My Revenge on Mike

By Master Gilbert

Published on Sep 15, 2023


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author condones such situations and/or acts.

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Taking it back;

"Yeah, really!" I said sarcastically, "now listen, here is what I need you to do and I know you arent going like it....

I knew is Mike called Scott he would never turn down the chance to come back over and fuck him. And I was willing to bet that if he asked to have Gabe and Jesus come with him, he would jump at the chance. The good thing was to get them all together again, the bad part, Mike would have to put up with them fucking him again.

Of course, Mike would do anything I asked him to, so I told him to arrange a "party" for next Saturday night. That would give me time to work out all the details and get some supplies together. I needed a few things I had no idea how to get my hands on, but then again, I am a nerd on a college campus, you would be surprised what I can research on the internet and find.

By the time Saturday came around I had it all in place and had a good idea how I was going to pull it off. That being said, I was still only giving it a 50/50 chance of working, but that is still better than doing nothing.

Mike had his part ready too. The frig was stocked with beer and we had two bottles of whiskey ready to go. Mike had called his alumni booster and there were two boxes of cigars ready too. Mike had also gotten some porn for the tv.

Scott and his crew were set to come over at seven, we were ready by lunch. The rest of the day we had nothing to do but wait. And waiting was the worst part. I had to work hard to keep Mike, and myself, out of the whiskey and beers. Mike's nervous energy was unreal. My nervous energy was even worse.

About three, Mike suggested I have a cigar to help me relax. I was in no mood to say no. So, I allowed Mike to get me a cigar and light it. Now it should not be a surprise that as soon as I got that cigar in my jaw, Mike was working to get my cock in his mouth. I had really worried about Mike's ability to be that jock asshole after everything he had been through, but he had proven me wrong this past week.

I saw him in the Student Union with a group of the other jocks, they often traveled in packs, catcalling and flirting with some of the freshman girls. I heard he had bullied one of the freshmen from Hill Dorm so bad the guy had pissed in his pants. And there was a rumor floating around he was fucking a female professor in the English department. By Mike's standards, that was a light week.

He had even asked me about going drinking with the guys Thursday night. Now this was new, asking permission before going to a party, but I have to say it made me laugh under my breath. Of course, I let him go with the stipulation he not fuck or get fucked by anyone. As he left, I reminded him that included blow jobs! He came back drunk but swore he had not broken any rules. And I know he did not get fucked because he was still dry and tight when I fucked him that night.

In case I forgot to mention it, I had been staying at Mike's apartment since last weekend. It worked better for me to keep an eye on Mike and I was also enjoying having a hole to use every night. During the day Mike and I acted like we didn't know each other when we saw each other on campus. But at night Mike knew exactly how to treat his man.

Just like Mike knew exactly how to treat me now. Leaning back, sucking smoke, relaxing, Mike already had my cock out, stiff, and down his throat. I could close my eyes and not even look at Mike, and he knew what to do. He really had become the best cock sucker I had ever met.

Mike would get me right to the point I was going to cum, then slow down and ease up. I must have been about halfway through my cigar (these asylum 880 cigars can take 2 hours to smoke) before I finally put my hand on the back of Mike's head to force him all the way down and shoot my load. Mike swallowed my cum like a champ, just like he always did.

That's when he did something he had never done before, Mike stood up and took the cigar out of my mouth and sat down next to me and proceeded to finish it while leaning against me. This was new, but not unwanted or even uncomfortable. In fact, I think I like him better like this. More masculine, but still able to be a slut for me.

About fifteen after seven, there was a knock and Scott let himself in with Gabe and Jesus in tow. Mike was waiting for them in just a jock strap and Scott wasted no time making fun of Mike. Scott was grabbing Mike's ass and slapping it in no time. Meanwhile, Gabe and Jesus made straight for the couch and plopped down.

"I knew this faggot was going to want our cocks again" Scott was gloating, "I just didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Man let him get us some drinks and cigars before you bend him over." Gabe spoke up. He and Jesus were already settled in glued to the porn on the tv.

I was sitting in the chair off to the side again, and just like last time it was no one was paying attention to me. Oddly enough, that's exactly what I was hoping for.

Mike went and got them all beers, I already had one in my hand, but I had emptied it earlier and filled it with water. After serving them, he then went to the box of cigars and lit one and handed it to Gabe. Then he lit one for Jesus and finished by getting one out for Scott. But Scott stopped him and took it out of his hands.

"Get on your knees and hold the lighter for me faggot." Scott said while putting the cigar to his lips and toking on it while Mike held the lighter. You could tell he was going to be in charge, even of the small things like lighting a cigar. He was not about to let Mike do anything without him telling Mike, step by step, what and how to do it. After that Scott finally sat on the couch between Gabe and Jesus.

Now for this, we had already removed the coffee table that normally sat in front of the couch so there would be more room on the floor. Noticing this, Scott looked over at me and smiled.

The last cigar Mike lit was for me and once I had it, Mike knelt on the floor in front of me.

"Does anyone want whiskey?" I asked.

"Hell, yeah man!" Jesus finally spoke. He was the silent one last time too.

Mike went and poured everyone a glass of whiskey. Again, mine was different, it was actually apple juice. It looked like whiskey but wasn't. Handing everyone a glass, I downed mine fast, in one long gulp. Seeing this, the others did the same. I was beginning to think this might work.

Having served everyone, and picked up the downed glasses of whiskey, Mike knelt down again in front of me.

"I see you have been doing some training with the slut" Scott said while rubbing his crotch. "Why don't you send him on over to us?"

I looked at Mike and he crawled over in front of Scott. Mike knew he was going to have to service these guys tonight, so he was already mentally prepared. Hopefully thought this might be the last time.

Scott's cock was already hard long before he pulled it out from under his basketball shorts. Mike just knelt there waiting while Scott slowly stroked his cock. Pulling up on it hard, precum came leaking out of the tip and Scott scooped it up and wiped it on Mike's lips.

"You want my cum bitch?" Scott said.

Mike didn't move or say anything. Scott slapped Mike across the face, "answer me!" He yelled.

"Yes" Mike said meekly.

"Say it faggot, say you want a man's cum in you" Scott was in Mike's face spitting his words.

"I want a man's cum in me" Mike said just above a whisper.

"That's better" Scott said while blowing smoke in Mike's face and then grabbing Mike's head, he pulled it onto his cock. Mike's lips parted just in time for Scott to ram his cock in balls deep while leaning back to maximize the length he could shove down Mike's throat.

Gabe and Jesus stopped watching the cheerleader pulling a train of football cocks now and started watching Scott and Mike. It was everything you would expect, Scott raping Mike's throat trying to make it as rough as he could. Mike chocking and gagging but never fighting back.

I stood up and announced I was getting another whiskey and offered another round. No one answered me so I poured them all doubles and they drank them like shots while watching the action. Then I got them all beers.

No one noticed that I never actually drank another drink or that I didn't get a new beer. Just like last time they were only interested in Mike and the action.

After about five minutes Scott had to let up. He did not want to cum, he wanted to punish. As soon as he let go of Mike's head, Mike was able to lift his head and breath. It was the first time I saw his face; the throat slime was all over it and the tears were running. He was bright red. He was getting punished, but it was punishing me too. I hated this, but it had to play out this way.

Mike had barely caught his breath before Jesus' cock was in his mouth. Now Jesus was not as brutal as Scott, but he still expected Mike to use all his skills and pummel his throat on his cock. But where Scott was more active, pushing and face fucking, Jesus was more into watching the pussy porn and ignoring the cock sucker working on him.

Again, Mike worked Jesus' cock for about five minutes before he was kicked off it and sent to Gabe.

Gabe was even more passive about the whole thing, making Mike pull his semi hard cock out and sucking it to full strength, but that changed as soon as it was at full mast. Gabe, like Scott, put a hand on Mike's head and pushed him down. Being as hung as he was, Mike was not able to go all the way down it, but it wasn't from Gabe not pushing.

Gabe was pushing and not letting Mike breath at all. He seemed even meaner than last time. Where Jesus had ignored Mike, Gabe never stopped watching Mike as he was forcing Mike's throat open. And Gabe would laugh when Mike gagged blowing smoke in his face to make it worse. That, of course, made Gabe smile and so it went on for about 10 minutes before Scott got impatient.

"Stop hogging the faggot man" Scott said, "pass him back down the line."

I did my job while Mike was doing his, I keep the whisky flowing and the beers full. But it was becoming obvious they were all alcoholics. Thank god I had a backup plan.

In all, Mike did three trips down that line of cocks, no one putting their cocks away after the first time.

On the third pass, I made sure that the whiskey had an added something. I did not know how long it would take, but I also was not sure Mike would be able to keep this up. I was hoping things would go faster, but it did not.

After Mike got off Gabe's cock, Scott announced it was time for pussy stuffing. Instead of Mike throating Scott's cock, he was told to sit on it. Mike didn't complain or even seemed phased. He stood up and turned around then started to sit back on Scott's lap.

Scott, being the mean fuck he was, guided Mike's ass over his cock putting his hands on Mike's hips and speared him in one thrust. It was the first time I saw Mike's façade break but only for a minute. Scott made Mike bounce and grind, like a cheap whore on his cock. And the whole time he was telling Mike about what a good pussy he had, what a cheap whore he was, and how he was a faggot for cock.

Ten minutes later and Mike was pushed off Scott and handed over to Jesus.

Jesus' cock slid right in. Mike didn't move waiting for Jesus to tell him what to do but Jesus never said a word. So, Mike started back grinding and bouncing. It wasn't long before Jesus' hands found Mike's waist and started guiding him to do more long strokes and less grinding. The entire time Jesus had his head back not even looking at Mike. Jesus was close to cumming but kicked Mike off his cock. That left Gabe.

Gabe's monster cunt busting cock was standing straight up and as Mike sat back on its Gabe broke out into a wicked smile. It took Mike a couple of seconds to get the head into his ass, even after having already being fucked by two others. Gabe clinched the cigar in his mouth freeing up his hands and then grabbed Mike's waist.

"You got about three more inches faggot until you bottom out." He growled.

With a combination of moving Mike around and thrusting his hips up, he finally got to his goal. Mike's face was screwed up and I could only guess what was having to get moved around inside Mike to be able to get all of that monster into him. Then Gabe started pushing Mike about halfway up that monster followed by a quick slam back down.

Scott and Jesus were laughing like hyenas at the site of Gabe working Mike's ass. I took the opportunity to make more drinks, even stronger this time. It was all I could think of to do.

When I handed Jesus his glass, I could see his eyes were a little unfocused, a good sign. Scott was starting to slur his words a little while calling Mike a faggot and cum whore. Gabe seemed unaffected.

I couldn't even get Gabe to take the glass because he was so focused on fucking right now. Scott took his glass and downed it. Finally, Gabe took his hands off Mike and so I went to get him a glass. He downed it in one gulp focused more on the fucking then on what was happening around him.

Jesus had finally seemed to pass out. Scott was starting to slouch. Gabe was pumping his cock into Mike but losing steam.

Finally, Gabe's head when back and Mike stopped moving. He looked at me and I got up to check on Gabe. He had passed out mid fuck!

"Fuck it took long enough," I said to Mike.

Mike gingerly got up freeing himself from Gabe's still hard cock. He walked over me and knelt on the floor at my feet. Part one was now over. We would have some time before they came to, so I told Mike to go get a shower and get dressed. Leaving the living room, I could see just how much Mike had suffered to make this happen. He was walking funny and his ass was swollen, with the lips around his beautiful hole looking bruised.

It killed me to see Mike like this, but he knew what I needed him to do and he did it without hesitation. He really was a stud, and after tonight I hoped he would be my stud and my stud only...

Next: Chapter 12

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