My Saving Grace

By moc.ishcm@266101repmuht

Published on Nov 4, 2023


Grace and I worked for hours together unpacking boxes and putting things in the perfect places. All during this time, we got to know a lot about each other.

I learned that Grace was quite the artist as we hung many of her own works around the house. One painting in particular was of a former lover of hers, Bethany. She was lying on a day bed, which now occupied Grace's sitting room which would soon to become her art studio.

Bethany was partially wrapped by a red satin sheet, slightly exposing her ample bosom. Her pussy was covered, but her long, slender legs were quite visible. Her milky white skin glistening in the candlelight. Her long flowing dark hair seemed to be blowing gracefully in a slight breeze. I later learned that Grace had turned on a large fan to blow onto Bethany to create the effect.

Five o'clock rolled around before either of us knew it. If not for me being near the large bay window of Grace's studio, I would not have seen David pull up in our driveway in his beat-up Dodge Ram that he used for work at the garage.

"Uh-oh," I gasped, turning towards Grace. "David's home. I need to leave before he gets really upset. He's already going to be angry with me for not having dinner on the table for him."

"Would you like for me to walk you home, Desiree?" Grace asked, a hint of concern on her face.

"That's ok, Grace." I assured her. "I don't want him going off on you for keeping me away from my `Wifely Duties'."

"I understand, dear." Grace replied. "But just know that I can take care of myself."

We hugged each other as I rushed down the stairs and got to the door. Grace was right behind me.

"What about your crystal tray?" she asked.

"I can pick it up later...or tomorrow." I assured her as I went out the door and across the street to my own home.

When I got to the door and glanced back over at Grace's house. She was standing in the doorway watching me closely.

Once I opened the door and stepped in, the shouting began.

"Where the Hell have you been and why is there no supper on the table?" David yelled as he met me at the door.

"I...I was helping our new neighbor...get settled in." I whis-pered softly.

"New neighbor, huh?" David replied, almost calming down...just a bit. "Who is he?"

"Our neighbor is a woman, David." I told him. "Her name is Grace."

"A woman?" David said as he went to the door and looked out the window, seeing Grace still on the front porch. "She's hot."

I thought about telling him that Grace was a lesbian, but as jealous as he is, not to mention how much of a ass he is...he'd just get mad again.

I went into the kitchen and whipped up a quick meal for Da-vid and sat it on the table. While he ate (he prefers to eat alone these days), I went upstairs and ran him a hot bath. These are the day to day chores I have to do to keep what's left of our marriage together.

I, then, went to the bedroom to set out his pajamas and turn down his bed. Since his football and work injuries, we have had to get two separate twin beds. David's is as hard as a rock while mine is considerably softer.

Just then, I heard David's angry voice shout from the kitch-en.

"What happened to my lunch meat?"

Shakily, I descended the stairs and paused at the kitchen door. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door, eyes lo-wered to the floor.

"I...I fixed a welcome dish for Grace. I..." but I didn't get the chance to finish as David hauled off with his fist and hit me hard. I fell to the floor whimpering and pleading for him to not hit me again. David just scoffed and stepped over me and went upstairs to take his bath, leaving me crumpled on the floor, my nose bleeding and my left eye began to swell up, almost to the point of closing. I just whimpered for a few more minutes before collecting myself and staggered over to the table and clean up David's plate and dispose of his empty beer can.

Still aching from the punch David gave me, I sucked it up and continued to clean up the kitchen. Washing the dishes be-came difficult as my nose continued to steadily drip down into the soapy water. David refused to get a dishwasher, saying that as long as I was able to I was going to wash them by hand.

That night, I slept on the couch. Something David made me do whenever I pissed him off.

It was around eleven o'clock when there was a light tapping on the front door. Groggily, and only having use of one eye, I stumbled slowly in the darkened house and finally found my way to the front door.

"Who...who is it?" I asked softly, as to not wake up David.

"It's me, dear. Grace," she replied just as softly.

I turned and leaned my back against the door, closing my one good eye and sighing softly.

`How can I face her like this?' I asked myself.

Willing up the courage, I quietly unlocked both the dead-bolt and the knob lock, easing the door open just enough to only show my right eye.

"I just wanted to see how you are doing, dear." Grace asked, the concern evident.

"Oh, I'm fine, Grace." I lied. "Thank you for caring."

"It would make me feel a lot better if you'd open the door a little more so I can see for myself."

"I...I can't. What if David...?" I began. But Grace was too quick and too strong for me as she pushed the door open and stepping inside.

"Oh, my God, dear." Grace gasped, slowing reaching out to touch my swollen left eye. "Did David do this to you?"

I started to cry, but Grace eased me outside on the porch so as to not wake up David.

"Come with me, dear." Grace told me sternly as she half dragged me across the street to her house.

"But, Grace...what if Dav...?"

Grace shushed me, but would not take `No' for an answer.

Once inside Grace's home, she ushered me into the living room and had me sit down on the couch. She left me long enough to go into her kitchen and came out with a tray that had an assortment of herbs and a bowl of cool water.

Grace made a cool compress of calendula, chamomile and fennel blossoms. Having me lie down on my back, Grace placed the compress gently over my left eye.

"Now, just lay back and relax." Grace admonished. "Let the herbs work their magic."

As I laid there, feeling the coolness of the compress begin to `work it's magic', I caught Grace's eyes slowly take in my nightie-clad form. A soft smile of approval came to her luscious lips. I began to feel like I was a prize ham at a Thanksgiving dinner.

Blushing brightly, my breathing began to get more labored and it felt like my heart was trying to beat a pathway out of my chest. My short, frilly...almost nightie did little to hide my near naked body. I wore a matching pair of skimpy (a size too small) panties. My nipples stood erect and I could feel that my panties were getting damp as Grace subconsciously licked her lips.

Oh, my God." I said to myself. Grace is getting aroused...and so am I. But, I'm not a I?'

Softly, Grace place her right hand on my left knee and gently stroked it. Catching herself, Grace jumped up as if she had sat on a hot burner and turned away from me. I could hear a low sob as she realized what she what she was doing.

Reaching out to her with a trembling hand, I touched her left thigh. Grace gasped, but slowly turned to look down at me.

"It's ok, Grace." I assured her. "I...I may not be a lesbian. But I'm not opposed to the idea. If only I wasn't out of sorts and scared out of my wits...I would not turn you away."

Leaning down over me, Grace gave me my very first lesbian kiss. It was soft, gentle and brief. I could feel Grace's lips quiver-ing just as much as my own. I closed my good eye and sighed softly.

Grace sat on the edge of the couch, scooching my legs over just a bit, placed her hands lightly on my shoulders and leaned in once again. This time her kiss was a little more urgent and pas-sionate. I opened my lips slightly to let her warm, searching ton-gue enter and tangle fiercely with my own tongue. We both moaned as Grace's hands drifted to my satin-covered 36C breasts. She kneaded each in her hands causing my back to arch up, forcing more contact with them.

Grace paused the kiss and slowly sat up, eying my wreath-ing form below her.

"Are...are you want to go further, Desiree?" Grace asked, like a schoolgirl on her first date.

As a way of answering her, I place a hand behind her head and pulled her back down into yet another passionate kiss, letting my hands drift down her back, around her sides to come around to her v-neck red gown that did little to cover her own 42D breasts. Her nipples were rock hard and straining to meet my touch. This caused a moan to escape Grace's mouth, right into mine.

By this time, the compress had slid off of my face and lay forgotten in the cushion of the couch as our hands began roaming all over each other's bodies. Seeking entrance beneath our clothes. Seeking skin on skin contact.

Suddenly, there was a pounding on Grace's door. It was Da-vid, nearly knocking the door down.

Grace jumped up and went to the door, opened it slightly and was knocked down on the floor as David rampaged into her house before she could say a single word.

He rushed into the living room and found me lying there, my breasts had somehow slipped out during our passionate fondling. David grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up off the couch and held my weakened body high in the air. I felt his fist hit me first in the gut sending all the air out of my lungs along with some blood. His next hit caught me on the right side of the face.

"Are you a lesbian slut now, bitch?" David growled as he stood over me, ready to stomp his boot right into my prone, limp body.

I was writhing in pain as blood flowed down my forehead in into my eyes. My husband of ten years standing above me in yet another drunken rage of fury. Darkness was soon to overtake me, as it had many times before. But, before darkness takes me to oblivion, a thud lands beside me and a flowing gown sweeps past my vision...but only for an instant, then blackness.


Next: Chapter 3

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