My Second Job

Published on Feb 16, 2022


My Second Job

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I am Ringo James. At one time I was the only gay guy in Topping County, Virginia. I was straight until my cock grew when I was thirteen. Shortly after that I discovered two other guys who were gay, Tommy Jefferson, and Delmar Thomas. We discovered the joys of sharing cocks and orgasms together as we got older.

I am now the night dispatcher for the county fire and police departments. I work from twelve to eight every night. Tommy says Thomas Jefferson is his ancestor. Tommy is a very Black guy. You would think that might be a big problem in rural areas like Topping County. Tommy happens to be an incredibly good car and truck mechanic. He could have been the Devil incarnate and everyone would ignore that.

Delmar works for the county crew. For years I thought the phrase Trailer Trash was invented for Delmar except for one thing. There was not a single fourteen, fifteen of sixteen-year-old girl who gave birth to a little Delmar. That all but made him a saint in the store front churches that served the trailer parks.

Delmar was a ditch digger for the county. Delmar knew dirt. He wasn't the manager of the dirt digger crew, but Delmar knew good dirt from bad dirt and knew what would cave in or start a landslide.

We live in the house Delmar's Uncle left to him after he was shot by his girlfriends Daddy. The State Troopers said it was an accident while cleaning a gun. People knew that gun cleaning accidents rarely involve four shots directly into the heart, but no one mourned much for Delmar's uncle's death. The problem wasn't with the uncle's girlfriend, it was with his boyfriend.

It is safe to say that no Hollywood producer recruited us for staring roles in major movies. According to my aunt, I "wasn't the marrying kind, thank you Jesus."

We had one other good friend in town, Maurice the hairdresser. Maurice was a bit swishy, but if you were getting married, going to a prom, or going to court, Maurice was the man for you. He had mostly woman clients, but he took men for emergencies. A haircut by Maurice could cut years off your sentence in court. He could make paranoid schizophrenics look normal.

While most of our sexual skills came by trial and error or Delmar's uncle, Maurice contributed. He was polite and admitted he was gay. That, combined with being ready willing and able 24/7 made him attractive to us.

Maurice had a second business involving entertaining gentlemen callers. I was getting a haircut when he mentioned the business. Maurice was getting older, and his gentlemen callers were getting younger. Maurice had known me and knew I was flexible and accommodating.

"Ringo, I was wondering if you could help me some," Maurice asked. "I have some pals who would like kick it up a notch. They are older men who have tame sex lives. They want more excitement but not too much. I was thinking that you and your pals might fit the bill."

"I'm not much of a looker," I said.

Maurice laughed. "Well, you aren't a dream come true, but I have a feeling my guys won't be looking at your face. They will be looking between your legs. You also entertain on the back porch. They will like that too."

"Would I get to fuck them?" I asked.

"I can't guarantee that. They are conventional polite men. I would not be surprised if you did a few deep explorations," he said.

There was no reason in the world to do what Maurice wanted. Unfortunately, I am a horny bastard, and I said, sure, why not.

He told me he wanted me the first to try out. He figured I was flexible and open minded. Maurice had his shop downtown, but his house was on a forested hill side five miles from town. He asked if I would wear my police uniform to meet the men.

I am not introspective, and I had a flood of emergency calls for the next few days, so I didn't think about it. On Friday I went to Maurice's house at eight. There was a new SUV in the driveway. It at least forty of fifty thousand dollars of SUV.

There were two men with Maurice, Harry, and Woodrow. Harry was nearing sixty, tall, thin, and bald. Woodrow was in forty or so. He was average height, stocky and solid. We had a brief conversation. They liked me being a dispatcher. Harry, Woodrow, and I went to the bedroom. Maurice went to the kitchen.

"I don't know how to get things rolling," Harry said. There was a brief silence.

"Well, if we are here for what I think we here for, why don't we get naked and see what pops up," I said. They were agreeable.

"We've never done a threesome before," Woodrow said.

"It's just like a twosome with one more cock. The extra cock opens up a lot of possibilities," I said.

"You've done threesomes?" Harry asked.

"I have two roommates. Threesomes are standard," I said. "Calling it a threesome is not quite right. I's more like a sextet; three men and three cocks."

"We are pretty conservative," Woodrow said.

"A friend told me that if you are naked and erect, it's time to give up on being conservative." I said. "I like sex with men. I suspect you are too if your cocks are any guide."

They were standing next to each other, so I dropped to my knees and alternated sucking them. They got closer together so I could suck both cocks at the same time. A little later I was sucking Harry as Woodrow sucked me.

Woodrow and Harry were in love, but the physical, sexual aspect of love was not that significant. My relationship with Tommy, Jefferson, and Delmar was mostly a sexual friendship. Every once and a while I suspected we were a little oversexed. Jefferson told me that was silly. I agreed but that might have been do to his cock massaging my ass.

I knew I was a good cock sucker, and after my tongue licked and caressed Woodrow and Harry's cocks for a minute of two, they knew it too. Harry was afraid of piss. Once and a while they would wrap their lips around their partners shaft, but there was minimal connection to the knob. I knew that for me the knob was the location of the start button.

Delmar told me the piss turned off when the cock turned form being a drain to cum dispenser. I was going to explain this to the guys, but by that time my tongue had worked its magic and they were fine. Sex is its own reward and both men were on board, although Woodrow was more enthusiastic.

Harry had thin six incher crowned with a bloated cock head. Woodrow has a butt plug style cock, flanked by bull balls. I switched to solo sucking, and I got Harry off quickly. I opened my mouth as the shot off so Woodrow could see his buddies cum on my tongue. A second after Harry shot off, he was asleep.

"That was hot," Woodrow whispered.

I turned to him, "Have you ever tasted your buddies cum before?" I asked.

He shook his head and said, "You take it." He was rock hard.

"There is enough for two," I said. I leaned close to him. We kissed. Woodrow took more than his share of his buddy's sperm.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "It was okay," he said. "It was more exciting than tasty."

"I would like to milk you dry," I said. "Would you like that?"

"I sure would," Woodrow replied. After a brief pause, he asked, "Do I need to take yours?"

"That's up to you," I said. "It's not a requirement. Incidentally, you I can suck you, or you can shove your cock up my ass. That's up to you."

"A guy told my cock was too thick for ass fucking," he said.

I smiled and said. "Woodrow, don't take advice from fucking amateurs!"

He laughed and relaxed. I sucked him off and took a huge load. Harry had woken up by then and watched his buddies face as he ejaculated. They dressed and left.

Maurice emerges out of nowhere. "You made two men very happy," he said. "Are you happy too?"

"It was good. I'm not sure Harry will ever relax enough to enjoy sex. Woodrow is ripe and ready," I said.

Maurice offered me a hundred dollars. "I'm really don't want that," I said. "Give it to someone who needs it."

"There is a collection box at church for the Topping County Day Care Center," he said.

"That would be fine with me," I said. I dressed and left.

A week later I had a call from Maurice. He had more friends who would like to meet me. Harry and Woodrow wanted me to meet a close friend.

On Friday I returned to Maurice's house. Woodrow and a guy named Homer were waiting for me. Harry stayed home. He was too uptight to come a second time. Homer was forty, and nervous. We talked a little. Homer said Woodrow told him he had some fun with me. He wasn't sure he could do all of that.

"Sex is sort of like swimming. At first you are afraid of the water; you then are afraid of drowning. A year later you are doing belly flops from the top level of diving board," I said. Homer laughed and we stripped.

Homer looked better naked than dressed. He was pale and had a shaved head. He was muscular, fit and covered in a thick coat of curly, red hair. He was pink, with darker pink tits and a beautiful lavender cock head.

I thought he would be overly cautious. Delmar would have described him as horny as shit but covering his bases in case things didn't work out.

Homer told me he had seen a lot of gay porn and it was "interesting." Woodrow had told him I had taken his load and admitted he had tasted Harry's sperm. Woodrow also mentioned the possibility of anal sex.

I knew that both men were interested and ready. I assume both men would fuck me and would share their cum. I wondered if I would get to fuck them. I knew sucking cock was a lot easier than taking it in the ass. I had a feeling they were into fair play, and one might open his ass for me.

I was a bit excited at the chance to fuck someone new. Tommy, Jefferson, and Delmar were regular visitors to my ass. It was best when one of them fucked me as I fuck one of them. I thought of that as sex in stereo.

We went to the bed with Woodrow and Homer, forming a mini daisy chain, linked mouth to cock. we switched places several times. At first, I thought Homer's cock was unusually productive, but when we switched around Woody's sex juices were flowing. They both fucked men and seemed to love my sperm filled ass. After almost two hours of sex, they had to go home. They were happy guys.

My next visit to Maurice was different. He wanted me to bring my pals with me. "My guests are nice guys, but are limited in some ways," Maurice explained.

"What in hell does that mean?" I asked.

"They are golfers, they are all country club types," Maurice answered.

"Are they slumming?" I asked.

"I don't think so," he replied. "One of them had a good experience in Florida. He told me he was used to tea party type sex. He discovered sex could be much more intense. I asked him if there was a problem with diversity. He said not at all."

"That is probably the case, but I doubt it," I said.

"One of the men had a relationship with a member of Jefferson's family. That was the high point of his sex life," Maurice explained. "He is most interested."

On Friday night the four of us were at Maurice's house. Three middle aged men were waiting. Maurice introduced them as Carl, John, and Bruce. They were dressed in sports shirts and slacks. I thought they were dressed for the men's bar at the country club. I introduced myself and the guys. Maurice left and there was an uncomfortable silence.

I took the lead. "If I understand things right, we are here to have some fun, relaxed, naked guy fun. Since we aren't much on small talk."

"My pals and I aren't particular shy," I said. "I have noticed that all men have the same basic equipment. I was thinking we could get things going if we would strip naked. Does that make any sense?"

"It sure does," Carl said. "Just think of it as the showers at school when the coach was unexpectedly called away." Everyone laughed and began to undress.

"Jefferson, I was close to your Uncle Billy. We were good friends," Bruce said.

"He died when I was a kid. Do I look like him?" Jefferson asked.

"You do, but you are a few inches taller. He was the first Black quarterback on our team. I was a tackle in charge of protecting him," Bruce said.

"You were Red?" Jefferson asked. Bruce was mostly bald now, but his body hair was white on his chest but increasingly red as it reached his pubic hair. The sense of unease vanished as they got together.

Carl went to Delmar. "I think I've seen you working on a bad water line near my house," Carl said. They talked about the line. It had been in the middle of a summer heat wave. Carl and the neighbors provided cold Cokes for the crew.

"I was amazed at the speed you guys could dig a hole," Carl said.

"If I told you I'm good at filling hole too, would that bother you?" Delmar asked.

Carl reached over and stroked Delmar's cock.

"That sounds good," Carl said.

"If you like it, I could leave a special something deep in you to remember me by," Delmar added. Carl smiled.

I was talking with John. He looked a lot like the Scare Crow in the Wizard of Oz, if the Scare Crow was well hung. John had a distinctive voice, that I seemed to remember. It was a voice of a Minister who did radio broadcasts on Sundays. It was often repeated at 3:00 in the morning to fill air space on the radio. I might have been the only one who heard it as I was waiting for calls in the wee hours.

"Does shooting off in a guy's mouth get you nearer to god" I asked.

"Maybe, maybe not," he said, "I do know it gets you nearer to heaven. Is there any chance I could do some explorations up your ass?"

"Sure," I replied. "I was hoping you entertain in your back yard?"

He nodded. "I had a friend who used to shoot at me, not in me. I'd like to feel a guy squirting in me," he all but whispered.

"That isn't a problem." I said. I dropped to my knees and started sucking. Some impressive looking cocks are the same size hard as they are soft. John's cock grew to eight inches.

"It has been a long time since a new guy has sucked me," he said in a near whisper. "Carl is the only guy I know."

I stood up and whispered in his ear. "Everyone here is into it, and that includes you. We are all naked and hard. Naked guys can't hide their sexual interests. Relax and you will have some new friends and drained balls."

"I don't make friends easily," he said. "I'm shy and unattractive man."

"John, you have a friend maker between your legs. It's not even a little bit shy. It knows how to make friends," I explained. John laughed and relaxed some. He dropped to his knees and sucked me.

I later found out John had an unused amusement park on the dark side if his asshole. His prostate was well place to be rammed but a friendly cock. John was exceptionally responsive. It was a treat to fuck a responsive bottom.

Jefferson found an enthusiastic play mate in Bruce. Bruce was in a nostalgia fueled trip as Jefferson fucked him. Not only were the sensations similar to those of decades earlier, but the man he had loved was alive again, and his cock had grown two inches longer. Jefferson felt what uncle had felt. Back then, a Black man fucking a white guy was a big deal. That love had been involved made it even better for both men.

Delmar and Carl were going at it like dogs in heat. Delmont love to top, and to go deep in an ass. Carl had been fucked a few times. It had been okay, but no cigar. Delmar had a wide range of fucking techniques. He tried them all on Carl.

Delmar was born with a goofy, dumb-as-shit look on his face. He didn't need makeup to look like a clown. His cock must have had a sensor to know which of his fucking techniques worked and which didn't. Carl was blindsided by Delmar's fucking skills. I recognized the expression on Carl's face as he took the fuck tool. I had felt the same years earlier as Delmar's aggressive cock, popped through my nervous and uneasy asshole to make magic deep in my ass.

Carl, John, and Bruce were good, conventional closeted men who were bold enough to take a chance. The were willing to expand their sexual horizons. They were hoping for a modest increase. Once they got into it, they jumped into the deep end of the sexual swimming pool.

I knew got my own experience that once you have shared cocks and asses, you never go back. Only rarely does anyone try sex and decide once is enough. Even if it's not great the first time, you do it again until you get it right. I had been lucky to find Jefferson and Delmar. If I hadn't found them, I would look for someone like them. Once is enough, rarely applies to sex. We all went home exhausted but happy.

Next: Chapter 2

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