My Second Time

By Rory Muldowney

Published on Jul 28, 2001


Disclaimer: This story should only be read by adults and those claiming to be adult. This story for all intent and purposes is true, though some events have been changed and others exaggerated. Names and places have been changed, but I hope you enjoy. Please E-mail me at for any comments.

My Second Time Chapter 2 By Rory M.

Over the next few weeks I had Seen Tim usually on the weekend or on sporadic nights for dinner or coffee. I had taken on Extra classes to make up for the one I had taken off, and was planning on doing the same for the next year and summer. The goal in this was actually not to get a peptic ulcer, but to graduate early, and damn it, it worked. The down side to taking too many classes was it killed me socially. At the time I had decided to do so I didn't really mind. My best friend on the campus was my room mate Shane and a few other people who stopped by every once and a while, so it's not as if I had to go far. But now it hindered me from seeing Tim, my new...........friend?

By the close of the semester I had a very large crush on the guy, and I was quite confused on what to do. He was 34...what the hell would a 34 year old successful business man want with me? He already knew I was quite emotionally scarred and unstable, but I think it made him feel wanted when I told him my sorrows and cried on his shoulder. The topic of dating had come up again once more the week before my exams. Me being a jackass had brought it up. Still I don't know why. What shocked me is that it didn't faze him, which told me he had obviously thought about it.

"It's up to you, Ror. Whenever you're ready, and if you don't want to, I'm perfectly happy with our friendship."

I didn't like making decisions and/or being put on the spot. We finished dinner and I went back to study, but much to my chagrin the only thing I could think about was what he said. By the next morning I had decided that if I ever wanted to sleep soundly and look him in the face again I had to talk to him about it. And I knew what I wanted. It was crazy, but I wanted to be with him.

I called him the Friday night before exams so I could take a break and get what I need to say out. Needless to say, I was a nervous wreck. I wasn't sure how I wanted to go about asking him, or telling him, or whatever the hell I was trying to come out with. By the time I got off the train in center city and made it to his apartment I think he could read it on my face. I hate it when he does that.

"What's eating you?" As soon as I walked in the damn door!

"We need to talk.........I hate it when I do that."

"Do what?" He said laughing. He knew exactly what, I had bitched at him about it before.

"About what you said the other night..."

"You've thought about it?"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how to say what I need to say."

"Then just say it, I've got things to do, places to desecrate."

"Funny. But easier said than done."

"Well, if it's easier SAID then say it little man, I've got plans for us tonight."

His joking did not amuse me, and that nickname wasn't helping. He called me that on a regular basis, but tonight it wasn't cute for some reason.

"Tim, I want to be with you, as in more than friends." I'm still standing?

"I thought you didn't want any relationships?"

"I don't, I mean I didn't. That's why we need to go slow, OK? If you can't go somewhere else because there are things I need time for." I needed to breath; I don't think I had in a while.

"Where do I sign the contract?"


He chuckled at me and crossed his kitchen where we had been standing. He kissed me softly on the lips and hugged me for a very long minute in the middle of his kitchen. I needed it, I really did. I was shot, and I knew he could feel me shaking. Whether it was from the stress of the moment passed or the fact that I had only slept 5 hours in the past week, I was ready to pass out.

That night we decided to stay in and eat. Well, I decided. All I wanted was to lay on his couch and go to sleep for a few days, maybe with him next to me. It took me some time to realize nothing much had changed. The only difference was that when cuddling on the couch there was more contact, and more kissing, but nothing more. I must have fallen asleep half way through the movie we were watching.....oops. I woke the next morning with the familiar feeling of him holding me, just as what happened the first night I came here, but then I realized we weren't on the couch, we were in his bed. I was puzzled by it, but in all honesty it felt welcoming and surprisingly I wasn't scared. We spent the rest of the day pretty much how we always would have, except a little closer and a little friendlier.

I headed back to campus later in the day to start packing and study for my last exam on Monday. I was going home for a few weeks until the summer session, and was really excited that I didn't have to spend anymore time there. I didn't want to take off so soon after starting things with Tim, but I had made plans to come stay with him the last week before the session began. I still didn't want to go, I really wanted to spend time with him, but such was to happen.

Being home was uneventful. I walked on eggshells around my house and hung out with my sister, who was managing a full time job when she got back from Boston anyway. I didn't tell anyone about Tim, though I wanted to. The only person who would show some serious interest would have been my sister and grandmother anyway. But the fact that he was almost twice my age hindered that information, at least for now. It wouldn't have made it any easier. I called or emailed Tim frequently, as did he. Even though I was gone for less than 2 weeks I missed him, there isn't really much to do in Jersey except go to the beach, and I don't like the beach.

When I returned to Philadelphia I stayed with Tim as planned. It was the best week I had had in some time. He took vacation so I wouldn't be alone at his place all week, not that that bothered me, but I guess it bothered him. We didn't do anything that spectacular except a day trip up to New York and some shopping. I would have been happy doing his laundry with him and lying around his apartment for a week, but he likes to entertain.

As far as sex goes nothing happened that wasn't pg-13. I didn't want it and he didn't push it. We did sleep together, which was the nicest part. I never realized how much I craved affection until he gave it to me. My favorite place in the world had become his arms. But this lazy week had to end and I went back to campus to start my accelerated learning.............I hate learning.

I honestly didn't expect to be so busy with work, but the classes weren't easy and taking 5 of them was ludicrous. Now I know why they recommended 3.

I didn't get to see Tim as often as I wanted, but he understood. He came and stayed with me at the dorms now and then. I didn't have a roommate for the summer and had the much needed privacy. By August we had become comfortable with the relationship. We still hadn't explored sex heavily yet, but I was closer to him then I was to anyone I knew, and he was patient through everything I had to offer, so far.

I guess the happy honeymoon had to end at some point, not that it was a bad thing; I knew he was going to ask questions eventually. I just didn't want it to happen now. Up until this point I had given him head on a few occasions, and on such an August night I had just done it again.

"You're quite good at that, I think I might have to take a few tips from you."

"Ha, flattery will get you nowhere." I said taking his hand off my fly and kissing his fingertips.


"That would be me, yes."

"Why don't you want to have sex with me?"

'Damn it, why now? I don't want to have this conversation.' I thought to myself as I tried to come up with something to say. "We've had sex a few times, what did you call that?" As I playfully groped him to avoided the subject.

"You've never let me touch you, I haven't even seen you naked. Is there something wrong?"

'DAMN IT' "No, it's not you, I just have issues with sex."

"Such as? Babe I've heard this before, tell me what's wrong and I'll try to help. You avoid this and get pensive on me, I feel as if I'm causing a problem."

He started to play with my hair and stare at me. I didn't know what to tell him. I couldn't tell him anything and I knew I had to give him an answer this time.

"I just have never..."

"Never had sex before? Something tells me that's not a virgin mouth." He said with a sly smile.

"No, but that's as far as my experience takes me." I lied, but for the most part it was true. I couldn't tell him, I couldn't.

"Are you afraid of sex with me, virgin boy?" His mood had lifted and I felt relieved.

"No, but it's not a light subject." I wasn't sure where this was going.

"Rory, we don't have to have sex. But I would feel honored to show you what it's like. Your virginity would be a gift to me."

I wished he would stop saying virginity. My eyes got teary as I leaned in and kissed him. I didn't know what to say. I didn't think he valued me in that way, and I didn't think he'd understand. He brought me in close and kissed me, and then said what I thought I'd never hear.

"I love you, Rory. I want you to feel comfortable with yourself and me." He whispered into my ear.

It seems clich‚ but that did it for me. I always thought that sex should be with someone you love and someone you thought special blah blah blah, but now I knew what it meant. I told him I wanted to share myself with my cramped little dorm room in my cramped little bed. I kissed him deeply and more passionately then I had ever initiated. I think I shocked him, but he took the permission I was giving.

"Are you sure, babe?" He said softly as he watched my face closely.

I nodded and kissed him again. He pushed me over gently so that I now was positioned on my back as we continued to kiss. I felt his fingertips trace my jaw line to my ear, and then back into my hair as he delicately sucked my tongue into his mouth and massaged it with his own. Normally I was more than happy with just doing this, but tonight was definitely going to be different. His hand moved from behind my ear and down my neck to the collar of my shirt. Slowly, he unbuttoned each one while we continued to kiss.

His fingertips began to trace my chest and sides within my open shirt. It almost tickled, but each touch sent a shiver through out my body, I had never been touched so delicately before. He broke our kiss and sat up next to me, staring at me and still tracing a line down my chest and stomach.

"I know you hate to hear this for some reason, but you're so beautiful."

He slowly removed the rest of my shirt and laid me back down on the bed. At this point my dick was harder then I had thought it could get, and was anxious for what was going to happen. He slowly traced his hands all over my chest and sides making his way down to my pants. His eyes never left my face as he slowly unbuttoned and zipped the fly. He slowly pulled my pants and boxers down my legs and off of my ankles as he got off the bed to lay them on a chair.

I lay there staring at him, completely exposed and aroused and the only thing I wanted was for him to touch me again. He himself was naked from earlier, and again hard. He moved up the end of the bed and spread my legs gently and slowly. I felt him start to kiss the inside of my ankle and then work his way up. I shuddered as he licked the inside of my knee and inner thigh ever so slowly. Slowly. He liked taking it slow, he liked being gentle, it was almost as if he were teasing me. When his small kisses and licking got to my scrotum he switched legs and started from the ankle again.

Any more treatment such as this and I was going to cum before he touched my cock.

As he reached my groin this time he kissed my nuts and then kissed around them. I closed my eyes and whimpered when I felt his tongue flick the underside of my balls. His hands moved to the outside of my hips and started moving up my sides, slowly, as I felt his kissing go up my groin and past my penis. He kissed to my naval and then returned to my mouth where I wrapped my arms around his back as we kissed passionately. I felt his hand glide down my chest and pinch my nipple, and then slowly down my stomach to my cock. His fingers slowly slid up and down the shaft before grasping the head in his fist. My whole body froze as I gasped into our kiss.

"Are you sure about this?" He said. That was the most rhetorical question I had ever heard in my life.

He started kissing down my chin and to my neck. He nibbled at my collarbone before he made his way to my right nipple. Being a night of new experiences this was truly one of them. I had never played with my nipples while masturbating, and obviously no one had played with them before, let alone sucked them. I felt him lick around the nipple before flicking his tongue across it hard. Gasping wasn't the sound I made; it was more like a moan. He continued to do that before he took it between his teeth and flicked his tongue fast across it. My whole body squirmed and I hoped that the dorm was as empty as it seemed, I wouldn't want anyone to hear me. He did the same treatment to the left before slowly kissing his way down my stomach. I watched him kiss around my navel and jab his tongue in a few times. I couldn't help but giggling, but now was obviously not the time for tickling, and he continued his journey down my treasure trail with his tongue.

He again kissed around my shaft to my balls, taking both of them into his mouth at once. I almost sat straight up from the shock of it. He sucked my balls and swirled his tongue around each of them. His hands rubbed up and down my side, forcing my body into a slow up and down motion on the bed. I was whimpering and moaning now heavily, my precum now dripping down onto his lips. He slowly stopped the assault on my balls and kissed me between them and my dick. I felt his tongue lick the area before traveling up my vein slowly and hard. He flicked his tongue up and down on the underside of my head. God, if he kept that up I wasn't going to last long. I had one hand on the side of his head running through his dark hair, and the other clutching the bed sheets for dear life.

He took the head of my cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it slowly. He did this for a few minutes, maybe more, maybe less...I didn't have a watch, sorry. Without warning he went down the complete shaft to my pubes, completely burying me in his throat and hot mouth. I shrieked as he started to at once go fast up and down my shaft. His suction felt as if he was going to pull it off and his tongue attacked my piss slit every time he pulled off. It wasn't long before I was ready to cum. My body had broken out in a sweat and I could feel my balls draw up quickly.

"Tiiim, I'm cumming, oh god I'm cumming."

He didn't' pay attention and plunged all the way down on my shaft. I couldn't hold back anymore and let out a very large shriek as I convulsed into his throat. My back arches and I convulsed with every burst that hit his throat. I felt him hold my hips as he tried to steady me under him. When he finally released my cock I saw him grab for his boxers on the floor.

With three strokes he was releasing his own tensions into the silk underwear.

He placed the spent underwear back on the floor and laid down next to me on the bed. He kissed my forehead and cheek as I regained my breath and composure. When I started to come down from my orgasm I began to cry. I'm not sure why, but I couldn't stop the tears. Immediately Tim moved to hover over me from between my legs and ask what was wrong. He stroked my hair and face and kissed away the tears. He sat up between my legs and lifted me onto his lap. It was an easy feat. He had almost 100 pounds on me and decent muscle mass, I was like a rag doll within his arms.

"Rory Honey what's wrong?" He hugged me close to his chest as I whimpered into his ear.

"I love you." I said barely above a whisper, I was afraid he wouldn't hear it.

He rubbed my back and let out a small chuckle. Nothing more needed to be said. I had waited so long for someone to love me, and now he had come and given me more than I had ever needed. I finally felt wanted, and I couldn't stop from crying.

Well, that's it for now. I know I said I was going to make this into a two-part story, but I realized that my life has had a little more detail than that over the past year. I want to thank those of you have written me. I greatly appreciate it. I also want to thank those of you in the nifty chat; you guys were really nice and supportive for me, thank you.

If you have any suggestions or comments I can be reached at and Rory Danial on Aol Instant Messanger.

Next: Chapter 3

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