My Roomate Alex

By Lookin'

Published on Apr 10, 2003



All the usual disclaimer stuff. If you're offended by adult men having sex, don't read. If you're underage or it's illegal in your area to view this kind of story, don't read. If you're a horny, gay, bi or curious guy, please read on.

This is a true story about living with my college roommate senior year. I graduated from college in '97 but I replay these experiences in my head pretty regularly.

If you like the story, feel free to drop me a line. Flames will be ignored.

I spent my junior year in college abroad but when I returned to campus late in the summer I had my housing situation all sorted out. Alex and I had been friends since our freshman year. He was actually the first guy I ever came out to and subsequently the first guy I ever confessed to having a crush on. In spite of this, or sometimes I though because of this, we developed a strong friendship. We talked about everything and more than a few times, he confessed to being curious about sex with a guy. By the time we reached our senior year he had admitted to me that he was 'about 40 percent interested in guys and 60 percent interested in girls' although he had never done anything with another guy and nothing had ever really happened between us physically up to this point. I mean, we hugged each other hello and goodbye when we hadn't seen one another for a while or before leaving for long school breaks and before I left for my year abroad, he kissed me on the lips. Everything between us however, always seemed to be up in the air and at times there was a fairly high level of sexual tension.

When I pulled into the parking lot adjacent our on-campus apartment, Alex flashed me a smile. Here was my idea of the perfect guy. With a tall, swimmer's build (5'11, 165), he had a nicely muscled frame thanks to years as a gymnast. Asian-American, he had dark black hair, deep brown eyes and smooth, almost totally hairless legs and chest. Maybe it was the difference in our looks that added to my attraction to him. While he was raised outside of NYC, I was (and still am) a small town boy from Pennsylvania, 6 feet tall, thin (155lbs) and lanky, with short brown hair, green eyes and hairy legs.

We quickly worked to get all of our stuff moved in to the apartment and settled in to our new place. The apartment had a small kitchen, bathroom, living room and one bedroom complete with standard-issue college dorm bunk beds. I was initially a little concerned about what it would be like sharing a bedroom with the object of many of my fantasies but it didn't take long before I realized the advantages outweighed the drawbacks.

Alex was pretty comfortable with his body and it wasn't unusual for him to lounge around the apartment after a shower or before bed wearing just his boxer briefs and a tight tee shirt. The sight of him relaxing on the couch with his cotton-covered bulge nestled between his legs was a sight that drove me crazy. He slept on the top bunk and with the sound of his alarm in the morning, I would position myself under the covers for a view of the quick pre-shower show. He would jump from the top bunk, switch off the alarm and turn facing the bed, his crotch just inches from my face, to retrieve his towel. Greeted each morning with a look at his thick morning hard on straining against the fabric of his boxer briefs, he would often reach his hand under the waistband to adjust things before heading to the shower, giving me a peek at his trimmed pubes and base of his thick shaft. On many occasions, especially when he was wearing his favorite gray Calvin Klein's, a small circle, soaked wet with pre-cum was visible near the head of his hot cock. My morning routine quickly became established. When I heard the sound of water running in the bathroom, my briefs would come down and I would begin pulling frantically at my own swollen 7" cock, stopping only when I had sprayed a hot load all over my chest and stomach.

As the weeks passed, the sexual tension continued to build in our apartment. Things between us were quite normal the rest of the time. We hung out with friends, went to parties, took weekend road trips. But in the apartment, things were different. Two 21 year olds living in close quarters made privacy a rarity. I was getting my j/o sessions while he was in the shower or at classes and I expected that he did the same. But lets face it, at 21, horny urges don't always stick to a regular schedule and j/o sessions are not something you can always plan. Seeing the outline of his long flaccid dick nestled against his full balls as he sat in his boxer briefs at the computer or watched TV, I would lock the bathroom door behind me and blow my load in seconds while standing over the toilet. On more than a few occasions, when I took a little longer in the bathroom, I would come back to the living room to see Alex with a sly grin on his face.

One time at night, after we had both turned in, he slipped quietly out of bed, retrieved something from his dresser drawer and spent a good 15 minutes or so in the bathroom. When he came back in, the smell of his 'hand' lotion was noticeable. The first time this happened, I couldn't wait to find out what he kept stashed in his dresser. The next day, when he was in class, I locked the door to the bedroom and slowly pulled open his dresser drawer. Under his tee shirts lay a stash of porn magazines. Even though it was straight porn, I flipped through them while sitting on my bed. Much to my pleasant surprise, ALL of the magazines had naked women AND men fucking, sucking, spewing cum. One spread was apparently his favorite as it was much more worn than the others and there were traces of his hand lotion and some 'other' substance on the pages. In this spread, 2 hot, muscled football players were having their enormous cocks worshiped by 2 cheerleaders. Funny thing was, the cheerleaders were still decked out in their uniforms and the main focus of the pics was the throbbing monster cocks of the 2 studs.

After discovering the magazine stash, I frequently would use them as j/o material when Alex was out of the apartment. Eventually, I think he realized I had stumbled on to them and when he would buy a new magazine, he'd leave it on the top of his desk instead of hiding it in the dresser. As the quarter changed and we both had new class schedules, it kind of threw a wrench into both of our j/o schedules. One morning, coming back from my early class, I opened the door to find Alex on the couch, legs spread, scrambling to stuff his extremely hard cock back into his briefs while fumbling with the remote control to the VCR. I quickly turned away so I wasn't facing him and said

"Umm, I'm going to hop in the shower before my next class. Does that give you enough time to finish what I interupted?"

He kind of chuckled. "Yeah, I wasn't too far off when you came in."

I walked into the bedroom, dropped my bag and slipped my tee shirt over my head. Before I even reached for my belt, my erection was straining against my jeans. From the living room came the muffled sounds of the porn tape and the unmistakable sound of a slick hand sliding up and down over Alex's hard cock. I quickly grabbed my towel and headed into the bathroom. Once under the hot water of the shower, it didn't take long before I was spewing thick ropes of cum, some landing on the shower curtain and the rest ending up on my hairy legs. When I came out of the shower, Alex was in the kitchen and he asked me if I wanted some coffee. I thanked him and as I finished getting dressed, he yelled in to me,

"Oh, and I left that tape in the VCR if you want to check it out. It doesn't have to be back for a couple of days."

"Uh, yeah, maybe. Not too sure if it's my thing though."

He handed me a cup of coffee and smiled, "Oh, I don't know. This one has a little bit of everything."

Later that same week, with the sound of Alex's alarm, a good look at his morning wood, and the sound of the shower running, I pushed my blankets aside. Reaching the waistband of my boxer briefs, I rubbed my swollen cock head through the thin fabric. Running a hand over my erection, I pulled the elastic of my briefs down, and began slow, deliberate strokes up and down my thick shaft. I was dripping pre-cum like a faucet and would occasionally stop to rub a drop of the slick juice into the underside of my now throbbing mushroom head. The feeling was intense and, eyes closed, I was totally engrossed in the pleasure. I shifted my weight, got a better grip on my balls, and looking up, realized that Alex was standing naked in the door way between our bedroom and the bathroom. Apparently he realized he had forgotten his towel which lay hung over the back of his desk chair. His boxer briefs were gone and as he stood there I had a clear, perfect view of his hard 8" cut cock. It took him a moment to realize that my eyes were now open and when he did, he stepped into the bedroom and grabbed his towel but made no effort to hide his stiff prick. For some reason I didn't try to cover myself either, instead I continued to slowly stroke my cock and his eyes didn't stray from my crotch until he turned to go back into the bathroom. About 3 seconds after he closed the bathroom door, my cock erupted so hard that cum hit my chin, my neck and shoulders and absolutely coated my chest and stomach. Up to that point I had never cum so hard or so much in my entire life.

That day, the two of us went on with our busy schedules and didn't meet up again until late that evening back at the apartment. When Alex came in, he was carrying his portfolio and he looked exhausted. Neither of us said anything about the morning's little 'display' but it was more because we were both staring at deadlines for major projects and had time for little else. He sat down on the couch and started organizing notes while I sat at the computer polishing a presentation. We both worked non-stop for about 2 hours before Alex got up from the couch and headed toward the kitchen. He came back to the living room with two beers and, handing me one, it was clear that both of us were about finished for the night. We sat and chatted about our day for a while. I got up and grabbed two more beers from the fridge and after each of us took a sip, the conversation kind of dwindled. I turned to switch on the TV and realized that the porn tape from a few days earlier was still in the VCR. I hit the eject button, put it in its case and handed it to Alex.

"This is probably due back soon." I said.

"Oh, yeah, thanks." He said, taking the tape. "Did you get a chance to check it out?"

"Um, no. I've been too swamped. But from what I saw the other day, it must be pretty good." I said with a grin.

Alex's face turned a little red, which was unusual for him. "Yeah, it is pretty good."

We both sat there alternating between eye contact and staring at the floor. Neither of us spoke. Finally I couldn't take it and got the nerve to say something.

"Look Alex, this is so retarded. The two of us are living in this apartment, we both jerk off constantly, it's not like we exactly hide it from each other. I know neither of us is getting any from anywhere else. And I know we've both thought about бнit." As I said it, my voice cracked and my heart beat fast.

He looked at me, seemingly frustrated, and said, "I know! Christ, I've thought about it so much. I mean we're both horny as shit, we live together, I jerk off at least twice a day, and it would be so nice to get off with someone."

"So why don't we? What's wrong with us having sex as long as its just sex?" I asked.

"What if it fucks up our friendship? You know I'm not looking for a relationship with a guy. I haven't even been with a guy, so honestly, I don't know how I'd react."

He was right. The whole time we'd known each other, I had always worried that if something did happen between us, it would make things awkward. So I had never pushed things too far, no matter how much I wanted it. I was always kind of thinking that if something happened, he would have to make the first move.

"Look Eric, I don't want to screw up our friendship, even if I do want to doбнthis."

There wasn't really much more I could say. That night I would lay in bed thinking of ways to rationalize to him why it was a great idea for us to have sex. I think for me, I had been so sexually charged for so long since living with him, I felt like if I didn't get some release, I would go crazy. But I let it go for the time being. The next few days, we were both busy and on Thursday I was taking my GRE's.

The morning of the test, I was nervous and I think he could tell.

"Come on, don't sweat it. You're going to do fine. You've done more prep work for these than anyone we know. And hey, you do well on standardized tests." He reassured me.

"Yeah, I hope you're right. Thanks again for letting me borrow your car." And with that, I headed off to the testing center.

I don't remember much about the test, other than feeling exhausted when I walked out of there. When I got back to campus, I parked Alex's car and walked back to the apartment. It was about 7:30. When I got inside, he was sitting at the computer and in the kitchen were 2 cases of good beer.

"Well, how did it go?' he asked.

"Not so bad I guess. Important thing is that they're over and there's no use worrying about them now." I explained.

"That's what I wanted to hear! Now, I think we both deserve to kick back and relax a little. I got some beer and a couple of the guys are hanging out at the frat house so let's go."

Truth be told, I wasn't always in the mood to hang out with his 'brothers' but tonight, I just wanted to have some drinks and chill. Luckily when we got to the house, a lot of the guys weren't around and it just turned out to be about 6 or 7 of us listening to some music, playing cards and chatting.

By about 12, Alex and I were both pretty buzzed and some of the guys had headed home, others went to meet up with girlfriends or off to bed. We decided it was time to head back too. As we walked back to the apartment, the moon was full and it was surprisingly light. Coming to a clearing of trees, Alex pointed out the shadows on the ground. He got visibly excited as he explained something about shadow and light theory and a particular painting he had just discussed in one of his art classes (he was a fine art's major). When we got into the apartment, he quickly pulled a book from his bag and sitting on the couch, flipped through until he found the painting. I sat down on the floor next to him and leaned on his leg as he explained about the artist's use of shadow in the scene. As he spoke, I realized that my forearm was resting on the inside of his thigh and kind of subconsciously, I started rubbing his knee. He kept talking about the painting and then slowly his voice softened and he stopped. He looked down at me and I didn't know what to make of his expression. He was somewhere between confused and hopeful. I moved my hand from his leg and sat on the couch next to him, legs and shoulders touching. Neither of us said anything and I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.

A few minutes passed in what seemed like an eternity and Alex slid toward the end of the couch and stood up.

"Well, it's late and I am ready for bed." He said.

"Um, I guess I'll call it a night too." I was disappointed and couldn't really look him in the eye at this moment.

He used the bathroom first and while he brushed his teeth, I changed into a pair of boxer shorts and a tee shirt for bed. When he finished, he locked the apartment door and turned out the lights while I brushed my teeth and washed my face. When I got back to the bedroom, he was standing next to his dresser in just white Calvin Klein boxer briefs and was slipping a tee shirt over his head. Neither of us spoke as I sat on my the edge of my bed to take off my socks. When I stood up to put them into the hamper, Alex put a hand on my shoulder. My back had been facing him but I turned around and he pulled me into a hug. We stood there with our arms wrapped around each other, my hand rubbing his back.

"I know that we both want this but I don't want to do anything that would make things weird between us." He said softly.

I didn't speak but our embrace tightened and I became conscious that Alex's cock was resting against my leg. My hands moved to his lower back and I felt his cock start to rise. My own prick was slowly swelling and I was sure that he could feel it pressing into his crotch. When my hands moved over the fabric of his briefs and I began exploring his ass, he stepped sideways out of our embrace. He just stood there, his semi-hard cock pointing to the right, formed a tent in his briefs. My own boxers did little to hide my own excitement.

He moved in the direction of the bed and faced the bunks, his back to me. As he paused, I walked behind him and pressed my chest against his back, my hands resting on his firm pecks. I sniffed his hair as my stiff cock pressed against his butt. He raised his right leg and planted his foot on my bed as though he was ready to jump up to the top bunk. When I looked down over his shoulder, I saw that his throbbing mushroom head was poking through the leg of his boxer briefs. Alex looked down and both of us were staring at his beautiful, dark, swollen cock. My hand shaking, I reached around and pulled the leg of his boxer briefs up, freeing more of his cock and exposing the thick, veiny shaft. His cock pulsed and seemed to stiffen even more. I rubbed his thigh and then slowly wrapped my hand around his warm, fleshy tool. As I did, he left out a deep sigh. I moved my hand up his shaft and adjusted my grip, slowly sliding my hand over the skin of his cock and massaging the head with my palm. I gripped him at the base of his shaft and a shiny drop of pre-cum oozed from his piss slit. I scooped it up smearing some on the underside of his head and then moved my finger to my mouth tasting the salty sweet nectar.

"Ohh fuck" he whispered.

Without turning around he reached his hands behind to my waist. Pushing my boxers down, they slipped to the floor. My cock sprang up and rested against his firm ass cheek. With his warm, solid cock in my hand, I turned him around to face me. The whole time I had been slowly stroking him and smearing pre-cum around the head. The look on his face told me that this really was what he wanted. I let go of his cock only long enough to lower myself and pull his white boxer briefs down. Sitting on the edge of my bed, my face was level with his crotch. Sitting there, I paused for a second to take in this beautiful site.

Pubes trimmed short, his cock was a good 8" long and stood hard, pointing up at a 45 degree angle. From the base of his shaft to the head, it gradually thickened to about 6" around. The head, swollen and slick with pre-cum was perfect. His balls hung heavy and full and were completely hairless.

As Alex reached his right hand down to stroke the back of my head, I leaned in and licked right below his navel. As I did, his cock brushed against my cheek and I pulled him closer to me. Licking my way down towards his pubes, I stopped when I reached the base of his cock. He smelled like nothing I had even smelled before - clean, like the soap we both used but slightly musky. I moved from the base of his cock to his balls, tentatively licking his sack and then slowly bringing one of the large orbs into my mouth. As I opened wider, they both filled my mouth and Alex sighed,

"Oh god Eric. That feels so good."

I took his cock in my hand and pointing it upwards, I licked from his smooth balls to the underside of the base of his shaft. I worked the underside, rubbing the tip of my tongue back and forth across its width and slowly sliding my way towards the head. When I was almost to the sensitive glans, I could already taste the salty sweet pre-cum that was now dripping furiously from his piss slit. I leaned back slightly, pulling his fat cock level with my face using my right hand, opened and engulfed the head with my warm mouth. With about half of his hot tool between my lips, I began to slowly move my head so it slid in and out of my mouth, using my tongue to constantly tease the tip of his throbbing cock.

By this point, Alex's eyes were closed, his breathing heavy and raspy moans escaped his lips periodically. He continued to tenderly rub the back of my head and touch my face.

I pulled his manhood from my mouth and wrapping my hand around its girth near the base, I began slow, deliberate strokes while my tongue continually circled the head. Alex moved his hand from my head and placed it on the hand I was using to stroke him.

He looked down at me and said, "I don't want this to be over so quick and if you keep it up I am going to blow my load in no time."

I gave him a crooked smile as he stooped down to sit with me on the bed. As he slid in, he turned me around so I was facing him. Our long legs draped over one another, he pulled us closer so that the tips of our cocks were almost touching. Then he slid in further, pointed both of our cocks toward the ceiling, rubbed them together and struggled to grip them in one hand. The feeling of the undersides of our warm cocks touching was incredible. He stroked our cocks up and down then paused, running his finger along both of our piss slits. He smeared a mixture of our pre-cum on the sensitive underside of our cock heads and then slid them back and forth against each other.

"If you keep doing that, I'm going to shoot my load too." I said as I put my hand on our cocks.

"I got it. Ok, then just lay back."

As he said it, he pushed me so my back was flat against the bed and my prick was standing straight up like a flag pole. He moved onto his hands and knees and hovering over me, he leaned in towards my chest and softly licked my left nipple. With his tongue never leaving the surface of my chest, he made his was from the left to the right, lightly biting, teasing, licking then blowing air on them. They were so hard they felt like stone as he ran his tongue in circles around them. The whole time he did this, our cocks bobbed and brushed against each other. Looking down I could see a string of thick pre-cum that went from his six-pack abs all the way to the tip of my tool. Reaching my hand down, I gripped his cock and stroked it while he worked my nipples.

Slowly he moved from my chest down my torso until he was 'eye' to eye with my hard dick. He flicked the tip of it with his tongue and then slowly licked from the base to the end, taking the head in his mouth in one gulp. Bobbing up and down his pace varied and he would stop from time to time to stroke it while he sucked or to treat my hairy balls to a tongue bath.

I was close but didn't want to cum yet so I stopped him. Guiding him so that his knees were close to my arm pits and he was straddling my chest, I propped myself up with two pillows. Leaning over me, his luscious cock bobbed in front of my face, just inches from my mouth.

"Slide closer," I instructed him.

He gave me a puzzled look.

"Slide closer so you can fuck my face."

As he scooted forward, I opened my mouth and his cock slid in. I started to move my head, sliding him in and out of my mouth but he soon took over and thrust his hips to meet my hungry mouth. I moved my hands so that each one rested on one of his firm ass cheeks and I could guide his speed.

"Oh fuck Eric!" he moaned. "Oh, fuckбнsuck my cock. Suck my hot cock."

I pulled off his tool and holding it in one hand, worked my tongue over his head, stopping to lick each drop of pre-cum as it oozed and dripped from his slit. His cock back in my mouth, his pace picked up where he had left off. As he fucked my face with greater intensity, I reached my hand down and began stroking my own throbbing prick.

'Stick a finger in." he demanded hoarsely.

"What?" I didn't quite get it the first time.

'Stick a finger in my ass. Pleaseбн.Stick it in." he begged me.

Reaching my hand from my own cock, I slipped my index finger into my mouth and lubed it up with saliva. He immediately pushed his hips forward and I took his cock in my mouth again. Bucking his hips back and forth, he pleaded,

"Stick it in my ass hole."

I reached my hand between his smooth, firm ass cheeks. He slowed his pace as I grazed the pucker of his sweet hole. Slowly I slid the finger in and after giving his some time to adjust, began sliding it in and out.

"Oh god! Oh Christ! That's it. That's fucking it!"

He fucked my face as I continued to finger fuck his virgin hole with one hand and furiously stroked my own cock with the other.

"Eric, I'm going to cum soon."

"Me too. I am so close." I whispered.

"I want us to cum at the same time. And I want to see you cum." He pleaded.

"So do I."

With that, he pulled his dick from my mouth, yanked the pillows from beneath me and spun himself around so we were in the 69 position. With his stiff cock and balls hanging above my face, he began sucking my cock while furiously jerking the base of my shaft. I reached for his prick, pulling it down to meet my lips. He spread his legs wider, giving me a look at his sweet, pink ass hole. I pulled his prick from my mouth and stuck my tongue between his cheeks, frantically licking his rosebud while jacking his cock.

He moaned loudly. "Oh my god, Eric, eat my ass. Urghhh, fuck. Eat my ass."

"Alex, I am so close." I warned.

"Oh, fuck Eric, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum." Alex yelled.

With that, I slid so my face was positioned at the head of his cock as I jerked and licked it frantically. Suddenly, his cock swelled and stiffened and let loose a jet of cum that splattered against my tongue and ran down my chin. As I stroked him madly, the second shot burst out drenching my chest and running down my sides. A third thick rope of jizz shot across my cheek and down the side of my face. With my lips bathing his cock head while my hand gripped his shaft, the fourth and most powerful blast spewed onto my tongue coating my lips and running down my neck.

This sent me over the edge. Alex continued to lick at my prick as I exploded with hot, heavy ropes of cum. The first shot landed all over his chest. He moved back to my cock and sucked hungrily as the second blast filled his mouth and dribbled from between his lips. The third, fourth and fifth jetted straight up, landing back on Alex's hand as he continued to pound my cock.

Wiped out, Alex turned around towards me. Cum soaked my face. He bent over and licked up his own jizz where it had landed on my chest, neck and face. I scooped some of the cum off my face and sucked it greedily into my mouth. He held up his hand, still dripping with my hot juice. With a wicked grin he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked the cum from them. Turning the back of his hand towards me, he moved it to my mouth and I finished cleaning my own cum from his hand.

Well, there it is. Hope you enjoyed reading it, half as much as I enjoyed living it and now writing it.

Cheers, E

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