My Shopping Adventure

By William Bennett

Published on Oct 31, 2004


Usual disclaimer: if you are under 18 or it is illegal where you are-STOP-and do not read this erotic story involving sex between adult males. Thanks for the responses guys. Here is the next part of the day. This part of the story is fictional for the "most" part. Names of new characters are completely made up.

After I got my shorts back on and tried to wipe as much of the cum as I could off of my face and out of my hair, I headed for the exit of the store as fast as I could without ever making my purchases. I figured I could either head home immediately and come up with some excuse as to why I came home empty handed or head a few miles up the road to the other home improvement store and make the purchases there before my boyfriend made it home for lunch. I had all of my clothes back except for my underwear and I could live with that. As I was walking to my car I could feel a wet spot on the back of my shorts as the daddy's cum was leaking out of my ass. Luckily my shirt was long enough to hide this from anyone's view. I decided to go for it and head up the road and make at least a couple of the purchases and I would still be home in time to get lunch ready and get a quick shower and change.

I got to my car and as I was reaching for my keys I saw 2 guys dressed in culinary type clothes approaching from both ends of my car. "Are you William?", one of them asked. "Yeah, and you would be who?" I said.

"Don't matter who we are, but Jacob said we'd find you out here", the taller of the two said. One of the guys was about 6'4", brown hair and eyes and about 190lbs and the other was stockier. He was about 5'10" black hair and about 180lbs. Both looked to be in their mid 20's. I couldn't really tell if they were attractive or not since they were obviously on a break from whatever restaurant they worked at and both needed a shower as well as a fresh change of clothes.

"Who's Jacob?", I asked.

"Our friend who just fucked you in the store", the stocky one replied."He called us right after he left you scrambling for your shorts and told us to high tail it over here quick if we wanted some afternoon ass."

"Shit, I thought, how the fuck am I going to get out of this one?" I could try to get in the car as quick as possible and drive like hell away from this nightmare. As I was comtemplating that. The tall one said, "In case you wondering how we know your name, Jacob lifted your driver's license out of your wallet while he had your shorts. We also know where you live and can drop in anytime we like unless you help us out right now with a little afternoon relief".

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Just a quick piece of your hot ass. Jacob already has you lubed and ready for us", the stocky one said.

"Please guys, I really need to get going. I haven't done anything to you, please I need to go." I said.

"Sure you can go, but we'll be over later and your boyfriend might just be home, then we'll have to fuck him too and you bitch-will have a lot of explaining to do," the tall one yelled.

"Oh god, please no. Can we make a deal? I will blow you both. It is just I really don't like getting fucked. I am the top in my relationship and I have always been. I'll suck you both off in the car and we can forget this whole thing." I pleaded for their mercy.

The two guys nodded to each other and agreed. I opened the car doors and we all got in the back seat. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of these two sweaty, greasy guys getting ready to suck my 3rd and 4th dicks of the day. I had blown my boyfriend as I do everyday when he woke up this morning. I decided to blow the taller one first since the stocky guy was more my type and I figured I could at least end this with the cuter of the two greasy cooks. I got the tall guys cock out and started stroking it to get it hard. He told me to take my shirt off since he wanted to pinch my nipples while I sucked his 8" cock. I obliged him this since they had said they would forgo fucking me. I started to go down on the tall guy while the other one pulled his dick out and started stroking it. I only got a quick glance but it looked like it was thick and about 7.5". It was petty tight quarters in the back seat with all three of us trying to get comfortable and me trying to suck dick. I started deep throating the tall guy as he was fully hard now. He was holding my shoulders and head in place. All of a sudden I felt a strange tug and tall guy was holding me down even tighter. I started to panick when I realised what was happening. Stocky guy had pulled out a kitchen knife of some sort from his ankle holder and had started to slice down the back of my shorts. He put three big slices in them...on each side and down the middle. Next thing I knew he was yanking and my shorts were obliterated into 3 pieces and I was naked. Stocky guy pushed me further into tall guys cock and shoved all of his 7.5" of manmeat up my ass. I tried to cry out..."We had a deal", but nothing came out but some moans and groans. He fucked me mercilously for what was not a very long time, but due to the force of it, it seemed to go on forever.

All of a sudden, he yelled, "Oh yeah, here it comes bitch, I cumming up your cunt bitch." It was over and I was instantly lifted off of tall guys cock and flipped over on my back as stocky guy stuck his cock in my mouth and tall guy mounted me by spreading my legs and draping them over his shoulders and he just shoved his cock in. He fucked me fast and furious. It, thankfully was over quickly and he too dropped a load up my ass.

Just as quickly, they were out of the car and I was left there naked, with nothing left besides my shirt and sandals with 3 loads of cum dripping out of my ass. As they headed away, tall guy said "Thanks, you do have a hot pussy just like Jacob said and we'll be seeing you again very soon."

I got in the drivers seat as quick as possible and drove home. It was almost 12noon and my boyfriend would be home soon. I needed to get cleaned up and have lunch made. I would just make an excuse that I had fallen back to sleep this morning and did'nt have time to get to the store. Luckily, I was the top in the relationship so if he wanted an afternoon sex romp before heading back to work I at least wouldn't have to explain why my ass was so loose today.

I pulled the car into the garage and immediately headed for the shower to clean my body and flush the strange loads of cum from my ass. It was already 1130am and I only had 30 minutes or so to get cleaned up and have lunch on the table. I decided that while I was showering I could throw together a quick salad and some tomato soup for lunch with some sliced french bread. I could pull that together in a matter of minutes. I stepped out of the shower, threw on a pair of boxers and headed for the kitchen. In 10 minutes, lunch was ready and I heard the familiar sound of the Honda Civic pulling into the driveway. I made the quick excuse of falling back to sleep today to explain why I hadn't come home with the needed supplies and put lunch down at the same time to divert the questions game.

We ate and I asked him how his morning had been and I of course lied and said I had a tiring night the evening before at work so I accidentally slept in. We were done lunch rather fast since it was just soup and salad. My boyfriend then turned the talk to sex and since he had another 45 minutes before due back at work, he wanted to play a little. Now sex was the last thing I wanted after the morning I had had, but if I said no, it would look too suspicious. I had to indulge. We went into the bedroom and I slipped off my boxers and he stepped out of his shirt, tie and trousers. I decided to make the first move and go down on him. Maybe I could get him off quick so he would go back to work and I could relax before I had to get ready for work. After a few minutes he had other ideas. He proceeded to start sucking my cock. God he gave great head. This went on for a few minutes when he came up for air and said, "Baby, I know what you want now, go ahead and fuck me." He rolled onto his back and threw his legs over my shoulders. I then started fucking him for all I was worth reliving my morning, as I came to one of the most intense orgasms ever.

When we finished we both jumped in the shower. He headed back to work and I laid down for a quick nap before my afternoon shift started. I awoke to the sound of a man applauding and telling me what a great show we had put on. I thought it was a dream and then I realised Jacob (the daddy) was standing over me in my bedroom holding a camcorder. He had been in the closet the whole time and had filmed us having sex. I have never felt so violated. He had apparently slipped into the house via the unlocked garage door when his two friends were using me in the parking lot.

"Hey William nice place you two got here. I think I will enjoy hanging out here in the mornings and afternoons while suit man is at work. I think you and I and whoever else I invite over will have some fun times." Jacob said.

"Oh god, what do want", I asked.

"Well, I already got a movie of you two, which I will take great joy in posting on the net. I loved watching suitmans ass stretch out for your cock. I got a nice close up of that. For starters, I have some questions for you to answer and I want the truth." Jacob commanded.

"Ok, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"I was wondering why even though your boyfriend said he wanted you to fuck him, he didn't seem to like it all that much. Seemed to be uncomfortable for him. Also, why are there pictures of him with some girls in the photo albums? I got a look around while I was waiting for you to get home." Jacob asked.

"He was staright until he met me. I am the first guy he's ever been with, and I convinced him that I would predominantly be the top and if he really wanted me he would have to learn to be the bottom and only on special days or when I wanted would he ever top me. He agreed." I said.

"Special days?" Jacob wanted to know.

"Yeah, like his birthday and Christmas or whenever I was too drunk to be top." I said.

"Does he ever miss girls? Jacob asked.

"He says sometimes, that he loves me but misses the feel of girls breasts, the smoothness of her skin and actually doing the fucking..but overall he's happy and he'll take me any way he can.

"Well, William, I think you are a selfish bitch and that is about to change. In fact your entire relationship is about to change".....

to be continued?

Next: Chapter 3

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