My Powerful Little Brother

By Andrew Davidson

Published on May 24, 2012



My friend and I were nerding it out as usual on Friday night. We were complete geeks and honestly, we wouldn't have it any other way! We were playing World of Warcraft with each other doing some raids as we usually did after doing our homework. I was 19 and he was 18. We were both freshmen in college but we commuted since the community college we attended was in our hometown.

I had a younger brother who was 14, but he was the complete opposite of me. I tried to get him into online games a while ago but it just didn't stick. He'd rather be outside playing football or kickboxing with his friends. He was much more of a jock and meathead than anything. That's fine, though. I loved him even though he could be a jerk some of the times. It was embarrassing to admit but he was kind of a domineering guy and what he said usually went, considering I was too embarrassed to ask my parents to intervene.

I can only imagine what the look on their faces would be if I approached them and said, "Mom, Dad.. I need some help. Matt won't quit bullying me!" For God's sake, I was five years older than he was.. it shouldn't have been a problem! Luckily for me, Matt usually stayed out all weekend partying, so me and Davis could play our games in peace.

This night turned out to be a bit different, though. Right after having finished a duel on our game, I heard the front door open downstairs. I knew my parents were already in bed, so I kind of got nervous. Who was entering my house so late? I got up from my bed and told Davis I was going to go see why the door opened. He, being the chicken he was, stayed behind. Thanks, Davis.

When I looked down the stairs, I saw my brother and his friend, Cody, stumbling into the house. They appeared to be a bit drunk so I didn't bother saying anything to them. Matt knew how I hated that he drank at such a young age but like always, it didn't matter what I thought. I returned to my room and continued playing the game with Davis.

Unfortunately for us, Matt and Cody had different plans. I heard them run up the stairs with surprising speed for being drunk, and without knocking (as was customary for Matt), they barged into my room. Matt had his own room so I had to wonder why he was entering mine. I figured that they would have just gone to sleep.

"What's up?" I asked Matt nonchalantly although I could see it in his eyes that he was still pretty wasted from whatever party he had just come back from.

"Shut the hell up and shut those laptops." Matt said roughly. I really didn't like being around Matt when he was drunk. While he was always aggressive, whether drunk or sober, he didn't tend to act on his aggression when he was sober. When he was drunk, though, he was always right and he didn't stand for any defiance.

"W-what's the problem?" I asked tentatively as I slowly shut my laptop lid. Davis, not being privy to how dangerous Matt could be, simply stared blankly at the two boys in my doorway.

"The problem, first off, is that your faggot friend doesn't know any respect." Matt said gruffly as he snatched up Davis's laptop and easily tore it in half, then threw it across the room.

"What the hell!" Davis exclaimed as he stood up, but Davis looked quite weak compared to Matt as they stood chest to chest. Matt was very beefy. He wasn't ripped up like a swimmer. He was more stocky, like a linebacker. He simply smirked at Davis and put a thick, powerful arm around Davis's head and pulled him into a one-handed bearhug.

"Think you can buck up to me?" Matt asked dangerously as I noticed his bicep swelling as he squeezed Davis painfully into his wide chest. I noticed Davis's nose was right in Matt's armpit, and given that Matt was wearing a sleeveless tank top, I felt pity for the obscene stench Davis must have been inhaling. Matt never wore deodorant.

"Stop!" Davis exclaimed weakly into Matt's chest. Surprisingly, Matt dropped Davis to the ground and smirked at me.

"Don't you think your friend should learn some respect, Terry?" he addressed me.

"Y-yes." I said, frightened as I looked down on my horrorstricken friend.

"Cody, why don't you teach Terry's friend some respect?" Matt said to his equally beefy friend. I looked in awe as Cody roughly dragged Terry across the floor to the foot of my bed. He sat on the bed and kicked off the big, black work boots he was wearing. This kid was only 14, just like Matt, but his feet were very wide and hairy!

I watched passively, unable to help my friend who was in need. Cody let his sweaty, socked feet descend onto Davis's face, which was still displaying a look of terror. I winced for my friend, who was being forced to inhale the sweaty stench of my brother's powerful friend.

"Yeah, we just got done kicking some guys' asses at a party and decided to come home and have some fun. Bitches weren't putting out at the party." Matt smirked at me.

"Matt, I understand you're excited, but please don't do this to my friend. He has nothing to do with it!" I pleaded with my little brother, who was laughing about the situation.

I looked over again at Davis, but his face was now covered up by Cody's two bare feet. He was feeling up Cody's muscular calves and I felt as small as ant since all I could do was watch.

"Isn't it funny? Isn't your friend like 18? Why is he being pushed around by a freshman?" my little brother goaded. "Do you know where our feet have been and what we have done today? Well, first off we played basketball during P.E. Then we hit the gym where we blasted our quads and biceps. Then we took a five mile run around the park without stopping. Our feet are sweaty as hell!" Matt laughed loudly.

"Tell you what, little guy. I'll give you a chance to knock Cody smooth out, but if you fail, it's back down onto the floor you go!" Matt told Davis.

Cody removed his large feet from Davis's face and got off the bed. Davis got to his feet, looking more shaken than ever, and faced Cody.

"Remember, kid, you only get one chance." Cody smirked and pointed to his cheek. "Better make it count!"

I knew Davis wasn't a fighter at all, and I'd be surprised if he took the hit at all! But he did. He reached back his arm then threw a punch, but for some reason he aimed it at Cody's chest. I thought that was the dumbest thing he could have done! Cody had a chest so big that you could sleep on it as if it were a pillow. The only difference is that it was hard as a rock with muscle. I actually heard the impact of Davis's fist colliding with Cody's muscular pecs.

Cody simply laughed like a maniac and threw Davis onto the floor.

"That was so weak! Jesus, have you ever gotten any pussy? If so, I wanna know how. I don't know a woman who could stand such a weak man!" Cody laughed.

"Great, isn't it?" Matt smiled at me ominously. "Okay, Terry. It's your turn. Get on your knees." he instructed. I was more knowledgeable about just how evil Matt could be, so I obeyed immediately. I dropped to my knees and Matt grinned at me from above.

"Now, Terry, take off my shoes." he instructed. Matt always wore DCs with really big tongues. The shoes always made his feet smell foul because they were so padded on the inside. I took off his big shoes to reveal him wearing black, no-show socks that were literally wet with sweat.

"Why don't you take a glorious whiff of my feet? I know you want them, Terry. Because let's be honest, I'm the man here, aren't I?" Matt was in a godlike trance. He knew what he said was word.

Without responding, I put my nose to his great foot and took a whiff. The smell was almost enough to knock me out. It was as if I were smelling a foot that had not been washed in a year. The stench was so overpowering that it made my eyes water.

"Okay, now take them off and stick them on your nose." he instructed me. I did as he said without question, because I had seen what happened to Davis who had acted in defiance. The stench of his socks, now covering my nose, was inescapable.

It was so erotically humiliating that I was being forced to wear my 14-year old brother's smelly socks. I think Davis was enjoying his treatment less than I was. Since he had failed to knock Cody out, Cody was toying with him even more, mashing his big foot into Davis's face. It looked quite painful.

"Before you get to smell my dirty feet, I think you should realize the power of my legs. I worked them out today and they have quite an awesome pump." Matt said to me.

I looked at his calves which bulged with power and had veins snaking down them. Then he lifted up his gym shorts to reveal his quads, which looked equally intimidating. I know he was only 14, but he looked so unshakingly strong as I laid at his feet and looked up at him.

"Please, Matt. I already know how strong your thighs are. You can squat at least three times my weight. Please don't embarrass me even more in front of Davis. It'll be so awkward between us." I begged.

"I'm sorry, Terry. Well, actually, I'm not. But if it helps, Cody can do the same thing to Davis so he doesn't feel left out?" Matt smirked.

At the same time as Matt, Cody stuck Davis's head between his thick thighs. I looked over at Davis who looked just as scared as I felt. I knew how strong Matt's thighs were and I knew Cody's weren't any weaker. Davis didn't know what was coming, though; I did. Matt was about to flex his thighs as hard as he could and possibly snap my neck. Cody would do the same thing. They loved showing off the strength of their legs by crushing older guys. And we were completely helpless. I saw Davis trying to pry off Cody's thighs, but it was no use. These guys had legs as powerful as a grown man's, but they were barely teenagers.

In one simultaneous motion, the two teens began squeezing their thighs, and the most excruciating pain seared through my head. I felt like it was about to pop off my body, and while I could barely hear anything, I could hear the boys laughing about it and talking to each other.

Eventually, Cody had squeezed so hard that Davis passed out. He grossly released his grip and let Davis's unconscious body fall to the floor of my bedroom, as if he were a useless ragdoll. Matt, being more merciful, let me go before I reached that point, but I was very oxygen-deprived and felt quite lightheaded.

"Guys, please let us go. We won't bother you guys, I promise." I begged as I crawled over to Davis, who was groaning unintelligibly in pain.

"Actually, we aren't going to leave." Matt smiled as he and Cody sat on the bed and stuck their feet at our faces.

"We are men and deserve to be shown respect, since we are superior. You two are mere ants, right? Learn your place." Cody said roughly as he lightly kicked me across the face with his bare foot.

These two guys were so powerful that it was unreal. There was nothing I could do to stop their onslaught of domination.

"Say, Matt. I really gotta piss." Cody said without removing his shit eating grin.

"So do I bro. Why don't we give these two boys a drink? They have to be thirsty." Matt smirked.

Although Davis was just coming to consciousness, he must have heard the two because he tried crawling away. I watched in fear as to what the two behemoths before us were going to do.

Matt lazily extended his legs and wrapped them around Davis's poor neck. Matt's big, meaty calves were resting unflexed at Davis's neck, like a python waiting to crush its victim.

"What makes you think you can escape a muscular God like me?" The 14-year old said quietly to the trapped 18-year old.

"Cody, I'll hold him still. You give him a taste of a real man." Matt said to Cody. Cody laughed as he stood up and pulled down his basketball shorts and briefs, exposing two big, hairy balls and a thick, floppy piece of meat. He pulled back his foreskin and let a putrid smelling stream of piss flow from his penis. I watched in anguish as I saw my friend's face get soaked in teen piss.

I quaked with anxiety as I knew that would be me in just a few minutes. After what seemed like forever, the stream of piss flowing from Cody's cock died out, but he didn't bother putting his pants back on. I watched his thighs, which were so thick with muscle that they touched each other even when he was standing.

"Am I gonna have to hold you?" Cody asked me as he flexed his muscular legs.

"No, sir." I responded quickly.

"Good boy." Matt snickered as he pulled down his own pants, revealing his similarly built legs. His balls weren't as big as Cody's, but his cock was longer and cut. "Open up." Matt instructed me.

I really didn't want to, but my eyes darted between his big cock and his muscular legs. Cody was still standing beside him with his own powerful legs flexed, as if ready to strike at any moment. I did as Matt told me because I didn't want my neck to get broken.

Once I opened my mouth, Matt released a hot stream of piss that splattered all over my face and hair. He carelessly let it run straight into my mouth, and it was one of the grossest things I had ever tasted. I didn't dare shut my mouth, though. He would have whooped my ass!

Finally, his flow of piss subsided too, and the two boys just smiled down at us, now soaked in their piss.

"Oh look, I guess that turned us on." Matt said drunkenly as his big cock stretched out in front of him.

"How long do you think we can fuck before our legs get tired?" Cody asked Matt.

"I dunno. At least an hour straight. Don't you think?" Matt said as he pounded a fist into his solid thigh muscle, which made a loud `smacking' noise.

"Let's find out. I want to make these two boys scream for mercy." Cody suggested.

I began to quiver in fear, and I saw Davis do the same. We had already been forced to feel the strength of their legs and endure the smell of their feet, as well as the taste of their piss! And now they were going to make us feel the wrath of their giant sized penises? It was a living nightmare!

But obviously, what we wanted and what was going to happen were two separate things. The two young teenagers lifted us easily onto our feet.

"Okay, how about we test our arm strength too?" Cody suggested. "Hold him like this," he started as he lifted Davis off his feet, "and just back his ass up onto your cock!" which he did to Davis. Cody's throbbing cock was dangerously close to Davis's tight pussy.

"Alright!" Matt said. I felt his strong, hairy arms lift me easily off the ground, and I felt my ass brush his thick cock head. I looked over at Cody whose arms were bulging with power as he held Davis off the ground.

"Okay, let's do this." Matt smirked. He tried to force his cock into my asshole, but it was too tight and they weren't using lube.

"Looks like this ain't gonna be easy for us or them. But we'll just keep thrusting till we get in, how about that?" Cody said as he too was having difficulty getting into Davis's asshole, which was probably just as tight.

So the boys began thrusting their cocks into our assholes, making progress little by little. The mild discomfort at the beginning gradually turned into searing pain. I felt myself began to sweat as Matt's cock touched the very back of my prostate. I could feel him inside me.. it was a strange feeling. I almost felt like I had to piss, but at the same time like I was really full. Silent tears filled my eyes but there was nothing I could do. These men were gods and I was merely a sex puppet.

I felt Matt's pulsating cock inside of me as he stopped thrusting. "I'm all the way in! Are you?" he asked Cody.

"Give me a second, this faggot is trying to clench his ass to keep me out. Too bad he doesn't know how strong my cock is." Cody laughed. I could see that Davis's eyes were closed, and I bet he was indeed clenching his ass in hopes it'd keep Cody's cock out. But the truth was Cody's cock could have ripped Davis's ass in half if he had wanted. He was just playing with Davis.

Cody continued to thrust his big cock inside of Davis until an audible cry from Davis signaled that Cody had too made it all the way inside.

"Okay, it's pumping time. Whoever gets too tired that they can't continue first loses!"

"Okay, and whoever wins gets all the money these faggots have on them!" Matt said. I didn't like the sound of that! I had just cashed my check today and had $500 in my wallet, and I knew Davis had at least $300 from his financial aid reimbursement check. But it didn't matter what I liked or didn't like. These two guys had impaled us with their cocks and were about to tear our anal cavities apart.

Like they had said, the boys began pumping their cocks back and forth, in and out of our assholes. I looked over and saw Cody's thighs flexing with each thrust, and his arms continuously flexing as they suspended Davis in the air. It was an overwhelming display of power that these boys were able to continuously fuck us for so long. I had never been fucked so hard in my life, nor had I encountered any guy who had such good control over their orgasms as these guys did.

30 minutes passed and the pain wasn't getting any more bearable, but the pleasure was still getting greater as Matt slammed into my prostate with each pump. I easily would have gotten off at least five times by now if I had been doing the fucking. Maybe it was because they were slightly intoxicated that these boys were able to fuck for so long and hard without cumming, but I'm sure they had great sexual stamina regardless.

Another thirty minutes passed and my ass was extremely raw. I would not have been surprised if it was bleeding. I thought I would have split in half or collapsed by now, as Davis looked like he was about to.

After another thirty minutes, totaling a whole hour and a half of fucking without stopping, Cody started slowing down, but he wasn't stopping. Matt, however, was keeping the same speed he had started with and wasn't about to stop.

"I know it's just `cause I blasted my quads harder than you today, so they're sorer. But I'm about to bust and stop this faggot to the ground." Cody said as he continued to powerfully thrust in and out of Davis.

"Whatever, pansy." Matt smirked at Cody as he continuously rocked my frame.

"Ah fuck, here it goes!" Cody said loudly as he began fucking Davis faster and faster than before until he was nearly giving him a concussion. He suddenly stopped as his eyes rolled in the back of his head and let out a few low gasps. I saw cum flowing freely out of Davis's asshole. Cody came so much that there was too much; it was overfilling Davis's ass.

"Ha, I can do that!" Matt said as he began fucking me faster and faster, giving me the unpleasant feeling that I was on a rollercoaster. Matt too began to gasp as he fucked me rigidly until he suddenly stopped and I felt his warm cum fill up my asshole even more than his cock had.

The two muscle studs let our shaken bodies fall to the floor.

"Fuck, we're so powerful." Cody sighed as he felt his veiny thighs.

"Pay up, faggots." Matt said roughly.

"But sir, I just got all my money out of savings today.. and my financial aid reimbursement check. It's literally all the money I have. Can't I just give you half?" Davis said weakly, speaking for the first time in a while.

I knew all too well that there was no bargaining or negotiating with Matt. His word was law.

Matt merely kicked Davis across the face so that Davis began to cry quietly, and he rummaged through Davis's pants which were on the ground. He took out a black leather wallet and pulled out copious amounts of one hundred dollar bills. He didn't have to do the same to me; I gave him my wallet immediately.

"Look at this, Cody. I have over a thousand dollars. I'm 14 and have at least $1,500 here, and all because these faggots can't do anything to me. Isn't that funny?" Matt laughed with glee.

"Damn man, I'm jealous! I'm so gonna win next time!" Cody said.

"Next time?" I asked weakly as I looked over at Davis, who collapsed at Cody's feet with cum still flowing out of his asshole.

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