My Right to Own

By Paul Vanden Boogard

Published on Mar 26, 2011


I decided the next day to bring my slave shopping, and dressed him in his jeans and a button shirt, no underwear. At the store I instructed him on what to purchase; a pair of black full length nylons, a skimpy, lacey women's black thong with pink bows, black crotchless panties, and a garter belt, giving him enough cash to cover the cost and telling him to wait for me in the car. In the meantime I checked out the men's underwear to see if there was anything interesting, and settled on a new black jock strap. I wandered around housewares as well, then into pet supplies. There was one thing there that I needed.

When I got home I had my slave model my new finery for me, each piece individually and in different combinations. I enjoyed the fact that he blushed severely the first few times. More rewarding was the look of humility and degradation on his face. I liked the look of the garter belt and nylons with the lacey black thong.

"I want the floors swept and scrubbed."

I was on vacation, but I still needed to check my e-mails daily, so I fired up the computer, then went for a cup of coffee, stopping a moment to admire how I had dressed my slave. I did a quick read through to see if there was anything important, then decided to go build a fire, stopping to fondle my property a little as I passed it. It was true that I had little to do. I had only taken a week's vacation to break in my new slave, but I had no intention of paying too much attention to him, other than to keep him busy with housework and use him as my sex toy.

And as my toilet. It seemed to happen every time I stepped into the coolness of the basement that I had to pee.

I gave a quick, sharp whistle, and my slave came prancing down the steps. Rising from the fireplace I turned and unzipped my pants, taking out my cock as I watched the flames grow. When I felt his lips wrap around my cock, I let loose with a stream of piss, then looked down to watch my slave as he gulped it obediently down.

"Finish your work," I said, tucking myself back in and watching as his little sissy ass swished back up the stairs.

I supposed it was time for lunch, so once I was satisfied with the fire I trundled back up the steps to make some sandwiches, filling the new dog bowl I had purchased with some water for my slave to drink from. He had already swept the floor, but hadn't began to scrub it yet, so it didn't matter that the sandwich I threw down for him left a pile of crumbs.

When I finished eating I checked the fire again, then paused in the doorway of the bathroom to watch my slave as he knelt on the floor with a rag, my pussy winking out from beneath the string of the black thong, the bulge of his cock and balls entrapped in lace between his legs, the black straps of the garter stretched across his ass cheeks as they held up the black nylons. A pretty little slave whore.

I decided to kick back and read for a while, whistling when I was in need of coffee or a cigarette. In due time my slave came in to scrub the hardwood floor in the living room as well, and I set my book down for a moment to watch.

"Come here," I snapped my fingers, pointing to the space just to my left. He went down to his knees and I ordered him up.

"At my side you stand, unless I tell you otherwise. At my feet or between my legs you're on your knees."

Opening my book again, I reached out to play with my property, batting the ball sack back and forth lightly, feeling the smoothness of my clit and the hairy little patch around my pussy. My cunt was tight and dry.

"Lube and teardrop."

My slave returned promptly with the items and I plugged my pussy for the day, then sent him back to work.

"Toilet," I called to him at one point. Trapped in my jeans as I was I had to stand to pee, but it gave me a chance to stretch. I had only been reading for about an hour and a half. I sent my slave back to his work and remembered the fire, taking a break from my reading to go tend it.

"Don't forget the back hall and basement steps," I said as I meandered down them. I re-stoked the fire and sat down in front of it, finishing my coffee and watching my slave's naked ass as it slowly came down the stairs.

"Wait," I told it as it wrung out the rag for the last time. Uncertain whether or not to finish its task or obey immediately, he finally dropped the rag back into the pail and hurried to his place.

"That's a good bitch," I said into its ear as I popped the teardrop in and out of my pussy a few times. I went upstairs for a chain and some locks, hanging my slave from the ceiling by its collar and handcuffing its hands behind its back. I still had errands to run, and I didn't want my slave wandering idly about the house. As a precaution, I set an ice cream pail in front of it, pulling its cock out of one side of the panties.

"If you piss, you better not miss."

Shutting off the basement light, I pulled on my jacket and stepped out into the cold. I still had Friday's deposits to put in the bank and some grocery shopping to do. I also considered running over to a friend's house, but decided to do that another day instead. Once I got home, I started a fresh pot of coffee and retired to my office with a cup to enter the transaction in the ledgers. I had to pee again, so I unchained my urinal, emptied my bladder, then sent him out to get the groceries from the car. He was shivering by the time he was finished, so I pulled him close to warm him up, my hands caressing his hairless, naked body.

"That's a good boy. Now go dust the living room."

I put the groceries away, then sat in the living room with a fresh cup of coffee to watch my slave work and give it instructions. It was fitting to have my bitch dressed in nylons and a garter and panties, but I wanted to see its cock and balls while it worked, so I had it remove the panties, running to put them away in the one drawer I had designated for it. When it came back I called it over to suck my cock.

"There you go. That's Daddy's good little bitch. You have no idea how lucky you are to be my little faggot cunt."

I sent him back to his work. Though it was cold outside, the sun was bright and streaming in through the western window, painting lines of sunlight across his body as he went back to his dusting, and I watched how his muscles flexed with his movements. Damn, I owned ome hot little slave.

"Now go empty your scrub pail and your piss pail," I told him after he had finished.

When those tasks were complete I removed the collar and gave him a pair of jeans and a shirt, watching as he pulled them over the nylons and garter belt. I still did not allow him to wear any underwear, or any socks. Once I had him in tennis shoes and a jacket he followed me out to the car, and I had him sit across from me in the booth at the restaurant. When the waitress came I ordered myself a coffee and my slave a soda. She returned promptly, then left us to look over the menu.

"You've been a well behaved bitch today."

He squirmed and blushed, no doubt well aware of the teardrop up his ass and the nylons hugging his hairless legs.

"You have permission to speak."

"I really don't have much of a choice, Daddy."

"No, you don't, though you could choose to resist. Of course, if you did, I'd just punish you, and then I'd probably punish you a second time for causing me the need to punish you."

The waitress returned and I looked up from my menu.

"He'll have the kiddie fish plate and I'll have the sirloin dinner."

He blushed again. "I...I don't really eat fish."

"You'll eat what I give you," I said sternly, turning my attention on him. He ducked his head and turned a deeper shade of red. The waitress paused as though to ask him if that was what he wanted but clamped her mouth closed and hurried off when I turned my gaze back to her.

"Your place doesn't change in public."

"Yes Daddy," he murmured quietly.

The waitress served us quickly and quietly, refilling my coffee cup only because I indicated it to her with a point of my finger.

"When we get home you're going to strip, shave, bathe, and clean out my pussy. Put the clothes you're wearing back in the drawer."

He glanced quickly up at me from beneath his eyebrows, his head dropping between his shoulders again.

"Did you hear me?" I asked a little more loudly.

"Yes Daddy," he squeaked, glancing nervously around us. There was a young family a few booths away from us, and they may have turned to look our direction, but I neither noticed nor paid any attention.

"I expect you to acknowledge me when I speak to you."

"Yes Daddy."

"What are you?"

He glanced around again, his expression distraught.

"Your slave."

"Yes, you're my slave, my property. The only thing that is important to you, is me! When I want a whore, you're a whore. When I want a fuck hole, that's all you are, a fuck hole. When I want a little slave bitch, then you're a slave bitch. And I always expect you to show me how much you appreciate being each and every one. I own you, and that makes you the luckiest little bitch in the world!"

He was squirming uncontrollably, and I knew it was partially due to the fact that his cock was trapped in his jeans and trying vainly to get hard. Instructing him to finish his meal, I flagged down the waitress and paid the bill, leaving a five spot on the table as a tip before ushering him out. As soon as he entered the house behind me, he kicked off his shoes and ran to obey my earlier instructions. I strolled into the bathroom just as he was filling the douche bottle, carrying a pile of old rags.

"From now on, these are what you use. These are your towels and your wash clothes and your cleaning rags, and whatever else you need them for."

I opened the door and threw them into the cupboard under the sink, then left him to carry out my commands. It was nearly half an hour later before he was on his knees in front of me, kissing my feet. I glanced over the top of my book as I felt his lips encircle my big toe, then returned to my reading, luxuriating in the sensation of my feet being massaged by his hot lips and tongue. I read through to the end of the chapter before setting the book aside.

"Socks in the laundry and put my shoes away. Then bring me the toy box."

I locked my collar back in place around his neck, then shackled the wrist and ankle cuffs back onto my slave, locking a short length of heavy chain between each. From the chain between his wrists I strung another to the leather cock ring, and yet another chain from there to the chain between his ankles. I pointed to the floor, then snapped my leash onto the collar as he fell to his hands and knees. I gave it a tug and started walking, my slave crawling hurriedly behind me. Too close, my heel came up and caught him in the jaw. Stopping, I stepped his head onto the tile floor.

"Shouldn't you be careful, bitch?"

"Yes Daddy, sorry Daddy," he cried out.

"Come over here," I tugged on the leash again.

"Do you see these grease spots on the floor?" I pointed to the area in front of the stove.

"Yes Daddy."

"Didn't I tell you to scrub this floor?"

"I did Daddy!"

"Well you did a piss poor job. Now lick those up!"

He dove on them with his tongue. I reached between his legs and felt his rock hard cock, then slipped my finger into my pussy.

"Is this clean?"

"Yes Daddy," he answered quickly between licks.

I dropped the leash and went to the cupboard for a clean cup.

"It's the end of the third day. Your initiation is over. From this point on I expect absolute obedience and servitude. From the moment I unlock you in the morning to the moment I chain you back in your place at night your every action will be in service to me."

Filling my cup with water, I put it in the microwave to heat for tea.

"Every time I shit on the toilet you will take one of your rags and wipe it clean, then lick the seat clean to show your adoration for my ass having sat there. After every meal you will lick up every spill and every crumb there is to be found, grateful that I allow you to do so. Every time I enter the house you will crawl to me, eager for the honor of licking the dirt from my shoes."

I perused my selection, waiting for his response, then decided on black tea with orange.

"Every day you will have a list of chores, and every day you will complete each and every one of them, whether I am here or not. Your breakfast will be in your dog bowl next to your water dish, and you will eat what, where, and when I tell you for supper. Once my supper is finished and the kitchen is clean you will bathe, shave, and clean my pussy. Every day."

"Yes Daddy."

"And after every task you complete, every command you obey, you will come to me and kiss my feet to thank me for the fact that you are nothing but a low life little bitch slave."

"Yes Daddy."

I could barely hear his meek response. He was in tears and came groveling to my feet.

"Thank you Daddy."

I returned to my book, and my slave returned to my feet. I only had to unzip my pants and pull out my cock to have his lips wrap around it immediately so I could pee.


I rose and went to the bedroom to undress, slipping on my robe and settling back onto the couch to watch TV. My slave crawled from his "wait" spot to return to kissing my feet.

"Get the dildo."

I had him stand to the left of the arm of the couch, his legs spread and my pussy turned toward me. Lubing up the dildo, I slid it in and out of my pussy as I watched my show, twisting it around, wiggling it, and stabbing it in at different angles. Now and again I would watch as my pussy's lips pulsed and throbbed around the dildo, my slave grunting and moaning in short little gasps. When I had had enough I sent him to wash the dildo and put it away, then allowed him the honor of sucking my cock hard before I fucked my cunt. My pussy was hot and wet and slippery as my cock entered it, and I took my time, grinding in slowly and deeply as I watched TV, my slave on his knees and bent over the footstool. I fucked until my knees started to get sore, then relaxed back on the couch and stuffed my cock hole down over my shaft, forcing it to suck up and down the entire length of it until I shot my load. My dick clean and my balls emptied, my slave returned to my feet to thank me. I snapped me fingers and held out my cupped hand.

He looked at me, uncertain what to do.

"When I hold out my hand like this I want my bitch balls in it."

"Yes Daddy," he scrambled to his feet. His cock was standing rock hard and deep red in color as he straddled my hand to placed his balls into my palm. I rolled them around in my hand, then reached to jiggle the chain leading down to his legs from his sack. His rock hard cock bobbed up and down accordingly.

"Why is your cock hard bitch?"

He struggled to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"I'll tell you why," I said. "It's because you like knowing that you're nothing but my cunt. You want someone to take you and to make you into nothing."

His face turned as beat red as his cock.

"Yes Daddy."

"Lay down in front of me, spread your legs and stroke my little bitch cock."

He obeyed quickly and gratefully, though his gratitude was more for the fact that he was being allowed to jack off, and not for being in service to me. At this point that fact didn't really matter. The day would come when it wouldn't matter to him whether he came or not, only that he was pleasing me. Wrapping his fingers around his shaft he started pumping up and down, his eyes closed as he jacked himself off. I picked up the dildo and slid it deep inside my pussy and tugged on the chain again, pushing the rise of his orgasm even closer.

"Whatever you're thinking right now, you're still just my bitch. The only reason you're being allowed to cum is because I want to see it."

As if in response to my words he shot his load, groaning loudly as it splattered onto his chest and stomach. I pushed to dildo in as deep as it would go, the base of it nestled in my palm as I cupped his ass cheeks with my fingers, holding his ass high into the air where he had thrust it. When he finally stopped spurting I pulled the dildo out and threw it on his chest.

"Wash that and wash up, then go lay down for the night."

He languidly crawled to his feet and scampered away as I relaxed back to finish watching my TV show.

I continued to train my slave throughout the rest of the week, both in general rules and guidelines as well as in specific expected responses and behaviors to my commands. He understood that he was never to touch the mail or use the television. He would be allowed to play music from a small radio when I was at work, but it had better be off before I walked in the door. Of course, the computer was off limits, though he would need my password to log onto it anyway.

"You have no money and nowhere to go, and the chance of you getting out of your chains is slim. So unless you decide to run away naked, I doubt that you're going anywhere, so I don't see the need to chain you to the ceiling while I am at work."

"Thank you, Daddy. I'll behave Daddy."

"Of course you will. You're too afraid of how badly I will punish you if you ever disobey me."

Nothing I had done so far could be deemed as punishment, even the five hard whippings he had received from me. That had done nothing more than reddened his ass a little.

I snapped my fingers and pointed to the floor next to me, and he rushed to stand in the spot as I sipped my evening tea.


He dropped onto the hardwood floor, spreading his knees and feet apart to sit between them, his arms straight beneath him so his head was level with my crotch.

"When I say `down,' that is the position you will assume." I picked up my foot and placed it squarely on his shoulders, pushing down until his face was on the floor.

" grovel."

Removing my foot, I grabbed the loop of the collar and pulled his head back up, then reached back to grab his ass and pull that into the air as well so that he was kneeling on all fours.

"And this position is `four up.'"

I also taught him "sit" and "sit up."

Pausing for a moment, I uttered the word "down," and his knees and feet spread as his ass dropped immediately to the floor.


His elbows flying out to the side, he dropped his face and shoulders to the floor as well.

"Four up."

Like a piston in a machine, he popped up to kneel on all fours. Wetting my finger, I flipped the page of my book and returned to my reading. Seeing that he was being ignored, he wavered a moment, then went to kiss my feet.

"Thank you for training me Daddy."

His words caused my cock to grow rigid under my robes. It wasn't the words themselves, but what they implied. He was beginning to understand what it meant to be my slave, beginning to learn the joy of absolute servitude and appreciate his place in the world. In my world.

Aside from the collar, I had left him free of any chains and shackles throughout the day, preferring him completely naked, with just my teardrop being held by my pussy. As expected, he was showered clean and shaved smooth, his body glowing faintly with coconut oil and my pussy empty and waiting. It didn't matter whether or not I intended to use my pussy tonight. I expected it to be cleaned every day.

My cock grew hard because he was beginning to perceive himself as I perceived him. A tool. A pet. An object.

A slave.

He had licked and suckled both of my feet completely, going over them thoroughly twice, and began rubbing his head on the inside of my calf, moving slowly up to my thigh. Setting my book in my lap, I looked down on him.

"Do you want something?"

His shoulders came up to his ears as he ducked his head.

"I want to suck your cock Daddy."

He could see my balls and the base of my erect cock through a gap in the robe I was wearing. I was very glad that he wanted to suck my cock.

"I'll allow you to suck my cock when I want it sucked. The only thing that you want is to serve me."

He fell into a grovel.

"Yes Daddy."

"Go get the dildo."

He scurried quickly away, returning with it in his hand and offering it to me on his hands and knees. Rather than taking it, I spoke down to him, pointing to a spot on the floor just beyond my feet.

"You want cock in your mouth? Suck that."

Crawling to the spot I had indicated, he held the dildo upright from the floor and bent over it to obey, sucking on it unenthusiastically. Leaving my book in my lap, I watched him for a little bit.

"What are you sucking?"

He looked up at me both surprised and confused, his mouth poised open just above it.

"The dildo, Daddy," he answered tentatively.

"My dildo," I barked at him. "You wanted a cock in your mouth. Don't you appreciate that I am allowing you to have one? Don't you appreciate the fact that I am allowing you to use something of mine?"

My anger brought a look of fear and consternation to his face and tears to his eyes, which made my softening cock throb suddenly back to life.

"Yes Daddy," he trembled, ducking his head away from me again.

"Then show me how much you appreciate it, bitch!" I ordered.

Holding the dildo firmly, he returned to sucking it, his eyes fixed on his lips as they encircled it, his tongue lapping out to lick the shaft and cup the bulbous head. Returning to my book, I read the next paragraph, then glanced to check on his performance. He appeared to be paying very close attention to pleasing me. Snapping my fingers, I pointed to the floor just to my right. Jumping up, he rushed to occupy the spot, his arms crossed behind him as he spread his legs apart, his cock standing at attention. Taking his cock and balls in my hand, I squeezed them.

"What are you, bitch?"

He grunted from the pressure of my fingers.

"You're slave, Daddy," he whined.

I tightened my grip and he let out a high pitched groan. I simply stared at him, waiting.

"Nothing, Daddy," he whimpered, "I'm nothing. Please Daddy..."

I released his balls and hooked a loop in the collar, pulling him sharply to his knees. Bending over him, I spoke gruffly into his ear.

"You like being nothing, don't you?"

He nodded his head against my shoulder.

"You're proud to be nothing but a slave and a bitch, aren't you?"

He nodded again.

"And you're damn awful lucky that you're my little bitch, aren't you?" I growled through clenched teeth.

"Yes Daddy," he squeaked.

I let him go and spread my legs, opening up my robe to reveal my rock hard cock. He was eager to crawl between my legs, but paused before taking it in his mouth. He hadn't received my permission yet.

"My cock wants my hole," I said as I sat back and opened my book. A hot tongue slid up my shaft, and warm, wet lips engulfed the head of my cock, my slave eager to please me, his thoughts centered not on what he was doing, but on his Master's cock and the pleasure that it needed to receive from him. The sensation was excruciatingly pleasant and I set my book aside once again to enjoy it, allowing my orgasm to rise of its own accord until my balls pumped out a load of cum.

"Give me the dildo and sit here in my lap."

When he was snuggled in, I slid my dildo up inside my pussy, then returned to my reading, working the dildo in and out at leisure. At first he lay there rigidly, but it wasn't long before I felt him relax, his tongue and lips finding their way to my left nipple as he started sucking at it gently. I pushed the dildo all the way in, reached to turn my page, then returned my hand just in time to catch it from sliding all the way out and resumed working it in and out of my pussy. His cock was hard and pulsing between his legs, a clear drop of pre-cum oozing from its tip.

At length I withdrew the dildo and threw it on the floor, instructing him to wash it and put it away. Moving the bookmark, I closed the book and rose to find a last snack. Deciding on a piece of apple pie, I warmed up a piece in the microwave, then dropped a piece on the floor next to my chair for my slave, crushing it onto the hardwood beneath my foot as I sat.

Scampering into the kitchen, my slave stopped. Seeing the mess the piece of pie had made on my foot, he fell to his knees to quickly clean it off with his tongue. Once I felt he had done an adequate job I pulled my foot away and allowed him to lick the rest of the pie from the floor.

"Thank you Daddy," my slave whined as he crawled beneath the table to lick my feet.


He bumped his head hard as he hurried to obey, but never paused in reaction to my command.

"What flavor Daddy?" he stood astride the selection.

"Double spice."

My tea served, he went to stand in his "wait" spot, his head bowed and his eyes regarding me in furtive glances beneath his brow. Dropping the fork onto my empty plate, I picked up my tea and strolled through the door, down the hallway, and into my office, checking my email for the last time and finishing my tea before going to brush my teeth. By the time I returned my empty cup had been removed to be washed, my slave creeping in a few moments later to once again stand and wait.

Opening another email, I snapped my fingers and pointed to the floor.

"Down," I uttered.

Dropping my hand to my side I pushed two of my fingers between his lips, my eyes fixed on the document I was reading. I was pleased when he didn't hesitate for a moment before suckling on them gently. Operating the mouse with my left, I closed the finished document, then hooked my fingers in his mouth to pull him to his feet as I stood. Grabbing a fistful of hair I pulled him against me, wrapping my lips over his as I squeezed his warm, naked, hairless flesh against mine. Again, he melted into my embrace, returning the kiss fervently. Taking his cock and balls into my hand, I held them in place as I sat back into my chair. His cock was still rock hard and deep red in color, and I stroked it gently with my other hand, admiring its size and shape. Then, gripping it firmly, I took it into my mouth and started to suck on it.

I liked the shape of it in my mouth, liked how it felt as I ran my tongue over it. I took it in deep a couple of times, then dallied on the head for a bit. My slave's breathing grew quickly more rapid, and I could tell by his light groans that he was getting close to orgasm. I took it in deep again, cupping the length of it with my tongue and giving his balls a squeeze. Like a siren, he groaned aloud, his cock pulsing as his load shot into my mouth. I clamped down hard on it and sucked until his groan broke into heavy pants. Getting off my chair again I pulled his face into my chest by his hair.

"I sucked my slave cock because it's mine to suck if I want. I own it," I said into his ear.

"Yes Daddy," he managed between breaths.

"I have to pee."

I let loose my bladder, my slave gulping eagerly at my cock. When I was done I withdrew my cock and went to my bedroom, my robe slipping off my shoulders and onto the floor as I crawled into bed, my slave following a moment later to hang it in its place before curling up on the floor for the night.

"Are those towels hung the way they should be?" I asked, pointing to the hand towels hung beside the counter in the bathroom.

He shook his head and hurried to straighten them correctly. He was beginning to learn all of the little details; how to hang the towels, where and how I expected to find everything in the kitchen cupboards, how to fold and put away my clothes to my specifications, the precise method in which he was to make my bed every morning, the correct placement of things that were moved when he dusted, where my shoes were to be placed after I kicked them off and he had finished licking them clean, and numerous other details. He also learned that when he wanted to speak he needed to grovel at my feet or between my legs, his chin tucked tight to his chest and his forehead pressed to the floor, his ass high in the air as he pushed his head against the base of the couch or the chair that I was sitting in, or snuggling his face lightly between my feet. Usually it was for permission to pee, but on occasion he would beg for me to tell him how I wished to be served, or ask for clarification on one of my commands or how to perform his duties. He also began to learn how his responses and reactions to my commands and expectations affected my mood, and tried his best to always obey me in a manner that would please me. By the time Friday rolled around it was already completely natural for me to have a slave, and to regard him as little more than my possession.

Friday also brought a package to me in the mail, which I laid on the kitchen table. It wasn't until after I had eaten my supper that I opened it, withdrawing the short, sheer little black lace skirt that I had ordered on line, as well as a pair of black fishnet stockings.

"Put those on," I threw them to the floor in front of him as he awaited my attention on his hands and knees.

He stood before me, modeling them, blushing as he bowed his head and crossed his wrists over his chest, his elbows pulled tightly to his sides. I stirred the air with my finger, indicating for him to turn slowly around.

"Very pretty, bitch."

I glimpsed the ghost of a smile on his face as he turned away and blushed even redder. I rose from my place and strolled over to him, reaching around to trail a fingertip up from his balls to the tip of his rock hard cock.

"Do you like the pretties that Daddy bought you?"

He squirmed, half smiling and half in consternation.

"Yes Daddy."

"Do you like it when Daddy dresses you up like a sissy little whore?"

"Yes Daddy." His cock was swelling even harder in my hand.

I laughed out loud. "You are such a worthless little piece of shit."

His smile faded and his brow furrowed at my degradation of him, but his cock remained hard and pulsing.

"Go get my toilet ready. I have to shit."

I threw the empty box into the recycle container in the back porch then strolled into the bathroom. The seat of the toilet was down and my reading glasses were on the counter next to it, the book I was reading laying aside them and the heat lamp on overhead. I dropped my pants and sat, my slave padding in a moment later with a fresh, hot cup of coffee for me. Ducking his head, he hurried out the door and pulled it shut behind him. When I finished I set everything aside and wiped my ass, then called my bitch back to me.

"Lick it clean," I tapped the crack of my ass just above my asshole with my fingers, then bent over the sink to wash my hands. I knew he balked at obeying me, but that didn't matter. I expected him to do precisely as he was told.

He paused after the first few licks, perhaps grimacing at the taste, but then returned to licking my asshole with broad strokes of his tongue, his warm nose buried between my ass cheeks. I allowed him to continue as I dried my hands on the towel, throwing it back over the bar as he drilled the tip of his tongue against my clenched anus. Without acknowledgement, I bent over to pull my pants up, my ass pushing his face back to a point that he lost his balance and stumbled backward. Buckling my belt, I returned to the living room, my slave following shortly after me carrying my coffee and my book. There was no question as to what I expected from him once he set them down, and he went to kiss my feet immediately.

"Thank you for letting me clean your asshole, Daddy."

"Do you mean that, bitch?"

It was few moments before he responded.

"Yes Daddy."

"Come here." I spread my legs and pointed at the floor between them.

"Look at me," I commanded as he settled into place.

He scrunched his shoulders fearfully, but raised his head to meet my eyes.

"Did you really mean that?" I grabbed the collar and held him from pulling away. He dropped his head as far as my fist beneath his chin would allow.

"Yes Daddy. I..."

He clamped his mouth shut and tried to pull back, knowing full well that I cared nothing for his opinions or his explanations.

"Continue," I ordered him.

His mouth flapped open and closed as he tried to speak, either uncertain or afraid of what to say.

"Tell me boy. Tell me what's in your head. Tell me what you are feeling." My fist shook firmly with my command, but I was gentle.

"I'm really happy, Daddy," he gushed, his face contorting with a dozen different emotions. "I was so scared at first but I know I that I belong here. I...I know I don't mean anything to you and you're all that's important and I can't tell you how I feel `cause I don't know how to and I don't know if I'm being good and I want to be good and..."

He paused to catch his breath, trying to find words that followed his thoughts and emotions, his features slowly transforming into a grimace as tears began to well from his eyes.

"And I'm so ashamed!" he sobbed, his body collapsing to the floor between my feet.

I simply sat above him and watched. He was so destitute, so desperate to please me and be used by me, and so confused and frightened by the truth he had found in himself.

Leaning back, I undid my pants and slid them down over my hips.

"Pull my pants off."

He crawled quickly around to kneel at my feet, still crying as he happily obeyed me.

"Fold them onto the loveseat."

I pulled off my jock and threw it onto the pile. Groveling, my slave crawled between my legs hopefully. Cupping his chin, I guided his mouth around my flaccid cock and allowed him to suck.

"There you go. Does that make my little bitch feel better?"

He looked up at me, his eyes soft and wide with gratitude and acceptance, and nodded.

"That's good. I'm glad you're beginning to understand and accept what you are. What you need to realize is that it's `okay' to be what you are."

I heard him let out a sigh of relief as he started sucking my cock.

I sat back, reaching for the remote to turn on the TV. I doubted that I would have to question his obedience anymore. It would happen now simply of its own accord, of his need to fulfill his role as a slave. His only focus now would be to please me.

I allowed him to worship my cock and balls for nearly an hour, and nothing I saw indicated that his thoughts were anywhere but on my pleasure. It didn't matter whether I was hard or soft, his attention never faltered, and I finally I sent him off to get a drink, listening as he lapped the water out of his dog bowl.

"Empty your bladder, brush your teeth, and go to your bed," I told him as I went to change my clothes, dropping my dirty ones onto the floor.

"Take those off and put them away," I indicated the skirt and fishnet stockings as he wandered meekly into my bedroom. He slid them off and tucked them into his drawer, then ran my dirty clothes to the laundry. When he had settled into his place on the floor, I chained him by the cock ring to the bed frame and snapped the locks in place. Throwing him my shoes, I had him hold them in place while I pushed me feet into them, then I left to go to the bar.

It was only fifteen a minute drive, and the crowd was fairly sparse when I entered. I had become a fairly regular patron in the last three years, though I had long ago given up the hope of meeting a slave here. There were plenty of bottoms, men young and old who liked to suck cock and get fucked, and a couple of guys had had notions about being a slave, but as I had experienced on the internet, as soon as they understood my expectations, they backed off quickly. In my inquiries and conversations with the patrons, however, I had met a few would be Masters and Daddies, a couple of which had become close to being friends. Butch was one of these.

His real name was Walter, but the name Butch fit him far more appropriately. Five foot eight, he had broad shoulders and large arms, his large chest barely narrowing to his waist, giving him the shape more like a tree trunk before it split into two short, stocky legs. He had a very attractive face, however, with dark green eyes and somewhat chiseled features, his upper lip and chin sporting a well trimmed moustache and goatee which was starting to fade from dark brown to grey. When I had asked his age I was surprised to find that he was a couple of years older than me, because I had always perceived him as younger. He was very masculine, and also very much a no-nonsense type of guy, with a dry and cutting wit that had me laughing often, and we frequently exchanged sarcastic banter. We had even gone back to my place a couple of times soon after we had met, which was how we had learned about each other's interests when it came to sex.

He raised his cup and smiled at me from his place at the far end of the bar when we finally made eye contact. I had already known that he was going to be here before I left, and had confirmed it when I saw his car in the parking lot. Butch was always here on Fridays.

"Been a while. You been cheatin' on me?" he asked as I swung my leg over the barstool to sit.

"As often as I can."

"Good to see you."

I took his outstretched hand and shook it.

"You too."

The bartender appeared and took my order, swishing away to make my brandy old fashion.

"So, you still on the hunt?" I asked as I turned back to him.

He chuckled, his shoulders bouncing up and down.

"Have you ever known me not to be?"

I shared his chuckle.

"Okay, so have you found anything?"

He shook his head and took a drink as the bartender served me. Digging in my wallet I pulled out a twenty and placed it on the bar.

"Like you, nothing permanent. Wussy boys who are looking for a sugar daddy, a few bottoms just looking for a good time. Nothing like you or I ever hope to find."

It took all my willpower not to grin from ear to ear.

"You know, you and I really need to get to know each other better," I said in a camaraderic voice.

He looked me over with a somewhat hopeful expression.

"Why, you decide to change your station in life?" he smiled.

This caused me to laugh out loud and I shook my head, bending to take a drink.

"No," I said as I wiped my lip, "but aside from the fact that we share the same interest, I'm betting we could probably be very good friends."

He smiled at this, turning away to hide some of his pleasure by sipping his beer.

"Well, can't say I do a hell of a lot besides work." He turned back to me. "Speaking of which, how's the business?"

"It's good. Busier than hell, like always. Which means, yeah, I don't do much but work either."

"Sheesh," he shook his head, an overwhelmed expression on his face, "I can't even imagine it."

"Of course," I could no longer suppress the smile on my face, "I tool a week off just so I could train a boy."

He damn near choked on his beer, then turned me a leering smile.

"You're kidding," he asserted.

We locked eyes and my smile grew even wider.

"Hot damn, how the hell did you do that?" he suddenly became more animated.

I told him the story, expressing my amazement at how quickly the boy had fallen into his role.

"Sounds like the boy has been a slave all his life, and you just gave him the guidance he needed."

His statement echoed my own thoughts, though he had said it far more succinctly than I could have, and I told him so.

The bartender replaced his beer, and he and I moved onto other topics, though he kept returning to ask me details about how I treated my slave, what he looked like, and how I controlled him. I was two or three drinks beyond my first when we finally bid each other good night, and I rolled into my driveway at about one in the morning.

My slave was long asleep by the time I crawled into my bed, which was exactly what I had expected. I had no need for his services at the moment anyhow, and I was eager to show Butch my new toy as I drifted off to sleep. By the time I awoke the next morning, my slave was sitting patiently, his hands crossed behind him and his knees spread, waiting for my attention. He begged to be allowed to pee as soon as I released him, and I permitted it with a "yup," regretting it a few minutes later when my own bladder became demanding. From now on my slave would have to use the basement toilet in the morning.

My coffee was brewing and my breakfast being prepared as I sat at the table for a cigarette, my robe tied around my waist. As soon as a cup could be squeezed from the pot, my slave scampered over with my coffee. My only acknowledgement of it was to take a sip, sighing and moaning with delight at the taste and heat and aroma. It was proving to be another bright, if chilly, day, the morning sun blasting into the kitchen through the eastern window. Ah, well, it was March. It wouldn't be long before spring was here.

The ashtray was removed from the table after I stubbed my cigarette into it, as I had trained my slave to do, and my breakfast was set before me. I hated looking at a dirty ashtray while I ate. Six strips of bacon and two sunny side up eggs with buttered toast. As I like to do, I broke the one of the yolks and mopped it up with the toast, suddenly realizing that my slave was cowered at my feet waiting to be fed. Ah well, he could wait until I was finished. At first I had thought to give him his regular cereal, but then decided that I would treat him and allow him to make his own bacon and eggs.

"Thank you Daddy," he blubbered as he crawled beneath the table to kiss my feet.

"Refill my coffee and clean this up first," I commanded as I went to get dressed. He followed me into the bedroom a few moments later with the coffee and I scowled at him, barking at him to put it on my office. Grabbing my whip from the toy box, I chased him back into the kitchen with it, smacking his ass as he scurried before me.

"Since when do I drink coffee in my bedroom, you stupid bitch!"

"Sorry Daddy," he cried, cringing as I trapped him in a corner.

"Bend over and show me that ass!"

Placing his hands on the edge of the counter, he pushed his ass out toward me. I laid the leather straps across it hard.

"You didn't straighten out my towel in the bathroom last night, did you?" I brought the whip down hard again. He cried out, but didn't answer.

"And you were in there again this morning and it's still hanging crooked, isn't it?" His cheeks started to turn bright red as I applied the whip three more times, his cries getting more desperate with each lash.

"Yes Daddy."

"I expect you to pay attention to every detail."

He was screaming now with every stroke, pleading "Stop, please, stop."

"What do you mean, stop?" I growled firmly, cracking the whip across his ass one more time. "You don't have the right to ask me to stop. The only right you have is to take what I give you and be grateful for it."

"Yes Daddy," he blubbered out between sobs.

I gave him one more hard smack across his ass.

"Now go fix your mistake and make your breakfast."

He began moving immediately, first running to the bathroom to straighten the towel, then going to the table to clean up from my meal, crying all the while. I returned the whip to the toy box and sat at the computer to drink my coffee and check my emails, then trundled down to the basement to light a fire, pinching my slave's tender ass as I passed by just to hear him squeak.

"Coffee," I instructed as I set the cup on the counter. Dropping everything, he went to pour it, following my wake down the basement steps to set it on the side table in front of the fireplace. It took a few moments for him to realize that he was being dismissed by my inattention to him, daring finally to scurry up the stairs. Sitting back as the fire began to burn, I smiled.

Regardless that my vacation was almost over, I was happy as hell. My slave had trained easily, and would now respond to my every want and desire, my only responsibility to it being its health. Its only purpose now was to serve me, and that was exactly as it should be.

The feeling of euphoria it gave me made my cock rise painfully.

It finally appeared to kiss my feet a half an hour later, licking on the soles of my slippers. I pushed it away with my foot as I rose to feed the fire, then snapped my fingers and held out a cupped hand as I sat. Jumping up, it lowered a soft, smooth, hairless set of testicles into my hand. They were warm and loose, and I rolled them around in my fingers for a while, bouncing them up and down and squeezing them gently. When the logs rolled in the fireplace I poked them back into position, then add a larger log to have it burn for a while. It wasn't until I turned off the basement light that my slave moved to follow me, still standing by my chair with its legs spread. I poured myself another coffee, then leaned against the counter as I took my cock out to pee. Too slow, my stream hit the floor then splashed across its face as it rushed to wrap its lips around the head of my cock. I shoved my dick in it mouth to be sucked dry, then tucked it back in and zipped up my pants.

"Lick up your spill."

I took my coffee into the living room and lit up a cigarette. It was too early for television, and I wasn't in the mood to read, so I looked out the window and started planning supper, kicking my slippers off when my slave appeared in the doorway.

"Put those away and bring me a pair of socks."

I held out my hand expectantly when it returned, and it placed them into my palm, dropping immediately and scuttling over to kiss me feet, its face still wet with my piss. Butch had been right. Whatever life it had led, it was born to be a slave.

"I want my teardrop in my pussy, my floors swept and vacuumed and scrubbed, the kitchen table and the counters wiped down, the toilet cleaned, and the living room dusted.

"Yes Daddy."

"Start now."

"Yes Daddy."

It rushed away.


I realized I didn't even consider it a "he" anymore. Just an "it."

I got dressed and went to the grocery store to pick up some steak and shrimp for supper, along with everything else that I needed, and set the bags on the counter when I got home, my slave rushing in to remove my shoes as I sat at the table. While it busied itself licking them clean, I unpacked all the items onto the counter and put the paper bags on the back hall shelf. My slave would put it all away, so I went to re-stoke the fire, barking at it for a cup of coffee once I settled into my chair.

"Book and glasses too," I sent it back up the stairs.

The wood crate was nearly empty when I decided to make my lunch, so I sent my slave to refill it before allowing it to eat what I put in its bowl. Rather than rising from the table, I sat and waited for it to finish eating and clear my place, then had it sit in my lap. It took only a few moments for it to relax against me as I stroked the base of its balls with my finger.

"You love your Daddy, don't you?"

"Yes Daddy," it snuggled against my chest.

"Would you love me the same if I was just your master?"

Its muscles tensed a little, and I could sense that it was searching itself for an honest answer.

"I don't think so Daddy."

"Do you understand now why I have you call me Daddy?"

He squirmed tight against me, and I could tell that he was smiling when he answered.

"Yes Daddy," he replied enthusiastically.

I cupped its head and settled it down, my hand moving to stroke my pussy.

"You're going to be a good boy from now on, aren't you?"

Its head moved up and down in a nod.

"Yes Daddy," it asserted, trying to assure me with the tone of its voice. I didn't need to tell it that it would be punished if it wasn't.

It relaxed against me as I stroked its cock and balls, running my hand up its smooth stomach and over its hairless chest, tweeking at its nipples before trailing down to wiggle the teardrop that nestled inside my pussy. It tried to tongue my left nipple in gratitude through my shirt, but gave up a few moments later as I returned to stroking its hard little cock. When I tired of this I sent it off to take a nap, then sat down to work on the play. It still had house work to complete, but there was plenty of time for that.

I woke it an hour later to put it in the full set of cuffs and chains, including a chain strung between its wrists and another chain leading from that down to the cock ring. I felt that it was necessary, that my slave needed it. Shackled, it was secure in its knowledge of its purpose and its place.

It didn't matter to me that the shackles would impede its work. I still expected everything done to my satisfaction, and rather enjoyed watching it as it struggled to scrub the kitchen floor, its naked ass stuck into the air, my pussy plugged with the teardrop, its cock and balls swinging between its legs. Its cheeks were still glowing red from the whipping that it had received that morning. What was more, as I stood there, it seemed eager to fulfill its purpose as my slave, paying careful attention to cleaning the floor thoroughly as well as yielding to me as I moved about the kitchen, scuttling about to stay out of my way while it still tried to perform its task and returning to wipe up any footprints that I left. Which was just as well. The happier it was with its station in life, the harder it would work to please me.

And I knew just how it felt. I had been there once.

"When you're done with this I want the entire floor wiped dry with a towel."

"Yes Daddy," it ducked its head, but continued at its task.

"Is the bathroom finished?

"Yes Daddy."

"Toilet clean?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Did you dust yet?"

"No Daddy."

"Are the counters done?"

It shook its head. "No Daddy."

"Dry them off too and let me know when you're done in here."

I didn't wait for its response, but returned to the basement to tend the fire and relax, dozing a bit while I waited. I opened my eyes when I heard the chains rattling down the basement steps, and I rose to chase it back up the steps as I went into the kitchen to start preparing for supper. I was planning on steak and a shrimp and pasta primavera, with asparagus spears on the side and a cup of sliced, home canned pears, pulling out the griddle and platters and bowls for serving. My slave had continued its work in the living room, so I wandered in with a coffee and a cigarette to watch and relax. The chains wouldn't allow it to reach high enough to dust, so I removed the section between its wrists, including the one that led from that to the cock ring.

"Thank you, Daddy."

Its cock was semi hard, shooting out in a graceful arch. I ran my palm beneath it, wrapping my fingers lightly around the shaft before reaching to cup its balls. Pulling it close, I kissed it, then sent it back to its work, watching as it bustled about happily. When it finished it came to kiss my feet eagerly.


It was a new command for it, and I had to train it into the correct position, but finally I was able to relax back, my feet settled onto the small of its arched back, its ass pointed off to my left while its head dropped between its shoulders to my right. Picking up my book, I lit another cigarette and settled down to read.

The clock striking four pulled me out of the story, and I rose to start preparing supper.


I started the kettle of water for the pasta and turned the griddle on high, melting on a fair amount of butter before searing each side of the steak. Then I turned the griddle to low, covering the steaks with a loose layer of foil. By this time the water for the pasta was boiling, so I dropped it in, stirring it until it was past the point of sticking together, then returned to my book and a fresh cup of coffee. It was only about five minutes later that the doorbell rang.

My slave's whole body tensed and it turned to look at me frightfully, unsure of what to do.

"Go answer that," I said casually as I picked my feet off its back.


I raised my eyes off the page to meet its fretful gaze.

"But what?"

It looked down at its naked body, wanting to protest that it couldn't answer the door.

"Go answer the door," I reaffirmed.

Deciding it had no choice, it uncurled itself from the floor and shuffled to obey, hiding itself behind the door at it cracked it open.

Butch swung open the outer door and pushed his way in, stomping his boots onto the carpet. Removing his jacket, he held it out to the slave, pausing only a moment before letting it go, then removing his hat. This the slave took as Butch flipped it in its direction, stooping quickly to retrieve Butch's jacket from the floor and push the front door closed.

"Hey," he said as he stepped in.

I rose from the couch to shake his hand.

"Hi. Come on in. Make yourself at home."

"Hang those up and come get my boots," Butch commanded the slave as he strolled to the loveseat to sit down. "So, they let you have tonight off too, huh?"

I laughed. "Yeah, it just goes to show how unnecessary I really am."

Butch plopped down on the loveseat across from me as I returned to my seat, my slave hurrying tentatively over to remove Butch's boots, glancing back and forth furtively between Butch and I.

"Did you get your water heater replaced?"

"Finally," he replied as he kicked them off into the slave's hands.

"Clean those before you put them away," I told my slave. Butch stood back up to unbuckle his pants and pull them off, dropping them into a heap on the floor.

"Mmm, nice," I smiled as I rose, stepping forward to cup his thick piece of meat in my hand. He smiled and gave me a kiss, his cock starting to swell beneath the fabric of his white briefs.

"So, you want something to drink?"

"A beer would be nice."

I sent my slave off to fetch it and returned to my seat, Butch settling back on the loveseat to relax as he began explaining the trials he and his brother had faced installing the new water heater.

"Fold those neatly onto that chair," Butch instructed my slave when it returned with his beer, indicating the pair of pants he had left on the floor. He returned to his dialogue, motioning my slave back with his finger and pointing to his socks. I listened intently, allowing him to direct my slave as he chose. After all, a slave's purpose is to serve, whether it's me or my guest.

"Stuff them in my boots then bring your ass back here."

Once Butch had it standing to his right, he finally turned his full attention on it, examining it up and down before reaching out to inspect its cock and balls. Though it was nervous, its cock still started to swell at Butch's touch.

"Turn around."

Butch felt its ass and ran his hands up and down its hairless legs.

"Bend over."

It blushed a deep red, but obeyed, Butch pushing its ass cheeks apart to inspect my pussy.

"So, you keep this thing shaved every day?"


"Hmmm. Personally I'd get rid of the pussy hair too."

"Yeah, I thought about it. Just haven't decided yet."

Its cock rose quickly at being regarded as just an object.

"How well trained is its cock hole?"

I chuckled. "Well, that you'll have to decide for yourself."

"Hmmph." He took a swig of beer.

"Get down here and show me if that mouth is worth me having my cock in." He sat back and spread his legs, pulling his cock out through the fly of his underwear and holding it out until my slave wrapped its lips around it. Excusing myself, I went to make a quick check on dinner, returning to resume my conversation with Butch. I was pleased with his proper treatment of my slave, though I didn't say anything. I was more pleased that I had a slave to offer him for his use.

"You like your steak medium, right?" I asked.

"Uh huh," he nodded as he took another drink. Digging in his shirt pocket, he pulled out a cigar, a long, thin, tipped swisher sweet. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all."

I sent my slave to fetch him an ashtray as he lit up, then instructed it to set the table. Butch stroked his hard cock a few times, then settled in to smoke his cigar, allowing his cock to slowly soften.

"You got a cage for it?"

"No. It sleeps on the floor at the foot of my bed."

"Mmmm. You going to chain it up when you go to work on Monday?"

"No. No need."

I directed my slave to its "wait" spot as we sat to dinner. Facing the kitchen window, Butch was able to peer outside as he ate and commented on overgrowth of flowers and shrubs that were poking up through the melting snow. I explained that I hadn't had much time to garden the previous summer, and learned that he was somewhat of an avid gardener as well, though he considered himself an amateur. We were still talking about flowers and vegetable gardens and planting tips as we finished our meals, settling back with mutual groans.

"You can eat whatever is left over," I told my slave as I brought Butch downstairs to shoot some pool. My slave would need to time to eat, clean up, shave, shower, and clean my pussy, but it was still early evening. The fire I had lit earlier was now just a bed of coals, but it didn't take much to stir it up into a decent blaze.

When I heard the first floor toilet flush, I knew it was time to wrap up our games and go back up stairs. Butch turned out to be a very challenging player, and had already beat me two out of three. It was only by chance that I was able to take the last game.

Offering Butch another beer, I removed the shackles from my slave and sent it off to pretty itself up, sliding my pants off and tossing them over the back of a chair before settling down in my boxers. When my slave pranced back in dressed in black nylons and a garter belt, its hard cock and hairless balls visible beneath a short, sheer black skirt, I held out my cupped hand and it spread its legs over it.

"There's Daddy's little whore," I said as I slid a finger inside my pussy. "Are you all nice and clean for Daddy?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Aren't you lucky that Daddy dresses his whore up all nice and pretty?"

He squirmed and blushed. "Yes Daddy."

"Mmmm. Go get the lube. Daddy wants to make his pussy all nice and slippery."

It pranced off again and I could see the hard bulge of Butch's cock straining in his white briefs, his shirt undone and lying to either side of his hairy chest. I removed my own shirt, but left my grey wife beater on. I set the bottle of lube aside, my slave's cock bobbing up and down in a perpetual hard on as it pranced back in to give it to me. Grabbing its cock, I pulled it into my lap.

"Yeah, that's right. You're eager to please your Daddy, aren't you."

"Yes Daddy," it squirmed against my chest, spreading its legs as I reached down to rub it cock and balls. I brushed a finger over my pussy and it nuzzled against my chest, my own cock growing hard in my boxers.

"Are you a happy pussy?"

"Yes Daddy."

Butch reached down and began rubbing his hard cock, watching the exchange.

"You're happy that Daddy has a friend over too, aren't you?"

"Yes Daddy."

"That's good, because I told Butch he could fuck my pussy if he wanted to."

I could feel my slaves cock harden even more as I pressed against it with my forearm, my fingers lubing the little pussy lips of my fuck hole. My slave moaned, its lips and tongue finding my nipple through my wife beater.

"I expect you to be a good little pussy and show him how honored you would be to be his cunt," I said as I slipped two fingers deep inside my pussy.

"Yes Daddy," my slave moaned as he gyrated his hips, pushing down on them.

I grabbed its head and pulled it into an embrace, lubing its balls and cock as well, and caressing his abdomen and tweeking his nipples. Butch had his cock out by now, stroking it with one hand while he sipped his beer with the other.

"Now go over there and help him get is underwear off, then say hello to him like a good little pussy should."

I pushed it off my lap and it curled onto its hands and knees on the floor, crawling to over to look sheepishly up at Butch before daring to crawl between his legs, reaching for his underwear."

"With your teeth," I reprimanded it.

It ducked its head, then lifted it again to tentatively take the cloth between its teeth, tugging gently on one side, then the other until they slid past Butch's knees and off his feet. Scratching his balls, Butch indicated them with the wave of his beer bottle, my slave crawling meekly up to start licking them. My own cock was hard and throbbing, but I wanted to watch as my slave serviced my friend, its cock so hard and stiff that it was pressed against its abdomen, its balls swinging freely between its spread legs as it buried itself in Butch's crotch, moaning as it licked his balls passionately. The moment was such I rush I nearly came right then and there.

"So, what kind of movies do you like?" I asked Butch to distract myself with conversation.

"Oh, action adventure," he responded, his attention fixed on watching my slave lick his balls.

"The Matrix?"

He glanced up at me. "You mean, watch it?"



Sending my slave off to get us each a beer, we repositioned ourselves to get comfortable for the movie, Butch curling one leg up onto the loveseat while his other dangled off the edge and onto the floor. Serving me first, my slave handed Butch his beer, then was made to kneel next to him and hold the ashtray so that Butch didn't have to turn or reach to ash his cigar. Lighting up a cigarette, I idly scratched my balls and stroked my softening cock. The sun had just set below the horizon and the room was filled with cool, soft light. About twenty minutes into the movie, Butch stamped his cigar out into the ashtray.

"That's a good boy. I suppose I'll reward you by letting you drink my piss."

My slave's cock had drooped to semi-hard as it knelt there, but sprang up again almost immediately at Butch's recognition of it, setting down the ashtray and scuttling hurriedly between Butch's legs to open its mouth a scant distance away from the head of Butch's cock. Reaching down, Butch picked up his penis with one hand and guided my slave's lips over the tip of it with the other, groaning slightly as he relaxed and let his stream flow. Squeezing out the last few drops, he buried the slave's head into his crotch, pushing his cock all the way into its mouth and allowing it to suck him. Picking up his beer, he returned his attention to the movie, my slave's head bobbing up and down between his legs.

"Yup, this is just how it should be," Butch said, relighting his cigar. I laughed. Butch allowed the slave to suck him for about fifteen minutes before sending it over to me.

"I think you should go thank your Daddy for making you into such a good little bitch."

It drew off of Butch's cock, responding with a meek "Yes Sir" before it crawled over to me to cower between my feet, uncertain whether to kiss them or come up to kiss my cock. I stood my hard cock up with a thumb on its base and my slave slithered in to suck it. Its mouth was hot and wet, so I pushed it down around my cock and held it there, enjoying the sensation of having my cock buried deep in a warm, moist hole. I knew that I had to pee too, but wouldn't be able to release it while I was hard. I rewarded it by driving my cock in hard a few time, then sent it off to make some popcorn, instructing it to put it into two bowls. By the time it returned with them I was soft enough to pee, then sent it down to kiss my feet. Though our attention was on the movie, Butch and I still carried on a conversation, drinking our beer and munching on popcorn, my slave sucking my toes and licking my soles. Before the movie ended, I sent it to do the same for Butch.

"So, how would you like a roommate," Butch asked. We both broke out in laughter.

"Well, any time you're over you're free to use it any way you choose," I offered.

Butch nodded. "Oh. Thanks. I appreciate that."

"Well, unless it's serving, it isn't worth anything, so I might as well get as much value out of it as I can."

Butch looked down at it and considered what I had said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He took a swig of his beer.

"Get me another one," he held out the empty bottle. Taking it, my slave pranced quickly out to obey, the sheer skirt swishing over its naked ass.

"Suck his cock until it's hard then drop my pussy onto it," I commanded as my slave served Butch a fresh bottle. It looked as though it was almost in tears, but quickly obeyed, taking Butch's cock in its mouth. The movie had come to an end, so now Butch was able to concentrate on nothing but his own pleasure, watching as the wet, pink lips rode up and down his hardening shaft. When he was ready, he pulled the slave up by its hair to have it straddle his lap, opening its pussy hole for Butch to slide his cock in.

"Don't make him do the work, cunt," I said, then sat and watched as my slave fucked itself on Butch's cock.

"Yeah, that's right. Wrap that hot little fuck hole around my cock."

My slave was whimpering as it rode up and down on Butch's shaft. Butch just closed his eyes and laid back, holding onto his beer as it rested on the floor beside him, his other hand cradling the back of his head.

"That's it bitch. Give me a good fuck." He allowed the slave to ride him a while, then told it to pull its balls up out of the way.

"I want to see my cock fuck that pussy."

The slave obeyed, spreading its legs even wider. Butch began thrusting against its rhythm, slamming his cock in hard. Finally he set down his beer, flipping the slave onto its belly on the loveseat and pushing its legs apart with his knees, his meaty hand holding the slave's head into the cushion while his cock plowed into its pussy. Biting his lower lip, he drove it in again and again, thrusting in one last time to blow his load with a long, loud groan, the slave whimpering beneath him.

"Ahhhhh. Holy fuck!" Butch exclaimed.

I had to laugh.

Spent and heaving, Butch pushed my slave off the loveseat and slumped back into it.

"Clean him off then go flush out my pussy."

It blushed red with degradation, but obeyed, crawling between Butch's legs to gently lick his cock clean.

"I could definitely get used to this," Butch sighed heavily, his head back and his eyes closed.

I smiled.

He peered at me through half open eyelids and smiled back, then pushed my slave off his cock. Glancing once at me, it quickly scurried away.

"You've definitely renewed my interest in owning one myself."

"Well, keep looking,'" I shrugged.

"Hmmph," he scoffed, "yeah."

"Hey, anything's possible," I said, hooking my thumb over my shoulder.

Once again I heard the toilet flush, my slave wandering meekly in and looking at me for direction. Spreading my legs, I pointed down at my cock, letting myself piss as soon as its lips wrapped around it, some of it leaking out to dribble down its chin.

"Now suck it. I want my cock hard so I can fuck."

It opened its mouth and teased my cock with its tongue, then wrapped its lips around its base and drew off slowly, wetting my cock with its spit. It tongued my piss slit a little, then kissed the head of my cock before running its tongue up the underside of my swelling shaft and diving down on it once again with its mouth, doing a far better job than it had the first time it had sucked my cock. It had just been fucked, and would be getting fucked again, but knew it had no choice and had better do its best to please me. It knew its place and its purpose.

Downing the last of my beer, I set the bottle aside and hooked a finger into a ring of the collar to lead my slave over to the footstool.

"Get on your back and open my fuck hole."

It pulled its knees up to its chest and grabbed its ass cheeks to spread them apart, my pussy popping open just a little to allow my cock access. Grabbing the lube bottle, I gave it a squirt inside, then plunged my cock in. Butch had loosened my pussy just enough so that it clamped my dick without squeezing it, and it was hot and wet and slippery. God, it felt good to bury my cock in that hungry hole. My pussy must have been tender because my slave whined uncomfortably as I fucked it, its hard dick shriveling over its bouncing nut sac. And what a little sissy bitch it was, dressed in nylons and a garter belt, the short, sheer little skirt thrown up around its waist as Daddy drove His big cock into it again and again. I reached up to grab its nipples between my thumbs and my forefingers, pulling on them as I pushed myself in over and over again.

"Yeah, that's Daddy's little pussy bitch. You like being Daddy's little fuck whore, don't you?"

"Ungh," it groaned. "Yes Daddy."

I drove in hard, then pulled out, flipping it onto its stomach. Kneeing its legs apart, I stuffed my cock into my pussy again, grabbing its hips so I could drive it in even harder. I wanted my cock buried. I wanted to feel every centimeter of it sliding in and out of my fuck hole, my cock massaged until the pressure in my balls built and travelled up my shaft so intensely that I couldn't help but groan out loud when I shot my load. My slave was grunting and whimpering beneath me, nearly sobbing from the abuse it had taken, but even after I came I pushed myself in deep, my cock throbbing as I slowly softened. I finally slipped out and sat back, panting, giving my slave a little time to settle down before I had it come and clean my cock, Butch just smiling and watching the entire time.

"Yup," he repeated, "I could definitely get used to this."

All I could do was laugh.

Next: Chapter 3

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