My Silence Will Cost You

By Logan Prejean

Published on Mar 7, 2023


This story was dreamt up over the past few months and is the sole property of me. The characters in this story are at least 18 years of age and none of this happened in real life, only in my filthy mind and soon to be yours.

I LOVE to hear from you about what you think about the story! So drop me a note at or send me a DM on Twitter @LoganPrejean I do my best to answer all!HUGE thanks to my editor and writing partner, the best out there, @trappedinthecl1 on twitter. So amazing to be working with you, again, my friend and this story was such a blast brainstorming with you.

WARNING: This story will contain bullying, sexual coercion, and blackmail. If this is a potential trigger for you or not your cup of tea, then I highly recommend you move on.

If however like me, you enjoy a complex story with competing views, interests, and attractions then I highly suggest giving `My Silence Will Cost You' a read. Our goal is to publish one chapter a week until our 6th and final chapter. Enjoy.

Show some love and $upport to Nifty for keeping this service free for us to use!

Hot as balls. This day is perhaps the hottest of the entire summer, and it's move-in week at the dorms. Well, I say it's move-in week, but really it's only move-in for the football team, cheerleaders, and the folks like me who have a job on campus. Working at the University Book Store was OK. Certainly wasn't nearly as difficult as working food service or janitorial work, so I was happy when they invited me back for my Sophomore year.

I was hoping I would get paired with another working schlub or perhaps helpers for the football team or cheer squad. Yet no. I would not be having any such luck this year. Instead, I am going to be in a living nightmare. I am to room with the second-string quarterback of the damn university football team. Mr. Jock himself. And fuck, if he wasn't the hottest guy I have ever laid eyes on. How in the hell was I going to be able to make it through this semester with this hot guy living, studying, and fapping a few measly feet away from me?

Yup, you guessed it, I am gay. It was never really a question for me, though I suppose it did take me some time to tell people. My family knows, my friends know. My roommate from last year found out and he was weird at first, but then we fell into a groove. It helped immensely that I wasn't attracted to him at all. He was super skinny, like me, but unlike me he was only 5'4. We looked so ridiculous standing beside each other as I am nearly a foot taller at 6'3. Even though I wasn't attracted to him, I did sneak peeks at him from time to time. Who doesn't, right? We had bunk beds and never once did I hear him spank his pud so, he must have taken care of that business in the stalls.

Anyhow, last week I reached out to Kyle Montgomery, my new roomie. I was completely terrified to do so, as I had been stalking him on socials for the past month and Jesus, this guy was hot as hell. He was the perfect specimen of a man and looked like he was directly out of central casting. Jet black hair, a chest made by the Goddess herself, and apparently not a hair on his chest at all - save this beautiful happy trail leading down to an ample bulge that seemed impossible to hide. This man was going to be my roommate and like all jocks, he will likely make the next 8 months of my life a living hell, cuz why not, all jocks have every day of my life. I always want to hate them, but their bodies and their cocky attitudes all just melt me into being their loyal pet. Yes, I am just as ashamed as you would expect.

As early as I can remember, guys with athletic prowess have always taken aim at me for their ridicule and worse. I was pudgy in my early years and when I started to grow I shot up nearly overnight. That quick growth spurt caused me to be quite clumsy and never really that inclined to do what I call "the sportsball." Avoiding would be putting it mildly - I would have run from all sports if I was coordinated enough to do so. I faked sickness, I faked injuries, heck I even made up elaborate stories to get out of any sort of physical exercise or sport.

The jocks hated that, they smelled my weakness. They seemed to feed on my fear, devouring it and growing stronger daily, teasing me incessantly from grade school through high school. I had hoped that in college I could leave those days behind; alas, not if I wanted to be able to afford college. I had to work, and working in the student book store means you have to report to work a month before classes begin, right as the football team is moving into their permanent dorms.

I was planning to reach out to Kyle via student uni email. I must have written, re-written and trashed that email 50 times, trying my best not to give him any reason to key in and hate me right from the start. Just as I was getting ready to hit "send" on my email to him, I get an email from Kyle.


I am so sorry that I haven't reached out before this, but football has been eating me alive this year after having an injury last year at the end of baseball season. I hope you will forgive me for that.

I am really looking forward to getting to know you. I looked you up on socials and found some of your artwork and bro, damn you are really good! I am so jealous of your talent cuz so far it seems I am just a dumb jock, but I hope this year I figure out where I am going.

Anyhow, I am planning to move in on the first day possible because this team dorm we are in now is a nightmare. No privacy, no quiet time and it stinks. So I will arrive likely Friday after morning practice, and not knowing how our room will be set up, I won't put anything away until we can plan it out together. Let me know when you plan to arrive or text me at 337-xxx-xxxx."

I am really laid back and hope we become friends.

"Your roomie - Kyle."

Well. Shit. Could it be that this is actually going to be a nice guy? Could he actually be human and not a total asshole? I mean, I have never witnessed a jock use self-deprecating humor before. Shit, how do I respond to this?

I simply let him know that I looked forward to meeting him and that I would be moving in right around the same time as we had an all staff meeting at the bookstore that morning and so I would drive in early and start moving in around 1pm. I also shot him a text - "Hey, it's your roomie, Sean. See you Friday afternoon."

I certainly am not going to get my hopes up on this one. But, shit. He looked me up on socials? Damn, well, he certainly has to know I am gay. Nearly all I post on socials is my work drawing hot guys with very little clothing. My most recent were full nudes and the latest - the pièce de résistance - with a huge erection. There is no possible way he doesn't know I'm gay gay gay. What is positively confounding is that he didn't seem to take issue with it at all. I wonder if he did this sleuthing a month ago and has been trying all month to get a new room assignment and just found out he couldn't. Or is this a set up and he and his buddies are going to greet me on Friday with a hazing? Or, fuck... maybe he really is just a nice guy?

The week flew by and on the eve of move-in day, I packed up my car and was ready to head out in the morning. I didn't live that far away, but there was no way I was going to try to commute back and forth from the other side of town while working and pulling a more than full course load. Dorms it was, and next year perhaps I can look at an apartment or something. But for now, it's me and Kyle.

As I lay down and try to get a good night's sleep, I can't help but think about what I am getting myself into this year. Kyle has been really nice over text and we have been messaging back and forth throughout the week. I am bringing the TV, he is bringing his PS5. He has a ton of snacks for us, so I'm bringing extra sheets and some other supplies for us which included a Costco run.

Kyle: im exhausted, looking forward to tomorrow, roomie Kyle: these assholes won't stfu, i need to sleep Me: shit that sucks, hope we have good neighbors and thick walls Kyle: dead tired [sends me a photo of himself]

He is shirtless, laying in bed with a soft smile, but clearly exhausted. His hair is a bit of a mess, looking sweaty or perhaps fresh from the shower. He has his hand up showing a peace sign to me. He follows with...

Kyle: night roomie, see you... meet you tomorrow

What is the proper protocol here? Do I return a photo? Do I just reply with something short? Straight guys are so complicated. He seems to be making a genuine effort here. Jesus, this better not be a setup.

I decide to take a photo. OK, actually I take about 25 of them. I finally pick one that I look cute in, if I am being honest, but also just as tired as he is. I too am shirtless - fact is I sleep naked when I am at home.

Me: night roomie

I go back and look at his photo and start really looking at it. His pale blue eyes, his slight smile. Damn if it doesn't make me rock hard looking at him. His pecs are just perfect with two solid mounds making up this beautiful chest seemingly chiseled out of granite. Small, perky nipples with a darker skin tone seemingly demanding attention. Before I even realize it I am fully jacking myself off and the amount of pre-cum that I am producing is slicking the way to what will certainly be a very short session.

I quickly switch over to his insta and start scrolling through some photos. Surely the bulge in those uniform pants can't all be from the cup he most certainly is wearing. He posted two short videos of him in shorts and his ample manhood was bouncing around, creating shadows that clearly show that he has a lot to be proud of down there.

My 8.5" cock continues to belch out some extremely slick pre-cum that is helping me have a great quick session. I love the feeling of tightening my hand over the top on the downstroke much as if I were fucking someone. Having only done that once before, it was sheerly by distant memory. Fuck I need to get laid.

Then as I continue to scroll his page, I get an alert that he posted a new photo. This one is more of a body shot of him laying in bed with his hand on his stomach, that same tired but cute smile and this time his faint happy trail is clearly visible - shit though... is he... naked? The caption of the photo is...

"Practice kicked my ass today. Time for some rest. Looking forward to moving into the dorm tomorrow and meeting my roomie."

Reader, I look looooong and hard at that photo and caption as I shoot a huge load up over my head, hitting the headboard and my pillow. Not really thinking clearly, I double tap his new photo and then I panic because clearly he was just alerted to my "Like" and insta-stalking. Oh well. It was a good nut, may not get another one of those for a while.

I cleaned up with my dirty t-shirt that was on the floor and fell quickly to sleep.

Move in Day

Yep, still hot as balls. Work was rather simple, the boss had me lead part of the conversations and tours for the new staff and then they spent time covering the new computer system that had some massive upgrades over the summer.

I made myself an Ice Mocha as I left the store and headed to my new home for the next few months.

Parking in the temporary parking, turning on my flashers, I grab my backpack along with my paperwork and head inside to check in. I get my room assignment from a senior girl who was managing the check in process. She clearly is hitting on me which always makes me blush, but I quickly gather my things, keys and paperwork and head up to the 6th floor, room 609. I'm sure that number will get traction - 609... 69? I suppose it will only go to show just how much sex I am NOT getting.

I arrive at our room and there are some boxes as well as two suitcases sitting up against the wall and an open duffle bag that clearly has been rustled through. I put down my backpack and have a look around.

The room is actually really nice. Last year I was in a much older building and it really showed, this is a quad suite. Two beds separated by about 3 feet, each with a desk and large cabinet with a connected bathroom that we shared with two other guys in the neighboring room. This will be a good set up and I was hoping as sophomores we would get a room set up like this. More privacy and not having to share a huge communal shower will be nice.

"Hey roomie!" I hear behind me and as I turn around rather quickly I am met by a massive sweaty bear hug by Kyle. He crushes me in this hug which normally I would immediately recoil from but this actually feels really nice, genuine.

"Oh, hey roomie! Nice to finally meet you," I say to him as he keeps hold of me and finally releases a bit abruptly.

"Oh shit, sorry, I am sweaty as hell! Been running back and forth with boxes and decided to take the steps for additional cardio! Damn, roomie! You are tall! Scrawny though, we need to put some meat on those bones, Beanpole!"

"Well, genetics I guess and no issues, I am all sweaty too though I admit I took the elevator!" I say to him and wink.

He kicks over the box he just carried up and plops down on the bed to the right and says "Look, I didn't know which bed you would prefer and since we were coming in at the same time, figured we could make this easy and pick together. Do you care which bed you get?"

"It really doesn't matter to me, Kyle."

"OK, I will take this one, I am a light sleeper, and being up against the outside wall here should help with the sound. Damn it is good to finally meet you buddy!"

"Good to meet you too!" I say as I set down my backpack and place my paperwork onto the desk on my side of the room. "I'm going to go down and get the rest of my stuff here really quick."

"OK, let's go!" He says as he bounds up next to me ready to go.

I lead the way out of the room, and head to the elevator. "I'm taking the elevator, brother! I don't have the stamina or muscles to handle running up and down 6 flights!"

"Oh no problems at all, I'm so tired I could use the help!"

We make quick work of the stuff in my car. First we both carry in the TV fearing one of us could drop it and then we come back for my 3 suitcases as I park my car and head back up.

As I make it into the room, Kyle has already taken off his shirt and is making quick work of hanging the TV. There is a wall mount already included in the room.

"Here, help me lift this and we can get this TV mounted and out of the way!" He says as he takes one end of the TV, and I the other. We both hop up on the desk chairs to hook it onto the mount.

I climb down off the chair and he then jumps off his and I can't help but notice that it appears he is freeballing in his shorts as his ample package is bouncing around quite nicely. Kyle catches me glancing at his crotch and then just smiles at me as we both start putting our stuff away, making our beds and getting settled in.

We strike up a really nice conversation talking about how we were brought up and what it was like growing up. He is from Lake Charles, Louisiana, which is about an hour and 20 minutes from the college. While it is a decent sized city, hearing Kyle tell it he was super bored and just loved being here in Lafayette, away from his nosey family members and the small town environment. I told him the things that I loved about Lafayette, but also the drawbacks, mostly being traffic and lack of things to do.

I asked him if he was seeing anyone, figuring that was just a natural course of the conversation.

"No, I dated this one girl this summer but damn she was so needy and so jealous thinking that we needed to spend every minute together. I had to end that; while I will miss having a nice wet hole to be inside, it's not worth the fuss. Besides I am not driving all the way to Lake Charles to get my dick wet every time I need it. Just started seeing a new girl, but that's just for fun. How about you? I'm sure the guys are fighting over you!"

Well, I was shocked. You literally could have knocked me over with that damn feather we hear so much about. So much so I turned around and looked him right in the eye. Completely scared and not knowing what to say.

"Oh man, look, did I step in it? I mean with your artwork and all, I just assumed you were gay. If I got that wrong, I am sorry. But I am right, aren't I, you are strictly dickly, right?"

"You got me, yes. I am gay. I was scared that it was going to be a problem between us and so I didn't know how I was going to bring it up and... Well wow, you just ... did."

"A problem? Holy shit I just won the lotto! By scoring you as a roommate I have someone who can coach me and make sure I look good when I go out. I got someone who can be my wingman and help me attract the chicks! AND I got a really nice guy who I just know I am going to be friends with for years to come. Fuck, at least I hope so!" He says as he comes in for yet another hug. This time he isn't as wet but wow, he had a funk about him.

As he pulls back he squeezes my arm a bit and says "Yo, we need to work on this, as tall as you are but your muscles are puny! We need to get some meat on these bones of yours!" he stands back a bit and looks me up and down a bit "Yah, we need to work on this body! You can be a stud like me in no time! So, do you have a boyfriend?" Kyle says as he winks at me.

"No, I don't," I say with a timid look back at him. "You know, but maybe I won the lotto as well with you roomie! Perhaps you can break me out of my shell and I can start to meet some people rather than sitting in my room studying all the time. And yah, maybe I do need to work out a bit."

"Deal! That sounds great! We are on the way to becoming best friends Sean! Fuck, I stink so I am going to shower before our neighbors move in and take up the bathroom. My afternoon practice was canceled so guys could move in, so shower and then maybe a nap and then let's go and explore and get some dinner together!"

As he is talking to me he kicks off the flip flops he had on and then he just drops his shorts and boom, there he is. Nude. Simple perfection. Of course, I look down and see this beautiful cock and balls that are perfectly manicured - and ample would be an understatement! I realize that I have been looking too long and slowly bring my eyes up to meet his gaze.

"Ha! Caught you looking roomie! Look, I don't mind you looking at all, hell I kinda get turned on by it! I mean who doesn't like to have a people look at them and check them out! Right? While I am strictly for the girls, I have no problem with you checking me out. Hell, maybe even one day you will sketch me and I can get the full Sean treatment. You sure will see me nude a lot, so might as well not make it awkward, roomie. Besides, you should know what a REAL man looks like!" He says all of this with this smirk on his face which appears to be equal parts evil and sexy all at the same time.

"Deal, and thanks. I would love to sketch you. I have never really had a live model before so that would really help me if you are willing... but I don't ever want to make this weird," I say to him as I exhale a bit and relax. Maybe this jock really is different from all the others. But he does keep making little jabs at me, "real man" and "little man." I sure hope this doesn't indicate a turn for the worse.

He goes in and starts showering and singing, terribly off key I should point out, but generally in good spirits and having a good time. Once he was done I went in and showered as well and as I was taking off my boxer briefs I caught Kyle looking at me.

"Oh man, that sucks for you buddy! I figured a guy as tall as you would have a big cock! Looks like you were not as blessed as I was!" He says as he swings his cock back and forth trying to prove something. Fact is, when I am soft I am kinda small, but once I start growing, well... I am quite proud of what is between my legs.

I think for a second about revealing to Kyle that I'm actually a grower... but I decide to let him live his fantasy. "Yah, well roomie you know what they say. It's not the size of the pen but the penmanship that matters!" I say with a giggle half making it up as I go along.

"I don't know about all that, I just know the ladies like some meat on their man! But I bet you are good at other things" he says as he winks at me and finishes getting dressed.

I push past my unease at being naked in front of him but rather quickly pick out a pair of my favorite boxer briefs and slide those up my long lets and comfortably place my package snuggly into the pouch that lends a bit of projection to my junk. Grabbing a pair of joggers and a t-shirt and one of two pairs of sneakers that I brought with me, my fit is complete. I throw some product into my hair to fix my "I can't be bothered with doing my hair" look and declare myself ready.

"Wanna go grab some grub, roomie?" I say to Kyle who has taken to scrolling through his phone - likely texting with some friends of his.

"Actually I am getting together with some of the boys. You wanna come along? It'll help you up your street cred!" He laughs, which kinda hurts my feelings, as he doesn't even look up from his phone but keeps scrolling. The idea of hanging out with a bunch of jocks tonight to be a magnet for their insults just doesn't sound appealing at all.

"Nah, I think I will pass on that, I'm just going to hit the Student Union and grab some Subway and then come back here to finish putting stuff away," I say clearly trying not to sound hurt or dejected but feeling rather deflated. I hoped that we could spend some time together getting to know each other not with a large group of guys.

"OK, beanpole, you do you!" he says, remaining focused on his phone, as he keeps scrolling.

I grab my ID and keys and leave the room. Shit, "Beanpole" better not stick. I suppose there are worse names he could call me, but that just seems derogatory as I am convinced he doesn't believe it to be a compliment.

I make my way to the Union and it's just empty and nothing is open. Crap. I see their sign stating that they won't open until move-in week - which starts on Tuesday for the rest of the students. I decide to walk a few more blocks over, following St. Mary to just off campus and into the Taco Bell. Not wanting to go any further I place my order and head back to the room.

Arriving back at the dorm - my home for the next semester - I find the room empty and decide to sit down at my desk. Truth is I already put almost everything away so I don't have much to do. Figuring I have the next hour to myself, I decide to pull up PornHub on my phone and relieve some pent up stress.

I fall onto one of my old saved videos that is just too hot. It has two college roomies with a similar set up to ours: two dorm rooms connected in the center by a bathroom. Well the one guy is only wearing a shirt and no underwear or pants. He's just flopping about while his roomie comes into the room and starts laughing about some crazy episode of SpongeBob.

As they talk our naked guy - who is closest to the camera - begins getting hard as his cock rubs up against the sink counter. The clothed guy goes out of shot and the naked guy pulls up his shirt so his cute bubble butt is framed nicely with his shirt. His cock has now made it to nearly full staff and he pushes it up against the counter.

Not getting the attention he was hoping for, our exhibitionist starts pulling back a bit from the counter, exposing his nice 7" cock more and more. Clueless clothed guy keeps yammering and our nudist pulls back fully exposing his hard cock - and presto! Clueless roomie sees it.

The clothed guy starts stammering, trying to pull up the video, not knowing what to say and finally retreats to his room.

The exhibitionism plus awkwardness of this is so damn hot! I am instantly hard and so I pull down my sweats and my boxer briefs, lowering them both below my nuts for easy cover-up if needed. I reach into the drawer of my cubby and grab my lube and take a few squirts and slather up my cock.

The next video in my feed starts playing and a hot hairless man with deep black hair is laying on his stomach as a blond college student enters his dorm room. Clearly they met on Grindr or something. They exchange their hellos and next thing you know our visitor hops onto the bed and starts pulling down his skin-tight jeans and lubes up his nice, at least 7" cock nestled in blond pubes.

"Fuck yah, stud. Fuck me!" the bottom says, pushing himself back onto his cock . The top pulls out his phone to start recording while continuing to fuck; seemingly more focused on his camera shot than getting to the fucking. Finally, the top in the video tosses down his phone and pushes forward, allowing our bottom to lay back down on the bed while our top goes to town on his ass.

The top seems to be edging himself at least once, and slows down and says "Fuck I am close! Your ass is so tight!" and the bottom says "Go for it! Cum in me!"

The top confirms what he heard "you want me to cum in your ass?" The bottom agrees and our top is immediately fucking our boy hard now and within 20 seconds of getting permission, he is firing deep inside our bottom.

This brings me off and I shoot a load - up onto my stomach with the first shot, but the second shot lands on my lips, then my chin and the 4th through 7th shots land on my chest which I thankfully pull up my t-shirt just in time to miss. Out of breath, I lay down my phone and quickly begin the dance of trying to get something to clean off my chest before I drip onto my clothes or sheets.

"Cherish these moments of solitude," I think to myself as I don't know when I will get them again, at least not until we fall into a pattern with our schedules.

All cleaned up, I crack out the syllabus to my first class and read up on what I was getting myself into and before I know it I am starting to get drowsy and I fall asleep.

Next thing I know, I am awakened by Kyle crashing into our room after he clearly was out drinking with the boys. He smells of beer and sweat. And he greets me with a "Hey Beanpole!" as he crashes down onto his bed.

"You had a good time out with the boys?" I ask, as I look over and watch him rubbing his face and see the clock and it is just past midnight, shit I slept for 3 hours already!

"Yah, the boys were on fire tonight but damn I struck out with two of the cheerleaders! Damn those cockteases! They are playing hard to get this early in the season, but give it a week and they will all be bouncing on this!" He says as he grabs his crotch, which clearly seems to be a bit chubbed up from whatever has him wound up.

"Sorry you didn't get any, man!" I say to him not really knowing what else to say! He stands up rather wobbly and tries to kick off his shoes and nearly falls over grabbing himself at the last minute. He successfully kicks off his shoes and then pulls off his t-shirt and then his jeans standing in just a tight pair of white BIKE boxer / compression shorts that seem painted onto him. Damn this is my weakness, I've always had a thing for compression garments.

Kyle stumbles over to his laptop and opens it up mumbling something.

"What was that, Roomie?" I say as I don't know if he is talking to me or not.

"I forget what time practice is tomorrow, I can't oversleep!" He says as he finally makes his way into his college email, but can't seem to type in his credentials. Frustrated, he punches the desk. "Fuck, why won't you just work!"

"Here, let me help you." It seems clear to me that he wasn't typing in his credentials correctly in his drunken state. "Where is your welcome letter?" I ask him, and he hands me a folder.

I find the welcome letter with his initial login information that he needs, and I get him all set up. The system emails him a temporary password to his gmail and so I ask him to get into it. He says just to click the bookmark on this desktop and - poof - Gmail opens up.

"Shit, I gotta take a piss! Get me all set up roomie! You dorks are so good at computers!" Again with his barbs... this is going to have to change. But I watch him enter the bathroom while pulling down his skin-tight compression shorts, and out flops his cock.

"Well, I suppose I can put up with his ignorant ass a bit longer.." I think to myself.

I look through his email and hit refresh, and two emails suddenly pop up. The first one that grabs my attention shows a preview that says "Yo. Same arrangement as last semester. $1,000 a month and you will get all the answers at least 24 hours before! Got your first grand, don't be late next time, asshole!" I open the email and look at the chain. Kyle has been emailing this random person begging for help for the last month, promising to whatever terms they wanted, but needing the answers to tests so he could pass his classes.

`Shit, he's paying some guy to cheat for him! No way!' I say to myself as I listen to a solid steady stream of piss hitting the toilet in our bathroom. Without even thinking I grab my phone and I take a photo of the email, then I pop open the headers from the email and take a photo of that as well. I toss my phone back onto my bed just as I hear the toilet flush and Kyle walks back into the room as he is stuffing his cock and balls back into his shorts. I quickly mark this email as unread as Kyle makes it back in the room.

Shit this dude is cheating his way through college and making someone else rich while doing it. One thousand dollars a month? Was he rich? Did he do this throughout his freshman year too? The dude emailing him seems to be so matter of fact that he must have been doing this for a while. Fuck, I hate cheaters! I work my ass off to get the grades I do. Not one bit of this comes easy to me. But I work, I study and I focus! There is clearly an entire other world for jocks like him and normal guys like me. Damnit.

"Did you fix it, roomie?" Kyle says as grabs me by the shoulders, I tense up immediately, nearly jumping out of the chair. Luckily, I had already clicked to the next email, which was the system email with his temporary password. I get him logged into the system and it shows he has to report to practice at 7am sharp!

"Fuck, I have to get some sleep! Night roomie!" Kyle says as he peels down his compression shorts and tosses them beside his bed on the floor and he clicks off his bedside lamp and closes his laptop. He finds the plug for his phone and crawls into bed. He's laying on top of his sheets with his comforter pulled back.

I take in the sight of this beautiful man and figure that I need to stop this and so I click off my light as well and our room descends into near darkness, except for the light coming from his iPhone as he scrolls through things.

He keeps scrolling and I get comfortable by kicking off my sweatpants and pulling off my t-shirt. Finally I figure, what the hell, and I pull off my boxer briefs figuring if he is going to sleep in the nude I might as well do it myself. My roommate last semester was a total prude, so I never even contemplated doing this before, but at home all summer long I slept sans clothing. I closed my eyes and slowly started to fall asleep until I heard a familiar sound.

Fapping. There was a clear sound of stroking happening, and it was coming from my roomie's bed. Opening my eyes I could see him watching something on his phone with his earbuds in and he was stroking his cock. I couldn't see too well, but I could see he had a nice cock. It was so dark but he was making obvious stroking motions - and that combined with the sounds I was hearing led me to believe that he had a decent sized cock. His technique was slow and deliberate which likely is a good indicator that he is good when playing with others. Those guys that beat the shit out of their cocks worry me.

His breathing has become a bit more labored, his focus has gotten rather intense and his speed has increased. Next thing I notice my cock is hard and dripping - so I take to stroking and keeping time with Kyle! I hate stroking without lube, so I reach over quietly and grab my lube from my cubby hoping to not make any noise. I can see he has his ear buds in so hopefully he doesn't hear me. I don't want him to think I am some kind of perv. Taking two pumps from my lube I slick myself up; it mixes with my already hefty production of pre-cum and I notice that slick fapping sound. Wait, was he stroking dry? I don't hear any wet sounds as he continues to stroke at a steady crescendo in pace and sound.

Then, I hear it, a moan escapes his lips and a light "fuck, yah!" Damn, he is into this! Just hearing that, I too let a light moan escape my lips and immediately I get super self-conscious. Though I am not going to lie, this is hot as fuck.

He slows his tempo and I follow his lead, slowing down a bit... and then out of the blue, he sets down his phone! Wait, did he cum already? How could I have missed that? Nope, he is still going strong, just slowed down a bit. But he stopped watching his video? He must still be listening to it though?

Again, he moans with a "Yes!" This time he starts to speed up a bit.

"Roomie, you about ready to cum with me?" he says and immediately I panic and stop moving. "I was waiting for you to catch up, but I am `bout ready to bust if you are. I didn't think you were ever going to wake up!" Kyle says to me, slightly out of breath and continuing to stroke his cock. I flash red, completely embarrassed, and don't know how to respond. Clearly he knows I am stroking, clearly he knows that I know he is stroking but surely he can't see me just like I can't see him.

"Fuck. Yah. Sorry, I don't mean to be a perv but when I heard you, I couldn't help but to get boned up and, well...." I say to him, also struggling to breathe and carry on a conversation without sounding like I am in the middle of working out my cock.

"Dude, I wanted you to join me... my old roomie and I did this all the time, only got hotter once we admitted to doing it!" he says as I can hear him picking up the pace. "Now come on roomie, I can't hold on much longer... You about ready to bust? Fuck, this is hot!"

"Yah, Kyle, I am close too, I'll follow your lead," I say to him, paying close attention to his cadence and breathing.

"Fuck yah, bro! Let's do this! I'm kinda loud when I cum, so there is no hiding it! Fuck this feels good! Damn, so glad I didn't get a prude for a roomie! OK, 30 seconds to blast off, Mmmmmm, Fuuuuuucccckkkkkk!"

"Yes Kyle, shoot that load, bro!" I don't even know where that came from... bro, I never say "Bro!" but I am totally caught up in this moment. "Fuck, I'm about to bust... here... I .... Cum!"

"Shoot that load, buddy! Yes! Shooting! Fuuuuccccckkkkk!" he moans and shouts and his hips arch up fast as he shoots and I swear I can see several shots fly up into the air as mine do the same and I shoot onto my face and chest. This time I'm fully naked and don't have to worry about pulling my shirt out of the way. Damn, this load is bigger than the one I shot just 6 hours ago!

Kyle starts laughing, "Damn, that was fun! Love getting my nut! Hope that means that we are past the modesty shit! If we wanna stroke, we stroke. Cool?" He says as he reaches down and pulls his compression shorts up and begins wiping himself off. I do the same and grab my boxer briefs and mop up the mess. Damn, I shot a lot.

"Deal, roomie. I've never had this freedom before in my living arrangements here in college. Used to being alone at home as an only child, so I'll have to get used to this, but I think I like it!" I say to him taking a lick off my upper lip where the second shot of jizz landed.

"Sean, just remember, no touching OK? I know you like dick, and I know I may be too hot for you to resist, but make sure we keep that line professional, bud. OK?" Kyle says to me sounding really serious. "I know guys like you are really turned on by studs like me. Maybe it's the pheromones or some shit but you gotta keep that in check OK? Just cuz I like having a circle jerk doesn't mean I wanna fuck, got it?"

Now I am getting pissed. Like I was going to rape him or something? Please. I'm quite sure I can keep myself in check, and besides he isn't all that. Sadly all I can seem to respond with is, "Yah, I get it, Kyle. No problem!" Which pisses me off even more.

"Alright, good night, roomie!" Kyle says as he gets comfortable and quickly falls asleep.

Jesus. This guy is just skating through life, being hot as fuck, cheating his ass off and sleeping his way through college. The audacity. I just don't know how I am going to make it through this damn year with him. On the one hand, yah, he is hot as fuck and his attitude is kinda hot and just pushes all my buttons. Yah, all of them in every good way and equally so in every terrible way.

He obsesses over telling me that I can't touch him! Seriously! He has said this no less than 10 times. Fuck, maybe I should touch him. Maybe I should feel him up, touch every inch of his body until he is moaning for me to allow him to cum. Maybe I should tie him down to his bed and edge him for hours by licking him, stroking him. Giving him the best blowjob of his life and stopping just before he blasts time after time. Maybe I should throw his legs in the air and devour his tight little muscular ass until his eyes roll back into his head. Then maybe I should just sit down on his hard cock that he is so proud of and show him what he is missing. How tight, how warm a guy's ass is. How it fits his cock like a glove. Maybe I should.


Thank you for reading Chapter 1! Please reach out and let me know if you liked this and if you can't wait for chapter 2! You can follow me on Twitter @LoganPrejean or you can email me . Show some love to @Trappedinthecl1 by giving him a follow and thanking him for his superb work on this project as my editor, friend and writing partner!

PS Massive bonus points if you can send me a link to that first video I describe of the college roommate showing off in the bathroom with his roomie talking Spongebob! I lost track of it and found it so hot!

Stay tuned for chapter 2 which we plan to release within the week and continue with a chapter a week release until the grand finale in chapter 6!

Next: Chapter 2

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