My Roommate Noah

By Derek W

Published on Apr 16, 2018


My Roommate Noah by Derek W

This story contains authoritarian themes. If that doesn't interest you, please move on. Email me with any comments; always happy to hear from readers. Donate to nifty! Visit


Noah bounded into the room. "Sup?" he said.

I looked up from the book I was barely reading while lounging in my bed. "Hey, nothing much. Studying."

"On a fan-fucking-tastic day like today? No way. Too nice out. I'm gonna go play some hoops." He stripped off his polo shirt and jeans and started rummaging through his dresser.

He was turned away from me, so I took the opportunity to look longingly at his beautifully muscled back and his firm rounded ass. I am most turned on by guys' chests and arms, but Noah's body was so incredible that every inch of it could make my dick throb. Noah threw on a pair of gym shorts and a tank top, then sat on his bed to lace up his sneakers.

I tried not to stare--I know it's kind of creepy for your roommate to check you out. But when he's wearing a tank top, I mean, what can I do? The way it highlights his broad shoulders and muscly arms. To see those perfect lines of muscle stretch down from shoulder to elbow, it was just too much.

"Maybe dinner tonight?" he said. I nodded, and he flashed me one of his killer smiles. "Later, dude," and then he was gone.

It was indeed a beautiful fall September day, sunny with a slight crispness in the air but still warm enough for a short-sleeved shirt. Noah and I, both sophomores, had been roommates for just under a month. We shared a bedroom that was part of a small suite. And by small, I mean small. A shared bathroom, one other bedroom, occupied by two other guys, plus a common area so tiny that it could hold only a loveseat and a chair - enough seating for three people in a suite occupied by four.

Noah was new to Murphy, the small, liberal arts college in central Massachusetts we both attended, having transferred in from somewhere else and so forced to get a stranger for a roommate through a lottery. I had certainly not planned to be in this situation, had made arrangements at the close of freshman year to room with my good pal Andy. Andy and I had dated for about twenty minutes before realizing we were terrible as a couple but perfect as friends. But then during the summer Andy decided to drop out of college to pursue acting, and I was left hanging. All my other friends had secured housing by this point, so I was left to the mercy of the school's computers. Which is how I ended up with Noah.

Not that I'm complaining. Noah is actually a good roommate. We were friendly, though not exactly friends. Hung out from time to time. He was a mostly considerate roommate, pretty tidy and thoughtful. Very smart, and a talented athlete. Full of energy. He had a radiant personality, full of self-assurance that sometimes veered into cockiness, and from time to time outright arrogance. It was obvious that he possessed a magnetism that made people want to be around him, like a great star that attracted others to its orbit.

Oh, and one other thing: the body of a Greek god and a face to match. He was about six feet tall, maybe 6'1". Well-proportioned all over, a smooth, perfectly muscled chest and flat stomach. Especially nice arms. Biceps that caught the eye due to their size, but with a beautiful line. His musculature was very natural and organic to his body size. He didn't have cartoonishly large muscles, it was a physique that radiated a kind of normal but still incredible fitness and sexiness. And he was very handsome, in that boy-next-door way, if you happened to live next to a male model. A sturdy chin, warm gray-green eyes, an infectious smile, and a mop of shaggy brown hair that sometimes hung in his eyes in a way that made you want to abandon all plans for the day just to gaze at him.

So I took solace in the fact that if I didn't get to room with a friend, I at least got to share my space with one of the hottest guys I'd ever met.

And the previous month had been pretty good. He was totally cool when I told him I was gay, which I made sure to get out of the way the first week. We had been talking about high school and stuff, asking where are you from, that sort of thing. When he mentioned he was from Boston, I casually mentioned that I had dated a guy from Boston my freshman year.

"Oh," said Noah. "So you're gay."


"K. What's his name, maybe I know him?"

"Isn't Boston, like, a huge city?" I'm from Montana, but I do understand east coast geography.

"You never know."

"You won't believe me if I tell you his name," I replied. He looked at my quizzically. I shrugged. "His name is Jon Snow."

Noah laughed. "Get the fuck out of here, Derek. You're kidding me."

"Nope, that's really his name. Though he goes by Jonathan, so people aren't constantly giving him Game of Thrones shit."

"Are you guys still boyfriends?"

I shook my head. "No, we just dated for a little while. I don't have a boyfriend."


So we had developed a respectful relationship. We were just two college roommates. I tried my best not to leer at him, being very careful to check him out only when he wasn't looking. I really tried not to lust after him at all, but he was so incredibly gorgeous and sexy it was impossible for my mind not to stray to visions of him whenever I had my dick in my hand. But that's as far as it went, as I was careful not to let it become a thing between us. Okay, full disclosure, there were the handful of times I buried my face in his laundry basket to get a whiff of his incredible jock smell from his clothes. But that was it, and what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.


"Can I ask you a question?"

It was a couple of weeks later. Noah and I were sitting on the loveseat in our suite, watching TV. Noah was wearing a snug T-shirt, gym shorts, and running shoes. The thing about rooming with an athlete is that he almost always wears athletic clothing, which tends to show off the body in ways that are torturous for the roommate who lusts after him.

"Sure," I said. "What's up?"

"You know how the other day, when you and that guy Ethan were hanging out in the room? And you guys were talking about that guy in your econ seminar? The one you said was really hot?"

"Um, yeah."

"Do you know if he's gay?"

I shook my head. "No, I mean, he might be. I have no idea." I looked over at him. "Sorry, did that make you uncomfortable?"

"Oh, no. No way, man. I was just wondering 'cause it seemed like you were interested but you don't know if he's even gay."

"Well," I said. "I didn't say I was interested in like dating him. Just that he was hot. Straight guys can be hot too. I mean, a shit-ton of them are."

Noah looked contemplative. "But you would do him if he was into it?"

"Um, fuck yeah. I mean, the dude is super hot."

"Okay, so, then, another question."

I felt a slight tingle on my neck. I swiveled to look at him more directly, and he was eyeing me with a mysterious look. "Shoot."

"Do you think of me that way, Derek?" Noah asked.

Shit, I thought. There's no way this turns out well. I could hardly tell him that I'd jerked off at least two dozen times imagining his cock in my mouth. Better to keep that to myself. "Nah," I said. "You're a decent looking guy, I suppose, but this is different." I pointed to him and then to myself. "You know, we're friends. I never think of you that way."

He nodded. "Well. Okay. I was just curious." Noah smiled at me, a mischievous smirk. "'Decent-looking,' you suppose?"

I shook my head at him. "Okay, asshole. You're hot. Does that make you feel better? Is that what you want to hear?" I said.

He just smirked again and made kind of a scoffing sound. We went back to watching TV. I felt beads of sweat gathered on my neck starting to trickle down my back. For the next week or so I was particularly attentive to any weirdness with Noah, and so I tried extra hard not to stare at his body. Everything seemed mostly normal. Maybe he was a little more cocky than usual.

It was early evening on a mid-October Wednesday when I returned to the suite and heard the shower running. The door to the other bedroom was open and the room empty. I knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey," I shouted. How much longer?"

"Not long. 5, 10 minutes." It was Noah.

I opened the door to our room and closed it behind me, dropping my book bag on my desk. From the corner of my eye, I could see a pair of Noah's boxer briefs crumpled up on the floor. He was generally a very tidy roommate, so he must have just taken them off before his shower and just left them where they fell.

My mind immediately conjured the image of him slipping off his underwear. I hadn't jerked off in several days and was feeling especially horny after watching a group of hot guys playing frisbee on the quad. I listened for the water. Still running. I started to sweat a little. What the fuck, I thought.

Two short steps to his side of the room. Then down on my knees. I bent over, picked up his shorts and pressed them to my face. Jesus fuck. It wasn't very strong, but I inhaled this incredible smell of the jock's crotch. I rubbed them all over my face, imagining that it was Noah's cock and balls being rubbed on my face, how amazing that would be. They smelled fantastic, and I got instantly hard. Lost in a reverie of imagining the dick that had been nestled in this underwear just a few moments before. I rubbed my crotch through my jeans.

I heard the water turn off. Dropped the shorts back to their original position on the floor, stood, walked over to my desk and sat down. I needed to make my hard-on disappear before Noah came back into the room.

By the time he entered the room a few minutes later, I had banished the memory of how great his shorts smelled, and my dick was back to normal. He grunted hello at me, and I sort of nodded in response. I stole a quick glance - he had a towel wrapped around his waist, and his muscular torso looked fantastic. His hair was still pretty wet, his bangs extra floppy. He was a gorgeous specimen.

Noah picked up his phone and sat down on his bed. After a minute, he said, "Huh."

I looked up, and he had a quizzical expression on his face.

"Hey, Derek, can you come over her and look at something with me?" I stood and walked over to where he was. He stood up and held out his phone. It was a picture of his underwear on the floor, and he held it out just over the actual pair of underwear. At first I was puzzled, and then I suddenly felt this feeling of utter dread.

"Look at this picture - I took it right before my shower. See where my underwear was when I left the room? And look at where it is now. It doesn't look the same, does it? Like it was moved."

I contemplated ignorance, saying it looked the same. But the waistband was in a different position, and one of the boxer brief legs had been sort of splayed out in the picture but wasn't now. So that would be obvious and suspicious bullshit to pretend it looked the same as the picture. I just kind of shrugged and looked at him. "You took a picture of your underwear? That's bizarre."

"Yeah," he said, slowly. "I did. But my underwear is no longer right where I left it. Why do you think that is?"

"How the fuck would I know?" I said, in the most blustery tone I could manage while my heart was starting to race. I moved back over to my side of the room and sat down.

"Yes, how would you know? Hmm. I don't know, maybe because you touched them."

I scoffed. "Gimme a break, dude. What the fuck is this?"

Noah walked over to me and sat down next to me on my bed. "You remember that conversation we had the other day. You said you had never thought of me in that way, that because I was your friend you didn't think of me as a guy to get with. So if that's true, why would you mess with my underwear?"

"Stop saying that. What do you know - maybe somebody else came in here. You don't--"

Noah cut me off. "Come on, Derek. No one else's been in the suite, stop fucking around." He exhaled and looked down on the floor. I was really starting to sweat now. "Look, it's okay, dude. This is okay." He waved his arm to gesture from me to him and back. "It's not a big deal. I get it. Man if I was rooming with a girl that I was hot for who knows what I would do. So that's not the issue." He placed his hand on my shoulder, pressed down hard. "But...Don't. Fucking. Lie to me."

I looked straight into his eyes, held them for a second. Those beautiful gray-green eyes. Turned away, which led my gaze to his incredible naked torso, a foot away on my bed, and so I had to look away again. "Okay, yeah," I said, mostly under my breath. "I touched 'em."

"Heh," Noah scoffed. "No shit." I looked up at him, and he had a sneaky half-smile on his face. "What did you do?"

"Oh, come on, just fucking drop it, all right? You caught me. Can we let it go now?"

"No, we cannot. I want to know." I shook my head. Noah said, "Look, Derek, if you're gonna mess around with my stuff, I at least have the right to know what's going on. Right? Right?"

I looked up at him sheepishly. "Come on, don't make me say it."

Noah grabbed me then, took both my shoulders in his strong hands, twisted my body so that I was facing him. He stared at me intently. "Then show me."

What had I gotten myself into? Why couldn't I have stopped myself when I saw his underwear on the floor? I was a nervous jumble of guilt and embarrassment. I just shook my head, barely. Noah slipped one hand up from my shoulder and onto the back of my head. He grabbed me tightly, pulling my head towards him, and leaned in to place his lips just past the edge of my ear. "Show me what you did," he said. The words were like steel.

Fuck it, I thought. There's no going back from this. I slid away from him, and got down on my knees. Crawled over to his underwear. Picked it up and pressed it against my face. Hard. Took a big whiff. Several times. Then rubbed it all over my face. Despite everything that was happening, that incredible smell still send a jolt to my cock. When I dropped them onto the floor, I was looking towards his bed, and he was still behind me on mine. I could not turn around to face him.

"So," he said. "I guess maybe you do think of me that way. Right?"

I nodded.

"Like, you want me, you want my body. Don't you?"

I nodded again. Noah walked around me and stood in front. I could not lift my head to look up at him, so instead I stared at his feet. Which, like the rest of him, were perfectly formed and beautiful. For the briefest of seconds my mind thought of leaning over to kiss the top of his foot. "Okay, good," he said. "Good that we straightened that out. And, you know, Derek, I'm okay with sharing a room with a gay dude who's hot for me. Okay? That's cool, that's...whatever. But don't fucking lie about it. I hate that." He reached down and grabbed my chin, pointed my face up towards him. "So let's get it all out. Tell me what you think about when you do that. When you rub my shorts on your face."

Jesus Christ. I started to stand up, but Noah clamped his hand hard on my shoulder and pushed firmly, keeping me down on my knees. "No," he said. "Tell me from there."

"Please," I pleaded softly. "Don't."

"Tell me," Noah said. His voice was even, with no warmth in it. His hand pressed against my shoulder, pushing it down.

I could have stopped it all right then. Pushed his hand off me, stood up, told him to go fuck himself. Easily, I could have done that. Sometimes I think about the fact that in this moment, I could have made that choice. And things would have turned out very differently.

But I didn't. Instead I looked up at him, where he stood towering over me on my knees. His slim waist draped in a towel that covered a bulge only a short distance from my head. His smooth, muscular torso on vivid display. And that gorgeous face staring down at me, with a sneering expression. I thought instead of how many times I had fantasized about being in this position, on my knees in front of him, while I jerked myself off. Dozens and dozens and dozens of times I had imagined being in this very position. And so instead what I said to him was, "I think about sucking your dick."

He laughed, a kind of malicious, snorty laugh. "Oh, yeah?"

"Yes," I said, ready to throw caution to the wind. "When I was rubbing your underwear on my face, I was imagining that it was your cock, that you were rubbing your cock all over my face, and then I would blow you, suck you nice and deep. You pushing your dick in and out of my mouth, fucking my throat."

He lifted his hand from my shoulder and rested his thumb on the top of the towel where it encircled his stomach. This left his hand draped around the bulge of his crotch. He smiled. "Dream on, buddy." Tugged on the bulge for emphasis.

"So now you know. Your roommate wants to blow you. What are you gonna do about it?"

Noah shook his head. "Derek, I always thought you were fairly smart, but if you think I didn't know that you have been dying to get on my cock until just now, then you are an idiot. You think you're so subtle, stealing looks at my body, but I have noticed you checking me out constantly. Con-stant-ly. By the second week of the semester I knew what you wanted. And the question is, what are YOU gonna do about it?"

I looked up at him, curious. He was half-smiling. I reached up towards him, but he immediately pushed my arm away before I could touch him. He shook his head. "Uh uh. Tell me." I looked at him, dumbfounded, confused. Was he really suggesting what I thought he was suggesting? "ASK me," he said.

"Noah," I said, sputtering, "can I give you a blow job?"

"Hmm, I don't know. That doesn't sound like you really want to."

I understood. He was going to be a total dick, make me beg him. I thought to myself, after everything that's already happened, why not do it? If I had the chance of actually getting my hands on that incredible body, which I had been lusting after for two solid months. So I said to him, "Please, Noah. Please let me suck your dick. You are such a stud, I want to blow you so bad, make you feel good. You can fuck my face if you want to, tell me how you want me to suck you, whatever you want. Just please let me suck your dick. Please."

There was a long moment while he stared down at me. I felt super uncomfortable and awkward. Then finally he said, "Okay."

I think I bounced a little, involuntarily. Excited that this might actually happen."Really?"

"Yeah, I'll let you blow me. Since you want it so bad. But, if I let you blow me, then this will change things. You will go from being my friend to being the guy who gave me head. Or, I guess, the guy who GIVES me head. So,'re not going to be my friend anymore," he said. "You're going to be my bitch." He crossed his arms--his amazing, muscly arms--across his chest. "You understand what you're getting into?"

I nodded.

Noah reached down and whipped off his towel, throwing it to the floor and exposing his cock. "Then go for it, cocksucker."

I contemplated the situation for the briefest of seconds, and reflected on the fact that hearing him say 'go for it, cocksucker,' had made my cock jump. I looked up at him, smiling down at me, so pleased with himself. Then slowly lowered my gaze down his fantastic chest, the smooth pecs, the flat stomach and ridges of his abs, that deep ridge on his hips only found on men with basically no body fat. Until arriving at his crotch. I'd seen it before, of course, fleetingly as he dressed or undressed. I gave it a closer look now. His pubes were neatly trimmed, his balls big low-hangers. He always behaved like a guy with a big balls, and he had the physical attribute to back it up. His dick, cut with a perfectly shaped head, looked a little plumper than usual. I guess getting his roommate to kneel and beg to suck him off was the kind of thing that made his cock start to stiffen.

I reached up and took his dick in my hands, felt its warmth. Started to give it a little stroke. Noah reached down, cupped his hand against the back of my neck, and said, "Why don't you use your mouth to get it hard?" and then pulled me towards him.

His dick bounced against my lips, and I immediately opened my mouth and took in his cock. The taste and feeling of his cock in my mouth sent a jolt of horny excitement throughout my body. I moaned loudly, a muffled, helpless sound, ecstatic that his cock was actually in my mouth. Noah burst out laughing. "Oh, fuck, man, this is gonna be too easy," he said.

My tongue lavished attention on his dick, and I started to bob up and down on it as Noah's cock very quickly got hard. It filled my mouth and I pulled off some, until about half his dick was in my mouth at the point when he seemed fully hard. I kept just the head in my mouth, which I slurped and sucked on, teasing with my tongue, while I used my hand to jerk his shaft.

Noah placed his palm against my forehead and pushed me back. His cock slid out of my mouth and my head tilted backwards. Then Noah pulled my hand off his dick and grabbed it himself. He flopped his cock onto my face, so that his balls were against my chin, and his thick, hard cock ran the length of my face. I looked up at him, sneering down at me, smiling and chuckling.

"So, do you like it?"

"Yes," I said.

Noah rubbed his cock on my face, all over my face. "You like that? You like that more than rubbing my shorts on your face? When it's my actual dick being rubbed all over your bitch face."

"God, yes," I moaned.

"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue." I did as instructed. Noah leaned over a little and dropped his nuts onto my face. "Lick my balls." I stuck my tongue as far out of my mouth as it would go and began licking those luscious orbs. First one, then the other, then back and forth. They had only the very faintest hit of jock balls smell, as he had just come out of the shower. They tasted fucking fantastic. Noah kept pressing his dick down into my face while I licked his balls, the head of his cock pressing into my forehead and my hair while he just rubbed it back and forth across my face.

Noah took a step back. When he did, a trail of precum appeared, from the tip of his dick to where it was pooled on my forehead. He banged his cock hard against my cheek, so that the stream of precum landed across my face. "Time to suck this cock, bitch."

Noah pressed the firm head of his cock against my lips and I eagerly opened them wide. He pushed his dick into my mouth, slowly but steadily. Then he let it go. I began to suck it, gently then harder, my tongue caressing the underside as it passed back and forth in my mouth. For several minutes I sucked him off. My eyes were closed, as I was lost in the rapture of sucking this stud. I opened them, looked up at him. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was looking away with a far-off expression. I drank in the sight of those beautifully muscled arms, the firm pecs, the sturdy shoulders. My dick, which I had not touched, was bursting against my jeans. I was incredibly excited to be blowing this hunky jock with the perfect body.

He looked down at me then. Smiled, nodded. He started to thrust his hips, and the blow job slowly shifted from one in which I was bobbing my head on his dick to one in which he was thrusting his dick in and out of my mouth. The pace didn't change, but with each forward movement he pushed in a little bit further. Noah moaned softly, and I felt his cock throb a little in my mouth. Then both of his hands went to the back of my head, and he stuffed his dick all the way into my mouth. He held my head down tightly, my face pressed up against him, as his dick unloaded directly into my throat. I could sense his cock convulsing as he came and started to pull my head back. But he was not having that, and he tightened his grip, used the considerable muscles of those strong arms to hold me down firmly while he shot into my throat. His dick stopped pulsing in my mouth, his orgasm was over, and again I tried to pull back, and again he held me down tight. I made a coughing/gagging sound, which I thought might entice him to release me, but I think instead he actually pushed my head down even further onto his dick, not that that was even possible. I did everything I could to not start choking, and finally after a long moment Noah released my head.

I pulled all the way off his dick, which slipped out of my mouth. Took a deep breath, tried to catch my breath. Noah's dick was wet with my saliva, glistening and magnificent. Of course his erect cock would be as beautiful as the rest of him.

"So, now you really are my cocksucker," he said.

"I guess so," I said sheepishly.

"You guess so? You just sucked a load out of me. It's in your stomach. That makes you my cocksucker. It's quite clear."

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Did you like it?"

I nodded again. His cock was starting to soften, but still was right there, inches from my face. I was still hard and horny. I leaned closer, stuck out my tongue to give it a lick. But Noah stepped back, pushed my head away. "Uh uh. I'm done." Then Noah pushed my head down so I was staring at the floor. His fantastic feet took a step towards me, and then he rubbed his dick in my hair, I guess to clean it off. He rubbed it around in my hair until it was dry, and then stepped back again. He pushed me down hard by the shoulders, and I was taken unawares and felt onto the floor. "That's it for now, bitch. I'll let you know when I want my next blow job."

I lay on the floor for a few minutes, my dick hard and desperate for release. Noah proceeded to get dressed. Jeans, a tight-fitting T-shirt, white gym socks, sneakers. When he was done, he picked up his keys and walked over to me where I still lay on the floor, on my side watching him. He placed his sneaker against my shoulder and pressed down until I was on my back. Then stood on either side of my head, his sneakers touching the side of my head, bent his head forward to look down at me. I looked up at the view from my vantage point on the floor: legs, crotch, pecs, handsomeness.

"Stop leering at me, bitch. That thing where you constantly stare at my body stops now." He lifted his foot and dropped his sneaker onto my face. Pushing it to one side until my head was totally turned to the side, and I could no longer see his body. Only one side of the room, and the bottom of the sneaker that was holding my face in that position.

"Do you understand what this means? Your new position? This is the literal representation of your new role - under my foot, which you will be from now on. Metaphorically, that is. And, I suppose, from time to time, maybe literally as well," he chuckled and slapped his sneaker against my face. "I'm going out for a while. I suggest you use that time to psychologically adjust to your new life as..." he tapped his sneaker against my face, "my..." tapped again, "cocksucker," banging his foot against my face one last time.

Noah stepped away and left the room, closing the door, which shut with a bang as if to signal that my old life had ended, and my new one was about to begin.


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Next: Chapter 2

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