My Room Over the Garage

By moc.oohay@yarpsrej

Published on Sep 6, 2013



My Room Over the Garage (Part Four)

While he slapped me with his barefeet Bob told me that construction would start in two days. He was expanding my room over the garage to include office space for the days he would be working from home. He promised the process would include a few surprises for me. As he pounded my face with his slick, sweaty feet I could see his cock throbbing in his shorts. He must've smacked my face 50 times before he stopped. The last blow really rattled my brains. I could feel myself start to slip away, smiling as I collapsed but Bob jumped out of his chair and grabbed me by the neck.

"Oh, no you don't. You ain't passin out yet. I got so much more for you, faggot. You want it or not?!" he screamed in my face. I nodded my head, begging him with my eyes to keep hurting me as he slammed me up against the wall and bit down hard on my lower lip. I was fully awake now. The back of my head ached and I could taste blood as my hot Master continued to dig his teeth into my swollen lip. I fucking love it when he is this close to me. After about a minute he released my lip and replaced his hand at my neck with his forearm. He began pummelling my abs with his fist.

"Count 'em out, bitch!" he screamed.

I choked and coughed out the numbers and got to 15 when he stopped and grabbed my face in his hand.

"That's my good faggot. I fucking love hitting you, baby!" He slapped me a few times, not too hard. Then he said, "Get ready."

He lowered his forearm and stood right in front of me. One hand on each of my shoulders. He spit repeatedly in my face while he kneed me in the balls and cock over and over.

He lifted my chin gently. "How are you doing, bitch?" he asked.

"Bobby, I love you. Please hurt me some more, Daddy."

He bit down on my nipple and started chewing while he took his cock out. It was rock hard and throbbing. He stood up and pressed against me. He started jamming his cock into my ball sack. Thrusting it hard into my unprotected flesh. It hurt like hell when he really connected. He was biting me and punching me the whole time he was ramming his cock into my groin.

"So, bitch" RAM "you know who's going to be helping me build my office?" PUNCH/RAM "The Uncles!"

Every muscle in my body tightened. RAM/PUNCH/PUNCH/PUNCH

"That's right, faggot. The Uncles are coming back and they told me not to bother to pay them for their help because you would be paying them in full."

Bobby was literally fucking me from the front, his cock thrusting deeper and deeper into my belly through my ball sac. He raised his arm and covered my mouth and nose with his pit. The smell was incredible. The perfect stench of a man. His pit was soaking wet and it filled my nose and coated my lips. I was in heaven.

His one free hand was twisting my nipple. He started pounding me harder and faster. In spite of the pain or maybe because of it, I thought about "the uncles."

I flashed on the last visit from "the uncles." I was on my knees. They liked an audience. Matt held one of my wrists, Bob the other. The Uncles took turns fucking my throat. They were huge. And so were their cocks. I couldn't talk for almost a week after that session. I choked and I gagged and it just turned them on all the more. Every time I passed out, all 4 of them, Bob, Matt and Bob's brothers, Justin and Jacob, pounded me with their belts until I came to. And once I did, it was back up on my knees, arms stretched out by my Master and his son as these two hulking men fucked my face as hard and as deep as they could. For hours I had huge cocks drilling my throat. They came so many times I lost track.

Bob and Matt amused themselves by smoking joint after joint of what must've been killer weed while they held me in place for the uncles. Every once in awhile, someone would have to piss. You might think drinking their piss would have been a relief from the facefucking I was taking. The uncles kept up the abuse by making sure that who ever was pissing down my throat was also squeezing my nose.The effect was that I felt like I was drowning in piss. In addition, they would use this time to punish my ass. Since my face was plastered against the rock hard abs of whichever one of my abusers was using me as their toilet, I had no idea what was being shoved in me. Nor did I know when it was going in. The result was excruciating pain. By the time they were done pissing in me, I was dying for them to go back to fucking my throat instead of my torn-up asshole.

After what must've been several hours the uncles announced they were done fucking my mouth. Matt and Bob took turns beating on my face for a couple minutes each before unloading down my throat. It took all my strength to clean up their sweaty bodies before they headed downstairs.

Before he left, Bob grabbed my chin and squeezed. I opened my swollen, beaten lips to receive his spit. I was so grateful as his spit went across my worn out tongue and down my ragged throat. I looked into his eyes to thank him the only way I could.

"You'll be ok, bitch. You're gonna make my brothers happy, right?" as he nodded my head for me. I tried to make a noise. "What's that, faggot? Oh, don't worry, they are just getting started." All four guys laughed and high-fived as Bob and Matt left.

Justin was now sitting on the edge of the bed when he spoke. "Ok, you fucking faggot piece of shit, get on all fours in front of me." Of course, I did. He nodded to Jacob who grabbed the back of my head and started to shove my mouth down onto his brother's outstretched foot.

It had to be at least a size 12. Thankfully, it was slick with sweat. I managed to get the first four toes in without any trouble. Jacob stuck his finger into the corner of my mouth and stretched my lips out over the pinky. My dick was throbbing and very near cumming from the stench of this gorgeous giant of a man with his foot in my mouth and the strong hand of his equally gorgeous brother forcing me down on it.

Once Jacob had my mouth past the wide part of his brother's foot, he released my head and stood up to place his own foot on the back of my head. He forced my face down on his brother's foot with slow, unyeilding pressure. The scraping stopped when Justin's toenails were past the roof of my mouth which was a huge relief. I was coughing and sputtering as Justin's stinking toes pushed against the opening of my throat. I felt the pressure ease on my head but it wasn't to last for long. Jacob sat down hard on my back and grasped my head in his hands again.

"Come on, you fucking faggot!" Justin said from above me, "just a couple more inches and we'll let up on you."

I took a big breath in and tried to open up even wider. Jacob shoved down as Justin shoved up and at least a couple of his toes entered my throat. It was strangely euphoric. My lips were screaming with pain, my jaw felt unhinged but there was something so perfect about being completely at the mercy of these two brutish brothers.

I could feel Jacob's balls bouncing on my back as he jerked his massive cock. Justin was rubbing his other foot on my cheek and torn lips as he pulsed his foot and wiggled his toes in my throat. What little air I could take in through my nose was filled with Justin's foot stench. We stayed that way for several minutes.

Jacob was the first to move.

He got behind me and yanked my hips off the ground and plunged his huge veiny cock into me in one move. I hoped it was mostly sweat that allowed him to keep from ripping me even further but suspected some of it was blood from the earlier assault. I wished I could see it. I knew I would cum if I did.

Jacob banged me harder than I had ever been fucked before. He liked to twist and turn a bit, smashing the head of his dick into the walls of my entrance. It was painful and I loved it. Occassionally he would shove the ball of his hand into the back of my head, shoving me deeper onto his brother's foot.

Justin seemed content to have me captive with his foot lodged in my face. I couldn't see for sure, but I think he was jerking his cock. Every once in a while he would rub his other foot on my face, scratch a toe nail across my forehead or wiggle his toes under my nose. The smell kept me peaceful and rockhard.

I was quickly brought back from my memory by the task at hand. The cock of my beautiful, sadistic Master. In one quick move he had me on my knees and his cock deep in my throat.

He unloaded in my mouth for the 3rd time that day. Rope after rope of cum entered me as I deeply inhaled the sweet smell of his sex. He just stood there dumping his load into my mouth. I stared up at him and was reminded that I am the luckiest faggot in the world to be the one kneeling in front of this beautiful, strong, sweaty straight man. I was his cum dump, his urinal, his punching bag, his footstool and his human wash rag. I loved serving him and each load of his cum that he fed me made me more and more his possession.

He must've sensed what I was thinking because he looked down and me and nodded. "I know, faggot. You need this so bad, don't you?" I nodded and immediately began to cry. He shushed me and rubbed my head, pulled his cock slowly from my lips and backhanded me twice with each hand. I crawled to his feet and planted dry kisses all over them. He stomped on my head, banging it almost too hard. He kicked me hard in the ass over and over. I heard him pull his belt out of his shorts as he stepped out of them. I felt his underwear land on the back of my head. He snapped the belt once before burning it down on my back for 12 lashes. I could handle this so much better if I could move his stinking jockeys to my face instead and sniff them but I knew he would be pissed so I tried to find his feet through my tears before I finally collapsed.

"Turn over. NOW!" he called from above.

I flipped onto my back even though it felt charred.

"Here, let me wipe away those tears," he said as he dropped down full weight, his asshole a direct hit on my mouth.

"Deep breaths, fag. Let me hear you sucking up my sweat."

His ass smelled perfect. Just the slighest hint of anything unclean over powered by his pure musky sweat.

I inhaled deeply and I came again into my jock. He never acknowledges my cock except to punch it, kick it or step on it. Today is no different. He leans back putting his weight on his arms. I know whats coming. I braced just in time to receive his first punishing kick to my balls.

"Pathetic faggot! You cum just from me beating you and from smelling my ass. What a sick fuck you are. I bet if I shit in your mouth you'd still love me!"

I nod my head, secretly relieved that this is a line he will not cross but knowing I would accept this ultimate humiliation if it would please him. Luckily for me, the focus of his need for me is for me to worship him, his sweat, his powerful fists and his perfect feet.

"Matt should be home from his game any minute. If you clean me up quick, you may get a little break while I go fuck my beautiful wife."

His heel connects with my balls one last time as he climbs off my face. Bob snatches up his jockeys on his way to his chair. I crawl over to get a fresh towel.

"Uh-uh, fag. Get your 'pillow' from last night, we can just add to that. I have a feeling you are gonna need it. Matt lost his game."

I grabbed the towel he prepped for me after last night's beating. I couldn't resist pressing it to my face and inhaling all of Bob's stench. I knew without a doubt, I was in for a long afternoon enduring Matt's rage.

Before I knew it, I was on my back. A full-force punch to the stomach knocked me down.

Bob is screaming. "Did I tell you to sniff that shit, you fucking faggot?! You greedy little bitch! I don't give you enough? You haven't learned by now? You can smell me when I TELL YOU CAN! Fuck! You think you can just take from me whenever you want?! I will leave you up here alone for a week with no feet, no pits, no balls and no fists," he yelled, all the while slapping my face, pinching my nipples and kicking me in the balls.

"Please, Bob, forgive me. I don't know what I was thinking. I just couldn't resist it. Please don't punish me like that. Anything! I'll do anything just please don't stop using me...even for a day." I begged and begged.

"Fucking greedy, stupid faggot. You won't see me back here tonight, that's for sure. You can think all day about what you've done and start praying I come to you tomorrow. Now, clean me up and put the towel directly into the laundry!"

I cried and thanked him the whole time I was drying off his beautiful, sweat covered body. To put this towel in the washer was a terrible waste of his stench. It killed me but, of course, I would obey him.

As I put a fresh wife-beater and socks on him the tears were rolling down my cheeks at the thought that he might not be back for a while. When I was finished I laid down on my side and put my head directly in front of his foot. It was the most extreme act of submission I could think of.

I heard him kind of snort in disgust and my heart broke. He lit a cigarette, expelled the smoke in a long drawn out puff. He must've decided to take pity on me because as he stood up, he ground his sock covered foot on my face and kicked me hard in the gut before heading downstairs.

I silently prayed. It was more than I could hope for that he would come back after he fucked his wife, so I concentrated on him coming back after work tomorrow.

All of a sudden I heard him talking to Matt. He sounded agitated to say the least. I hoped he would still let Matt come up and use me in spite of how mad he was.

I could only make out bits and pieces of the conversation. Matt: "It just slipped out!" Bob: "How do you know you can trust him" Matt: "He really needs it." Bob: "It's too late now I suppose."

I heard the door close only to open a few seconds later. I crawled to the top of the stairs and laid on my back. I guessed Bob was coming back because I clearly heard 2 sets of feet coming up the stairs. I felt Matt's rubber cleat step on my gut. I was expecting Bob to step on me next but instead Matt grabbed me by the hair and literally threw me to the middle of the room. I fell with a thud to my knees. I thought, "Bob was right, I am gonna need all the help I can get to make it through this session."

Matt kicked me from behind and I fell flat on the floor. He placed one foot on my neck and held me down.

I braced for whatever might come next. Matt still managed to surprise me when I heard him say, "Come on in, this is the faggot I was telling you about."

Next: Chapter 5

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