My Second Time

By Rory Muldowney

Published on Sep 23, 2001


Disclaimer: This story should only be read by adults and those claiming to be adult. This story for all intent and purposes is true, though some events have been changed and others exaggerated. Names and places have been changed, but I hope you enjoy. Please E-mail me at for any comments.

My Second Time Part 5 By Rory M.

Tim held me in his arms sitting in the middle of the bed for a while that night. We both stayed in the same locked position of him sitting Indian style and myself wrapped around him in his lap. Our senses calmed and our bodies cooled but still we didn't move. Personally I didn't want to, and I think he sensed that. I rested my head between his chin and neck and didn't move at all, as if I was scared the moment would have ended if I did. Tim kept whispering he loved me into my ear as his hands stroked up and down my back softly. I felt safe and warm and finally contented with myself. I didn't feel dirty or ashamed, I felt loved. More over I didn't fear anything at that moment; there was no apprehension or memories about the rape.

With that realization I felt very tired for some reason, exhausted even. Maybe I was coming down from my orgasm, or maybe I could finally rest all the baggage I had been carrying. Which ever it was I definitely was falling asleep in Tim's comfortable arms, and shortly I suppose I was, because I don't remember being laid down that night, just being held in that position by Tim's loving arms.

The next morning I woke up still wrapped around Tim but lying on my side and underneath the oversized comforter. I moved my face out of his shoulder to look into his face. As usual he was looking down on me with a lazy smile on his face, it was cute, he should do it more often. He leaned in and gave me a light kiss on the forehead and hugged me closer to his chest.

"Morning Star Shine, sleep well?" He said into my temple.

"Yeah, better than usual." I said a little wheezy. My meds were overdue and it was hitting me in the chest already.

Tim of course picked up on this like a concerned Italian mother and had me downing pills and puffing inhalers before I even picked myself halfway off the pillow.

The rest of the day we spent lounging around the house, mostly giggling like schoolboys or cuddling on the couch. The next two days past quickly and Tuesday night Tim took me back to campus. It was probably the saddest goodbye I had to make, even though I'd be seeing him in two days. The week drove by slowly and I was constantly tired. I wasn't completely well yet and trekking around campus and a few hours a night of reading and assignments weren't helping. Slowly however my strength came back, more in part because of my weekends with Tim.

We had managed to see each other a couple times a week and on weekends I would stay at his place if it were possible. We slowly grew into a domestic routine in some respects, but it was comforting. He was always there when I needed him or He needed me. We learned so much about each other that way, little things that each of us liked or disliked. Our lovemaking got better and better, and is still as gentle and emotional as that first night that January.

Over the months I've come closer to dealing with my past, all because of Tim. It has never been easy, and it has tried our relationship many times, but Tim has always been there to hold me when I got to angry or too tired of holding myself up. I still have yet to tell my family, I don't think I could. It's so far in the past now that to bring it up would only cause more pain I think, what's done is done, and it had nothing to do with them.

In all, we have been together for a year and a half now, and are still growing together. If you had asked me two years ago if I would ever find someone that I could trust and love I would have said I'm better off becoming a priest. I guess it's funny the way things turn out. I guess in all that's all I have to write about my relationship with Tim, though that's not all there is to it to any extent.

Please email me with questions or comments at I'm also Rory Danial on AIM. Thanks to all of the people at Nifty for their support, you guys are great.

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