My Shopping Adventure

By William Bennett

Published on Jan 5, 2005


Usual disclaimer: If you are underage or it is illegal to read gay male erotica then STOP!! etc....... This is an alternate version of My Shopping Adventure Part 5. The continuation of this story will depend on feedback and of course which version you guys like. There have been so many comments and suggestions, I decided to write 2 different versions. Basically I could not fit all of your suggestions and comments into the same story and still make it plausible. I hope this doesn't confuse anyone. Please pick which one you like or hate and go with it. Enjoy!

William was both physically and mentally exhausted after his day with Jacob, Michael and Kevin, and not to mention the horde of men who gangbanged him for hours. He fell into a deep sleep soon after Jacob exited the house promising to be back in the morning.

John awoke at his usual 7am feeling abit groggy and somewhat sore&sticky. He figured that he had a few more beers than he realised and that he and William had a fuck session last evening seeing where he was also naked and not in his boxers as he thought he had on when he went to bed. He showered and made his morning coffee and decided to let William sleep in today since he hadn't been feeling well lately. He looked so peaceful while he slept. He finished his coffee and left for work. William awoke a few hours later and couldn't believe that he didn't wake up with John. He was nervous immediately thinking John must have known what had happened last evening and that was why he didn't wake him up, that he must have left the house furious thinking about what consequences he would instill on their relationship. William then threw that thought out of his mind thinking that John would have definitely confronted the boy immediately had he suspected any infidelty. Then William grew even more confused as he looked at the clock and saw it was after 10am. Jacob had promised to return at 9. Now he would be pissed that he hadn't had the talk with John as Jacob had instructed him to do. William decided to call John on his cell phone and apologize for not getting up with him this morning. He would have the talk about being more like a woman for John when he got home from work and hopefully Jacob would understand.

The call was normal and John just told William that he didn't have the heart to wake him up this morning and he wondered how drunk he gotten himself as he didn't remember much from the previous evening. He told William that he knew he had been fucked but was sorry he couldn't remember just how good William had been that night. William told him to forget it and that it was no problem since he had seemed pretty tired and buzzed when they had sex. William amazed himself at his ability to worm his way out of a situation. John asled William to do a few errands for him and that he would see him for lunch at home. William agreed and was grateful that the errands did not involve the home improvement store. He decided to let the Jacob thing go until he heard from his new blackmailing daddy. William proceeded to shower and run out for the errands so he could be back in time to have lunch with John.

At 1215 John arrived back home for lunch. William's car was not in the driveway so he figured that he must be running a little late with lunch hour traffic and all. He entered the house and heard voices coming from the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks as he was stunned to see Jacob, Michael and Kevin sitting in he and William's living room. He started to run and dial 911 on his cell when he was tackled by Michael and Kevin. They restrained the scared boy and brought him over to the couch. "Don't be scared", Jacob told a confused John. "We are here to show you a little film starring your boyfriend and you and well to present a business proposition to you." With that said Jacob hit play on the dvd player and the porn movie starring William and John began to play.

"What the fuck is going on? What do you guys want form me?" John asked.

"In due time my dear boy, just enjoy watching your boyfriend suck lots of cock and get gangbanged as well as a few other surprises." Jacob said.

John watched the screen disgusted by seeing William fucked by all of those men, fistfucked and then fucked in his own bed. He freaked when he saw scenes of himself in the shower as well as William fucking him. "Oh my god" he screamed,"that's me!!!!"

"Very observant boy. How do you think daddy Mayor would react to knowing and seeing his son in a gay porn? Not to mention the voters in this county?" Jacob asked.

"Oh, please let me go and give me this. You have already fucked my boyfriend and ruined our relationship. Please leave me with some dignity." John pleaded with Jacob.

William walked through the door and his blood immediately rushed to his head as he saw a scared John with Jacob, Michael and Kevin. Then he realised the movie on the tv was he and John. "What's going on?" He asked. "Jacob you promised to not bring John in on this if I did everything you told me to and I have. Why are you destroying my life?"

"Because I can. I was going to come back this morning at 9am like I said but after I left here last night I couldn't get John's ass out of my mind. I wanted more of it. Oh, by the way John, it was me who fucked you last night while you were passed out not William. You have a fine piece of boy pussy there and I want some more of it and Michael and Kevin want a piece too." Jacob said.

John looked at William and asked, "Is this true? What the fuck is going on? How could you do this to me, we had a great realtionship. Why would you jeapordize it and our lives like this?"

Before Wiliam could answer Jacob put a stop to all conversation. "From now on you two listen and no more talking." Jacob said.

"Now we have decided to give you guys a break. We will only sell your movie out of state so to protect your little boring pathetic lives here. In return for our generosity, you two will be hustlers for us. You won't have to stand on a street corner or anything. It will be classier than that. Your tricks will come mostly to your house if they want you both or in some cases you two will travel to their places if they so desire. You guys will be for sale both as indiduals and a couple. Because I am so generous you will get 15% of your nights take." Jacob told the boys.

"You have to be kidding." William said.

"Shut up bitch. You have no other option because if either of you fight me on this, every person you both know will get a copy of this dvd as well as every gay bar within 100 miles of here. I will destroy your lives as well as John's mayor dad." Jacob yelled.

"Now without further ado", Michael said "We are going to fuck John for the next couple of hours while you watch us degrade and use him in every possible way my dear William."

Kevin stood up and grabbed John by the arm forcing him to stand and walk to the end of the coffee table. The boy just stood there stunned. He couldn't even speak if he wanted to.

"William go over to John and strip him for us." Jacob said.

William begged one final time. "Please leave him out of this, I'll do whatever you want."

"Bitch we are past all that. Now take off John's clothes or we will rip them off of him ourselves." Jacob said.

William stood and walked over to a trembling John. He muttered "I am so sorry", and proceeded to undo John's tie. He then moved to his shoes and socks carefully removing them. William then started unbuttoning his shirt and removing it from the boys trembling body. Next he moved his hands to John's belt and undid it. He unhooked his slacks and let them fall to John's ankles. William gently lifted each one of John's ankles so he could step out of his slacks. John stood ther motionless down to his white Calvin's being stripped by his boyfriend in front of three strangers. William started to back up. Jacob pushed William into the chair and told him to be quiet and enjoy the show. Jacob, Michael and Kevin surrounded John and proceeded to squeeze, rub and prod him like a piece of cattle. In one swift move, the three men grabbed at John's waistband and tore at his underwear. His Calvin's shredded into the men's hands and were tossed at William. John was now standing naked.

All three of the men were grabbing at John. Squeezing his balls and cock, pinching his sensitive nipples and forcing their fingers up his ass. John was horrified and beyond emabarrassed. Tears started forming in his eyes. William started to scream, "Please leave him alone. He's innocent in all of this. He doesn't deserve to treated like this."

"Shut the fuck up whore". Jacob yelled.

"I have an idea to shut this bitch up." Kevin said. He then undid his pants and started pissing in the remnants of John's tattered underwear. Michael quickly followed his lead and doused the shorts with his beer piss as well. The guys had been drinking William and John's beer while they were hanging out in theor house. Kevin picked up the piss soaked shorts and rammed them in William's mouth. Michael ran to the garage and grabbed some duct tape he had seen hanging on a hook earlier. They proceeded to tape William's mouth shut with John's dirty and now piss soaked underwear.

Jacob said, "That's perfect and we only need three holes anyway. We got suitman's mouth and ass and of course our resident sluts ass."

William was crying and choking on the pissy underwear as Jacob forced John down on his back across the coffee table. Kevin grabbed John's ankles while Jacob took digital closeup pictures of his exposed asshole. Jacob said "God, look at that pretty rosebud pink boy pussy. Yeah boys it'll be fun breaking in this cunt too just like we did with his boyfriend yesterday. I can't wait to see it swallow all of our cocks. This piece of ass is going to make us some money boys."

William just watched helplessly as they humiliated his boyfriend.

"Ok guys lets get naked and fuck this bitch." Jacob commanded. Within seconds the ruthless three were all naked and hard ready to use John in every way they could think of. Michael grabbed John's ankles and forced them as far back as they would go as Jacob prepared for the asssault on his exposed pussy. He spit on his thick tool and rammed into John in one swift motion.

John screamed with the pain that was instantly inflicted upon him. His legs were spread as far open as possible and Jacob was balls deep in his ass and fucking him like there was no tomorrow with no regard for his feelings or how much pain he was enduring. "Oh yeah, John, you have a fine pussy there. It was great last night, but even better as I watch your face as you fucking take my cock. Yeah I see why the slut over there likes fucking you. Smooth as butter my friend. I am going to shoot my load so far up your ass bitch, it'll come out your mouth." Jacob proceeded to fuck John mercilessly for about 20 minutes straight before he finally blew his load deep ito John's insides. He pulled out just as quickly as he had entered the boy and told him, "Nice pussy, can't wait til' I can start earning some money off of it."

John just quietly sobbed and galnced over at the gagged William who cried helplessly as John was repeatedly used like a common whore. Within seconds, Kevin had replaced Jacob and was shoving his big cock into John's ass and Michael had decided to fuck John's face at the same time. Both guys got a rhythm going and fucked the boy in unision. Because they had been drinking, it took longer than normal for them to cum. They probably used John for a good half hour before they yelled and came simultaneously up and in the boy. They pulled out and John's legs flopped down the sides of the coffee table. He was still laying on his back across it.

"So John, did you get a look at William's strcthed out pussy yet. Between us three and the 7 guys at the motel, and not to mention the 15 inch plug we had up his ass----it is stretched out so far his pussy lips started to sag. William stand up and take off your clothes so John can see how big of a whore you were yesterday." Jacob said.

William slowly stood and started to strip. There was no use in resisting as this would only anger them more. He slowly lifted the shirt over his head, kicked of his trainers, pulled off his socks and pulled his jeans down and off revealing a pair of John's dirty briefs. John just shook his head in amazement. Jacob said, "That is one of his orders, to only wear your dirty underwear since he is not worthy to wear his own clean ones." Finally, losing whatever dignity he had left he dropped his briefs and stepped out of them. Jacob had William bend over so John could see the stretched out pussy for himself. "See what 10 cocks can do to a tops ass in one short day. He is a fucked out cum dumped bottom bitch whore. Now he has no reason to make you the bottom there John. I told him he was a selfish bitch and needed to be more open to your needs. Thats why I made him shave his body and told him that you guys were going to be more equal from now on. Doesn't he look hot all smooth. NO need to thank me yet! That will come soon enough when you start whoring for me."

"Hey Jacob, how about we make this one smooth to? You know we can get more money for their pussies if they look like smooth little boys." Michael said.

Jacob said, "Great idea, why don't you bring out the razors and shaving cream and shave him right here. The bitch used all the Nair up last night. I'm gonna shove the butt plug back up William's pussy while he cooks us lunch and watch you and Kevin shave suitman here."

Jacob shoved the plug into William rather easily since he was still petty loose from the day before's fuck fest. John couldn't believe how his top boyfriend could now take 15 inches of plastic cock up his ass with virtually no resistance. Quickly his mind reverted back to himself as Michael and Kevin covered his armpits, chest, legs and crotch with the lather. Between the two of them he was denuded of his hair in a matter of moments. They took all of his hair unlike William where they left a pussy bush. John was the more manly of the two and would be sold that way. In a sudden move Kevin and MIchael flipped John over onto his stomach and spread his ass open and proceeded to make his hole as smooth as the rest of him. It only made his little rosebud pucker stand out even more. The guys brought Jacob over to inspect their handiwork. Jacob was impressed, but decided that they should shave his head too. He grabbed a pair of clippers from the bathroom and in a matter of seconds John looked like a fresh recruit for the army. He looked stunning as a bald stud. Yes indeed, he and the William would make great whores for the many men that Jacob knew.

Lunch was almost done. But Jacob decided to take John into the bedroom and fuck him again on the bed doggy style. The shaved head and body were too much for him to handle. He had to have John's ass again. William could hear John's pleads for mercy as Jacob apparently shoved his huge cock into John and fucked him for a second time. William weeped as he continued to finish making lunch for the three abusive blackmailers.

To be continued?????

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