My Roommate Tyler

By Jason Smith

Published on Apr 29, 2023


This story & those that follow are completely fictional. Any likeness is purely coincidental. More parts to come soon.

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Oh, I hope he has to change clothes.

That's what was going through my mind as my college roommate ran in through our dorm door. He was running late for his after school job because the caf lines were too long once again. This happens all the time. The lines are so long that it takes forever to get food, then he eats as fast as he can (I'm not sure how he even tastes any of it) and then he rushes back to our dorm, changes and leaves for his job.

Tyler is my college dorm appointed roommate. We didn't know each other until the first day when we moved in. I decided to go to an out of state college, one that none of my friends were going to, so I had no one to plan to room with. Apparently Tyler didn't have anyone else lined up either, so the school put us together. He ended up being a really good roommate. He was kind, talkative, and laid back. He was also gorgeous.

Now I've been attracted to guys all my life. And I've known several guys growing up that I was attracted to. But none like Tyler. He was tall, had brown hair, brown eyes, and was toned like you wouldn't believe. Seriously, this guy works out. And not the gross, like over muscled guys who do competitive body building. No, he was muscled, and toned, and beautiful. I noticed he was good looking from the moment I walked into the dorm room and he was setting up his side of the room.

"Hey man. My name's Tyler. I hope it's okay that I chose this side."

He held out his hand to shake and, apparently I was too dumbfounded by how attractive he was, that I just stared at him.

His smile faltered and he started to drop his hand as he said, "But I can switch if you prefer this side or something."

I quickly realized my mistake (my mind flooding itself with thoughts like: holy crap, this is my roommate. He's gorgeous. How am I gonna make this not weird?) and smiled big and reached for his hand.

"No, no, it's fine! I just.. wasn't expecting you to already be here," I pulled that lie out of my ass and continued, "My name's Peter. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well, Peter. You sure you don't mind me having this side?"

"No, not at all. I'm cool with the right side."

I began to walk to my side of the room carrying, admittedly, too many bags and tripped, falling to floor. Not even 5 minutes of meeting the guy and I had already made a fool of myself. My bags not only pulled me to the ground but then piled on top of me. Tyler rushed over and began pulling bags off of me.

"Dude, you okay?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. Stuff like this happens all the time," I replied, pushing off the ground to stand.

"Uh-oh. All the time?" he asked with a grin.

"You could definitely call me accident-prone."

"Ah, I see. Well don't worry. I brought a first-aid kit," he said smiling.

This guy was going to be all right. I knew at that moment that it was possible for us to become friends. That was something I was worried about when starting college, much less a new one states away from all my family and friends. Sure I would have a roommate, because I couldn't afford a single suite, much less an apartment off campus. I just hoped that he would be cool enough to make living together not miserable. But if we could be friends, that would be amazing.

I learned over the next few days of us living together that Tyler was from just a few towns over from the college and actually did have a few friends that were attending our college. I asked him why he didn't plan to room with any of them. He told me that most everyone was already paired up, but that he also liked making new friends and hoped to make a new one with his given roommate. I was pleased to hear that he was also hoping to become friends. We ate in the caf together for the next few days until classes started and I ended up meeting a few of his friends from back home. They were pretty cool for the most part, mostly letting me into their circle. Some of the other guys were pretty douchey to be honest, but Peter made sure to include me in the conversations when appropriate.

Once classes started, we started seeing a little less of each other as our schedules weren't lined up together super well. We had different majors and had different required classes. And he also had a part time job in the evenings 3-4 nights a week. But he would always make his way back to the room after either classes or his job and we would catch up, talking about our day while watching tv, grabbing dinner, playing video games, and whatnot.

One of the main things that I liked and appreciated about Peter (besides how attractive he was) was how laid back he was. Not a lot seemed to ruffle his feathers and he was a pretty go-with-the-flow kind of guy. He'd let me pick where to pick up dinner if we ever had the extra cash to do so. He'd let me pick a movie that I'd been wanting to see to put on before we went to bed. He was just pretty easy going. This nonchalant attitude also slid over into how he felt about nudity. It just didn't bother him.

I remember clearly back to the day of moving in, once we had finished unloading and unpacking all of our luggage and boxes and belongings. We had gotten sweaty, sweat soaking through our shirts as it was pretty hot, not only outside but inside as well. He quickly pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his tanned and toned upper body slick with sweat. He asked if I minded if he jumped in the shower first, to which I said I didn't mind. After a quick `cool' he shucked his shorts and boxers down to his ankles and then walked across the room to grab a towel. I was shocked to say the least. Growing up with no brothers, it was few and far between when I saw another guy shirtless much less full blown naked.

My initial instinct was to avert my eyes but I couldn't help that they scanned his entire body. As he was turned away from me, I checked out his plump ass, slightly dusted with curly brown hair. I could definitely tell that he did squats regularly. His thighs were as toned as his ass, thick and stocky, muscles contracting and relaxing with each step. The muscles in his back, strong and taut as he reached for his towel. As he reached, he had to bend, his ass cheeks slightly spreading as he did so. The all too familiar pang in my crotch alerted me that I was getting turned on. He stood up after finding a towel from where he had unpacked them. He turned around to face me. I was lucky enough too avert my eyes to my phone just before his gaze turned to me and he spoke.

"I won't be long so you can hop in soon," he told me.

I looked up and tried my hardest to pretend that I hadn't been ogling him, and replied, "Sure, no problem."

He turned and headed to our bathroom that was shared between us and the two guys who would stay in the room on the other side of said bathroom. Those two guys hadn't made it to the dorms yet, and we would meet them later. He walked away, but not before I caught a glimpse of his cock. `Damn' was the only word that entered my head. The sight of his cock made me instantly harder than I already was. He was soft, unlike me, and girthy. I only caught a glimpse of it just then, but I knew it was a cock to be proud of (and possibly why he was so okay with nudity). I only hoped that I would get to see it again.

That hope didn't take long to come to fruition because once he exited the bathroom, he was bare once again. He walked out, body still misty from the hot shower but I could tell that he had mostly dried off. He had his towel in his hand (not around his waist as I would have done) and was drying his hair, dick lightly flopping about as he tousled his brown locks.

He looked up at me, my eyes already on him, and said, "It's all yours man. I left the hot water running for you."

The way that he displayed his nudity was not that of showing off. That wasn't what he was doing. He wasn't trying to prove that he had a big dick (which he did) or that he was well toned and muscly (which he was). He was just comfortable that way. That's obviously how he exited the shower on a normal day, and so it would be that way here too.

I had already gathered my towel and extra clothes to change into once I was done showering and had them next to me. I picked them up, holding the pile of clothes in front of my crotch so as not to have my boner on display to my brand new roommate.

I acknowledged him with a quick `thanks dude' and made my way into the bathroom. I heard the water still running in the shower and placed my hand under the steady stream, the warmth covering my palm. I quickly shucked my sweaty clothes into a pile on the floor, my cock slapping up against my belly as my boxer briefs were tugged down. I stepped into the warm water and my hand made its way to my dick. And I jerked off thinking of my new roommate and what it would feel like to touch his own cock.

Next: Chapter 2

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