My Safeways Chicken

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Aug 28, 2004


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered excepting flamers This is Part 2 of an ongoing story.


2 - Joe, Little Joey and Sulky Boi


G. Cutter

Hi there, Carl speaking, Mark doing the writing. This is the first time I've ever done this sort of thing but my man just tells me to natter on and he'll knock it up into a readable yarn. Apparently that's what his chums up in Walton used to do and it was quite sucessful or so he says. I've read some of it and it seems O.K. especially when Joe starts ranting on. (Ref: The Odd Job Boy). So here we go.

I think after a night of furious sex we both didn't want to get up but we managed to climb out around eight o'clock which was early enough for me on a Sunday morning. To speed things up we decided to share a shower, I should have known better, as soon as we were in there Mark had sprung a instant stiffy and there I was, the only chicken in town.

'You've got a beautiful body,' he went into his Romeo role. If he kept telling me that I was beautiful and gorgeous I was gonna start believing it myself. I've read and read again his part of the story and I've got to say that he made me sound little and skinny, not true. I think I'm well built and certainly don't think I'm good looking but he does and I suppose that's the main thing.

He was on about his broken nose making him look thuggish, that's another thing. I didn't even notice that it was broken and he never struck me as being thuggish. Big and pretty tough but not thuggish. Mind you I've got to agree with some things, we both had nice bums and nice cocks, now that's the basis for a marriage made in heaven. He said he loved me and I think I loved him but our partnership was at a very early stage so who knows where it might finish up.

Anyway, here we were on a Sunday morning. We were going upto Walton up the A3 to have a look at a new place he'd bought and was having decorated. In the afternoon we were coming back and we were going to try for a few photographs of myself and this kid Joey, a kid I knew and one that had already done some dirty stuff for my Mark .... God knows how that was going to turn out.

Back to the storyline, here I was trapped in the shower by a randy, wealthy and pretty big nineteen year old coming on twenty. It looked like surrender time, mind you, I fancied a soapy fuck as well. I was beginning to get a taste for same sex sex if you follow me. I could feel his slippery hands on my back moving lower and then he was playing with the soft globes (he put that in) of my butt. dear audience it's quite a nice sensation to have strong soapy hands knead the old bottom, I was popping a hardon like a steel bar when his finger slide inside and started working on that special spot.

'Fuck me,'Mark' I grunted and shoved back. I felt a right slut but we were past that stage, I just wanted him and he wanted me.

'You sure?'

'Do it,' I nearly screamed out in frustration, why the hell is it so hard to get someone to fuck you. I didn't care about the prelims, I just wanted his fat seven inches of manhood inside me. I felt his spongy glans nudge at my ring and I pushed back.

'Aaah.' We both sounded off at the same time, he as he slid inside me and me as I felt his hot cock spear through my ring, sadly no longer virgin but that's life. I clamped my cheeks as he slowly started moving gently to and fro sinking deeper into me at each push.

'Go on, Marky,' I flahanded the shower wall and pushed onto his belly taking his fat manmeat in one. 'Jeez,' I gasped but he was in tight and he was clutching me and soaping my own stiffness as his hips began to move pumping his hardness deep inside my gut at every thrust. I was as hard as an iron bar as he fucked me and tried to kiss me as I craned my head around.

We'd been at it all night and here we were again, I dunno how I was going to muster the strength to put on a good show with Joey. Something would cum up, it always does. How's about that for a bit of a play on words.

'Doggy,' I grunted. I liked it this way, I slowly dropped to my knees under the running water and he followed me down still moving inside me and still hitting that special spot. 'Harder, Mark, harder.'

He nearly drove my head through the shower wall but he rammed and thrust his way to a climax savagely wanking me all the time. I think we must have just about cum together. My thick white streamers spilt all over his fist and splattered into the puddled water and his copious hot splashes jetted and squirted up my bum. I wriggled back on his penis as it spent out and started to soften.

'Alright was it?' I whinced as his spunk covered cock popped out of my fanny.

'As always,' he stood up and hauled me to my feet. He clasped me and kissed me on my lips. 'We go well together.'

I grinned back. We sure did.

We had a light breakfast, boiled egg and toast sorta thing. Neither of us were much past the tea making stage, apparently looking for someone to cook and housekeep for him was pretty high on his agenda. We were out of the house by nine and hammering up the A3 shortly thereafter.

'I might ring Peter and tell him we're coming around,' he said as we tooled along a pretty deserted motorway.

'That the other guy with dosh and the harem?'

'Yeah, it's normally like a youth club at his place but we might get lucky.'

'So, phone him.'

He pulled onto the hard shoulder and after a quick eyeball for police was on his mobile. I was only half listening but things seemed to go OK.

'He's alright,' he drew back onto the roadway and cranked up the speed again. 'There's only him and Joe at home, the others are away on a camping trip or something.'


'Joe's his boyfriend. His wife or hubby, I don't know,' he grinned. 'About sixteen, bit of a darky.'

'What, a sooty?'

'Nah,' he laughed. 'I told you yesterday. Half Spanish ..... big dick.'

'Really,' I tried not to sound too interested. Sixteen, half Spanish with a big dick. Interested? Moi?

'Really,' he mocked and applied himself to hitting the ton before I reminded him that the limit was seventy and the A3 was very well policed.

The day was turning out nice and hot, nary a cloud in the sky and half an hour later we were parked outside his new house, it looked fantastic. Everything I liked. It's own driveway, seemingly surrounded by a huge leylandii hedge and some distance from the nearest neighbours. Looked good.

'Come on,' Mark led the way and opened up. We went into a hallway which had a double staircase going to the upper floor, there were double doors to either side and a large frosted glass door leading to the rear of the house.

'Hey, it's huge.'

'Huge price too,' Mark grinned. He led off, the two front rooms he'd designated 'posh lounge' and 'sitting room' and seemed to be rooms that he didn't seem to have a clear purpose for.

Throught the glass door we had the room that he designated the lounge pure and simple, this was a nice room which led via a patio to a huge garden and swimming pool, at the moment the pool had a roll on cover rigged. On the other side of the passage was a kitchen and small eatery divided by a half wall and another room which proved to be a toilet with a double shower unit. There was also a storage room and a cloakroom so all in all it was pretty big. I fell in love with the 'working class lounge' as he called it, the french windows and the pool outside, terrific.

We went upstairs and there was a total of five bedrooms, two pairs shared a bathroom and the largest overlooking the garden had it's own bathroom and toilet. All pretty impressive. From what I could see the decorating seemed to be complete, curtains were hung and carpets were laid although the place was completely devoid of furniture.

'Our room,' Mark opened the wall length windows and walked onto a room length balcony and perched on the little wall in the bright sunlight. 'What do you think, Carl?' He looked at me anxiously.

'Fantastic, beautiful.' I looked at him and laughed. 'I've never seen anything like it.'

'Beats a council house then?'

'That's for sure.' I went out onto the balcony and had a look around. The tall hedge completely cut us off from the neighbours who also had huge gardens. 'You could have an outdoor orgy out there,' I looked down the end of the garden, there seemed to be a little hut and a small lawn surrounded by another hedge, seclusion within seclusion.

'Sex in the sun.' Mark murmured.

'Down boy,' I laughed although the idea of sex in the light of day, in the sunshine had a certain appeal.

'Save it for Joe,' he grinned and tugged his mobile out. 'Be round in about half an hour Peter, get some drinks fixed.' He smiled at the phone and put it away. 'Let's go, lover boy,' he draped his arm around me and we left our bedroom and our new house.

We arrived twenty minutes later at a similar house to our own but in a more built up area. There was a shiny 4WD in the driveway and as we parked up this blonde guy opened up the door and stood with a broad grin on his face, clearly Peter. He had longish blonde hair parted in the middle and topped six foot, he was taller than my Mark but mine was tougher, well he looked tougher at least.

'Pleased to meetcha, you've got to be the Carl I've heard so much about.'

'Guess I am,' I grinned at Mark.

'Yeah,' Peter laughed. 'Marko reckons you go like a rabbit.'

'Great,' I felt myself blush.

'Don't worry about it,' Peter laughed, 'We're all mates together.'

'Really?' I draped my arm around my man in a gesture of solidarity.

'Fair enough,' Peter ushered us into the house which started off with a narrow hallway which seemed to go right through the house. He led us through and took us out onto a patio, there was a small and rather dilapidated pool outside with this gorgeous dark skinned lad splashing around. He stood and looked at us and I took a second look as he climbed from the pool. He had a long relaxed dark skinned penis which must have been all of six inches and it was in a relaxed state. 'My Joe boy,' Peter announced proudly.

'Hi, guys,' Joe clambered out of the pool and draped a towelled bathrobe around his slender brown body. Such a shame.

'One minute,' Peter disappeared returning with iced cans on a tray. 'No booze as you're driving.'

'Cheers,' Mark and myself took one apiece and sat ourselves down as Joe sorted us out a pair of chairs. Polite as well as being hot, hot, HOT. 'We've got a photoshoot this afternoon with a kid called Little Joey,' Mark grinned at the Spanish Joe

'Joe boys rule the world,' the kid smiled at me and gave me a look that seemed to me to be calculating. I wondered if he saw me as some sort of opposition or just fancied me, or maybe he didn't fancy me at all, now that would be a bummer.

'How long you got?' Peter suddenly asked.

'Couple of hours and then we've got to get back to collect the kid.'

'Ah well ......' Peter looked at Mark and it didn't need too much in the way of brains to know what that look meant. I had a momentary flash of jealousy but reminded myself that I had Little Joey later in the day and I had another Joe right besides me at this table.

'Wanna cool down,' Joe whispered and nudged my knee with his bare leg. It was pretty clear that this pair were a well estabished team, no doubt myself and Mark would get there in the end.

'I don't mind, it's been a sweaty old morning.'

'Could get sweatier,' Joe cackled and gave me a slut's wink. He stood up and looked down at me, I could see a hint of his pendulous cock through the opening in his robe. 'I'll get you a nice fluffy towel.'

'Can you look after yourself for an hour or so?' Mark asked me.

'I'm sure Joe will help,' I answered dryly.

'He will,' Peter grinned at me and stood closely followed by my Mark, it was pretty clear what they were upto. They both gave me a smile and went into the house as Joe re-appeared with a huge towel. We were off.

Joe just dropped his towelled gown and jumped back into the pool. 'Come on, it's lovely,' he shouted and started splashing at me. I moved out of range and removed my clothing, unfortunately Carl Junior had sprouted which gave Joe a laugh but I ignored him. Finally naked I jumped in with him to have his wet slippery body grab hold of me and dunk me. We had a frantic ten minutes splashing each other and generally horsing around, I was as hard as a rock as his lithe body swarmed all over me and I could feel he was getting the same way. The action ended when I pinned him to the side of the pool with my extra weight and grasped his humongous erection under water, he just grinned and grasped mine. We swayed in the water and I pleasured myself with the feel of his hardness and the foreskin which slid up and down like a well oiled sleeve. He played with my scrotum under water and as it tightened up he grinned.

'You want me,' he kissed me softly on the side of my wet neck. It wasn't a question, he was stating a fact.

'Yeah,' I croaked with my arms encircling his slender waist clasping his high riding bottom.

'I go both ways.'

'Fine by me.' I felt his hands on my bottom pressing and squeezing my buns.

'Come on,' he broke free with a laugh. 'I'll show you my little nest.' I admired his tight little bottom as he clambered from the pool, I even got a flash of his darker brown pucker as he mounted the steps. 'Come on, Carl,' he hustled me along the garden and into a clump of shrubbery. There was a small circle of grass and a blanket, the little enclosure was covered with a dark green canvan making the place almost invisible from the house.

'Nice,' I bent my head and followed him in.

'I made it,' he spoke proudly. 'Me and the other boys come down here when it's nice.'

'Doing?' I grinned and fell onto the blanket with him.

'Doing what boys do, circle jerks, daisy chains, whatever' he laughed and rolled over pinning me to the floor. I made a token struggle but opened my legs allowing him to slide his huge cock between them. 'You are so nice,' he smiled. 'Mark got lucky.'

'So did Peter,' I opened my legs again and slid them onto his back pressing him into me. As he moved himself against me I could feel his warm hardness rubbing at the base of my crack. 'Got some lube?'

'Of course,' he reached out and felt under the blanket. As he shuffled himself into a kneeling position I saw that he had a tube of KY and a well used one at that, it was nearly empty. He must be a very popular boy. He gently guided my knees back to my chest and uncapped the blue tube.

'Take it easy with that thing,'I looked at his hardness with it's dull red glans fully exposed and with a pearly drip at the opening. It was massive, he had the biggest cock I'd ever seen on a boy, it must have been eight inches, well maybe not but it was bloody big. I was a bit nervous about taking it but I was up for a challenge. He was merrily dribbling precum like a tap, he was more than ready.

'Don't worry,' he smeared some of the clear gel onto his fingers and I felt him annoint my sphincter and then a brief twinge as he fed two fingers through my ring and start to finger fuck me. 'You are so tight,' he smiled and bent over to kiss me. He must have been so practiced, his fingers slid free and I felt his slippery lump at my ring and he gave a gentle push. The girth of his knob gave me a slight touch of pain but his ponderous lump was in me.

'Jeez,' I moaned as he slowly began to fuck into me. I felt another jolt as he took the second gateway and after that it all got easier. Luckily I'd had a busy night so I was pretty well relaxed in that region because he just went in deeper and deeper and he was moving his trim hips faster, I could feel his ballbag slapping against my crack as he neared total fulfillment. 'Yeah, go on Joe. Harder.'

He grinned and sealed his lips ontop mine as his slippery tongue explored my mouth his narrow hips pounded up and down as he pulled out a fair bit of his slippery cock and slapped it back in again. A totally different style to my Mark but nice all the same.

'You are good sex,' he grunted as he slammed and battered his way to a climax.

I clamped my bottom on his thrusts as I felt his huge cock seem to get thicker and harder. He didn't announce his cuming but suddenly rammed home hard and I felt his hot juices spurt and splatter up into my passage. Another thing, he came for ever. God knows how much spunk he had bottled up but I felt my back passage was flooded, I could feel the stuff trickling down my back, Finally we slipped onto our sides and kissed gently, slowly moving against each other and ever so lightly running our hands over each other's bodies.

'That was so nice,' he snuggled upto me as his limpening boyhood slid free annointing my cleft with stickiness and slime.

'It was,' I agreed as he gently handled my erection, if he kept going I was going to pop at any moment. 'How do you like it?'

'Up the bum normally,' he giggled and rolled onto his belly parting his legs.

'So be it, Joe boy,' I bent over and kissed one smooth flank and then the other. He had skin like a peach slightly fuzzy but so smooth, a bit like velvet. I slipped fingers between his cheeks and felt the ultra smoothness of his ring.

'Put some glop on,' he whispered. 'We'll do the maneuver once you're in.'

I hadn't got a clue what he was talking about but oiled him up anyway, I couldn't wait, I was so hard my cock was aching. I just wanted to bury myself in his slender brown body and pummel his soft bottom with my belly. I fingered oil between his cheeks and put some on my erection until it was gleaming. I knelt between his outspread legs and guided myself to his hole.


'I was born ready,' he pushed his rump up at the same time I moved in and I felt my glans pierce his tight ring and my erection encompassed by his body heat. 'Fuck me,' he growled and pushed up onto my thrusts. He was clearly no novice so I fucked him hard until he told me to stop. 'Keep it in all the way,' he instructed.

I obeyed, I didn't know what he was going to do but he was clearly more experienced than I was. He started to turn and raise one leg. 'Go that way and keep it in,' he grinned at me as his leg came across my body. I got it and smiled back, he was actually reversing himself on my hardness and he was nearly facing me, suddenly he was and his thin legs slipped onto my shoulders. 'Now fuck me,' he grabbed my neck and drew my face down to his. Furiously kissing and fucking we worked our way to my climax.

With the heat of the sun on the canvas and the exertion I was chucking sweat everywhere but I was digging in deep and he was loving it.

'I'm cuming.'

'Yesssss.' He crushed me to his slight body as my tumescence erupted inside him spraying him with my creamy, boythick spunk until it got too slippery to fuck. 'God, you fuck like a rabbit,' he giggled as my cum stained weapon slid free.

'Don't do too bad yourself big dick,' I hugged his sweat drenched body.

'Cheers,' he grinned. 'You can cum again Carl baby.'

'I shall do once we move up here.'

'Excellent he slapped my butt. 'You can meet the boys, two big 'uns, two midgets.' He stood and pulled me to my feet, 'We'd better use the downstairs bathroom the wrinklies'll be back in a bit.'

We went to the bathroom which was in fact a shower room exactly the same as our own new place, the only difference being that the toilet was enclosed, I'd have to make a point of mentioning that to my Mark, I seemed to remember ours just stood out on it's own. We arrived back at the patio just as Peter and Mark tottered down the stairs.

More cold drinks, quite a bit of sex banter but we were all relaxed and I could get to like this free love bit especially if the other kids were as good looking as Joe, I could become a frequent visitor. We had to say goodbye in the end and I must admit I was sorry to leave but we'd be back up here in three weeks or so moving into our new house. I should say Mark's new house but he told me off, the word 'our' is to be used at all times.

We cruised back down the A3 we had a little time in hand and The Green where we had arranged to pick up Joey, Little Joey that is was on the way home.

'So, how did you get on with Joe?' Here was the question I was dreading.

'We seemed to get on OK.'

'You both looked shagged to me,' Mark laughed.

'Did you and ... er ......'

Not this time,' Peter gave me a quick glance. 'We talked photography and his ideas and mine.'

'Why. Is he coming in on the porno stuff.' Images of Joe and myself doing the dirty brought a twinge to the gonads.

'No. He's into pixies and elves and stuff.'


'Don't ask,' Peter laughed. 'I'll tell you all about it before we move up there, for the moment let's concentrate on Little Joey, he is our first gallery after all. Page One on Carl's Space, how does that sound?'

'Carl's Space, I dunno.'

'Well we can talk about it.' We turned off the A3, we were about fifteen minutes from Little Joey and our first photo session. Gotta be a lark anyway.

We arived at Wharf Road, by the old Cricket Pavilion spot on time to find Joey lurking by the bus stop, he obviously recognised the car and ran over with a big beam on his face, he had a small backpack which presumably held his nightgear if he used any which I doubted. Without being told or asking he opened the back door and got into the rear of the car. 'Hi, guys,' he said brightly. I remembered that Mark had indicated that they'd had sex and I felt a little jealousy but stifled it. Mark and myself were lovers and anyone else was icing on the cake as he'd put it.

I gotta describe Joey, he tended to get called Little Joey because he was exactly that. He was sixteen but looked no older than fourteen, he was fuckin' tasty and I'd sorta fancied him before I'd realised that I was fully gay. Now I was 'out' at least to a limited audience and anything could happen. Mark said he was a rent boy which I understood was a kid who sells his body, well I wasn't buying but I'd take any freebies on offer.

Mark spoke over his shoulder as he drove off. 'I understand you two know each other.'

'Slightly.' We both said the same thing at the same time and then shared a laugh. Great minds think alike, eh?

'Let's get this straight, Joe.' Mark carried on and he sounded serious. 'I'll pay you top dollar for some good porno but if you wanna stay the night you've got to look after Carl, he fancies you.'

'Mark.....' I wailed, I felt my face go red.

'No probs,' Joey laughed. 'I've always fancied him anyway.' Jeez. They were talking about me as if I wasn't there. 'No charge for buddies.' Well there was a relief anyway.

We were indoors shortly afterwards and Mark phoned through for a Chinese as that was normally the quickest, he did his normal stunt of providing the usual WKD, not a bad move with what he was about to tell us. We just small talked until the food arrived then attacked it like a shower of pirhana, dunno if the ol' toothy fish like Chinese, maybe the people but not the rice. Sorry, I'm straying.

Mark pulled a folder from somewhere and looked at us like a schoolmaster. 'Right boys.'

I grinned at Joey and we tried to look attentive sucking our bottles of blue five percent, WKD looks like meths to those of you who don't know.

'I wanna run two sets of pics,' Mark started. One where the leader strips his mate, sucks him, snogs, etc and then gets fucked. Cue cum shots on spine or belly. The second set will be exactly the same only the roles will be reversed. If you can't muster a good cum you can try again tomorrow. Easy peasy. Any probs?'

'That's blunt enough,' Joe giggled nervously and looked at me. 'Tell me you haven't got a massive ten inch dick.'

'I haven't got a massive ten inch dick.'

'Shame,' Joey looked at me and laughed again. 'Gotcha that time.'

'Tell you what, boys,' Mark smiled at us. 'Why don't you get your kit off, get used to being naked together.'

'Give you a flash as well,' Joey retorted.

'Why not?'

I thought I'd lead the way so I kicked off my trainers, peeled off my socks and stood to do the rest. Mark and Joey's eyes were burning holes in me until I told Joey to get on with it. He just gave one of his silly giggles and followed my lead. We finished up with me in my new briefs and he in a baggy pair of boxers both showing respectable tents in the front.

'Very pretty,' Mark took a sip of his poison. 'Make my day kiddies.'

It was a bit of a laugh I was trying to oggle Joey, he was trying to oggle me and Mark was oggling both of us. We could have started a new theme park Oggle World. Joey was the surprise, he was hard right enough and it was a fair size for a kid of his build, probably around the five inch mark, uncircumcised but with the glans in full view but he was fuckin' bald.

I frowned at Mark. 'I thought you were sixteen, Joey?'

'I am,' he stared at me indignantly. 'Oh, that,' he laughed. 'I shaved off. Good innit?' He moved closer. 'Feel it,' he whispered provocatively.

I was lost, I reached out and cupped his balls, they were heavy but perfectly smooth, as sexy as hell . He looked like a ten year old and I was going to have sex with him in front of a camera. Our first photoshoot could finish up with me in gaol.

He actually flashed his birth certificate when he first came over,' Mark grinned. 'I got the hairy version.'

'Wasn't all that much hair,' Joey reached out and grasped my meat, a shiver ran through me as he slowly and sensually ran the loose skin up and down on the hard inner core.

'Yeah, yeah,' Mark laughed. 'Let's get the digitals, I don't want you pair cuming all over the carpet.'

'I was gonna do it in Joey's big mouth,' I looked at my partner.

'Yeah, big dick. You an' me both.'

'Come on girls, we can use the spare bedroom,' Mark stood impatiently. 'We can do the mature stuff later on or tomorrow if that suits.'

'Suits me,' I looked at Joey, he just nodded. I could see that he wanted to get his rocks off as much as I did. Sex was in the air and sex was on the agenda.

'We can do it now,' Joey screamed as he ran up the stairs with me in hot pursuit.

Joey and myself galloped up the stairs trying to grope each other whilst Mark sorted his cameras out. We got to the bedroom and flopped onto the bed, the next thing I knew was that we were furiously kissing each other and exploring each other's bodies. He was nice, he was so smooth and his dick now at full stretch wasn't as small as I'd first thought.

'You'd like that in you, wouldn't you?' Joey smiled between kisses. 'Pity I've gotta cum all over you instead of inside.'

'That's only in front of the camera.'

'What happens when I get to do it privately?' Joey grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

'Yeah,' I stared at him. 'That's when we do it, not you do it .... you get my drift.'

'I don't mind,' he said in a very small voice gently fondling my spike. 'You've got a nice cock,' he sniggered and buried his face in my shoulder.

'Righto girls. Break it up,' Mark had entered the room. 'Action stations. Who wants to get the ball rolling.'

'Me, me,' little Joe boy struggled free from me and I saw his head go down and felt his hot breath on my pubes. We were off and running.

God he was on me like a heron at a fishpond, his hot wetness descended onto my cock and he took most of it in one go. I could feel his nose nudging into my pubics and then he was up and downing like one of those old 'dunking birds' you used to see in bars. After his initial attack he slowed down and went for sensual. Boy was he good, he held my scrotum tightly, he licked up and down slid his tongue under the rim of my knob and then just took it into his mouth and lapped across the pee slit. He was an expert cocksucker and he had me in the throes just like that.

'Don't make him cum too soon.' Mark laughed. He'd obviously experienced our little little Joey before. That wasn't the end of Joey's tricks though. Mark had left a tube of KY handy and unseen by myself the boy had located it and the next thing I knew was an oiled finger at my bum probing and massaging the outside of my sphincter.

'Shit,' I gasped , the little bastard was sucking away and working a finger in and out as far as he could get it. I was gonna pop at any moment.

'You ready for this.' The randy little pratt looked up my belly with an evil glint in his eyes.

'Do your worst, short stuff,' I tried to push onto his finger but it disappeared, immediately his lips started to move up my body and I could feel his oiled spike brush against my legs. I knew what was coming, I lifted my knees upto my chest.

'We're out of sequence here,' Mark grumbled. 'But carry on.' I could feel him flitting about with his bloody camera. Here I was about to be fucked by a midget and I thought I was gonna be the star.

Joey's lips were on my throat and then he kissed me strongly and fiercely, a jerk and I felt him enter me. No foreplay, no finesse, just a hard thust and most of his five or five and a half inches was in my bottom and he was fucking.

'Don't you dare cum in him, Joe boy,' Mark muttered with his camera close upto Joey's dick sliding in and out of my bumhole.

'Where do I cum then,' Joey slowed and kissed me again.

'On my belly and then you can lick it off,' I whispered.

'Yeuchy,' he saw Mark nod and increased his speed. I could feel his hot cock harden yet more and suddenly he slid it free. He moved in close and placing one hand flat alongside my chest furiously wanked himself until his cock jerked spewing streamers of his white spunk into my pubes and onto my lower belly. 'Jeez,' he sighed as he squeezed the last little trickle of boycum from his softening cock.

'Up here,' I grunted and as he shuffled up astride my body took his flacid semen coated cock into my mouth. His cum tasted nice and I bathed his dick with my mouth and tongue until I felt him begin to harden up again. Ready for round two, almost. He slid down my body again kissing and lapping until he arrived at his puddles and lapped them up. His tongue slipped across my weeping cockhead and he glanced up my belly with a grin.

'Your turn, Carl my man.'

I spread his little body on the bed, took one lingering look at boyish little slut's face and dived onto his semi hard cock. Maybe that should have been his sluttish boy's face, never mind. I slowly blew him feeling his flaccid cock harden up again. I gave him the KY treatment of course and he was so bloody tight, my own erection was dripping like a dodgy tap.

'Go on, do it, Carl. Please.' The little tart was begging for it and I was most certainly willing to oblige.

'Don't you dare cum inside him,' Mark growled as he flitted about with his camera.

'I won't,' I grinned at my little blonde partner as I folded his knees back onto his chest.

'Do him doggy,' Mark called out.

I think I gave a little sigh of exasperation but I rolled him over and got him up into a crouch and then I lost it. No more Mr Nice Guy, I positioned at his gleaming pucker and took him in one long slow thrust.

'Jeeez,' he groaned and pushed back onto me as I slowly and gently began to slip in and out of his tight heat. Boy, that kid was good sex. Every time I thust in he pushed back until I felt the old heat rising.

'I'm cuming,' I groaned and slowly slid free. Joe fell flat on his belly and opened his legs, I was immediately between then and wanking my oily cock like a loony.

'Yesss...................' A surge of hot spunk and it was splattering and splashing on his alabaster buttocks, puddles and streamers dripping and running off his smooth cheeks. God knows where it came from after the morning session with the other Joe.

'Carl, you animal,' Joey giggled and reaching behind him smeared the stuff over his bum and the small of his back.

I glanced at Mark and as he nodded I slipped between Joey's messy cheeks and penetrated his tight little butt again.

'You can't......' he wailed.

'Betcha,' I sniggered and pumped into his now loosened and relaxed passage.

This time it took longer but I did cum a little but this time sod Mark. I stayed tightly into Joey as I felt the mini pumps and the much reduced cuming. Joey wriggled on it and laughed quite happily, that boy was a cock lover sure enough.

'Well done boys,' Mark smiled quite happily and put his cameras on the side. 'Who's gonna look after the old man then?'

'Joey can,' I lay on my back and slowly wanked my rather sore penis. I had an idea, I didn't know if Mark was up for it but I was.

Mark looked at me and positioned the ever grinning Joe onto his back and slipped into place, this was after he'd given us a brief striptease you understand. Joey took Mark's fat cock like a trooper, a sorta wince, a bit of a frown and then his standard big kiddy grin ..... that boy just loved cock.

Once Mark had himself in Joe and was slowly fucking I got behind and pushed myself into the boyfriend.

'How did I know you were going to do that?' Mark murmured as he fucked Joe and I lazily fucked him. I didn't think I'd be able to cum but I was going through the motions at least.

As it happened, Mark came into Joey but I couldn't make it. After we slipped apart and lay there pretty well knackered and bathed in our own sweat Joey took me in hand. That kid was a boxload of surprises, he held my ballbag tight and after wiping me off blew me slowly and sensually until I knew I wanted to cum and begged him to release the nuts. With a wide grin he did so and I took the greatest delight in spraying his face and upper chest with a decent load. Not bad for the fourth or fifth load of the day, I was so tired I collapsed and fell asleep between my lover and my new posing partner. What you could call a day to remember!

When I woke up it was around six, Joey was curled up alongside me and was gently snoring, Mark had disappeared. I did hear the clatter of crockery downstairs so I wasn't too fussed, he was probably knocking up his idea of a meal ... the mind boggled.

'Oi, I'm not waiting on you two.' That was shouted up the stairs, that was my Mark.

'Come on Joey, time to eat.'

'I'm all sweaty and 'orrible,' he came awake rubbing his eyes and looking like Little Orphan Annie without the dark curls.

'You're sweaty and sweet,' I kissed him on the cheek. 'Come on grab your knickers.' He floundered about for a bit but I managed to get him down to the kitchen where Mark had prepared a salad and even managed a mountain of steaming hot chips, just what the doctor ordered on an extremely warm summer's evening.

Anyway, we tore into this lot like a pack of wolves, maybe a trio of wolves. It was just after as we were relaxing with chilled drinks that the subject of Billy Boy came up.

'I've got a mate who'd like to do some of this type of posing.'

'Name and age,' Mark smiled.

'Billy Sulkey, he's just turned sixteen.'


'A couple of doors from me,' Joey grinned. 'He's pretty good looking.'

'Does he do the biz?' I chipped in looking at Joey leaving no mistaking about the 'biz' I was referring to.

'Dunno,' Joey shrugged. 'We've done a few wanks together though. I've seen him naked, he's got a good bod.'

'Sounds interesting,' Mark looked at me and grinned. 'Whatcha think, superstar?'

'Always give him a go on pinups and see how he fancies going onto bigger things.'

'Bigger things,' Joey sniggered. 'He can stay out nights as well,' he added. 'His family's pretty much the same as mine.'

'Dysfunctional?' Mark laughed.

'Non functional,' Joey corrected.

'I wonder if he'd like to come around tonight?' Mark mused.

'I gotta go to work tomorrow,' I put that in. I was beginning to realise that after the happenings of the day and what may happen overnight I could finish up like a wrung out dishcloth. The thought of working for a full eight in Safeways wasn't getting me too excited.

'Take a day off sick,' Mark suggested. What a guy, he'd said exactly what I wanted to hear.

'Yeah, I suppose,' I grinned across. 'I probably will be pretty exhausted anyway.'

'OK,' Mark smiled. 'All fixed.' He looked across the table to Joey. 'Any chance of getting this kid to pop around for a few pictures, offer him a score maybe?'

'No harm in trying,' Joey looked at me. 'Carl would like him.'

Why did I suspect that our little Joey had his own agenda?

'Can you ring him?' Mark asked Joey.

'Np probs,' Joey grinned. 'I'll phone from the other room?' He got to his feet and left Mark and myself at the kitchen table.

'He's upto something,' Mark looked at me.

'Yeah,' I agreed. 'Perhaps he has designs on this Billy kid, maybe using us as a means to an end.'

'I think Joey just wants to have fun and do a bit of earning,' Mark declared. 'He knows that I'm moving in three or four weeks, perhaps he wants to make hay whilst the sun shines. His fingers drummed on the table. 'As long as it's to our advantage I don't mind.' I just nodded agreement, he'd said 'our' advantage, not his.

'He's willing,' Joey burst back into the room. 'I told him nudey pinups, I didn't tell him anything else.'

'Good boy,' Mark smiled.

'You need to pick him up at the entrance to the Royal Grammar, I didn't want to tell him where you lived.'

'Very good boy,' Mark remarked. 'Get some kit on boys, we're going for a drive.'

Twenty minutes later we were waiting outside the main gates to the big school and Joey pointed out this rather bedraggled youth strolling down the road, as he neared I saw that he was your average street kid, nothing to write home about but photogenic nonetheless. Joey with his usual panache shouted out of the window like a little hooligan and the boy spotting him and us wandered over.

'Billy,' Joe did the introductions. 'Friends of mine, Mark and Carl.'

'Hi,' Billy looked a little shy but a small smile cracked his face. He looked a little sad, a boy not used to smiling, we'd try and change that. Mark was on about me looking too serious in my pictures, his catchphrase was 'smile for fuck's sake, you're getting paid for it,' which just about sums it up.

When we'd left the house Joey had claimed the front seat with Mark and I finished up in the back, the kid, Billy clambered in with me. Should call him Billy the Kid I suppose.

On the way back I tried to study him without being too obvious but he caught me at it.

'You'll know me next time,' he grunted and then gave his tiny smile just to remove any offence I suppose.

'Yeah, not bad,' I sniffed taking a page out of Mark's book.

'You know what we're about, Billy?' Mark took over as we drew into the house.

'Yeah, Joe was pretty specific.'

'Good, no probs then?'

'Nah,' Billy actually smiled. 'If you've got the money, I've got the body.'

I looked at Joey who had craned around in his seat and winked. Now what the hell did that mean? He had said that Billy wasn't on the game and he was inexperienced, perhaps Billy was into 'Carry On' phrases.

The more furtive looks I gave him the more I liked him, he was a little shorter than I was but he was also a little dark as I was, Mark calls it sallow which I don't like too much, it doesn't sound very nice. The point was that this kid had pretty tight old jeans on and he looked quite bulky up front. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't wetting my knickers of anything but I was curious. Mark just called me a dopey tart but we'll press on and ignore him.

We got to the house and tumbled out Joey acting the prat as usual. Once indoors Mark didn't waste any time, he detailed me off to serve drinks all round, cold drinks that is, no booze. We sat in the lounge and he told Billy Boy what he wanted which was basically a series of pinups with possibly some in the bathroom, even the bath. Billy seemed interested enough, he actually looked a bit relieved that Mark hadn't demanded full scale sex at the first session but I know that isn't Mark's way.

Mark had said his bit and we sat there whilst Joey took the kid upstairs to show him around and hopefully get him stripped.

'If they're staying the night, who's sleeping with who?' I looked at lover boy ... this should be interesting.

'Whom,' he took a sip from his can.



'For Christ's sake, Mark.'

'Who's sleeping with whom,' he grinned at me. 'Let's get the English right and let's save the bullshit for the others. Are you saying that you want to sleep, or rather spend the night with, Joey or Billy?'

'I wouldn't mind Billy.' I felt I was on dodgy ground here but he had said he was quite happy with individual adventures as it were, I just hoped that he didn't fancy Billy because as sure as fuck I did.

'No probs,' he grinned. 'I'll stick with Joey, I know he's a bit of a raver, this Billy kid is a bit of an unknown.'

'There's something there,' I insisted. 'I gotta feeling.'

'Gaydar?' He laughed. 'OK then, try your luck. If I hear a load of screaming and shouting in the middle of the night you're on your own.'

'No I'm not,' I laughed. 'You'll rescue me.'

'Not if Joey's swinging off the end of my dick I won't,' he stood up. 'Come on lover boy, let's go and see what the children are upto.'

We wandered upto the spare bedroom which we'd already used with Joey and went in. No sign of the boys but we could hear splashing in the bathroom.

'We're in here,' Joey called out. I thought it was pretty bloody obvious but there you go. I think we both grabbed cameras and Mark gave a puzzled frown, we had three earlier in the day. The problem was solved when we went into the bathroom, Billy was in the bath at full stretch with just his face out of the water and Joey was making free with the third camera. 'He looks good,' Joey laughed as he pranced around the bath taking a series of pictures.

Look good? He was beautiful, a very boyish body, sort of on the verge of manhood but not quite there yet. He had a really fat cock which was uncircumcised and extended but he wasn't actually erect. He grinned up at us and put his tongue out, he was bloody charming. It seemed that the shyness had taken a hike which was also a good thing.

'Want to do some standing, Billy?' Mark asked the kid. 'Joey and Carl can take some shots, I'll do some of you in costume.'

'Costume?' Billy grinned as he stood looking slightly embarassed.

'Yeah, just a shirt and maybe a hat,' Mark smiled. 'Something tasteful.'

'No probs.'

'I understand you're OK to stay overnight?' Mark went for the throat.

'If you can put me up,' Billy answered quietly. 'I ain't fussed about going home.'

'OK, my man,' Mark turned to leave and then turned back. 'You can bed down with Carl, Joey can kip in with me.' That was it, done and dusted as they say, he gave a brief smile and left the room.

'Cor, that was smooth,' Joey chortled and proceeded to take close ups of Billy's flaccid cock.

'Fuck off, Joey, you perv,' Billy laughed and spat water out and stepped out of the bath. God, he was so nice. I was sprouting a stiffy like a stiffy thing ..... words fail me in my lust, ho ho.

'Come on boys, get our man dried off,' Mark popped his head around the door and gave me a shirt and a small size trilby hat. 'Out of my costumes case,' he explained. 'Downstairs on the patio when you're ready.'

'I'm off,' Joey fled the room, that kid was really hyper, I wondered if he was on uppers or had ants in his pants. Perhaps he was going to chat Mark about the night ahead in any event, he had left me alone with Billy Sulkey.

'I can dry myself,' Billy stepped from the bath and reached for a bathtowel.

'Yeah, it's more fun if I do it,' I smiled at him trying to put him at his ease.

'Maybe,' he laughed and relinquished the towel.

Mmmm, he was so nice, he swayed a little and moved as I dried off his bum, he even parted his legs as I rubbed the soft towel between his thighs. 'Can I do your front?' I felt my voice break as I asked the question.

'Please,' his own voice was a mere whisper as he turned to face me.

I lightly rubbed the towel across his well formed boyish chest and then dropped to my knees and dried up between his legs and lightly cupped his balls in the fluffy material.

'You getting a buzz out of this,' he grinned down at me.

'Yeah.' This time it was definitely a croak. I encircled his fat cock with the towel and gently moved it to and fro, I could feel him harden in my grasp and was just about to go for it when Joey called up the stairs.

'Shit,' I breathed gently on Billy's exposed gland and gave it the briefest of kisses.

'We are sharing tonight,' he reminded me as I finished him off with a brisk rub down his legs. 'How do I look,' he put the shirt on and the white hat.

'Dead sexy,' I grinned and patted his firm bottom as he preceded me from the bathroom.

'Oi, hands of the goodies,' he laughed as he made a run for the stairs with myself right behind.

'Took your time,' Joey looked at me as we arrived on the patio. 'Gropies?'

'Don't be nosey, Joe,' I felt myself blush and noticed Mark's slight grin. Thank Christ we were still on track, I didn't want to upset the meal ticket at this stage of the game. Mind you, he had said more than once that we could still do our own thing, dunno why I was getting uptight it was just that it was all so strange.

It was funny, I really wanted Mark, I wanted to live with him and I wanted to love him until we were both exhausted and worn out but I still had this hankering for boys. I'd already dabbled with Joe up in Walton, done simulations and actually cum in Little Joey and here I was thinking of what I was going to do with Billy once we had a bedroom to ourselves. The other thing was that Joey had said that he'd shared wankies with Billy, he hadn't given any information if the good looking boy went any further than that.

We took a camera each and filled them with pictures of Billy basically camping about and looking sexy. Cap on, cap off, dick shots and bum shots, these were purely pinup you understand, he just didn't turn a hardon. I couldn't do a session like that, I just got as hard as a rock with people oggling me, it didn't seem to concern Billy one bit. I think my favourite was the one I took of him sitting at a table playing with Mark's notepad computer. It caught the light right and I liked it, it wasn't as cock oriented as some. I think by the time we finished it was getting dark and we were all pretty played out.

'That's it boys,' Mark placed his camera on the table. 'Get Billy a bathrobe or his clothes, Joey.'

'OK,' Joey charged away like a herd of buffalo (believe it), dunno how one kid could make so much noise.

'Fancy something a bit more advanced tomorrow, Billy, maybe you and Carl here?'

'How advanced?'

Mark didn't reply, he just turned his computer on and flashed up the collection of Joey and myself. I felt myself cherry up again as I found myself pictured in all my glory fucking Joey and getting fucked. I looked away as Mark clicked his way through the set.

'Very advanced I see,' Billy laughed nervously. 'Gotta tell you guys, I've never done this sort of thing before ......'

'Carl will probably show you how tonight,' Joe broke in as he descended the stairs with Billy's clothing and a big shit eating grin on his face. 'It's only simulated sex anyway.'

'Looks pretty real to me,' Billy replied dryly as he pointed to the screen which was displaying a classic shot of me spunking on Joey's belly.

'Well the offer's there if you want to try tomorrow,' Mark closed the conversation. 'What are we on pizzas, fish and chips or a Chinese?'

'Should have let me do something,' Billy gave one of his rare grins. 'I'm doing a bit of chef's training as work experience.'

'Bit late now,' Mark laughed, 'but thanks anyway, Bill. It's a thought for the future.' I noticed the speculative look he gave the boy. Then I remembered, he was after a cook cum handyman for the new place up in Walton, Billy would be perfect.

In the end we had Chinese delivered and sat stuffing ourselves and chilling out with a nice bottle of white wine that Mark produced from somewhere. After that we got settled down as it got a bit cooler with a couple of videos and a gaggle of WKD's. The way Billy and Joey were sluggling them back they were either going to spend the night in and out of the toilet or on their bellies getting shagged unmercifully ..... the latter I hoped.

It must have been around midnight and Joey had nodded off twice when Mark made his move.

'Bedtime?' He looked at Billy and myself.

'Suppose so,' Billy didn't sound wildly enthusiastic. Joey just sat there with a silly grin on his face, I silently wished Mark the best of luck with that one, Joey looked just about fit to drop.

'Come on, Sulky Boi, I'll show you where.' I stood up but I didn't feel all that confident.

Billy staggered to his feet and gave me a vacant grin. 'What's with the Sulky Boi bit?'

You don't smile too much.' I know he was probably only a year or so younger than me but I felt like an old man after my experiences over the last couple of days. This was my first night in the driving seat as it were and I wasn't feeling all that sure about young Billy boy, he wasn't as blatant as Joey but then again he might have hidden talents.

'There you go,' he looked at me and gave me a big cheesy smile. 'Happy now?'

'Come on let's go to bed, I'll work on giving you a bigger smile,' I dropped my voice a little.

'Promises, promises,' he smiled and this time it was a genuine one. 'Lead on Carl, my man.'

In fact, we were sleeping in the room where we'd taken the pictures earlier, Mark was using the main bedroom to entertain Joey. We split from the other pair leaving Mark and the boy to tidy up the mess. Mark gave me an encouraging smile on the way out which helped ..... not a lot. I'd chatted up Joey a bit earlier on and he repeated that he'd wanked with Billy but that's as far as he'd gone so the night was going to be a bit of an adventure.

I puulled back the bedding and turned the lights off whilst Billy was using the bathroom, I just left the small bedside light on, real cosy one might say.

'What side do you want to sleep?' I asked as he came into the room.

'Who's sleeping?' He grinned as he flopped on the bed. Thank God, I thought, he seems to be thawing out a bit. 'I've never kipped with another guy before,' he bent over to undo his trainers. 'All a bit of an experience,' he flashed me another smile, he must have been saving them up.

'Mmmm,' I sat alongside him and tended to my own shoes.

'You Mark's partner,' he asked bluntly.


'But you share boys?'

'Not exactly,' I looked at him. 'We're sort of free and easy partners,' I think.' I was a bit confused myself where I stood with Mark. One minute he was telling me how much he loved me and then he was dumping me with Billy so he could have a night's rumpy pumpy with the Joey from Hell.

'I'm not a slut like Joey, you know,' he looked at me sideways. 'I don't hop into bed with anyone.'

'You're hopping into bed with me.' I pointed out.

'Yeah. You're tasty though,' he burst out laughing.

I lost it. I snaked my arm around his shoulder and pulled him flat onto the bed and nuzzled at his smooth throat, I was still a bit unsure of him and I didn't want to go for a full throated Frenchy at the first attempt.

'You poof,' he giggled but I felt his hand go between us and he grasped my near hardon and stopped giggling. 'First time, OK.' He looked at me suddenly serious. 'Don't go too mad,' he snuggled upto me and I breathed a sigh of relief, at least he wasn't giving me the old heave ho, he was willing to play.

'Call me a poof again and I'll stick my dick right down your throat.'

'I thought that was tomorrow,' he pulled free and clambered over me to turn the light off leaving us in almost darkness. 'That's better,' he slid down alongside me and gave a contented little wriggle as I unzipped him and reached inside. His fat cock was turgid and semi hard and it was a bloody sight bigger than I thought it was going to be. 'You can do that all night,' he whispered and unclipped my wastband. 'We getting naked?'

'We are,' I kissed him lightly on the cheek and then just as lightly on the lips as he turned his head.

'You kiss good,' he put his hand on the back of my neck and held me firmly as he came back for seconds. I licked at his lips and they parted admitting my flickering tongue into his open mouth. He smelt vaguely of WKD but it wasn't an unpleasant taste. We were geting undressed in stages, the top kit went and we removed each others trousers until we were rolling about on the bed almost nude, he in boxers and me in my briefs.

'All off,' I whispered savouring his smooth body and warmth, I did a crafty check under the pillow. Good old Mark, the KY was exactly where he said it would be. 'Gonna eat ya,' I kissed down onto his nipples reversing myself on the bed. I didn't know if he was going to go for it ot not but I had to try.

'Where you going?' He tried to keep me up alongside himself but I was down kissing his gently rounded belly and took my first taste of his boy cock which was now fully hard. 'Perv.' his voice broke into a squeak and then a satisfied sigh as I took his swollen glans into my mouth. 'Aaaah, Jesus, Carl,' he groaned as I bobbed my head up and down running my moist lips up and down his thick shaft, I also took the opportunity to clasp his soft buns, talk about jelly on springs.

Jackpot. I felt him hold my own hardness and run his lips up and down without actually committing himself, suddenly I felt his hot tongue slip across my pee slit where he must have tasted my precum.

'Tastes OK,' he chuckled and then followed my example by slipping his mouth over my swollen knob and gently rolling it around in him mouth before absorbing more until he was doing exactly the same as I was. We were blowing each other head to tail and he was fondling my bum ..... perfecto!

We gently fucked into each other's mouths for a while. I was getting harder as he was but he came first. A strangled croak and I was swallowing thick and creamy boy cum, he groaned and jerked into my mouth and all the while I kept sucking him until I felt him stop and begin to soften.

'Jesus,' he moaned and then he started to gag as I held his head and shot my own offering deep into his throat. He attemped to draw off but after the first couple of jets just sucked like a kid with a candy, he must have liked the taste or perhaps he was trying to prove something. All over I slipped around on the bed and snuggled up to his smooth body, I thought he might have had enough and decided to distance himself but he didn't. 'That wasn't too bad,' his teeth flashed in the gloom, he sounded quite proud of himself.

'You tasted nice,' I smiled back at him. 'Cum a lot as well.'

'Training for tomorrow,' he giggled in the dark. 'We gonna go for the big one later.'

'Upto you.'

'Come on,' he laughed. 'You want me, I've been watching you ..... you've got the hots for little ol' me.'

'Damn right.'

'Well Carl my old mate, I've got the hot's for you,' he guided my hand downwards and sure enough his fat cock was filling out again as I gently squeezed it.

'And I thought you were straight.....'

'I am, I just fancy you ....... and Joey ..... and your boyfriend.'

'Yeah, alright, alright.' I shut him up with a long kiss. I didn't know which end was up, I wanted to make love to him and I wanted his creamy boyseed in me. God, two days with Mark and I was even thinking like a slut. It must be the house, it had to have have a curse on it. Billy had seemed so normal, so straight and now in the dark he was game for anything and everything.

'Bet Joey's bottom's getting a good seeing too,' he chuckled in the dark.

'Again,' I laughed softly and snuggled up against him. 'Let's sleep for a bit.'

'OK, Carly.'

'Less of the Carly.'

'Orrite, Sweety.'


It was dark when I awoke, I could barely see the bedside clock so I had to half crawl over Billy to make out the figures. Jeepers Whatsits, it was 4.10 and the house was as quiet as a graveyard. I felt Billy move beneath me and he moved onto his belly. Not one to let a chance go I nuzzled the back of his neck and moved to the side. A snail's trail of salive down his spine as I kissed and lapped down his beatifully smooth back ending at his tail. I could feel the heat from his body, the boy smell a mixture of sweaty socks and funk, God I was as hard as a rock again.

Really daring I kissed one peachlike cheek and then the other, I even ran my tongue from the top of his crack to the bottom.

'Mmmmm,' I nuzzled at his cleft and forced my tongue in deep.

'You dirty bugger,' he giggled and slightly opened his legs.

'I thought you were asleep.'

'No chance with you hopping about like a kangaroo on speed,' he pushed his bum up a bit.

'Over the top a bit, I fancy,' I grinned in the dark, at least he was in a good humour. I licked between his cheeks a bit and he obligingly opened up a little more. I fumbled about in the dark trying to reach up for the KY under the pillow.

'It's here,' I felt him push the tube into my hand.

Ah well, so much for the laid back seduction. 'You alright with this?'

'You fuck me and I'm gonna fuck you,' he murmured sleepily.

'You got yourself a deal Billy boy.'

'Thought I might have,' he giggled again. 'Take it easy. I'm only doing this so I don't look silly at the photoshoot.'

'Of course you are,' I smiled. Who the hell did he think he was kidding, he wanted me just as much as I wanted him, it was as easy as that. I got my tongue right in and actually lapped across his pucker, he quivered and pushed up as I lifted my head and uncapped the KY. I slowly smeared some betweeen his cheeks and across his hot little pussy.

'Jeeeesus, Carl,' he moaned and then jerked as I gently inserted the tip of my forefinger into his bottom. 'Aaaah,' he sighed and wriggled a little as I started to move my finger in and out going deeper and moving in a circular motion relaxing the muscle and relieving his tenseness. Mark was a good teacher.

'You alright?'

He sniggered into the pillow and I vaguely saw his head turn. 'As well as can be expected with a finger up my bum.' I heard him laugh again and then a definite push upwards onto my probings. He even moaned as I slipped my finger from his well oiled bottom and then carefully and ever so slowly fed my index and forefinger back into his hole.

'Aaaaah.' This time I picked up on the satisfaction as his sphincter yielded to my fingers, God he was so tight, my penis was slippery with my own precum, I had to take him. 'Ooh, Carl.' he whinged as I slipped my fingers free.

'Relax, baby,' I slipped up between his legs forcing them apart with my knees.

'Take it easy,' he whispered and I felt his bum rise as he lifted his hips.

'No,' I pressed on him flattening him on the bed again. 'You need to relax.' I slipped my leaking glans between his cheeks and felt it slide up against his hole. 'Jesus, Billy .....' I sighed as I pushed against his slippery and hopefully relaxed pucker. My hardness speared into his inner warmth like a hot knife into butter, he just gave a long moan and I covered his clenched fists with my hands. 'You OK,' I tasted the sweat on the back of his neck as I started to slowly move in and out sinking deeper and deeper into his beautiful bum.

'I'll live,' he giggled and pushed up onto me. 'That feels so weird.'

Weird. It felt glorious, if I died inside Billy I'd die a happy bunny. I started to fuck or more properly I started to love him and he lay there giving a little moan now and then but pushing up onto my thrusts all the time. It came at last. 'Harder, Carl.'

I grinned in the dark, he was mine now. I started to ram and thrust into his sweet butt, my belly made audible thwacks onto his sweaty back as I went faster and faster and dug deeper and deeper.

'Gonna fuck you so hard for this, Carly.'

'Promises, promises,' I grinned and lowered myself a little thrusting upwards forcing him up the bed. I could feel the tightening of my scrotum and the heat. 'I'm cuming,' Billy,' I croaked and I did.

He was forcing himself tightly against me as my hardness exploded, I lost count of how many spurts of my young spunk splattered into his body but we finished in a squishy mess with me idly stirring my cum coated penis in his tight passage and him pushing back and trying to crane around and kiss me.

'You nearly made me cum,' he groaned as I slowly slipped free and then rolled him over and draped my arm over his damp chest. 'Was I OK?' he whispered and I swear I could feel the heat of his blush.

'You were great,' I raised my head and kissed him lightly on the lips.

'Another notch on the old pistol grip,' he gave a short laugh and I felt him turn towards me, I reached down and felt his own erection. Jeez, it was as hard as a rock and I could feel the slimyness of his own spunk as I ran his foreskin to and fro over his bloated glans.

'Do me from the front, Billy,' I rolled onto my back and parted my legs. I wanted this kid's fat cock in me, I wanted him to lost his virginity to me on both fronts, it was his turn now.

He wasn't that innocent. He knelt between my legs and shuffled up close to my crotch, I raised my knees to my chest and grabbed his hip with one hand and guided his leaking penis downwards with the other.

'Have I got to do the finger bit,' he whispered as his face neared mine.

'No. Just kiss me to stop me screaming,' I wriggled a bit until I felt his bulbous glans slip against my fanny. 'Go for it, Billy,' I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him long and hard as I felt his thickness push against my ring and part it. That boy was big, that's big in girth rather than length and to start it was quite painful but I was determined not to chicken out, besides I wanted him so badly I was desperate. I was in love with two people my Marky and now Billy. I gave a yelp as he pushed harder and I felt his mass open me up and then he started to slowly move.

For a first timer he was good, I'll give him that, he took his time and slowly filled me until his pubics were pressed up under my balls and his hot lips were glued against mine.

'This is incredible,' he looked at me and I saw his teeth gleam in the dark as I felt him flex his belly and his cock jerked within me. 'Gonna flood you, baby. Gonna give you babies, baby,' he grinned and away he went.

I was used to it by now, I'd had my virginity taken by Mark and there and then decided my true sexuality. I'd had full blown sex with Spanish Joe up in Walton and simulations with Little Joey down here but Billy was something else. He looked so straight and he was hammering into me like he was in a competition or something. His penis was so fat, my hole was going to finish up like the Channel Tunnel.

'I'm cuming,' he croaked and then I felt the thing swell and then the familiar pumping and the feeling of slippery cum splashing and spurting into my body.

I hugged his sweat soaked body and kissed him savagely as he slowly wound down and lay on me belly to belly as his cum stained cock slid from my spunk drenched hole. That was one good fuck.

We drifted off and I was awoke at dawn by the birdsong and Billy's hardness prodding at my bum.

'Whatcha doing?' I groaned and spread my legs a bit, I knew exactly what he was doing.

'Practicing for Little Joey,' he sniggered and pushed. I felt the familiar brief pain and his fat cock speared my bruised ring and he was at it again. This time he took his time, stacks of kissy kissy and the glorious feel of his hot boymeat slipping in and out of my well used bottom. When he climaxed it was as good as the earlier one, I could feel his sticky spunk between my cheeks as he slowly withdrew, his breath was hot on my neck as he finally flopped onto his back.

'I'll cook breakfast this morning,' he gazed at the ceiling and grinned at me as I rolled towards him. 'I'll show you what a chef can do.'

'You can do that right now,' I laughed and forced my way between his legs folding his knees back to his chest.

'Go on then,' he whispered and gently holding my stiffness guided it to his pucker. I pushed, it was a bit dry but sweat and a bit of a lick helped. I took my time and every time I felt like cuming I eased off. In the end to stop his moaning and groaning I bottomed out hugely and sprayed his insides with my boy juice.

'You are so nice, Sulky Boi,' I grinned and slowly moved in and out of his flooded nest as I softened finally slipping free and smearing his bum with my cum coated cock.

'Jeez, what a night,' he lay in my arms and we shared a lazy snog.

'You are gonna make Joey squeak with that thing,' I toyed with his flaccid meat.

'I hope so,' he laughed. We finally clambered out of bed and after a shared bath and mutual sex play we descended on the kitchen.

The others came down shortly afterwards and I think that Mark, at least, was pretty pleased to see that Billy had everything under control and coped quite adequately with a full scale English breakfast for the four of us. I had a funny feeling that our chef for the Walton place was in the bag.

I was wondering over breakfast how Joey and Billy were going to make the grade with the photoshoot but Mark suggested that they did a bit of 'naturalist' stuff in the garden and if things 'arose' we could progress to better things. The two schoolies had a little giggle and agreed, I had the funniest feeling the whole thing was going to be a disaster but then again I'm a born pessimist.

I phoned up Safeways and told them that I was taking a day off sick, they gave me a load of lip about letting the side down, etc. etc. so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to hand in a week's notice. They didn't seem too fussed which I relayed to Mark and I think his response was something along the lines of: 'Bugger 'em.'

Once again it was a beautiful morning, in fact, once we'd had breakfast and done a cleanup it was nearly eleven o'clcock. Mark had trapped me and asked how I'd got on with Billy, naturally enough I'd told him we'd got on well. He just grinned as he left to set his gear up.

'Joey's angling for another night, you better firm up Billy unless you want a threesome.'

Now there's something to think about, another night with the fattest cock in the school. I decided to tackle the boys head on, Mark seemed happy enough with Joe and I really did like Billy, I just hoped he liked me as much.

'You staying another night with Mark, young Joey?'

'Am I?' Joey beamed. 'I thought you might get the hump with me.'

'No,' I smiled at him to put him at his ease. 'I've got a fortnight's honeymoon to catch up with Mark.'

'Honeymoon,' Billy laughed and pulled a face. 'Tart.'

'I wasn't the only bottom of the night, pal,' I gave him my number one sneer.

'Whoo, whoo,' Joey made a noise like Thomas the Tank engine and pointed at Billy. 'Billy the Bottom Boy.' I left them for the while wrestling and laughing on the grass. Boys will be girls after all.

Mark was in the kitchen sorting out his cameras. 'Threesome or do you want Billy to stay.'

'I'd prefer Billy, I don't really fancy Joey jumping around all night.'

'Suits me,' he grabbed me and planted a kiss on my lips which I eagerly returned. 'Just remember, it's you and me, the others are the jam on the bread.'

'Icing on the cake you said last time.'

'Whatever,' he looked at me seriously. 'You and me, Carl.'

'You and me, Mark.' I agreed quite willingly. As he said the others and any that followed were bonuses. I did like Billy though, I mean I really liked him.

I lost no time in buttonholing Billy and asking him if he wanted to stay another night, he lost no time in giving me a yes and how he was going to fuck me silly. Not much of a gameplan but it sounded good to me.

Mark's photoshoot was just that; boy meets boy in the sunlight, boy chats boy (one shot), boy snogs boy (three shots), they do a mutual striptease and then go down on each other (numerous shots). In between the horsing around and the giggles we got a bundle of decent pictures, let's face it the pair were photgenic enough. The problem came when Billy mustered his stiffy, even Mark was taken aback by the kid's fat cock, Joey just freaked out.

'He's not shoving that thing up my bum,' he squealed and convulsed with laughter, this was turning into a gigglefest.

'Why not,' Billy gave him an eveil grin. 'The buzz is you practice with milk bottles.'

'Cow,' Joey snapped. 'I get to go first,' he looked at Mark and myself.

'I don't care,' Mark smiled patiently. 'Just make sure the cum's visible otherwise no ice cream later.'

'On your face,' Joey ordered Billy.

'Domineering bitches,' Billy grumbled and smiled at me. 'Thank the Lord I've got a proper man tonight' he tried to give Joey's jerking willy a slap but missed. 'Take it easy short stuff....' he rolled onto his belly and cocked his beautiful bum up in the air. I just sat there green with envy watching Joey doing his stuff. He didn't take long, that little blonde was one hyper sex maniac, ten minutes later he was smearing his thick cum over Billy's smooth back and licking at the shiny puddles. Moi, I was as hard as a chocolate frog and so was Mark.

Joey's turn came to play the bottom and in spite of all his blather he lay on his back with his legs in the air and let Billy take him, he showed no sign of discomfort and urged Billy to 'do him good.' That boy did like cock. Billy saw him off quite professionally, lets face it he'd had enough practice with me, when he came he squirted his thick boy's spunk over Joey's limp noodle and over the kid's belly and then taking his example from his partner licked and lapped it all clean even finishing up bringing Joey back to hardness.

'Stop it, Billy. Stop it,' Joey pleaded. 'I'm knackered.'

'Wimp,' Billy leant over his pal and kissed him briefly. 'I'm fucked as well.'

'Later,' I smiled at him ..... God I was so hard.

'Well it's nearly midday,' Mark collected his camera gear. 'Whatsay I phone for a pizza or a Chinese .... I can't be bothered cooking.'

'I don't mind sorting something out,' Billy sat up giving Joey's bottom a casual slap.

'I don't want you working ..... yet,' Mark smiled at my current partner. 'It's a fine Monday morning, let's chill out. I want to set this lot on the computer this afternoon.....'

'Can I help,' Joey's eyes lit up. 'I love pictures of me doing it.'

'You would,' Billy sneered. 'Poser.'



'Shut up, you two,' Mark's good nature was getting a little frayed around the edges.

'Yeah, Joey. You can help me. I expect Carl and Billy can find something to do.'

Billy looked at me with a slight smile which I returned, I'm sure we'd sort something out. I know I had to go to work in the morning but I'd lost all enthusiasm for Safeways which was hardly surprising under the circumstances.

We had what in Parliament they call a lively debate on who was eating what and by the time that was sorted it was coming on one in the afternoon and the sun was hot as in very hot, we withdrew to the lounge and Mark got a couple of fans going, it was shaping up to be another sweaty and humid day. Naked was the best way to be. Mark phoned the order through and we waited with the boys sitting naked scoffing a tub of ice cream between them which Mark had dug out of the freezer.

I heard the put-put of the pizza guy's moped and clutching Mark's money went to sort him out.

We eat, we had a drink, we chatted and at the end of it Mark and Joey started their computer work and Billy and myself slipped away to the bedroom.

'What we doing ..... snoozing?' He sat on the edge of the bed naked with the first signs of an erection, he gently moved his foreskin up and down over his gleaming knob.

'You snooze, I'll take advantage of your slumbering body,' I laughed and tugged my sweaty t-shirt off over my head.

'I think not,' he giggled and lay on his back slowly tugging on his penis. It was getting fat again and harder, the boy was up for it yet again.


I cut this one short a bit as I'm trying for a max of 70kb as the Chapters/Parts get too long and people tend to forget the story line (for what it's worth). Come on, I forget it myself sometimes.

Comments, etc always welcome.

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