My Shopping Adventure

By William Bennett

Published on Nov 12, 2004


Usual disclaimer: If you are under age and are offended by erotic stories involving homosexuality then STOP!! - Read No Further.----------Thank you to everyone who has been emailing me about this story and wanting it to go on. I sincerely appreciate all of the comments and suggestions.

William walked throught he front door still with that 15 inch butt plug up his ass as well as 10 loads of cum. Jacob was indeed naked and laying on his and John's couch with a hard on. He just didn't know how to react since he wasn't sure if John was awake waiting for him as well to call him on his day of whoredom.

Jacob said. "Relax, he's asleep and will be that way for many hours. I slipped a couple of sleeping pills in his beer when he went to the bathroom for a piss break. So, get over here and strip for me. I want to see that big plug that is up your hole and just how big that hole is."

William started to get undressed still looking for John to appear out of the corner of his eye. He slowly began to strip for the naked Jacob.

"Get over here and bend over the coffee table." Jacob said to the worn out boy.

Without speaking the naked and plugged William bent over and laid down on his coffee table. Jacob in a swift tug-yanked the huge plug out of the boy's ass. It actually made a popping sound as it was pulled out of Willliam's ass. It appeared that his hole was spread open at least 6 inches wide and 15 inches deep. William instantly felt a surge of emptiness as that plug was taken from his abused ass. Jacob grabbed William and pulled him into the bathroom. He turned on the light and turned William around so he could see what his former "top" ass looked like.

"Look at that ass boy. Your little tight ass that you had just this morning now looks like an actual pussy with those big lips of yours hanging down. That hole of yours could probably take a baseball bat now." Jacob told the stunned boy.

William couldn't even begin to comprehend the huge hole behind him and all that had happened to him today. It had all started as a simple trip to the home improvement store. He was in a relationship and was primarly the "man" of the house and now he was a fucked out bottom bitch with a huge pussy opening. He was too tired to cry but inside he was balling his eyes out.

"C'mon". Jacob said. "Let's go have some fun with John."

"What do you mean? He can't know about this. You promised." William pleaded.

"I told you I slipped him a few sleeping pills. He's out for the night." Jacob said.

The two walked into the bedroom where the unaware and sleeping John was. "He looks so peaceful and innocent when he sleeps with his mouth open and all inviting." Jacob told William.

"He's a great guy, please leave him alone." William said.

"Ah-----NO----this is just too tempting. In fact I have been thinking about it all night." Jacob told William. Jacob slowly lifted the covers off the unsuspecting sleeping boy. He was wearing a cute pair of Banana Republic boxers. "Look at the mayor's kid. How lucky can I get today?"

"OK William, pull his boxers off." Jacob said. "I want to see him naked. Then spread his legs open for me. I want a close up of his pussy too.".

"Please no, I will blow you in the other room." William pleaded.

"You better do it, or I will, and I just might wake him up by tearing those boxers off of him." Jacob instructed the trembling boy.

Relunctantly William walked over to his sleeping boyfriend and began to pull the innocent boys boxers down his legs and off of his feet. "Spread his legs for me". Jacob said.

William grabbed John's ankles and obscenely spread John's legs as far apart as he could. The boy didn't even stir. "Start licking his cock and balls. I want to see him hard". Jacob said. As William bent over to lick and suck his boyfriend, Jacob retrieved a digital camera and proceeded to take photos of this. The hidden mini cam was already getting the live action of this. Jacob then surprised William by putting the camera down and getting into the bed with John. William was terrified that John would awaken. "Now suck my cock. It is so fucking hot to be laying in your bed next to your boyfriend with you sucking me off.". William slowly moved off of John's cock and back onto Jacob's. "Ah yes, there is the mouth that I love so much. I have to let your pussy tighten up for a day or two before I fuck you again."

"But I thought I was done after you guys got me gangbanged in the movie." William said.

"Yeah you are done with "the" movie, but as I told you there are endless possibilities as to where I can take this. Even more so now, that I know who sleeping beauty is." Jacob told William. "Now keep sucking my cock you fucking little whore."

William went back to work on Jacob's cock. In an unusually quick amount of time, Jacob was ready to cum. Apparently the anticipation of getting William to blow him right next to his boyfriend was putting him over the edge very quickly. Jacob abruptly pushed William off of him and the bed. He fell to the floor and when he recovered from the fall, he saw Jacob straddling his boyfriends face. All of a sudden Jacob shot a massive load of cum into the sleeping boys mouth. William was horrified to see what was happening before his very own eyes in his own bed. Jacob shot spurt after spurt of his hot cum down John's throat. As he shot he massaged the boys throat with his other hand which caused the sleeping boy to instictively swallow.

"Oh baby, how hot was that. I just fucking came down your boyfriends throat and he has swallowed it all." Jacob said to William. "Now lets' go out to the living room and talk about something I discovered tonight".

The two went out to the living room. William got both he and Jacob a beer. Lord knows he needed many after the day he has had. When William handed Jacob the beer and sat down with him on the couch Jacob produced a small brown leather book. He asked William if he knew what it was.

William told him that he had never seen it before. "I didn't think so since I found it in a box in the closet marked "John Personal". Jacob said. "Well sit back and listen to this. ----- "I don't know how this happened. I have fallen in love with a man. He is a wondeful trustworthy and sexy man named William. I have never been with a man before but there is something about him that just mesmerizes me. He makes me feel so good on one hand but strangely there are times when I miss women. I have always loved the smoothness of their bodies and sucking on their voluptuous breasts as well as fucking their tight pussies. However, William has let me know that if I want him, he will be the one in control of this relationship and for the most part he will be the man of the house. I love him with everything I have. I just wish at times that I could get him to be more feminine and that I could become the man I was again. I know that this will never happen if I want to keep him, but one can dream and hope."

William said. "I had no idea he kept a journal, but these things were discussed early on in our relationship."

"Well that may be, but I have decided that you are going to make his dreams come true." Jacob told William.

"What do you mean?" William asked very nervously.

"For starters, tomorrow morning you are going to tell John that you have been reconsidering your relationship and that you have decided that it was time to make things more equal. In other words, you are going to start being more like a woman for him. In just a few minutes, phase one will begin." Jacob told the boy.

"Phase one?" William asked.

"Yes, you will find a small bag in the bathroom consisting of women's razors and hair removal creams. You are going to shave and Nair your body with the exception of a small little pubic triangle above your your cock." Jacob said.

"Oh god, no, I can't do that." William said.

"Bitch you have no choice. I told you that I thought you were a selfish bitch and that I was going to change your relationship forever and I meant it!!!!!" Jacob said. So without futher ado--get your ass in the bathroom now." Jacob commanded William. "First I want you to cover your arms, chest, pits and legs with the Nair. After about 15 minutes take a shower to wash it off. Whatever doesn't come off, you are to shave off. I want you as smooth as a sexy woman. Don't forget to leave the little triangle all trimmed nice and neat."

William headed for the bathroom with tears streaming down his face. He opened the bag and got the container of Nair out. Slowly he began to spread the cream all over his body. He took one last look at his prized chest and leg hair knowing that in a matter of minutes he would be deluded of the last bit of masculinity he had (or so he thought....). Jacob headed out to the living room for another beer while he waited for the boy to complete his order. As he passed the bedroom he noticed that John was still sleeping like a baby and had rolled onto his side. Jacob couldn't resist leaning over the boy and giving his ass crack a little lick. He tasted just as delicious as did William when he ate his pussy early this morning. For William that probably seemed like a lifetime ago. In less than a day he had pretty much destroyed this boys existence. Jacob marvelled at his accomplishment.

In about 30 minutes William emerged from the bathroom totally smooth. Jacob could tell he had been crying the whole time. He motioned for the boy to come over to the couch so that he could inspect his body. He especially wanted to make sure that he had shaved his ass and that his legs were smooth. It appeared that William had as usual, done as ordered. Jacob actually couldn't believe how easy it had been to take complete control of this guys life. His mind was swirling with ideas as to what next he should torture the boy with. Jacob was hard, but William was soft. Jacob was going to exploit this. "You look great. Smooth as a bitch. You even did a good job with your pussy hair as well. Now grab your cock and shove it back between your legs, push it as far up your crack as possible. I want you to stand there so it looks like you have no cock-just a nice pussy and small bush." Jacob said.

William was mortified!!! But he did as told and pushed his beautiful 7.5 inch cock as far back as he could. He never felt so humiliated or degraded in his life. Jacob was impressed and got horny again feeling the need to cum yet again. He told William to follow him to the bedroom and to keep his cock out of sight. William was still quietly crying, not believing that he was losing more and more of his manhood every minute.

When they got to the bedroom Jacob made William lay down on the bed with his face near John's ass. "You know whats going to happen now William?" Jacob asked.

"I am afraid to ask." William said.

"I am going to put my cock in your boyfriends ass and fuck him while you watch. I want your face right by his ass so you can watch my cock disappear into his pussy like you saw mine and all those other cocks invade yours. I want to blow my load up John's cunt while you watch in disbelief. Hopefully, you'll think it is so hot that your pathetic cock shoots a load up your own ass." Jacob said.

With that said to a disbelieving William, Jacob lubed up his cock and John's ass. He got onto the bed and mounted William's boyfriend John. Little by little he pushed all 8.5 inches of his cock into the sleeping boy. Jacob went slow as to not awaken John and to heightenn the effect on William by watching in an almost slow motion, as Jacob's cock disappeared up his beloved boyriends ass. Once buried up the mayor's son's ass Jacob began to fuck the boy. He fucked him long and slow to make the most of this incredible moment. Besides fucking the mayors son he was watching the expression on the defeated William as he took his boyfriend's ass right before his very eyes. He was still quietly crying but also excited in a way that he didn't understand. Finally, Jacob was ready to blow. He looked at William and said "This is it William, I am cumming in your boyfriend and you can't do a fucking thing about it. Oh yeah--I don't think I know which of your pussies I like better." With that Jacob shot a massive load of cum into John and slowly pulled out of the sleeping boy. John didn't even stir. In fact it looked as if he had a slight grin on his face.

"Come over here and clean my cock off of your boys ass juices and my cum." Jacob told William.

William got off of the bed and licked Jacob's cock clean.

"OK, I am going now. Get a good nights sleep. I will be back in the morning at 9am after John leaves for work. When you get up make sure you have that talk with him about changing the relationship to be more equal. Let him know how much you love him and that's why you have shaved your body. Then get down and suck him dry before he leaves for work. Just so you know.....I will know if you do it or not because I have installed hidden mini-cams and microphones all over this house that will record everything you do and say. Do not even think of looking for them because I will be over here so fast and blow your ass out of the water your fucking head will spin. With that being said. Sleep tight and see you at 9am." Jacob told William and abruptly left the boy still kneeling, absolutely speechless.

To be continued????

Next: Chapter 5

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