My Revenge on Mike

By Master Gilbert

Published on Aug 27, 2023


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author condones such situations and/or acts.

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Descending into hell...

And so it started. Scott made Mike strip and sat down on the couch with his legs spread. He had six inches of cock down Mike's throat before I could even get the phone out of my pocket. For someone that said he was a friend of Mike, he was sure in a hurry to cum in his former friend...

I got my phone going and got some great video of Scott pounding his cock into Mike's throat. It was hard to believe that this was the first time Scott had throat fucked someone like this. I could just imagine Scott doing this to some freshman girl he picked up at a party or in the bar. I guess what made it so remarkable was that Mike was a friend of his. I could only imagine what he would do to someone he did not care about.

Scott was gloating while he choked Mike with his cock. He was leaned back, drinking his beer, smoking his cigar, and calling him all kinds of names. He was blowing smoke in Mike's face. He was spitting at him. And when Mike was choking, he was holding the back of his head so he could not breathe.

Mike's face was slick with spit. His throat slime was all coating Scott's cock and crotch. Now I have gotten some great blowjobs from Mike and I have never had him that messy. And truth be told, I'm not sure I would want to.

Scott slapped Mike's face pretty hard and then hooked his thumbs in the corners of Mike's mouth and held his face up while spitting into his open mouth. Then he kicked Mike off. I thought he had cum and I had missed it, but I was wrong.

"Turn around and sit that ass on my cock your fucking bitch." Scott barked at Mike.

Mike turned around and started to position himself, but Scott grabbed him by the waist and with a fluid, almost practiced motion, had him fully seated on his cock. He was balls deep into Mike's ass. Mike looked like he was about to scream or cry, but Scott on the other hand had this look of triumph on his face. Scott was now king, and Mike was just another notch on his belt.

I filmed the whole thing. Scott's brutal thrusts into Mike's ass. Mike's attempt to adjust and make things more bearable. Scott's control over Mike and his total contempt for his once former friend. Mike was more broken than ever.

At first, I thought Scott had not noticed that he was breaking Mike like a cowboy breaks a horse. But watching Scott, he knew. Not only did he know, he was enjoying it. And he was not the only one. Between the feelings of shock and horror about how brutal Scott was, there were also feelings of lust and envy. I had been fucking Mike, getting revenge for months now, but I had never treated Mike like this.

Scott grabbed Mike's shoulder and stood up, forcing Mike to bend over forward. He then started fucking him with long, deep thrusts. During one of these thrusts, Scott's cigar dropped and hit Mike in the back. It scared Mike and he tried to straighten up, but Scott just picked the cigar back up and using his power, didn't let him. In fact, Scott chuckled while wiping his hand across the ashy spot.

Scott's stamina was amazing. For almost an hour he fucked Mike in every position you could think of. He fucked him standing up, bent over the couch, on his hands and knees, but never once did he look him in the face while he fucked.

Finally, Scott threw Mike against the wall and was fucking him so hard he was lifting him off the ground. He was drilling Mike's ass pushing his face into the wall calling him bitch, cunt, dick ditch, and faggot. From a porno point of view, it was great. But you started to feel bad when you realized that Scott was really trying to hurt his former friend.

With thrusts that I thought was going to push Mike through the wall, Scott started swearing a long list of slurs at Mike letting him know he was filling his ass with "my superior sperm" as Scott called it. He kept Mike pinned to the wall for a couple more minutes before he pulled his cock out with an audible popping noise. The look of total satisfaction was all over Scott's face. He was looking around but must not have seen what he wanted, but that did not seem to stop him.

As Mike started to move away from the wall, Scott grabbed his shoulder and put him on his knees. Mike did not need instruction; it was clear what Scott expected. Mike's mouth opened wide and Scott leaned forward and put the length of his still impressive cock in. This was the first time Scott had not controlled the action, but instead just stood there while Mike cleaned off his cock.

"Hey bitch, remember telling me about pissing into that cheerleaders mouth last year after you had finished ruining her cunt?" Scott said without expecting an answer I would assume. Then with a small shudder, Mike started swallowing at an extremely fast pace.

When Scott was finally finished, he walked over to the couch and grabbed his clothes. He started getting dressed and then walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. As he started to leave, he finally looked at me and must have seen the shocked look on my face.

Laughing, Scott said "That's just a quick fuck man, wait until I have more time." Then turning to the door, he was almost outside before turning back around and saying "Oh and get my number from that cum rag on the floor and send me the video man. Thanks"

Scott was gone and Mike was still on his knees where Scott had left him. I walked over to him and bent over to help him up but was shocked to see Mike going for my crotch.

"Not just yet" was all I could think of saying and I helped Mike to stand and I started toward the couch.

I sat down but Mike just sort of stood there looking at me. I thought he was in shock at first. But after a minute I realized he was waiting for me to tell him what to do. "Fetch me a beer and a new cigar man and find the hockey game on the TV." I did not know what else to say.

Mike did exactly what I told him to and before I could really think about what was going to be going on next, I had a cigar, a beer, and a naked Mike kneeling between my legs.

Now there has always been a bro code with all the other guys I know. We do not talk about sex, about what we did (other than to say we did it), about what we liked, and least about what the girl liked. I mean there was the obvious gloating: "Man I got some pussy last night." But you never asked questions about it. So, I really did not know what to say to Mike, but the silence between us was like torture.

I could not tell you where the words came from, but I heard myself ask "So did you like that?"

Mike's eyes were starting to turn red and that is when the dam broke, and Mike became a mess. "No, but I deserved it."

Deep down I agreed with that. Mike did deserve it. He treated people like shit. He used people to get what he wanted without any thought about them after he was done. But still, after watching that merciless fucking, I felt sorry for him.

Mike just sort of collapsed after that. He put his head in my lap and stopped holding himself up and just sort of settled in.

I had no clue what to do now. So, I did nothing. I just sat back and drank my beer, smoked my cigar and watched the hockey game. I was hypersensitive to where I put my hands, and every movement of Mike. I put my hands on the back of the couch. I put my hands on the cushions at my sides. But I was trapped in the middle of the couch and now my beer was empty, and I had no place to put the empty bottle. My cigar ash had gotten really long, and I really needed the ashtray. I finally broke the silence and tapped Mike on the back of his head. "Hey man, I need that ashtray."

Mike looked up at me and then reached over to the table and grabbed the ashtray. He put it on the cushion next to me then put his head back down.

My next thought was maybe I could get Mike to move if I had to go to the bathroom. So, I said, "Hey man, I need to take a leak."

I did not get the reaction I was expecting. Instead of letting me get up, Mike reached for my fly, opened it and put his mouth around my cock. I could not hold it any longer and I just let go. Mike swallowed as fast as he could and did not spill a drop. Now there is just something relaxing when you let go of a piss that you have been holding onto for awhile and this was no exception. I leaned my head back, put the cigar in my mouth and just enjoyed it.

What happened next should not have surprised me. I started getting hard and Mike started sucking my cock. This was not the slam a cock into the back of his throat face fucking that Scott had given him where he had no choice but to hold his mouth open. Mike was actively sucking my cock and doing a particularly good job at it.

I was more then happy to leave my head leaned back on the couch and enjoy the cigar I had. So that's what I did. I closed my eyes and just let Mike do his thing.

Using his tongue, Mike swirled the head of my cock around in his mouth. He did things to my cock no one has ever done before. And he remembered that I hate having hands on my cock while I am getting a blowjob so he did everything with just his mouth.

There were times that Mike would swallow my whole cock down his throat and do these quick bobbing moves. Other times he would pull back until just the head of my cock was in his mouth and suck it, play with the piss slit with his tongue, and then inch his way back down the shaft until my balls were against his chin. I completely lost track of time because this blowjob was the best thing I have ever felt.

Time was really doing strange things. Normally when I get a blowjob, I last maybe ten to fifteen minutes before I bust a load. This time however I felt like Mike had been going at my cock for the better part of an hour. This gave me time to really enjoy my cigar. I probably would not have even thought twice about it but suddenly Mike stopped. I picked up my head just in time to see Mike sit down on my cock.

Now I am pretty used to the feeling of Mike's ass at this point. It usually grips my cock so tight I can barely stand it. Not this time. Mike's ass felt like butter. There was almost no grip to it and was so slick and slippery. Mike rode my cock bumping and grinding against me without stopping for more than 30 minutes. He never let up, making sure he kept his ass moving and sliding up and down my cock.

When I started to get close to cumming, Mike must have sensed it because he started to increase his pace and was slamming his ass against my crotch. I grabbed his hips and held him in place on my cock while I started exploding my cum up his ass chute. My whole body was shaking with the force of my orgasm. And when I was done, Mike lifted himself off my cock and immediately turned around and started sucking it clean.

I had not intended to spend the night at Mike's apartment but after that fuck, I did not have the energy to leave either. I picked myself up off the couch, having to stop Mike who was not leaving my cock alone, so I could walk to the bedroom. I crawled into Mike's bed and he crawled in right behind me.

Anyone that has every tried to sleep with me will tell you, I do not like to cuddle when I sleep. I move around the bed, kicking and rolling over all night. That did not seem to matter though, Mike latched on to my back and I was suddenly the small spoon. I might be in charge when it come to sex, but right now I felt like Mike's security blanket and he was not letting me go.

As I drifted off to sleep, I heard Mike softly crying behind me. It was barely audible, but it was also extremely sad. Luckily, neither one of us lasted long. I could not even tell you which of us was out first, though I suspect it was me. I'm not sure what I expected my day to be like, but I know this was not it...

Next: Chapter 9

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