My Roommates Toy Box

By Bryce Manning

Published on Mar 14, 2021


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My Roommate's Toy Box, Chapter 4

By Bryce Manning

Part of me thinks that Alex is going to crack up at any second, telling me he was just bullshiting about being bisexual, nevermind everything we've been doing together. But he doesn't. He's just staring at me, his words hanging in the air. "You think you're bi?" I finally ask, my voice barely rising above a hesitant whisper.

Alex lifts himself off the floor, standing up and smiling as he's looming over me. "Well, man, we just kissed twice, I touched your dick, and some of your cum is literally inside me right now," he says, his voice natural, sounding completely normal. "And I really liked everything that just happened."

I'm struggling to believe him. "You did?" I whisper. Goosebumps raise up all over my body, my face tingling as my heart pounds violently in my chest. I shouldn't feel stunned, having doubted his sexuality ever since we started down this path, but I'm stunned. Alex doesn't have a filter, but I still can't believe he'd just boldly declared he might be bisexual immediately after shooting his load.

"Stop looking so anxious!" Alex teases, bending over to fetch a plastic bag from beneath his bed, his huge hairy ass wet with lube. He starts piling the used toys into it. "Everything we just did was so fucking hot. A legit straight guy would be flipping the fuck out right now if he did any of that shit, right?" He looks into my eyes as he drops another toy into the bag. "So maybe it's time to reconsider some stuff."

"'re bi?" I ask.

He freezes and his eyebrows arch up. "Hey, I said I /might/ be bi," Alex corrects. "I need to think about it, you know? You just said I get off on doing things that are forbidden. Am I really bi or am I just getting turned on because everything we're doing together is totally taboo? I don't know yet."

"Yeah, that's fair." Why the fuck did I tell him that? My roommate was admitting that he was questioning his sexuality when he mentioned that he liked touching my dick, but I felt the need to reassure him thinking Alex was on the verge of panicking. Now he's telling me that I'd planted the seeds of doubt.

"Is this going to change anything?" he wonders, noticing that I'm deep in thought. "I really like the way things are right now."

"Me too," I say a little half-heartedly. I'm on an emotional rollercoaster, my mind awash in new questions. Is he actually starting to like me as more than a friend or is this just about sex for him? Is he going to use me to figure himself out and then throw me away if he decides he's totally straight after all? Even if he really is bisexual, is he going to kick me to the curb when he meets the kinky girl of his dreams who's willing to indulge his fantasies with him?

"Are you sure?" Alex interrupts. "You still look so nervous, dude. Should I not have said that? I wanted to be completely honest with you."

"No," I answer. I have to find out where this is going to lead, even if that would mean getting hurt. "I'm just surprised after you kept telling me you were straight."

Alex shrugs his shoulders. "I've been thinking about that ever since we started fooling around. I mean, I'm not obsessed with being 'straight.'" His bicep bulges lifting the bag of used toys up as he signs air quotes. "If it feels good and both people are enjoying it, that's really all that matters. I've had to tell myself that for a really fucking long time." He laughs and shoots a flirty smirk at me. "Maybe you're just a really good fucking kisser."

"You're definitely a good kisser," I say. He's admitting we had chemistry with the compliment, that he liked kissing me just as much as I liked kissing him. Maybe he is starting to like me as more than a friend. I want to ask him, to blurt the question out, but I know I shouldn't. My roommate had just told me that he /might/ be bisexual and I'm already being needy looking for some kind of emotional commitment.

He suddenly seems deep in thought, the plastic bag full of toys dropping to the floor with a loud thud. "You know what? I think I want to kiss you again right now."

"You want to kiss me?" My heart surges and my dick instantly fills out again. We'd both just cum together, and now Alex wants to kiss me again? I want to kiss him every single day.

"If you want to," he says, climbing into his bed and lying on his back. Alex looks over expectantly. "Get over here, dude. If you want to."

I instantly jump up and crawl into my roommate's bed, hovering over his body but stopping short of actually touching him, our eyes meeting.

"Get on top of me," Alex whispers with a nod, his face almost frighteningly serious.

The goosebumps flare up again and my heart starts thumping vigorously gazing down at him. Alex had invited me to kiss him, but as I slowly lower my body down on top of his he pulls my head into his muscular chest, wrapping his arms around my back and touching the tops of his feet against my soles. My hands wrap around his shoulders and I feel so content. We're holding each other, and it feels incredible, more intimate than anything else we'd done together.

"Want to know what I'm thinking right now?" Alex asks, his hands gripping me even tighter.

"Yeah," I say.

"This feels really, really fucking good. Just being honest."

"You feel really good," I whisper back. With my head against Alex's chest, listening to him softly breathing and hearing his heart beating, the two of us intertwined together, I feel myself relaxing. All my anxiety disappears. Maybe he's not ready to say it yet, but I already know he's bisexual. Feeling his warm body against mine, his fingers affectionately stroking my back, hearing him tell me that this feels so good, I know we're already more than friends.

"Kiss me again," Alex softly breathes into my ear after a few blissful minutes of silently cuddling together.

I lift my head off his chest, finding his face lustful, his mahogany eyes staring into mine. I close my eyes and lower my lips to his, gently pecking him, electricity surging through me. Alex instantly starts kissing me back, our lips intently locking together, his hunger increasing every time we urgently touch together. I know he's feeling exactly what I feel as his hands travel up to my head, pulling my face into his as he slips his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues eagerly glide together and we urgently make out, both of us softly moaning into each other. My dick starts filling out again until it's ridiculously hard, grinding into his stomach as we kiss.

Alex draws his tongue out of my mouth and guides my head up with his hands. "Want to hear something weird?" he asks.

I chuckle, already knowing that means he wants to escalate the situation even more. "Sure."

Alex's grins, his eyes drilling into mine. "Knowing that your cum is inside my ass right now is kind of turning me on again."

I can feel his hard dick poking into my skin and I know he means it. "It is?"

There's a glimmer as he stares into me. "Want to do something really, really fucking weird?"

One of his hands drops down and grasps my rock hard cock and I groan in pleasure feeling his touch. I'm already leaking precum again being this close to him. "What?" I whisper.

"Shove your dick inside me," Alex hisses, his expression totally serious as he strokes my shaft.

Resting on top of him, feeling the passion as we'd kissed for the third time in a night, I know he means it. We're closer than we've ever been in this moment right now, Alex wanting us to be even closer, and I'm hard as steel contemplating actually fucking my roommate's ass. But I'm hesitant too. He'd just declared that he /might/ be bi, and we'd already crossed so many boundaries. What if this would finally be going too far?

"Please, dude," Alex begs, his hand still on my cock, his brown eyes pleading. "Shove it inside me. I want to feel you inside me right now."

"Are you sure?" I feel more willing hearing him desperately request it, but a new concern hits my brain. I'd just watched him swallow up some of the biggest sex toys I'd ever seen in my life, all of them definitely bigger than my dick. I suddenly feel totally inadequate. Is he even going to feel anything if I fuck him? But I lift my body away from his anyway, digging my hands into his mattress and staring into him.

My roommate throws his legs up in the air, his hands hooking underneath his knees, the big globes of his hairy ass spreading open. "Knowing how I actually feel about the real thing will say a lot, right? I'm serious, man," he says, his face sober and completely determined. "I want to try it right now."

I'm instantly convinced Alex wants to do this as much as I do, and that's all I need to know. His hole is still wet, battered after swallowing up his massive toys, and I want to fuck him more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. I'm still nervous that I can't possibly measure up to his expectations, but I reposition myself and start aggressively grinding my shaft into his crack. "Are you sure?" I repeat.

"Yeah," Alex murmurs, seeming to relish feeling my length against his skin, his eyes hungrily looking into mine. "You want to know the truth, dude? I've been fantasizing about this ever since I touched your cock."

Rubbing the precum-slicked head of my dick against his wet slit, I'm tempted to ask if he's sure yet another time. But his desperate, serene face says everything. He really wants to do this, and I really fucking want to do it too. I take a deep breath and penetrate him without speaking another word, sinking my head into his hole, Alex's face wild, his mouth gaping open.

"Yeah!" he grunts, his eyes gazing into mine again. "All the way! Shove it all the way in! You know I can fucking handle it!"

After watching Alex hilt one the largest toys in the box, knowing that my dick is tiny by comparison, I assume his ass is going to be the loosest I've ever fucked, expecting shoving my cock in to be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. Actually pressing my shaft into his butt, sinking all the way inside him, I instantly realize it's nothing like that at all. His hole is ridiculously tight, almost painfully clamping down on me, and I'm mesmerized. How is that even possible?

"Holy shit!" he groans after I've bottomed out. "Fuck! I'm so fucking sore, dude! It's so much! I feel like I'm sitting on the huge one again right now!"

I grin, all my fears about being way too small to satisfy him suddenly melting away. I can see the struggle on his face with my dick planted all the way inside his ass. He's not just trying to reassure me. "Should I go slow?" I ask.

"Fuck no!" he grunts. "I want to fucking struggle! Make me fucking struggle, man! Tear that ass up!"

I start thrusting as hard as I can into my roommate's butt, Alex moaning more enthusiastically than he had all night. I worried about not measuring up, but right now he seems to be enjoying my six inches even more than the insanely massive gray plug. I'm so turned on I'm already on the edge of cumming.

"Yeah!" he pants. "Fuck yeah, dude! Fuck, Tyler! God, Tyler! Fuck me! Fuck me, Tyler!" A huge squirt of piss suddenly sprays out of his dick, splashing all the way up to his pecs.

"Oh shit," I mumble, pausing with my shaft buried up his ass. "Should we get another towel or something?"

Alex looks depraved staring into my eyes. "No, fuck it! Just fuck me, man. Fuck all the fucking piss out of me right now."

I start barreling hard into my roommate's hole again, more piss shooting out of his dick and running down his body onto the sheets. I'm still so close to busting, struggling not to shoot with his ass gripped tightly around my cock.

"You want to cum?" Alex asks, feeling my pace slow. "I'm so fucking used up already. My hole is so sore. Cum inside me, dude. Just do it. Shoot your cum inside me."

I unleash a final time, fucking my roommate's ass as hard as I possibly can, the orgasm welling up as I grow breathless.

"Yeah, Tyler!" Alex yells, his eyes staring straight into mine. "Fucking cum inside me! Cum inside me, Tyler!"

Hearing him beg, hearing him say my name, seeing the desperation on his face, I last a few more strokes and let the bliss overwhelm me. I grunt wildly, feeling my cock spraying an obnoxious amount of sperm into my roommate's ass even though I'd just busted all over the dildo earlier.

"Yeah, dude!" he shouts as my cum is still pumping into him. "Yeah, Tyler! Fuck yeah!"

The pleasure cascading through me finally subsides and I pull my dick out of Alex's ass. He gasps, a stream of my white cum escaping his gaping hole. I'm exhausted after the session earlier and trying to top him to the best of my ability, climbing off of his body and lying down next to him panting. Alex slides over to make room, but both our bodies still barely fit on the twin bed.

"That was so hot," Alex says into my ear.

I'm still trying to catch my breath beside him. "Yeah." Maybe we shouldn't have done it, maybe we should have taken things slower after his revelation, but I'm relieved hearing that he enjoyed getting fucked.

He grabs one of my hands and intertwines our fingers. "Dude, that was seriously so fucking hot. I always thought--that was so fucking hot. You're so fucking hot."

"You're so fucking hot," I whisper back. I'm so tired, but I feel happy hearing Alex praise the experience again. He'd really liked having an actual cock in his ass and I already knew he would want it again. Touching my dick, kissing me, he could have stopped right there, but my roommate didn't. He wanted more, and now I'm hoping he never stops wanting more from me. He's my roommate, my best friend on this campus, and feeling his hand holding mine, our thighs pressed together, I think I love him. We've spent most of the semester together, growing closer and closer, more intimate now than we'd ever been, and I think I love him.

"You're hot," Alex breathes into my ear. He turns onto his side, pulling my body into his. He nuzzles his head against my neck, his arms wrapping around my chest before I can say anything.

"Don't we need to clean up?" I ask, thinking about all the piss I'd made him shoot as I fucked his ass.

"Now? Fuck that. Tomorrow." He gently kisses my neck, reaching across the bed and pulling a sheet over us. "I can wash everything tomorrow. I'm so tired."

"Me too." My roommate doesn't want to leave this bed and I don't either. Everything is perfect. This is absolutely perfect. I'm happier than I've ever been in my life lying next to him, on the verge of passing out cradled in his strong arms, when the fear of rejection washes over me. What happens when we wake up tomorrow? Will Alex be proudly saying he's bisexual and asking to kiss me again, or will he be a convoluted mess struggling with everything we'd done tonight? The uncertainty hurt, but it's exactly what I'd signed up for. He starts snoring behind me, totally oblivious to everything I'm thinking, and I know he's asleep.

I think I love him. He's ridiculously hot, the extrovert to my introvert, and every time we touch it's like nothing I've ever experienced before. He's the greatest guy I've ever met in my whole life. I wish I could tell him that, I wish I could admit how desperate I am to be more than friends and fuck buddies, but I know I can't. He's not ready and I don't want to risk destroying what we have right now. But I love this guy, the huge man happily snoring behind me with my load resting in his ass. He's holding me in his arms right now and I care about him more than I've ever cared about anyone who wasn't my own family. Maybe I'll eventually have the chance to tell him that and maybe I won't, but whatever happens, that's the truth. I love Alex. I want to be his boyfriend and I want it more than anything I've ever wanted. I want every night to be like this one, his big frame behind me, his arms wrapped around me in his bed. Our bed.

/Especially you/. My roommate's words repeat in my mind over and over again, my whole body tingling. /Especially you. I got so fucking lucky living with you/. I know I'm the lucky one. I'd lusted for him ever since he moved in, and now his warm body is pressed against mine. /Especially you/. He likes me. Maybe he even loves me too? I couldn't imagine him actually uttering the words right now, but maybe? Maybe he loves me too. I want to tell him so badly and I want to hear him say the words back, but even if it never happens, I'll always know. I'll always remember this night, the way he's holding me, his warm breath against my skin. This will always be the first night I knew I loved another person.

Tears are welling down my face knowing how I feel, Alex still wrapped around me, and I'm terrified he'll wake up. I'm being too needy! I can't be this needy with him right now!

The thoughts finally fall away lying there beside Alex, listening to him softly snoring behind me sounding totally content, his hands still firmly pressed against my skin. I'm enjoying this for whatever it is right now, wherever it's going to go, and whether he ever says he loves me too or not, he's the first man I've fallen in love with. I'll treasure that forever. I sigh and wipe the tears off my face, finally drifting off to sleep.

I wake up feeling Alex rustling beside me in his tiny bed. We'd slipped out of our embrace as we slept, both of us now lying on our backs, but our thighs were still touching and he didn't seem to mind. I feel relieved knowing that he isn't freaking out about everything that happened the night before.

"Morning, roomie," he whispers beside me.

"Morning," I say back. I open my eyes and quickly realize he's jerking off, his hand vigorously pumping his hard eight inches.

Alex looks over and notices me watching him. "You going to join me?"

I take a deep breath as I pull the sheet back, my morning wood sticking up. I'm afraid his attitude might change when he finally cums, when he shoots his first load after actually getting fucked with a real dick, but I start stroking anyway.

"Yeah, dude," he hisses, the top of his foot finding my sole as he starts pumping his length harder. "You know what I'm thinking about right now?"

"What?" I ask, imagining some answers that are probably totally unrealistic.

Alex grins, his free hand reaching over to my cock. I let go instantly and he starts jerking me off. "All your cum is still inside my ass. I don't know why that's turning me on so much, but it's really fucking turning me on."

I don't even need to ask if he still thinks he might be bisexual. Obviously he does, and he's embracing it more than ever, touching my dick like it's nothing at all, admitting that having my cum planted in his hole is making him obnoxiously horny. "Really?"

"Yeah, man," my roommate answers. "We're definitely doing that again. If you want to.."

I'm smiling looking into his eyes, his hand eagerly pumping my cock. "Anytime you want it."

He laughs, his hand pausing for a second before he starts stroking me again. "My ass is so sore right now. Might be a few days before I can even handle it."

"That's cool." I'm so fucking happy right now. I'm lying next to Alex, our bodies touching, his hand on my dick, and he's admitting he wants me to fuck him again. This is perfect. This is beyond anything I'd fantasized about when he first moved in. I love this guy.

Alex lets go of my shaft, his hand reaching up to his pierced nipple and twisting it. "I'm getting close," he says.

Knowing that he's close, after feeling his hand on my six inches again, I'm suddenly on edge too the second I resume stroking myself. "Same," I whisper.

"Fuck yeah. Cum with me, dude," he urges, starting to pump his dick harder.

"Yeah," I pant, trying to hold myself off.

"Fuck!" Alex grunts. "I'm cumming!"

I feel his toes curling against my foot as he starts breathing heavily and groaning, my roommate's cum spraying out all the way up to his muscular pecs, and I lose it instantly, my load spurting out all over my stomach.

He sighs, his head hitting the pillow. "That was hot," Alex whispers. "I'm so glad we started doing this together."

Our thighs are still touching, his foot still pressed against mine, and I'm so happy hearing that he isn't regretful. "I am too," I say.

Alex looks at me and smiles, climbing over me and pecking me on the lips before jumping out of the bed. "I wish I didn't have a fucking class," he mutters as he reaches for a towel and wraps it around his naked body. He didn't even bother wiping the cum off.

"What time is it?" I wonder, suddenly realizing I'd left my phone across the room.

"8:45," he answers.

I smile knowing that I still have two hours to spend lying in his bed.

"You want to come take a shower with me?"

Looking up at Alex standing over me, seeing the expression on his face, I feel like he's asking if I want to come take a shower with him in the same stall. "Like...together?" I can't believe he's willing to be seen in the communal bathroom stepping out of the shower with me.

He grins. "Yeah, if you want to."

It's an easy decision. "Sure." I quickly roll off of his bed and wander across the room to find my own towel, wrapping it around myself. Alex grabs his shower caddy and we strut out into the hallway together. It's the second time I've ever ventured into the space without being completely clothed, Alex right beside me. I suddenly remember our bodies are both covered in cum, but I don't even care. He makes me feel so confident about myself. I fucking love him. I want to feel this way all the time.

We cross into the busy bathroom, plenty of other freshmen around in the early morning, and I instantly fear Alex is going to change his mind. He strips his towel off and walks into one of the shower stalls, drawing the curtain and turning the water on. He pulls the curtain open and looks at me. "You coming?"

I know the other people in the dorm bathroom might be watching, but I drop my towel anyway and follow him in, drawing the curtain shut. Hot water is pouring down over us, Alex grabbing me, wrapping his hands around my back and pulling our bodies together. He kisses me again, his tongue darting into my mouth as the water washes over us. We make out passionately for a few minutes, my roommate's hands spreading my cheeks open, his fingers rubbing across my hole even though a dozen other people are there in the bathroom. He's so bold, so fearless.

"I'm going to be late," Alex says when he finally lifts away, a smile on his face as he draws the body wash out of his shower caddy. He pours a generous portion of the liquid into his hands and starts soaping my body up. He's looking straight into my eyes as he rubs the soap against my chest, pulling my arms up to spread the lather into my pits. My roommate pushes them down and his hands press lower, his soap-slicked hand caressing my rock hard dick before he wraps his hands around my ass, his fingers greedily digging across my sore hole.

He's touching me like he wants me, like he can't wait to have me again, and I'm completely mesmerized. This feels more intimate than cuddling, more intimate than fucking. My roommate has his hands all over me in the dorm's communal bathroom, smiling at me as he's touching me the morning after, even after we'd both just cum together in his bed.

Alex kneels down, reaching up to my ass again before he starts soaping my legs, his fingers tracing down to my feet and running all the way to my toes.

"Your turn," he whispers when he stands up, passing the bottle of body wash into my hand.

His eyes are longing and I peck his lips with the hot, steamy water streaming down around us. I open the bottle and pour the soap into my palm, rubbing my hands together to lather it up. I touch every inch of Alex. I feel his whole body soaping him up, kneeling down and wrapping my hands around his butt. I spread his cheeks open and he gasps above me, one of my fingers rubbing against his hole. His dick is rock hard right in front of my face.

"Push it in," he whispers, looking down at me intently.

We're more than friends. Friends don't take showers together. Friends don't kiss, they don't passionately touch your body applying soap, and they definitely don't ask you to penetrate them with the water washing down around you. I slide my soap-slicked finger into Alex's ass.

"Yeah!" he grunts, staring down at me. "Dude...fuck. I'm so sore but that feels so fucking good."

He loves this so much. I'm turning him on so much. We're both captivated taking this shower together, and I know he wants more. I slide my finger all the way inside my roommate's ass. His rock hard eight inch cock is right there in front of my face begging for attention, and I hesitate for a second, but I know he wants me. I'm thinking about the night before and I know he's not going to complain if I suck his dick. I plunge my mouth down on it for the first time ever.

"Oh my god!" Alex murmurs up above me, his hands instantly grabbing my head and forcing his length further. "Yeah, man! Why haven't we fucking done this? Fuck, that feels so good!" He quickly takes control, starting to thrust his dick down my throat.

I'm struggling with his big length, drool pouring out of my mouth every time I gag on it, but his hands are relentlessly shoving me back down on his cock. He's fucking my mouth, a dozen other men beyond the shower curtain, and I definitely don't even care that they're here too. It's just us right now.

"Shit, dude!" Alex says quietly. "God! That's the best head I've ever had in my life! Fucking suck my dick!"

He's plowing into my mouth more than I'm trying to suck him, his hands still firmly gripped around my head and forcing his shaft down my throat, but all I care about is making Alex feel good. My gag reflex steadily improves, his whole eight inches eventually lodging all the way to his pubes. I feel them against my face and I'm so fucking proud.

"Fuck, man. Fucking...I'm going to fucking bust," my roommate murmurs after a few more strokes, his hands holding me in position as he buries his entire cock down my throat one final time.

I feel every shot of Alex's second orgasm of the day literally streaming down my throat.

"Yeah!" he roars. "Fuck, man! Yeah, Tyler! Fuck yeah, Tyler!"

His hands release my head and I pull my mouth off his dick, some of his cum slipping out of my lips and washing down the shower drain.

Alex draws me up, wrapping his arms around my back and pulling my body into his. There's a huge smirk spread across his face. "Fuck, Tyler," he whispers, his lips pecking mine again. "Seriously, why haven't we done that before? That was fucking awesome."

I start laughing, relishing the taste of my roommate's cum in my mouth. "You just had to ask for it."

He's still smiling as he lets go and steps up to the dial in the shower stall. "You good?"

I rub the streaming water all over the face a few more times, trying to wash any remaining traces of spit and cum away. My dick is so hard after being throat fucked and taking his load in my mouth for the first time, but I know Alex has places to be. I could take care of that later. "Yeah."

He shuts the water off, grabbing me and pecking my lips one last time holding our bodies together. "I'm totally going to be late, but at least it was worth it." Alex pulls the curtain half open and steps out of the shower stall, lifting his towel up off the floor and starting to dry himself off.

My anxiety mounts for a second knowing that someone else might see me stepping out of the same stall. But who cares? Alex had invited me here not caring at all, and I don't know anyone else who's in this bathroom right now. Why am I so worried about a bunch of strangers knowing that we took a shower together, that maybe I gave him head? I fucking loved doing it. I pull the curtain all the way back and walk out, standing next to Alex as I reach for my towel. He smiles at me and I'm certain he really doesn't care at all about anyone else judging us right now. He'd just gotten sucked off in the shower, and he actually looks proud about it.

My roommate pats my shoulder playfully. "I'm going to be so fucking late now, dude."

"Sorry," I whisper, feeling bad that he might actually be late for class.

Alex laughs, his hand gripping my naked in ass in front of everyone there. "You think I fucking care about that? Thanks, roomie." He lets go and starts toward the door, and I follow after him.

"I'll be back in like four hours," he says after he'd put clothes on, a black t-shirt and white gym shorts with blue stripes on the side, his feet stepping into his black Nike slides. He walks up to my bed and bends down to peck me on the lips. "See you later, roomie."

He kissed me again. He shot his load last night, this morning, and he pumped another one down my throat in the shower, but he kissed me again. Alex likes me. He definitely likes me. This is more than sex, more than just getting off together. We're more than friends. "See you later," I say back as he's walking out the door.

Alex turns and smiles at me one last time, the door swinging closed.

I instantly jump up and climb into his bed, pulling his sheet over my naked body. I love him. I can't get that thought out of my mind. We woke up next to each other, we jerked off together, and he shot his load into my mouth as we took a shower together. We walked out of the same stall like it was nothing, Alex touching my ass right in front of everyone else in the communal bathroom. My dick is so hard remembering all of it. He's bisexual. He's definitely bisexual. Maybe it was just innocent experimentation in the beginning, but we'd moved past that now. He liked touching me, he liked kissing me, he liked being fucked by me, and he definitely liked feeling my mouth wrapped around his dick.

My hand works my cock even harder remembering him lying next to me in this tiny twin bed, our bodies touching together. As soon as he realized I was awake, he wanted to get off with me again. Alex's dick was painfully hard thinking about my cum being lodged up his ass. I bust all over myself recalling everything, missing him, wishing he could be here with me right now. Feeling my cum streaming down onto his sheets when I finally let go, I feel guilty. They're already soaked with cum, piss, and sweat--thank god there's a plastic cover on the twin mattress--but I feel like I owe him.

I skip a class to strip Alex's bedding off, dragging it down the hallway to the laundry room, washing all of it. The dryer finishes before he comes back to the room and I make his bed better than he'd ever made it. I'm in it for a few minutes, thinking of how incredible it felt to be beside him, but I climb out. Maybe I do love him, but I don't want to seem that needy. What if everything's suddenly changed after a few orgasms and four hours spent outside the room? What if he flips out seeing me here waiting for him? I'm settling into my own bed as the door opens, Alex walking inside. He smiles when he sees me.

"Feels so fucking good to be back," he mumbles, throwing his slides off his feet and instantly stripping the rest of his clothes off at the door.

"Yeah?" Is he going to kiss me again? I want him to walk up to me and peck me on the lips, but Alex doesn't. He plops down on his bed.

"Dude," he mutters, looking over at me, "did you wash my sheets?"

"Yeah, the whole room smelled like piss," I lie, not betraying the real reason I'd trekked to the laundry room.

Alex grins and laughs, shaking his head. "I mean, I was going to get around to it. But thanks, roomie." He picks up his phone and disappears.

We spent the next few days living out our old routine, mostly just talking when we were in the room. We still jerked off together, watching each other the whole time, but that's all we did. If I'd been brave enough to wander over to Alex's bed when we were both horny, maybe more would have happened, but I didn't want to push him like that. This was all still new for my roommate, and I appreciated that he needed to take his time accepting that he liked what was happening, no matter how convinced I was about my own feelings. I knew I'd have another chance to kiss him, to cuddle with him, to feel my dick thrusting into his ass. I fucking despised all the waiting, still riding that roller coaster wondering where all of this was ultimately heading, but I was already strapped in on the track and willing to find out. Three days after I'd fucked Alex, four days after I'd taken his load down my throat in the shower, he bounded into the dorm room with a huge shipping box in his hands, an obnoxiously excited look on his face.

"Dude, I've been waiting two weeks for this to show up," he says eagerly, ripping the tape off the box and laying it on the floor. Alex spreads the cardboard flaps open, pulling out a hefty amount of wadded brown paper, his face lighting up as he reaches inside and lifts up an obscenely massive dildo bigger than anything else he owns.

My mouth is gaping open just staring at the thing. "Wow," I whisper. I couldn't believe that insanely huge toy would actually fit inside a human being, but he'd already proven me wrong about that several times before.

Alex looks over as he's puncturing the plastic wrapping and unleashing his new toy, his excitement almost manic. "This is going to be a huge fucking challenge for me, but someday you're going to be watching me sink all the way down to the base."

I feel relieved hearing my roommate say he wants to do more than just jerk off together after four days of what felt like detente. We'd been so close, and now we'd been so distant touching ourselves from across the room. "There's no way," I challenge, thinking this would be a perfect opportunity to repeat everything that had happened before.

Alex cocks his head, setting the beast down on the tile floor. He kneels down and reaches underneath his bed for the toy box, the perfect globes of his huge ass poking out of his shorts. He wrests the huge gray plug up, setting it down next to his new purchase. Actually surveying the difference, he seems a little hesitant himself when he glances back at me. "Yeah, it's definitely going to take some training, but I'm going to fucking do it. You'll see, man. I'm fucking taking it to the base."

The new dildo is many inches taller, the head of it as wide as the widest part of the gray plug, the shaft of the toy growing even thicker near the middle. My mind is reeling wondering where it would even go if someone sank their ass down to the bottom of it, thinking of how much I'd struggled with my roommate's nine inch dildo. "When are you going to try it out?" I ask.

He finally strips his clothes off now that he'd unveiled his new acquisition, settling in his bed. Alex turns his body toward me and his dick is obviously rock hard. "You want to have some fun tonight?" He grins.

I feel my cock instantly stiffening up imagining the two of us being close again. "Yeah, if you do," I answer.

Alex grips his dick and starts stroking in front of me, his brown eyes meeting mine. "On one condition."

I'm terrified for a second, thinking of how we'd lived together since he'd kissed me and throat fucked me in the shower. No touching, no cuddling, no kissing? None of that ever again? "What condition?" I manage to squeak.

He smirks, his hand pumping his cock even more urgently. "If I'm going to try taking something bigger tonight, you have to do it too," Alex says.

I'd only bottomed out on the nine inch dildo because he'd kissed me, instantly doubting that I could handle something bigger. "I'll try," I answer anyway.

"Fuck yeah, roomie," he growls from across the room. "I know exactly which one I'm going to have you take next. It's the same toy I stepped up to after my ass finally swallowed that smaller one up."

Riding that dildo felt good, better than any dick I'd ever taken, but I'm still apprehensive. What if I can't handle it? What is he's completely turned off watching me struggling?

Alex reads the concern on my face even though he's obviously still ridiculously turned on and jerking off. "Come on, don't look so fucking worried, man. We're going to have fun tonight, and I'm going to help you," he promises. "I helped you last time, didn't I?"

It's a euphemism and I know exactly what it means the second it escapes his mouth. He'll touch me, he'll kiss me, he'll encourage me to push my boundaries. That's exactly what I want. "So when are we getting ready?" I ask.

Alex is smirking as he peers over, his hand suddenly pausing on his eight inch dick. "Now?"

"I mean, I don't have anything else to do," I answer.

He leaps out of his bed, his dick sticking straight out, trudging toward his closet and pulling half a dozen water bottles out. He walks back over and throws a few of them into my bed, bending down and pecking my lips for the first time in days. "You excited?" Alex asks. He looks so ridiculously happy.

"Yeah. A little scared," I admit.

My roommate runs one of his hands through my hair. "Come on, trust me," he whispers, his mahogany eyes staring down into mine. "I'm a little scared too, man. But you're going to feel things you never imagined you could feel. You're going to fucking love it. You trust me, right?"

"Yeah, I trust you." I do. I believe him. I never would have bought that nine inch dildo, I never would have imagined feeling the balls of it resting against my hole, but actually taking it was awesome. Exploring with Alex is the hottest and most satisfying thing I've ever done in my life. Seeing him look down at me, feeling his hand touch my body again, I want to please him. I love him, and I want to keep sharing these experiences with him.

"Let's go then," he urges, stepping a few paces away toward his bed and pulling his shower towel up over his waist.

We do the deed, and when I step out of the shower stall, I realize my roommate had beaten me for the second time. I open our door finding him already squatting down on a huge black dildo.

Alex grins at me. "All good?"

"Yeah," I answer, dropping my backpack down.

"So I'm actually riding the one you're going to take tonight," he says. The huge toy is at least a foot long, but he's effortlessly lifting his ass up and burying it to the dildo's balls.

Seeing how long and thick it is, I already know there's no way I can take it the way Alex does. It seems infinitely bigger than the nine inch dildo. But I drop my towel and settle across from him on the tile floor anyway.

My roommate sees the hesitation on my face and laughs as he presses his ass all the way down to the balls of the huge black toy. "If I can take it, you can definitely take it." He lifts off the dildo, his hole gaping wide open before he stands back up. Alex turns around and grabs the nine inch dildo out of his box, reaching for the bottle of lube and slathering the plastic mass with it as he walks up to me.

He wants me to start with that? "I'm not warmed up at all," I say, feeling scared shitless and worried that this is going to be a total disaster.

Alex smirks and bends down in front of me, sticking the suction cup to the floor. "Trust me," he whispers, his hands pulling my lips toward his. My roommate kisses me and his tongue quickly sinks into my mouth. He pulls away, intently looking into my eyes. "Get on top of it."

I do it. I can't fucking resist him. I move my body slightly closer and position my hole right above the dildo on the floor.

"Yeah," Alex hisses, his eyes adamant as he slips his tongue into my mouth again and we kiss passionately. "You can take it," he says when he draws back. "You can fucking do this, man. I really want to see you do it."

I press the head of the toy into my hole with my roommate right there in front of me, his eyes fixated on the dildo slipping into my ass. It's a struggle not having anything else in my butt that night, my hole burning with just an inch of the toy lodged inside me.

"You've got it. Take it, dude," Alex encourages right in front of me, looking insanely turned on.

I have to pull the dildo out and sink back down for a second time, but the painful sensations finally pass, my ass steadily pressing further and further with my roommate there looking into my eyes.

"Imagine that's my dick," he murmurs, stroking his eight inches right in front of me. "You want to be able to take my dick, right?"

"Yeah," I grunt back, my ass instantly sinking all the way down to dildo's balls. "I want your fucking dick." I'd fucked him, but I want to feel him fucking me more than anything.

Alex is staring into me without betraying anything. "You're ready now," he whispers. He briefly pecks my lips and stands up, walking across the room an yanking the huge black dildo off the tile in front of his bed. He turns around and smirks staring down at me as he approaches with the toy in his hands. "Tell me if you don't like it and we'll stop," he says. "Yeah?"

I trust him. I'm in love with him. I never would have pictured living out this scenario, but I want to make Alex happy.

"Lift off," he instructs, his eyes intently staring into mine.

I pull my ass up and feel strangely empty without the nine inches buried inside me.

My roommate tears the dildo off the floor and throws it toward his bed, replacing the toy with the huge black dildo he'd been riding when I walked in.

The head is already brushing against my ass, even being higher up, and I'm fucking terrified. It's longer and thicker than anything that's ever been inside me.

"Sit on it," Alex encourages, looking totally solemn there across from me. "Trust me. You're ready, dude. Take your time, but you're going to fucking love it. Sit on it."

He's kneeling down in front of me again, his beautiful brown eyes intently looking into mine, and I feel the huge head of the toy pushing against my hole when I lower myself down.

"Yeah, trust me," my roommate hisses, his hands wrapping around my head. He's nodding affirmatively at me. "You can do it. You're going to fucking love it. You'll be thanking me tomorrow. Sit on it, man,"

I sink down, letting the massive black dildo penetrate me, and it's instantly a struggle. Just taking the head into my hole feels so much worse than the nine inch dildo had.

Alex pulls my face to his and kisses me hard, his tongue pressing into my mouth again. "You can do it," he whispers. "You've fucking got this, Tyler. Just let your ass get used to it and you'll be thanking me forever."

It's so easy when he's desperately looking at me and urging me to take more. The inches gradually slip into my hole, the longest part of the dildo finally penetrating a part of me that's never been explored before. I gasp and my eyes are wide feeling my hole stretch more than it ever has, but I can't even believe how good it feels when I cross the threshold.

My roommate is staring into me like he knows exactly what I'm experiencing, smiling as he presses his face closer to mine. "Fuck yeah, Tyler," he whispers. "You feel that? You like it? I was fucking right, wasn't I?"

"Yeah," I instantly grunt back, trying to bounce up and down the huge black dildo. I've never felt anything more pleasurable in my hole.

Alex wraps his hands around my shoulders and kisses me again as I'm fucking myself with his beast. "I knew you were going to like it." He lifts up and steps back to his side of the room, squirting lube all over his gray plug and planting it closer to me.

"No way you can take that right now," I say, wanting to see him sink his ass down on the whole thing, knowing it would only help me take the big black dildo.

My roommate smirks the way he always does when he's challenged. "No? Watch me fucking do it then."

Next: Chapter 5

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