My Revenge on Mike

By Master Gilbert

Published on Aug 5, 2023


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author condones such situations and/or acts.

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The power fuck I was throwing to this pig was nothing short of epic. Long dicking his throat, listening to him gag and seeing the long strings of spit and precumming bubbling around his lips, all while smoking a cigar. Mike's piggy eyes were starting to water and the snot was running out of his nose before I finally pulled him off my cock and shot a load all over his face. Normally that would have meant the end of my fun but not tonight. I felt like I was just getting warmed up.....

I had gotten used to this new arrangement that I had with Mike. I would come over anytime I wanted to. I would help myself to his cigars, beers, and what ever else he had that I wanted. And of course, that meant I helped my self to Mike a lot too.

I had been fucking Mike so much lately that I hadn't even seen my ex-girlfriend. After all, who needed to take the time to woo her, take her to dinner, movies, spend money on her, just to hopefully get a kiss, or blow job. All I needed to do was walk into Mike's apartment, tell him to suck me off, and leave. Or if I really wanted to get mean, I would tell him to bend over and reach back and spread his cheeks. I fucked him in an alley, between the stacks in the library, in his car, and in every room of his apartment.

I have fucked him dry just to hear him scream. I have fucked him with him wearing his football uniform, wearing just his jock strap, I even made him up on lipstick once to see how far down my cock he could leave a ring. He took it all the way to the balls, not that he had much choice.

He has licked my balls, the bottom of my shoes, and I even let him lick my ass, which was a lot better than I expected. He had done every depraved, kinky, dirty thing I could think of, and I had most of them recorded on my phone so I could watch them later and post them if he said no to anything.

Through all of this I had grown too. I found my love of cigars, whiskey, and power fucking. The first time I had a cigar, I took it from Mike and made him suck my cock while I smoked. Then I started smoking them just because they were his and I liked taking things from him. Eventually I made him bend over and get fucked while I was smoking. Now I can not imagine having sex without a cigar.

Of course, I cannot imagine having sex the old way either. Caring about what the other person wants, likes, cares about. I am not sure if that makes me selfish, or if I just found my love of power fucks.

Mike no longer goes out to bars or trolling for pussy. I make sure all his sexually frustration is worked out on my cock. I am just waiting for the day that Mike cums while riding my cock. I know when that happens, he will have no self-respect left.

Today is a Thursday. Traditionally that means frat parties, bar hopping, and lots of late-night fucking. But I didn't need any of that. After my last class I went straight to Mike's apartment. I go there before he did and helped myself to a beer and a cigar while I did some homework. It was about 6 when Mike finally showed up. He had some football or sports thing to do and was in his jeans and jersey. It was a good look for him. I wonder if he had washed it since I made him suck me off last time while wearing it and getting all that drool and cum all over the front of it.

The minute Mike walked in; he knew he was in trouble. His face fell, his shoulders dropped, and he kicked a bottle that was sitting on the floor next to his couch.

I just pointed under the table; he knew what to do.

He crawled under the table and found my zipper, unzipped it, and had my cock in his mouth before I could even finish the sentence I was working on. I closed my books, stopped working and just leaned back.

I let him suck me off for about 30 minutes, never letting myself cum, and stopping him a few times when I got close.

"My beer is empty" is all I had to say. He crawled out and headed to the little fridge in his kitchen and grabbed me a new one.

Once he was off my cock, I stood up and dropped my shorts, and headed to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, I sat in the middle of the bed and waited. Cigar in my mouth and cock in my hand. Mike came in pretty quick with my beer and handed it to me while he stood at the foot of the bed and waited for instructions.

"Lose everything but the jersey bitch." Was all I said.

Mike did not take long to make it happen. First the shoes and socks were gone, then the pants. I do like the way those pants lace up and really hug his ass, but they were ultimately going to get in the way. I acted like I was ignoring him while he undressed, but the reality is that I was watching his face and expressions.

When Mike is pissed, you can see it all over his face. He tenses up. His eyes go narrow and his ears get red.

But when Mike is embarrassed, his eyes go dark and he will not look up. His head tilts forward like its too heavy for him to hold up. And more importantly, he starts to chew on his lower lip. I do not think he knows that he is doing it. But it makes him look pathetic and makes his destruction even that much more fun.

I looked around for the ashtray that Mike usually keeps near the bed, but I did not see it anywhere. The ashes on my cigar had gotten pretty long and I was looking for something to do with them when I got a wicked idea.

"Hey bitch, hold out your hand." I said pretty coolly.

Mike's eyes flashed scarlet for a second and then went totally dark. I could tell he was processing it. Thinking about what I was about to do, and thinking is the last thing I want him to do.

"Which video do you the think the jocks on your team will like more, the one with my cock in your mouth and the bubbles of cum around it, or the one with you riding my cock like a whore while still wearing your jersey, covered in spit and cum stains?" I smiled.

"I know, I will just send them both" and that did it.

"Please stop this shit, haven't I done enough for you?" Mike said while starting to move his arm outward toward me. "You have won, I stopped seeing your girlfriend. I haven't even seen any girls in almost a month."

This was new for Mike, begging and pleading. Something he had not since the first few times I fucked him. Oh, you could tell he was not always the most willing participant, but he did what I told him to. And truth be told, I do think he even secretly enjoyed it a few times. But this was a new level, and I liked it.

With his hand stretched out and palm facing up, I flicked the end of the cigar and the ashes fell off. I was worried they might be hot, but Mike did not move when they hit his hand and I did not see any red or glowing parts. Mike did look at them with disgust and that's when the second idea hit. "Why don't you lick them up. I want to see you eat them man."

Mike's lower lip disappeared for a minute. He was chewing on it pretty hard. But all it took was me getting my phone out to start Mike's breakdown. He knew what I wanted to do, make a vid of it.

"Please don't do this" Mike said with a pathetic whimper in his voice.

"I will do what I want." I smirked back at him. "After all, I'm not the one on camera naming off all the guys on the team you want to fuck you while shoving your fingers into your ass."

I had the perfect view through the screen of my phone as Mike brought the ashes to his mouth and stuck his tongue out. There was a fizzing sound, it was quite different from what I expected. I guess you think of ashes being more solid. But when the moisture from his tongue hit the ashes, they just melted away leaving only a grey looking mud coating his tongue.

It must not have been as bad as Mike was expecting because his face registered almost nothing. Either that or he was really a broken little bitch, but those are both wins for me.

I, on the other hand, was both fascinated and amused. I was laughing out loud and telling Mike how stupid and pathetic he was. I made him hold his tongue out so I could get a good shot of it for the video. And then I told him to get between my legs so I could piss.

Now Mike has always been somewhat of a piss guy. I often need to piss after I cum and I found out pretty soon after I started fucking him that he would drink my piss without me having to blackmail him. I figured he already had my cum in his throat and stomach, what was a little piss added to that. But this was going to be the first time that I made Mike drink my piss before I came. I figured I should help wash that ash out of his mouth and that he would be thankful for it. Or at least that is what I told myself when I held Mike's head, with my cock head just sitting inside his lips and let loose with a stream of hot beer piss.

He did not miss a beat, swallowing as fast as I could push it out. I was actually hoping to piss fast enough that he couldn't keep up and would have piss all over his bed, but he did. I guess I will have to try harder next time.

The rest of the night went on pretty much the same as any other night. I made Mike suck me off until I was almost ready to cum, then stop and start sucking on my nuts. I made him beg for me to fuck him and of course I did. Things were getting pretty much back to their normal pace, but I could not get the look of Mike with cigar ashes on his tongue out of my mind.

My first cigar was finished long before Mike was sucking on my nuts. My third beer was finished even before that. I can tell you I was there for the long game tonight. Mike was going to be one sore jock tomorrow, but he usually blew off Friday classes anyway, so maybe I just might too.

After I was satisfied that my nuts were clean and that Mike's ego was bruised, even more, I told Mike to fetch me another beer and a fresh cigar.

"I only have one cigar left and it's a special one." Mike said while never actually looking at me.

"Special how?" I asked.

"It was given to me by a friend to smoke at his wedding." Mike said

"Show it to me." Was all I said.

Mike went into the living room and brings me this beast of a cigar. It was huge. "What is that?" I asked as I held out my hand.

"It's an Asylum 770 maduro." Mike replied.

"I can't wait to try that. Light it up for me man." I said with a grin.

Mike was not happy. He was starting to turn red and I knew this might be pushing it, but who cares anymore. Pushing it seemed to be the theme for tonight.

"You waiting for me to press send?" I said while holding up my phone with a picture of him sucking my cock.

There it was, that defeated look that I had grown to love. Mike cut the end of the cigar, lit it and took one good puff before handing it over. Now this was a cigar.

It was huge and the draw was so good. The smoke was smooth, and I could tell this was a cigar you smoke while celebrating. So, what was I going to celebrate? I had not made up my mind, but I did have a few ideas.

With a snap of my fingers, Mike got on the bed and back in position. His mouth was on my cock before I could even take a drag off the cigar. My piss was flowing right after that. I had a second chance to flood this bitch's bed. But he was still able to swallow my piss as fast as I could let it go. I was losing this battle, but then again, he was drinking my piss like a good little piggy.

Now what can I say but this was the life. This is how a man should live. I had a beer, a big ass cigar, and a cock sucker that was working like a hoover. Mike was working his mouth up and down my cock and his tongue was wrapping around the head of my cock every time he came up for air.

But to be honest I did not care. It could have been my ex-girlfriend sucking my cock, for all I knew. Not that she was ever this good. No, I was paying attention to good it felt. Every time I would get close to cumming, I would slap Mike across the back of the head and make him start sucking on my balls.

This went on for a long time, hours, back and forth: cock to balls. The only time I would stop him was when I needed a beer, to piss, or for him to hold out his hand for ashes from the cigar. But I needed to fuck.

I gave him a slap to the back of the head, and he looked up, leaving my cock head in his mouth. "I think it's time for the main event bitch. Time for me to fuck your cunt."

Mike turned around like he usually did and put his ass up and head down, but that's not what I wanted this time. I wanted more. I wanted to see his face, so I slapped his ass and he looked back at me. "Flip over on your back" was all I had to say.

Mike rolled over, and I lifted his legs like a cheap whore and put his ankles on my shoulders. My cock was really slick from all the deep throating, but I knew it wasn't slick enough. Luckily, I was spitting a lot while I was smoking so I spit into my palm and rubbed it all over his hole. Then I spit up another glob and rubbed it on my cock.

I am sure I had a wicked smile on my face when I slammed my cock into his cunt. Cigar in my jaw, my hands resting on his shoulders and Mike finally looking at me in the face. I was exhaling cigar smoke straight into Mike's face while I was pounding his cunt. It was the best fuck I have ever had.

His ass was holding up really well and it was squeezing my cock like a champ. The harder I slammed, the more it gripped. The more it gripped the harder I wanted to fuck.

At one point I leaned back and grabbed his ankles. I spread his legs wide and just started doing this quick in and out type of fucking. I wanted to see his face when his cunt became mush. It was a beautiful sight too. The pain of having his ass fucked fast and hard. The humiliation of me smoking his cigar while I did it. The pleasure he did not want to feel but did every time my cock hit his prostate.

That is when I felt something warm between us. I do not mean an emotional warmth, but a physical one. It only took one look down to see his cock spewing cum everywhere. The bitch was cumming from getting fucked. No hands needed. I owned him now more then ever and that made me cream the inside of his cunt. I started shooting jet after jet of cum into him. I filled his cunt so full that it was slopping out with each thrust.

When I was finished, I looked down over Mike, laying there almost in tears. Cum all over his jersey, cigar ash, spit and his still semi stiff cock betraying him. I just stood up next to the bed and pointed to my cock.

Mike knew what to do. He might not like it, and I hope he hated it. But as long as he did it, I did not care. Open mouthed se swallowed my cock and started cleaning. And just like the little bitch he was, never made a sound when I started pissing and laughing. All this and that monster of a cigar was only about halfway done. I needed a box of these.......

Next: Chapter 7

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