My Shopping Adventure

By William Bennett

Published on Oct 28, 2004


Ususal Disclaimer: If you are under 18 and it is illegal to read this erotic story involving consenual sex between males then stop now. I welcome your emails at This is my first story so please be kind. I hope to write more and get better if I get some responses. This is a non-fiction story that has been embellished. I will leave it to your imagination to figure out the completely true parts. (authoritarian, encounter).

It started out as a completely innocent day. My boyfriend was at work and I was left to do the errands and shopping before I had to work myself. I work evenings and he does the normal 9to5 thing. I just had the basics to accomplish: pick up something for dinner, the dry cleaning and return some dvd's we had rented over the weekend. I also needed to run by the home improvement store to price some items we needed to replace in the house after the hurricane season. We needed a new front door, some screen replacements, a new outdoor light and some new shrubbery to take the place of the ones that blew away. The errands were all going pretty mundanely until the home improvement store.

I noticed this very hot daddy type in the hardware section. You know the type, about mid 30's, 6'4", 195lbs, blond and pretty muscular. He was wearing jeans, a tight t-shirt and work boots.The complete opposite of me. I am about 5'7" late 20's, pretty boy type, 140 lbs dark hair and a great bubble butt ass. I was clad in a pair of Khaki shorts, a stretch-crew t-shirt, a pair of 2xist pouch briefs and sandals. I didn't think too much about him at first other than he was pretty hot. I was of course on a schedule with things to get done. As I said, I first noticed him in the hardware section and then he was gone. Awhile later I noticed him again near the electrical department and finally in the garden section. It was there that I finally realised the daddy was cruising me. I wasn't sure what to do. I do afterall have a pretty nice boyfriend at home though the different schedules do cut into our sex life. While I was pondering what to do, I looked up and he was gone. Maybe I was crazy and just hopeful he was cruising me. At this point I now have to take a piss since my very large latte' that I had enjoyed was now going right through me. I headed for the men's room to relieve myself. I would then be ready to make my purchases and head home.

I stepped into the rest room and found it empty much to my relief. I tend to get pee shy. I stepped up to one of the urinals, unbuttoned my shorts and pulled my 7" cock out to piss. I didn't even hear him come in as I was so glad to be relieving myself. I was stunned when I felt the daddy's breath on my neck as I was pissing. I immediately froze.

"I know you want me", he said. "And you are going to get me, but my way, Understand?"

I just nodded as my piss flow continued. I could'nt believe that he hadn't made me so nervous that I would stop pissing but my dick took on a life of its own.

He told me to keep pissing and to follow his orders. Again, I just nodded in agreement.

"Good, because I am going to strip you naked right here while you piss. I am now sliding your shorts down. When they get to your ankles, carefully step out of them." I was mesmerised and did exactly as I was told. I was now through pissing but remained in the same position.

He was holding my shorts in his hands and I was standing at the urinal in my 2xist briefs, t-shirt and sandals. God this was so hot.

"Now I am sliding that shirt over your head, so lift your arms for me." In an instant my shirt was off.

"Good boy" he said. He then bent down and hooked his beefy hands into my waistband on my underwear and slid them down while I instinctively lifted my feet so he could get them alll the way off. "Turn around and face me" he said.

I did, and there I was naked except for my sandals in the home improvement store bathroom with a hot daddy telling me what to do where anyone could walk in at any moment. "You're doing great boy. Now kick your sandals off for me and shoot them into that end stall." I kicked them and they landed against the toilet in the end stall. He grabbed all of my clothes and went into that stall and sat down with the door open. I was so scared but so turned on at the same time.

"OK, now get up on the sink and sit there." he said. I got up there not knowing what was going to happen next. "Start playing with your cock. I want to see you get that cock nice and hard for me." There I was naked as the day I was born stroking my dick for a total stranger in a public bathroom. As I was doing this, he pulled his own cock out and started playing with it. From the angle I was at it looked to be about 8.5" and very thick.

"Good boy-you take orders well!!" Now take a couple of fingers and start fingering your ass for me. Lift your legs up while you do it. I want to see that pretty ass of yours open up." I did as I was ordered.

"Now come over here and join me." I walked over to the stall and he shut the door. "Sit down" he said. He then started rubbing his thick cock all over my face and lips. "You are one hot fucker" he told me. "It is time for you to get a reward for being such an obedient boy. Open wide!" Before I knew it he shoved all 8.5 inches of man cock down my throat and was fucking my face furiously. He grabbed my ears and fucked my face continually for about 10 minutes. I knew he wouldn't last long at this rate. I felt him tense up and pull his dick back abit before he started shooting gobs of cum into my mouth. "Don't swallow until I tell you" he commanded. He then pulled his cock out and proceeded to cover my face and hair in his cum. He even let a few drops hit my chest and balls. I was a sticky mess.

"Stand up and hold my cum in your mouth until I tell you to not too. Understand?" I nodded "yes".

"Turn around and let me eat your pussy out". Still holding his cum in my mouth, I turned around and bent over the toilet. Daddy started eating my ass like there was no tomorrow. His tongue hit every sensitive spot I had. I was moaning with a mouthful of cum while this daddy ate my ass for lunch.

"Now I am going to have you ass for dessert" he said. He was hard again and with a gob of spit he rammed all 8.5" up my mostly top ass. I have been fucked before but few and far between. My boyfriends were always bottoms and once in awhile I rewarded them with a chance to top me.

I wanted to scream out, But that it is quite difficult with a load of cum in your mouth. He grabbed my hips and proceeded to ram my ass for a solid 10 minutes. My head hit the wall so many times I thought I may end up with a concussion.

"OK bitch, I am ready to cum up your pussy and leave my seed with you to take home. When I start to cum I want you to swallow my cum. I want you to have cum coming in you from both ends."

What an amazing feeling. This guy was all top and I could feel the cum shooting up inside me as I swallowed. I didn't even realize it but I shot my own load all over the toilet without even touching my dick. As I was recovering, he opened the stall door and had all of my clothes with him except for my sandals.

I said, "Where are you going with those? You can't leave me naked and stranded here without my keys and wallet."

He said, " I am not going to but you will need to work to get them back". He opened the bathroom door that led out to the store. He looked around and said, "come on the coast is clear". I definitely hesitated. He told me I could have all of my clothes back out here and that I had to get dressed in front of him in the store. He motioned me out to the "Door Department" which is usually deserted.

What could I do? He had me right where he wanted me. I slipped on my sandals and followed him through the back of the store into the door department. I was stark naked. He told me to stay at the rear of the aisle. He walked to the front of the aisle and told me to play with my cock while he threw me my shirt. I did and I caught my shirt and immediately put it on. I had forgotten that I had cum all over my face and hair, as now my shirt was cum stained as well. He then led me to the next aisle with the plywood. He proceeded to throw my khaki shorts up to the 4th shelf and told me to climb up there to get them and when I did he said I could put them back on. There was one of those orange ladders nearby that I used to get up there. While I was struggling to retrieve and put them back on, he put my underwear in his pocket.

He looked at me and said "Thanks for a great afternoon. I will be keeping these as a souvenier. Now go home with your cum filled ass and mouth and give your boyfriend a piece of you too. But I guarantee, you and your ass will be thinking of my daddy cock." And with that he was gone.

Next: Chapter 2

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