My Roommate Chris

By Mike K

Published on Apr 18, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

....oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental. And, always practice safe sex.

Hey, guys! I thought that this chapter would turn out to be shorter than either of the first two chapters, but I guess I was wrong. I have big plans ahead for where this story is going plotwise - more details at the bottom.

For now, enjoy Chapter 3! :-)

My Roommate Chris (Chapter 3) By Mike K.

Meeting Adam and Ryan was just the first step in the forming of what would become a group of friends. I would meet Adam's boyfriend, Steve, the day after the GSA meeting where I met Adam and Ryan. Heh, Adam and Steve...I'll just bet that fundamentalist Christians today would go absolutely bananas over hearing of that pairing. The fact that Steve is also black might not help matters, either.

The day after I had my second round of sex with Chris, I was seated at a table in the campus cafeteria having lunch when I happened to see Adam walking around with Steve. Steve was just a little bit shorter than Adam and had a nearly shaven head. Adam and Steve talked for a little bit, then Steve walked over to the table where I was seated. As he approached, I noticed that he had brown eyes.

"Hey, Mack. What's new?" he asked me.

I hesitated for a second, before answering, "Only this...," standing up, turning my back to Steve, and pulling back my shirt collar. I was feeling show-offy at that moment, and though Steve knew that I'd joined what had been a growing list of guys Chris had fucked, he hadn't had a chance to see "fresh evidence" on me.

"Oh-ho...I didn't want to believe it when you guys said Chris was actually your roommate, but you would now be only the second guy to get another round from him."

"Oh? I would think most of those guys would have wanted another round with him."

"Oh, I'm sure that they probably have. I certainly did. But when we woke up the day after he got some of my ass, he said to me that he didn't want to get into a habit of just being with one guy all the time."

"So you also fell asleep together."

"Well, he did me in my own dorm, and he was so tired by the time he was done that he just wanted to crash there for the night. We ended up waking up around the same time the morning after."

"OK. But...I wonder why he'd be okay with fucking me more than once?"

Steve shrugged. "He prob'ly don't want people to think he's gay by going out and looking for guys to fuck. With you, since you're his roommate, he don't have to worry about that."

"...I guess that makes sense, though I don't like being thought of as an 'easy fuck'".

"I mean easy as in easy to find, not easy like you're a fuckin' slut."

"Well, just between the two of us, I don't really mind if Chris fucks me often...'cause that's how good he is. But, I prefer to wait a few days after I get my ass enough time to recover, and tighten back up, you know?"

"So what you're sayin' is that you ARE a slut, only you'll be HIS slut," Steve said with a grin on his face.

"Ah, shaddup......jerk," I replied jokingly.

Just then, Adam walked up, and we went to eating our lunches. When I returned to the dorm, I was surprised to see two other students in the main part of the room, along with Chris.

Chris said, "Hey Mack, I want you to meet Alex Kravitski and Zack Roman, a couple friends of mine." Zack was a few inches taller than Chris, probably around six feet even, with brown hair and blue eyes. Alex was a couple of inches shorter than Chris, with blond hair and blue eyes. "We've known each other since high school. Alex is short for Alexandra, but don't call her that to her face or she'll slap you."

As if to demonstrate, Alex did slap Chris. "Agh!"

I had a bit of a laugh and said, "Hey - nice to meet you two."

"Also, just so you know, Alex and Zack are girlfriend and boyfriend," Chris said

"Yeah...Chris kinda played matchmaker for us," Zack said.

"Oh, sure - give him the credit," Alex replied.

We all conversed for the next several minutes. I did come out to Zack and Alex, and it was no big deal. In fact, Alex told me that she had a brother who was gay named Matt. "Sometimes he can be so feminine, it's outrageous," she said jokingly. After talking some more, Chris stood up.

"I think I'm gonna go work out for a little while, anyone else want to?"

"Sure. I think I could use the exercise," Zack said, and he and Alex stood up.

I, on the other hand, wasn't really in the mood to right now. "You guys go on ahead, I don't feel like it right now."

"Alright. Well, I'll see you later then," Chris said. Then he, Zack, and Alex left.

I sat on the couch for the next several minutes with my eyes closed, just chilling out and relaxing. Then, there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door.

"Alex! I didn't think you'd be coming back."

"I just had to go to the girl's room is all. I actually wanted to talk to you alone for a little bit."

I shrugged and said, "Okayyy..." I let her in and shut the door behind her.

"Does Zack know you came back here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I told him. Don't worry, he's not one of those guys who gets paranoid at things like this. Besides, it's not as though you'd want to come onto me, anyway."

I just rolled my eyes and asked, "So what'd you want to talk about?"

"Well..." Whatever she was going to say, she didn't. After several seconds more of silence, I was getting pretty confused.


"I noticed what looks a hickey on your neck. Lemme see."

I was embarassed, maybe even blushing, but I complied.

Alex remarked, "Ohh, so you've let Chris get into your pants more than once, huh?"

WHAT? How did she know...? I turned and just looked at her, stunned.

Alex laughed when she saw my stunned expression, and then said, "I'm're probably wondering how the hell I know about that, aren't you?"


"Well, for starters, Zack and I already knew you were his roommate and that you were gay. Chris told us that. As for the sex... someone else told us about that. I should tell you that I know about Chris's little habit of screwing both girls and guys. I think it's kinda weird that he does that, but..whatever. Anyways, we were hanging out with Ryan a few days ago. You were mentioned, and I got to talk to Ryan alone for a few minutes. He let it slip that you'd put out for Chris, and even though he tried to cover it up, I forced him to tell me about it."

The look on my face was now one of mock irritation - the fact that people were finding out about me and Chris was really getting to me.

"Later, I confronted Chris about it, and he told me that he liked doing it with you more than with most of the other guys. And since it looks like you two have 'done it' again, it seems like he might really mean it."

" that you mention it, he did say something like that to me last night. But how'd you guess that it was him who left this hickey on me?"

Shrugging, Alex replied, "Lucky guess?" After a few seconds of silence, she then said, "You know...I've asked Chris quite a few times when he thinks he'll find a girlfriend, and every time he says he's not interested in just being with 'one' girl right now. But I have to wonder if he wants to settle down with a girl."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well..I'm not saying he'd rather be with a guy than with a girl, but I can't help but think he just might if he were to find the right one."

"Are you serious?"

"It makes sense to me, seeing as how he hasn't had a girlfriend since Teresa back in high school."

"And..." Then it hit me. "You think that right guy might be me, don't you?"

Alex shrugged and replied, "You're the only guy he's ever slept with more than once besides Ryan. Either that's just luck - or it's a sign." She put emphasis on "sign".

"Well remember, I am his roommate, after all."

"I don't buy that excuse. Roommate or not, I think he might be interested in you."

"Really. would I be able to find out for sure if you're right? It's not like I can just confront him about it and ask him if he is."

"Just look for little things, I..guess. Has he ever, like, kissed you other than giving you a hickey?"


"Well, then...if he ever does, then there you go, it means he likes you."

"And what if he's kissed any of the other guys before?"

Alex laughed. "I don't think he'd have kissed any of them. I mean, you never know, he might have, but...I don't think so."

"Alright. So basically, just watch for anything that would mean that he's interested in me."


"Okay. ... Remind me to kill Ryan the next time I see him."

We chatted for a few more minutes before she had to leave. About an hour later, Chris returned. Ryan was with him. When I saw him walk in, I stood up and walked over to him.

In a fit of mock anger, I grabbed him by the neck and started shaking him. "You told Zack and Alex about Chris and me, you bast-ard...!" It was hilarious, as Ryan reacted much like the kid caddy in Happy Gilmore when Adam Sandler was choking him. Yeah, I've seen that movie many times; I'm a big fan of Adam Sandler. Chris just stood there the whole time, trying to keep from laughing.

After several seconds, I gave it up. "It's alright man, I was just joking. But watch who you're tellin' about that, you know?"

Ryan shrugged and replied, "I'm sorry! It just...slipped out."

"Yeah, that's what Alex said."

"SHE told you that I told them about you?"

"Yeah. And for that matter, she also said she forced all the details out of you, so it's not like she was much better."


I was fortunate to get a moment alone with Ryan, as I wanted to talk to him about what else Alex had said.

"Hey Ryan."


"You ever wonder when Chris is gonna find someone to be with, not just for another one nighter?"

"Sometimes. But..I'm sure she's out there somewhere. Why do you ask?"

"Well...Alex was wondering if there is a 'she' that's out there somewhere."

"What do you mean?"

"She wonders if a guy might happen to come along that he'd go for."

"What?? Is she serious?"

"If you think that's weird, wait till you hear this. She already has a 'right guy' in mind, and guess who that is?"

"Who?" He contemplated the answer for several seconds before slowly looking right at me. "You?"

I shrugged. "She seems to think so."

"Why?" Ryan asked in disbelief. Then he noticed my neck. " two did get together again last night."


"Well, personally...I wouldn't put too much stock into what Alex thinks of things just yet. If all Chris has done is hooked up with you a second time, then I'd chalk it up to..."

"Just the fact that I'm his roommate and I'm available," I interrupted.

"Er.....yeah. Even if this becomes a regular thing, where he'll fuck you every so often, if that's as far as it goes, then pffft, it won't mean a thing. But watch for any little thing that might suggest that there's more to it."

"That's what Alex said."

"Well, there she's right."

We chatted for about half a minute longer before Ryan left. I was going to ask Chris why he'd outed me to Zack and Alex, but then I realized that Chris had to have known about Alex's brother Matt, so he would be telling two people who would probably be okay with it - nothing wrong with doing that. Still...

"If Zack and Alex already knew that I was gay, why didn't they say anything?" I asked Chris.

He shrugged. "They probably didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable about it."

I paused for a few seconds before replying, "Probably would've been better if they HAD spoken up...but, whatever."

The rest of the day moved on well enough, but there wasn't really anything else worth mentioning. The same can be said for the rest of that week.

For the most part, Monday the following week did not go well at all. For whatever reason, I had trouble sleeping Sunday night, and woke up late in the morning. By the time it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon that day, I had nearly fallen asleep in both my classes, tripped over myself in the hallway, spilled my drink at lunch...UGH!! It was as if "somebody up there" had decided that that day was a day to pick on me to no end. So, at around 4, I was laying on my bed face down in just a pair of shorts, wanting to just laze the rest of the day away so that nothing else could go wrong. That was not to be, however, as I heard Chris walk into my room.

"You seem like you've had a real shitty day," he said to me.

I turned over so I could see him. "No shit, Sherlock."

"Well...I think I know something that might make you feel better."

"What, giving me another fuck up my ass?" I hadn't meant to say that, I was just pissed off with how the day had went.

He sighed, annoyed, and turned to leave. Unlike most roommates, Chris and I had never really bickered over anything, and I didn't want that to be added to the day's "laundry list".

So, I said, "No...wait. I'm's just that, you're right - nothing's gone right today, and I'm pissed off about it. Really, what did you have in mind?"

"Well actually, it's a surprise. Lay flat on the bed like you were before when I walked in. If you want, you can take your shorts off as well."

"OK." About a minute later, Chris returned. He had his lube and a condom with him, but there were two other things as well - a towel, and a bottle with liquid in it that I didn't recognize. I asked him what the other bottle was.

"Massage oil. I figure you could use a massage since you've had such a rough day."

"Yeah, couldn't hurt." I fixed my gaze on Chris.


"It seems like there's something you're not telling me. How do you know about giving massages?"

"Zack works part-time as a..masseuse, I think they call it. I called him up, told him it looked like you were having a rough day, and that maybe a massage would make you feel better. He asked me if I wanted try giving it personally, so I said sure. He gave me the oil, he said I needed it."


I put my arms out in front of me, and bended them so I could rest my head on them. I lay there for a couple of minutes before I felt the towel being draped over my exposed ass, which was followed by Chris's oiled hands on my back.

"Have you ever had a massage done by a professional before?" he asked me.


"chuckle Good, 'cause the best I can probably do is improvise."

"Aw, you'll be fine."

After coating my back with the oil, Chris started by rubbing my shoulder blades. I flexed the muscles there to try to amplify the effect. Chris stopped when he noticed my movements, but I told him, "No, it's alright, keep going." Chris placed his thumbs squarely on my shoulder blades and placed his other fingers higher up. He rubbed with his thumbs, not moving (or only barely moving) his other fingers. I started to relax once again under the sensation. After about a minute of rubbing my shoulder blades with his thumbs, Chris rubbed over them with his other fingers. Then, he moved on to other areas of my back. As far as I was concerned, Chris was performing his massage quite well. A few times, I moaned softly. After a few minutes of rubbing all around my back, I felt the towel being pulled off of me.

"Bend over the side of the bed. I want to try something," Chris said.

That could only mean one thing, I thought. "What, are you going to keep the massage going and fuck me while you're doing it?"

"Damn! You weren't supposed to figure it out."

"You said 'bend over the side of the bed,' plus you came in with lube and a condom Come on, it was obvious."

Not wanting to lift up to more of a standing position, I slid backward until my legs were off the end of the bed. I looked back and found that Chris had had the courtesy to shut my bedroom door. I bent over the end of the bed and waited until I felt two of Chris's fingers between my ass cheeks, pushing in. Chris took his time to loosen me up before pulling his fingers off. Several seconds later, I felt his condom-covered cock at my ass. Slowly, he entered me. As I felt him gradually move deeper into me, I also felt his hands on my back once again.

I guess the thought of his fingers going from inside my ass to on my back once again must have crossed my mind, because I asked, "You did wipe off the fingers that were in my ass, didn't you?"


Chris's hands moved slowly up and down my back while his cock moved deeper into my ass. His hands stopped on my shoulder blades at almost the exact instant that I felt his balls on my ass. Several seconds passed before his hands and his cock both started moving again. He was moving pretty slowly inside my ass, probably deliberately. I gently squeezed his cock with my ass muscles. Chris maintained a slow rhythm for what seemed like a long time (but was really only five minutes). All the while, I softly moaned my appreciation for the double massage - both inside and out. I don't think Chris could have given me any more pleasure if he tried. After the five minutes, Chris removed his hands from my back.

"Mmmmm...done with the massage?" I asked him.

"Outside, yeah. Not inside."

And with that, Chris started speeding up. He would thrust into me deeply, then withdraw quickly and repeat with another deep thrust. His deep thrusts became faster, and faster, and faster. Then, he surprised me with a powerful thrust that elicited a loud moan from me. He held himself completely inside me until my moan started to die away. Then he withdrew to the head and gave a second powerful thrust into me. The moan that resulted was slightly louder than the first one. This became a pattern - moan dies down, he withdraws, thrusts hard back into me, I moan loudly. Before too long, I was moaning so loudly that one could say I was actually wailing in pleasure. After a couple of minutes of keeping with this pattern, Chris resumed a more standard fucking motion, and he was moving as fast as he could. I don't think he lasted a minute before I felt his cock stiffen and let loose, filling the condom. Chris slumped against me and we both just lay there, exhausted. Eventually, Chris pulled out of me and got up off of me. Using the side of the towel that he hadn't used before, he wiped us both off as much as he could.

"I'm gonna get dressed a little bit and go catch a shower," he said to me.

"Alright. I probably will too; I just want to lay here a little bit longer." I wasn't ready to move yet for another few minutes.

"Alright." Then he left the room.

After both of us had showered and returned to our room, Chris walked up to me and put his mouth near my neck.

"I meant to give you this earlier." And then he started sucking on my neck, enroute to leaving his 'trademark' hickey.

I thought that Monday would turn out to be the worst day of the week, aside from getting a massage and having another sexual encounter with Chris. Boy, was I wrong!


As those last lines might suggest, I have a dramatic event in the works for this story. I was considering starting it in this chapter, but I decided that the additions of Steve, Zack, and Alex to this story, the plot development within, and another steamy sex scene were enough for this chapter. So, the drama will start in the next chapter and carry over to Chapter 5 - meaning that you should expect the next chapter to end on an awful cliffhanger!

It might not take as long to write the next chapter, since I have it pretty much all planned out already - all I have to do is write it.

I encourage sending feedback for this story! Write to me at and tell me what you think of the story! You can also sign up to be placed on the mailing list I have for this story if you'd like to be informed whenever I submit a chapter.

Next: Chapter 4

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