitting the floor. However the third shot lands on his hand that is cupping his chest! It's not a huge shot, but it's enough as I panic and continue shooting, this time purposefully aiming at the floor. Nervous and shocked, but turned on to a level I didn't know possible, I grab my t-shirt and wipe up the cum from the floor... but I leave the drop on his hand.

Sure, he doesn't know I just shot on him, thus leveling the playing field between us. But I know I just did that... and I promise myself it won't be the last time.

Classes have started up so my alarm goes off at 7:45am and I nearly beat the shit out of my phone. Slowly stretching and pulling myself out of a deep sleep, I look over at my roommate and see that he rolled over onto his stomach and flipped his pillow over his head when he heard my alarm. Wonder if he will notice my dried cum on his hand? I stand up, proud of my morning wood as Kyle looks over at me from under his pillow and shouts for me to "put that thing away before you hurt yourself!" Apparently he is a comedian in the morning. I am NOT a morning person AT ALL.

I take care of all of the essentials and finish brushing my teeth. I open the door as Kyle squeezes in behind me, rubbing up on me much more than he ever had to with his own morning wood pointing straight out. His cock slowly swipes my ass as he dramatically makes his way past me and pushes into me a bit causing his cock to sandwich itself in between my cheeks.

"Now don't get all excited, you know this monster of a cock is only for the ladies!" Right as he says "ladies" he pumps into me yet another time. I wonder who he is really trying to convince with this show? Next thing I know he is showcasing his superhuman talents of taking a piss while still almost completely hard! I never understood the guys who can do that. I can barely piss with a chub let alone full bone!

Kyle makes some small talk about hating that he has to start going to class now, when he was just getting used to his rigorous team schedule. I give him a few grunts of approval and agreement and keep to myself. This morning chipperness is going to be a problem. Or at the very least I am going to need a coffee maker in this crib.

He finishes pissing and I notice that his cock has gone down a bit as he shakes it more than a respectable number of times and then starts to dramatically pass me again, though this time not nearly as convincing.

"Dude, you just wiped your piss on me! Gross!" I clammer, pulling away and smashing my own cock into the cold sink. "Give me a minute while I finish up in here!"

I take to working on my hair. Having showered last night before bed to wash away the two huge loads of cum plastered throughout my chest and my pubes, I didn't need to shower this morning, though I do check the areas to make sure there is nothing funky happening. I then wet my hands and take to messing up my hair, adding a bit of extra product to keep it looking good and staying manageably sloppy.

As I re-enter the room and go to my closet, I start looking through some clothes trying to pick what I am going to wear today. Polo and jeans seems to be the order of the day. I grab a pair of my nice, form fitting black jeans and a red polo, sporting my school spirit for the first day. Kyle interrupts as I am pulling on the polo.

"Dude, you are really good!" Kyle says. I'm not really paying him much attention; again, I'm not even really awake at this point, just on auto pilot.

"Oh, you like my school spirit?" I say, half joking, half not caring.

"No, your sketching, dude you are really good. I mean I could do without all the penis in here, but damn! You drew all of this?"

I quickly look over to him as he is flipping through my sketchbook. He is nearly half way through the book and I walk over to him with every intent of ripping the book away from him, when he turns a bit and keeps flipping through it. "Um, Thanks dude, but this is kinda private, I mean, I just... not many people have seen my work!"

"Bro, I've seen you blast a huge load of cum, and I watched you taste my nut," he says dismissively. "Surely this can't be as private as that!" I try one last time in vain to pull my sketch pad away from him, to no avail.

"Look, Kyle, I didn't mean anything by... I mean, you said I might be able to... look ... I'm..." I stammer to him as he flips to the last 7 sketches in the book. The first five are rather tame but clearly they are all drawings of him. Obviously him. No questioning, I nailed him. Two are of him sitting and playing his video games, when he thought I was studying, one is of him talking to a teammate while leaning back in his desk chair, another was him sitting at his desk working on his computer, number 5 was him laying in bed with a sheet draped over his bits but scrolling on his phone and then... the last two.

The last two were the ones I sketched not even 8 hours ago... AFTER I had completely perved out on him and shot my load, mostly on the floor but at least partly on him.

"Woe..." he says. "Dude, this is trippy!" He says as he is taking it all in, looking at every single stroke of my pencil. He then finally looks up in my eyes with this kind, puppy dog-like look that I have never seen from him before.

"Seriously, dude. This is amazing." He is clearly looking at me in a different way than he ever has before. Does he get the amount of work this took? Does he see the amount of care I put into this? Did I crack this jock veneer he holds up as a shield? "You gotta let me have some of these! Damn I want to frame them, bro!" With that "Bro" uttered from his perfect lips I can tell he has switched back into his jock mode.

"Umm, sure. Let me figure out which ones and ... Yah, I mean I guess if you really want one or two of them... Look, I gotta get to class." I say to him as I slowly take my sketchbook from his hands and close it up and place it on my bed.

"Dude, I don't know how you managed..." he says as I grab my backpack and slide my laptop into the protective pocket.


"I don't know how you managed to sketch me so well, and not shoot cum from that cock all over your work! I mean I know you must have blasted several times as your cock drooled over my hot body!" He says this with this wry smile and a little giggle at the end.

"I managed..." I say to him as I walk out the door... and just as the door closes, I say to myself, "I managed to shoot on your hand last night, you self-involved ass!"

------------------------- Thursday, Weekend Eve

Thursday was a full day for both of us, each leaving our room by 8am. I was just walking into the elevator around 8pm when up rolls Kyle and my mouth nearly hits the ground. He was in his white "away" uniform. Holy, motherfucker. We both grunt a hello to the other and then as I am taking in his full body we walk onto the elevator together and head up to the 6th floor. Damnit, he smells so good in this small elevator. "Keep it together, Sean!' I scream at myself.

We walk into our room and drop everything we are holding onto our beds.

"OK, I did this on purpose! I did it for you, so go ahead!" Kyle says as he starts to slowly turn around, giving me a bit of a show.

"You did what for me? I mean... huh?" I say, stammering as I can barely handle this and how good he looks right now. His uniform is plastered to his body and there are stains, sweat and lord knows what else, showing that he had just practiced REALLY hard in this uniform.

"Dude, I knew you would love seeing me up close in my uniform. So, roomie! This is for you! Take it all in! Just remember..."

"Yah, I know... no touching!" I say as I shake my head. Like in the last, almost 4 weeks, I have never even tried to cop a feel. But he has to keep saying this? It pisses me off... but holy fuck he looks good in this.

As he spins around and I take in his perfect ass inside these skin tight pants, I can see just enough to know that he is wearing his team-issued jock under the pants. So damn hot seeing those straps frame out those muscular cheeks that I love so much. I must have grunted my approval because he then chimes in with...

"Oh, you like that angle, huh? I can tell you do from all your sketches! You focus on my ass a lot. It must be killing you to have this perfect ass so close to you, but you know you can't touch it! This ass sleeps every night not 3 feet away from you, and yet you won't ever get to touch it." He says this with a biting hostility just under his breath and fuck if he wasn't right... but damn, it's cruel to mention it like this.

He turns back to the front again, showing me that perfect package of those oversized balls nestled into that jock. There they are, behind the ridiculously thin, skin tight pants that he wears in front of over 10,000 fans... yet that show is for the masses. This show is just for me.

Looking closely I can see the head of his cock hanging slightly to the right and giving just enough VPL to make this all the hotter. Sure, I have seen his cock up close and personal. Hell, he was mere inches away from me when he blasted all over me last week. But this, THIS was different. This was almost more intimate. He knew he was putting on a show, just for me. His roomie. Was this sweet? Was this because he got off on me lusting after him? Was he just being an asshole jock hoping I would make a fool out of myself? Who knows.

Fighting to pull myself out of the trance of this hot man, I hear him and he has apparently been talking for a while, perhaps to cut through the sexual tension.

"... I'm right, aren't I? You would do anything for me. You would do anything for me to touch my body right now. To feel me up in this uniform? To strip me from this uniform? Hell, I bet you would even lick the sweat right off me! I've seen you fags do that, you know in those porn videos that pop up. I've seen it. You sick fuckers. I mean, to each their own and all, but damn!"

I don't even know what to say to this assault, but fuck me if it wasn't all completely true. Damn, he has pegged me to a tee. I would. I would love to be licking his chest clean of the sweat from practice, to take each one of those perky little nipples of his and make sure they were spotlessly clean by teasing them with my tongue. IN fact, I would take my tongue to every solid inch of his near perfect man and he would be in heaven. So I mean, what do I even say to him on this?

"Well, yah... I guess you busted me. You are hot, and my cock is doing the thinking right now, so yah... you know I would love to show you a good time. But I would never cross that line."

"Fuck! I knew it, Sean! I knew that you had a thing for me! I knew by wearing home my uniform that has two days worth of practice dripping off of it, that you would be putty in my hands. Fuck! Now if I could only find a woman who would feel this way!"

He says this and starts stripping out of his uniform. It's quite a production as his jersey is so tight yet it has his shoulder pads in there as well, making extracting himself no small feat, but oh so fun for me to watch. I plop myself down on my bed to watch, wishing I only had a cold beer and some popcorn for this show.

He finally gets out of his jersey and pads. I never knew they took them off together, but with as much of a struggle as he was having I can certainly see why. But I make sure that I follow HIS rules through this: I don't dare help him for fear of him freaking out from my touching him.

His white compression undershirt was simply magic. There is just something about a tight compression garment that pulls out all of the muscle contours in such a special way, causing the light to bounce off and call attention to every single hour that he put into making each one of those abs stand out and be noticed. He keeps looking back at me to make sure I am watching his seductive striptease. Those lucky bastards on his team get to see this every single day without having to deal with all the rules and drama he causes. I am just loving this with every ounce of my body and especially my dick.

He sits down on his bed and he pulls off his shoes and socks making a nice pile of his discarded items bound for a washer somewhere. I fully expected a terrible smell to come wafting over to me as he pulled his feet from his shoes and socks, but interestingly enough, it just smelled like clean sweat. You know the difference. Clean sweat from just having a hard workout vs a body odor of not being clean BEFORE you started that sweating. That clean sweat made me melt and my hand journeyed into my joggers that I wore today. I was openly stroking my cock inside my joggers and not even trying to hide it. He knew he was hot. He knew he was making me hot, ergo me stroking my cock!

Kyle looks over at me with this crooked smile as he sees me touching my cock like this while he is only in his football pants, jock and that oh so tight compression shirt with his perky little nipples just screaming to be recognized. He stands up and begins to peel down his pants and expose that white jock that was struggling to keep everything held together for him. I kinda wish I had seen the days when football pants had those sexy laces that kept things all tight, but now they have these smooth fronts which accentuate the VPL of all the boys brave enough to just wear their jocks and not some sort of compression shorts under the pants. Pure bliss.

There he stands in just his jock, with a more hard than not cock, and he stops and stands right in front of me. He walks over to me, and runs his hands up his chest and over his pecs in a sultry way. I keep stroking myself as his cock strains against the failing elastic of his jock. His hands slowly trail down to the bottom of the shirt and he begins to peel it up and over his head. Time seems to slow completely down and this shirt peels back, revealing his near-perfect abs, then his pecs and the valley between them, and then finally up and over his head. The shirt is soon to join his socks in the pile to be cleaned. Now he stands before me in only his now tented jock. He gives me one last spin, showing me that perfectly framed ass. He flicks his butt cheeks for me, making them dance, before he tightens down showing just how much of this perfect ass is solid muscle. Then, he strips off his jock. He's facing away from me as I get to see him bend forward, exposing the most perfect hole I have ever seen. There is only a light dusting of dark hair inside the crack of his perfectly sculpted mounds framing a perfectly tight, pink hole that I swear winked at me.

"Soon," I think, soon I will be tasting that perfect hole, and if I am good, I will be sliding all 8.5 inches into it as well. Soon.

The pile having been completed, he then pulls his pads out of his jersey and grabs everything else and shoves it all into his mesh red bag, one assumes to take his uniform back in tomorrow for it to be laundered for him.

He then goes into the bathroom and empties his bladder while I pull down the front of my joggers, grabbing one of his socks and stroking myself about 5 more times until the perfect arch shaped shot of cum flies out of my cock and into his dirty sock. Fuck that felt good, and just as I hear him flush, I quickly toss his sock back into the bag, spin around and snap closed my sweats as he re-enters the room.

"Subway in the union is closing soon, you want anything?" I ask my clearly exhausted roomie.

"Oh man, really? Yah, could you get me a footlong Philly, on white, with Mayo and extra cheese and get me two bags of Miss Vickie's Jalapeno chips too! Thanks roomie! I guess I'll have to give you some more shows if you gonna treat me this good!" He says with that same smirk.

I head down to the union and place our orders, and within 30 minutes I am walking back into our room. Before I unlock the door (which automatically locks behind us when we close it), I hear the moaning of a woman. Damn it ,he better not have brought some chick back here. "Fuck it, i'm too tired for this" - and I walk into the room.

There he is with his phone on his chest as he is stroking his large and dripping cock, watching some porn clip on his phone.

"Hey roomie!" is all he says to me as he keeps the clip running and I place his bag onto his bed beside him as he keeps stroking himself. I notice that he grabbed my lube while I was out.

"Wow, help yourself to my lube, I guess... ROOMIE!" I say to him rather sarcastically.

"Dude, I'm sorry, but yours is so much better than that lotion I was using. Us straight guys can learn a lot from you fags..."

He is right, they really could, but he doesn't get to call me that. "Look, you are using that word all too much, cut it out, OK? That is derogatory and you don't get to use it."

"Jeez. I'm sorry, yo. Seriously I didn't mean anything by it; I heard some gay guys use it so I thought it was OK. But I won't any more. We cool?"

"Yah, we cool!" I say as I turn my back on him and roll my eyes. I have a hard time taking him seriously with his cock hard, dripping and him stroking it while talking to me about the meaning of life and feelings and shit.

Just then his phone rings and some girl is on the other end of it; I don't know who it isbecause, to my knowledge, he isn't seeing anyone.

"Babe, yah, shit I wish we were not so far away from each other..." he says into the phone and makes eye contact with me and rolls his eyes. So this wasn't a serious phone call. Course I don't know if he has ever been serious with any woman from the way he talks about them.

"Yah, I wish I was with you too! You know I would be all over you right now! Damn, I need to be loving on you right now! Damn, baby! I know you would like that, you miss your big man, don't you?" He continues talking to her while he moves his right hand down to his already lubed cock and continues stroking while talking with her.

"Yah, sure... Hmmm yah... Really..." random responses that barely show he is even alive let alone engaged in this conversation. But he continues to stroke his cock.

"Baby just hearing your voice has me so hard right now! Damn, I wish you were sucking me. I remember how good your mouth felt on my huge cock."

I'm looking him right in the eye as he winks at me and continues to stroke his cock.

"Oh really baby? You miss my big cock, don't you? Baby you gonna let me slide it into you finally! Damn baby, you know we both need that. I would take such good care of you! Damn my cock is rock hard baby. Only you get me this fired up."

While he is saying all of this he is looking at me! What kind of a mind trip was this guy playing at? The thing that pisses me off so much is I am sitting here, rock hard watching him and locked eyes with him... that is, only when I am not staring at his hard cock. He motions for me to whip my cock out, sending me some sort of psychic message and somehow I knew exactly what he wanted me to do. And I do it. He has a remote control over me, and he knows it.

I stand up and pull down my joggers and my cock flops up and slaps my stomach. There is already a drop of precum on the head of my cock, and, without even thinking, I run my right index finger over the top of it and quickly bring that to my mouth.

"Holy shit! I can't believe you just did that!... No baby, not you. My roommate just poked his head in the room. No baby, I wish you were here with me right now. Damn, I want to be feeling your beautiful body. You know how much I love your body, don't you babe? You are the hottest girl in Lake Charles, by far!"

I stack my pillows up at the head of my bed, against the wall so I can prop myself up with a front row view of my hot roommate as he has phone sex with this girl right in front of me. It seems like he is performing for me. I turn off my bedside lamp in hopes it will allow me to see him better as his bedside lamp was shining right on him.

"Fuck baby! You make me so hard!" he says before he scoots to the side of his bed - and the next thing I know, he is walking over to my bed. Standing right in front of me and continuing to stroke himself, he gives me the sign to slide over. He mutes his phone as I can hear her muted voice yammering on in his ear. "Move over roomie, you shouldn't have to strain your eyes to enjoy my body. I know you want a front row seat." He unmutes his phone. "Fuck baby, I promise I will get back over there to see you! We have been so busy with football, you know I want to make you proud of me. Your stud boyfriend delivering the W so you can brag when you see me on TV!"

This guy is out of control, I mean yah, he is right, I love having a front row seat to this, for sure. But damn it, I hate this. I am so pissed that he does this to me, knowing I am powerless to resist him. He goes back and grabs his pillow and folds it over and props it at the foot of my bed and climbs into the small single bed placing his naked legs on the outside of my legs and blows me a kiss as he gets situated. He's stroking his cock and staring directly into my eyes. I turn my light back on and aim it right at his crotch. He's putting on a show and you better bet I am going to make sure he is well lit!

"Baby, yes. I am going to make love to you and show you what a special girl you are. You would like that, wouldn't you baby? You want to finally have me sliding into you, don't you? You wanna be that close to me, taking it a step further than we ever have before, don't you?" Again he is staring me straight in the eyes as he says that. Is he talking to me? Or to her? He then licks his lips!

"I know baby, we shouldn't do this, but you know how bad you want it. You have wanted this... me... for a long time. Since you first saw me. You wanted me. I could tell. That's OK, baby! It makes me feel good knowing how bad you want me. But you have been a good girl, and I respect that. But we may need to take it to another level. Very soon!" he says as he moves his legs and they brush up against mine. He keeps his eyes locked with mine.

"Oh babe, you got me so worked up. You can't go now. What am I supposed to do with this rock hard cock? Oh wow. OK. Tell your mom I said hello... and thanks for nothing! Bye babe."

He hangs up his phone and lets it fall to the floor beside my bed, but he keeps looking right at me, looks down at my cock and my steady stroking matching his cadence. I notice I am getting a bit dry so I grab my lube and give myself two more pumps. Kyle holds his hand out so I lean forward and motion like I am going to hand him the lube. He instead reaches over with his stroking hand and has me pump two shots into his hand.

"Dude, she left me blue balled," he says to me as he keeps his intense stare at me and then back to my cock. He clearly isn't comfortable the way he is leaning back on his thin pillow. So he moves and gets up on his knees and moves even closer to me. Holy fuck.

"Damn, you are like totally obsessed with my cock, roomie! Look at you! You are almost drooling looking at my cock! Look at you! Ha! This is intense!"

"Well, my cock is certainly drooling!" I say to him, trying to lighten the mood, as I hate it when he goes into his full-on asshole jock mode.

"Yah, yah you are. Damn, I about died when you licked that precum off your finger!" he says with this smile on his face. He then immediately goes into a very serious look and says, "Roomie, can you keep a secret? Seriously, you can't tell this to anyone! I will deny it if you do!"

"Kyle, of course I will keep our secrets in this room!" He just shakes his head knowingly and then he leans in closer to me, his face only about a foot away from mine.

"I frequently taste my precum too! I've even eaten my own load a few times," he says with a serious, almost vulnerable, look on his face. "It wasn't too bad, felt I needed to know what it was like. I don't know why girls don't like it though... I thought it tasted really good, especially my precum!"

"Fuck, that is really hot, Kyle! Well you should feel comfortable doing that when it's just us. I agree - mine tastes really good, too!" I say to him, not looking him in the eye, but watching him stroke his cock. He stretches his knees out further and touches my knees with his as he is right in between my legs now. "... perhaps not as good as yours, though," I say to him, reminding him that I did get to taste some of him.

"No shit, you liked that did you?" he says to me with a very proud smile taking up his entire face. "Dude! I wish you could see yourself right now! You can't take your eyes off my big cock! Fuck! You are a slave to my dick, aren't you, Sean? You would do anything to get your lips on this hard cock, wouldn't you? To drink down my load! Shit, if I wasn't such a pussy hound I might just let you. Figures the biggest pussy hound gets roomed with the biggest cock sucker. What a waste!" He licks his lips again, but this time he is watching my stroking very closely. Something has changed here, but he is certainly being more of a dick than before.

Fuck, this dude just thinks he is untouchable. He is so damn cocky.

"Damn, this feels really good, watch me stroke this down to my balls like this." he says as he runs his hand all the way down to the base of his cock. He then reaches his other hand down to rub his balls; running his fingers down under his balls. Quickly he takes his hand up and smells his fingers.

"Fuck yeah, that is jock musk, buddy! Here, smell this!" and he brings his hand that was just rubbing his taint up to my nose and rubs his fingers under my nose. This leaves his musk on my face. Holy hell, that is hot. "Ha! I knew it! Look at you! You are out of control, beanpole! Look at you! You like that smell from my nuts on your nose? You love my smell, don't you?! Damn you got it bad, boy! Damn, I'm getting close. You want me to shoot on you again tonight? You do, don't you?"

Damn it. He has me. Of course I want him to shoot on me!

"You gotta say it, beanpole. If you want my load you have to ask me for it. Admit it, you are a slave to my cock. You want my load, it's OK. I'm a stud, I know it. You know it! But if you want me to blast my load on your fa... gay body... then you gotta ask me for it. First time was free; this time, you have to beg me for it."

"Fuck, OK. yah... I want your load," I say to him with a sheepish voice. Totally embarrassed, but he is totally right. I am a slave to this boy and I hate it. But right now, right here, there is nothing I want more. Nothing I NEED more than for him to shoot his potent spunk up on me.

"You gotta say it louder, Sean. Own it, bro! It's cool. Say it! Ask me for it!"

"Please, Kyle... please give me your load! I need your load, roomie," I say to him, this time a bit stronger, even more mortified than before, but fuck it! We both know where we are at.

"Dude that is hot, say it again... I am so close!"

"Give me your load, stud, shoot on me with that straight load!" This time I am clearly in heat and so close myself, as my cock is dripping with anticipation.

"Fuck yah, Sean! FFFFuuuuuuuccccckkkk!" he says as he is grunting and fires at least 6 shots of molten hot cum - two shots hitting me in the chest and three on my cock and balls as I begin to shoot too. This time, one of my shots lands on his knee! Yes! I did it! It may only be one drop, but still - my load shot on him for the SECOND time!

Kyle falls back onto his pillow and shoots his legs out from under him as we both lay back and try to catch our breaths.

"Dude, you got some of your gay juice on me! Damn it! You gotta be more careful!" He grabs the bottom corner of my blanket and makes a big production out of wiping his knee off and getting the cum off of him! "Damn it, now I gotta take a damn shower! Jesus, I do you a favor by giving you a show and this is how you treat me? Dude! Not fucking cool!"

I can't take this. I didn't ask for any of this! He has been the one teasing me, tempting me and playing into my attraction to him. This is so not fair! This son of a bitch better settle his ass down!

"Are you even going to apologize to me? ... Sean? Sean! I am talking to you! Are you going to apologize?" he says as he is now standing over me looking intensely at me right in the eye.

"Shut the fuck up Kyle and go take your damn shower and stop being such a bitch!" I say to him in a calm, measured voice.

"What did you just say to me, you faggot?"

I start to stand up as my still hard cock swings out in front of me and Kyle jumps back so as not to touch it. "I said, Kyle, to shut the fuck up and go and take your shower as you really don't want to piss me off right now, cause I will end you, son!" I have finally had enough, I am not putting up with this shit anymore. It is one thing when he is all dominant in our stroke sessions, this is a complete other.

"Excuse me, you will END me? You better not be writing any checks with your mouth that your boney ass can't cash!" he says as he stands right in my face.

"If you lay a hand on me, I am walking into the Chancellor's office tomorrow and showing him that you are cheating your way through his college. I have all the evidence I need for him to kick your ass all the way back to Lake Charles! Close your damn mouth, you know what I am talking about. You are paying for the answers to all of the tests in each of your courses and you have been doing it for a long time. Need I remind your dumb jock ass that cheating is an expulsion-level offense? I know, that is an awfully big word for you, so let me break it down for you. No more college. No more football. No more cheerleaders. No more adoring fans. No more girls from your backwards town of Lake Chuck throwing their panties at you. Gone! You will be lucky, LUCKY to get a job at Home fucking Depot! So check yourself, asshole; you will NOT be bullying me anymore. NOW, as you consider what YOUR next move will be... I will be in the shower, washing off your load and mine from my body and you can wait until I am done for your shower. You got me? Any questions?"

I say all this to him and I am fuming.

Kyle's entire body went from being ready to fight to shrinking what seemed like an entire foot. He slouched down and his eyes were darting around - first at me, then at the floor, then seemingly looking far into the future. He physically looks like the wind was knocked out of him and his rich roux like coloring washes completely out to a pale white. When he finally looks me in the eye there is a level of pain, shame and loss that is permeating this entire soul.

I purposefully decided to not go as hard as I could have. I am sure my face is glowing red as it feels like it is on fire! I push past him and I head into the bathroom, locking both of the doors as the LAST thing I need right now is for our two NEW adjoining roommates to come in and interrupt this... this... fight.

As soon as I hop into the shower, I feel like absolute shit. Damn, I never should have said any of that. He didn't deserve that. Fuck. Us gay guys when we cut a bitch, we go for the jugular and shit, he didn't deserve me going that hard.

But damn it, he was being a real ass. So-the-fuck what if a DROP of my cum landed on his knee? What did he expect - he was basically sitting in my damn lap and KNEW I was going to blast off when he did. Hell, we have been cumming together for several weeks now, albeit in our own beds, but still. What a dumbass.

Shit, would I really do this? Would I march into the chancellor's office and show him the emails? Would I really do that? Fuck, why am I feeling guilty?! He is the fucking cheater here! He is doing the deed! Fuck, I am a mess.

My skin starts to prune up; I have been in this shower far too long. I turn off the shower and grab my towel and slowly start drying off. I stare at myself in the mirror. Who even am I? Am I really this person? Wait, the ball is in my court now... shit now I am using sports analogies, what the actual fuck? If I hold the cards now, what do I want for it?

You better bet, I am going to get something for this. And the first thing is going to be respect.

All dry, I walk out of the bathroom and notice that he is already in bed and covered up with his blanket and his light is off.

I get myself ready for bed, making sure that my bed isn't covered in cum. I check it and there appears to be no cum drippage on the center of the bed and the corner that Kyle used to wipe his knee is kinda wet. I look at it and then smell it. It smells clean.

"I used my washcloth to wipe off that bit of cum from the corner of your blanket. It's just water," Kyle says to me in the mousiest of voices.

"Sean, I am sorry. I am so very sorry. Please, please don't ruin my life. I'm sorry I took it too far. You are my friend and I was an ass, but I beg you, please don't ruin me." His voice is quivering as he says this to me; he is CLEARLY shook.

"Kyle, I won't `ruin you,' but some things will have to change," I say to him in a stern voice, praying that my voice doesn't crack as I say this.

"Anything, Sean. Anything you want, I promise you I will do it," Kyle says with an almost pleading tone to his voice.

"We'll talk tomorrow, Kyle. Be sure to come home right after practice, OK? I will pick up dinner for us so we can talk. Cool?"

"Yah, sure. Thank you. Yes, I will be here," he says as his voice trails off and I hop into bed and turn off my light.

"Goodnight, roomie!" Kyle says to me. I don't respond.

I struggled to fall asleep. The ping pong game playing through my head was driving me nuts.

On the one hand, this guy is skating through life on easy street and has the balls to insult me at every turn because he thinks he can? Because he is a jock and that is somehow better than me? Fuck THAT!

Yet on the other hand, I was really hard on him. And was he really that bad? I have endured so much worse growing up from the other jocks who seemed to exist just to pick me apart. I think he doesn't even realize he is being so ugly in his comments to me. He likely thinks he is being playful. I suppose I would see them as playful, normal jock humor if I didn't really have feelings for this guy. Who knows what kind of feelings, but it hurts. It hurts the way only someone close to you can hurt you.

I mean, this is the typical jock humor he has always engaged in, and all the guys in the locker room just laugh off? Damn it! Why am I giving him the benefit of the doubt here? He doesn't deserve it!

I slept maybe two hours that night (if that), but what sleep I did have I had some of the most vivid dreams, sex dreams, of my life. They all involved Kyle and me taking full advantage of him, so my plan was coming into focus. Can I pull this off?

Thank you for reading Chapter 2! Please reach out and let me know if you liked this and if you are excited for Chapter 3! You can follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean or you can email me . Show some love to @Trappedinthecl1 by giving him a follow and thanking him for his superb work on this project as my editor, friend and partner!

Stay tuned for chapter 3 which we plan to release within the week and continue with a chapter a week release until the grand finale in chapter 6!

Next: Chapter 3

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