My Roommates Toy Box

By Bryce Manning

Published on Aug 1, 2020


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My Roommate's Toy Box, Chapter 3

By Bryce Manning

As the hours ticked away that night, I steadily grew more worried that Alex might snap on me and freak out again at any moment. He'd showed me his biggest secrets, touched my dick, and busted twice, all the horniness temporarily drained out of both of us. I anxiously imagined him glancing over, realizing I was still naked, maybe looking down at my dick and recalling that he'd touched it, deciding the whole experience was way too much for his fragile, indeterminate sexuality. I thought about putting my clothes back on, but if I did that maybe he'd feel like he had something to regret. I covered my crotch with the sheet instead, thinking that looked innocuous enough.

Instead of reprising the awkward silence that had accompanied the facial a few days ago, my roommate bantered the way he always did, lying naked over in his bed with his phone in his hands. "Oh shit!" he yelled out suddenly, jumping down to the floor and standing there naked in front of me.

I panicked a little assuming the moment had finally arrived, readying myself for another uncomfortable display of his masculinity, looking nervous as I peered up at his face.

"I have fucking assignments due by midnight!" Alex said like he was annoyed, shaking his head. "I was so fucking satisfied I totally forgot." He walked over to his desk, settling into his chair, his massive ass poking against the back of it as he opened his laptop.

Relief washed over me and I was instantly staring at his hot body again. "Anything I can help you out with?" I asked, feeling guilty that I'd taken up his time.

He craned his head back at me and grinned. "No, man, I think you've already helped me out plenty tonight."

I went back to mindlessly scrolling through stuff on my phone, periodically glancing at my roommate's ass. He worked quietly for awhile, his typing the only audible sound in the tiny dorm room.

"You thought I was going to start being a dick again, didn't you?" Alex asked, not looking over as he typed.

Of course he'd noticed the expression on my face. There was no way to hide it. "A little, yeah," I admitted.

"I told you, dude, I'm fine." His fingers stopped moving on the keyboard and he twisted his face to mine. "You want to know the truth about something? I've never been able to tell a girl about my...fetishes."

Hearing that, I actually felt bad for him. There was pain and loneliness obvious in his voice as he'd spoken the words. "That really sucks," I said sympathetically.

Alex clicked his tongue, turning back to his laptop. "Yeah. So relax and stop worrying. I really liked sharing that part of myself with someone who actually understands it. Especially you. We're totally cool right now, seriously."

Especially me? I was going to spend the rest of the night overthinking those words. "Thanks, Alex." He started typing again without saying another word as I tried to distract myself scrolling through news articles on my phone. Especially me? He was so brazen with me because he knew I accepted everything, noticing how much I enjoyed looking at him on the first day we'd moved into the room. Lying around in his boxers and shamelessly stripping down in front of me wasn't ever malicious. My roommate was granting me the glances he knew I craved without ever doing anything to come on to me. I'd never believed he was gay, never thought he was pretending to be available, just assuming he was a bro who didn't give a shit about being nude or barely clothed around another guy. He got off on knowing how much I appreciated it. He loved me watching him stuff his ass with his toys because he knew how much I was enjoying it. Is that why he'd grabbed my dick? Was he feeling how hard I was because he wanted proof that I wasn't judging him for what he liked?

Alex didn't feel the same freedom with women that he felt with me, and that made total sense in my mind. Straight guys are supposed to be the ones trying to score anal from reluctant girls, the idea that they'd want to be swallowing up massive sex toys themselves incomprehensible. I was imagining the reaction of any random chick Alex might volunteer his secret to, picturing them being as appalled as his dad would be if he knew. They'd probably instantly assume he was a closeted gay guy trying to find a way to satisfy his desires. I wasn't sure what to think. Could he actually be straight? Was our experience together all about safely indulging the secret he'd harbored for years? /Especially you/. The words were endlessly reverberating through my mind.

"Done!" Alex called from his desk, slamming his laptop shut.

The sound made me jump up, wrenching me from my thoughts as I watched my naked roommate lift out of his chair, his fit body raising up, his hairy crotch on full display as he walked toward me, standing between our beds.

"I'd say we should jack off again but I'm fucking drained after riding those toys and having to use my brain." Alex smirked at me. "Want to do it in the morning?"

Just looking at him and believing that he was completely comfortable with me had my dick rock hard beneath the sheet. "Yeah, roomie," I said back. I'd never called him that before but I wanted to test him, to see how he would react.

Alex grinned widely at me, innocently scratching his hand against his balls. "I got so fucking lucky living with you, man. You have no idea." He climbed into his bed, throwing his sheet over his body. "Seriously, we're getting off together in the morning," he pronounced. "We should start every day like that."

/Especially you/. /I got so fucking lucky living with you/. "Good night, Alex," I called to his bed.

"Sweet dreams, roomie," he said back. "Maybe about me?" He laughed and buried his head into a pillow.

/Especially you./ My roommate was quickly snoring contentedly and I couldn't stop obsessing over those words. Especially me? I glanced over after a few minutes and he'd turned to his side, his sheet draped beneath his ass, his massive furry mounds poked out of the fabric right toward me. The room was silent except for his snoring, his butt barely visible in the dim light streaming through our window from the courtyard, but I was jerking off again anyway. I was imagining creeping across the floor, burying my tongue between those cheeks, Alex rousing and telling me it was totally fine, that he'd always wanted a tongue against his hole. I definitely wasn't brave enough to actually do that, but I shot my load picturing the scenario, wiping the cum up with my sheet when I realized I was still naked.

I was still staring at his ass even after I busted. /Especially you/. I believed my roommate was into women, hearing him admit how shy he was about owning up to his fetishes, appreciating the disappointment in his voice when he confessed that he didn't think he could be honest with them. But what had transpired between us was more than satisfying an unfulfilled urge. He liked being sexual with me, insisting that we continue even after I'd tried to cut the interactions off.

/Especially you/. Alex liked me. He liked me more than being best friends at school and living together in the tiny dorm room. He was the one who demanded we be closer. How could he have begged for that if he didn't like me? I fell asleep staring at his ass convinced that my roommate must want more.

My fear flared again when I woke up, all my convictions about Alex liking me excised worrying that he was going to play the regretful straight bro again. I hesitantly looked over to his bed, finding him openly stroking his morning wood. He grinned at me when he realized I was watching.

"Morning, roomie," he said nonchalantly, continuing to jerk his huge shaft. "See, I'm fine. I wasn't kidding about us starting every day like this together."

Even watching him work his eight inches, hearing him reassure me, I was still nervous that the mood could shift at any moment. What if getting off another time would be the trigger for him to start acting like an asshole?

"Dude, I know you're hard over there. You should rip that fucking sheet off and bust with me."

My solid dick was throbbing, pleading for attention from my hand, quickly overwhelming my concerns. I wanted this as much as he did. How could my roommate ever prove that he really was fine, that he really did like me, if I never gave him the chance? I stopped doubting him and decided to go for it, pulling the sheet away from my hard cock and facing Alex again.

"Yeah, there you go!" he encouraged. "Come on, get off with me."

I gripped my solid shaft and started jerking off, Alex watching me as I watched him. His rigid dick looked magnificent in the bright morning sunlight, but I was definitely picturing him conquering the massive gray plug, hearing his blissful moans, remembering how our loads had crossed together in the air.

"What are you thinking about?" he wondered, his voice almost seductive.

"You riding that big plug," I answered honestly.

Alex grinned. "You thought that was hot?"

"Really fucking hot."

He began stroking even more vigorously. "You have no idea how good it felt to finally get that one stuffed all the way inside me, man. So fucking awesome. I can't wait for us to do it again."

Instead of freaking out, my roommate was jerking off with me and already talking about repeating the toy session. Maybe he really was comfortable with everything happening between us, aside from the one bad reaction I'd suffered through after he busted on my face. How could I fault him for that? If I sprayed my load all over a girl's face and liked doing it, felt myself wanting to do more with her, that undoubtedly would have freaked me out too. I'd be questioning everything I thought I knew about my sexuality, maybe even lashing out.

"Getting so close remembering having that toy buried in my ass," Alex murmured. "You there to see me take the big motherfucker. Fuck, dude. You ready to shoot?"

Seeing him urgently working his cock, biting his lip as he looked over at me, I was instantly on the edge. "Yeah," I whispered.

"Fucking shoot it," he growled. "Bust that fucking load with me."

My roommate started grunting and I saw the ropes of cum splattering out of his dick, painting his firm, hairy chest and flat stomach. That pushed me over too, an orgasm surging through me as my load sprayed all over my naked body.

Alex sighed contentedly across the room, planting his hands behind his head as his shaft softened, his biceps bulging out. "Seriously, we should do this every fucking day, roomie," he muttered longingly. "Wake up and take care of our hard dicks. Do it again when it's time for bed. I'd love that."

That's exactly what we did for the next few days, Alex seeming thrilled to have someone he could share getting off with. We always watched each other jerking off, but he didn't try anything bold again, never asking to shoot all over my face or looming over me to shove his armpit against my nose. I felt like we'd established where the lines needed to be to make the situation work, until my roommate's ass had finally recovered from hilting the huge gray plug.

"I'm horny," Alex declares from his bed, about an hour after we'd eaten dinner together in the dining hall downstairs.

I don't even look up from my laptop, now that he was shamelessly jerking off with me at least twice a day and we were both almost always naked in the room. "That's cool," I answer.

"Like really horny," he says more urgently. "Would you be down for another toy session tonight?"

Now I actually glance over at him, my roommate lying in his bed with an obvious hard-on. I'd been obsessively thinking about him riding his toys literally every single time we jerked off together. "Yeah, I'd be down," I agree immediately.

He grins, leaping out of his bed and kneeling down beside it, his big furry globes poking out as he pulls his box of toys out from underneath. "How about we do something a little different this time?" Alex proposes, peering back at me. He holds up a long black double-ended dildo. "You like getting fucked too, right? How about we both take this together tonight?"

Take it together? I'm not even sure how that's going to work. I stand up and join my roommate beside the box anyway, definitely intrigued by the scenario but hesitant knowing that he'd spent fifteen minutes cleaning himself out the first time. "That would be hot, but I honestly don't know anything know, cleaning out," I worry.

"Did you take a shit today?" Alex asks like the question is completely normal.

I'm totally unaccustomed to being asked about my bathroom habits, my head instantly recoiling. "What?"

He laughs at me. "You heard me. Seriously, man, did you take a shit today?"

"Yeah," I answer, feeling insanely embarrassed as my face flushes.

Alex chuckles again. "You're probably fine taking something small but I can show you how I clean." He lifts up and bounds toward his closet before I can object, reaching for his water bottles and turning around with them in hand. "So I set my backpack down beside the shower and sneak these in when no else is looking," he explains. "You turn the water on so no one can hear what you're doing, and then you just shove the end of the small bottle up against your hole and squeeze a little water in. Seriously, just a little. A little goes a long way. Push that back out and keep repeating until the water coming out of your ass is good."

I'm horrified imagining myself actually doing that, immediately feeling hesitant, but I really, really want to find out what using that double-ended dildo together will be like.

He sees the doubt on my face. "Or we can just do something else tonight," Alex suggests, sounding disappointed.

"No," I instantly object, imagining sharing that long black dildo with him, the toy buried in both our asses at the same time. "I'll try it."

Alex grins as I stand up, retrieving a few water bottles from his closet and handing them to me. "Seriously, small squirts. Too much water will fuck you over, and you're definitely not going as deep as I am tonight."

The whole discussion is terribly awkward, but knowing that he's planning to take more than the relatively thin dildo instantly hardens my cock. "Small squirts," I repeat.

He laughs seeing that I'm turned on, dropping his water bottles into his backpack as I do the same. "Dude, we're going to have so much fun tonight! It's going to be totally worth it!"

I grab a pair of underwear out of one of my drawers, pulling them up over my legs, intending to go to the bathroom fully dressed like I always did.

"Just go out in a towel, roomie!" Alex chides.

I turn to see that he has a towel wrapped around his waist, his backpack already slung over his shoulder.

"You have such a nice body. Why hide it? We're all guys on this floor."

Hearing my roommate say that I have a nice body makes my dick even harder. I drop the underwear down, just reaching for a towel instead.

"Yeah, show it off, man!" he encourages. "Be proud! Who the fuck cares?"

My dick gets even harder draping myself in the cotton fabric. I'd been scared to me authentic self ever since he'd moved in, until we'd both learned the truth about each other, but I like the way he pushes me. Alex makes me feel like I shouldn't care about what other people think, even if he doesn't quite live that reality with the women in his life. It's so freeing.

We cross into the hallway clad in towels, both of us wearing our backpacks, but I don't even feel conspicuous being with him. Who cares about what we're doing? The bathroom is mostly deserted when we walk in, a couple shower stalls running. We take neighboring stalls, Alex shooting me a grin as we unload the contents of our backpacks with no one looking.

I tried to follow my roommate's advice exactly and the process was easier than I expected. I turned the water off, pulling my backpack beyond the curtain while I was still sopping wet, loading the bottles Alex had supplied back in before I start to dry myself off. Stepping out, I realize Alex is already gone. He's such a fucking expert at all of this.

I trudge back to the room draped in just a towel for the first time ever, not feeling ashamed at all after my roommate had complimented my body. We're all guys on this floor. Who cares?

Alex is there waiting for me when I return, looking excited as he spreads a clean towel out across his bed. "Everything work out in there?" he asks.

"Yeah," I answer with a smile, excited about what's going to happen.

Alex smirks at me, climbing into his bed with the black double-ended dildo in hand. His dick is at full mast as he plants his feet on the towel with his legs raised up, patting the space across from him. "Get up here, man! Grab the lube out of my dresser."

Apparently we've graduated from the floor to the more intimate space of his bed. I'm giddy as I step over to my roommate's dresser, plucking the bottle of lube from his drawer, handing it to Alex before I join him on the towel and match his stance. I settle far enough away that we aren't touching, even though it seems like an inevitability.

Alex has a hungry look in his eyes as he covers one of the ends of the dildo with lube, smearing more into his crack. His face is fixed with concentration as he pushes the toy against his hole, grunting as he starts to slide it in. He moans softly as he easily swallows up half the dildo. "When's the last time you had something in your hole?" he asks.

My obsession with him had been interfering with my sex life all semester. I'd only been fucked twice, the last time more than a month ago. "It's been a solid month," I admit.

"Damn, dude! I'm going crazy after a couple days if I don't stuff something up there!" Alex squirts lube all over the second half of the toy, more generous splashes than he'd allowed himself, pressing the bottle up to my hand. "Put some on your hole too."

I lube my ass up, taking hold of the dildo that's already half-inserted into my roommate's butt and pressing it into the much less practiced tight ring of my ass. "Shit!" I whimper as the head breaches me, my ass stinging. I still can't believe he makes this look so easy.

"You've got this," Alex encourages, peering serenely into my eyes. "Let yourself get used to it. This is going to be so hot, dude."

The pain retreats and I'm able to take more of the toy, sliding my body closer and closer to my roommate as I bury more of the length inside myself, my legs finally coming to rest against his thighs, my bare feet touching the massive mounds of his butt. Our asses are almost lodged together, just a few inches of the dildo separating them.

"This is so fucking hot," Alex hisses, almost looking depraved. "Let me know if I'm being too rough." He reaches for the plastic length exposed between us, gently fucking both our holes as he starts to buck his hips, both of us moaning.

Finally being penetrated again feels amazing, especially knowing that it's my roommate's hand driving the toy in and out of my ass. "Yeah, fuck me," I murmur. I'm imagining that it's his dick inside me, railing in and out of my guts, as Alex gradually increases his pace.

"Yeah, man? You like that?" Alex asks, fucking us even harder with the double-ended dildo.

"I love it," I whisper, my moans growing increasingly enthusiastic, the pleasure in my hole rising with every stroke.

He lets go of the dildo and grips his rock hard dick, bucking his hips more wildly, the toy sliding around inside both of us. "Fuck yeah, this feels so good."

I begin to stroke my own solid cock, loving the sensations in my ass, when my roommate lets go of his shaft and grips my ankles with both of his hands, slamming himself hard into the toy. We're both moaning more intensely, his balls slapping against mine with the forceful thrusts of his body, the gap between us steadily closing.

Alex looks pleadingly into my eyes. "Want to jerk me off, dude?"

His bold invitation surprises me, but how could I say no? I'm nervous as fuck reaching my hand to his rigid dick, wrapping my fingers around his beautiful eight inches for the first time. He's warm and throbbing, a steady stream of precum leaking out of his tip. I start working my cock harder than ever, both of us now throwing ourselves into the dildo.

Alex is staring at me with a lustful, frenzied glint in his mahogany eyes. "You like touching my dick like that?" he whispers.

"I fucking love it," I grunt back.

He smiles. "Yeah, man, me too," he says more gruffly. "Fuck yeah. Jerking us both off with both our asses stuffed. Fuck!"

Hearing the zeal in my roommate's voice, with the dildo scraping against my prostate, almost sends me over the edge. He'd fantasized about doing this with someone, assuredly imagining sharing the experience with a girl, but I'm so happy he's doing it with me.

Alex laughs at me, noticing that I almost busted. "Let's try a different position," he suggests. "Get up on all fours."

I reluctantly let go of his dick, Alex backing away from me, his hairy hole gaping open as the dildo withdraws. He slowly pulls the toy out of my ass, turning on to his hands and knees with his legs spread wide apart. He immediately starts pressing the length into his slackened opening as I climb up into the same position, backing my butt toward his, our legs touching together on the mattress. I twist my head around and see that he's already taken his half of the toy.

"Grab the other end and go for it," he urges, his face turned to mine.

My roommate looks on, his eyes still lustful, as I grip the dildo and let the head breach my hole again, sliding my ass back. My butt is hungry to be filled now, and I take the length easily on my second try, moaning gently until my cheeks press against Alex's massive mounds, the whole dildo buried between us. "Fuck, Alex," I groan, both of us still looking at each other.

"This is so fucking hot!" he says excitedly, turning his head away and starting to thrust his ass against mine, his big ass bouncing into mine as we both start moaning fervently together. "Fuck yeah, man. God this is incredible."

We take turns fucking ourselves on the long black dildo, our asses drawing back and then slamming into the long toy, the bare skin of our cheeks clapping together every time as we alternate thrusting into it. An endless stream of impassioned groans and curses are steadily slipping out of both of us as our assaults on the dildo grow more frenzied. I'd never in my life pictured doing anything like this, but it feels incredibly intimate to be sharing the object, to have our butts continually slapping together as we work our ravenous holes. Eventually we both come to a rest, both of us breathlessly panting with the whole dildo still buried between us, our cheeks pressed together.

"That was hot as fuck," Alex growls from the other side his mattress. "Dude, I think I'm ready for something thicker. You game?"

I twist my head to look at him and he's grinning at me like it's a challenge, my ass feeling greedier than ever. "Yeah, I'm definitely game!"

Alex pulls his butt away from mine, the dildo sliding out of me, reaching his hand back to wrest the toy from his hole. He jumps off the bed, setting the double-ended dildo on the tile floor and kneeling over his toy box. "Come on, come pick something else out!" he invites.

I join my roommate on the ground, my hole longing to be filled as I survey the options spread out beneath us. I'm feeling curious about the bigger items, after witnessing Alex's blissful reaction to being stuffed with them, but I know I'm a total beginner compared to him. My eyes focus on a more dick-sized toy, a black silicone plug that's shaped like a cone and definitely thicker than dildo we'd hilted together. I point at it. "That one, maybe?"

Alex picks it up, stroking his fingers against it. "That's it, man?" He glances at me and smirks, pressing the plug into my hand. "You know I'm going to need something way bigger than that." He gazes back at his collection, picking up another plug that's easily twice as big as the one I'm holding.

I really want to watch him hilting the monsters again, but I don't object. "So how do you want to do this?"

"Let's get on the bed again," he decides. "On our backs like we were before." He rises up and settles at the center of his mattress, splaying his big, hairy legs out with the huge plug in his hand.

I climb back into my roommate's bed, my legs crossing over his. We're touching again like it's nothing, after I'd stroked his dick and our asses had violently collided together. He has to like touching me. How could he be fine with any of this if he doesn't like touching me? I try to stifle my thoughts. I don't have to understand him to share this experience with him right now. My roommate has been slowly revealing himself to me all along, and I know that's the best way to discover what he really wants.

"Fuck it, man," Alex mumbles. "I want something even bigger after what we just did." His hands press against my legs, throwing them up into the air, his vision shifting to my ass. "You have a sweet fucking butthole, roomie," he hisses, as he slides out from underneath me and climbs up.

Now he's complimenting my hole? I try not to think too much about his words, catching a glimpse of his massive furry globes before he kneels down in front of the toy box again.

Alex returns with an even bigger plug gripped in his hand, settling across from me and folding his legs over mine. He grabs the lube and coats the massive toy, reaching the bottle out for me to grab.

I take the lube and follow my roommate's lead, slicking up the black plug and positioning it against my hole. I'm desperate to be stuffed again, but I'm still slightly dreading pushing something thicker than the double-ended dildo into my ass, knowing how much it had stung at first.

"Go for it," Alex encourages, looking intently at my butt. "Shove that thing in!"

His enthusiasm and lustful stare is the only motivation I need to overcome my doubt. I push the tapered end of the plug into my loosened hole, groaning as the thicker part starts to slip inside me.

"Yeah!" Alex growls. "Take it! That's so fucking hot!"

I'm struggling with the extra thickness of the fat end, but I force the plug deeper anyway, feeling my ass stretching wide around it. My insides quickly yield, a whimper escaping my mouth as the toy sinks all the way into my hole, the thin neck slipping into me. I sigh contentedly, my fingers tracing over the circular base now lodged against my spread opening.

"Yeah, you fucking got it!" Alex murmurs. "You like having your ass filled up?" He's still holding his significantly bigger plug against his crack after eagerly watching me insert mine.

"Feels good," I whisper, still getting accustomed to the sensation of fullness. "You afraid to take that thing?"

He plunges the ridiculously huge plug into his hole like it's nothing, his ass instantly swallowing it up to the base. "Nope," Alex says with a grin. "Trust me, that was way too fucking easy."

We start to fuck ourselves with the plugs, our legs still touching as we're both moaning, Alex gradually creeping closer to my body, steadily lurching himself forward as he pulls the plug in and out of his ass. Eventually his thighs are on mine, our solid dicks inches apart. My roommate lifts his torso up off the bed, bracing himself with one hand as he looks at me lustfully. He grabs my dick for the second time ever, staring into my eyes as he strokes my hard shaft.

"Grab mine again too, dude," he invites.

This time I feel totally confident wrapping my hand around his rigid eight inches. He likes me touching him. He must like me touching him.

"Yeah," Alex breathes, his eyes closing as his head sinks back, his hand still stroking my cock at the same time. "That feels so fucking good." We're jerking each other off like it's the most natural thing in the world, our plugged asses almost shoved together. "You like this?" Alex asks, his eyes suddenly gazing into mine again, his hand relentless on my cock.

"You know I do," I whisper, loving his fingers on my shaft.

He smiles. "Me fucking too, man. Your body feels so good on mine. Why is hooking up with a chick never this hot?"

I laugh nervously, terrified that we're crossing into "I'm not gay" territory. "Well, I definitely wouldn't know anything about that."

"I like doing it," Alex adds quickly, still jerking me off. "I really do like fucking them sometimes. But finding a girl who's willing to play with your ass...that's like hunting a fucking unicorn. I never know how to bring it up."

"That sucks," I mutter. "You have to be honest if you're going to find what you really want, though." Are we seriously having this conversation as we're stroking each other's cocks with toys shoved up our asses? I can feel my boner starting to retreat, the magic slightly fading hearing about how much he wants to find a woman who can take my place.

Alex sighs. "You want to hear something honest? I never thought I would like playing with another dude's dick this much. It's different, but it's not bad."

That instantly firms my cock back up. I feel an overwhelming need to reassure him. "I think you get off on stuff that's forbidden," I suggest, trying to make my roommate comfortable again.

He bites his lip. "Yeah, I guess that's true. I like being adventurous." Alex is quiet for a minute, our hands still working our shafts. "Would it be weird if you touched my nipples?"

I know he wants me to do it. The second I let go of his dick to reach for his pierced nipples, Alex closes the rest of the gap between us, almost sitting in my lap, the hairy globes of his big butt resting on my thighs. He presses our cocks together, working both of them with his hand, as I stretch my arms toward his chest. I gently touch the metal balls at the ends of the barbells, letting my fingers glide to Alex's pink nipples and tracing over them, slightly squeezing

Alex lets out a soft moan. "Yeah," he whispers, jerking our cocks more vigorously. "Dude, that shot a fucking bolt of lightning through my dick just now. You can be rougher with them."

I'm already elated to have his ass against my skin, to have his fingers sliding up and down my shaft, but knowing that I'm giving him extra pleasure turns me on more than anything else. I squeeze his nipples harder, Alex emitting a louder moan and moving his hand more urgently on our dicks.

"Bet your mouth would feel even better," he says right to my face.

My heart starts pounding harder than it had been the whole time, feeling like the situation is escalating even more. "We'd have to get a little closer."

Alex grins, releasing our cocks and leaning forward to reach his arm around my back, pulling me up into a sitting position as his bare feet wrap around my ass. He plants both his hands behind himself on the bed, now literally sitting in my lap. Our faces are inches apart, his full, luscious lips closer to mine than they'd ever been before. I want to kiss him so fucking badly.

"Better?" he asks.

"Much better," I whisper back, twisting both his nipples again.

"Fuck yeah," Alex says excitedly. "Do it, man. Lick them, suck them."

He wants my mouth on his body and I can't say no. I press my face down into his defined pec, wrapping a hand around his toned back and lapping my tongue against his nipple. I start stroking his solid cock again at the same time.

"Yeah," he murmurs into my ear. "Fuck, dude. Don't hold back. Rougher."

I start sucking on his nipple, gently biting it, Alex moaning more heatedly as I steadily bite him harder. I repeat the same treatment on the other side of his chest, and when I lift my head away from his body, my hand still on his back, he's staring into my eyes. I immediately recognize the longing on his face, absolutely certain that he wants to kiss me. I wait for the next "Would it be weird" line as we're silently looking at each other, my roommate literally sitting in my lap, but the words never come. I decide to take the initiative, leaning into him, pulling his body into mine, Alex closing his eyes as our lips join together. He kisses me back softly at first, the intensity swiftly escalating from gentle pecks to intense, fervent kisses, Alex moaning quietly into my mouth. His strong tongue parts my lips and swirls eagerly against mine, both of us digging ferociously deeper into each other. We make out desperately for several minutes, my hand drifting up from Alex's dick and joining the other at his back, both of them steadily shifting up to his head, ravenously pulling his face into mine.

Alex is grinning giddily when he finally breaks the kiss, my hands dropping away. "Now that was definitely weird." His expression shifts as he seems to ruminate on the fact that we'd just eagerly made out with each other.

I look into his gorgeous brown eyes, afraid he's going to tear away from me at any second now that he's doubting himself. "If it was, I really love being weird with you, man," I say. I'd felt him enjoying it the whole time, loving every moment, but he suddenly appears uncertain.

Alex is stone-faced as he abruptly lifts off of me, both of our holes still plugged, and I feel like it's all over when he climbs out of his bed without saying a word, letting my body sink down into his mattress.

"Tyler, get down here!" he demands. "I need something bigger in my ass!"

Maybe Alex had panicked a little realizing how much he liked kissing me, but he obviously doesn't want to stop. My head jolts back up, my gaze shooting hopefully to him. My roommate is pulling the insanely girthy dildo I'd first caught him riding from his toy box, lodging the suction cup against the floor. I realize the plug that had been in his ass is already sitting next to the double-ended dildo.

"You ready for something bigger too?" he asks, turning to look at me and seeming calm. "Come on, man, you know you are!"

"You have a suggestion for me?" My hole is stretched open and relaxed after holding the plug inside for awhile, and I'm definitely curious about pushing my limits. I lift up, letting my legs hang over the edge of my roommate's bed.

Alex trudges back to the box, bending over and holding up the same nine inch flesh-colored dildo that he'd warmed up with during the first session, the thing certainly significantly thicker than a real cock. "I bet you can handle this one now," he says, pushing the toy into my hands.

The dildo is undoubtedly bigger than anything I've ever had in my ass, looking larger than it had appeared when I first sighted it from across the room, but at least I can actually wrap my fingers around the shaft. "You really think I can take this one?" I ask, feeling suspicious. I know I won't be able to swallow it up as easily as my roommate had.

He laughs at me. "If you believe you can take it, you can take it, trust me. But yeah, the widest part is about the same size as the widest part of the plug in your ass right now. You can do it, dude."

I'm still doubting my hole can swallow up something this huge, but I'm willing to give it a try. "Ok, but I'm getting something smaller if this is too big."

Alex laughs again. "There's no such thing as too big! Come on, get across from me. Let's watch each other riding." He grabs the bottle of lube, settling into a squatting position over the monster resting on the floor.

I step back toward my bed, sticking the comparatively modest dildo in my hands to the tile. I squat over it like Alex is doing, his hands rubbing lube all over the girthy shaft of his huge toy. I let the plug still buried inside me shoot out of my ass, catching it with my hand,

Alex is chuckling, smiling as he passes me the bottle of lube. "Nice little gape you have going there. This is going to be so fucking hot!" he says excitedly.

Rubbing lube all over the thick dildo beneath me, I think about the advice my roommate had offered: if you believe you can do it, you can do it. I need to stop doubting myself. I want him to be impressed and turned on watching me sink my butt all the way down on this thick toy.

"Ready, dude?" Alex asks, that depraved look planted on his face again. "Let's do it." He's staring into my eyes, biting his lip as he instantly sinks halfway down on the beast I'd first caught him riding, grunting loudly as he halts.

I know he's waiting for me. I take a deep breath, reassuring myself that I can do this, letting the tapered head of the nine inch dildo sink into my hole. I gently lower myself down on the length, the toy easily penetrating me until I reach the thick middle, my insides suddenly burning. I wince and close my eyes, a groan of discomfort escaping my mouth.

"Just relax right now, man," Alex reassures me, noticing that I'm struggling. "What do you think I'm doing? Let your ass get used to having that big dildo inside you." He doesn't wait, sinking all the way down to the balls of his behemoth, groaning furiously as he hilts it.

My ass is still stinging with the middle of the thick shaft lodged inside me. I'm doubting I can take more without working up to it, ready to ask my roommate for something smaller.

"Kiss me," he whispers.

My eyes flutter open to find Alex looking dead serious, the longing expression spread across his face again. I swallow hard, thinking about how he'd reacted the first time, afraid to lean into him again now.

Alex sees my reluctance, planting one of his hands on the floor and drawing his head toward mine. "Kiss me, man," he says like he's begging.

I gulp and sweep my hesitance aside, pushing my face toward his. Our lips almost meet when he turns his head away, our faces brushing together.

"Shit, sorry," he mutters, facing me again, looking intently into my eyes, his warm breath against my lips. "That was such an amazing kiss, seriously. Please kiss me like that again."

"Are you sure, Alex?" Seeing him turn away from me, uncertain about what he really wanted for a moment, I feel like we're fucking things up again if we do this.

His lips press against mine with no hesitation, kissing me roughly, passionately, until his face barely lifts away. "Yeah, I'm sure," he whispers, immediately starting to kiss me even more fervently, his tongue quickly slipping into my mouth.

I'm too lost in the moment to obsess over what might happen next. My roommate is even more inviting than he'd been the first time, our tongues desperately twirling together as we ravenously make out. Feeling completely comfortable and totally relaxed, my ass calm, I plunge my hole down further on the dildo with Alex's tongue buried in my mouth, sinking until I feel the balls resting against my cheeks, softly grunting his mouth.

He pulls away, looking down and seeing that I'd bottomed out on his nine inch dildo. "I fucking knew you could do it," he breathes into my lips, wrapping his hands around my head and starting to devour my mouth again, more intensely than he had all night.

My roommate is kissing me more eagerly than anyone had ever kissed me in my whole life, his tongue exploring me like no one ever had before, both of us moaning into each other until he pulls away.

Alex grins and shakes his head. "Yeah, no fucking regrets about that. I'm so turned on, man. Let's ride these big cocks together!"

I'm missing his tongue already but I can still taste him in my mouth. Looking down, I realize my dick is rock hard. Glancing over at Alex, I notice that his is too. No matter what he says later, I'll know that he enjoyed that kiss. He starts fucking himself with his massive dildo and I follow suit, amazed that I'm actually comfortably accommodating the thing. His kiss was all I needed to relax, to surrender and let myself enjoy this feeling.

"Take that big fucking dick," Alex hisses, his skin stretching wide around the girthy dildo as he rises up to the top and plunges himself back down. "Feels so much better than that little plug, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," I murmur, now eagerly thrusting my ass up and down on the thick length. The longer I ride the toy, the more blissful my hole feels. I completely understand why my roommate enjoys this so much now. The huge shaft feels better than any dick I'd ever taken.

Alex is resting at the base of his beast, working his hard cock with one hand and twisting his pierced nipple with the other as he watches me vigorously impaling myself. "Think you're going to be ready for something even bigger next time?" he asks.

"I hope so," I grunt, sinking down to the balls and stroking my cock too, a string of precum several inches long hanging from the head of my dick.

"Fuck yeah, dude," he growls. "I love watching you stretch that tight hole open. I want us doing this all the time."

Hearing him say that almost makes me cum. I start riding the dildo again, pummeling my butt vigorously with the thick shaft while I jerk off. "I'm so close," I groan.

Alex lifts off his dildo instantly, the massive thing wobbling and almost falling over, his hairy hole gaping wide beyond it. "Shoot your load on it," he says hungrily.

I have to freeze right there, immediately wanting to ask if he's sure, but fuck it. Why not? I lift off the toy I'm riding, kneeling in front of the huge one Alex had mounted, letting myself climax all over the massive shaft, yelling loudly as an insanely huge load spills out all over the mammoth dildo and the floor.

Alex looks mesmerized observing, the manic glint in his eyes again as my cum finally stops spraying out, squatting back over the beast and lowering his ass down, the huge head of the thing sliding inside him. He yelps, pressing himself further and burying my warm sperm into his guts, thrusting up and down on the dildo more violently than he had all night. "Fuck, dude!" he shouts, his eyes frantic as his hand desperately jerks his rigid eight inches. "I'm fucking cumming too!" He bottoms out and his hand stops moving after a few more urgent strokes, the first burst of his load splashing across my stomach, volleys of his hot seed hitting my dick and balls.

I could fucking cum again right now seeing how completely satisfied Alex looks, knowing that my cum is inside his ass, that his is all over me. My dick is still rock hard, covered in my roommate's jizz, almost pleading for more attention.

Alex throws his head back as he's panting, lifting his ass off the huge dildo, my white cum obvious on his gaping hole. "Fuck, man," he murmurs. "That was so fucking hot." He collapses on the tile floor without looking at me, his chest still heaving as he breathes hard.

My sexual desire immediately recedes worrying about how he's going to react now that our second toy session was concluded. Alex had turned his head away the second time he tried to kiss me. How is he going to feel about having my cum in his ass? I shouldn't have done that. He asked for it, but I should have just shot my load on the floor and pretended that I wasn't able to stop myself.

Alex lifts his head off the ground to look at me, the stone-faced expression he'd worn after our first kiss firmly settled across his face. "I'm not gay," he pronounces seriously, looking into my eyes.

I instantly look down the second he utters the words, staring at my now soft dick, the source of all the tumult in our friendship, regretting that I'd crossed so many lines. I shouldn't have kissed him. I shouldn't have busted my load all over the dildo. We should have just stuck to jerking off together. That was working perfectly.

"Tyler, look at me!" Alex insists.

My face hesitantly peers up, our eyes meeting again. My roommate doesn't look pissed or freaked out.

"Can you let me finish before you start getting all nervous? I'm not gay," he repeats. "But after that, after everything that's happened with you...dude, I'm definitely starting to think I might be bi."

Next: Chapter 4

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