My Room Over the Garage

By moc.oohay@yarpsrej

Published on Sep 7, 2013



My Room Over the Garage (Part Five)

I would eventually learn the following: that the kid in front of me was named Chase, that he was was the losing pitcher on Matt's softball team, that the guy on the other team who hit the winning homer looked a lot like me, and that Matt stopped him from attacking the guy by letting it slip about the slave-fag his Dad has stashed in the room over their garage.

But for now, all I knew was that there was a 5'10", blond-haired, blue-eyed, beefy young God in front of me. He was in cleats, white crew socks, sweat pants and a soaking wet baseball shirt. The bulge in his sweat pants was only matched by his bulging biceps.

Both of the guys were spotted with grass stains and dirt smudges. The scent of them took over the room. Besides the stench of sweat I could smell beer and weed.

Pulling my gaze from from this stud was nearly impossible, but I managed to lower my eyes to stare at the floor in front of his feet. I was saying a silent prayer that I would soon feel those cleats on my balls and have the stench of his sweaty feet in my nose.

Matt began his orientation. "Chase, for the next couple hours, consider this fag your property. You can punch it." He walked up to me and hit me in the face. "Slap it." He drew his hand across his body and backhanded me so hard I actually screamed.

Chase freaked out. "Won't someone hear him?"

Matt just laughed and said "Everyone in the house knows exactly what happens up here?"

"Even your Mom?!" asked Chase.

"Her life is much better since the fag got here. My dad is calmer and he sure smells better," answered Matt.

"What do you mean 'smells better'?"

Matt snapped and pointed at his cleats. I crawled over to him and started removing them. He snapped again and I knew to put one hand flat on the floor. He started grinding his cleat into the back of that hand.

"This fag is not only our punching bag and cum dump, he is addicted to our sweat and always sends us downstairs clean and dry. Ball sweat is it's favorite but watch how he freaks out on my flithy feet." As I slipped off the first cleat, the stench was overwhelming and I got rock hard in my jock. I dropped my head to the floor and started sniffing all over his foot as deeply as I could.

"Go get a belt, faggot!"

They both laughed when I whimpered at the thought of leaving his stinky foot. He flicked his foot at my face, scraping my cheek with his cleat and I crawled to the closet where they kept extra belts, ropes and other things they used to hurt me.

"A belt?! How much does this freak let you do to him?" asked Chase as he started adjusting his cock in his sweats.

"Let me?! He doesn't LET ME do anything. He is our property and we do what ever we want to it. The freaky thing is he seems to love it all. The more pain the better. And once he gets some pit stink or some ball sweat up his nose he practically begs for more," answered the younger of my Masters.

I brought back a thick black belt with a big square buckle. I laid it at Matt's feet. I quickly crawled back to the closet and got a 3" wide belt with studs on it and laid it at Chase's feet. He kind of backed up as I approached. I don't blame him for being a little weirded out. It's probably not everyday he see's a full-fledged masochist faggot at his feet.

Matt dragged me back to him by my hair. He dropped me and came around in front of me. I was on my elbows, legs spread giving him the perfect shot at my jock covered ball sack. He spit on my face and said "What do you want, bitch?"

"Matt, please show Chase how much I can take. Destroy my balls with your feet, please?" I spread my legs further, raising my ass up off the ground, essentially presenting my balls to him for abuse at his whim.

Chase gasped "Holy FUCK!"

Matt still had one cleat on. He lifted his leg and placed his cleat on my face. He slowly scraped it starting his descent, pulling down my lip, scratching my chin and all the way down my chest and abs. He ground the toe in the place between my cock and balls, seperating them. My balls hung low in the jock pouch. Slowly he pulled his leather covered foot back before slamming it up, with all his strength into my balls. My knees buckled and my arms shook but I managed to hold my position. He kicked me 4 more times. He then stood on my stomach with his cleated foot and placed the other foot, still covered in his stinking sock, over my mouth. He transfered the weight between my face and my gut. He settled on my face and stomped his foot into my abs several times. He climbed down. He reached down and pulled off his sock. He rubbed my face in it and then replaced it with his beautiful, steaming bare foot. It was slick and it stunk of his musky sweat. I loved it. He had me turn over and he whipped my back with the belt. Not full force, but Matt's easy beatings were worse than most. He kept it up while continuing Chase's "training".

"I used to get myself into a lot of trouble. You know my temper. Now I come up here, beat the fuck out of this piece of shit faggot, use him, abuse him, or whatever the fuck I feel like doing to it and I stay out of jail. It works like a charm. Now, if you had destroyed that motherfucker on the field today, you would be in jail. Instead, you can do everything you wanted to do to that cocksucker to this little bitch, and more. Including making him suck your cock." Matt laughed.

He flipped me over with a kick to the ribs. He then pulled off his other cleat, releasing I cloud of his sexy scent. He peeled his other sock off and dropped it on my face. He was casually stuffing his soaking wet sock into my mouth using his incredibly sexy foot while he talked to Chase.

"So, what do you want to do to it first? Fuck it's face? Maul it's tits? Feed it some sweat?"

Chase looked very serious and finally said "I want to beat the fuck out of it."

Matt cracked up and said "Have at it. Do whatever you want to it, just no broken bones." He picked up the belt and grabbed his socks and cleats before reclining in his Dad's chair. He raised his arms and put them behind his head.

I shivered when I looked at this young stud. His barefeet, which I could still smell, propped up. The small trickle of hair on his rock hard abs and his hairy, dripping pits peeking out from under the sweat covered baseball shirt. The sexiest part of all was the evil grin on his incredibly handsome face.

Chase stepped in front of me, blocking my view of Matt. The bulge in his sweats even bigger now, making me want to bury my face in this new studs crotch. His fists were clenched at his sides.

He turned to Matt and said "He really does look a lot like that asshole who blew my shutout. I am gonna enjoy beating this fag. Stop me if I go too far."

Matt told him no one had gone to far beating me yet but he was welcome to try. He jumped up and put one of his rolled up sweat socks between my teeth as his dad had taught him to when they were focusing on punching my face. "Just a little protection...not for the fag, but so we don't have to pay any doctor bills." He ruffled my hair and said "Sucks to be you, fag. I have a feeling you are in for a rough one."

I looked at Matt and then at Chase and removed my "mouth guard". I admitted to my abuser "I am scared but it is an honor to be here for you two. You are so fucking beautiful to me and I am grateful for anything you do to me. Chase, please use me in any way you would like. The smell coming from your balls is so sexy and just looking at you makes me want to serve you in everyway possible. You look so strong and mean and I can't wait to feel the power of your fists on my face." I bit down on the sock and prepared to receive Chase's rage.

Chase grabbed my hair and swipe slapped me hard. It burned but I pleaded with my eyes for his to hit me again. He did just that. Over and over he slapped my face. Yanking my hair and twisting my head between the brutal slaps. He kept hitting me harder and harder and ripping at my hair with more and more intensity the whole time.

I couldn't really even feel my face anymore by the time he finished. It felt burnt and frozen all at once. He grabbed a hold of my chin and squeezed hard, digging his nails into my skin. He yanked the sock out of my mouth and got right in my face.

"You are disgusting. Letting a man beat you for no reason. What a fucking faggot. Sitting there, looking like a happy puppy after I just beat the fuck out of your fag face. Open your mouth, you piece of shit faggot." I did and he spit a bunch of huge hawkers into my mouth. "Swallow my spit you faggot. You better be grateful for anything that comes out of me. I don't think I will let you taste my cum but I may piss on you before this is all over."

After gulping down his spit I thanked him over and over for beating me and for letting me drink his spit.

"That was no beating faggot! I was just warming up my arm." He closed his fist and put it up to my lips. I grabbed it in my hands and kissed it over and over begging him to punch me out.

"Open" he ordered. I did and he reinserted the sock to protect my teeth from shattering. It was the last word he spoke for awhile.

I guess he wanted me standing for the first punch as I dragged me up by my hair. No one has ever hit me as hard as Chase did without knocking me out. I guess cause I was really well prepared for it. He had ground his fist all over my face concentrating on my lips and my eyes. I knew his fist well by the time he drew back and connected with my jaw. I would have fallen if he hadn't had me by the hair. I know some of it ripped out of my head because I saw it fall as Chase let go and shook it from his hand. He punched me in the same place on my face so many time I lost track. Then he switched his focus and continued my beating with eight quick punches to my gut followed by an awesome left hook to my cheekbone. I started to blackout but he slapped me forehand and backhand with all his might. It was impossible to decide which hurt more, the punch or the slaps. It was also impossible to tell which made me cum.

Chase must've noticed the tell-tale twitching at my hips because he screamed in my face. "Did you just jizz yourself you fucking queer? Just from me destroying your face? You are one sick motherfucker, you know that? If that got your fag jollies off, just fucking wait."

He repeated the 8 shots to my gut and the left-hook to my cheek 4 more times. I was euphoric. The punches were wicked powerful, extremely painful and each one turned me on more than the last.

Next he grabbed me by the shoulders and drove his knee up into my balls at least a dozen times in rapid succession. It felt like my nuts were somewhere above my stomach but all I could think about was licking the sweat that coated his sexy straight blond hair as it clung to his forehead.

He spit in my face so hard it stung. He drove his forearm into my throat and started tearing at my nipples with his strong, rough fingers. He would pull and twist for a couple seconds and then pound my gut with his fist. After a few minutes of this, he reached down and squeezed my aching nuts. I was scared about how much of this I could take as Bob and Matt only ever touched my package with their feet or a closed fist. My cock, however, throbbed at this new experience. Chase was gritting his teeth and kind of hissing in my face as he squeezed harder and harder. I felt like they might pop right in their sack as he closed that massive fist tighter around them. Right when I was sure that actually crushing them was his goal he released them only to abuse them further with 6 mind numbing punches. This time, he let me collapse to the floor.

He straddled my body and looked like he was about to reach down to grab me when Matt interupted. "Dude. I hate to break your flow but that beer is running through me and I need to piss."

Chase was definitely in the zone and turned on his friend. "So go piss!"

Matt laughed and told him he was too comfortable and didn't want to get up. "Use the belt on his back while I piss down his throat."

Chase grabbed my hair, punched me one more time and pretty much threw me over to Bob's chair, where Matt was waiting for me to take out his cock, put it in my mouth and swallow his piss. I was in serious pain and seriously thrilled to be crawling over to my young Master to serve him.

When I was close enough, Matt grabbed my ear and pulled my face down to his crotch. "Get a whiff of that, fag."

His cock and balls were stuffed in his sweat pants and the scent was unbelievable. His unwashed ball smell drove me crazy. Mixed with his pungent precum it was more than I could take. I pressed my nose in the fold between his package and his thigh and I inhaled deeply. Matt crossed his leg over and pressed his foot down on me, burying my face in his stench. I breathed in as deeply as I could, filling myself up with the manly stink from his crotch.

Chase started whipping me with the belt I presented at his feet. He wasn't shy about it. Matt eased the pressure on my head and I knew that it was time to drink. I lowered the waist band of his gray sweats with my teeth. It took awhile, giving Chase more time to tear up my back. It was so sexy to be covered in Matt's scent, anticipating his cock in my mouth and feeling Chase behind me, taking out his aggravation on my back. I managed to lower Matt's boxer briefs and his fat, white cock was free. I took the head in my mouth and remained as still as possible.

Slowly, Matt's piss started to enter my mouth. It tasted great. A little bitter but mostly his processed beer. Usually they piss in me with their cocks buried in my throat. It was a treat to be able to taste it. Perhaps he knew it would make it easier for me to take Chase's increasingly rough beating.

I stole a glimpse of Matt's arm pits when he put his buff arms back behind his head. He smiled when he heard (and felt) me moan. He was beautiful. He just kept pissing in my mouth.

And Chase just kept whipping me with the belt.

All good things must come to an end and Matt pushed me off his cock. "That's all I got fag. Go bend over at the foot of the bed and give Chase a better shot at your back."

I did as I was told.

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