My Roommate's Computer

By Aaron Westing

Published on Feb 2, 2000



This is a completely true story that happened to me first semester of last year (99). I am a sophomore in college on the East Coast, and as is typical of second-year students at my school, a few buddies of mine and I decided to get an apartment off campus instead of staying in a dorm. There were seven of us, and we got two four-person townhouses right next to each other. I ended up in the house with only three guys, so we needed to find a random fourth for the next year. We put up a few fliers and placed an add and met with the 6 or seven guys who responded to see which one suited us the best to live with.

The last guy we saw, let's call him Eric, was so gorgeous and soft-spoken in an incredibly cute way that I knew I had to have him in the house. It didn't take long to convince the other two guys since the rest of the guys we'd seen weren't all that great. I was pumped all summer knowing that in September I would be the only other guy with Eric on the upstairs of our house.

Okay, just a little about me real quick. I'm about 5'9", blue eyes, brown hair, about 150 - 160 lbs. I like to think that I have a good body. I'm certainly not overweight, but I wouldn't describe myself as musclebound or anything, but I think I'm doing pretty well for myself. I've only had one other experience with a guy before in my life, which I wrote about and is listed under the "highschool" directory and is called "while he slept". Anyway, Eric is just incredible. He's about my height, maybe an inch shorter. He has blond hair with darker roots (you know the look) and a great bod with the hottest stomach (that's what I really go for) nice and flat with the slightest definition of abs. He was always walking around in t-shirts and gym shorts and just watching his cock sway back and forth under his shorts while he walked would give me cause to shut my door and jerk off real quick.

So, I basically just admired him from afar while we hung out, drank, whatever. He ended up pledging a frat, so he was gone a lot of the time but would drop in unexpectedly at random times of the day and night. Finally, at the end of the semester, he was gone on a Sunday night to stay at the House for his first night of Hell Week as a pledge. As I sat in my room browsing gay stuff on the net and thinking about getting off real quick before I started my work, I started to wonder what sorts of things Eric looked at to jerk off to on the 'net, since I know almost all guys do it. I knew he wouldn't be back for at least a day or two, and just the thought of seeing the pictures that he had shot a load looking at was getting me going.

I ventured over to his room and sat down at his computer, which he had left on, and ventured onto his C drive and into his "temporary internet files" folder to do some true snooping and see what he was up to. There was something like 1,200 files, most of which were jpgs or gifs, so I got started. The first picture I opened up was a picture of this really hot guy in breifs lying on a bed and another hot guy standing above him with his shirt unbuttoned and his pants down, wearing briefs too. Wait a second. What the hell was this? I figured it must be a mistake, since a)Eric has a girlfriend, and b)there is no way in hell that I am lucky enough to end up with a guy that hot and that gay as a roommate. I started looking at other pictures and they were all of guys. Guys kissing, guys undressing, guys sucking, guys fucking, everything. I was in so much shock that I didn't even realize the raging hard on I had in my pants for about five minutes. I finally came to my senses and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down along with my boxers and immediately started jerking off with my right hand and navigating the pictures with the mouse with my right hand.

I was getting close to shooting all over myself and was lost in an orgasmic haze when BOOM Eric's bedroom door busted open. I nearly had a heart attack and turned my head toward the door. Eric stood in the doorway frozen just staring at me. In a matter of five or ten seconds, a whole line of thought flew threw my head, and his too, as he told me later. He said the first thing he felt was anger because I was in his room jerking off, then he noticed that I was jerking off to gay pictures, just like he did. Then he figured out that I was jerking off in his room, to gay pictures, on HIS computer, and that I was looking at HIS gay pictures. I had found him out. He had found me out. And we just stared at each other in silence as all of this ran through our heads.

The silence lasted just a little too long and it got uncomfortable, so I stood up, pulling up my pants over my rapidly deflating cock and buttoned them. My face was burning as I tried to slip past him and mumble "sorry", since I was the one at fault for snooping. He grabbed me by my arm on my way past and said "Aaron...", obviously not wanting me to feel so bad. I turned to face him, both of us in the doorway.

We were making direct eye contact and probably both trying to think of something to say, but we were also realizing that each of us had a little homo in us somewhere, so we just stared into each other's eyes not saying anything. I think that each of us wanted to move our faces closer and kiss, but neither had the nerve to make the move since we were both "straight." One of us thought about it just a little too hard and flinched their head just a little (i don't remember which one), and then the other did and we slowly, never breaking eye contact, moved our heads together and touched our lips.

I had never kissed a guy before in my life. There was so much running through my head and my heart was pounding. We stayed in that position, just touching lips, for a few seconds. He breathed in slightly through his nose which broke the silence, and we started rotating our heads around, kissing passionately. He moved his hands to the small of my back and I placed mine on his waist. At the same time we parted our lips and started massaging each other's tongues passionately and in rhythm. Our breathing started to get heavier and our hands started wandering. He pulled slightly on my back and I leaned into him. His hands rubbing all over my back and ass, and mine up and down his sides and his ass, we now had our entire upper bodies in contace and I could feel another hard dick pressed against mine for the first time. I instinctively ground my hardon against his and he moaned quietly in my mouth. I started gyrating my hips against his as we kissed, felt, and dry-humped in his doorway.

As soon as I could pry my mind from his hot mouth and how good it felt, I slipped my hands around and started to unbutton his pants. He did the same to me and as we unbuttoned and kissed we stumbled together through his room. We dropped our pants and kicked off our shoes next to his bed, still kissing, and I leaned him back onto his mattress. Now, with only our boxers on, I could feel the contours of his dick against mine and just the motion of the two rubbing together combined with our hot kissing was bringing me close to shooting in my shorts.

I broke off the kiss for just second with the idea of pulling his shirt off over his head. As soon as we parted we locked eyes again and just looked deeply into each others eyes, differently than ever before. "Aaron..." he whispered. "I know." I replied, as I slipped off his shirt. I don't know what I knew, it just sounded like the right thing to say. He slipped of my shirt too and we rolled around his bed, kissing and enjoying our hot 19 year old boddies rubbing up against each other and the friction of the thin fabric layer of our boxers keeping us from complete and naked passion.

We finally went that last mile and removed each other's boxers. It was a total body sensation that I had never felt before, nor could I put into words. His smooth chest and stomach against mine, his hands and arms sliding over my back and ass, our legs intertwining and sliding around as our cocks caressed and then caressed again. I could tell that he was getting close, as was I. I was about to go down and try to suck his dick, when he made the move just before me. He started to slide down the bed, sucking on my nipples, rubbing my stomach and chest with is hand, and eventually reaching my dick. His hands were shaking and his breathing hard, as he took my dick in his hands and stroked it ever so slightly, looking back and forth from it, up to my eyes, and back to my cock. He held it upright and ran his tongue from the base all the way to the top, circling his tongue around the head. He put the head in his mouth and put it as far back into his mouth as any inexprienced straight boy can, and circled his tongue around the two or three inches he had fit in. He began to run his lips up and down the top of my cock, and that little motion combined with the site and realization of this incredibly hot boy actually sucking me off and I was lost. "Oh, God... Eric... uuuhh..." was all I could get out as my entire body was rocked with a mind shattering orgasm. I could feel my cock rhythmicly pumping inside his mouth and his throat muscles contracting as he swallowed the cum shooting out of my cock. It seemed to last forever, but was still over too soon. As my body relaxed, I sank back down into the mattress and he swallowed the last of my load.

He moved back up and laid on top of me as we kissed again, mine the hot kiss of a boy just brought to incredible orgasm, his the kiss of a boy ready to have one. He raised up above me on his hand and looked into my eyes. "Aaron..." he said. "Eric," I said " you can do whatever you want to. Anything." I knew that my hole was a little lose from the fingering i had done, and that he was average sized enough for it not to be too much of a problem. He reached under his bed and got out a tube of squeezable vaseline. He got up on his knees and began to rub it all over his cock until it worked up a greasy shine all over his purple head and rock-hard shaft. I raised my feet up 'till they rested on his shoulders and he used a finger to lube up my tight little hole. He was nice and allowed me time to loosen up. He put his one finger in, which I resisted at first and eventually relaxed. I moaned as he inserted another finger and began to rotate them and move them in and out. This was incredible, I'd fingered my own ass but never had it done for me. He was obviously enjoying the pleasure he have me as he stroked his glistening tool and inserted a third finger. After a minute or so of this, I said "okay" and he smiled and leaned over and kissed me hotly on the lips. As he raised back up, I lifted my ass up off the bed ever so slightly and he used his hand to guide his cock toward my hole. I could not believe it as I felt his hot, greasy head against my cherry little hole, and noticed that my cock was rock-hard again. He applied gentle pressure, and, as I had hoped, slid right on in without too much trouble. As I felt this hot, live tool invading my ass it was driving me up the wall, I started moaning and saying his name over and over. He began a slow, steady thrust in and out, bringing me into ecstacy with every motion. His eyes closed. He began to move more quickly in and out and said "oh, yeah. oh, god... aaron...". My only reply was "oh fuck, oh fuck yeah. Oh god..." over and over. I don't know how long he had gone for, It was the most extreme pleasure for the longest period of time that I'd ever felt, when he broke his regular panting and moaning to say "Aaron, aaron, oh god, I'm gonna cum..." and I felt his loose balls tighten up as his face scrunched up and I felt his cock throb in my asshole. Throb after throb I felt his hot load exploding inside of me. I looked up into his face and noticed he was shiny with sweat all over and I gave into my pleasure and began to shoot my own load. As he felt my ass tighten around him he shouted out "Aaahh...." and fucked my ass so quickly and so hard that we almost fell over. He continued pumping as both his and my orgasms waned together. He leaned down on top of me and kissed me again, this time the two of us completely entranced. He slowly moved his still hard cock out just a tad and then back into my hole. I moaned deeply in his mouth.

He pulled away from my face, looked me in the eyes, and crooked his eyebrows. I was waiting for him to all of a sudden freak out no that he had gotten off. He then opened his mouth and said the most that he had said to me since he burst into the room. "Well, I guess since you just shot your second load, you're up on me two to one, huh? We'll have to do something about that." The he leaned back down on top of me and kissed me again.

Wanna hear the rest???? Let me know.

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