My Revenge on Mike

By Master Gilbert

Published on Sep 9, 2023


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author condones such situations and/or acts.

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Decisions made

Mike stayed on the floor while the guys all high fived and acted like they had just won some obscene game. Getting dressed they looked around and realized that I was still sitting there. "Sorry we ruined your pussy man." Scott said. "Hopefully, you can still use him if you want, but I would make him douche first unless you like sloppy thirds....

I did not want to stay at Mike's after that, but I also realized that I could not leave. I had caused all of this to happen in a way. Yes, Mike deserved what he got, but maybe I had allowed things to go just a bit too far. I felt responsible, and yet also pretty happy with myself. A contradiction to be sure; responsible for ruining Mike's life and happy that when I put my mind to something, I could accomplish things that I never dreamed possible.

Mike was a mess on the floor. He did not even try to get up until long after the guys had left. I remained in my seat too, not wanting, or knowing, what to do next.

When Mike finally started to get up, I could see the mix of humiliation, pain, and angry in his face. I actually was a bit worried because I had never seen Mike angry like this after I used him. Most of the time he looked more like a wounded puppy, but this time there was more there, more rage.

"Hey man, why don't you go get in the shower" I offered.

Mike just looked at me for a minute then nodded and very gingerly walked into the bedroom where the only bathroom was located. You could tell that his ass was sore by the way he walked. I was also willing to bet he had no voice after all the howling and sobbing he had done.

The shower lasted for quite some time. At one point I thought about checking on him but figured I would stay out of it as much as I could. I figured Mike needed time to himself right now. I had gotten up and grabbed another beer and drank it completely before Mike came back into the living room wearing only a towel around his waist. I watched to see if I could get a clue to his mental state, but I was not prepared for what came next.

Walking directly to where I was sitting, Mike turned around, dropped the towel, and sat down facing the tv with his back leaning against my leg. He snuggled down a bit so that he could wrap an arm around my leg, then laid his head against me. His breathing slowed and deepened, and I instinctively put a hand on his head. Before long he was sleeping.

I had to struggle to get the tv remote because Mike had me pinned in the chair. I found something on tv to watch and let him sleep. Now Mike is a football player, built like one too. I am a fairly average built guy; some might say a swimmer's build. I could not pick up Mike if I wanted to. Mike on the other hand could break me in half. But here this big bull of a guy was attached to my leg and I felt bigger than any man on campus.

Mike stayed like that most of the day. I finally had to make him move because all the beer had run though me and I had to piss. I gently gave him a shove but that did not seem to faze him. I cleared my throat and tried to move my leg but again, no response. Out of desperation I hit the back of Mike's head. That got a reaction, just not the one I wanted.

Mike turned around and looked up at me. "I got to piss man." I said while trying to stand up. Mike was not letting go. "Listen man, I got to piss. If you don't let me up, I am going to piss all over you."

Well my threat did not have the desired result. Instead of letting me up, Mike fished my cock out and started to gently suck on it. Not like when someone is giving you a blowjob, but more like what I imagine a baby does to its mother's nipple to get milk. While simultaneously turned on and sickened, I knew what I needed, and so I let the piss flow.

It seemed so natural, to watch Mike swallow my piss. You would have thought that this kind of thing happened daily. That all guys go around either pissing into other guy's mouths or drinking piss from other guys; but far from it. When I was done, the suckling did not. It was very gentle and very relaxing. I found myself leaning back into the chair and spreading my legs even wider letting Mike do what he wanted.

Now Mike's mouth had gotten exceptionally talented. He was the best cock sucker I have ever met by far. Most of the girls I had gone out with would suck cock, but they did not like it. They did it because they `had too', because they wanted something in return, not Mike. Mike seemed to take pleasure in what he was doing. He was lovingly swirling his tongue around it, working his lips up and down the shaft. His motion never stopped, and the slurping noises weren't loud or exaggerated. It was more like music.

I did not want to use Mike. He had been abused so badly earlier in the day. But this was not Mike getting used, this was almost like Mike using me. While I feel certain if I had said stop or no, he would have complied, I never said a thing. I allowed him to use my cock to comfort him.

For about thirty minutes, Mike sucked, licked, and nursed on my cock. When I was finally ready to cum, I looked at him and asked if he wanted my cum. His nod was all I needed and so I flooded his mouth with my cum. Mike swallowed like a champ; he really was the best cock sucker I ever had.

We really did not talk much the rest of the day. I ordered pizza and had it delivered. Mike stayed naked on the floor between my legs as much as I would let him. While the tv was on, I really was not paying attention to it. I needed to figure out what to do about Mike.

Tomorrow morning, we started Spring Term. I needed Mike to be able to go to class and deal with people without acting like this needy bitch that was attached to my legs. I also was getting annoyed with him acting this way. What really turned me on was using the butch manly jock as a whore. This needy person Mike was becoming was more like one of my old girlfriends and I dumped her when she started acting like this. Somehow, I needed to return Mike to being a jock.

"Hey man," I started using my hands to make Mike look me in the face. "Are you going to be a bitch from now on?" I was hoping if I called him out, I could make him mad.

He pulled his face out of my hand and looked at the floor. Then I heard him reply "Is that what you want?"

This was not the answer I was expecting. I had to think quick. But ultimately, I decided to answer him honestly. "No" I said sharply.

Mike looked up at me now and I could see fear in his eyes. "I thought you liked me like this?" he started. "I thought this is what you wanted?"

Really, he thought I wanted this. Could he be acting like this to make me happy? Did he not know how much I hated him like this? I guess not. To be honest we do not really talk about anything.

"Man, I don't want you like this." Is what came out of my mouth and I immediately wanted to take it back. Not that I did not mean it, because I did. But because the look on Mike's face was so painful. "Don't get me wrong, I love fucking you and you are the best cock sucker I have ever had, but I don't like all this crying and neediness. I liked fucking the jock, not the bitch."

While it may not have been the best way to say it, it was at least said. It was true too. I did like Mike the jock more than I liked Mike the bitch. Fucking him, fucking with him, and being around him was so much more fun before he got all whinny and crying. If I wanted all that I would go look for another girlfriend.

During all this, Mike's face was doing that thing. You know, where it gets all screwed up and then contorts before going back to screwed up. I could see the wheels turning, so to speak. Mike was actually thinking about what I had said and was processing it.

"I don't get it." Mike said. Apparently, there was still a jock in him. "I thought you wanted me to be all needy and shit."

"Not all the time man." I replied. "I want to be able to go to a bar with you and hang out. Go to games, do shit on campus, and shit like that. But I also want you to know who is in charge and that if I want your ass then I am going to take it."

Again, I got the screwed-up face thing. Again, I thought maybe he is going to catch it. Maybe?

"So, you want me to be...." Mike's voice trailed off and I started counting in my head like a referee during an MMA fight, one, two, three, four... if I got to ten, I would know he was out for the count.

"Be more like...", five, six...

"You want me to be more like the guy you yelled at and punished?" There is hope.

"Man, I can't describe it, but I was never gay. I never liked looking at men, or shit like that." At this point I did not know what I was going say until I said it. "I started all this because you fucked my girlfriend. But I kept doing it because it was fucking hot."

Mike was still sitting between my legs and looking up at me. I think he was understanding me. I mean I was telling him the truth, but I had never been good at opening up. It was ironic that I was being more open to Mike than I was to my girlfriends.

"So, you would rather me be more like the old me?" Mike finally said.

"Yeah" I replied. "I liked it better when I was fucking a jock."

I think that finally hit home.

"I can be that jock for you man." Mike said.

"Cool, you be that jock." I was hoping this would work.

Mike's shoulders picked up and he picked up his head. He was still looking me in the face, but he was becoming more alive. I watched as his whole body changed. Mike stood up and went into the bedroom. When he came out, he had a pair of shorts and a wife beater on. He walked over to the frig and grabbed two beers, then handed me one before walking over and grabbing a couple of cigars.

Just like that the old Mike was coming back and I could not be more thankful. I didn't know what would happen tomorrow, but at least I did not have to worry about Mike right now.

Putting the fights back on the tv, lighting our cigars, and downing a beer like it was a bottle of water, I saw hope. Not to mention Mike was incredibly sexier like this than he was a crying bitch. We smoked, we drank and then about ten I started to get up and head out.

"Where are you going man?" Mike said as I was getting up. "I was hoping you would want some ass tonight."

Mike got up and led me into the bedroom asking if I wanted another cigar or beer, but it was a bit late. Then, once we were in the bedroom he started to pull at my pants. I felt very uncomfortable with the new Mike. He had gone from a power jock to a power slut. I needed to get control back.

"Stop" I told him, and he did.

"Get on your knees." My directions were clear and short. "Now put my balls in your mouth and hold them there."

Again, Mike complied and did exactly as I told him to.

"Now listen to me," I had Mike's full attention. "You might be a jock and get what you want with other guys, but when I am here you will do what I say."

Mike nodded.

"You have a problem with that?" I asked.

Mike shook his head.

"Okay then, get me hard so I can fuck your cunt." I said with all the confidence in the world. And that is what Mike did. He started sucking my cock again but not like earlier. This time he was making himself gag on it and working it up and down like a mad man. There was nothing gentle about this.

When I was rock hard, I slapped the side of Mike's head and pointed to the bed. Mike wasted no time getting up on the bed and onto all fours. Mike's ass was so firm and looked great. I could not help but reach out and slap it hard. I slapped it so hard I left a handprint.

I was expecting Mike to be hurt or mad about me slapping his ass, but instead he was actually pushing his ass up and wiggling it. He liked it, and so did I. So, I did it again. I slapped his other ass cheek and left another handprint. In all I left five handprints on Mike's ass before I decided that I just wanted to fuck him.

Now Mike's ass was sore, and it looked swollen but that did not seem to matter to Mike. I grabbed the lube and tried to work some into the hole. I was trying to be gentle, but Mike was not. When I had two fingertips in his ass, he jerked his body backwards driving my fingers knuckle deep. If that's what he wanted, then that is what I was going to give him. Two fingers turned into three and Mike was not crying or whimpering, Mike seemed to be enjoying it.

Fingering Mike's ass was fun. It amazed me how easily it opened up and swallowed my fingers. Three fingers turned into four and Mike's ass was still good. It made me wonder how wide his hole would stretch. I really wanted to find out, but my swollen cock needed inside that ass even more right now.

Placing the head of my cock on Mike's stretched out ass cunt was electric. I could feel his swollen ass lips clenching and releasing against my cock. It was like Mike's ass was trying to suck me in. But I am in charge here and I was going to fuck Mike how I wanted to fuck him. So, I teased his ass hole by brushing my cock head across it and stroking it with my cock back and forth.

Mike was utterly quivering. He wanted me to fuck him as bad as I wanted to. It was so totally different from the other times but in a way better. He was a willing participant in this. I held out for as long as I could, building the anticipation before I leaned forward and sank my cock balls deep into his cunt.

Matching my rhythm, Mike was pushing back against my invading cock at the same time I was trying to drive it through his asshole and into his stomach. I would call it a hard fucking, maybe even a rough one, but it was no way as brutal as the fucking Mike had earlier in the day. It was also not as one sided, Mike wanted this fuck and I was going to give it to him.

Pounding Mike's ass was one of the best feelings. His ass was better than any pussy I had ever had. And unlike fucking a girl, I did not have to worry about if she was enjoying it. I fucked him for my enjoyment, and it was a side benefit that he seemed to like it too.

With everything going on, I did not last as long as I wanted to, and I came in Mike's cunt after only about fifteen minutes of fucking it. Mike collapsed on the bed and I collapsed on top of him. Mike threw me off his back with almost no effort, then scooped me up in his arms.

I fell asleep curled up in Mike's arms and woke up in the same way.

Getting up Monday morning I had to get to my first class. Mike, being the jock senior that he was, did not have a class until after lunch so when I left, he was still in bed.

My classes went by about as well as they could but all I could think about was Mike. I was worried about how he would act around others and what if he and Scott met up? I just knew today was going to be a disaster.

I ate lunch at the Student Union Dinning Hall and over in the corner were a bunch of the jocks. To my horror and disbelief, Mike was in the middle of them. However, he was not on his knees, so that was a good sign. I sat down at a table to myself and watched. Mike was acting like Mike.

After that I did not see him again until about dinner time. Mike apparently had made it through the day okay. We met back at Mike's apartment so I could find out how he was doing. When I got there, though, there was a cheerleader coming out and I just knew he had been a bad boy.

"Did you fuck her?" I asked as I came though the door. "Did you?"

"No, but I wanted to." Mike replied, "and she is pissed too."

Coming through the door angry was not what I had meant to do but it quickly seemed to put Mike in his place. It also seemed to put me in mine. I was never the overly confident guy; in fact, I would be better described as the insecure guy. That had started to change now. I was the one in charge now, and I was going to make sure it stayed that way.

"I was thinking today, and I might have an idea about what to do with Scott." I said as Mike brought me a beer and a cigar.

"Really?" Mike seemed surprised.

"Yeah, really!" I said sarcastically, "now listen, here is what I need you to do and I know you arent going like it....

Next: Chapter 11

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