My Second Job

Published on Mar 10, 2022


My Second Job 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Things were busy for a month or two after the hurricane. It took a week before utility crews restored electricity. The storm had a three-hundred-mile-long path along the east side of the Appalachians. The amount of damage was impressive. I was on the phone for twelve hours a day. Getting through to me was hard, but there was a better chance to get through between one and four in the morning. One of our dispatchers had a baby, so she was off. I wanted to be pissed at her, but you can only be so pissed at a newborn baby and the mother.

I had a computer, so when I got a call, I could send the information to the electric company, rescue squad, public works or fire department as needed. I had their secret numbers of internal use. I had a four-point code I used to indicate if it was life threatening, dangerous, a potential problem or an inconvenience, so the people knew which problems needed to be addressed immediately.

When things calmed down, I had a call from Maurice. He once told me that after years of dealing with girls before the prom night, and brides before the wedding, he could handle anything. The locals thought he was a flamboyant drama queen. During the hurricane he housed emergency workers, provided food and laundry services, and took care of cuts and scratches. He had a generator and provided a cell phone recharging station. He told one rescue worker it was easier than dealing with the mother of the bride.

Maurice told me he encountered a few men who would like to meet us. I asked him how he found time to find playmates.

"One of the rescue squad guys, Harry, was the father of the bride years ago. His wife made the Wicked Witch of the West seem like Mother Tereasa. We exchanged the secret handshake. He is divorced now, and has made a few friends," he said. "He needs a few lessons in advanced fornication. I think you will like him."

We went to meet the new men on Saturday afternoon at Maurice's house. This was Delmont's first day off in a month. He was ready. Jefferson was busy, but Miller had the day off too after working seven days a week since the hurricane. Maurice met Delmont and me at he door. Maurice had to see his mother who was in a home in Richmond, so he left.

Ten minutes later Miller drove up, and a few minutes a van arrived with three men. One man came to the door, rang the bell, and asked for Maurice. "I assume you are Harry." I said as I introduced myself and told him about Maurice visiting his mother and asked him in with his pals. He waved at them, and the other men came in. They were Junior and Lamont. They were middle aged men about Miller's age.

"I had a little bit of fun with Maurice years ago," Harry said. "He told me you are good guys and like the same things I do. I don't know what to do next."

"We don't have any rules or requirements," I said. "Usually, we get naked and let nature take its course. We been with a few guys, and I thought some would be too shy to join in. Since everyone gets naked, no one feels out of place."

Miller, Delmont, and I began to strip and Harry, Junior and Lamont followed suit. The men were in good shape. Harry was a lawyer; Junior was the high school shop teacher and Lamont worked in a lumber yead. They were part of a clean up group that went from house to house removing or clearing branches from houses and yards. They fixed minor things damaged by the storm. Their group included a number of current and former shop students who wanted to help. Professional crews handle the big problems, but their group helped with the lesser problems. Harry and his pals led by example and did as much or more than the people who were working with them.

I got the ball rolling by sucking Junior, the shop teacher. He looked like a cave man. Short, hairy, and beefy men are often not much admired. I think of them as men without the frills; the turn me on. Sexual lust quickly replaced shyness. Junior's real name was Nigel Williams, and he was the low man on the academic ladder at school. His students had academic problems and were not college bound. The rescue efforts raised their status greatly and was good for them.

Junior told me every muscle and joint in his body was sore. He was not used to heavy labor. He couldn't admit to being in pain in front of his students. I told him that what ever we did it wouldn't involve muscles. He had massive balls and a stub-nosed cock. He was uncut, so when my lips peeled back his foreskin his cock head was ultra-sensitive.

After I deep throated him a few times. He was ripe and precum began to flow as soon as I began to lick his knob. He forgot about his sore muscles.

Delmont went for Harry. Delmont looked like a redneck's redneck. I suspect Harry had looked like a lawyer as he emerged wearing a coat and tie from his mother's womb. After they connected, I was involved with Junior. The next time I glances at Delmont, he seemed to have discovered that Harry's life became complete with a redneck, fuck tool deep in his ass.

I heard Delmont saying, "You're taking it like a trooper!"

Miller was sitting in a chair as Lamont sucked him. Miller was well equipped, and Lamont had no problem deep throating his.

"I can tell this isn't the first time you have taken a cock," Miller said and asked. "Where did you learn how to do it so well?"

"I was the worst guy on the wresting team," Lamont said, "I was scrawny back then."

"Was this a looser sucks the winner thing?" Miller asked.

"Not exactly," Lamont said. "The coach was in a car accident and broke his leg. An old guy from town, Mr. Richards, took over as coach. He saw me sucking a team member. He took me aside a few days later. I thought he was going to punish me, but he gave me a blow job instead. He took my load and liked it." Lamont paused and added, "He liked it but not half as much as I did. A week later I fucked him. He wanted mt to cum in him. I wasn't sure, but my cock had other plans. He said I shot off fire hose style, and he loved it."

The six of us got along well. It is lucky that being horny as shit, makes up for inexperience. The men were late bloomers, but once the sex was hot and heavy, they made up for lost time. We played until ten. They left as happy men. Delmont and I were happy too. Maurice called me the next day to find how things went. I told him things were fine. They were nice men and seemed to enjoy it.

"That's not what I heard. Harry called me. He told me he hadn't known he could feel so much," Maurice said. "He felt like a new man."

"He has been in the closet a long time," I remarked. "He seemed to like Delmont a lot."

"I would have guessed that Delmont was the least likely to appeal to Harry," Maurice said. "He is upper crust. I thought he would scare Harry."

"Delmont is more of a lover than a fucker," I said.

"Speaking of lovers, John wants to get together again. He and Whitey have a new recruit," Maurice said. He would like to get together on Friday night. I have my mother coming for a visit. Is there any chance you could entertain at your house?" I said I would talk to my pals and let him know. I worked midnight shift, so evenings were free.

I called him the next day and told him we were available. John and his two friends arrived a little after eight. John introduced the new man as Sean. We shook hands. Sean was a tall, dark-haired man who looked like he was in his early thirties. "Sean is not very experienced in this sort of stuff, but he's real interested." John said.

"Did you tell him about the dress code?" I asked.

"Oh yes, I also mentioned that we play first and talk later," John said. I started to undress. We were all naked in minutes. Sean was on his knees sucking Jefferson. Delmont was sucking John, and Whitey was sucking me. It took four of five minutes for us all to get into it.

Whitey came over to me. "Harry told me you liked to bottom?" he whispered. "Do you like big ones?" I nodded.

"Do you think I would like to fuck you?" he asked.

"I would be shocked it you didn't like it," I replied.

"It's kind of public here," he whispered.

"Whitey, you have a museum specimen hanging between your legs. There is no need to be shy," I said. "It will look more impressive as you poke it into my ass."

I lubricated my ass and his cock. Whitey slowly and gently pushed his cock into me.

"That's fucking beautiful," Delmont said as he watched us. It took a while to get in, but every inch was a pleasure. The erection god took control of Whitey's cock and he soon shot off.

The guys were watching when Whitey began to twitch and shiver, they knew he was ejaculating. When he pulled out, sperm drooled from my ass.

A second or two later, Sean shoved his cock into my sperm lubricated ass. I was surprised, but pleasantly surprised. Sean was more surprised than I was. He got control and began to rhythmically thrust.

After a few minutes Sean leaned over me and said, "I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me."

"It feels good, don't stop," I replied.

"I'm afraid I will shoot off," he whispered.

"Sean, that what we are here for," I said. "Add your load to Whitey's load."

"It's too much!"

"Sean, you absolutely have to shoot off in me," I said. He began shooting off a second or two later. When he pulled out John refilled my ass. It took him a while to ejaculate, but it was time well spent.

After he shot off, Delmont did a demonstration of fletching. I hadn't known he was into that, but he had either found a video on the web or had a friend I didn't know about.

Our guests left at ten and I got dressed and when to the communication center. It was a nice night with just enough calls to keep me awake, but not so many as to tire me.

On Tuesday Sean called me and asked if he could come by. He wanted to meet me alone. I said sure. He came by at 2:00 in the afternoon. He was dressed in black. It took me a minute or two to realize he was a Catholic Priest.

"I am afraid I am not as comfortable with sex as Whitey and John," he said. "I am timid and cautious. I knew my sexual inclinations at an early age, and I joined the priesthood to avoid them."

It's not unusual to feel that way. I think it's odd, but a lot of men seem to have a hard time admitting what they like. They seem to thing real men don't enjoy sex with other men. I know admitting that in public is all but impossible for many men. They can admit it to themselves," I said. "What are you looking for?"

"I don't really know," Sean said.

"Let me rephrase that. What were you hoping to do?" I asked.

"I was hoping to try some new things," he said in a near whisper. "What would you like?"

"I was hoping to get naked and see of my cock would fit in your ass," I replied. "You've been in my ass. I think you enjoyed it." Sean didn't answer, but he began to strip. My high-powered mind guessed he was interested.

Five minutes later I had lubricated his ass, had him on his back with his legs spread wide. I nudged my knob into his ass. I was well lubricated too so I pushed in as far as his sphincter. It was tight. "Can you relax a little," I asked.

I'm not sure Sean answered. I had reached over and pinched his tits. That was the automatic door opener his ass. His sphincter opened and my knob caressed his prostate. I immediately knew Sean didn't know the prostate was there or what it felt like. He was totally unprepared and couldn't do anything other than react. He was beginning to understand sexual pagan cults.

It took a few minutes for Sean to realize his ass was a sex organ. His ass took a little time to adjust to my cock and then all was well. I pulled out a few times to give him a rest. Each time I re-entered him, his ass was more welcoming. The last time I reentered him it felt as if his sphincter kissed knob as it passed into him.

I asked if he wanted me to climax in him, but my cock was on automatic pilot and had begun to ejaculate. "It's beautiful!" he cried. I had ten or twelve ejaculations. I left my cock in him to keep my sperm in him.

I was getting tired when Jefferson came home early.

"Are you ready to take your first Black cock?" he asked. Sean said yes. I pulled out immediately, to be replaced by Jefferson's tool. His cock was bigger than mine and more than welcome in Sean's ass. Sean had relaxed and was fully accepting of Jefferson's cock.

"Ringo gave you his deluxe delivery," Jefferson said. You have a week's supply of man seed. I can just massage your asshole and then pull out or shoot off in you." Jefferson asked. "What do you want?"

"Fill me up!" Sean replied. Ten minutes later, Jefferson shot off. When he pulled out, I returned to Sean's sperm filled ass. I just gently massaged Sean over used ass. Sean shot off and had a soft landing after an intense sexual experience. I think Sean had learned a lot about himself.

Since I worked at night, I was available during the day. That was convenient for Miller who was on duty during the day. He would drop in once and a while. He came by with a friend, an older guy named Bruce. He was new to the area, and Miller discovered they shared common interests.

The police have a type they like. Bruce had been that type. He was still tall, but he had put on weight. He wasn't fat, but that was in his future. He would have been handsome, but his face scowled. I found out the scowl just the way he looked. It was a birth defect. Bruce was a semi-virgin, gay man. A semi-virgin is a man who was virgin unless he got lucky. He hadn't been getting lucky often recently.

They had exchanged the secret handshake, but that was in a locker room. They needed a more private place. We went to my bedroom and stripped.

"I'm getting old. I feel like I'm falling apart," Bruce said.

"Don't worry, the part of you that I like looks like it's in good shape," I said. I dropped to my knees and licked his cockhead. It perked up immediately. I noticed a few scars on his body.

"Bruce has had a few near-death experiences," Miller said. Whatever happened to him, it has not affected his cock. He was rock hard. I just happened to mention to him, you are full service."

Bruce relaxed as my tongue worked its magic. "The last time I fucked a guy, I made a real mess," Bruce said. "The guy I was with was pissed. He didn't want me to cum in him."

"Are you balls full?" I asked.

"They sure are," he replied.

"Do you like to shoot off in a mouth or ass?" I asked. "For your information, I think of a guy's cum as a reward. It is a sign of a job well done." "I've not done it enough to know," he said. I lubricated his cock, and he soon had my legs on his shoulders. He eased his cock into me carefully. I had the impression he thought I was fragile. Bruce was a lover, not an ass pounder.

"It's in, just relax. There is no need to rush. Your cock knows what to do. Don't hold back, just let things flow." I said. "Some guys like to edge. They get close to popping but try to hold it back. The orgasm is the grand prize. I know a guy who shoots off as soon as he rams past the sphincter. He's shooting off as he pushes deep."

"I like what I am doing now," Bruce said. "I like it a lot. Are you okay? It's so personal. We just met."

"It's really good." I said. "I was hoping it would get a lot more personal." About five minutes later, he began to ejaculate. He twitched and shivered as he unloaded.

"I've never fucked a man who enjoyed it before," he whispered. "I was beautiful."

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