My Roomie was Catfished

By Shane S.

Published on May 3, 2018




This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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The University of Central Florida, UCF, is one of the largest in the country. There are around sixty- five thousand enrolled here this year. We have our own private Facebook-like system. There's even a mobile app where we can share our location, if we want, and you can see how far away others are from you. With this many students, some living on campus, and some living off, it's a nice way to meet people and keep in touch. Of course, we use it to find dates and hookups, mainly, planning parties and stuff too.

I'm Cale, and I've got to tell you some shit that happened last year. So it was my first year here, first time away from home, and I was psyched to get out of the little town I grew up in, even if it was only five hours away. My parents and my sister all made the trip to help me move into my new home, a tiny little dorm room that I would be sharing with a stranger from Indiana for the next thirty-six weeks.

Brad was in the room with his family when we got there. I was glad I wouldn't be getting some total geeky-loner guy. I knew he grew up in a small town too, and was a wrestler in high school. He worked helping out on a farm in the summers. He knew that I played baseball and in the summer I was a lifeguard at the local pool and swam a lot. All of this was from our bios we were asked to submit that were sent out to each other weeks ago.

We became quick friends. We had a lot in common, so that helped. Both into sports, from small towns, pretty close with our families, wanting to get out and make our own way, and both scared to death of our new environment. We later admitted to each other that last one. Besides my family's occasional Disney World or beach vacations, and his trips into Indianapolis, we have never been too far from home, and never on our own.

Brad and I made some other friends and found study groups and stuff, but we hung out together mainly. Besides some dates and hookups here and there, we were together most of the time. Neither one of us were on the shy side when it came to changing clothes either. I was glad about that. Some guys didn't even want to be seen in their undies in the locker room in high school. Like, what the hell? So things were really cool between us.

One night, after talking about our latest hookups, then on to past girlfriends and experiences we've had, I just flat out told him, as I was lying naked in my bed across the room from his, I was hard and horny and I was going to jerk off. I could tell he was glad I broke the ice on that one. Now we didn't have to sneak around, waiting until one of us left or going into the bathroom that we shared with two other guys all the time. So yeah, we had gotten pretty comfortable around each other, comfortable enough we were sleeping like we both have for years, ditching the undies or shorts we both wore to bed at the start.

That night, I have to admit, was a pretty hot solo session. Our room wasn't ever dark, thanks to a well-lit campus and shitty blinds on our window. I had pushed the sheet down for some better hand-on-dick stroking action. Getting into it, of course I was making some noise. I'm not some super loud guy when it comes to sex or jerking it, but a little moaning when I can kinda adds some pleasure. I've never had much pre either, so it gets pretty dry going solo. Sometimes that's okay, but I learned years ago that some lube feels great too. I rolled a little to reach over to my desk drawer beside my bed to grab my bottle of Pjur. Good lube, if you haven't tried it, you should.

That's when I noticed Brad was looking over my way. He turned his head as I was moving, but I knew he was watching. I opened the drawer and grabbed the small bottle. Looking over to Brad, he was still covered, but obviously stroking too.

"No need to be shy man," and I held my stiffy up with one hand and squeezed a little stream of the lube out. It hit the swollen head and started to run down it. I pulled up on my shaft covering the head with skin. I closed the bottle up and looked over to the other side of the room. He didn't look away this time. He pushed his sheet down.

"Damn. Nice," I commented.


Now I'm not small or anything, a nice six, maybe six-and-a-half inches to work with, but Brad probably had an inch on me from what I could see from my bed. He was probably a good seven inches, I was sure.

"You want some lube?"


I tossed the bottle over to him. When he let go of his nice looking piece to catch the bottle, it slapped pretty hard on his stomach. Yeah, it was a long one. I watched him lube up and we both went back to work. I wasn't really watching him, but I did look over here and there. He was actually watching though, I know it. His eyes were always looking my way when I looked over. He wasn't being shy anymore.

We watched each other now, both of us slowly stroking our hard-ons. When he started speeding things up, I did too. I let out an occasional moan here and there too. He did the same after a few minutes. By that time we were both going at it full-speed. It felt good. I started shooting and it was pretty intense. Quite a bit too, even though I had shot earlier in the shower. The first couple of shots landed on my chest and I was moaning pretty good too. I looked down to see it splashing on my stomach and then looked back to Brad as he moaned. I watched him shoot a good load all over his stomach.

I looked down at my own mess, "Damn, didn't figure I would be this messy. It's only been a few hours."

Brad laughed, "Yeah, I got a mess here too."

I grabbed a hand towel I had by the bed and mopped up a bit. He grabbed his boxer briefs off the floor.

"You need to keep a towel handy," I told him.

"I will now," and he was grinning. "Have you ever done this before, like with someone like this?"

So I have to admit that with a best friend of mine when I was growing up, we had our fun discovering ourselves. That started when we were, I donno, around maybe eight or nine years old. It went on until we were both shooting our stuff too. It was just jerking off together, and yeah, a bunch of times jerking each other off. That all ended when he moved away. I was fourteen. Never happened with any other guy and I never really thought about it either.

I told Brad about it and I think he was a little jealous that I had that experience. He told me he always wanted to with his buddy growing up, just nothing ever happened but talk between them.

Now back to Brad's crazy shit. We both used the UCF app to find dates and stuff, no secret there. I eventually met someone that became a pretty regular. She was hot too, but too busy to ever socialize too much. We went to a few parties together and hooked up when we needed to. It was time now to find someone for Brad. After some football on the RWC, and then some study time, Brad and I started looking on his phone for someone for him to start chatting up. I made him change the pic he had on his profile. We had to do a little photo shoot in our room to get a good one.

After a bit, he had only sent out a couple of messages. He wasn't finding much I guess, and he was losing interest. We gave up on that and decided to watch something on Netflix. We were about half way through a movie when the notification hit his phone. He got a message from someone on the app. She was looking pretty good in her pictures too, crazy hot really. They sent a few messages back and forth and then we watched the rest of the movie.

It was a few days later when I asked about her, Kate. They had been chatting quite a bit Brad told me. Kate was pretty busy with her class load and didn't get out much at all.

"So you haven't met up yet?" I asked him.

"Nope. I haven't even gotten her number yet."

"You haven't asked her for it?"

"I gave her mine the other day. Told her to give me a call later. She told me she was really loaded with work, but she would try. I didn't hear from her. I'm just going to let it go and see if she calls me or texts."

A few more days went by before I asked about her again. She never did call him or text. She sent a message through the app when he was in class.

"Really? She waited till you were in class and sent you a message? What did she say?"

"She was sorry but she's been real busy."

"What did you say?"

"I told her it was okay."

"Man, you gotta do something to at least talk to her. You know her schedule, right?"

"I sent her mine and she told me some of hers. She has a lot going on."

"I get that, but she has to have a minute to meet up, yeah?"

"You'd think. I mean, I've asked a couple of times now to meet up for a coffee or a bite between classes."


"Nothing man. She will try."

"You gonna let her lead you on then?"

"I don't think it's like that. I mean, we haven't even talked on the phone."

"So where are you going with this then? Why keep this up?"

"I guess I just like her. I mean, we've chatted about a lot of shit."

"So you don't think it's a little strange she hasn't met up with you, hell, at least called you. You haven't even heard her voice. That's wacked."

"Yeah, maybe."

"Well get on this or get over it."

"You're right. I'll work on it this weekend."

It was getting late so we decided to give each other a hand and get some sleep. Yeah, I forgot to mention that. Our jerking off, and watching each other of course, became a nightly thing. Then, we started helping each other. Here's how that all started.

One day I was late getting back to the room. I had a study group that went late. Brad had even sent me text asking where I was. It was a Tuesday, and we almost always got a pizza, they were half off on Tuesdays. I told him I was going to be late, I didn't know what time we would finish what we needed to work on. When I got back to the room, there was Brad, sitting up against the wall on his bed, stroking. His laptop was between his legs and I could hear the porn playing.

"Got bored without me?" I joked.

"Bored and horny."

"Yeah, I see. Something good?" I had moved over his bed now and was taking a peek at the screen.

"You wanna watch too?"

"Hell yeah," was my answer, and I stripped my clothes.

I looked at him and he patted the bed right beside where he was sitting. After grabbing the lube from my desk drawer, I got comfy sitting beside him. We were watching the screen and stroking ourselves. It wasn't long before we were taking glances at each other. Then, it was more watching each other and just a glance now and then at the porn.

Brad had his left hand rubbing his leg. His leg was almost touching mine. I moved my right leg up against him. His hand was rubbing and roaming his own leg and every now and then his fingertips would brush my leg.

I looked up to his face. He was staring at my crotch, watching me pump my rod. He was really into it. Not that I wasn't too. It was hot watching him. I watched his face for a bit then. There was a desire in his eyes and the way he was looking down at me doing my thing. He finally looked up. I had a big grin on my face, I know.

"What?" he asked.

"Grab it, if you want to," I said to him, watching his face for a response.


"You can stroke it for me, if you want."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't have said it..." and he reached over for it.

My fist let go and I let him take over. I moaned and watched him work my hard dick for me. He worked it good too. It felt better than my hand. I put my right hand on his leg and slowly moved it up. My fingertips brushed his balls and he let out a sigh. I let my fingers feel them more. I held them in my hand and felt their weight. His hand left his hardness lying against his pubes so I took over. My fingers wrapped around Brad's monster dick. It felt thick and hard, but soft at the same time. He moaned. It was so arousing to me for some reason, having another guy's dick in my hand and stroking it. I started moaning too.

"Oh fuck yeah, that feels so good Brad. Oh shit. I'm gonna cum."

He didn't slow down. He kept pumping. I shot a big load all over myself and it running all over his fist. That triggered his then. He let out a moan. Then he shot volley after volley of his juice all over his chest and stomach.

"Damn," I laughed. "That was good."

"Yeah it was. Thanks man."

"Thank you," I told him, and got up to clean off.

That was the first of many of those sessions.

So, it was late, like I said. We didn't bother with the porn. It was a pretty quick session too. My fist pumping him and his working mine. It only lasted a few minutes, and we were cleaning up and he hopped over to his bed and we fell asleep.

Things weren't getting better with Kate either. They only got worse. I don't know what kind of voodoo she had over him. I mean, I have read a lot of their messages, and things were pretty deep with them. They tell each other a lot of shit. So why in the hell wouldn't she meet up with him? Damn, at least call the guy. It was time to do something; I just didn't know exactly what yet. I told Brad that this was like some shit that you see on that TV show, Catfish. He didn't like that thought at all. At least it got him thinking.

Like I said though, it was time to do something to try to help him out. I started asking around about her, showing her profile around. No one I know knew her and no one remembered ever seeing her. So I was striking out there. I sent her a message, but she never answered. I told Brad about all this and told him we should dig a bit. He was a little reluctant at first, but eventually wanted to find out what was up.

We had watched a few episodes of the show, so that gave us some ideas about how to do some investigating. On Brad's laptop now, we went to her profile. I pointed out that the mumbo-jumbo in the address was "k.wilson," and he pointed out that we can put anything for our name on our profile. Mine is "Cal" cause I screwed it up and didn't care.

"Okay, but it's a K. Wilson. That's a good sign. Right?"

I looked at him, "Let's dig."

We did a picture search and nothing came back. That's good. We looked through Facebook, but do you know how many Kate Wilsons there are out there. That's about all we had to go on.

"Have you ever looked to see how far away she is on the app? I mean, is she showing her location?"

"I donno. I never paid any attention."

"Well, see if she's on now."

Brad grabbed his phone off of the desk and brought up the app.

"Says, "last seen three hours ago," he paused. "What!?"


"It says she was 100 feet away."

"Damn. Was she was in the building?"

"Damn close."

"Does she know what building we are in?"

"Pretty sure I've mentioned it, but I donno. I know I told her that I was on campus, and she knows that you are my roommate. But damn, she was right here."

"Ask her if she knows someone in Hercules."

He sent her a message. No reply came that night. We talked a little more about what we didn't find, and that she was so close just a few hours ago. I mean, there's nothing out here in this area of the campus except the Hercules and Nike housing, so she had to be here in one of the Hercules buildings. Yeah, so just a few hours ago she was right here and logged off. This was weird.

In the morning we woke up to a reply.

"She's not sure, and why."

"Yeah, sure. What the hell is going on man?"

"I donno at this point. I think I need to find out though."

"See if it's showing her location now."

"Yeah, she's still 100 feet away, last seen just a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, I don't think she lives off campus."

"I know. That's what I'm thinking too."

"So tell her why."

"I don't want her to know that I'm seeing how close she is. We can use this. I'm going to tell her that I live here in 108," he started his reply. "You... know... someone... here... now... now... you... can... come... for... a visit."

It took her a minute to get back.

"She said she would sometime for sure. `Where is that,' she just asked. For fucking real? Really?"

"Man, she is playing you, that's for sure."

"Yeah, she's heading to class now. She will chat later."

"How far away?"

"Says... 78 feet. Now 90."

"Yeah, she's here in this complex for sure."

"Yeah, so why in the hell would she lie to me about this?"

"I donno man, but we are gonna find out."

It was time to make a plan to find this person.

It took a while, but Brad was finally able to put together a few days of the week when she left in the morning. It was time to do some spying. We would get up and out before we knew she left for class. It took a few days of this watching the distance on her profile to figure out exactly where she was leaving from. We were sure she was coming from 108, the building right across from ours. It still wasn't going to be easy to figure out who it was. There were a lot of people leaving all three of the buildings grouped here together every morning.

It was a late afternoon of a day of several days of us following people in the morning. I was lying on my bed tossing a football up in the air, waiting for Brad to get to the room and order some pizza. My phone vibrated on the desk.

"WYD?" was the text from Brad.

"Waiting on u"

"K. Get to minor and gemini now. Am about 5 min away."


If I run I can get there in one minute, 33 seconds, exactly. I know this because I've had to run my ass off to get to swim practice a few times now. I got off the bed and grabbed a shirt I was pulling over my head already running down the hallway.

"Here. Pool corner," I text him.

"Just at VPI," he texted back, telling me he was about three minutes from here at Visitor and Parking Information.

"WYD? All ok?"

"Left the library and she was 20 feet away" "I got closer" "Now she's 0 feet away. In this group in front of me I think."

"Are you messaging her?"

"Of course. And I can't see if anyone is doing it. Need more eyes."

"Yeah OK"

"How many are in the group?"

"Down to 9 now" "Make that 8" "I'm staying back a bit"

"K" "Let me know when you get to the WDC" "Then send her a question"


Now to just wait. I saw a group coming around the curve. Then I got a text. It's the group I see, and he sent her something. I'm watching close to see if anyone is using their phone. Six out of eight heads all down, staring at the screens in their hands.

"They're all on their phones" "Keep chatting," I text him. I keep watching. "Two are typing" "Keep chatting"

Brad crossed the street over to me, and we acted out a normal greeting. Six of the group had already crossed. Two of them waiting to cross Gemini over to the parking garage and four kept walking. It was one of the girls waiting to cross that was typing. The other one typing was a guy. He and another guy turned down Ursa Minor.

"Keep up the chat, I'm still looking. It was him typing," I pointed down Ursa Minor, "and her." I pointed to the girl waiting at the crosswalk.

She wasn't on her phone anymore. She was talking to the guy beside her. The guy walking towards the dorms was still typing away.

"How far does it say she is?"

"Says 100 feet."

"Well, the guy is still typing."

"And I just got a message."

"Let's walk," I said, and I pulled him with me heading down Ursa Minor. "What are you guys saying?"

"She's talking about the lecture she just got out of. And she's just in an Uber almost home."

"Have you found out where home is yet?"

"Asking." "Campus Crossing."

I look it up. "That's a mile and half away from here."

"And we are only 50 feet away... 45... 30."

"Brad, I think it's him."

"I think you're right. What the fuck?"

"Good reason they won't ever meet up."

"Yeah, but she sent me pics of her tits. And fuck, I sent a dick pic."

"Yeah, I saw. Now I'm jealous. You'll be going to him to jerk off with," I joked, giving a punch to his arm.

"Ha-ha, very funny."

"Let's get behind him. See how close they are on the app."

"It says 30 feet now."

We were pretty much beside him on the sidewalk and he was in the street.

"Ask where they are now."

"Okay." "Walking to Walgreens."

"Wanna test this?"


"Tell them stop and turn around."

"Oh, hell. Okay, here it goes."

The guy stopped in his tracks. He didn't look up from his phone though. We walked up behind him.

"Hey Kate," I called out to the guy stopped in the street, now about 20 feet from us.

He turned around slowly. He had the deer in the headlights look. Actually it was a "fight-or-flight, I'm gonna flight" look.

"Let's talk a minute," I said, and we were in front of him. "So you're Kate?" I asked him. "I'm Cale, but you probably already know that. And I know you know my buddy Brad."

He only shook his head, and then he looked down at the road.

"So what's going on with this?"

He looked at me and then at Brad.

Brad finally said, "Hey man, tell me what's going on."

He finally opened his mouth. "Well, it was a test first. A friend and I came up with idea to try to get the attention of some guys. First with me and then I would change my profile to a girl's and see. You messaged me right in all that. We started chatting and I didn't know what to do."

"You could have just told me the fucking truth man, come on."

"Yeah, I know. I should have. I just thought you were so nice, I mean, and good looking too."

"He's sexy as hell, man," I said and laughed.

"You're gay?" the guy asked me.

"No, sorry."

"But you are," Brad said to him.

"Well, yeah," he said.

"Man, you should have told me all this."

"I'm sorry Brad. I really am. I just didn't know it would go as far as it did."

"Well, it did!"

"I didn't want to lose the connection we have. I didn't want to stop chatting with you."

"I've got to think about all this man. What the hell's your name?"


"Kevin. Great," Brad mumbled and took off.

"Let him cool down and think through all of this man," I told Kevin.

"But he's not gay, I know that."

"Yeah, but I think you guys need to talk and resolve some things," I said to him, and left him standing there to catch up to Brad.

"What the fuck, man?" was what he said to me when I was beside him.

"Give it a bit, you gotta cool off a little. You guys are gonna have to talk to get some things off your chest, but you need to take a bit to think."

"Yeah, but, I mean. What the hell?"

"I know man, he should have told you. "

"Yeah he should have. Way before it got this far. Shit, I really was starting to have feelings for Kate."

"I know you were, man. Those feelings are still there, and you need to process this. And, you guys have to talk."

"Like, what the fuck am I supposed to say to this guy?"

"You mean the guy you've been spilling everything to for weeks now?"


"I know. It's messed up. It's fucked up."

"You think?"

We walked back to our room. This must have been a Tuesday. I ordered pizza. Yeah, it was Tuesday, I was waiting on him in the beginning of all this to order the damned pizza. Brad said he wasn't hungry, but I know he will eat pizza if it's here.

He was sitting in his desk chair, back to the desk, staring at the floor. I honestly didn't know whether to be serious or crack a joke. I decided on a joke.

"At least he's good looking," I said. I smiled at him.

He looked up. "You know, I didn't even care what Kate looked like. I've only seen two pics of her face and I was beginning to think it wasn't her anyway. And I didn't really care about that. I have feelings for her. Fuck, I mean, had."

"No, you mean, `have.' You have feelings that have grown for the person you have been chatting with. You can't just deny those feelings and go on. You have to deal with them."

"Okay, mom! Sounds just like her."

"Well, listen to her. Hey, I know this situation is just messed up. And, it's messed you up right now."

The pizza came, we munched away at that and talked a lot. What made it bad for him were just what I had said in the beginning. Those feelings were there. They didn't just instantly go away when he found out who he had been chatting with. We even talked about the TV show and how they always go back and talk things out, no matter how crazy it is. Watching the show, you sometimes wonder why the hell they do that. It's all for the show and the drama, but it isn't really. It's for closure. It's for getting the words expressing feelings out. That is the only way to get through it.

The next day when we looked, the profile was Kevin's now. No sign of Kate. It was a little weird seeing all the messages to and from Kevin on Brad's phone. He wanted to delete them. I told him not to just yet. He messaged him to see when they could meet up and talk. It couldn't be until later, after they both got out of their classes. I had a study group, but I would skip it if he wanted me there. He told me he would be fine. They were going to meet out in the quad in front of our building.

Things obviously went well, a direction that I didn't expect. When I came into our room they both jumped up off the bed trying to hide whatever was going on just before I came in. I told them I could head out for a bit if they needed some time, but Kevin said he was just leaving. Out he went.

"Okay, spill it," I said, after the door closed behind Kevin. "What was going on in here?"

"Nothing was going on. We just made our way up here after talking a while outside. I mean. Well, okay. I think something might have been starting."

"Woah, like sex or..."

"No, not sex man. I think he may have, I mean, we might have kissed. If you hadn't come in, maybe."

"What? Okay man, you gotta fill me in a little here."

"We talked about a lot of shit, I mean, went through a lot of stuff. Feelings, emotions, attraction stuff," he paused.


"Well, yeah. We have a lot of feelings for each other."

"So you are going gay then, I mean, for this guy." That was a stupid thing to say, and I knew it as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"I'm not going anything. I don't expect you to understand. I mean, I didn't think you would..."

I stopped him, "What I just said was stupid. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"Well, you're kind of right in thinking that. I mean, one of the first things I said to him was, `I'm not gay.' That's when all the talk about feelings and attraction and emotion started. In the end of all of the talking and thinking it just seemed like need to just see where this all goes."

"You know it doesn't matter to me who you like, man. As long as you are happy. Besides, I know you wanted my dick the first night I was jerking off in front of you." I had to make a joke.

We both laughed.

Later in the year, I caught them on more than one occasion. They were boyfriends now, and it didn't seem to bother them getting caught. It was always making out, maybe some hand on dick play, but it was all quickly hidden and grins on faces in the beginning. After some time, they started to not care so much when I came in. They would continue making out, and a couple of times a sheet was pulled over them to cover what they were up to. I was right too, about the whole, "I was going to be traded in as his jerkoff buddy." Those sessions pretty much stopped.

Sometimes, I think I was a little jealous of what they had, what was going on with them. I mean, I hadn't really lost my best friend or anything, but something that my best friend and I did almost every night was over. I actually missed that. So one night, Kev was over and we were eating pizza, it wasn't even a Tuesday, and watching, of all things, Catfish. They start their touchy stuff and even kissing on each other a bit. I wasn't uncomfortable with it, but damn, jealous really. What the hell. So when the show was over, I said I was going to see my girl for a bit.

I headed out and sent her a message. I didn't get any response. I kept heading to her place though, hoping she would answer back. When I was a couple of minutes away, I messaged her telling her. She finally messaged back. She was out tonight. Damn. I was hoping to get some really. Get some of this crazy shit in my head out for a bit. Nope, that wasn't happening.

Heading back to my room, I sent Brad a text to let him know. When I opened the door to our room, I got an eyeful, that's for sure. Kevin was on top, leaning over, and kissing Brad. Then my eyes focused on Brad's big one going in and out of Kevin's tight hole. I just stared a second. I didn't know if they had heard me and just didn't give a shit at this point, or maybe they didn't know I was standing there yet. I just stared. Then, any questions were answered. I noticed Brad looking at me. Soon Kevin was looking back at me too. I turned around, said I was sorry and that I did send a text, and started to open the door.

"You don't have to leave, if you liked what you were looking at man," Brad said, slowing his thrusting hips down a bit.

"It looked like you did," Kev spoke up. "You can watch."

Fuck, I was torn here. Horny as hell, a little jealous, and yeah, liking what I was watching. This was live porn right in front of me, not on the screen of the laptop. So, it was a guy getting his hole reamed by a big dick, so what. It was always hot seeing a big one pumping in and out of a hole in the porn we used to watch together. But shit, if I stay, watching this, and start pounding out the hard problem that had come up in my shorts, what did that mean? Am I really fucking gay for my best friend?

It was all too much to think about then. Besides, the blood rushing to my head downstairs was depleting the blood in my head upstairs to think about it now. My shirt was off now, and I sat on my bed against the wall. They got back into themselves quickly, like I wasn't even there. My shorts slid down quickly and I kicked them to the floor. I didn't even bother going for my lube. I just started stroking. I didn't have the perfect view of my roomie's hard-on sliding in and out of Kev like I did before, but this was good enough. The moans and groans coming from them helped too.

I was pounding away now, and Brad was thrusting hard and fast into Kevin. He was grunting good with each thrust he nailed Kevin with.

"Fuck, I'm getting close," I heard Brad say.

"Yeah, give it to me. Cum in me Brad," Kevin managed to pant.

"I'm coming!" Brad called out pretty loudly.

His thrusts were deep. That's all it took for me too. I started shooting my load all over my chest and stomach. Kevin was obviously doing the same all over Brad from the noises he was making.

I grabbed my shorts and shirt and went out the door to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror thinking what the fuck and cleaned myself up. I left and headed outside and just walked around. I was off the quad, so I didn't know that Kevin had left until Brad sent me a text.

"Kev's gone. You ok?" was on my screen.


"Just cleared out to give you guys your time"

"Come up"

I headed back up to our room.

"You sure you're okay man?"

"Yeah Brad, I'm cool. I'm just not sure why I did it."

"It was kinda hot with you watching us. I miss you sometimes, you know."

"I miss you too."

I changed the subject and that was the only time that ever happened.

I've had a girlfriend for a while now, but sometimes I still think about the fun I had with Brad last year. Brad and I are best of friends and we have an apartment this year. It's a nice place, much bigger. Brad and Kevin have their bedroom and Sarah and I have ours. College life is good.

To keep up with what is going on with me and my stories, read my blog:

If you're new to my story, send your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. They are very much welcomed. Send an email to – I would love to hear from you!

-Shane S.

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