My Right to Own

By Paul Vanden Boogard

Published on Mar 23, 2011


I put the ad online that I was looking for a slave. That wasn't exactly correct, but I didn't think anyone would understand what I was really looking for, and that was as close as I could get. It wasn't long before I received a few inquiries. Most of them came with too many strings attached, or really weren't as serious about it as they thought they were.

There was one young boy, however. I actually saw his ad on craigslist. Twenty four years old, desperate to get out of his parent's house, no job, would provide any sexual service for room and board. My message to him was where to go to review my ad.

His response came back in less than ten minutes. "Hi. My name's David. Here are my pics. I'll do that, if you feed me and give me a place to sleep." I opened up the first pic and found his dark eyes staring straight into me. He was neither smiling nor frowning, as though he had been caught off guard from the side. He had black, curly hair, with a faint growth just starting on his upper lip, high cheekbones and a bit of a baby face. Damn cute. The next was the full frontal that I had required from candidates in my ad. Another candid shot, he appeared off guard, laughing as he put his hands up to block the camera. Too late, the photo showed his narrow waist and slightly boney hips, his cut cock dangling over his drooping ball sack. He had a fairly nice physique, with fairly muscular arms and a well sculpted chest. Very damn cute. The third pic was, of course, his crotch shot, his erect cock pulling his generous balls up into a firm, round sack. Five and a half, maybe six inches, his cock had a nice shape, a little thicker at the base and tapering ever so slightly as it stretched toward the mushrooming head. "What you doing now boy?" I sent back. "Same thing I'm always doing. Trying to get the hell out of here."

"You drive?" "You'll meet me? I'll drive anywhere you want." I looked at my clock. It was one o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday. He was either truly desperate, or just playing games. "Fleet Farm parking lot, north west corner at two o'clock." I didn't look to see if he sent a response. I didn't want to know. I had to go to Fleet Farm anyway. I would go to the far corner, and if he was there, he was there. If he wasn't, I'd park over by the doors and go shopping. He was leaning against an old, beat up red pickup truck. "Take your hat off," I said as I got out. Yup, it was the kid in the picture. I took my hat off as well and could feel my ears getting cold in the winter wind. "David, right?" "Yup." "You like what you see so far?" He inspected my face as if for the first time. "Yes." "Wait in your truck until I come back, then follow me." I parked by the doors to the store and went in for my purchases, then swung back around, waiting for the kid to pull out behind me. Arriving home, I pulled into the garage and he pulled in behind me to park on the driveway. I shut the garage door as he ducked beneath it. "Kick your shoes off and follow me." I led him through the kitchen and into the living room. "Strip off your clothes." He didn't hesitate, but peeled off each layer, throwing his clothes onto the loveseat. I stripped as well. "You still like what you see?" I asked as we stood naked before each other. He looked me up and down. Though I was easily a head taller than him, it was obvious he was more muscular. He nodded his head. I approached him, reaching first for his sac and hefting it into my hand. His semi hard cock started to swell immediately beneath the thick patch of black pubic hair. Then I rubbed my thumbs firmly across his nipples. He gasped a little bit and I felt his chest flinch beneath my fingers, but he didn't pull away. Lifting his arm, I inspected the thin patch of hair in his armpit, turning him so I could rub his ass and pull his ass cheek apart a little. A little ring of black hair surrounded his asshole. "So, do you like what you see?" he asked. I looked him straight in the eye, but didn't say anything. Dropping his arm I went to get out a cigarette. "So, you're looking for room and board," I said as I sat on the couch. "Yeah, my stepfather's an asshole and..." "I don't care." He stopped and stared at me. "Yeah," he said less enthusiastically as he started to sit on the love seat. "Your ad said..." "I didn't tell you to sit." He stopped again, freezing in mid-action then stumbling to stand again, crossing his hands in front of his crotch. "I know what my ad said. Get down here and suck my cock." He got on his hands and knees between my legs. Taking my cock in one hand to guide it into his mouth he started to suck, drawing up and down on it in long strokes as my cock swelled in his mouth. Though it was obvious he had sucked a cock before, he wasn't very good at it. He was sucking me to get me off, and for no other reason. "Stop." He pulled back and looked up at me, wiping his lips. He may have been about to say something, but I told him to turn around, drawing a circle in the air with my finger. "Has this pussy ever been fucked?" I asked, spreading his ass cheeks and trailing my fingertip over his asshole. "A couple times." I sat back and spread my legs. "Come finish the job you were doing." I could tell he was struggling with the abruptness of my commands. He may have read my ad, but he had no idea what to expect. Crawling back around, he took my cock into his mouth and started sucking again. I just watched him while I finished my cigarette, letting my thoughts speak in my head. "Yeah, that's a good bitch, you like being my little hole don't you bitch, that's right, suck daddy's cock you little faggot." I felt the swell and blew my load. He choked a little, surprised by it, then quickly swallowed it, his lips milking the last of my cum from my cock. When he was done, he sat back, unsure what to do next. I held out my coffee cup. "Coffee." He took it, looking uncertainly back and forth between the empty cup and me. He might have been about to say something, ask me where the coffee was, but stopped when he saw the look on my face. Stumbling to his feet he dashed into the kitchen. The coffee pot wasn't hard to find, and he returned shortly with a hot cup. "Stand right here," I pointed to the floor just in front of me and to my left. "Legs spread, hands behind your back." His cock stuck out at a forty five degree angle, just a small pearl of pre-cum glistening on the tip. Sipping my coffee I reached out and cupped his cock with my palm, rubbing the tip of my thumb over his piss slit, then down into the little notch just below its head. He gasped and groaned a little, his cock thickening even more. I encircled his balls with my fingers, fondling them, and his hips started gyrating slowly.

"Top shelf in the cabinet above the toilet is a pump bottle of lotion. Get it." Primed and horny, he was eager to obey the command. Squirting a dollop into my palm, I lubricated his cock and balls, stroking him good and hard again. My hand greasy with lube, I reached further back and slipped a finger into his asshole. He grunted sharply and flinched, his hole tightening around my finger. I laughed. "Well, I guess I'm going to have to train both holes." Pulling my finger out, I began to massage the hole, adding a little more lube. Now and again I would grab his cock and stroke it a moment, puckering his asshole toward climax, then reach back and slide my finger into the hole again just as it began to relax. It wasn't long before I could work in a second finger and by now he was moaning over me, holding back from thrusting down on my fingers with his hips. I took another sip of my coffee and set it down, wrapping a warm hand around his shaft as my fingers worked his pussy. His groans sounded like a chugging train. Another quick squirt of lube around his cock brought him to whining, every muscle in his body tensing. I wrapped my lips around the head of his dick just as he shot his load. "Get dressed and we'll go eat," I said as I got off the couch. He stood there heaving from his climax, his jaw dropped open as he started to come down. "You heard me!" I snapped. He jumped at the volume and force of my command, stumbling to pick his clothes off of the loveseat. I pulled on my jacket and stood in the doorway waiting for him, flipping my keys into my hand. Proceeding him out, I fired up the car as he climbed in the passenger's seat.

"Where we going?" I just looked at him, then turned away. We pulled into the restaurant and got out. Walking toward the door I grabbed his shoulder, stopping him. "You never walk in front of me unless I tell you to." He followed me in and we were seated immediately. It was only four twenty in the afternoon. When the waitress came I ordered a double cheeseburger with fries and soda for him, and a monte cristo sandwich for myself. Flipping open the novel I had brought with me to read, I sat back and sipped my coffee as I waited for my supper. I could tell he was about to say something a couple of times, but instead he just sighed and kept quiet. When my sandwich came I simply continued my reading, and it wasn't until we were in the parking lot that he finally spoke. "Thanks for supper." He got into the passenger's seat again, and I drove home. "Kick your shoes off at the door and strip." I dropped my hat and jacket on the floor of the back hall and went to sit on the couch, grabbing an ashtray and my cigarettes as I went. Lying back, I propped my feet up on the couch and turned on the television. It was several moments later before he finally wandered in, naked.

"So, now what?" "Now you get down there and kiss my feet," I said, pointing at them. "I have to kiss your feet?" "You can get dressed and leave," I left the choice open. He struggled with the decision for just a few moments. No, what he had come into was not at all what he had expected, but apparently what I was offering was more appealing than what awaited him at home because he crumbled to his knees and placed his lips on my feet. They were tentative, almost fearful kisses. "Those are my feet, and you are thanking me. You are thanking me for feeding you, and for having my cock in your mouth, and for even considering having you for my slave. I want you to lick them. Suck on my toes. Cover every inch of them with your tongue and your lips and your gratitude." Whether he was repulsed by the idea or not, I didn't care. Only that he obeyed. And he did. Slowly at first, but soon with at least enough gusto to tell me he had gotten accustomed to the idea. When I had had enough on my left foot, I crossed my right over it, stamping my cigarette out into the ashtray. His tongue tickled the arch of my foot, but I willed myself not to flinch, not to react.

"Go throw my socks into the laundry. The clothes chute is in the bathroom on the left wall." While he ran to do that, I stripped off my pants and dropped them onto the floor. "Hang those on one of the closet doors in my bedroom. First door down the hallway on your left." By the time he was back I had removed everything else, leaving them in a pile on the floor as well. "That all goes in the laundry." Scooping them up he hurried off with those as well, returning to find me in the kitchen getting a cup of tea. I instructed him as to where to find the cups, my selection of teas, and how to heat up the water, dropping in a bag of double spice chai to steep before settling back onto the couch. "Cock," I pointed down at my crotch. He buried his head in my lap and started sucking. "Slower. Not so hard." His tongue and lips relaxed around my shaft and I sat back to enjoy me tea and my show. I loved moments like these. Half way through my cup I set it aside, grabbing a fistful of his hair to pull his head aside and bury his face into the cushion next to me. Without preamble, I spun to kneel behind him, thrusting my wet cock sharply into his asshole. He shouted from the pain as the head of my cock popped in, pushing himself up as though to escape. Leaning down on him, I shoved his face back into the pillow, then slowly pressed my cock deep into his hole. I could feel his sphincter pulse around my shaft as I held it there, driven in as far as it would go.

"Oh, man, that hurt," he whined into the cushion. I drew out a little and pushed back in. The hole was a little dry. I hated fucking a dry hole. I drew back until I was almost out, squirting a line of moisturizer onto my cock to smear around its shaft. Wiping my hand on his back, I thrust in and out again, slowly and deliberately, lubing the hole for a good fuck. Once it was nice and slippery I picked up a good rhythm and started grinding it in down to its base, the bitch below me grunting with every thrust of my cock. Man, what a tight hole. My cock felt so good sliding in and out of its moist heat.

I reached underneath and found his cock, semi-hard but with a drop of pre-cum leaking from it. My hand still slippery with lube, I began to stroke it, feeling it grow quickly between my fingers. "You better cum now bitch, because if I shoot first, you're done." His asshole gripped my cock as he groaned loudly, his cum spurting onto the wooden floor beneath the couch. I squeezed his dick and his asshole tightened again, then suddenly relaxed and opened to the thrust of my cock. Driving in harder I felt the pressure building, finally plunging it in as hard as I could as my cock exploded inside of him.

I could smell shit when I pulled out and went to wash it off. I glanced at the clock. It was seven thirty. He was still groaning on the couch when I threw the hot, wet washcloth at him. "Clean up and get dressed." I went and pulled on a robe, coming back to find him wiping his cum up off the floor. I took my tea and a cigarette and went into the kitchen. I saw him prance by and the heard the laundry chute open and close as he dropped the washcloth into it. He was smiling and sauntering when he strolled through the kitchen to pick his clothes up from the back hall closet and get dressed. I notice that he had hung up my jacket, my hat thrown on the shelf above it. When he saw that I was in my robe, he paused. "Aren't we going somewhere?" "No, you are. You're going home." "But I thought I was getting room and board." "Not tonight you aren't. You got fed, that's enough. Besides, you have a lot to do before you report back to me Saturday morning. Now get dressed." He started slowly pulling on his clothes. "What do I have to do?" "First, you are going to wipe your computer clean. Delete all of your emails, clear your cache, wipe your history, everything. Then you're going to call your insurance agent and cancel the insurance on your truck. If you have a rebate check coming from them, too bad, you won't get it. Because then you are going to gather up the title to your truck, all of your insurance papers, bank cards, debit cards, charge cards, drivers license, and whatever money you have, and when you walk in that door at eight o'clock Saturday morning, you're going to give it all to me." I could tell he was overwhelmed by the look of shock on his face. I didn't want to give him the opportunity to respond. "Get dressed and get the hell out of here." His face was beat red as he pulled up his pants, tucked himself in and slipped on his shoes. He kept his back to me as he pulled on his jacket, slipping his hat over his head as he quickly ducked out the back door. I strolled over to look out the window, watching the screen door swing shut in his wake. Ah, well. It had still been a fun night, even if I did never see him again. Returning to my computer, I pulled up the websites and started looking for another slave.

Just on the off chance, I was up by seven in the morning the next Saturday, perking a fresh pot of coffee to get me going and naked under my robe. I damn near had a heart attack when I heard the light rap on the back door at eight, and had to relax and bring my jitters down before I could get up to answer it. If that was him, then I needed to commit to this completely myself, and it had to start right now. He was shaking perceptively when I opened the door, and I doubted it was just from the cold. Holding the door open I motioned him in with my head.

"Put everything on the table. Empty all of your pockets, then strip." He ducked past me, nearly throwing the bag he carried onto the table before digging into his pockets, as though he needed to do everything quickly before he changed his mind. I took my coffee to the counter and lit up a cigarette while I waited. He barely looked up at me as he ran past again to hang his jacket in the back hall and kick off his shoes. "Where do you want me to undress?" he asked. "Right there is fine. Throw your clothes in the closet." I walked over and started picking through everything on the table. There was only twenty seven dollars in cash, plus a little change. I emptied everything from his wallet, setting aside the credit and debit cards and the card with his bank account number on it. His driver's license I slipped into my own wallet. Flipping open the paper bag I dug out a cell phone, and found the truck title and the insurance papers, along with a stack of old bank statements and a pile of clothes. Pulling out the papers, I threw the bag of clothes onto the floor in the corner. Then he was standing next to me, nearly peering over my shoulder. I set the papers aside. "Come and stand right here," I pointed to the spot on the floor just in front of the old wall telephone. He took his place and I turned him to face away from the wall. "Spread you legs a little, hands behind your back." I pulled out a chair and sat to look over the documents. "When I tell you to "wait," that is how and where you will stand. You will stay there until I give you another command." The title to the truck was clear of any lien, which was what I had hoped. I had to open six envelopes before I found the most recent bank statement. There was only a balance of one hundred and four dollars in his checking account, and his savings held little more. "Did you cancel your insurance?" "Yes." He squeaked, scared as hell. "Yes Daddy." I commanded. He looked up, then ducked his head. "Yes Daddy." "Coffee," I held out my cup. He took it and pranced quickly over to the coffee maker to refill it, setting it on the table to my right. "Wait." I flipped through the rest of the papers, then rose to get the garbage can, sweeping everything but the bank cards and the title into it. Putting that away, I retrieved a scissors, holding it out to him. "Cut up the debit card and the credit card." "There's still a bill on the credit card." "Tough. They'll have to write it off. Cut them up." I gave him the scissors and left the room, returning a few moments later to find the cards snipped into little pieces. I set the tool box I was carrying on the table, taking out my keys to unlock it. "Go get the lotion." I opened the tool box and pulled out the teardrop butt plug. Instructing him to turn around and bend over, I greased his asshole and slid it in. He gasped from the invasion. "Now get dressed." There was an incredible look of consternation on his face. "But..." "Listen," I cut him off. "You are here to be my slave. You will be housed and you will be fed, per our agreement. Now, you have two choices. You pull out the butt plug, put your clothes on and leave, or you shut your mouth, get dressed, and wait for my next command. If you choose the former, we're done. If you choose the latter, then you are committed, and I don't expect to hear any more arguments. You read the ad, you knew what you were getting into." "I know. I just didn't expect..." he paused, not sure what he hadn't expected. "What you expected was an easy life, a sugar daddy who would pamper you and fawn all over your hot little body. If that's what you're after, then you might as well pick your shit out of the garbage and go." I knew what he was going to do before he did. Whatever had driven him out of his mother's house had to be worse than what I was offering, or he wouldn't have returned in the first place. His head swayed with indecision a few moments more. "Get dressed." The command made the decision for him and he rushed to the back hall to pull on his clothes.

"Is there a contract with this cell phone?" I asked as I picked it up. "No. I buy prepaid minutes." "No Daddy!" I stressed. He didn't repeat his answer, but I let it go. When he finished dressing I handed him the title to the truck. "What you're going to do now is go sell your truck, I don't care how many car lots you have to drive to, or how much you sell it for. Fifty bucks, five hundred bucks, a dollar. I don't care. Once you sell it, walk to the nearest restaurant and call me." I loaded my number into his cell phone and titled it Daddy. Taking it, he looked at it, then flipped it shut and put it into his pocket. When it became obvious that I wasn't going to say any more to him, he shuffled out the door and left. I glanced at the clock. Only twenty minutes had passed. It was a quarter past ten when he called me to tell me where he was. "I'm not hungry yet. Sit there and wait for me." It was an hour and a half later before I got in my car. As I walked up to the door of the restaurant I could see him sitting on a bench just inside. The moment he saw me he popped up to a stand. When I entered it looked like he was about to speak, but I brushed past him, leaving him no option but to follow.

"He's having pancakes and porkies with a glass of milk, and I'll have two eggs sunny side, white toast and hash browns with coffee." I told the waitress. My slave simply folded up his menu, a disappointed look on his face. As I had the last time, I pulled out my book and began to read, leaving no room for conversation. Tipping the waitress, I paid the bill and ushered him out to the car, noting that he stayed two steps behind be. When he got into the passenger's seat I hooked my thumb over my shoulder.

"You sit in back unless I tell you otherwise." Clenching his jaw in resignation, he got out and moved into the back seat "Did you get cash or a check?" "Cash." "Give it to me," I held out my hand. He dug in his pocket and handed me the money. Four hundred and fifty dollars. Our next stop was his bank. Pulling up to the service window, I handed him his bank card. "Tell her you want to close your accounts." He took the card and obeyed, the teller looking a little curiously at us as she made the transactions. He reached out and retrieved the envelope. "Is there anything else I can help you with today?" "Uh, no. Thanks." I pulled away from the window and stopped at the end of the exit, holding out my hand and waiting until he placed the money into it. Not bothering to count it, I stuck it in my pocket with the rest, slipping the change into my pants pocket, then drove to my bank. The teller was still open, so I pulled up to it. "Savings, please." "Thank you and have a good day," the drawer thrust open and I took out the receipt. "You too," I smiled at her. Nine hundred and thirty six dollars had been deposited in my account. I stuffed the receipt into the garbage bag and drove home, closing the garage door behind me as I pulled in. He followed me meekly into the house. "Cell phone," I held out my hand. He dug in his jacket pocket and extended it to me. "Strip." Setting it on the table, I pulled out the garbage can from beneath the sink and set it in the doorway. "Shoes in the closet, jacket on a hanger, hat on the shelf. The rest goes in there." He paused only a moment, then obeyed, stuffing his clothes into the garbage can. "Put the garbage can back and heat me up a coffee. One minute." As he passed me to obey I went downstairs and into the workshop. He was still pushing buttons on the microwave when I strolled by him. I paused for just a moment, waiting for him to turn his attention to me, then slammed the head of the hammer down on his phone, shards of plastic scattering across the table and onto the floor. He jumped in surprise. I flipped the hammer over and held it out to him. "It goes in the workroom. The door to the right at the bottom of the steps, hang it on the pegboard to your left with the others. Then clean up this mess." I kicked my shoes off in the corner of the kitchen and went to relax on the couch, my slave appearing a few moments later to set my coffee on the table next to me. I directed him to stand at my feet. "Legs spread, hands behind your back. That's the last time I'm going to tell you." I rose and walked around him, wiggling the teardrop in his asshole as I passed. Digging into the toolbox I brought out the cuffs and the black leather dog collar, locking each one into place around his wrists, ankles and neck, with about two feet of chain strung between his ankles. Next I wrapped a leather cock ring around his cock and scrotum, locking that into place as well with another length of chain dangling down from it. The end of that chain I locked to the center of the one strung between his ankles. "Nine hundred and thirty six dollars and a little change." I said as I rose and resumed my path around him. "That was your total worth. Nine hundred and thirty six dollars." I let the statement sink in a little bit. "And you know what you did?" I paused as I stepped in front of him, looking him straight in the eye, "You walked in and you gave it all to me. And now you are worth nothing. You have nothing, and you own nothing." I reached down and took his cock and balls firmly into my hand. "In fact, you are nothing. At least as far as I am concerned. You're just my property. My slave. You don't have any rights, and you don't have any choices. I don't care what you think, or how you feel, or what you want or desire or need. You are just my property and nothing else, for me to use or ignore as I see fit." He was turning a deep shade of red, but his cock was slowly rising as it thickened and hardened.

"Do you understand this?" He cringed into his shoulders, but didn't answer. "I asked you a question," I growled loudly at him. "Yes! Yes, I...." he choked his answer back and swallowed. "Yes Daddy!" Releasing his cock I unzipped my pants and pulled out my own, grabbing his head of hair and forcing him to his knees. Taking my cock into my other hand I guided it between his lips, then held his head tightly as I fucked his mouth. He gasped and choked and drooled, fighting against me, but I held him in place. "Open that hole, bitch," I said as I thrust harder. He stopped struggling and relaxed a little, so I slowed my rhythm, then finally stopped, my cock buried in his mouth to its base. "That is where you belong." I pulled his head off my cock by his hair and thrust him backward, causing him to stumble into the loveseat. Picking up my coffee, I went into my office to do some paperwork. I could hear him as he tried to stifle his sobs until he finally broke down and started to cry. That was okay. It would do him good. He had been holding back his fears and uncertainties all day long, and now that they were pouring out in sets of tears he would think about them, examine them, and hopefully come to a final decision. It was nearly half an hour before he finally stopped sniffling, and a good fifteen minutes more before I heard him even move. To his credit, he crawled down the hallway to stop and sit next to my chair, crouched on all fours.

"Are you finished blubbering?" I could hear the embarrassment in his voice. "Yes Daddy." I held out my coffee cup and sent him for coffee, turning my chair outward from the desk to light a cigarette. When he returned I indicated the corner of my desk with a nod and he set the coffee cup down. "I want my feet massaged. Firmly, but not hard." I sat back and thought of all the things I still needed to do. Even though I had a week of vacation ahead of me, I still had three or four hours of paperwork to handle every day. That's something you can't escape when you own a business. "When you are massaging my foot, you are not supposed to be thinking of what you are doing, or what you think you should do. What you are supposed to be thinking of is what I am feeling, and trying to make what I am feeling as pleasurable as possible." It wasn't that he was doing a bad job, necessarily, and I didn't expect him to really understand what I meant, at least not yet. The thought was only the beginning of his training, and given time he would both learn and discover what pleased me. I pulled my right foot back so that he would move to my left foot. It was rather nice to just sit there and watch him, naked, his knees spread apart so his ass nearly rested on the ground, his semi-hard cock sticking out in a graceful arch over his low hanging balls, the black collar and cuffs signifying his place as my slave. And to think that today was only the first day. Unzipping my pants I pulled out my cock and motioned him over to it. His expression was one of resignation, but he obeyed immediately, taking my cock into his mouth to suck it. I grabbed a fistful of hair again and held his head still. "Don't suck, drink. I've gotta pee." I saw his eyes pop open and felt his head jerk back, which only made me increase the strength of my grip. He looked up at me pleadingly, but I just met his gaze until he lowered his eyes and stopped resisting. I released my piss slowly at first, squeezing it to a stop for a moment so that he could breathe, then just let it loose. I hadn't had to pee bad, but badly enough that I groaned with relief. He began to cough and sputter, unable to swallow it fast enough. "Don't spill any!" I pinched off the flow again and let him take a few deep breathes, then let loose the last of it. "Now suck on it," I said when I was finished, releasing my fistful of hair. "Gently." When my cock felt properly drained I pulled it from his mouth and zipped up my pants. "Now you can take my socks off and thank me for my piss." When I saw the look on his face I had to laugh. He obviously wasn't very thankful at the moment, but he obeyed. I reached over and wiggled the mouse to wake my computer up as he tugged the sock off my right foot, bending to wrap his warm, wet lips around my three smallest toes. Clicking icons, I finally located the document that I wanted and sent it to print. Plucking it off, I took my time reading it over while he licked and kissed my foot, moving to repeat the performance on my left as I pulled the right away. "Come," I said when I finally rose. Lumbering to his feet, he followed me down the hallway and into the kitchen. I set the two pages on the table and told him to sit. He was tense with confusion and anticipation. "That's the Slave's Credo. Read it." I began pulling out pots and pans to begin preparing supper. "Tell me when you're finished." I had the meal well underway by the time he was done. "Good. Read it again, out loud." He cleared his throat a little. "I willingly submit myself to my Daddy and your love for me, for I am your slave. My every thought will be to love and obey my Daddy, and to make you proud of me, for I am your slave." "Stop. Read that line over." "My every thought will be to love and obey my Daddy, and to make you proud of me, for I am your slave." "Your every thought!" I stressed. He glanced at me, then ducked his head. "Continue." I flipped the steak and poked at the potatoes with a fork. They were both a long way from cooked. I listened to his recital as I set the table, placing the forks, knives, spoons, napkins plates and glasses in a precise manner and setting out the salt and pepper. "Because my body is now my Daddy's property, I no longer have the right to refuse any use to which you put it, but rather, I will be grateful should you choose to acknowledge me at all," he came to an end. "Read that one again." He glanced aside, not willing to meet my eyes, then repeated it. "Do you understand that completely?" He nodded. "Take that into the living room and memorize it, word for word. You're in my way." He shuffled off quickly, happy to be given permission to be out of my sight. When the food was complete I made my plate, then served him what would be his portion. "Before you sit," I told him after calling him to the table, "I want you to look at the way my place is set. From now on you will set it exactly as I have it." "Yes Daddy." I gave him a moment, then allowed him to sit and eat, keeping him in the edge of my awareness. He began tentatively at first, but was soon eating with gusto.

"When I am finished eating you'll clean up the kitchen. The dishes on the table go in the dishwasher, everything else is hand washed, soap is under the sink. Wipe off the table and all of the counters." "Yes Daddy," I saw him shrink a little at my command. Wiping my mouth a final time I stood up and looked down at him. His home life may have sucked, but he had wanted this. He may not have truly understood what being a slave meant, but deep down he had yearned to be some man's slave far more than he had wanted to get out of the house. I could see it in his demeanor. There was a lot that he needed to learn, but he would be an easy train. I went into the living room and picked out a movie to watch. I was never one to go out on Saturday evening anyway, and generally stayed home to relax. Popping it in, I let the trailers run, waiting for my slave to complete its task. When he finally hobbled into the living room, he was uncertain of what to do; where to stand or where to go or what to do. Walking over to the bookcase against the far wall, I pointed to the floor in front of it. "Wait." He looked questioningly at me, then hurried over to fill the spot, the chain between his ankles dragging across the laminate floor. He spread his legs apart and wrapped his arms behind him. "Each room will have a `wait.' Unless you are serving me, that is where you will be until I want you or tell you otherwise." He squirmed at the command. "Yes Daddy." "Stay." I returned to the kitchen to inspect it. He had actually done a pretty fair job, leaving the pots and pans to dry on a towel on the counter. Once he learned where everything went he would be hand drying them and putting them away. There were a few other minor details to be taught as well. I kicked back on the couch and started the movie. "Come," I called him over to me. "Turn around and sit here on my lap." This confused the poor boy even more. I had been very strict and abrupt with him all day, and the last place he expected to find himself was sitting on my lap. With a little awkwardness I finally managed to snuggle him into place, his legs bent across the top of mine, his head resting on my shoulder. "Watch the movie." I began trailing my fingers tenderly along his across the curve of his hip, rubbing my thumb on the outside of his thigh. Cupping his ass, I let my pinkie brush over his asshole as I caressed his cheek, then just allowed my hand to roam idly over his body, getting into the dialogue of the show. He slowly relaxed beneath my ministrations. "Can I use the bathroom Daddy?" "Yup." I raised my arm and let him climb off, giving the moment no further thought. I simply expected him to return to his spot when he was finished. He was eagerly hopeful when he came back, crawling carefully beneath my arm when I lifted it and relaxing back against my chest. When my hand reached for his ass he perked up a little to make sure it was within my reach.

"Daddy's little bitch," I murmured, stroking his anus and wiggling the butt plug. "What you're going to learn is to be Daddy's good little bitch." He lifted his leg to spread is ass cheeks. Taking my other hand I ruffled his hair, then patted it down and pet him.

"That's a good boy." His cock was rising and thickening quickly. I pushed his leg down and focused his attention on the movie, continuing to caress his body. About half way through I paused it. "Bring me a cup of tea. Darjeeling." He climbed off of me and shuffled into the kitchen. Going into the bathroom, I shed my clothes and threw them in the laundry. "Bathrobe and slippers," I said as he set the tea on the end table. He scampered off and I yawned, stretching, then drew my arms behind me to allow the robe to slip onto my shoulders. I drew it closed and tied it, then sat to have my slippers placed on my feet. "Get my cigarettes and an astray." Resuming the movie, I threw one leg up on the couch and sat back to smoke and enjoy my tea, waiting to see what my slave would do. On his hands and knees in front of me, he first started to rise to come to me, then stopped, crouching back and looking toward the bookcase and back again. Perceiving that my attention was fixed elsewhere, he finally scrambled to his "wait" spot. Damn, he was going to be an easy train. When the movie was over I opened my robe and pointed at my crotch. "Toilet." It was a few moments before he understood what I meant, and it took my turning my attention on him to get him to respond. He scrambled over quickly to crawl between my legs and take my cock in his mouth. I emptied my bladder into his mouth and let him suck my cock dry. "Put that in the kitchen," I held out my empty cup. He ran off and returned to be led into the bathroom. Opening cupboards I showed where to find the towels and washcloths. "Bend over." I pulled out the teardrop and threw it into the sink. "Wash that and put it back in the toy box, then shower." Stepping out, I stopped in the doorway. "You never close this door when you are alone in here." He met my eyes, then looked away, nodding that he understood. I heard the chains scrape over the porcelain as he got in and the spray of water a few moments later. It was already eight thirty in the evening, but far too early to go to bed. Sitting down in front of my computer I checked my emails. Lo and behold, I had a response to my ad, some kid who had just turned eighteen and wanted to be tied up and fucked. The way it was written, I wouldn't have responded to it in the first place, and at the moment I had no reason to respond. Checking the box next to it, I deleted it, then for no reason pulled up my ad to read it over. "Daddy type looking to own a slave, 24/7. Age, race unimportant. Must be slender to athletic, clean and disease free. Expect total obedience." Short and to the point. It was only after I got a response that I went into details, laying out my expectations to the ones I thought had the slightest potential. Usually that was enough to scare them off, and they never answered again. Of the few who did respond I soon determined that they were not what I was after. Normally I wouldn't even have met with David until after a few weeks of questioning him via email, but for some reason had decided just to jump on this one. The apparent desperateness of his situation may have prompted it a little, but now I was glad that I did. I deleted the ad. "Make me another tea then come sit on the floor at my feet," I told him when he finished drying off. "You wanted to be a slave, didn't you." "Yes Daddy." "Was it true that you wanted to get out of your mother's house?" "Yes. My..." "I'm not interested." He stopped. "Is this what you expected?" He shook his head. "I am going to ask you this once. Do you want to learn how to be my slave?" He paused for only a brief moment before nodding. I laughed. "I thought so." I spread my legs and opened my robe. "Get over here and worship my cock. The only thought I want you to think is `this cock owns me.' Repeat it over and over, and don't allow any other thoughts into your head." I flipped on the television and watched him go to work. He gently took the head of my flaccid dick into his mouth, licking his lips first to make sure they were good and wet, and began slurping on it. It felt so good that my cock grew quickly between his lips, and he pushed himself further and further on to it. All I could think was that my cock deserved to be sucked, and he was one lucky little bitch to have it in his mouth.

He dove beneath it and ran his tongue up the underside of my shaft, stopping to wiggle the tip just inside the `V' of my engorged head. My cock throbbed toward climax, but I was a long way off. I wanted to see how long my cock would keep his attention. He did well for about the first five minutes, then his actions became mechanical. "This cock owns me," I repeated, talking down to him. He ducked his head a little but slowed his pace, his tongue wiggling again as his attention refocused onto my cock. "Balls," I directed. His tongue slid down my shaft to lick my sac. Reaching down, I adjusted them so he could get at them better. "That is your place, and this is my place. It will never be any different." I pointed the remote and flipped through the channels, settling back to relax and enjoy my slave. I stopped caring about how he was licking and sucking me, as long as his tongue and lips were in my crotch while I drank my tea and smoked and watched the show. To his credit, he continued to lick my balls until I told him to pay attention to my cock too. It was about forty five minutes later that I started to feel a rise to climax that had no intentions of stopping. Dropping my hand on his head I pushed it down as I thrust my cock in hard. He choked, so I let up, then held his head in place as I proceeded to fuck his mouth, watching as my cock slid in and out between his wet lips. "Oh, yeah. Here you go bitch." I pushed my cock in deep and shot my load, drawing it back again as it dumped squirt after squirt onto his tongue. Taking one fistful of hair, I squeezed the base of my cock with my other hand, pumping out the last of my cum. "Did you like that, boy?" "Yes Daddy," he looked up at me from the floor. "Don't you think you should show me how grateful you are for my treating you so well?" He crawled back, ducking his head to kiss my feet. There would come a time where this would happen automatically, where he would be eager to show his gratitude for being used by me. "Come," I called to him as I rose. He crawled after me and stopped at my feet as I started pulling open the drawers in the bathroom cupboard.

"Get up." I set an old toothbrush on the counter by the sink. "That's yours. Brush, shit, pee, whatever you have to do, then go turn down the covers on my bed." I took my own toothbrush, then went to set up my coffee for the morning. This was another thing he would have to be taught. He was sitting on the toilet when I returned to spit in the sink and rinse my mouth. Sitting at the table, I lit up my last cigarette for the night. When he entered the kitchen he went immediately to my feet and started kissing them, then thought twice and went to stand in his `wait' spot. "You can kiss my feet." He dropped back to his hands and knees. "Is my bed turned down?" "Yes Daddy," he drew a big, fat-tongued lick up the bottom of my foot. I stamped out my cigarette and got up, picking my keys up off the kitchen table. Checking to make sure the doors were locked, I shut off the lights and ambled down the hallway, my slave following close behind. I directed him to kneel on the floor at the foot of my bed, then unlocked the chain attached to his cock from the other chain, wrapping it around the bottom of the frame of the footboard and locking it back into place. He looked at it, following the chain from the bed frame to his cock and realizing that this is where I would expect him to sleep. To his surprise, however, I unlocked the wrist and ankle cuffs, setting them atop my dresser, then undid the lock on the cock ring.

"I want my slave in my bed tonight." I pulled the covers over me as he crawled in on the other side. Turning him away from me, I reached back to turn off the light, then spooned against his back, reaching down to fondle my little slave cock a bit as I settled in, my cock resting in the crack of his ass. "Sleep." Closing my eyes, I drifted off immediately. It was about one in the morning when I felt him rise from next to me. His bag of clothes still lay on the floor in the kitchen, and if he was going to get dressed and leave, this would be his best chance, but I didn't think for a moment that he would. He had already sold his truck, closed his bank accounts, and given me the money. He had even cut up his own credit cards. I heard the toilet flush and the soft scamper of his footsteps as he snuck back in through the dark and slid back into the bed. I immediately reached out and pulled him toward me, my hand sliding down to the crack of his ass so I could finger my pussy for a bit. "Good boy," I murmured sleepily into his ear. He pushed his ass onto my finger a couple times, then I withdrew it and drifted back off to sleep. The damn alarm went off at ten to six. I had forgotten to shut it off. Needing to pee I ambled out of bed, my slave jumping up to follow me. "Stay," I commanded groggily. Relieving my bladder, I started my coffee brewing and lit up a cigarette. I could easily have gone back to bed, but this was my normal routine and I just automatically followed it. Besides, it was Sunday, so I could nap later if I felt like it. When twenty minutes had passed, I assumed my slave had fallen back to sleep and crept down the hallway to check on him. His face was peaceful and boyish in his slumber, his lips parted slightly as though expecting to be kissed. Damn he was one hot little shit. Refilling my coffee, I lit another smoke and ambled into the basement to check the laundry. There was certainly enough for a load, if not two. Wandering over to the fireplace I threw in some kindling and newspaper and struck it to light. Once that was burning well I added a couple of logs, noting that the bin needed refilling, then meandered back up the stairs to relax and wake up on the couch. Snow was falling in big, heavy flakes, and I was glad that I didn't have to drive anywhere today. Today was going to be a `house work' day, only instead of doing the house work myself, I would be teaching my slave how I expected it to be done. I had already started making a mental list. The first thing I taught my slave was how to make my breakfast. He came ambling down the hallway hurriedly when he woke and found himself alone in the bed, dropping to kiss my feet and wish me a good morning. "Is the bed made?" He shook his head and started away, but stopped. "Can I go pee first Daddy?" "Yes." He cooked under my supervision, then cleaned the kitchen as I checked the fire, sitting in front of it to another cup of coffee. When at last he came to find me, I led him to the laundry, instructed him on that, then sent him out to refill the crate with firewood. I always kept a dry stack in the back porch, so there was no fear of him being seen. When he came back in he was shivering. "It's cold out, Daddy." "Go put that by the fire and come back up. You'll warm up soon enough." Once that was done, I started him on sweeping and mopping the kitchen, then sweeping and scrubbing the bathroom floor. Handing him a pail and a rag and his toothbrush, I told him to start scrubbing the toilet, making sure he understood to cover every inch, inside and out. When he appeared in my doorway a little later I sent him off to get the vacuum. "Do I need to show you how to do that?" He shook his head. "Plug it into that socket," I pointed at the wall just aside the door. "You can reach every room from there. Carpets and throw rugs too." When I heard the whine of the vacuum motor I stood, pulling my chair back and pointing under the desk. I wanted a refill on my coffee anyway. I backed him out of the door as I strolled through, ambling into the basement to check the fire and allowing him to finish my office before I returned. He was in the hallway when I came around the corner, so I stopped to watch. It was a nice thing to see, my naked slave stepping forward and back with the motion of the vacuum, his balls swinging between his legs as his ass muscles bunched and un-bunched as he did his Master's bidding. I decided that it was only right that I owned a slave. I could feel my cock growing rock hard as I thought about it. My slave. My property. My little house bitch and sex toy. What he needed was a skimpy little lace thong. Yup, I had to do some shopping. My computer was booted and ready when I sat down, so I pulled up the internet and began browsing. Garter belts, crotchless panties, lace panties, sheer thongs, nylons, fishnet stockings, there was an incredibly wide selection available. I selected several items and finished the order, then began browsing for sex toys. I knew that I wouldn't find anything of interest. I already had everything that I would want or need, but it was always fun to see if there was anything new. When he finished his chore he walked demurely into my office and knelt on the floor aside my chair. "Wait," I pointed to the wall near the door. I finished entering the data into the spreadsheet, the rose to stretch. "Down," I pointed to the floor. He melted onto his hands and knees. "Come." I walked through the house, inspecting the carpets in each room. When I entered the living room I noticed a little piece of yellow fuzz on the rug. "You missed some there," I pointed at it, then turned to go into the bathroom, my slave backing out of my way as I walked briskly toward him. "You missed some here, too," I pointed at a bit of dirt on the throw rug. "I will let it go this time, but next time you'll be punished."

Next I examined the toilet. He had left the pail and rag standing next to it and the toothbrush on the top of the counter. Opening the drawer, I slid the toothbrush into it, then kicked the pail and wet rag over to him. "That goes under the sink." He reached to put it away but I had started to leave the room and pushed him to the side with my leg to clear my path. He had to learn that he always considered me first.

"Wait," I said as he entered the kitchen. I made us each a sandwich, placing mine on a plate on the kitchen table with a glass of milk. My slaves I put on a piece of paper towel and set it on the floor, allowing him to eat at my feet. Instructing him to clean up when I was finished, I went to the bathroom to grab some items, then called him into the basement after me. Pointing to a spot on the floor I told him to "wait," then poked at the fire and added another log. Though he kept his head bowed, I could tell he was eyeing the items I had placed on the laundry table, his expression one of uncertainty and trepidation. I didn't care. Walking into the workroom I grabbed four lengths of rope. There were two large eye hooks screwed into the basement ceiling and I tied each of his wrists to these, pulling his arms apart until he was nearly rising to the balls of his feet. I used the other two lengths around his ankles, spreading his legs until his whole body was taught. Reaching for the next item, I popped the ball gag into his mouth and tied it behind his head, running my fingers through his thick head of hair. That was coming off. Most of it, anyway. It was longer than I liked, and all I needed was enough to grab. But first he was losing his body hair. He hadn't developed a lot on his chest yet, but his arms and legs were darkened by the short, black hairs and his crotch had a nice, thick patch. There were wisps of black hair in his underarms, too, and a cute little trail that crept up his abdomen to his belly button.. It was all coming off. Slaves did not deserve to have hair on their bodies. Men had hair on their bodies. Slaves were just slaves. I dug out the trimmers and clicked it on, grabbing his cock to remove the patch of hair above it. He flinched and tried to pull away as it touched him. "Hold still, you stupid bitch, I don't want my property damaged." Working carefully, I trimmed down all the pubic hair in his crotch, then worked my way down each of his legs. His ass cheeks were just covered in peach fuzz, so I ran my hand up his back and examined his shoulders, then trimmed out the hair in each armpit and worked my way up each arm. Brushing out the trimmer I swept up, then filled the pail with hot, soapy water and began to oil down my slave.

Deciding to take a break, I stoked the fire again and sat for a coffee and a cigarette, mesmerized by the way the firelight played off the oiled, sculpted body of my slave. It was almost erotic the way the remaining black stubble shadowed his crotch and highlighted the curves of his arms and legs. But it wasn't what I wanted. Flicking my cigarette into the fire I rose to finish my task. Beginning at the back of his neck I first shaved out to his fingertips, removing even the hair on his knuckles before stripping his chest and abdomen bare. Next I cleaned out the crotch, working my way back to shave the ass cheeks baby smooth and clean out the crack, leaving about a half inch wide circle of hair around the asshole. Next came the legs, and finally the feet, my slave starting to squirm with the discomfort of being captive so long. I slapped him hard on the ass and told him to hold still. Wetting a rag, I wiped his body down and oiled it again before removing the ball gag and releasing him from his binds, touching up the areas on his wrists and ankles where the ropes had been.

"Down," I commanded as I started gathering up the articles. He dropped to his hands and knees. "Stay." I dumped the water and put everything away, sending my slave up to refill my coffee as I poked the fire once again and sat back. :Stand," I pointed to the floor just to my right as he set my cup down. I reached up and ran my hands between his legs, cupping the freshly shaved ball sack that hung there, smooth and slippery with oil. It felt good in my hand, as did the nice piece of cut cock meat that began to swell as I stroked it.

Mmmmm. My nice, smooth little whore. I fingered the patch of hair I had left around his asshole, my pussy, my fuck hole, its little pink lips clenched tightly and slick with oil. It would be hot and moist inside, a good place to bury my cock later. But for now I wanted it buried someplace else. I loosened my pants and pulled my cock out to be sucked. "Alright you hairless bitch, show me what you're good for." He quickly knelt between my legs and wrapped his lips around my cock. "That's right. Aren't you a lucky bitch that Daddy let's you suck his cock?" I looked down at him. He nodded almost imperceptibly, his mouth busy sliding up and down on my shaft. "Well, you'll be even luckier if I decide to fuck you later." He moaned and dove down further on my cock, burying his nose in my pubic hair. I rested my hand on the back of his head, pushing him back down as he drew off. "Yeah, you're going to like being Daddy's little slave bitch." My cock had swelled in it's hot, wet hole, and felt wonderful as the tongue caressed it, my slaves lips drawing up to encircle the base of its head before my cock plunged back deep into his throat. It was only right to use my hole this way, after all, that was what I owned this piece of property for. I sat back and had my cock sucked while I smoked another cigarette, then pushed him off to add one more log to the fire. It was still early afternoon, but I was starting to get a little sleepy. Snatching up my coffee cup, I brought my slave upstairs and slid the teardrop into my pussy, chaining my slave to the footboard of my bed by its cock while I took my nap.

I had to pee when I woke, so I kicked my slave awake, dragging out my dick to stick in my piss hole. It was so much easier than having to bother with the toilet seat and flushing, and I didn't have the afterward drips. Not wanting to bother with my slave for the moment I went and started a fresh pot of coffee, then sat at the table to wake up a little bit. There was still a lot of housework that could be done, but I didn't have the energy for it at the moment. I poured a fresh, hot cup of coffee and lit a cigarette, then shuffled to the bedroom to slip on my slippers, my slave rolling off the floor and onto his hands and knees as I entered. "Sit up." I unlocked the chain from the cock ring but left the cock ring in place, snapping the lock onto the little metal loop, and allowed my slave to follow me into the kitchen.

"Pour me a coffee." I took the clippers back out and relaxed into my chair, ordering my slave down on all fours between my legs. Clipping on an attachment, I sheered the hair on its head down to about an inch in length and trimmed its neck. "Clean that up." I cleaned and oiled the trimmer before putting it away, then called my slave into the bathroom. Bending him over the sink, I filled a douche bottle with warm water, then pulled the teardrop out of my pussy and set it aside so I could slide the nozzle up my hole and fill it. I filled the bottle and emptied it up my pussy a second time, then told him to shower, telling him he could empty when he was done and allowing him a wash rag and a hand towel to dry off with. I left the bathroom door open and returned when I heard the water shut off. It was embarrassing for him to have me stand there and watch him as he emptied the water from his bowels, and when he finally finished I bent him over the counter to fill my pussy again, commanding him to follow me on his hands and knees. Turning on the TV, I sat back to a coffee and a cigarette while he did due diligence to my feet. I could see the strain on his face as he fought to hold the water inside him, then finally allowed him to go empty, telling him to give my cunt one final rinse before he returned. "Did you wash the teardrop and put it away?" "No Daddy." "You mean you left something of mine lying around dirty?" I reprimanded him sharply. He scuttled back, a look of fear and confusion on his face. "Well?" I shouted. "Now!" He rushed forward at a crawl, then stumbled to his feet and ran to the bathroom to obey. When he came rushing back to kiss my feet, I pushed his head to the floor with my bare foot, stepping down on it hard. "Do you think you're more important than the rest of my things? You are the least of what I own. Everything is more important than you are, and I expect you to show respect for everything I own." "Yes Daddy," he whined. "Go get my whip." He didn't need to ask where it was. He had seen it lying in the top of the toy box. His face scrunched with despondency once I released my foot, and he began to crawl away reluctantly to obey. "Hurry up," I growled. I positioned him in front of me, just to the right of my chair, his face pressed on the floor and his ass pointed into the air. I fondled the nine leather straps with my fingers, feeling the softness of them, then cocked my arm back to lay them hard against his ass cheeks. He barked, every muscle of his body tensing, but didn't pull away. I gave him four more before I paused, listening to his groans and gasps. "Put that away," I threw it to my feet. He picked it up and rushed to put it back, slavering gratefully all over my feet when he returned. "Do you have something to say to me?" "Yes Daddy. Thank you Daddy." "What are you thanking me for?" "For not whipping me so much Daddy." Yes, I had been lenient, and I was glad he realized it. "Is that all?" His actions slowed as he paused to think a moment. "Yes Daddy." The response was a little unsure, but at least he returned his attention to kissing my feet. "Shouldn't you be thanking me for taking my time to punish you? Shouldn't you be thanking me for the effort I put into training you?" I could see the look of contrition on his face. "Yes Daddy." "I know this is all new to you, that you have a lot to learn and are going to need a lot of training. But I should never need to waste my time on you." He ducked away, uncertain and fearful. "Do you understand your position in my life?" He actually began to cry. "Yes Daddy." "Stand up." His cock was rock hard and standing at full attention. I pointed at it, laughing. "Look how important that is to you. Look how much you want me to treat you exactly as I do." "Yes Daddy," his face turned red beneath his tears. Getting up, I picked up the Slave's Credo from the end table where he had left it the day before and handed it to him.

"Do you have that memorized?" He shook his head. "Then I think you better start working on it." "Yes Daddy," he looked away, pulling his shoulders in and bowing his head. I pointed to his "wait" spot, then left him to go make supper. Once my plate was set I gave a sharp whistle, and my slave came hurrying into the room. To his credit he didn't ask to sit, but stood just to the left of my chair with his hands behind his back and his legs spread. "Sit and eat," I pointed to the chair. Leaving the table when I finished I retired to my office, fully expecting the kitchen to be cleaned without my commanding it. Pulling up my email account, I was surprised to find only one that was business related, and it was just a quick enquiry from my business partner. Settling back, I pulled up the new play I was writing and began to review it. I could hear the dishes clattering into the dishwasher as I began to type, and sent my slave off after the credo when he finished washing the pots and pans and came scurrying back to me. Kneeling aside my chair, I had him turn over the papers and recite it to me from memory. When he missed a line, or got stuck, I had him turn the papers over and read through the whole thing silently, then had him try it again. "I will always keep my body shaved to my Daddy's specifications, for I am your slave. I will willing accept..." He stumbled over the next line and I made him read it again, then start the recitation over. When he finally made it through the entire credo without a mistake, I rewarded him by allowing him to suck my cock for a little bit. "Tea," I commanded. While he ran to do my bidding, I went to the toy box for a good sized dildo. "Bring the lube and a hot wash rag." Slicking up the dildo, I held it in place on the floor in his "wait" spot. "Get over here and wrap my pussy around this." Crawling over he positioned himself above it, reaching down to guide it in as he sat on it, his feet spread to either side of his thighs. Shoving down on his shoulder, I thrust him down onto it as far as he could go, then wiped my hands clean with the wash rag. "Stay." I returned to my work, lighting a cigarette and sipping my tea as I read over the last of what I had written so far. My mind moving back into the flow of it, I continued to write, content that I had my slave waiting obediently for me. Now and again I would glance over to make certain the dildo was still buried as deep as it would go. I rose for another cup of tea and another cigarette, but after an hour and forty minutes of writing I got stuck. As usual I paced the house for a bit, returning to read it over, then paced some more as I thought about it. At last I decided to take a break from it. "Come." I shut the computer down and strolled out of the office, my slave eager to follow me after being stuck in one position for so long. The movement of my pussy caused the dildo to slip out of it, so I had my slave wash it and put it away, allowing it to urinate if it had to as well. Undressing, I threw my clothes down the clothes chute and stepped into the shower, my slave standing in waiting. "Put a towel down," I said as I reopened the door. He rushed over and laid one of the two towels I had set aside out for me to step on. As I stood there dripping, my legs spread slightly and my hands at my sides, it took him several brief moments to realize I expected him to dry me off with the other towel. He fumbled with it and was clumsy, but it was no less than I expected. Snatching the towel from him when he was finished, I dried my face off better and wiped the crack of my ass, then threw it back at him and instructed him to put it in the laundry. "Go wait in the living room." I finished with a little deodorant, removed my contacts and brushed my teeth, sending my slave after my cigarettes and an ashtray as I relaxed naked on the couch.

"Balls," I said as he set them to my side. He obeyed quickly and meekly, nestling between my legs and licking them gently.

I finally had what I wanted; a worthless little bitch slave to use however I pleased. And it had taken less than two days to teach him his place. Smoking my cigarette, I watched him, his attention focused solely on my balls and the cock that had swelled before his very eyes. He was definitely a cute little fucker, especially now that his hair was clipped short. I scratched my chest, then scratched at the patch of pubic hair above my cock, using my thumb stand my cock up into the air. Grabbing his ear, I pulled his mouth over it, then pushed his head down onto it. God, I loved the feel of that warm wetness as it enveloped my cock. I grabbed him by the chin and pushed him off, pulling him up to meet me as I stood and wrapping my lips over his. He moaned a little, and I wrapped my arm around him to pull his warm, naked body tight against mine. Tense at first, he quickly relaxed, melting against me as he returned my kiss. Letting go of his chin, I ran my hands over his smooth, naked, hairless body, caressing his ass and teasing his asshole, pinching his nipples and fondling his cock and balls. Tentatively he did the same, starting to learn the feel of me with his hands as I explored the feel of him. He was panting when I ended the kiss, his eyes flicking up to mine in wonder and curiosity, as well as with hope and lustful passion. I pushed him away slightly, my hand trailing down his chest and abdomen to cup his balls. Kneading them a little, I stroked his cock with my thumb as my fingers wrapped around it, causing him to gasp and sigh. Reaching lower, I slipped a finger into my pussy and played with it a moment, then grabbed his sack and drew him up for another embrace. He pressed against me almost desperately. Turning him around, I pressed my hand against his shoulder and bent him over. "Pull your cheeks apart." I greased my pussy a little more, then slid my cock up into its hot, wet hole, thrusting in deep and holding it there. Grabbing his chest, I stood him up against me, nearly picking him up off his feet as I wrapped my greasy hand around his cock. He moaned loudly. "Yeah, you like it when Daddy strokes your little clit, don't you cunt?" "Mmmmm. Yes Daddy." "You stroke your clit for Daddy." He took his cock in his hand as I grabbed his hips, holding him steady so I could fuck my pussy properly. It wasn't long before his breathes were coming in short gasps, his tiny moans suddenly coming together into one long moan as his load shot through the air and onto the hardwood floor. "Yeah, that's right, squeeze that pussy around my cock, bitch." I could feel his sphincter contracting around my shaft. I drove in and out slowly and deeply, hot, wet friction sliding along the entire length of my cock. My pussy pulsed, getting wetter and wetter, until finally it relaxed and opened up. The sensation was incredible, and I started fucking it hard, feeling the sweet pain of my orgasm building to crescendo. Bending my slave over, I thrust in as deep as I could go, letting out a long groan my cum exploded into my cunt hole. I stood there and let my cock pulse inside, then sat back to have it cleaned by my slave's tongue. "Go get my robe, then lick your mess off my floor." I didn't care if the idea repulsed him or not. I simply expected it done. Draping my robe over my shoulders, he dropped back to his hands and knees to obey as I went for a glass of water and a last cigarette. When he finished, I had him brush his teeth, giving him back the toothbrush he had used to clean the toilet with, and allowed him a drink before chaining him by the cock ring to the foot of my bed for the night. Turning out the light, I settled in between the sheet. "Thank you Daddy," I heard from the darkness. I smiled.

Next: Chapter 2

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