My Roommate Chris

By Mike K

Published on Mar 23, 2006


Insert your standard disclaimer here - you've gotta be old enough to read this, this is a work of pure fiction, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Be prepared to become really horny as you read this story. I can't say anything more without giving away too much. :P

My Roommate Chris By Mike K.

Hey. My name's Mack. I'm 25, and gay. I feel like reminiscing about some of my experiences from college, as does my, ah... roommate. Roommate? OK, so he's not just my roommate now, but I want to save that part for the end.

I started my first year at Miami (Florida) University when I was 18. I was wondering what it would be like there. High school ended on not the best of notes, as in March of my senior year, I broke up with my boyfriend of three years. Somehow we had both made it through high school without being outed, but the heartbreak lingered through much of my summer. I couldn't make a decision on where to go to college until summer, and I decided on Miami, so I could try to make a fresh start without being surrounded by too many bad memories (before you ask, I'm originally from Tampa).

My roommate was a guy named Chris. Right from the moment I saw him, I had bad feelings about the winter semester ahead. Why? He was a major stud, and I knew it'd take every ounce of effort to not throw myself at him. I wasn't about to start my college career in an ugly fashion. But, damn...when I walked into my dorm room that first day and saw him - about 5'9, I'm guessing (I was 5'8), and wearing one of those athletic sleeveless shirts that looks like it clings to you when you wear it, I just about lost all self-control right there. I did my best not to stare at him too long - at least not when he'd notice. He was real friendly - he had a laid-back kind of personality. Still...I thought it best not to reveal to him that I was gay. I found out that he was almost 20 and in his second year here.

Despite my best efforts, it would only be three weeks before he found out about me.

One evening, I was sitting on the couch in the main part of our room. I was simply taking a load off, when Chris walked in. It would be this day that my self-control when it came to staring at him was overruled, for he was shirtless when he walked in. He walked in the door, and caution walked out. He was really lean. His chest had definition without being ridiculously large. And his abs - he was ripped! He had an eight-pack, though one pair of muscles wasn't easily noticeable. He went to the bathroom, and when he walked out, he saw me staring right at him.

"Like what you see, huh?"

Most guys in my position might panic, but I was just hypnotized by the sight in front of me. I was at a loss for words. I continued to watch him as he walked over to me.

"Go on, feel my stomach," Chris said to me.

And I did. Mmmmm...his abs were as hard as they looked, and I couldn't help but rub them up and down.

Forcing myself out of my complete stupor for a moment, I asked him, "You had these abs for very long?"

"Yeah. I've had at least a six-pack for a good three years now, and I've been working to keep it an eight ever since I started here."

"Wow..." By that point, I let my hand settle just a little bit above his navel. Unfortunately, I was also sporting an undisguised and very noticeable hard-on. Of course, Chris did notice.

"Yeah, yeah, I figured," he said. "Hey, uh, lemme catch a quick shower and I'll be right back."

"Alright." It wasn't until after he left that it dawned on me. Whoa, wait a minute - he knew something about me. Uh oh - he must know either that I'm gay or at least that I'm attracted to him. But why did he not say anything about it? I thought that to be rather odd, but no matter. I closed my eyes and focused on the image of me rubbing his hard abs. I played the scene over and over again in my head, even after Chris had returned from his shower.

A few minutes after he returned, he said to me, "Mack."

I opened my eyes and saw him standing there in the room, wearing only a pair of shorts. He motioned for me to follow him, and headed for his bedroom. I was rather perplexed, but followed him anyway.

He stood at the doorway, and directed me to have a seat on his bed. When I did, he closed the door behind him. Uh oh - a sign of trouble!

Chris noticed my eyes go wide when he shut the door. "Hey, relax man, it's alright," he said. Then he moved toward the bed. Defying my danger instincts, I moved backward to give him room. He knelt down on one knee in front of me.

"So, uh, I think it's obvious that you're attracted to me," he said. I tensed up at his statement. He paused, probably waiting for me to respond. But my mouth wouldn't work, and then my lip began to quiver.

"Ummm...Mack...are you gay?" he asked me. Despite the fact that I was fighting hard to not burst into tears, my dam would have burst if he hadn't asked me in a low, almost soft voice. My lip quivering harder now, I could only nod.

He put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey...don't feel bad about it, man." Then he looked me right in the eyes for a few seconds before he spoke again. "This has gotta be real hard for you, huh? Being gay and having a roommate that you're so attracted to. You do like my body, don't you?" THAT was a tension breaker. Mysteriously, I found the ability to speak again. "Yeah," I said with a shrug.

"Don't sweat it. A lot of both girls and guys do." He stood up on the bed. I took in the sight of him standing right before me. Then I noticed him directing me to come closer. I gave him a questioning look.

"I got a feeling you've thought about things you'd like to do with a guy like me - and don't lie and try to say that you don't. Why don't you, me some of the things you want to do? Just...don't rip off my shorts right yet."

I was getting confused and thought he was sending really mixed signals. Then, as if suddenly, it just registered in my brain that this was a "go ahead", and my brain just latched onto that. I decided that I would take things slow at first, and made my move - I crawled over to him and knelt in front of him. I stared directly at his abs, and wrapped my arm around his waist behind him. Then I closed my eyes and began to delicately lick his abs. I could feel Chris's body relax as I licked along the muscles of his stomach. I licked a trail down to his navel and poked my tongue inside. With my available hand, I felt his crotch. He was now sporting a hard-on, too. I went back to licking Chris's abs as I rubbed his dick through his shorts.

This went on for about a minute before Chris said in a strained voice, "MMMMMMMaack...I'm...losin'"

I didn't think he could hold out any longer, and I thought it best to not have him cum in his pants. So, as fast as I could, I yanked down his shorts and underwear and took his dick into my mouth. My tongue had only just touched his dick when he let out a loud "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHH" and let loose. I relaxed my mouth, careful not to scrape him with my teeth, and eagerly drank his cum. He gripped my shoulders hard, probably in an effort to stay standing. I swallowed his every drop, and kept my mouth on his dick until it finally deflated and I let him slip out.

"Open your legs," I said. I resolved to slip between his legs and let him fall forward onto the bed, which I accomplished without trouble. After he hit, he flipped over. He was out of breath. I sat down next to him on the bed and caressed his abs once again with my hand. I also slipped his shorts and underwear, which were at his ankles, completely off. It was too bad that I didn't have instant access to a camera right then and there - a picture of him naked and prone on his bed was one that I would loved to have taken. After a couple of minutes, Chris finally began to come down from his orgasm.

"UNgghhhhhhh......thanks," he said in a weak, tired voice. "I hadn't blown for a couple of days."

"Lemme give you a few minutes to get your strength back. I gotta go to the bathroom anyway."

"Okay." I made sure to close the bedroom door on my way out.

Actually, I didn't really have to go to the bathroom, I just wanted to. Yeah, I was really horned up. I shot a big load thinking about how I had just worked Chris up to the point of no return and sucked him off.

I returned to find Chris still on his bed, half lying down and half sitting. He was still in the buff.

I asked him, "So you let yourself build up for a couple of days? Why?"

He answered, "It's a habit I got into doing last year. Every few weeks I'd hook up with someone for a hot night. I eventually started to hold off relieving myself to make myself get even more into it. Just one year here so far and already this baby's got a history." He was patting his dick as he said that last sentence. I had to chuckle at his last comment. Then I got to thinking - this guy likes putting his dick to use. He's found out that I'm gay only today. I wonder how long I'd have before he might want to fuck me? For whatever reason, while I was thinking, I was staring right at his dick - a fact not lost on Chris.

"You want some more of this?" he asked me, a grin forming on his face.

I was caught off guard for a second by the forwardness of his question, and I hesitated. "Uhhh..."

"I'm just guessing, but it seems like you do want some more of my dick besides that quick blow. I don't know why else you'd be staring at it like you are."

"Well, I uh..." I stopped to think about what he'd just said - clearly it wouldn't bother him if he wanted more from me. He stood up again.

"I've heard that gay guys fall into one of two areas - those who want to fuck, and those who want to be fucked. I don't mean to make you any more uncomfortable, but I have to wonder - which one are you?"

"I've done both with my ex," I answered. "Hey, wait a second...why do you want to know?" It had occurred to me that he might want to fuck me tonight, and when I asked him, I had a knowing look on my face.


"Well what? I think I know how you wanted me to answer, and don't YOU lie about it."

"Uhhmmm......okay, you're right. I was wondering if you, uh... - " his voice lightened, as if to feel guilty " - might want me to fuck you."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, but only to put up a front. To tell you the truth, I really didn't mind that much. It wasn't that I was an "easy guy," but I had no idea how long it would be until I found a new boyfriend here at Miami, and up until now, I wasn't sure if I wanted to just hold off on having sex until then or not - that could take one month or many months.

Chris reacted to my silence as though he'd been wrong, and sat back down on the bed. He said, "I'm sorry."

I barely paid attention - I was spacing out just thinking about being bent over the bed, with Chris's cock buried in my ass, moving in and out...mmmmmm!! My own dick was definitely responsive to that.

And guess who was responsive to my dick coming to attention? "What you thinking about?"


Chris laughed. "Don't look like nothing. You must be thinking about something to be getting a rise there."

"Well, I...ummm..."

"Could it have something to do with this?" He was standing once again, and had a hand on his shaft, which was growing as he spoke.


"Yeah, it does, doesn't it?"

The awkwardness of the moment had gotten to me, so I decided to break it. "Yeah, okay, you're right," I said with resignation. Chris opened his mouth to speak again, but I raised a hand to tell him not to. I wanted to say something else, but couldn't find the words. After a couple of minutes, Chris lost his patience and spoke up again.

"Mack - is there something else you want to do? Because if not, then we're done here and you can leave my room."

I thought quickly for a couple of seconds before I said, "Welllll...there might be...I'm just not sure if I want to go through with it."

"What's that?" Then it must have dawned on him what I was referring to, as he followed up by asking me, " you mean fucking up the ass?"

That made me turn red with embarassment. I just sat there, too embarassed to say anything more.

Chris knelt down next to me. He leaned toward an ear and whispered, "Just so you know...I have fucked another guy before, so don't think it'd be weird to ask me to. But all this talk of that is getting me real horny again. I won't do it if you don't want me to, but if that's the case, then say so right now."

I decided right then that I didn't want to let this opportunity go to waste. "Naw......let's do it. I can trust you to keep this between us, can't I?"

"Of course. What kind of roommate would I be if I didn't?"

"Just so you know...that was what I was thinking about a little bit ago." I gave as much of a detailed description as I could.

" that how you want to do it?"

"Sure." I started to strip naked.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna shut off everything, including our cell phones. Wouldn't want to be interrupted, would we?"

"Hell, no."

By the time he returned to his bedroom, I had just finished stripping. I watched him as he searched his room for something. After about fifteen seconds, he retrieved a bottle of lubricant.

"Shit! I just remembered...I'm all out of condoms, man."

I'd thrown out the ones I'd had before moving on campus, so that meant it was bareback or a no go. "Don't worry about it. We'll remember to have one on hand if we do this again. I mean, you are clean, aren't you?"

"Yeah. I've only gone without a couple of times, and never with any girl. And those who I fucked without one have insisted that I get checked afterwards. I guess it's easier to catch something from fucking a guy than a girl?"

"That's usually how it goes. But I'm clean, too."


I walked over to where Chris was standing. "I'll bend myself over the side of the bed. But I want to know much am I taking?"

Chris chuckled and answered, "'Bout...7 inches. A little bit more than that."

I then walked over to one of the longer sides of the bed and bent myself over so that the top half of my body was resting on the bed. I pulled myself open a good amount - I didn't want my legs to be so far apart that it would look like I was doing splits.

"You think you could loosen my ass hole with your fingers?" I asked Chris.

"Sure. To be honest, I think that's a little weird to have to do that, but guys have told me that it can hurt if they're not good and loosened up, so......ehhh, whatever."

Chris started with one finger, which was coated with lube. Outwardly, I barely responded to it. That prompted him to add a second finger right away. "Two's good for now," I said. I relaxed while he moved his fingers around, sometimes in an "in and out" motion. I twitched suddenly when he found my prostate.

"Looks like I found that certain spot," he said. He then moved both fingertips to my prostate, and began rubbing that area. I couldn't suppress my appreciation for that if I tried.

"OK, that's enough," I told him after several seconds. "Please...fuck me now."

I looked back to see him lube up his cock with his left hand, while keeping his two fingers from his right hand in my ass. I then faced forward again, just in time for him to remove both fingers and put the head of his cock at my entrance.

"Alright...just relax now," Chris said. I nodded.

He began pushing in, and I pushed out to make it easier for him. He didn't stop pushing until his cockhead was in. I let out a gasp as it popped in, and my breaths became heavy for a few seconds. Then, Chris began to slide in slowly. The only pain of any kind was when the head popped in, and that went away once he began moving in. There was a little discomfort as Chris slid in, but it was nothing I couldn't handle - I just let my body relax as he entered. He was definitely thick - he felt really big inside my ass. By the time he was all the way in, even the discomfort had passed, so now there was only the good feeling of his cock inside me, filling my ass. Once he was all in, he paused for a moment. I felt his cock throb when his balls hit my ass.

"'re still pretty tight," Chris said to me. I responded by gently squeezing his cock with my ass muscles. "Mmmmmmmm..." Chris moaned in appreciation.

"Feel good in there?" he asked me.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yeeaaahhhh. Wait just a little bit, okay?"

I shifted slightly and arched my ass up a little bit so I could relax and focus solely on the sensation of Chris's hard cock buried in there. I counted slowly to fifteen, then gave his cock another gentle squeeze.

"You ready?"


"Well, then this is it, man." Chris leaned over as close to my ear as he could before he whispered, "Trust'll enjoy this ride that I'm about to give you."

"Mmmmm.." I knew that this would last quite a while due to him having cum earlier.

He started by moving back and forth just a little bit. I guess his goal was to start small and build up to a full motion. It really felt good to stay filled with most of his cock, and feeling it moving back and forth against the muscle walls of my ass made it even better. About every five to ten seconds, I would give a moan. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh..."

"You like it already, huh?" Chris asked me. I noticed there was now something different about his voice - he sounded somewhat more masculine.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...yeaahhhh. ... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

"Heh, heh,'re lucky that these dorms here actually have soundproof walls, 'cause I know how to drive both girls and guys wild with this bad boy."

He punctuated that statement by increasing the length at which he moved in and out. If I had to guess, he was now moving at about a 2 or 3 inch length - about a third of his full dick length. His speed only slightly increased - probably only from more length. I continued to moan about every five to ten seconds. Chris kept up this rhythm for a couple of minutes, until I felt him come to a stop at one point where he'd pulled back at 2 or 3 inches. Immediately after, he thrust forward as fast as he could, which drew a louder moan from me. He then moved back and forth over those 2-3 inches quickly, gradually slowing down until he stopped once again at the same point as before. Then, he repeated his tactic of pushing back in as quick as he could, and followed that with the same quick movements which would slow down to the stop. He repeated this cycle several more times over the next couple of minutes before he came to his final stop with his full length inside me.

"Ready for even more?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeeeessssssss...."

Now he began to fuck me with all but about an inch or two of his dick. He was definitely moving at a faster speed than at 2-3 inches, but it was nice and steady, not yet rapid. By now, I was more than happy that I'd decided to let Chris fuck me - it just felt too good for me to think that I shouldn't have. After about a minute of fucking at this rhythm, Chris slid his right arm underneath my chest. He pulled me upright a little bit. As I began to wonder what he was up to, I felt his breath on the left side of my neck. Then I felt his tongue on a spot near the base. He licked that spot back and forth for several seconds. As he did, my moans gave way to more animalistic groans. After a couple of groans, Chris began to suck on the spot he'd been licking.

"Ohhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeeaaahhhhhhhhh..." I moaned. The combined sensations of his dick fucking me in my ass, his arm around my chest holding me next to him, and his mouth sucking my neck - it was absolute ecstacy, and it just felt perfect. I was beginning to shiver with delight from all this pleasure, and it kept up for several minutes. Chris would alternate between sucking and licking more on my neck.

At one point, Chris stopped sucking on my neck so he could whisper in my ear again. "It feels so good to be fuckin' your tight ass with my dick. ... Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, nice and hot in there..." He buried his full length in my ass and started nibbling on my ear. He didn't stop fucking me, but with the way he was stretched to lean over me, he couldn't move in and out more than the one inch or so like when he had started. I could feel his teeth on my ear, but he wasn't biting hard at all. After about a minute, he pulled back from my ear and put his mouth back on my neck. He went back to sucking on it and fucking me as he had before. By now, my own dick was aching - it was fully hard and wanting to grow past its full length. We were both really sweaty as well.

Over the next few minutes, I could feel Chris gradually start to fuck me with what remaining inches of his dick that he wasn't already. With the exception of my aching hard-on, I felt like my body had just melted into his grip. There was no question about it - Chris was a much better lover than my ex-boyfriend ever was, even if this sex was out of lust rather than love. Chris pulled me backward away from the bed just a little bit, and grasped my hard dick with his left hand. He began jerking it to the rhythm of his fucking.

After a couple more minutes, Chris whispered in my ear once again. "I've gotta speed this up now - I want to move into the homestretch."

Translation: He was either getting close or just wanting to cum. He sped up both his fucking and jerking. He was now going fast enough where he couldn't keep sucking on my neck, but that didn't matter to me. Just before he stopped, I could feel him leave teeth marks. Then he pulled his head up. His close-sounding grunts told me that his head was still pretty close to mine. About five minutes passed before his rhythm was so fast that I had to believe he was at his maximum. His grunts would end up mixing with my moans. A little over a minute later, we couldn't hold back any longer - I began to shoot onto the side of the bed, and he began to shoot into my ass. He buried himself balls-deep when he started shooting. Even though he was cumming for the second time that night, he still managed to shoot quite a few loads into me. We were at the peak of our orgasms for almost a minute, and then we slumped against the side of the bed, exhausted. Barely, he was able to free his arm from under me. I felt him place his arms on the bed alongside mine. It didn't matter that I was at that moment pinned between the bed and the weight of Chris's body - I was too spent to care. It took Chris longer to come down from his orgasm than me from mine, but again, I didn't care. I felt his dick gradually soften inside of me, but he kept whatever length he had inside.

He whispered to me once he was finally able to speak. "So, Mack...did you enjoy the ride like I said you would?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, yeesssssss. My ex couldn't hope to compare to you," I whispered back.

"Since I would imagine that you're pretty worn out, do you want to just sleep on one side of my bed tonight?"

"Sure. Grab the pillow from my bed, will you?"


Chris's now soft dick slipped from my ass, and he left the room. I slipped onto the bed, and crawled my way up. I pulled his pillow to the left side, and lay my head on it. I also grasped it with both hands. I looked back when I heard Chris walk back in. He had a towel as well as my pillow. He closed his door behind us, set the pillow on the bed, and cleaned both of us off. He also cleaned off the bed as much as he could. Then, he laid down on the bed next to me. To my surprise, he draped an arm over my back and started pulling me closer. I turned onto my side with my back to him, and he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his embrace, and I felt his dick nestling between my ass cheeks. Then I relaxed, and I purred as I soaked in this feeling of the closeness of our two bodies.

"Good night, Mack. Pleasant dreams," Chris whispered to me.

"You, too."

It didn't take very long before I drifted off to a blissful slumber. This night would definitely be one to remember.


"TO BE CONTINUED" because I have more planned for this story. I don't have a concrete second installment written yet, however, but I figured this first installment was good enough to start the story with.

What do you think of the story? Did you like it? Not like it? Was it too sexual for you? Not sexual enough (God forbid!)? Whatever you think of the story, I want to hear it from you! You can e-mail me at .

BTW...those of you who have also read my current ongoing story Weekend to Remember may note that both stories have a character named Chris. There is NO connection between this story and that one. Speaking of Weekend, I'm really losing interest in that story and in writing more beyond it. My responses for that story have pretty much dwindled away to nothing, and it's made me feel really disappointed. I'm actually thinking of going back and re-writing the story over again, but I'm not 100% sure on that yet. My life will start getting really busy once it's May, so most of my free time is what I have between now and then. This story was one I was writing bit by bit off to the side, and gradually I grew more interested in it. I consider this story to be by far the most erotic story I've written so far to date. I suppose we all have a little "freak" in ourselves. ;)

Next: Chapter 2

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