My Roommate Chris

By Mike K

Published on Apr 4, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

....oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Also - I probably should have said this last chapter as well, but I'll say it now: Always practice safe sex.

Hey...sorry I didn't get this written sooner. I had struggles with the first half of the chapter.

Looks like the first chapter was pretty popular - I must've had 30 or so e-mails come in. Overall, the general consensus was that you guys thought it was really hot and you've enjoyed the first chapter. I couldn't help but chuckle when I read a couple of the e-mails I got, hehe. ;)

Here's hoping the second chapter will live up to the hot standard set by the first. Enjoy, and grab the Kleenex (or whatever you may use!) if you feel the need. ;)

My Roommate Chris (Chapter 2) By Mike K.

Hey...before I continue with the story, I'm going to take a minute to better describe Chris and myself, Chris first. Besides being 5'9, and having an eight-pack of abs and defined pecs, Chris had short, dark brown hair. Only the top of his head had that much hair, the rest was shaved - not completely, but close. He also had brown eyes that matched his hair (or what hair he had) perfectly. His arms and legs were somewhat hairy, but not his chest - no, above the waist his front side had no hair.

Now for me - you already know that I was 5'8 (I'm 5'10 now). I also have brown hair, but mine was lighter than Chris's. His was also a bit longer. My arms and legs? Hairy. Chest and stomach? Not hairy. I have dark blue eyes. My chest muscles were about as big as Chris's were, perhaps just a little bit smaller. I had no visible abs then (only a four-pack now), but my flat stomach was hard.

And now that you have a better description of Chris and I then, let's move on with the story.

Damn...just thinking about that night, where Chris found out I was gay and then later he fucked me...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yeeah. God, he was sooooooooo gooooood that night, and that wouldn't be the only night that he fuck me...

I slept very well that night wrapped up in Chris's arms. It was a little strange - I felt somewhat closer to him sleeping there with him than I did when he held me close to him during my fuck. One thing I knew and wasn't questioning - I knew I wanted to feel his big 7-inch cock up my ass again sometime soon. But, I figured it was best to wait a few days before strongly considering that, that way things wouldn't get all weird so soon. Plus, my ass would be grateful to be allowed to recover.

It was around 8:15 in the morning when I began to stir awake. Chris and I weren't still snuggled together, though he was still asleep on the bed. When I looked over at him, however, I noticed him begin to awaken as well. I sat up, dangling my legs over my side of the bed, and stretched, letting out a big yawn in the process. I could hear him yawn from the other side, so I guessed that he was stretching, too.

"You sleep well?" Chris asked me.


"That was one hell of a time we had last night, huh?"

"Heh...yeah. Ugghhh..." I put a hand down near my thigh.

"You okay?"

"Yeah...I'll be alright. You were a little rough on me near the end last night, but you were great."

His face took on a mischevious grin. "Oh, you didn't have to tell me I'm great - I already knew that."

"Hey, mind if I ask you something?"


"How come you just go from person to person?"

"You mean like I fuck 'em and leave 'em? Ehh......I guess I'm just restless is all. I feel like I'm being held down by just being with one person. The one thing, though, is that I'll only fuck either him or her if that's all either of us wants. I've learned the hard way what happens when one wants sex and the other wants more."


"Yeah. It cost me my girlfriend in high school. I guess I've just been trying to avoid committing to one girl ever since."

"Okay. But now why do you fuck other guys as well?"

"'s kind of a funny story, actually. The first guy I ever fucked was my cousin, Ryan. He's already turned 20, and he's here at Miami, too."

"So, you have a gay cousin."

"Yeah. This happened the summer when we both graduated high school. I didn't know he was gay yet, but in a way, me fucking him made him realize it."


"Yeah. Every so often before that day we'd fool around, like jack each other off, but that was it. I thought he might've sucked me off one night as well, but from what I remember about that night, we'd both been drinkin' and shit, so we were both at least a little fucked up. But that wasn't the case that day that summer. He told me that day he wondered if he was gay. I asked him why, and he said all he could think about were other boys, never girls. He hated it, and he was real broken up about it. I asked him if he'd ever had sex with any other guy before, and he told me that he had in fact sucked me off that one night. As far as takin' it up the ass, he said no, never before. I asked him if he'd want to. He was silent for a little bit before he said he wondered what that'd be like. I offered to do it to him, right then and there, if he wanted it. I told him he didn't have to say yes, but it might help him to know for sure whether or not he was gay. I don't think he wanted to, but he said okay. Now, seeing as how neither of us knew how it should be done, that first time was a little hard on him. I didn't realize how tight someone's ass could be, and..."

I interrupted him. "Whoa, whoa, mean you'd never fucked a girl up the ass before then?"

"The thought had crossed my mind a couple of times, but whenever I'd ask, the girl would always say no. Anyways, once I got the head of my dick inside Ryan and several times after that when I tried to get more of my dick in him, he'd tell me to stop. He wanted me to take it out a couple of times, but I kept telling him that if I did, it wouldn't count as actually being fucked, and all he'd know is trying it and chickening out."

I gave him a look when he said 'chickening out.' "That was a little mean."

"All I could think about was wanting him to go through with it at least once."

I looked at him in disbelief.

"Okay, okay...I was kinda swayed by his tight ass feeling so good around my dick."

I rolled my eyes. "Go on."

"I did eventually get my whole dick in him, and at first I moved real slow. I didn't want to go too fast, 'cause I knew he was hurtin' some. After moving back and forth in his ass several times, he started moaning and telling me that what I was doing was starting to feel real good. So, I started going a little bit faster, and he started moaning a little bit louder and said he liked that a little more."

"And, lemme just got better and better for him until you were done."

"Yup. He told me not to tell anyone about what we'd done, and, well...technically, I just broke that by telling you."

"I don't think that matters by this point. Did he decide right then that he was gay?"

"He still wouldn't admit it. That didn't come until a few days later when he came over to my house. He said he didn't like it, but he just couldn't stop thinking about me fucking him. So I asked him, what would he say if I offered to do it again? He says, you would? I said, yeah, if you'd want me to. He said, yeah, he wanted me to. So I did. After the second time, he said it felt even better than the first time and that he wanted more. It probably had to be then that he realized that he was gay, whether he liked it or not. There'd be a few more times where I'd get to fuck him before we started here at Miami. He figured it'd be best if we stopped hooking up like that once we started here, that way he could save himself for if he found a boyfriend, but it was from those times over the summer that I started to..per-fect how to fuck another guy."

"You know, ass is tighter than pussy."

"Yeah...but I'm not gonna be picky. Girl or guy, I don't really care - if they want me to fuck 'em, it'll be my pleasure. The one thing I won't do is let another guy fuck me, though. That's not to say that no guy's asked to fuck me."


"Oh, what, you wanted to fuck me, too?"

"Nah, I was just being sarcastic. It's fine, really."

Wow - we'd sat there on the bed in the buff just chatting away like that. I'd completely forgotten about the time - we'd both have to shower and scarf down some kind of breakfast before going to class. But there was one thing more I wanted to say.

"You know...I don't want you to think less of me or anything, but..."

"Wait - don't tell me, let me guess. You're gonna tell me you'd want to have another round just like Ryan did a couple years ago, right?"

"Well......yeah. Actually...I don't think having just another round would be enough."

"Ah..." A sly smirk formed on Chris's face.

"Look, Chris...I don't think of myself as 'easy,', you were just too good last night. I can't help but want more."

He chuckled. "Just say the word, Mack, and I'll give you more all right."

"Well, we should both get tested to make sure we didn't catch anything from last night. Then we'll see."

"You got it."

And then we went on with our morning. The rest of the day was pretty much typical, until later in the afternoon. It just so happened that on that day, the Gay-Straight Alliance on campus was meeting. Now, I don't really consider myself an activist or anything like that, but being a part of the GSA really interested me. This would be the second meeting I've gone to this semester. For whatever reason, I decided to show up several minutes early. I was just standing around, talking to a couple of people, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone walk up and look at my neck. Shit...he must've noticed the hickey that Chris left.

"Ha ha...looks like someone had a wild night last night."

I was a little bit embarassed, and put a hand up to cover the spot where the hickey was. Still, I couldn't help but grin a bit.

"Say...mind if I take a closer look?" The guy, whose name was Adam, asked me. I turned to look at him - he was probably around an even 6 feet tall, with medium-length blond hair and green eyes.

"Eh, sure." And I pulled my hand back.

"Ah...I've seen that before on other guys. You hooked up with that stud Chris last night, didn't ya?"

"How do you know him?"

"Ha, he's had both me and my boyfriend Steve before. That was before Steve and I got together. I noticed a hickey almost exactly like you've got now on his neck, right in the same spot too. My friend Ryan, who's Chris's cousin by the way, he saw the hickey Chris left on me after Chris and I hooked up, and when Ryan saw it on Steve's neck, he said that they looked really alike. When Ryan gets here, you should have him look at it - he'll probably agree."

"Hm, wonder if Chris leaves hickeys like that on all the guys he's had before."

"So Chris did tell you he's had other guys before?"


"Did he tell you for sure that he leaves a hickey on all the guys he fucks?"

"No." Shit...I'd meant to ask him why he'd left one on me, but it had slipped my mind.

"Oh well."

"Where is Steve, anyway?"

"He can't make it today, he got called into work."


"Oh look, here's Ryan. Hey!"

I turned to look at Ryan - he looked to be about 5'10, and he had short, spiked black hair and brown eyes.

"Hey Adam, what's up?"

"Well, it looks like we have a new member of our little club."

"Oh, really?"

Ummmmm...what? I thought.

"Yeah. Hey -" he turned to me "- what's your name?"


"Mack, show Ryan your neck."

I showed him.

"Yup, yup, he definitely hooked up with Chris last night."

"What do you really think of your supposedly straight cousin screwing other guys?" That surprised all three of us, and to myself I wondered, whoa - where'd that come from?

But, not missing a beat, Ryan replied, "Did he tell you who the first guy he ever fucked was?"


"Well, anyways, I met Adam through the GSA, and the first time I saw him, I saw he had a hickey on his neck just like you do. I asked him who he hooked up with, and he said it was Chris. I was very surprised, and I asked Chris about it. He said that he'd liked the tight feel of my ass so much when he fucked me over the summer that he decided, if there were other guys out there who wanted to be fucked, that he'd do 'em. To him, it doesn't really matter - either way, guy or girl, he just thinks about getting off. He did say that he'd keep it to himself, though - probably from my own coming out to him, he's chosen to respect a guy's right to keep his sexuality a secret."

"You know, if word did start to really get around that he's fucked other guys, people would start to question his own sexuality."

"Oh, no doubt."

Adam spoke up. "So, uh..what position did you take him in?"

"Now why the hell would you ask me that?"

Adam shrugged. "I'm just curious is all."

"sigh...if you really must know, I was bent over the side of the bed at the start, and he would eventually slip his one arm between my chest and the bed and pull me upright some."

" that's pretty hot. I gotta hand it to Chris...he's good, and I don't just mean with his cock." Ryan agreed.

Sigh...shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I wondered why I bothered to tell them. At that point, the student president started calling people together to get the meeting started.

After the meeting, Adam and Ryan wanted to ask me one more thing.

"So, where'd you run into Chris?" Adam asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Ryan spoke. "You know, Adam, I haven't seen his new roommate yet this semester. Maybe we should all pay him a visit and hope he'll actually be there."

"Um, actually, he's right here. I'm his new roommate." I said.

Their mouths dropped open.

"You're kidding," Ryan said.


"Dude...I almost envy you. Just think - you can be gettin' some as often as you want," Adam said.

"I've already thought of that. I'm gonna wait a few days before I even think of asking him again - that way I can be..tightened back up again, you know?" I chose to make up that excuse rather than tell them I'd been fucked bareback and wanted to get tested before asking for round two.

" we can't call you a sex fiend," Ryan said.

"Oh, shut up," I said, playfully slugging him.

After the meeting, I did finally ask Chris if he had a habit of leaving a virtually identical hickey on every guy he's fucked before.

"The only one I didn't leave one on was Ryan. I only left one on the first guy I fucked here at Miami because he wanted me to. He said he wanted some kind of 'mark' on him to remember me by. I remember the second guy having a real great ass, so I just decided to leave him with a hickey too. I guess leaving a hickey just became a habit."

"Anyone not want you to?"

"Only one guy, except he didn't tell me until the morning after. Apparently, he wasn't totally, like out of the closet yet, but I told him - if he didn't want me to leave him with a hickey, why didn't he speak up the night before?"

"I guess I can agree with you on that - it's his own fault he let himself get so lost in his fuck."

"I was going to ask you last night if it was alright to leave you with a hickey, but I guess I got caught up in fucking you and forgot."

I gave Chris a mock annoyed look as if to say, 'you mean you didn't learn anything from that guy?'

He responded, "Hey, that guy was the last one I'd had before I had you."

"It's okay. I didn't really mind getting a hickey." I then rubbed the spot on my neck where it was. Hmmm...getting a hickey during sex was something I could get used to. My ex hadn't ever left one on me - the most he'd done was lick my neck, and that was whenever we weren't kissing. I did tell Chris that I met Ryan, and apparently he remembered Adam, too. When I told Chris that Adam said I'd joined a "club" of guys Chris had had before, Chris just laughed.

The next day, Chris and I both went in - at different times - to be tested to make sure we wouldn't catch anything from me being fucked bareback. Despite each being advised to abstain from sex entirely until the testing window was complete, Chris and I both figured that as long as we stuck to safe sex for the time being, we'd be fine.

Our "second round" would come six days after the "first round". Around 9 that night, we each went off to take a shower before we returned to our room - well, actually, to Chris's bedroom. Yeah, I know, 9 was real late to be taking a shower, but we had decided to get totally cleaned up right before going at it, and we had ended up putting it off until 9. When I walked into Chris's room, he was already nude. Our phones were already shut off, and I had locked our main door when I had returned, so once I shut Chris's door behind me, all that was left to do was for me to strip down, and I wasted no time in doing so. Chris already had the lube and a condom ready to go.

"So..what are you up for tonight? Double duty, or just in one place?" Chris asked me.

"Eh...I'm just in the mood for the 'main event' tonight."


However, Chris wasn't fully hard yet.

"Tell you what - why don't I suck you to get you hard while you finger me to loosen me up?"

"Sure, that works."

"Uhh, why don't you open the condom now so it can be slid onto your dick while you're fingering me? I'll tighten back up if you take your fingers out and waste time trying to put the condom on."

"Ehh, okay." Hmmm...evidently that was something he hadn't quite learned yet. But, I guess it was to be expected from a semi-straight guy.

Chris took the condom out of the wrapper and coated a few fingers with lubricant. He then lay flat on his back on the bed. He was half-hard and growing. I moved onto the bed and lay on my stomach, inching closer until my mouth slid over his dick. I positioned my mouth so that his dick would be resting on my tongue. I felt a lubricated finger pushing against my asshole, at which point I moved my legs apart to try to open up as much as I could. His finger popped in easily. After moving back and forth with the one finger for a few seconds, he added the second finger, while I kept my mouth and tongue as still as I could. After about a minute of fucking me with two fingers, he added a third. Then he told me to take my mouth off of his dick and to put the condom on it. These were accomplished without much trouble. The tricky part came next - Chris had to move from in front of me to behind me without his fingers slipping out of my ass, as I would be bent over the bed once again. It was slow moving, and Chris's fully hard dick had to be an extra handicap for him. But, he pulled it off, and he was able to grab the trash basket he had in his room and put it by the corner of the bed closest to us. Then, he positioned his cock next to his fingers.

"Can you try to pull your fingers out and push your cock in at the same time?" I asked Chris.

"I'll try. You'll have to relax, though."

"I know."

I'd probably be getting stretched even wider than I already was, at least in the early going. Sure enough, as Chris started to push his cock in, I felt a burning sensation. I gritted my teeth and willed myself to not cry out as he withdrew his fingers. After several seconds, all I could feel inside my ass was some of Chris's cock - the head and just a little bit past that. Once I knew his fingers were out, a hard breath escaped my mouth.

"You OK?" Chris asked.

"Yeah - it just burned at first when you started pushing in with your dick."

"You want me to wait?"

"Naw - you can start pushing in again. Just go real slow, though."


Chris grasped my right shoulder with his right hand, and put a firm grip on the underside of my left leg with his left hand. I felt him pushing hard but only moving in a tiny bit.

"I need to be pushing out again, so keep pushing in hard."


At first, there was a really tight feeling, but then something gave and I felt him move in deeper. I twitched when I felt the head brush by my prostate.

"Slow down."

Chris complied and eased the rest of his cock in slowly. When I felt his pubes on my ass, I gripped his cock with my ass muscles to increase the feeling of being full. We both moaned a little at that. Then I felt him take his hands off of me.

"Lift up," he said.

I raised my chest upward a little bit, and he slid both arms under me - the left across my stomach, and the right across my chest, holding onto me firmly. I put my arms on the bed in front of me. Then shortly after I loosened my grip on his cock, it started to move. Slowly he moved backward until the head was near the entrance to my ass, and then he slid back in smoothly. Then he slowly started moving backward again, and slid back in smoothly again. Gradually, Chris moved into a steady rhythm. I just relaxed and focused on the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of my ass.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm..." I moaned softly.

Chris kept up his steady rhythm for a couple of minutes before deciding to switch things up a bit. On one go-round when he had just his cockhead in me, he moved back in and buried his full length in me with a balls-deep thrust. I moaned my appreciation, and I could barely hear him whisper, "Mmmm, he likes it," to himself. Chris withdrew to the head once again, and repeated his tactic of a balls-deep thrust. I really liked the new deep long-dicking rhythm Chris was starting for both the feeling of being fucked with the full length of his dick and the feeling of it moving deep into my ass. I was starting to hear his balls slap against me each time he moved inward as far as he could go.

Out to the head, in deep, slap. Out, in, slap. Out, in, slap. That's how it was for the next several minutes. It felt so great that I didn't want this rhythm to end. Unfortunately, it would end, as Chris was soon moving back into a more general in-and-out rhythm. He was once again steady, but a bit faster than he was before. Then I felt him pulling me upright once again like he did the first time.

"It must be the feel of your ass...but fuckin' you feels better than any other time when I've fucked a guy up his ass," Chris whispered to me. His head was pretty close to me, and then I felt his tongue on my neck, licking me just like our first night. That was quickly replaced by his mouth sucking on my neck. He was sucking somewhat harder than the first time, and I was just loving it. The next several minutes can best be described by what I was feeling - his 7 inches sliding in and out of my ass, his arms around me, his mouth sucking on my neck, his chest and abs on my back, and something new - his and my sweat. Then Chris took his mouth off of my neck and started fucking faster, grunting with each thrust.

"" I asked.


He wasn't fucking fast for very long before I felt him stiffen, which was joined by the warm feeling of his cum, even if it was into the condom. I would have wanted Chris to stay in me while he came down from his orgasm, but he wanted to get rid of the condom right away, which was understandable. So with what little strength he had, he pulled out slowly and threw the condom into the trash basket. Then he collapsed on top of me.

Fatigue must have caught up with me quickly, as I closed my eyes and didn't open them until the next morning, when I woke up once again in Chris's bed.


So there you have it, there's chapter two. Chapter three will probably be fairly shorter than either two or one, but I'll be pushing to have it written within the next couple of weeks (hopefully sooner than later).

Also, I hope some of you catch the inside jab that I pulled about midway through this chapter. ;)

Since several of you who sent me feedback have mentioned something like "can't wait for the next chapter", I'm inclined to start a mailing list for this story for those who are interested in keeping up on this story's progress. I prefer to keep readers informed.

Some of you have been asking about Weekend to Remember and where to find it. You can find it in the highschool section, last posting March 12. Well, I'll make it official now - the story will be re-written and given a new title. Nothing new will be submitted to add to the story as it is now, except for a notice declaring this course of action (which I really should get around to sending in...). I want to write a few chapters of that before I send in the new first chapter. So, I could end up having two ongoing stories at once if I decide to get into writing that before I'm finished with this story. I'm doubtful of that, though.

To let me know what you think of this story, you can e-mail me at . See you in chapter three!

Next: Chapter 3

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