My Secret Love

By D Laws

Published on May 30, 2023


Warning: This does contain material involving same sex relations, if you are offended by this in any way then don't read it. This is only for fun, and not meant for anything else.



"Dental department, how can I help you?" the secretary answered.

"Hi, I'm calling from St. Joseph's hospital. A student of yours has

been in a serious accident and has been brought into St. Joseph's.

We need any information that you may have so we can contact her

family." The nurse stated.

"Let me put Lauri on, she runs the department here. She may be able

to help you. One moment." the secretary said.

The secretary relaid the information to Lauri. Lauri answered the


"Hello, this is Lauri Richmond speaking, how can I help you?"

"Hi Lauri, do you have any family information on a student named

Samantha Pearson? She was brought in not long ago and we need

to let her family know of her condition."

Lauri took a sharp intake of breath and asked the nurse Samantha's condition and what had happpened.

The nurse stated. "Well she was in a serious car accident and is

undergoing surgery now. The seriousness of her condition is really

unknown right now, but we need to get a hold of her family."

Lauri held back her tears and was numb as she fumbled through

Samantha's file.

"Let me check in her file, it says she has an older brother here."

Lauri paused for a few minutes as she read on. She cleared her

throat before talking.

"It seems that her brother is her only living family member. It

says he's in the Navy out of the Country but she did list a phone

number here of his in case of an emergency. His name is John Pearson."

Lauri continued to give the nurse the information and number.

"Thanks, Lauri, we'll try giving him a call now." The nurse hung up, and Lauri stood there dumbfounded for a few moments.

"Oh Samantha what did you do? Is this my fault?" Lauri pondered.

Lauri signed deeply feeling guilty that maybe in some way this was her fault. Her nerves were shattered. She never knew too much about Samantha's personal life, nor that her brother was the only one in her family left alive which only added more fuel to Lauri's guilt. Heck she never even knew that Samantha had a brother.

"What if they can't reach him. I need to get to the hospital and

find out what's going on," Lauri thought to herself while still standing there with the receiver in her hand. Her hands shaking in shock, or was it something more, but she felt she needed to be at the hospital for Samantha.

"Is everything all right?" the secretary said as she took the phone from Lauri's hand.

Lauri straightened herself up, she didn't want to lose it right there in front of everyone.

"Kathy, I'm taking the rest of the afternoon off. Let Joan and the

others know. Samantha Pearson was the one in the car accident the

nurse was talking about. I want to head on over to the hospital

and find out more about her condition. I'll let you guys know

about her condition when I can."

"Sure Lauri, I'll let Joan and the others know. We'll keep

Samantha in our prayers. I hope it's nothing too serious."

"Thanks, Kathy. I hope it's nothing too serious either."

Lauri felt that even as she said those words she knew that it was. Lauri walked out of the clinic, grabbed her things, and barely made it to her car before she felt herself break down and cry. "Please be okay Samantha," Lauri said under her breath as she drove away out of the clinic's parking lot.

Lauri drove into the hospital's lot and parked her car. She wiped her eyes before leaving her car. She straightened her clothes and herself and then she walked uneasily to the administration area of the hospital.

"Okay Lauri get yourself together here." She took a deep breath and walked through the doors. Lauri walked up to the desk.

"Hi I enquiring about a patient that was brought in not long ago, can

you tell me any information on her condition?"

"Who are you asking for?" the nurse at the receptions counter asked.

"Her name is Samantha Pearson, she's a student of mine at the clinic

here at the college."

"Oh yes, Samantha. We're still trying to locate her brother. I think

I talked with you on the phone. Are you Lauri Richmond from the

dental clinic?"

"Yes, I am. Do you know any more information on her condition?"

"Well they just brought her out of surgery a few minutes ago and

she's been brought upstairs to the intensive ward. As far as

her condition you would have to ask the doctor who operated on

her. All I know is that she was brought in with some serious

injuries, and it will take alot of prayers for her to come out

of this one. We're all surprised that she even survived the

surgery. Why don't you talk to doctor Sou, he'll be out soon.

I'll let him know that you are inquiring about her. Since we

haven't located her brother yet I don't think the doctor will

mind her having some support here, but just wait a few minutes

and I'll let the doctor know your here."

"Thanks," Lauri said as she walked over to the waiting area and took a seat. She couldn't stand this waiting and her nerves were all shot. She couldn't stop thinking of Samantha and how she had affected her life so dramatically the past year, and then how the past few days had come about. How they kissed yesterday, and then her telling Samantha basically to get out of her life and leave her alone like nothing had even happened.

Lauri did feel something for her, but that day she was scared and ran from those feelings, and the only way she knew was to push Samantha away, and now Lauri wondered what she had done. "Oh Samantha, did I do this to you?" Lauri was in horror of it all. "Please, Samantha," Lauri prayed silently, "Please, hang in there, and fight."

Just then Lauri was interrupted by the nurse calling her to the desk.

"Mrs. Richmond," the nurse said, " doctor Sou is here to talk to


Lauri approached doctor Sou and asked him how Samantha was.

"Well Mrs. Richmond we've done all we can for her, it's basically

up to her and the Lord. She had some internal bleeding and some

of her organs had been damaged in the accident. We were able to

prepare as much as we could. She lost alot of blood so we had

to give her a few tranfusions. Her ribs were broken, and she

has a broken leg. Internally it was a mess though I wish I didn't

have to say that but we were able to do as much as we could.

Her spleen had been crushed, among other organs, so Mrs. Richmond

it's amazing she even survived the surgery let alone even the crash.

It's going to be touch and go for the next 24-48 hours.

All we can do right now is hope and pray that she has the

strength to pull through this. That is why it was pertinent we

try and get ahold of any family for her. We really don't expect

too much right now, just your prayers is all we can do."

The tears were flowing down Lauri's face as she heard all of this. Her voice crackled as she asked the doctor if she could see her.

"At this point I don't think it would hurt any." the doctor said.

"I think she needs all the support and prayers she can get.

Mrs. Richmond, I must warn you, she's hooked up to alot of machines,

as well as a ventilator. She hasn't woke yet from the accident.

I just want to prepare you before you go in." the doctor said as

he walked away. The doctor turned back towards Lauri.

"Oh yes, one more thing, even if she does make it

through this Mrs. Richmond, she will need help to recover at home.

I hope she can find someone or her brother to take care of her."

The doctor walked up to the receptionist. "Nurse, let Mrs. Richmond come and go as she pleases to see Samantha Pearson. And let me know when we contact her brother?"

"No, problem, doctor." the nurse said. "Mrs. Richmond, here's

a visitor's pass for you to go into the intensive ward." the

nurse handed Lauri the badge.

"Thank you so much," Lauri said as reached for the pass.

Lauri felt faint as she walked slowly down the corridor to Samantha's room. Her whole body trembled with dread, fear, and what she would find in that room. She couldn't believe how the day's events had taken place. One minute her and Samantha were arguing, and now here she finds herself in this hospital her nerves all shot, with all these feelings she's facing for this woman, and now having to face Samantha and feeling this guilt that somehow she was to blame for Samantha's accident. Lauri approached the door to the extensive ward and pushed the door open. She showed the nurse her pass and the nurse directed her to the room where Samantha was.

Lauri hesistated before opening the door to Samantha's room. She tried to gather her strength before entering, but she felt the tears welling up inside of her. She walked through the door and saw Samantha lying there on the bed unconscious. Machines were everywhere. Ivy's all hooked up over her body. Lauri slowly approached the bed. She could here the monitors monitoring Samantha's heart beat and breathing.

Samantha's face was all swollen with cuts and bruises. Bandages covered most of her cuts but still they were evident. Lauri felt her tears roll down her face as she gently stroked Samantha's cheek. Lauri tried to hold back her tears but soon she was sobbing into the side of the bed as she held Samantha's hand. For the longest time Lauri sat there holding Samantha's hand. It was approaching midnight but she still couldn't find the energy to leave Samantha's side. She had to be there for her when she woke up...if she woke up that is.

The nurses and doctors would come in every hour or so checking on her, still finding Lauri there at the side of the bed holding Samantha's hand. The tears would come and go as the night wore on. Lauri continued stroking Samantha's hand, talking to her, praying silently for her recovery all through the night. Lauri desperately tried to stay awake but soon sleep over took her.

The sunlight from early morning shone through the window. Lauri awoke finding herself still resting on Samantha's bed holding her hand. Doctor Sou walked in.

"Good morning, Mrs. Richmond. I see you were here all night.

Why don't you go home and get some rest, if there are any

changes we can give you a call. I'm glad Samantha has a

good friend like you here for her. It's good news that she

made it through the night, it gives us more hope that her

chances of recovery are higher. Anyway, you get some rest

and we'll give you a call if anything changes." the doctor

said as he patted Lauri on her back.

"I'd rather stay here Dr. Sou, but your right I do need a few

hours sleep and a shower. I'll be back in a few hours. Please

call me if something changes?" Lauri said as she gathered her

things and slowly looked back at Samantha.

"We will do that, Mrs. Richmond." the doctor said as he turned and examined Samantha.

Lauri turned and hesistantly walked out looking back at Samantha. "I'll be back soon Samantha," Lauri said under her breath. She was afraid of leaving Samantha,but she needed to freshen up a little as well and call the school and let them know that she wouldn't be in. And then head back to the hospital as soon as she could. She didn't want to be away from Samantha any longer than she had to be. So Lauri rushed out of there to get her things done.

A few hours had gone by, Lauri told the school that she wouldnt be in for a few days, freshed up, packed a few of her clothes and headed to the hospital. She figured this way she could shower there and wouldn't have to leave Samantha's side then.

Lauri arrived at the hospital to find Samantha in the same condition. She still hadn't awoken from the accident and the doctors were hoping by now that Samantha would be coming out of her unconsciousness. Lauri put her things down and sat beside the bed and held Samantha's hand as she had done the night before.

"Samantha, you need to wake up. Please, do this for yourself.

There are so many people here that want to see you get better.

And I'm one of them." Lauri whispered to Samantha as she sat

beside the bed.

Lauri continued to talk to Samantha encouraging her to wake up. Lauri talked about the past few days reliving those memories. Lauri began to share her feelings with Samantha and tell her how much she means to her. Lauri began to cry while she spoke to Samantha.

"Samantha, I can't tell you how sorry I am for the things I had said

to you the other day. You were right in everything you had said.

Our kiss did mean so much to mean so much to me. I'm

so scared Samantha. I'm scared of losing you, and I'm scared of

facing you and facing these feelings I have for you. I don't know

how to handle these new feelings. I haven't felt this way for

another woman before. It's so new to me. But right now, please

hang in there, please wake up for me, for yourself, that is all

I ask for right now...just please wake up and get better." Lauri

reached up and stroked Samantha's hair and looked at her bruised

face, but even then to her she was beautiful. Lauri leaned in and

slightly kissed Samantha on her lips and sat back down next to

the bed.

The night drew on, and Lauri still sat there talking and holding Samantha's hand and crying and praying. Lauri rested her head on the bed as sleep over took her.

The door opened and a young man of 30 or so walked in. He saw Lauri asleep with her head rested on the side of the bed. He noticed a bag of clothing and personal items next to the bed as well. He hated to wake this woman and interrupt what seemed an intimate moment but he needed to see his sister. He cleared his throat and made a noise to alert Lauri that someone was in the room. Lauri looked up and saw this man.

"Hi, excuse me, I'm sorry for waking you. I'm John Pearson,

Samantha's brother. Are you a friend or girlfriend of Samantha's?"

"No, I'm Samantha's friend. Well actually I'm her instructor at

school but I guess I would like to consider myself her friend as

well." Lauri had said nervously to her brother.

John could tell that there was more than friendship there, and that there were feelings this woman held for his sister but he decided to not make her feel uncomfortable and didn't bring up any questions with that.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. My sister has always been open with me

about her being gay the past few years and I just assumed when I

had saw you...anyway I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply anything.

Anyway, how is she doing? I got here as soon as I could. I was

away on a job I guess when the hospital had tried calling me.

I'm so glad that you were here though for her. I'd hate to think

that she had been here alone all this time. I'm her only family

really now after our grand parents died a few years ago. It's

just tough at times though for the both of us. Our parents died

when we were young so anyway enough of my life story here. Sorry

about that. I guess I can get carried away at times. John smiled

at Lauri. "So has she woke up at all yet?" John had asked as he

looked at his sister and stroked her face.

"No, I've been here a few days now and still she's been unconscious.

The doctors aren't sure anymore about her recovery. They say the

longer she stays unconscious the more grim it looks for her chances.

Anyway let me leave here so you can have some time alone with your


"No, that's alright. What did you say your name was?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't say. My name is Lauri Richmond."

"Well, Lauri, please stay. I think the more support my sister

has here the better. Besides it makes me feel better knowing that

you are here for her. I'm not sure how long I can stay since I

left in the middle of my duty and unfortunately with the military

nothing is an emergency for them but I had to come and see how

she was doing. She's the only family I have left so we have to

stick together. Please, stay won't you. Besides it gives me a

chance to get to know you better, or vice versa." John said smiling.

"Plus I think my sister would like you here as well."

Lauri smiled. "Sure John, I'm glad to stay. But if I impose on

your time alone with your sister then let me know, okay? I think

all we can really do is pray right now." Lauri said somberly.

John sat down next to Samantha. "Samantha, I'm here. It's John, your brother. Please wake up, okay, Samantha? I need you, your friends need you. Please if you can hear my voice, please don't give up, and come back to us. It's not your time sis. You got so much to live for and to do yet. Mom and dad would be so proud with what you've done so far. I know they would, cause I'm proud of you. I'm here for you sis so don't be leaving me now okay. I love you sis. Please wake up." tears began to form in John's eyes as he talked to his sister.

Lauri felt a little uncomfortable and was about to leave the room when John turned to her and asked her to stay. He told Lauri he was going to get some coffee and asked her if she would like some. Lauri was a little tired from being there all day and some coffee would be nice so she said she would like some.

Lauri waited while John went and got the coffee. "Samantha, there's so much I don't know about you. I'm sorry I never got to know you too well till now. I hope I still get the chance and that you'll give me that chance. It's nice meeting your brother. He seems really nice, and in a way like you Samantha in your expressions I've noticed. Please come back to me, I..."

Just then John walked in with two coffees. "Here you go," he handed Lauri the coffee. "So any change yet?"

"No, unfortunately." Lauri said.

"So Lauri, you said you've been here for a few days already. What

about your work? You did say you taught my sister right? I'm sorry

am I prying too much?"

"No, its okay. Well I just took a few days off. Since I run the

department I guess I have my privileges...well at times anyway.

But I did want to be here for your sister. But I know I have to

get back to work next week, but I'll try and be here as often as

I can though."

"That's really nice of you Lauri. I'm glad my sister has such a

good friend." Yeah, I'd say more than a friend, John thought to

himself. But John was glad for his sister. It's about time she

met someone nice in her life.

"So John, now I'm the one prying but I hope you dont mind me asking

but you said your parents died when you guys were young. What

happened to you and Samantha?"

"Well our parents were killed in a car crash when we were younger.

I remember Samantha and I were staying at our grand parents at the

time, and after that our grandparents basically raised us.

Well we were pretty much already raised. I was 15 at the time and

Samantha was 12 but it still was a rough time, especially for

Samantha. She was really close to our mother, and I think after

our mother died Samantha kind've lost direction for many years

after that. Samantha kindve jumped into bad relationships and

just made alot of bad decisions.

She rushed into the Navy as well after I enlisted for some kind of

direction I think, but it really wasn't what she was looking for.

She met her ex husband there, who I might say was a real bastard,

but anyway its taken her many years to finally get her life back

together, and I'm real proud of her."

"You said Samantha was married?" Lauri said shocked.

"Yeah," John said smiling. "She wasn't always gay, in fact I think

she didn't really know she was until a few years ago after her

divorce. She was married for five years. She really did try and

make it work but her ex was just a real jerk,as you can tell I

didn't get along too well with him, but he was all wrong for her

anyway. He didn't treat her right, and Samantha didn't think she

deserved better and put up with his shit. I tried to get her out

of that relationship for years but he had this control over her

somehow. He was very mentally abusive,and I hated to see what

it did to my sister. She was like a beaten puppy. She got out

of the Navy for him, just when she finally was getting her life

together and career advancement into place but he thought her job

was to be an housewife. If you can believe that crap!!

I hated this guy."

"So how did she finally get out of the marriage then?" Lauri was

intrigued with all that he was saying about Samantha.

"Well, that's a long story there, but briefly, he just went too

far one day with Samantha hitting her, and she finally snapped I

guess and came to her senses. Maybe she just finally grew up.

I don't know, I shouldn't say that, but maybe she finally just

accepted everything that had happened with mom and dad and finally

faced her fears. Whatever the reason was Lauri, I'm just glad.

It wasnt till a few years later that she realized that she might be

gay. Actually I think that I knew back then, but I never questioned

her about it. I figured she would tell me if she felt comfortable

enough, and she did later on. My sister though is so weary of

being hurt and getting into any relationship. She really puts

so much of her heart into things. I just wish her to be happy and

to find that special someone oneday, cause she really deserves it."

"Wow, you guys sure have gone through alot, and now this with your

sister." Lauri said that feeling guilty. She didn't feel comfortable

with telling John how it all happened.

Through the darkness I could here someone speaking, it was a woman's voice. Her voice was muffled but as time went on it seemed to become clearer. I couldn't move or talk. The blackness still engulfed me, but yet I could hear voices now. I didn't know how much time had passed but it seemed like an eternity. But this woman's voice. I could barely make out what was being said, a word here or there but nothing in full sentences. I tried to focus more on her voice. I know that voice. Wait a minute...Lauri, is that Lauri I'm hearing? Wait a minute. I have to think here, what was the last thing I remember. Oh yeah the car swerving off the exit, and then...and then nothing. So where am I? But that is definitely Lauri's voice I'm hearing, now if I can only figure out what she is saying.

The days went on, I think anyway cause I couldn't tell how much time had passed but I could always sense someone near me and talking to me, and as the days went on I could tell it was Lauri's voice, and now I could hear her say some words. Some of them sounded like out of love, or maybe it was just concern I was hearing. I couldn't move, but I could feel someone holding my hand. It felt nice, and comforting. I later realized that it was Lauri holding my hand and it made me feel comforted when the blackness engulfed me and the voices became silent again. But each time I kept hearing her voice pulling me back out of the darkness. She was telling me to wake up. But how, I was trying here. Please don't give up Lauri, keep talking to me. I have to keep trying to focus on your voice, please don't stop talking.

Blackness again, well maybe she, I can still feel her hand. Maybe she's sleeping. Wait...she's crying. She's telling me how sorry she is. Oh Lauri I hope you don't think its your fault. It's not. Darkness again.

Damn this darkness, please don't stop talking. Wait...a man's voice. I know that voice too. What's he saying? He's talking to someone...he's talking to Lauri. John, yes, it's John. Oh John, you better not be telling her my life story. He's always too open with things.

John jumped up. "Did you feel that!" he yelled excitedly over at Lauri.

"What?" Lauri said.

"I felt her twitch." John leaned over the bed.

"Samantha, this is John, can you hear me?

Squeeze my hand honey, please do that, keep listening to my

voice and try and wake up, okay?"

Yes John I can hear you, you kook. Okay I'll try and squeeze your hand. I got to concentrate here.

"Yes, that's it honey." "I felt it again!" he screamed out in

joy. "She squeezed my hand!" John was jumping around the

room crazy.

Lauri was over the bed as well and talked to Samantha. "Hi Samantha this is Lauri, if you can hear us please try and come back to us and wake up."

Now I can hear Lauri's voice, damn they're making too much noise it's hurting my ears. It's getting too loud now. What the hell are they doing...yelling at me?

I tried to form the words on my lips...yes it's coming, I can do this.

"Joooohhnnn!" I screamed out. "Will you please keep it down!"

wow did I just say that. For the first time I felt like I

was in my body. Oh no, this doesn't feel too good. Pain!!

Oh God, well I guess I'm alive.

"Samantha, yes, sweetheart, that's great. I heard you. Can you

try and open your eyes for us?" John said.

This was going to be harder than I thought. But suddenly my eyes flung open. It was blurry at first but then the figures around me started to take form. There was John on oneside of me and Lauri on the other. Yes I could see them now.

"That's it baby, you can do it!" John encouraged me.

I opened my eyes and smiled up at John. "Hi, John, I'm glad to see your here. I turned my head slowly but with much pain as I groaned, but I saw Lauri and smiled. Thanks Lauri for being here too."

"How are you feeling baby?" John asked.

"Like being hit by a truck, but other than that just great!"

John smiled, and looked over at Lauri, "She's going to be just fine Lauri, just fine...I've got my sister back...I've got my sister back!" John leaned in and hugged me. I let a little moan. "I'm sorry sis did I hurt you?"

"Um yes, I feel alot of pain right now, but I'm glad to be alive

John, though ask me that in a few days?" I said smiling weakly.

My body was already tiring out and needed rest. Doctor Sou came in and examined me. "Your a real lucky lady Samantha. You gave us quite a scare. We'll give you some pain medication, and that will help some, but you had some major injuries and we had to operate so it will take some time for you to recover. I hope you don't expect too much too soon here." the doctor explained to me. "I'm glad your back with us Samantha, I'll come back and check on you later. You get some rest now, and if the medication wears off just call me or the nurse and we'll fix you right up. Just get better, okay?" the doctor patted me on my shoulder and walked out.

John and Lauri were standing there smiling. I was too tired to talk so I let my body fall back to sleep but I was comforted knowing that Lauri and John were there with me. They told me to rest and would be there when I woke, so I drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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