My Roommates Toy Box

By Bryce Manning

Published on Jul 19, 2020


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Author's Note: This chapter sets up at least two more that will contain the action, the second coming in a few days. I'd skip the story if you're going to find large sex toys off-putting. The premise was way more fun with objects that wouldn't be easily explainable.

My Roommate's Toy Box

By Bryce Manning

I moved into my freshman dorm room on the very first move-in day available for the fall semester, after begging my parents for the date all summer. They were reluctant to drive me to school any earlier than they absolutely had to, knowing they'd be returning home without me, but my eagerness to start my new independent life eventually won out. After trips to a couple stores to outfit me with some essentials for the room and a couple weeks' worth of snacks, we ate one last meal at a restaurant together before they took me back to campus. They both cried as they hugged me goodbye, and I was sad too, but I felt excited more than anything else. Watching them drive away, tears finally streaming down my cheeks, I knew I was in complete control of my own life for the first time ever.

That must be a significant event for every person, but it was especially meaningful to me, since I was still almost completely closeted. I'd told a couple of my best friends in high school that I was gay during senior year, my female friend totally cool with the revelation like she'd always known, instantly hugging me and encouraging me to be myself. My male friend was obviously horrified hearing the news, starting to ramble about how we needed to mount an effort to make me /normal/ again. I knew he was thinking about all the times we'd slept pressed against each other in his bed as kids, innocently talking about jacking off and sex, assuming that I'd always wanted to fuck him. We were barely friends by the time I graduated, even though I'd known him for ten years. His poor reaction drove me to keep the secret close, the fate of our friendship disappointing, but I decided college would be the perfect place to finally be myself. I was going to stop hiding, proudly admitting to anyone who asked that I was gay.

The dorm room was nothing special, a typical sardine can that freshmen students are packed inside. There was a large window against the wall, two tiny-looking twin beds on either side of it, generic dressers and desks that had definitely seen better days mirrored across from each other. Living there alone would have been fine, but I couldn't imagine two full-grown men having to share the small space for an entire year. Go figure, I'd pleaded to move as soon as I could and now I was already mourning not having my own door to shut, even being there alone. This was definitely going to be an adjustment, but I knew I could make it work. I didn't have a choice.

I'd only brought two suitcases worth of stuff with me, mostly clothes, unpacking them within an hour and deciding to take my first stroll around the campus. I followed a sidewalk having no idea where it led, marveling at all the huge gothic buildings clad in limestone, some of them castle-like, with ornate stone battlements and towers reaching into the sky. The whole vast acreage of the university felt like an elegant palace of learning, the path I was following seeming to stretch on endlessly. Being here was definitely going to be worth having to share a room for the first time in my life.

I saw plenty of other nervous-looking freshmen wandering around just like I was, exploring our new home. The assortment of characters was wide: average people, quiet nerds, douchey-looking jocks, outgoing kids who had already made several friends they were walking around with. The Instagramers and wannabe Youtubers were out too, busy taking selfies, narrating videos, or recording the whole experience to Snapchat.

Observing all those students, I started wondering what my roommate would be like. The only thing I knew about him was his name, Alex, the school having provided me with that and his email address. Neither of us had bothered reaching out over the summer before move-in. Now that I was actually here, faced with the reality that we were destined to share the cramped room and craving to know more about him, I regretted being too shy to contact a total stranger. But it was too late now. Maybe Alex was shy too. As the sun set and darkness descended on the campus, I returned to the room and found it empty, realizing I'd be spending my first night there alone. I decided to relish in one last chance to privately jerk off.

I thought about all the hot guys I'd seen on campus that night as I worked my dick, feeling confident that I would have a chance with some of them. I never had the opportunity to date in high school, but I tried to make up for that in the transitional summer, creating accounts on several dating apps. The stats on my profiles attracted plenty of attention: 18, 5'10", 150 pounds, blue eyes, dirty blond hair. Watching messages pile up, having tons of people tell me they thought I was cute, I actually felt attractive for the first time in my life. I was thrilled that so many people were interested in me, hooking up with a few of them, an anxious wreck the first couple times having absolutely no idea what to expect. My hormones quickly overcame my plan to save my virginity for someone special. I was so pent up I knew I didn't really want to wait, after spending my whole life waiting, in the end concluding that I was definitely a bottom, though topping was occasionally nice too.

Now I was thinking about one of the douchey jocks I'd checked out shoving his dick in my ass, grunting wildly as he filled me up with his load. That did it, an orgasm tearing through me, my whole body convulsing as I sprayed warm cum all over my stomach. I cleaned myself up a little sorrowfully, wondering if that was the last time I would ever be able to comfortably and conveniently get off in the room. Mentally exhausted from the day, I passed out before I even had the chance to contemplate jerking off again.

Waking up in the dorm room for the first time, on the second day of my new life, I immediately felt anxious knowing that the mysterious guy named Alex could show up at any moment. After a few uneventful hours of waiting around, I grabbed lunch in the dining hall downstairs. The food was only slightly better than decent, but at least it was convenient, a couple flights of stairs away. I walked back up to my room, noticing that the door was wide open as I approached it. I knew my new roommate must have arrived. I took a deep breath, barely stepping inside and stopping dead in my tracks as I caught my first glimpse of Alex standing beside his bed. I already knew he was going to be a problem. He was hot as fuck. I could barely believe that the gorgeous man was an 18-year-old freshman too.

The guy was probably 6'2" and 190 pounds, the definition in his arms suggesting he was certainly well-acquainted with the gym. He was wearing a blue v-neck shirt, white basketball shorts, and a pair of black Nike slides, white swooshes emblazoned across the strips of material stretched above the tops of his feet. His jet black straight hair was cut short, at least a few days of stubble accumulated on his face. He didn't look like a star athlete or a bodybuilder, more like the kind of fit, broish guy who would be pledging a frat within the month. I looked like a waifish little kid comparatively, already doubting that we could possibly have anything in common.

Eventually he looked over from the suitcase he was unpacking and noticed me near the door. "Hey, man," he greeted, stepping forward and reaching his hand out. "I'm Alex."

"I'm Tyler," I said as we shook hands, feeling his strong grip as I looked into his mahogany brown eyes. They were warm, genuinely welcoming, as stunning as the rest of him. I already had a crush on the guy.

"Nice to meet you, dude." He made a show of surveying the room, shaking his head. "I figured it would be small, but this is pretty fucking small!"

"Yeah, it's tiny," I agreed, recognizing that privacy really was going to be nonexistent now that he'd moved in. How was I ever supposed to jerk off thinking about him?

"I'm sure we'll figure out how to make this work. Hopefully you won't want me dead in the next few weeks." Alex cracked a smile, going back to unpacking his suitcase.

"Yeah, um, hopefully you won't want to kill me either," I said nervously, struggling to take my eyes off of him. He was so fucking hot. "Just let me know if I'm doing something annoying." Like staring way too much.

He nodded as he piled loose socks and unfolded underwear into one of his dresser drawers. "Back at you, roomie. I'm a pretty easy-going guy. I don't think we'll have much trouble getting along."

Seeing the state of his laundry, I could tell he was probably going to be messy, but at least he was extremely easy on the eyes. I could live with that. I climbed into my bed, pretending to scroll through stuff on my phone while I was actually stealing frequent glances of Alex's perfection. I was so enthralled during my first sighting that I hadn't even noticed his unbelievably huge ass until now, the strained fabric of his white mesh shorts easily betraying the massive mounds within, his crack obvious at the center. I could already imagine him bragging to his bro buddies about how much weight he was able to squat. He must squat all the time.

"When did you move in?" he asked, suddenly looking over his shoulder.

Of course he did it while I was staring at his butt. My mind was racing, already feeling like he'd caught me. "Uh, yesterday," I answered, trying not to panic.

"How are the showers? I was picturing a big communal locker room kind of thing." Alex's head swiveled back as he stuffed more unfolded laundry into his dresser.

"No, nothing like that," I said, my anxiety retreating a little. "They're individual stalls with curtains."

"Sweet," he muttered contentedly. "I was afraid I might have to give up busting it in the shower every morning." He peered over again with a big smirk on his face.

I worried that was his way of calling me out, but Alex had spoken the words so nonchalantly and unapologetically. I decided he just lacked a filter, that he was the kind of guy who would say anything even though we'd just met. "I, um, don't think you're going to have any trouble with that."

"Have to tame the beast before I can focus on anything else!" he said with his back still turned.

I was already checking my roommate out again, even after the scare, completely unable to control myself. He was way too fucking hot. My new roommate's ass was so alluring that I was fantasizing about burying my face between his cheeks and tasting his hole, as he deposited another load of clothes into the dresser. Alex suddenly pulled his shirt off in front of it, kicking his slides away and slipping his shorts down too, his big, furry butt poking out as he freed his ankles. I was shocked, the guy I'd introduced myself to five minutes ago now standing there completely naked in front of me. My dick was achingly hard in my shorts taking in his massive round globes, my desire more urgent than ever.

He twisted around, catching my stunned expression as my eyes darted away from him. Alex laughed. "Dude, we're going to be living together for the next year in this tiny little room. We might as well start getting comfortable around each other." He grabbed a towel off his bed, wrapping it around his waist.

"Oh, um, yeah, you're right," I stumbled to say, unwilling to look back up at him.

Alex laughed like he was amused at my sense of modesty. "I'm going to check those showers out right now, actually. I'm sweaty as fuck after the long drive up here." He pushed his feet back into his slides, his footsteps creeping across the floor.

I braved a glance at Alex's naked back, noticing that he had a simple tribal lion head tattooed in dark black ink on his right shoulder blade. I was amazed that he already had a tattoo, barely believing he was a freshman again as my eyes traced down his toned back, finding his hairy ass crack poking out from the top of the towel in the same instant that he opened the door. I was surprised he was walking out of the room like that, clad only in a towel and those slides, but he'd probably been playing sports all his life. The guy was obviously accustomed to being nude and nearly nude around a hoard of other boys. He didn't feel the least bit intimidated walking down the hallway barely covered, even if it was unthinkable to me. Alex definitely wasn't shy.

As soon as the door was shut, I grabbed the bulge in my shorts and started to urgently stroke my hard dick through the fabric, imagining plunging my tongue into those big, sweaty cheeks. I only indulged for a couple minutes before I forced myself to stop. What would he think if he walked back in and found me jerking off after seeing him naked? I wasn't supposed to care about people knowing that I was gay in my new college life, but Alex was different. I had to spend the whole year living with him, and I had no idea how he felt about gay people yet. If I told him the truth now, he might react just like my former friend had, horrified that I could possibly be attracted to him. Being honest could easily ruin any possibility of the two of us ever getting along.

Alex returned to the room draped in his towel, the thing now obviously damp. My eyes grazed up his torso from there, noticing that both his nickel-sized nipples were pierced with straight silver barbells. He walked up to his dresser and let the towel drop to the floor as he reached into one of the drawers, his ass hanging there invitingly again.

"Those showers fucking suck," he mumbled, grabbing a pair of black boxers and turning toward me as he pulled them on. "There's barely any water pressure!"

My gaze instantly shot to his crotch, a thick bush of untamed pubic hair resting above his soft dick and drooping balls. I quickly tore my face away. "Oh, really?" I said to my phone. "I guess our water pressure back home must have sucked. I didn't even notice."

"Where are you from anyway?" Alex asked.

I looked back over to find him facing me in just his boxers, my eyes helplessly fixating on the nipple rings. Forcing my vision to a more appropriate place, I saw him grinning.

"What, you've never seen a dude with pierced nipples before?" He reached both his hands up to his chest, tweaking the barbells with his fingers. "My dad fucking hates piercings, so of course I got these done a week after I turned 18. They hurt like a bitch, man, but I love them."

I turned away, feeling completely tongue-tied for a second. "Uh, no, sorry I was staring. I've never seen a guy with piercings like that."

Alex chuckled like I was entertaining him. "So, you going to tell me where you're from?"

I heard him walking across the floor as I peered back over, expecting to find my roommate fully dressed. Instead he was settling into his bed wearing only the boxers, reaching both his arms behind his head as he glanced at me, his biceps bulging out. How the fuck was I supposed to survive for the next year with Alex in this room? I had to consciously repress my urge to peek at the rest of his exposed body. Everything about him screamed straight, the guy not triggering my gaydar in any way. I knew the blatant and casual homoeroticism was all about him being a bro completely comfortable in his own skin. None of this was an intentional come-on.

I struggled to bury all my intense desires as we spent a whole hour trading stories across the room about where we were from and what our high school experiences were like. Alex had grown up on the opposite side of the state, wrestling and playing football. His dad had been on the university's football team, Alex assuming that was the only reason he'd been admitted, because his grades definitely weren't up to par. Alex's dad was apparently an asshole, always mourning the fact that he wasn't drafted into the NFL after graduating from college. He'd constantly pushed his son hard, trying to live out the dream through him, but Alex had no passion for football. He admitted that he actually kind of hated playing, because his dad had always been obsessed with Alex scoring a football scholarship too. He saw it as a dead end, knowing that his football-obsessed father hadn't been able to make it work. His overbearing dad didn't just hate piercings either, he also despised tattoos, Alex commissioning the tribal lion on the day he turned 18.

"The dude was pissed the fuck off about the tattoo," Alex complained. "I got my nipples done a week later and he was livid. Fuck him, it's my body. He can't tell me what to do with it."

He'd driven himself to campus that day, refusing to let his parents come along, relieved to finally escape his father's strictures and the constant pressure to be a star athlete.

I admitted that I knew nothing about sports, still struggling to keep my eyes on my roommate's face the whole time I talked, Alex innocently lying there in his boxers like it was totally unremarkable. I didn't even have to take PE in high school because I was in so many advanced classes.

"They needed to protect that big nerdy brain!" Alex had quipped, laughing heartily.

I had an easy relationship with my parents comparatively. They were conservative people, but they were loving, and I was the first one in the family to make it to college. They were immensely proud that I was there, not even caring about what I studied.

"I fucking wish my dad thought that way," Alex mumbled, sounding jealous that no one had ever pushed me to do anything. He innocently scratched his hand against his crotch, some of his black pubes sticking out from the waistband of his boxers.

I couldn't stop myself from observing that. He was so fucking hot.

"My dad threatened to completely cut me off unless I majored in something that pays well. My car, my phone, my insurance, everything, man!" He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I hadn't even talked to him about what I wanted to study when he fucking unleashed his demands! He's a real piece of work. You're so lucky."

Alex had apparently been planning to study finance long before his dad had offered the lecture. I told him that I was trying to get into the engineering school.

"Nice!" he complimented, absentmindedly rubbing his hand across his pecs and touching his nipple rings. "Maybe I'd do that if I wasn't intimidated by taking anything besides baby calculus. I fucking hate math. I'm already dreading that shit."

We ate dinner together in the dining hall, continuing to swap life histories, though Alex did most of the talking. At first blush, I'd assumed he was the kind of guy who would have no interest in getting to know me, but he'd already proven himself outgoing and genial. He only knew a few people from high school who would be starting the fall semester at the university with him, and he was eager to make new friends.

I felt ready to pass out after another long round of conversation in the room. Alex could talk endlessly about everything, and he did. I looked over when I heard him jump out of bed, watching him strip off the shirt and shorts he'd worn to dinner. He was wearing just his boxers again.

"I'm fucking exhausted," he said, nodding at me. "I'm going to try to get some sleep. Night, roomie."

I looked away as he was covering himself with a sheet on the bed. "Night, Alex," I said back.

Waiting for the guy to pass out, I was torn between jerking off in bed and sneaking away to the bathroom. I knew I didn't want to risk Alex catching me, but I was also too tired to get up, gripping my hard dick through my shorts and underwear. That's when I heard his sheet start to rustle, carefully peering over. Alex's head was turned toward the wall, the fabric covering his crotch bouncing up and down. He was the one jerking off, assuming I'd already fallen asleep.

I was terrified that he might twist his head over at any moment and catch me watching, my fingers gliding up and down my bulge, but I couldn't pivot away. I was picturing the soft cock I'd observed earlier completely filled out underneath his sheet, hard as steel while Alex worked it, desperate to get off. Eventually he tore the sheet off, his eyes still facing the wall, his shaft jutting out over his flat stomach as his hand eagerly stroked it. I heard my roommate grunt softly, seeing his load starting to stream out all over his torso in the gentle moonlight. When the flow stopped, he was still for a few seconds until he reached for something, presumably the boxers he'd stripped off to masturbate completely naked. As soon as his head started to turn, I quickly buried mine in the opposite direction. I imagined Alex wiping his load up with the boxers as the material scratched against his skin. There was a soft thud as the underwear hit the floor, and then I heard my roommate burying himself underneath the sheet again, his mattress creaking as he shifted his body.

I silently shot my load into my briefs, my hand having been on my bulge the whole time, immensely turned on knowing that Alex's cum was soaked into the boxers lying a few feet away from my bed. I immediately felt guilty after I busted. The guy had been welcoming all day, instantly treating me like a familiar teammate in his locker room, but I was obsessively thinking about pressing those wet underwear against my lips and tasting his fresh load. I needed to get this infatuation under control if I was going to survive a whole year of living with him in this room.

Drifting off to sleep, I knew I wasn't ever going to be able to tell Alex that I was gay. He'd think back on every forbidden glimpse I'd allowed myself and know that I'd been lusting after him the whole time. He was a cool guy and I really wanted to be his friend, even if I was painfully attracted to him. I didn't want to risk having him cut me out of his life because of something completely beyond my control. The plan for my college years was already falling apart.

"Morning, roomie!" Alex greeted the next day, uttering the words shortly after I'd opened my eyes. His phone was in his hands, his body still mostly covered with the sheet.

"Morning," I mumbled groggily, glancing down to find the discarded pair of boxers still sitting on the floor. I was wondering if he'd bothered to replace them overnight when Alex folded his sheet down, exposing his brutally hard morning shit.

"Oh shit," he reacted, seeming to realize that he was naked. "Must have lost my underwear while I was sleeping last night!" Alex stood up anyway, his dick sticking straight out.

Seeing his rigid shaft in the bright sunlight, even with my eyes barely opened, I observed that he was at least eight inches long. His dick was veiny, gently pulsing with his heartbeat, obviously demanding attention again even though he'd gotten off last night. My fantasies about eating him out disappeared as I started imagining his huge cock plunging into my hole. "No worries," I whispered, turning away as soon as I felt like I couldn't play the groggy and barely awake card anymore. One of Alex's drawers opened, I assumed because he was replacing the soiled underwear.

"Time to try that shower out again," he said like he was wide awake.

Without even looking, I knew my roommate was standing across the room with a towel wrapped around his waist, shoving his feet into the black Nike slides. "Hope the water pressure is better," I mumbled into my pillow.

His footsteps clapped against the tile as he walked toward the door. "I don't know, this time I might not even notice!" Alex pronounced with a laugh, the door opening.

I knew he was on his way to bust another load down the shower drain, my own morning wood harder than ever in my already cum-soaked briefs. I twisted my head back to the boxers sitting there invitingly on the ground, struggling to resist my urge to stand up and seize them. As much as I wanted to shove his underwear into my face and bust while driving my tongue into the semen stains, I decided it would be too much of a violation. I couldn't do that to my new friend. I was less than a day into being Alex's roommate, the absurdly hot guy already driving me insane.

The first month of living together felt relatively normal, aside from having to constantly restrain my urges to gawk at Alex. I hadn't objected to his frequent nudity or his tendency to sit around in his boxers during our first day together, my roommate clearly interpreting that as license to do whatever he wanted. Unless he was expecting to leave the room imminently, he always stripped down to his underwear the second he crossed into the tiny space. He woke up naked every single morning and climbed out of bed like it was totally routine, having no idea how much he was tormenting me, a fresh pair of cum-soaked boxers always there beside his feet on the floor.

Alex started acting strangely when October began, suddenly asking all kinds of questions about my schedule. I watched him take notes the second time he did it, scribbling on a piece of paper like he was recording essential knowledge. When he left the room, I walked up to his desk and looked down at what he'd written. My roommate had rendered my whole schedule in perfect detail, even the activities I was involved in.

At first I figured he'd met a girl he was trying to sneak into the room when I was out, an image of her easily forming in mind. She was probably a slightly older stoner chick who was covered in tattoos, a ring through her nose, the kind of woman his dad would inevitably find appalling. But that explanation didn't settle well, knowing that Alex surely would have mentioned her already if she existed. He was the kind of man who would loudly proclaim that he'd met someone, talking about her endlessly the way he talked about everything else, even bragging about the sex. If he really was scoring pussy, I knew he wouldn't be sneaking around.

For a second I wondered if he was fooling around with another guy, but I dismissed that possibility instantly. I'd never felt a gay vibe once from Alex, even after living with him for more than a month. The secret had to be something else.

The inexplicable piles of shipping boxes started to appear at exactly the same time. I'd always ask Alex what he'd bought genuinely feeling curious, since I didn't have much money to blow on shopping.

"Oh, just a new phone case," he'd volunteered without bothering to look at me, his phone in his hands.

The case was obviously the same one he'd had since we met. I let it go, not feeling like I had any right to call him out.

"What did you get this time? I asked a couple weeks later, seeing a few fresh boxes sitting next to our tiny trash can when I came back from class.

"New shoes!" Alex claimed excitedly. "I'm kind of sick of always being the dude in gym shorts and slides, you know?"

My roommate nonetheless kept wearing the outfit like it was a uniform. I knew he was lying to me, but I didn't understand why. What would a guy who was never ashamed of anything insist on hiding? I couldn't begin to fathom an answer. I couldn't make any sense of Alex's recent behavior at all.

In November, after several additional rounds of dubiously explained shipping boxes and an insistent interrogation about my Thanksgiving plans, Alex was intently rifling through one of the plastic tubs underneath his bed.

"Fuck!" he yelled to himself as he was squatting down on the ground, clothed for once, his huge ass stretching the fabric of his mesh shorts.

I was eagerly drinking that sight in from the second I looked over from my desk. "What's up, man?" I asked. I'd never been one to talk that way, but after three months of living with Alex I'd begun adopting some of his lingo.

"Dude," he started seriously, standing up and turning to face me, "I think I left my fucking charger in the lecture hall earlier!" Alex smiled warmly like he always did when he wanted to impose. "Can I borrow yours for this class?"

My laptop was on the verge of death after not being plugged in for hours. I'd neglected to charge it when I came back from my afternoon classes. "Can't you just write shit down for a change?"

Alex's eyes looked pleadingly into mine. "Come on, man!" he begged. "I'll actually have to pay attention if I walk in there with a fucking notebook and a pencil!"

I sighed, fighting my urge to give in for once. I was hard at work on calculus quizzes I needed to submit by midnight.

"Tyler, I seriously have a spare one here somewhere but I'm going to be late if I don't run out the door right now. Come on, you aren't even using yours!" He pointed at the cord obviously detached from my computer.

I'd never refused him in the past three months and I couldn't do it now. "Ok, fine," I relented.

Alex lit up, instantly strutting over and pulling the plug out of the socket next to my desk, throwing it into his backpack. "Thanks, roomie!" he said as he rushed out the door. "I'll be back in an hour and you can have it back!"

15 minutes later, as I was struggling through a math problem, my laptop began urgently demanding juice. I saved an answer right as the screen faded to black, the computer's battery completely drained. I decided I didn't want to wait another 45 minutes for Alex to return to the room, feeling like he'd given me permission to search for the charger supposedly underneath his bed when he'd promised me it was there. I climbed out of my chair and started rummaging through the plastic tubs, finding a multitude of cables and plenty of extra phone chargers but nothing that could power my laptop back up. Sliding the clear bins back, I tried his suitcase next, finding it completely empty. I stowed that and moved on to a big cardboard shipping box, gripping it and starting to pull it out. The container felt obnoxiously heavy as I dragged it against the ground, lifting the flaps of the box open hoping to finally score the prize.

Instead I was totally shocked staring down at the contents of the box. My eyes were wide, my pulse thumping in my temples. "There's no way," I muttered to myself immediately, barely believing what I saw. The innocuous box held at least a dozen dildos and butt plugs, some of them piled on top of each other. I could probably handle a few of the smaller ones in my ass, but most of them were absolutely massive, the biggest sex toys I'd ever seen in my life. I was fascinated as I grabbed one of the largest dildos and held it up, not even believing that it could actually fit inside a person. The fleshlike mass was at least a foot long, a giant flared head at the top of a veiny shaft so thick my fingers couldn't even wrap all the way around it, big balls jutting out at the base, a suction cup attached at the bottom.

"There's no fucking way," I said out loud. I couldn't even picture a guy like Alex with a finger in his ass, nevermind swallowing up this massive monster. There's no fucking way! I laid the beast back in the box, grabbing the biggest plug next. The gigantic gray lump was many inches shorter than the dildo I'd examined, but it was also significantly wider, the gap between my outstretched fingers even more unbelievable. You'd have to be able to take a fist up your butt to lodge this behemoth in your hole! There's no fucking way! I set the plug back down in its hiding place, instantly closing the flaps of the box and shoving it back underneath my roommate's bed. I felt like I'd already invaded his privacy enough.

Standing back up, I forgot all about finding the mythical laptop charger. I'd stopped prying, but my mind was still racing thinking about my discovery, reeling for an explanation. Did he use the gigantic toys on girls? Is that why he was sneaking around? I couldn't even fathom a gay man obsessed with conquering the biggest cocks in the world managing to fit those huge toys into his ass. Some of them were thicker than beer cans, maybe even thicker than the base of a wine bottle. How could a dainty college girl possibly take something that big? Maybe the huge ones were just aspirational. They looked completely clean, basically brand new, but so did everything else in the crowded toy box. How was Alex even able to buy that many sex toys?

I remembered everything my roommate had told me about his dad, my disbelief wavering slightly. The man despised piercings and tattoos, his son rebelling as soon as we as able, literally getting his first tattoo on his eighteenth birthday and piercing his nipples a week later. How would Alex's father feel about his ridiculously hot stud of a son plunging his ass, a straight man's typically inviolable place, down on one of these toys? Even without having met the guy I knew he would be horrified, because most straight men would surely be horrified at the very idea. I could imagine Alex grinning at him like he was proud about what he'd done, the same way he must have when he showed off his tattoo and his nipple rings.

But Alex? No! Alex wasn't gay! I'd suffered admitting that to myself, mesmerized by the bold man who never gave a shit about being naked in front of me, but he wasn't gay. I would have known if he was gay! I was still overwhelmed with doubt picturing the contents of the inexplicable box of toys in my mind. Was he gay? Had I been reading him wrong the whole time?

I settled in my bed, completely forgetting about my calculus homework as I unlocked my phone, launched the browser, and searched "buy huge dildos" on Google. The first result was a link to Amazon, the headline promising "13 inches and above." I couldn't even believe they sold stuff like that on Amazon, but scrolling down the page, there were a bunch of impossibly long dildos, even one literally shaped like a fist. And then I spotted the monster I'd struggled to wrap my fingers around. It had cost my roommate $50, the product garnering four out of five stars with 200 reviews. Oh my god, people actually bought that insanely huge thing and they liked it! The image on the listing showed hands at both ends that couldn't possibly stretch around the beast, but I skipped straight to the reviews. "Both of us love it!" one proclaimed. "This feels amazing in my ass," another confided. "It's huge but a great step up from a 2.6" dildo," a third review promised. My mind was completely blown realizing they were all verified purchasers. There was a whole community apparently devoted to massive sex toys!

I couldn't stop myself from taking the next step. I searched "huge sex toys gay," opening the first link that led to Pornhub. There were literally hundreds of pages of videos that showed men swallowing obscenely massive dildos with their asses, some of them appearing even bigger than the one I'd held. I was morbidly curious as I opened one of the videos, choosing one that showed a young guy with an obviously hot face and body, mesmerized as I watched the stud start to sink down on a toy larger than anything in Alex's box. His moans were ecstatic, his face blissful, as he seemed to effortlessly hilt the beast, his own dick still somehow rock hard and drooling precum as he bottomed out. The guy lifted off after a minute of vigorously pounding his butt with the huge toy, letting the dildo fall out of him, his hole gaping open wider than I would have believed humanly possible.

I was still shocked, but I felt my doubt wavering again after seeing a hot, young, fit guy eagerly shoving something massive up his hole. Was Alex one of the people who was into this? Could he hilt the gigantic dildo that I'd held in my hands as effortlessly as the dude I'd just watched? Did his ass spread wide open like that when he pulled himself off of it? I realized my dick was rock hard, suddenly feeling nervous that this stuff was turning me on. I was gay, but the video I'd just watched, imagining Alex replicating it, that was so extreme. I grabbed my cock through my shorts anyway, starting to stroke.

At that moment a key scraped against the doorknob, the wood panel flinging open. Alex walked inside, somehow looking hotter than ever before. "Hey roomie," he greeted.

"Uh, hey," I muttered anxiously, throwing my phone down and pulling a sheet up over my body.

He grinned, recognizing what I was doing even if he didn't appreciate why. "Oh shit, were you jerking off? Sorry if I interrupted!"

"No!" I yelled, instantly terrified that he was going to somehow realize I'd trespassed into his shipping box.

He dug into his backpack, retrieving the charger he'd borrowed. "We both jerk off, man," he said as he plugged it back into the outlet beside my desk. "No big deal. You want me to go somewhere and let you finish?"

I wasn't ever going to hear the word /big/ the same way ever again. "I'm good, seriously," I answered, Alex instantly starting to strip down to his boxers. My dick was throbbing harder than ever. The rational part of my brain knew that I should be an adult about the situation, admitting what had happened and asking for an explanation, maybe even coming out of the closet myself to make it all less awkward. The horny part of my brain, the one that always seemed to win out, was desperately and totally obsessed with the idea of somehow catching my roommate in the act.

I imagined concocting an elaborate scheme to lure Alex into feeling safe enough to use the toys, only to barge in on him prematurely. The whole idea felt wrong, a worse violation than lapping my tongue against his discarded cum-soaked boxers, a pleasure I'd still never allowed myself. We were friends, maybe even best friends at this point, and I knew I couldn't do that to him. If I was ever going to witness my roommate plunging his huge ass down on one of those dildos, the situation would have to be organic. My dick deflated knowing that an opportunity might never present itself, but at least I wouldn't have to feel guilty if I ever got that lucky.

Peering over at Alex, the gorgeous guy now sprawled out on his bed wearing just a pair of boxers, I wondered what other secrets he might have.

Next: Chapter 2

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